"Ha ha ha ha..."

Looking at the Jizhou garrison finally leaving the city to fight head-on with the Han Army, Li Jing's depression over the past few days was swept away, and Fu Xu began to laugh.

"Why does the general laugh?"

Asked the general beside him.

Li Jing pointed to the disorganized Hebei Army: "I laugh at Su Hu's no plan and Zheng Lun's little wisdom. I'll send orders to our general to defeat the enemy and take Jizhou!"

At the moment Jizhou army left the city, all the Han generals had already ordered all the departments to prepare for war.

With the command of Li Jing, 200000 Han troops integrated into a square array, and under the command of the heralds waving the flag, they made a magnificent attack.


Nezha stepped on the wheel of wind and fire, pulled the bow of heaven and earth, shot Jizhou leader Su Quanzhong with one arrow, and then rushed into the enemy's battle with the circle of heaven and earth.

Jizhou army had no intention to fight. After su Quanzhong's death at the beginning of the battle, its momentum fell sharply. After only a short resistance, it was killed and fled to the city gate.

The iron cavalry of the Han Army chased after them. The horse's hooves were like thunder, and the dust was flying. The red and black Chinese characters flag was blown by the wind.

"Come on! Open the gate and let them in

Standing on the wall, looking at the rout soldiers running back, Fei Zhong said anxiously.

"No, doctor Fei, if the Han Army enters the city with the rout, Jizhou will be broken!" The public will advise one after another.

Everyone wants to kill Fei Zhong and you hun. If it wasn't for the random command you don't understand, would it be the present situation?

It was a joke for them to watch the whole battle. They really suspected that Fei Zhong and you hun were spies of Han army.


Fei Zhong yelled angrily. Standing at the commanding height of morality, he scolded with righteous words: "they are your comrades and loyal soldiers of big business. How can they sit and watch them be defeated by the Han King's army No, slaughtered by the anti Wang rebellion

"Give me orders, open the gate! If the rebels enter the city, I'll take the responsibility for the destruction of the city alone! " Fei Zhong grabbed the wall with both hands and roared hysterically.

For King Zhou, I am responsible for breaking the city, but for King Han, I am responsible for breaking the city by stepping on horses. Of course, I have to take such a big credit alone.

You hun responded and said: "no! I'll share the responsibility with Dr. Fei! "

The dog says, so big credit, you want to monopolize alone, really take me as invisible person.

Looking at Fei zhongyouhun, who roared hysterically in order to open the gate of the city to meet the defeated soldiers, the generals of the city tower were all moved. I didn't expect that these two famous merchants were big traitors. They had such a side.

"Open the gate!" One of the generals cried out with tears in his eyes.

He was moved by Fei Zhong and you hun.

With the huge city gate slowly opened, the rout troops swarmed in, and at the same time, the Han cavalry rushed in.

Looking at more and more big men's cavalry racing into Jizhou city with the rout, Fei Zhong and you Hun's faces are showing a happy and satisfied smile.

A wave of excellent reverse operation, successfully sold his teammates, took over the enemy, good.

Looking at the smiles on their faces, the generals on the wall were more moved and felt it necessary to change their inherent influence on Fei Zhong and you hun.

"Doctor Fei and doctor you must have laughed because Jizhou army successfully entered the city. How kind."

"Yes, even if they are going to be killed by the Han army soon, their smile also shows that they have saved so many Jizhou soldiers and have no regrets for their death."

"It's true that the rumors are untrustworthy. At least the two doctors are sentimental, righteous and bloody people. They didn't rebel, but they didn't care about their own life and death in order to save the rout soldiers. They are really righteous people!"

You hun and Fei Zhong didn't hear what they were talking about, because when they saw Li Jing entering the city, they couldn't wait to go down and join the organization.

"When I saw the enemy going into the city, I didn't panic at all. Instead, I took the initiative to step forward and put life and death beyond my control."

"Yes, who dares to say that Dr. Fei and Dr. you are treacherous officials in the future? Lao Wang is the first one to refuse!"

"We can't let the two doctors face the scene alone. Let's go together!"

"Yes, go with me!"

A group of generals followed them down the castle.

"General Li, General Li!"

Fei Zhong and you hun call Li Jing. With a smile on their faces, SA Yazi runs away.


A group of soldiers surrounded the two men.

Li Jing hit immediately before: "who are you?"

He had never met Fei Zhong and you hun, so naturally he did not know them, but he must have heard of them.

"General Li, I'm Fei Zhong."

"I am you hun!"

"The reason why Jizhou army went out of the city to fight today is that we forced it to open the gate just now to welcome the Han King's army into the city!"

"Good! We are in business and our heart is in the Han Dynasty, so we pass on the imperial edict and offer it to Jizhou. "They knelt on the ground and wrote about their contributions.

Li Jing and others were stunned.

Those Jizhou generals who just got off the wall and were going to live and die with Fei zhongyouhun turned green.

It turned out that they had been sold, but they were still paying people just now.

Then there was a fury.

"Fei Zhongyou Hun, you two villains!"

"I'll kill you!"

"Two traitors!"

Angry to the extreme Jizhou generals eyes red to crack, roaring to draw a knife rushed to Fei Zhong and you hun.

However, it was stopped by the Han army.

"Where is Zheng Lun now?" Li Jing digested the huge information shock, and then asked.

Fei Zhong said with a smile: "in order to prevent him from causing trouble for our great Han heavenly army, I used medicine to turn him over, and then tied him up."

Li Jing

He was in a complicated mood and finally won Jizhou city. As a result, the greatest hero was not him.

They were two treacherous ministers of yin and Shang Dynasties.

No, from the present point of view, they are iron men, Zhongliang.

"Take care of them for the time being and wait for the king to come back." Li Jing waved and ordered the soldiers to take away Fei zhongyouhun and those Jizhou generals.

On the other hand, in the house of the Marquis of Jizhou, the dismissed Marquis Su Hu of Jizhou is watering several pots of flowers.

Because the Marquis's house was far away from the gate, he didn't hear the cry of killing from the gate. He didn't know that Jizhou was broken.

Step on

With a disordered sound of footsteps, a servant rushed in with a worried face and panic.

"What a flustered system!"

Su Hu frowned and yelled.

"Thousand years old, the big thing is not good, thousand years old."

"Jizhou is dead, Jizhou is dead!"

The servant fell to the ground and cried.

"Clang ~"

the kettle in Su Hu's hand fell to the ground, and he grabbed it to scare people: "what are you talking about?"

How could this good Jizhou die?

Step on

There was another sound of footwork, accompanied by the sound of armor collision. It was the army.

Su Hu didn't wonder for a long time. Soon, a group of Han soldiers with long dagger, black armor, red plume in helmet and red scarf around neck entered.

"This This How could that be

Seeing this scene, Su Hu was directly confused and subconsciously released the servant in his hand.

"Fei Zhong mistook me! What a mistake

Su Hu looks up at the sky and screams hysterically.

"Thousand years old, drop it."

Li Jing and Nezha walked into the mansion.

At least he used to be his old boss. Of course, he wanted his old boss to surrender instead of making unnecessary resistance, because he knew very well that today's Han Army has the strength to sweep the world.


Su Hu spat, pointed at Li Jing and scolded: "Li Jing! You traitor! King, I'm sorry for that! I'm sorry for you, Su Hu! "

Li Jing has no choice but to be silent.

"To be a traitor like you is a dream, a dream!" Su Hu roared.

Puyi -

a cold light suddenly appeared, accompanied by a blood flower blooming in the mouth, and Su Hu's head fell to the ground.

Li Jing and Nezha were startled by the sudden change.

"If you don't, you die."

Su Xun's figure came down from the void. He was dressed in a black and Gold Dragon Robe, which was gorgeous and noble. The golden crown on his head was shining in the sun. His black hair swayed gently with the wind, and his eyes were indifferent to everything.

Obviously, it was him who just shot.

"See you, my king. May you have good luck!"

All the soldiers in the mansion knelt down on one knee.

Even Nezha was no exception. Although he was a master and apprentice, he was also a subordinate.

"No gift."

Su Xun vomited out two words, and then everyone stood up involuntarily.

Su Xun looked at Li Jing: "Li Jing, you didn't disappoint me. I thought you couldn't make Zheng Lun."

As a person who has read the romance of Fengshen, he certainly knows that Zheng Lun is powerful. The black fog from his nose is not ordinary fog, it can directly hurt people's souls.

In the original work, Nezha was not afraid of Zheng Lun because he was incarnated from lotus root.

But now Nezha is not made of lotus root, but also has three souls, seven spirits, meat and body. So Su Xun was very curious about how they dealt with Zheng Lun.

"This..." Li Jing showed embarrassment, and then knelt down again: "please punish the king, Jizhou city is not broken by Li Jing, but by Fei Zhongyou Hun."

"Fei Zhongyou hun?" Su Xun was stunned for a moment.

Then Li Jing said it all over again.After hearing this, Su Xun's face was strange.

These two dogs, Sao operation ah!

But this wave of operation is really meritorious. If you kill them, it's not appropriate.

But if these two treacherous officials stay around, isn't that equivalent to giving the enemy a golden finger?

After thinking about it, Su Xun said, "these two people have made contributions to the city. They have a house and five thousand gold and silver. You deal with this, and I will not see them."

Give them money and houses, keep them like pigs, and don't let them be officials.

"Yes, sir." Li Jing bowed his head and replied.

Su Xun said, "take Gu to see Zheng Lun."

A moment later, in a firewood room, Su Xun saw Zheng Lun, who was tied up into zongzi and was unconscious.

If he wakes up, the earthly rope can't bind him, but who let him be drugged.

Su Xun cast a spell, untied the rope on him, and awakened him.

Zheng Lun opened his eyes in a trance, then suddenly found something was wrong, and his spirit was suddenly boosted.

"Li Li Jing! Why are you here! "

He didn't know Su Xun, but he knew Li Jing.

Li Jing is at war with them. He knows very well what Li Jing's presence here means!

On behalf of Jizhou cold ah!

But he couldn't figure out how cold Jizhou was?

"Zheng Lun, Jizhou is broken and Su Hu is dead. I think you have the ability, so I can't bear to kill you. I want to keep you in the army. What do you mean?" Su Xun asked.

Hearing these words, Zheng Lun probably guessed Su Xun's identity. He was still at a loss: "good Jizhou Why did Jizhou suddenly It's broken? "

"Zheng Lun! I can explain this to you later. Now the king is talking to you! " Li Jing held the sword at his waist and yelled.

Zheng Lun beat a spirit, brain this just sober a lot: "by the king's love, Zheng Lun is willing to surrender."

If Su Hu was alive, he would not surrender, but if Su Hu died, he would naturally surrender.

Because the two have different meanings.

If Su Hu is alive, his surrender is betrayal.

When Su Xun died, he had no choice but to surrender.

"Well, get up. You'll stay under Li Jing's account for the time being." Su Xun showed a satisfied smile.

Zheng Lun took a look at his former opponent and stood up to clasp: "General Li, I offended you before."

"In the past, they were in charge of their own affairs. It's understandable that in the future, they should work together and fight side by side." Li Jing said.

Su Xun looked at Li Jing: "Li Jing, the lonely king heard that you have two sons, jinzha and Muzha, who have worshipped Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in Yunxiao cave of Wulong mountain and Puxian immortal in Baihe cave of Jiugong Mountain as teachers respectively?"

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun and Puxian Zhenren both went to western religion later. Later, Manjusri Bodhisattva and Puxian Bodhisattva were beaten by Su Xun during their journey to the West.

"Exactly." Li Jing nodded.

Su Xun said: "Jizhou military affairs are temporarily handed over to Zheng Lun and Nezha. Now jinzha and Muzha have already completed their cultivation. You can pick them up and go down the mountain to assist the orphan king, so as not to meet your father and son in the battlefield."

At this time, the emphasis is on filial piety. Unless Jin Zha and Mu Zha also play the game of cutting bones for their father and meat for their mother, they will certainly listen to Li Jing.

What's more, besides Nezha's rebellion, jinzha and Muzha always listened to Li Jing's words.

"I will comply with the order."

Li Jing also felt that this was a problem. He was a brother fighting a tiger, and he went to fight with his son. It happened that he and Nezha were both in the Han Dynasty. It was better for jinzha and Muzha to come.

At that time, they will be able to have more say under the king.

Then Su Xun went back to Beihai, and led 100000 troops to attack Binzhou, enzhou, Yanzhou and Caozhou, with Su Lei, Su Li, Su Cheng and Su Shi as the commanders.

Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao of Sanxian Island were sent to help them deal with the enemy friars.

Su Tian led his troops to guard Beihai base camp.

The reason why Su Xun dared to fight on multiple lines was that he had confidence in the military quality of the Han Army, and there were four big Luo Jinxian, which could not be stopped at all.

However, the main force of Chaoge was dragged down by Wu Zhou, and Zheng Lun and Nezha were able to stop Chaoge's reinforcements in Jizhou.

So these four states are in the bag.

If we take these four states, it's time to beat the northern Bohou and Chonghou tiger, and then occupy the whole North.

And then fight Donglu, which has become fragmented due to the death of two dongbohou.

When Su Xun was actively arranging the battle, Jifa of Xiqi suddenly responded to one thing.

"Xiangfu, no!" Ji Fa said.

Jiang Ziya doubts: "what does the Lord mean?"

He has built the Fengshen platform, hung the Fengshen list, and ordered Baijian to guard the Fengshen list.

Bai jiannai was a general under the emperor. He was hit by a firearm during the battle against Chiyou, and his soul was trapped in Beihai. Then he was rescued by Jiang Ziya and arranged a job.

"Look, Xiangfu, when I went straight to Chaoge in Xiqi, the king of Han Dynasty was scrambling for territory everywhere. According to the present progress, when we won Chaoge, he would have occupied Caozhou, Binzhou, Chongzhou, Yangzhou, Donglu, Nandu, Yanzhou, Bozhou, enzhou, Xuzhou and other places. If he refused to serve me in Xiqi, all the places would be the land of the king of Han Dynasty except Xiqi Pan, how can we order the princes to attack him? "Ji Fa suddenly thought of this when he heard that Su Xun had killed Hou Su Hu in Jizhou.

Su Xun could kill every little vassal and replace him with his own people. At that time, he would be chanting a decree against Su Xun. Who would listen to him except the 200 little vassals in Xiqi?

Jiang Ziya also suddenly realized: "yes, my Lord's words wake up the dreamer, Ziya is confused!"

At that time, when Ji Fa talked to him about the king of the Han Dynasty, he thought something was wrong. Now he knows.

If the Han king takes all the territory, then they will have a song to deal with farts!

"The king of Han is too treacherous. Our attack on Chaoge in Xiqi attracts most of the pressure for him, so he can easily grab territory in the rear." Ji Fa grits his teeth.

Jiang Ziya asked, "what do you think of it?"

"We need to fight against Chaoge, but we can't just focus on Chaoge. We have a large number of troops in Xiqi, so we can fight separately." Ji Fa was inspired by Su Xun to seize the territory.

In this way, Xiqi divided his forces, Jiang Ziya was responsible for attacking Chaoge, and Huang Feihu was responsible for seizing territory.

They are targeting Nandu and Yuzhou.

After the death of Nanbo Marquis e Chongyu and e Shun, Nandu became a mess like Donglu.


Su Xun didn't know that Xiqi also began to grab territory under his inspiration. At this time, he was in Nuwa palace.

Mingren doesn't talk in secret, he just wants to gather together three Nuwa to summon the Dragon Wrong, playing mahjong.

"Where are you from?"

Outside Nuwa palace, Bixia boy stops Su Xun.

"Su Xun, king of Han Dynasty, wants to see Nu Wa."

Su Xun said with a smile.

Hearing Su Xun's name, Bixia boy didn't like it: "what's the matter with you

"Marriage promotion." Su Xun spit out two words.

These days, we don't pay attention to free love, but to door-to-door marriage promotion.

So Su Xun did as the Romans did, and brought a gift to help him find Nuwa.

Bixia boy was shocked.

Before that, there were poems by King Zhou in Nuwa palace. Now, the king of Han came directly to Nuwa palace to propose marriage. Are these princes so brave all the time?

Then came a burst of anger, denounced: "wanton! How dare you humiliate your mother

It is also a shame for Nu Wa to be so humiliated as her master.

"Why are you so presumptuous?" Su Xunyi just said: "when a man is married, when a woman is married, how old is Nu Wa's mother. If you don't marry again, you will be left."

"Go to hell!"

Bixia Naizi was about to blow up. She yelled and raised her hand to sue Xun.

Then the next second, Su Xun appeared in front of her and picked her up like a chicken: "don't do it all the time. Maybe you'll still be my girl. You'll cry at that time."

Hearing the tune of chiguoguo, Bixia was very angry, but she was more shocked.

She was a great Luo Jinxian. She had no power to fight back under Su Xun's hands. What was this man doing?

"Why should the king of Han tease the younger generation?"

"Please let the king of Han in."

A gentle voice like the spring breeze sounded, fairy sound in the ear, people are happy up.

Nu Wa could be so calm, probably because she knew Su Xun's details from the emperor Yuanshi.

Otherwise, if you suddenly see one more strong man of the same rank in the heaven and earth, you may have already rushed out of the Nuwa palace.

"Stay out there."

Su Xun threw Bixia out of the sky, and then went into Nuwa palace with the wedding ceremony.

After entering Nu Wa palace, Su Xun met Nu Wa in a waterside pavilion in the backyard.

There is one thing in common with Nu Wa in the ancient sword world, that is, she is dignified and noble.

Nu Wa was dressed in a gorgeous white and pink dress. She was slim, with a delicate face, fair skin and beautiful hair.

The long skirt was dragged several meters away.

The whole body exudes the holy noble breath.

However, Su Xun knew that holiness and nobility were for outsiders, and he had a deep experience in the ancient sword Nu Wa.

"Han Wang, please."

Nu Wa said calmly to Su Xun.

Su Xun went to her and sat down. Looking at the tea cup in front of her, he said with a smile, "it's a great fortune to drink a cup of tea made by Empress Nuwa."

This is fart. There is a Nuwa in his family who cooks tea for him every day.

"What's the matter with the visit of the king of Han?" Nu Wa couldn't deny Su Xun's words. She also knew Su Xun from Yuanshi Tianzun. She kept a certain vigilance against such a mysterious strong man.

Su Xun threw his gift on the low table in front of him and said, "propose to the empress."

"Don't laugh, king of the Han Dynasty. It's like you and I don't care about men's and women's affairs." Nu Wa shook her head. It was obvious that Su Xun was joking with her.They are saints. Look at Yuanshi, Tongtian, zhunti, and even the great Luo Jinxian. Who cares if they have the heart to seek Tao?

Su Xun's expression was very serious: "the lonely king didn't laugh. If he was alone, she couldn't feel it?"

Nu Wa widened her eyes: "are you serious?"

"Naturally." Su Xun took a sip of his tea cup.

After Nu Wa determined that Su Xun was not joking, her face became serious: "thanks for your love, but Nu Wa had only two words to ask for Tao in her life."

"Did you ask?" Su Xun asked.

Nu Wa was calm: "she has not preached yet, but she has been pursuing this goal."

"Tao is out of reach, while loneliness is within your reach. Is it hard to choose between the two?" Su Xun asked.

Nu Wa

She was silent.

It's the first time that she met someone who dares to compare herself with Tao. It's too arrogant and self-confident.

Su Xun continued: "if you and I are married, I will take you to find a way and take you to a wider world. After all, the world is too small."

"Is it the world that Daoyou came to?" Nu Wa asked faintly. For the origin of Su Xun, she and Yuan Shi Tianzun guessed that they were strong men from outside the domain.

With their accomplishments, of course, they can't be trapped in this world. They've all seen foreign styles.

Su Xun nodded: "yes, in your world, it seems that at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, a saint can establish a religion. In my world, a saint is more like a dog."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, tianzunyipin and Nuwa Sanpin were the best.

The Hongjun ancestor of Zixiao palace doesn't know for the moment.

"Is there such a world?" Nu Wa is suspicious.

She is the first one to become a saint in this world, so she also knows that the cultivation of saints is getting closer and closer to the sermon, a world full of saints.

Is that possible?

Su Xun told her about xuanyue continent.

After listening to this, Nu Wa was speechless for a long time. She had been abroad, but she had never been to the xuanyue continent.

Su Xun said, "what do you think of the empress?"

"Skin and flesh are just red and pink skeletons. Is that how you want my body?" Nu Wa couldn't understand.

Of course, she can't understand the persistence of LSP.

In Nu Wa's opinion, the body is just the carrier of the soul, which can be changed at any time. Why do some people indulge in women's body?

Su Xun said with a smile, "I don't want your body, I just want you."

If you go back to Nuwa, and by the way, you can fool Tongtian back, then the strength of Yinsi will be greatly increased.

Relying on the development of the Yin Department in Lingzhou, I don't know what year and month it will take to give birth to a second sage.

His biggest advantage is that he can move reinforcements back from other worlds to increase his strength.

"If you want me to do something for you, you can exchange it fairly. You don't need my body." Nuwa still didn't realize it was an LSP.

Su Xun said with a smile, "King Zhou coveted the empress's holy body, which led to the downfall of the Shang Dynasty. In this way, I, the king of the Han Dynasty, was even more greedy for the empress's body."

King Zhou can only see the meat he wants to eat.

"Well, I promise you." Nu Wa should come down, compared to go to a wider world to find a way, red powder skeleton like flesh and chastity is not worth mentioning.

As for feelings, how can she have feelings?

She just wanted to ask.

Nu Wa promised to come down, and things would be easy to handle.

Su Xunzhi put it in the right place, not for pleasure, but mainly for double cultivation, which is beneficial.

Of course, he has practiced double cultivation.

In the waterside pavilion of Nuwa palace, the curtain is flying, and the two bodies are rolling on the ground together. It is obvious that the panting woman is unfamiliar with her movements

After a few hours, everything returned to calm.

"It's a strange feeling." Nu Wa had recovered her dignified and holy appearance and was meticulous.

It's not strange that you can pester me again and again?

Nuwa was curious: "is that wonderful feeling the reason why people indulge in the affairs of men and women?"

They just went from double cultivation of body to double cultivation of spirit. They were not only happy, but also improved.

Su Xun broke through the four Saint at one stroke.

After all, it can be said that it has been 80 years of great fortune to find a saint level furnace and tripod double repair.

After all, which sage who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years is still a place?

Even if later the cultivation of high, weak feelings, no longer interested in men and women.

But when I was young, I would lose myself.

"You should call me husband." Su Xun stressed.

Nu Wa is good like a flow: "husband."

Anyway, in her opinion, it's just a title.

However, the feeling of double cultivation of spirit and spirit just now is very wonderful. You can try it again later."Why does my husband insist on coming to this world to be a king?" Nuwa asked curiously.

Su Xun replied, "I'm bored and busy, so I'll find something to do for myself."

If it wasn't for the completion of the task, he would be able to do such a thing.

For the next few months, Su Xun stayed in Nuwa palace.


When Su Xun taught Nu Wa's posture in Nu Wa palace, Li Jing had already called Jin Zha and Mu Zha back.

What can Puxian immortal and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun say when their son goes back to help his father?

Is it not allowed?

The reputation of hermeneutics is going to stink.

They can only send each other with tears in their eyes, and then go to Taiyi for a drink to share their pain with each other.

All three of them were cheated by Li Jing. Who let them take Li Jing's son as an apprentice.

But Su Xun only paid close attention to being a father. All the apprentices they trained were for Su Xun.

When Su Xun came out of Nuwa palace, it had been a year, and the pattern of the world had changed greatly.

First of all, Binzhou, enzhou, Yanzhou and Caozhou have been captured by the Han army.

Secondly, Nandu was won by Xiqi, and the main force of Xiqi has broken Qinglong pass and Sishui pass.

We are attacking Sanshan pass and Chuanyun pass.

Su Xun can leave Chuanyun pass alone.

But he had to manage Sanshan pass.

Because the guard of Sanshan pass will be Deng Jiugong.

His daughter Deng Chanyu was passed on by Su Xun in ninety-nine eighty-one postures. Can Su Xun ignore it?

What's more, Sanshan pass is the gateway to Qinglong pass, rope pool and Nandu. How can it be lost?

So Su Xun ordered Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Bixiao and Qiongxiao to go to Sanshan pass.

The main general who attacked Sanshan pass was Huang Feihu, the founder of Wuzhou.

Accompanied by Yang Jian, Yuding Zhenren, Huang Tianhua and Lei Zhenzi.

On this day, Huang Feihu beat drums and gathered generals to personally lead Huang Tianhua, Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi to fight.

"Zhao Gongming is here. Who dares to fight?"

Zhao Gongming asked, riding a black tiger.

"I'll meet you!" Yang Jian said.

"Don't be impulsive!"

Immortal Yuding stopped Yang Jian and said, "Zhao Gongming is a great interceptor. You are not your opponent. Step back and let him be your teacher."

As the voice fell, he rose in the air.

"If Zhao Daoyou is not in Mount Emei, why should he meddle in the affairs of the world?" The jade tripod real person asks a way.

Zhao Gongming laughed: "Yuding, this is really ridiculous. Why can't you intervene in me?"

"It's heaven's will that the soup will be finished and the Zhoushi will be prosperous. The so-called great man is nothing but a mirror." The jade Ding real person tone says placidly.

"Cut the crap and watch the moves!"

Zhao Gongming rode away on a black tiger and went to heaven to fight with the jade tripod immortal. Even if the magic weapon of jade tripod immortal was exhausted, he was not Zhao Gongming's opponent.

After all, they are not equal in cultivation.

"Younger martial brother Yuding, I'll help you."

At this time, a man riding a deer came, white clothes floating, immortal wind Daogu, is the lamp Taoist.

The lamp burning Taoist threw out a glass lamp and attacked Zhao Gongming with the jade tripod immortal.

"It's shameless to deceive the less with the more!"

Yunxiao sacrifices Hunyuan Jindou to Yuding.

The magic weapon is right in his chest.

"Puyi -"

yudingzhen's blood was spitting out and flying backwards.


Yang Jian roared, stepped into the air, caught the fallen jade tripod, and returned to the camp.

At the same time, the fight between Zhao Gongming and dengdeng has also entered a white hot period, and they are in a good match.

"Look at the magic weapon."

Zhao Gongming sacrificed dinghaizhu, shining, and the glass lamp was directly broken.

"What treasure is this?"

Burning the lamp, taking back the glass lamp, and falling on the deer's back, he stares at Zhao Gongming and asks.

At the moment when Zhao Gongming sacrificed the treasure, he had a premonition that his chance of becoming a saint was on the treasure, and he wanted to get it anyway.

In the original work, Zhao Gongming, the founder of dengdeng Buddhism, became a saint after 24 days of evolution.

"If you want to know, just look again."

Zhao Gongming said with a sneer.

It's not stupid to light a lamp, but to ride a deer.

At this time, accompanied by bursts of dragon chanting, two golden dragons fell from the sky.

"Jinjiao scissors!"

The lamp turned pale with fright. At a glance, he recognized the treasure which was not related to cause and effect, and abandoned the deer.

"Puyi -"

at the same time, he was directly cut into two pieces by Jinjiao, and his blood was flying.

I'm afraid after I light the lamp.

"You don't have much ability, but you can run very fast." Bixia takes back Jinjiao scissors.Burning lamp didn't want to fight for the benefit of words, so he flew directly back to the camp and discussed with immortal Yuding about their next action. It was really the four great Luo Jinxian.

"The magic weapons of Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao are very powerful. I'm afraid these three mountain passes can't be broken."

There is a wound in the body of jade Ding immortal said.

"To general Qi, a group of people came to say that they could help us deal with Zhao Gongming." A soldier came to report.

Several people in the tent looked at each other, then walked out of the tent at the same time, only to see a middle-aged Taoist with good temperament and wearing a brown robe outside.

"This Taoist friend invited me. I dare to ask where I came from."

The lamp burning Taoist came forward to ask.

The Taoist replied: "the poor road is oppressed by the land. There are only a few people in West Kunlun. I heard that the army of King Wu was blocked in Sanshan pass. I came here to help King Wu succeed."

Lu Ya, the most mysterious person in the romance of Fengshen, owns the magic weapon chopping immortal Throwing Knife and the book of nailing head seven swords.

People in the three religions don't know him, but he knows them very well. He claims that he was born at the beginning of Hunyuan Dynasty. From this we can see that he is at least the same generation as Hongjun and others.

First he killed Zhao Gongming with the seven swords, then he was captured by Yunxiao. When the Niwan palace was sealed, he could easily break through the seal and leave.

It can be seen from this that his cultivation was superior to that of Daluo Jinxian, and later he defeated Kong Xuan. Therefore, Lu Ya's cultivation was at least quasi saint.

"What's Lu Daoyou up to?" The lamp asked.

In his heart, he doubted the Taoist's ability, but dengdeng was a deep-minded guy, so even though he doubted, he didn't show it on his face.

Lu Ya took out a book with a lot of runes on it, and said, "if you use it, you can set up a platform in the camp and plant a grass man. The grass man will write three words of Zhao Gongming, a lamp on his head and a lamp under his foot. He will worship three times a day. After 21 days, Zhao Gongming will die."

"There is such a treasure." It's really a cold sweat to be surprised by the light. Zhao Gongming is a great Luo. It's too fierce to be worshipped by this book.

"Lu Ya, you are also a person of ancient times. You are also a senior. Don't you think it's too shameful to plot against a younger generation with that cruel book of seven swords with nail head?"

A calm voice sounded, and Su Xun tore the void, stepped out and stared at the landing pressure.

He has a feeling in his heart. When Zhao Gongming's disaster is approaching, he guesses that it is Lu Ya who appears in advance. After all, the plot of Fengshen romance has been messed up by him.

That's why he came to save Zhao Gongming.

"Where are you from?"

Lu Ya didn't know Su Xun.

Light lamp, jade Ding real person etc. also don't know.

After all, there are countless people who have heard of Su Xun, the king of Han Dynasty, but few of them have seen him.

"Take you, the first ray of magic fire between heaven and earth, Lu Ya, I want to capture you to refine the treasure!"

Su Xun's words came to the heel of breaking the land pressure.

Lu Ya was shocked. He had never seen Su Xun. How did Su Xun know his real body?

There are many opinions about Lu Ya's heel. Sometimes he is Dijun's youngest son, Jinwu.

Some people say that he is the palace lantern in Bajing palace.

But Su Xun thought the most reliable one was that Lu Ya was the first magic fire in the world.

Because when breaking the flame array of the ten Jue array, Lu Ya Taoist once sang in the fire. The Song said: "the Suiren once smelted the Yin in the fire, and samadhi accumulated it with deep intention. The flame burned my secret teaching in the air, so why waste his heart in the white ceremony."

In Lu Ya's lyrics, it is introduced that the ancient Huang Sui Ren family used to make fire by drilling wood, and finally became a sage by fire. And Lu Ya is just the first magic fire in heaven and earth refined by Suiren.

In addition, in the original book, Lu Ya was also introduced by way of narration, saying that Lu Ya is the treasure of fire, the essence of leaving the earth, and the spirit of Samadhi.

In other words, Lu Ya got the way with divine fire and cultivated himself into human form. Therefore, he said that he was not an immortal or a saint.

The essence of leaving the earth: fire on wood.

The spirit of samadhi: the first divine fire.

So in Su Xun's eyes, this horse was a big treasure. It was almost a holy flame.

If you accept it, it can be used to refine treasure or against enemies.

"Fellow Taoists, I'll go first."

After hearing Su Xun's words, Lu Ya knew that the one who came was not good and wanted to escape.

He can live that long, and no one knows what he's up to, because he's a good counselor.

From the beginning of Hunyuan to now, he has been dead. He is the only one who can live well at the same time. The reason is that he can survive.

I thought he had killed most of the big men in the same period and could come out and pretend to be a force.

I didn't expect to be forced. Fuck.

"Puyi -"

a dark blue sword broke through the air and blocked Lu Ya's way, and the sword's Qi went straight into the sky.

"The man I've been staring at has not been able to escape." Su Xun showed his overbearing smile.

Don't get me wrong, he means that all the men he's targeting are dead, not done.Lu Ya took out a gourd. When the gourd opened, an elf appeared and said, "please turn around."

Then a knife light shot at Su Xun.

Another magic weapon of Lu Ya: chopping immortal Throwing Knife.

"Go away."

Su Xun shook his sleeve and drank cold.

The white fairy shivering holding a flying knife and quickly back to the gourd, but also very sensible himself to seal the lid.

Land pressure

It's crazy.

I've been keeping the sword for thousands of days and using it for a while. I didn't expect to sell it at the critical time.

"Taoist friend, listen to me..."

Lu Ya tried to communicate with Su Xun.

He never told people about his roots. He was afraid of being watched by others.

Now, as expected, people are greedy.

"I won't listen."

Su Xun is more willful than a woman.

His voice fell, and he grabbed it with one hand, and the road was destroyed in an instant.

A red flame floats in the void.

Su Xun took it at random. By the way, he also took his book of seven swords with nail head and chopping immortal Throwing Knife.

After all, Lu Ya is his own now, so of course his things belong to him.

Su Xun took a look at the lamp: "there's no need to be so nervous. The lonely king doesn't take the initiative to fight against the younger generation."

The voice fell and went away.

The lamp and others were relieved, as if they had been drained of all their strength.

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