"The power of the king of Han is so terrible."

Dengdeng and Yuding look at each other with bitterness. You are a sage on a horse, fighting for NIMA's master of humanity. Isn't this a pain of idleness?

"Uncle dengdeng, what can I do?"

Yang Jian asked one side, just now Su Xun's power did not make him feel afraid, but inspired his fighting spirit, to take it as the goal and surpass.

"There are four big Luo Jinxian in Sanshan pass," he said. "Zhao Gongming is still the strongest big Luo Jinxian in the world. If we want to break Sanshan pass, I'm afraid we have to go back and ask the teacher to do it."

"Isn't that the best way to win?" Yang Jian frowned. As soon as Su Xun didn't bully the small with the big, they asked Yuanshi Tianzun to do it.

What's more, if Yuanshi Tianzun made a move, wouldn't he have forced Su Xun out?

"I have two saints, the teacher and the master, who are not afraid of the king of the Han Dynasty. Don't worry. I'll go back to yuxu palace."

Now the situation in the world has been in chaos. Originally, it was thought that Wu Zhou and Yin Shang fought against each other, but now the situation is that Wu Zhou and Yin Shang are in tripartite confrontation.

The three forces are fighting against each other, and the development of the situation is becoming more and more uncertain. The matter of canonization must come to an end as soon as possible.

For this reason, even if the sage comes down personally, it is worth it to light the lamp.

If the teacher and the master can beat the Han King down, the situation will be stable.

Burning lamp back to yuxu palace to move soldiers to deal with Zhao Gongming, but I don't know that Zhao Gongming has been transferred to Pennsylvania by Su Xun.

Binzhou and Chaoge bordered on each other. At the moment when the Han army occupied Binzhou, the Shang Dynasty was destined to lay down Wuzhou for a while and use its main force against the Han army.

Su Xun also wanted to fight the Shang Dynasty directly. As long as he killed King Zhou in Chaoge, the Shang Dynasty would be destroyed.

Isn't it true that Wu Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty?

Then he went against heaven and destroyed Shang first.

It can only be attributed to Wu Zhou's geographical position, which is too far away from Chaoge pass city.

And Su Xun sent troops from the North Sea, and after he took Pennsylvania, he could support the army and go straight to Chaoge.

Chaoge can only be like a woman, let the Han Army plug in.

Of course, in the process of inserting, it is inevitable to encounter some obstacles, but you can see blood through the membrane.


On the border of Binzhou, Su Xun took Li Jing as commander-in-chief and Zhao Gongming as general, and gathered 300000 troops to bully Chaoge city.

Although Li Jing's personal force is very strong, he is the first in the world to lead the troops to fight. Otherwise, he would not become the highest military officer in heaven.

Su Xun attacked with Li Jing, and King Zhou transferred Wen Zhong back from the front line. At the same time, he sent a young man named Kong Xuan to Chuanyun pass to fight against Zhou.

The current pattern is that the Han army is fighting Chaoge in Pennsylvania, the Shang Dynasty is fighting Zhou army in Chuanyun pass, and Zhou army is fighting Han Army in Sanshan pass. The three forces are fighting each other.

The whole world has become a mess.

At this time, the Penn border, the two armies against each other.

Wen Zhong, with three eyes, rode Mo Qilin out of the army. Zhao Gongming rode a black tiger out of the army. The two outstanding disciples met in the battlefield.

"Martial uncle, why do you want to deviate from the general plan of the jiejiao sect?" Wen Zhong didn't understand why Zhao Gongming, as the founder of Shizu, took refuge in the king of Han Dynasty.

You should know that jiejiao always supported the Shang Dynasty. If you don't believe in counting, all the important pass guards have something to do with their jiejiao.

This is also the reason why hermeneutics helped Zhou Dynasty, because they had no choice. The Shang Dynasty was the private land of intercepting Buddhism for a long time, and there was no position of hermeneutics.

Zhao Gongming was a gentle man. He didn't get angry when he was scolded by Wen Zhong. He just said calmly, "I have my own reasons. Wen Zhong's nephew, the king of the Han Dynasty is the destiny. You can't stop the Han army."

Nonsense, we all know that the Shang Dynasty is going to finish his business. He is crazy to choose the Shang Dynasty. Isn't the king of Han fragrant?

Younger martial sister Yunxiao said that the Han king is old.

"Wen Zhong is an old minister of the third generation of the Shang Dynasty. I'm afraid I can't obey my orders." Hearing Zhong's words, he turned and left.

"In that case, I'll see you on the battlefield."

Zhao Gongming also left on a black tiger.

After Wen Zhong returned to the barracks, his face was dignified. He called the left and right generals and said, "these days, you have to hang up the exemption card. I want to go out."

He is not Zhao Gongming's opponent, so he is ready to go to his master Jinling Notre Dame for help.

Wen Zhong left the camp and went all the way to biyou palace, because the goddess of the golden spirit had been following the leader of Tongtian sect to practice in biyou palace and had no cave of her own.

Without Shen Gongbao in the original time and space to help him pull a pimp, now we have to ask for help by ourselves.

Shen Gongbao worked very well in the Han Dynasty, and brought the people who had been brought to the Shang Dynasty from the original work to the Han Dynasty.

After the destruction of the Shang Dynasty and Wu Zhou Dynasty, Su Xun's ascender, Wang, was able to play the role of God of humanity.

I heard that Zhong was riding on Mo Qilin and traveled thousands of miles a day. After three days, I felt that biyou palace met the Virgin Mary."Uncle Zhao wants to kill me. Please help me."

As soon as we met, Wen Zhong knelt down.

"What's going on? Get up and talk."

How can Zhao Gongming kill Wen Zhong?

Wen Zhong then got up and said, "teacher, listen to me. I'm an old minister of the third Shang Dynasty. I've worked for Shang for generations. Now there are rebellions all over the world. Martial uncle Zhao has joined the rebels and wants to kill me."

He came to ask for the help of Jinling Notre Dame, not to kill Zhao Gongming, but to let Jinling Notre Dame come forward to persuade Zhao Gongming to leave, so that only he and Li Jing can compete, and he will win.

Although Li Jing is not bad, he is still a little bit younger than he who has gone through a hundred battles.

"Does Gongming interfere in human affairs?" Jinling virgin's face changed, he did not expect Zhao Gongming out of the mountain.

Even if he didn't go out of the mountain, he joined the rebel army to deal with the Yin merchants who had been supported by the interceptors, and even killed his disciple Wen Zhong.

The lady of Jinling was a little angry: "as a teacher, let's go ahead and ask your martial uncle Zhao if he knows that he is a intercepting disciple!"

"Thank you, teacher." Wen Zhong kneels down.

Then they left biyou palace.

Two days later, they arrived at the front line in Pennsylvania.

Wen Zhong removed the billboard and led the troops out of the camp to call for war. Soon the Han army was out of the camp.

"Elder martial sister Jinling, why are you here?"

Seeing the lady of the golden spirit opposite, Zhao Gongming was startled. After all, the strength of the lady of the golden spirit is second only to the elder martial brother Taoist Duobao. He is not an opponent.

"Well! If I don't come, are you going to kill your nephew? " The golden virgin hummed.

Zhao Gongming said with a bitter smile: "elder martial sister, if you hear that Zhong is defeated, I will not kill him."

"Zhao Gongming! You still have master in your eyes! Do you still remember that you are a Taoist The tone of the golden spirit mother suddenly became severe and exclaimed.

Zhao Gongming replied: "elder martial sister, Gongming always obeys the master's orders and keeps in mind the identity of the intercepting disciple."

"Yes? The master is strict that all his disciples are not allowed to leave the mountain. Why don't you listen? Why do you beat your nephew for an outsider? " The golden virgin asked.

Zhao Gongming was helpless: "elder martial sister, I can't explain it clearly for a while..."

"Then you don't have to explain. If you still have my elder martial sister in your eyes, leave immediately, or I'll fight you." The golden virgin interrupted him.

Zhao Gongming is helpless: "in this case, elder martial sister Jinling, Gongming can only offend."

As the voice fell, Zhao Gongming rose from the air.

"It's time to teach you a good lesson."

The goddess of the golden spirit also jumped up, and a fairy sword appeared in her hand, stabbing Zhao Gongming with the rays.

Zhao Gongming sacrificed 24 dinghaizhu.

The goddess of the golden spirit put away the sword and took out the magic weapon longhuyu Ruyi.

At first, Zhao Gongming was able to support him, but he soon fell into a bad situation and flew back to the camp with the help of Jinling.

"Zhao Gongming, go back to Mount Emei quickly. Today's hand is just a small punishment. If you still don't understand, you can change my elder martial sister without mercy."

Cried the golden virgin, standing in the void.

"Brother Gongming, you are not in the way."

In the Han Army camp, Li Jing watches Chen Jiugong and Yao shaosi help their master Zhao Gongming enter.

"It doesn't get in the way, it doesn't hurt the source."

Zhao Gongming waved his hand with a bitter smile.

The second elder martial sister is worthy of being the second elder martial sister. I'm afraid no one can be her rival except elder martial brother Duobao.

"That's what to do next."

Li Jing sighed. After fighting with Yin Shang and Wu Zhou, he found that the fighting power of the soldiers was not so important because of the immortals on both sides.

Zhao Gongming said: "I'm afraid we have to consult the king of Han Dynasty. Otherwise, as long as elder martial sister Jinling is here, Chaoge city can't be broken by us."

"It can only be so." Li Jing sighed.

When they were ready to ask Su Xun for advice, Su Xun was fighting with the emperor Yuanshi and the emperor taishanglaojun.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun went to Sanshan pass with the help of daoren. They hurt Sanxiao in Sanxian island.

If Su Xun didn't come in time, it would be more than the injury, and three people would die one after another.

"I didn't do it to the younger generation. I didn't expect that you two old people didn't talk about martial arts. It's good to do it to three people who are your nephews."

Su Xun looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and taishanglaojun coldly. He was really angered by them.

If Su Xun tried his best, he could kill at least one person and one person in the town.

"It's the will of heaven that makes the soup come to an end and makes the Zhou Dynasty prosperous. What do you do if you want to go against the heaven?"

The emperor is a kind-hearted man.

"There's a lot of bullshit. What I hate most is your face standing on the commanding height of justice."Su Xun's voice fell, and he sacrificed his dragon Kwai sword. Without hesitation, he cut it out with a sword, and the sword was fierce.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun and Laozi suddenly changed their faces.

Just with this sword, they knew that they were not Su Xun's opponents, which shocked them. Was Su Xun so much better than them?

Of course, if you are shocked, you still have to resist, or you will be injured if you are hit by the sword.

Lao Tzu's head is full of Qi, which is one Qi and three Qing, namely Shangqing, Yuqing and Taiqing.

This move was used by Lao Tzu when he broke the immortal sword array in the original book, but now it's used by Su Xun.

Two on one at a time became five on one.

"No matter how much waste comes, it's waste."

Three people have tacit understanding very much, hit hit to come to the outside world, then cast aside the arm to hit.

They are afraid to do their best to destroy the world. After all, even Gonggong could break a hole in the sky, let alone fight among the three sages.


The Supreme Master threw out a picture of Tai Chi and unfolded it.

"Go away!"

Su Xun sacrificed Pangu's axe to open the sky. The huge axe came down from behind with the potential of destroying the sky and the earth.


At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun and Laozi were shocked.


After the huge explosion, Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi disappeared.

"You two old dogs run fast."

Su Xun sneered and put away Pan Gu's axe.

In fact, he is still a little bit empty, and I don't know if that ax just shocked the man in Zixiao palace.

Because from the strength of the saints such as Tianzun and Nuwa in the Yuan Dynasty, Hongjun was very strong.

And he remembered that when he and Nu Wa Pa Pa Pa, Nu Wa said that the teacher had already agreed.

That is to say, Hongjun may be a strong man who can successfully prove the truth. He can kill Su Xun with one finger.

However, what surprised Su Xun was that he could not have been obliterated by such existence.

Why didn't you come to trouble him all the time?

Is it true that Hongjun doesn't care about him at all?

Think about it. If Hongjun really has become the leader of Taoism, how can he care about his just breakthrough of the four grade sage.

Another possibility is that Hongjun is not at home. He has gone out to surf and is not in the world of flood and famine.

Su Xun cured Sanxiao and went back to Beihai.

Because he knew that Zhao Gongming was waiting for him.

"King, you are back at last."

Seeing Su Xun, Zhao Gongming was relieved.

"Your purpose is known to the lonely king. I'll lend you this sword for the time being." Su Xun lent the sword to Zhao Gongming.

Although he hasn't used yintianzi sword for a long time, it's also a sword of sage.

It must be enough to deal with a big Luo Jinxian.

Zhao Gongming took the sword, but he felt that it was stronger than the teacher's four swords. He was very surprised and said, "please rest assured, I will break Chaoge."

Then he rode away on a tiger with a sword.

At the same time, yuxu palace.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun and Laozi were pale.

Although they managed to escape, they were also hurt by the aftereffects of Pangu axe.

"Too strong." Yuanshi Tianzun said bitterly.

Laozi nodded and echoed: "maybe it's better than Tongtian and Nuwa."

"He must be from outside China. Why don't you ask the teacher to help him?" In the beginning, Tianzun suggested that, after all, Honghuang was their teacher Hongjun's ancestral plot.

Is it allowed by their teacher that a strong man from abroad comes to Hong Huang world to do things?

Laozi shook his head: "with the cultivation of the teacher, do you think he will not know the existence of the king of Han Dynasty?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun was silent.

Hongjun must have known Su Xun's existence.

But he didn't do it, which means that he acquiesced in Su Xun's existence. It's no use for them to meet Hongjun.

Another possibility is that the teacher is not in Honghuang recently, so they went to Zixiao palace in vain.

"If the teacher doesn't do it, you and I are not his opponents. Let the great man win the world. Isn't this a joke?" Yuanshi Tianzun was a little angry.

If we continue to fight like this, we won't be able to kill a few people, and we won't be satisfied with 365 divinities.

He couldn't understand what Hongjun's ancestors wanted to do, even though Su Xun was fooling around in the world of flood and famine.

Lao Tzu said, "you forget that there are two saints in the West. If they join hands, the king of Han from outside China will have to stay away."

"It's a good thing." At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun caressed his palm, and then sent a message to dengdeng, ordering him to go to the West.

Then he sighed with regret: "it's a pity that younger martial sister Nuwa has never been involved in these activities, otherwise it's not necessary to let western teachers enter."

Nuwa is the first one to become a saint among them, and the strongest among them, followed by Tongtian.

Two days later, the Pennsylvania front.Zhao Gongming with Su Xun's Yin Tianzi sword full of blood resurrection, Zhao Jinling virgin revenge.

"Younger martial brother Zhao, I thought you had returned to Luofu cave in Emei Mountain, but I didn't expect that you were still stubborn."

The lady of the golden spirit was a little angry.

"Elder martial sister Jinling, younger martial brother, I also advise you to withdraw quickly today, otherwise Gongming will not stay."

The main reason is that once the sword comes out, he doesn't have the ability to control it.

"Cut the crap. Since you are stubborn, I will wake you up today."

The goddess of the golden spirit was angry and offered the dragon, tiger, jade and Ruyi.

"Don't blame younger martial brother for offending me."

Zhao Gongming sacrificed the sword of Yin Tianzi.

A hundred Zhang sword suddenly roared away.

The dragon, tiger and jade are broken in an instant.

But the sword was castrated.


Looking at the facing sword, the lady of the golden spirit stood up and did not hesitate to use her hide.


When the sword fell, the remaining power directly lifted the Yin Shang camp, causing countless soldiers to die and chaos.

"Kill Li Jing takes this opportunity to give an order.


Hundreds of thousands of Han troops poured out.

Zhao Gongming's strange tiger drags the grand master Wen Zhong.

Li Jing led the army into the area.

However, the golden spirit virgin who used tu Dun to escape only came out a thousand miles later, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"Well, Zhao Gongming, you don't even want to be a member of the same family. You use such a lethal weapon to hurt me. I have to go to the master and sue you for an explanation."

The lady of the golden spirit wiped the bloodstain and said to herself viciously. Then she turned into smoke and disappeared.

Of course, Zhao Gongming didn't know this. At this time, he had captured Wen Zhong alive and led the Han Army to fight directly to Chaoge city with Li Jing.

With the power of victory, Zhao Gongming opened the gate with the sword of Yin Tianzi, and then the Han Army rushed into the city.

At this point, Zhao Gongming's task is over, because he can't kill King Zhou, and anyone with cultivation can't kill King Zhou, only mortals can.

At the moment when Chaoge city was destroyed, King Zhou was not flustered, or even afraid, but only at a loss and relief. Then he ignited a raging fire and burned himself in the palace.

At the same time of King Zhou's self Immolation, a Xuanniao, which was formed by qi movement, gave a sad cry, and then its thin body began to dissipate.

It is the destiny of heaven that the mysterious bird comes down to produce business.

Xuanniao is the totem of the Shang Dynasty. Kong Xuan is the descendant of Xuanniao and the patron saint of the Shang Dynasty. He was the first to feel it when King Zhou died.

Chuanyun closed him, sighed, and then left the city without saying a word.

After knowing that his figure disappeared, his voice floated into the ears of the general: "come down."

Then Chuanyun pass surrendered. Jiang Ziya led his army to occupy Chuanyun pass and went straight to Jiepai pass.

At the same time, the Wu Zhou army led by Jiang Ziya began to attack the city like crazy.

But they are doomed to be too late.

Today, Su Xun is sitting in Pennsylvania, Chaoge, Jizhou, Beihai, Bozhou, enzhou, Caozhou, Yanzhou, 18 states in the world, and he accounts for half of them.

Even if it was king Zhou, his direct territory was just a song, but Su Xun was really sitting in the eight states of the world.

After playing Chaoge, Su Xun moved his base camp from Beihai to Chaoge.

At the same time, the news of King Zhou's death was announced to the world.

For a moment, the world shook.

Beibohou chonghouhu was the first to surrender to the great man.

Donglu and Yangzhou announced their surrender to the Han Dynasty.

Jiepaiguan, Tongguan, lintongguan, Shengchi, Mengjin announced the surrender of the Han Dynasty, the city changed Dawang flag.

Since then, only Fenzhou, Xiqi, Qinzhou, chuanyunguan, qinglongguan, Nandu and Yuzhou were still under the control of Wuzhou.

In the blink of an eye, the original tripartite situation turned into two tigers fighting by the way, one strong and one weak.

"Xiangfu, are we going to lose?"

Ji Fa was in a muddle all day, because he didn't hear the good news all day.

It's all here and there.

"No! Lord, we haven't lost yet

Jiang Ziya doesn't understand how things have become like this, but he won't let go.

"Lord, we still have five continents and two passes, a million troops, and many immortals, but the king of the Han Dynasty is not unshakable."

Jiang Ziya tried his best to depict a promising future for Ji Fa.

Ji Fa's eyes brightened up: "yes, we haven't lost yet. We still have a chance. Xiangfu, it's all up to you."

"Please don't worry, my Lord. The will of heaven will prosper the Zhou Dynasty. The will of heaven can't be violated!" Jiang Ziya said firmly

In the palace of King Chaoge.Su Xun is playing chess with a young man in red robe.

Hongpao youth is the leader of Tongtian sect.

He had been practicing in seclusion. A few days ago, the second disciple, Jinling virgin, suddenly came back injured. He said that Zhao Gongming had hurt him, and Tongtian sect leader was furious.

He wanted to teach the rebellious disciple himself and see the Han king who disturbed the world.

Because he has been shut up, really did not expect the outside world so wonderful.

It's totally different from what he thought.

When he came to Chaoge and felt the undisguised pressure of Su Xun, the leader of Tongtian didn't have the slightest fear, but chose hard.

After all, in the original work, he is tough, and the existence of Four Saints is enough to prove his courage.

So he would not retreat from Su Xun.

Then he was beaten up.

"When will you go to xuanyue mainland as you said?" The leader of Tongtian has asked for the seventh time.

He's tired of staying in this world. He's one of the top people in the world.

So he yearned for the world of saints that Su Xun described. How wonderful it was.

He had also been to seek Tao outside China, but he found it difficult to find a world comparable to the Honghuang world, so he finally returned to the Honghuang world.

Now Su Xun told him that there was a world in the universe where only one state could be stronger than the Honghuang world. How could he not be moved?

Su Xun said, "as I said, when I unify the Honghuang Kingdom, I will go back to xuanyue continent."

"I have decreed the disciples to help Daoyou." The leader of Tongtian sect can't understand why there are saints who are obsessed with being the king of human beings. Is it not good to practice Taoism?

Su Xun looked at him: "thank you very much. It's your turn. This game is very difficult."

"It's hard." Tongtian sect leader's face was dignified, and then he picked up the dice to throw, two points, and took two steps.

Well, what they play is flying chess.

All of a sudden, Su Xun and Tongtian sect leader stopped, and then they looked at each other at the same time.

"Zhunti he's coming." Said Tong Tian.

Su Xun snorted coldly: "when I go to knock out their front teeth, I'll come back and continue to play chess with you."

The voice fell, and Su Xun disappeared.

Tongtian will quietly move his chess forward a few steps, and then disappear in the same place.

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