Outside Kunlun mountain.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun and Laozi came out of yuxu palace.

Zhunti and Jieyin came from the West.

After the two men, the first time he went to the west to teach, he felt completely new. He had found his own way.

The dinghaizhu in Zhao Gongming's hand, as well as the Western belief and practice method, is the opportunity for him to become a saint.

Under the saints are ants.

If we can become saints, what is it that we can break away from Hermeneutics and join western religion?

"Two Taoist friends, please. The current situation in eastern China is chaotic. I'd like to invite you and your party. Thank you in advance."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun and Laozi had a fight.

"You're welcome, Taoist brother. When we go to the East this time, we see the red light in the East. I'm afraid that the opportunity for our western religion to flourish is in the East. I hope the two Taoist brothers will bear with us." He said.

Laozi nodded: "it should be so."

They asked the western two saints to join the game, which is due to the cause and effect of western religion. The cause and effect of saints is not so good. If they owe the cause and effect, they will have to pay it back.

Therefore, the two saints of the West are looking for opportunities to prosper the western religion in the East. Naturally, they will not obstruct it.

Of course, they never dreamed that the opportunity for the rise of western religion was to dig a corner to explain the two religions.

Let's see how many people have been dug up to go, such as daoren dengdeng, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, immortal Puxian, daoren Cihang, and fearing to leave their grandchildren. These are the backbone of Daoism. Daoren dengdeng or deputy leader of Daoism.

Yuanshi Tianzun agreed that the West would join in the fight against the leader of Tongtian sect. It can be said that he lifted a stone and hit his own foot. It was not easy to intercept the sect, and his strength was greatly damaged.

It was because of the conflict between hermeneutics and truncation that Western religions rose and finally evolved into Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism.

When the four exchanged greetings, a sword came from the East.

This sword seems to have torn the sky, reversed the sun, moon and stars, and brought the supreme power.


The four sages of Yuanshi Tianzun, Laozi, Jieyin and zhunti all changed their faces and resisted together.

Four magic weapons fly to the sword at the same time.


The sword comes in a flash, and the four magic weapons are directly swung away. The sword's aftereffect will shock the Four Saints away.

Bang! Boom!

The Four Saints flew upside down and hit Kunlun mountain. In an instant, Kunlun Mountain collapsed and yuxu palace turned into ruins.

The four saints had a dignified face, and there was a long sword of dark blue and dark purple floating in front of them.

Obviously, it was this sword that just attacked them.

"It's Su Xun!"

Seeing the sword, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty gritted his teeth and said.

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other, and Su Xun's strength greatly exceeded their expectations.

The next second, with a rainbow light escaping, a young man with black robes appeared beside the Dragon Kwai sword. The wind made the robes hunting, and the sword sounded in the sky.

"Now leave immediately, vow that you will never enter the eastern land in this life, but I think you have never been here."

Su Xun stood with a negative hand and looked at the guide.

Then he said, "even if you are good at cultivation, you can't compete with me if you join hands with me."

"And me." With a cold voice, the leader of Tongtian came through the air.

After reading the romance of Fengshen by Su Xun, he naturally knew that he had been besieged by the four men.

So he didn't look good to me.

Seeing the leader of Tongtian sect, Jieyin and zhunti's face changed, and then they looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi.

A Su Xun, they can barely compete.

If we add the leader of Tongtian sect, even if there are four of them, they have no chance of winning.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi didn't expect that the leader of Tongtian sect would stand by Su Xun.

"Tongtian, you and I are born from the same source. Elucidation and interdiction are brothers' disputes. Heaven's will is fixed. Wuzhou should be prosperous. How can you go against heaven?" Lao Tzu asked.

Tongtian looks cold: "this is the reason why you two use big bullying and small bullying to intercept my younger generation?"

"It's a matter of great importance to be a God. You can't be confused!" Yuanshi Tianzun was also persuading.

Tong Tian's mind was depressed: "needless to say, I have allied with the king of Han Dynasty. If you move him, you will move me. It happens that my Zhuxian sword array also wants you to try it."

"Tongtian, if you are stubborn, don't blame me for being merciless." Lao Tzu said coldly.

Tong Tian laughed: "it's up to you?"

"It's up to us!" Take the lead.

Since he and zhunti had found an opportunity to prosper western religion in eastern Turkey, they would not leave so easily. Otherwise, who knows how long they will wait next time.

After all, opportunity is the most important factor in practice.

"Qiang -"

at this time, a sound of Fengming came.

Everyone looks up.

Nuwa Luan came down from the sky.

Looking at Nu Wa to Luan Jia, everyone was very confused. What did Nu Wa do here?Nu Wa in a red skirt got off Luan's car and dragged her skirt several meters long to Su Xun's side.

Then the jade lips gently opened: "husband."

This two words, all petrochemical.

Including Tongtian is also wide eyed.

No matter what, everyone didn't expect that Nu Wa and Su Xun had formed a pair of monks, so Nu Wa must have helped her husband to fight.

"This When did this happen? "

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun felt numb. Tongtian, Sushen and Nuwa were the strongest three saints in the world. They were just four dishes.

Su Xun hugged Nu Wa's slender waist: "when can I tell you?"

Jieyin and zhunti looked at each other, and then they took a tacit step back: "Taoist brother Yuanshi, this is your business in Dongtu. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

The moment Nuwa appeared, Jieyin and zhunti knew that this trip was coming. Let's protect ourselves.

Tianzun of the Yuan Dynasty

Laojun the Supreme Lord

When hearing the sermon in Zixiao palace, I knew that these two bald men were unreliable. I didn't expect that they are still unreliable now. It's true that dogs can't change their habits.

"Do you want to fight again?" Su Xun asked.

Yuanshi Tianzun and taishanglaojun smile bitterly. This is a hammer. It's just a one-sided attack.

"Nu Wa, it's the teacher's decision to pass the sky and seal the gods. You two can think clearly."

Yuanshi Tianzun was not reconciled.

Nuwa voice Su Nuo: "if the teacher wants to take care of this matter, then he has already appeared."

Yuanshi Tianzun and taishanglaojun were disappointed. Teacher, what are you doing? You said you wanted to be a God. Now we fall into the pit and you don't care.

They feel abandoned by Hongjun.

"I will make the disciples withdraw and seal the mountain for a thousand years." Yuanshi Tianzun sighed and said.

Since Hongjun gave them up, they had to give up Wuzhou.

Su Xun said with a smile, "great kindness."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun and taishanglaojun turned to return to yuxu palace, only to find that yuxu palace was already in ruins, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

"I'll leave, too."

Then lead and zhunti want to go.

"Stab -"

the Dragon Kui sword roared away and stopped them.

They looked at Su Xun numbly.

If Su Xun's three men start now, they may fall here.

I shouldn't have come this time!

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I swear that I will let you go if I don't spread the western religion to the East."

The western religion will shrink in the western world forever. The eastern land is still Xuanmen's territory.

Jieyin and zhunti, though unwilling, could only swear to Daodao, and then returned to the West.

With the end of the Kunlun Mountain meeting, all the disciples, including Jiang Ziya, left Xiqi.

"Xiangfu, you Do you really want to leave alone? "

Ji fahu's eyes are tearful and his voice is shaking. He can't have a wife, but he can't have Jiang Shang.

Why would Jiang Ziya like to? But the order of the division must not be disobeyed: "Lord, take care of yourself. Xiqi is no longer an opponent of the Han army. Let me see, surrender."

With that, he left.

"Xiangfu! Xiangfu! My father

Watching Jiang Ziya disappear suddenly, Ji Fa looks around in the camp like crazy.

Finally, the pain of the issue of Yuan Hua style sky howling.

"No! no no I'm not reconciled


With the withdrawal of the elucidating disciples, Xiqi was defeated by the attack of the Han army. He successively gave up Chuanyun pass and Qinglong pass, Nandu pass, Yuzhou pass and returned to Xiqi.

Ji Fa wrote that he was willing to serve as the Western Marquis of the Great Han Dynasty, but it was destined that he was just a one-sided fantasy. Under the rule of the Great Han Dynasty, there could not be a Marquis with the power of military and political management.

What's more, if you can defeat him, why accept his resignation?

Su Xun took Li Jing as the marshal of the Chinese army, Su Lei and Su Cheng as the marshal of the left and right army, Nezha as the vanguard, Shiji and Zhao Gongming as the grain supervisors, and fought against Xiqi.

If we win the four states of Xiqi, we can become emperor and God of humanity, even if we have completed the task.

In Su Xun's opinion, this was just a matter of one or two months, but the fact was unexpected.

On this day, Su Xun was playing flying chess with Nu Wa in the palace, when he heard that Shen Gongbao wanted to see him.

"King, Shen Shangshu asked to see you."

Shen Gongbao is now the Minister of rites of the Han Dynasty.

Su Xun adopted the system of three provinces and six ministries, and set up prefectures and counties in the whole country. The title of nobility only enjoyed the right of Food City, and no longer had the actual power of fiefdom and military and political management of food city.

At the beginning of the reform, many people opposed it, and those who opposed it were the old aristocracy.And then, unfortunately, a meteorite came down and killed a large number of opponents.

There will be no more opposition.

"Biography." Su Xun lost the dice, six o'clock, then picked up his own chess and walked forward six steps.

Soon, Shen Gongbao came in small steps and crawled on the ground: "king, it's also a disaster."

"Talk to people." Su Xun didn't even look at him.

Shen Gongbao said: "the latest battle report came from the front line of Chuzhou. Our great Han heavenly army had broken through all the way to capture the city and went straight to the central city of Chuzhou. Seeing that the city would be broken, we never thought that there were masters hidden in the city of Chuzhou. Shiji and Zhao Gongming were seriously injured, and the 200000 troops lost seven out of ten."

As soon as Su Xun's face changed, this kind of effect could only be achieved by a saint, but Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, zhunti and Bodhi didn't have the courage.

Is it a saint from outside?

Su Xun tried to figure it out, but he was lonely.

It shows that the messenger behind the scenes can shield the secret.

"I'll go to the front."

Su Xun said a word to Nu Wa, and then his body disappeared in the same place, and appeared in the front line again.

The Han Army's barracks were fairly neat, but the barracks had been seriously shrunk, with 200000 troops less than 50000.

And morale is low, sighing everywhere.

Su Xun flew into the Chinese army camp.

In the camp, Li Jing, who was worried about the war, was shocked to see Su Xun.

"I hope you will see the king, and I wish you peace!"

All the generals in the camp knelt down on one knee.

"Flat body, Zhao Gongming and Shi Ji how."

Su Xun went directly to the throne and sat down.

"The king is at ease. Zhao Gongming and Shiji have been sent back to biyou Palace by Yunxiao fairy. Ask Tongtian sect leader to treat them. I want to worry about their lives." Li Jing replied.

Su Xun nodded: "tell me what happened."

"King, this is quite strange..." Li Jing began to arrive slowly: "a few days ago, our army arrived in Chuzhou City. We wanted to rest for three days and then attacked the city. But we didn't expect that four strange people flew out of the city..."


At this time, a violent explosion interrupted Li Jing's speech.

Then a soldier rushed into the camp in panic: "inform the commander, the enemy general is coming again."

"I'll fight them!" In a rage, Nezha picked up the heaven and earth circle and huntian Ling and flew out of the camp.

Su Xun also went out, followed by Li Jing and others.

After walking out of the camp and seeing the people fighting with Nezha in the air, Su Xun's face became strange.

It's a red mecha.

It's iron man on the horse!

That's right. The painting style of Nezha vs. iron man is so indescribable.

I don't know how many times stronger this iron man is than the one in the movie. He almost beats Nezha.

There are three people in the air not far away. A young man is wearing a black suit, a woman is wearing a white dress, and a big man is wearing a martial suit. Obviously, they are not from this world.

How did they come to this world?

What are their purposes in this world?

"Who is that man?"

When Su Xun was looking at the three people, the three people were also looking at him. After all, Su Xun was so handsome. Once he appeared on the stage, it was very difficult to attract attention.

"I don't know. The ghost world, the story and the plot are all in a mess. The king of Han must be a passer-by. Even the Great Han came out."

make complaints about the youth in black suits.

Their mission this time was to help Wu Zhou destroy Shang. As a result, they came in and found that Shang had been destroyed long ago. Instead, they were replaced by great men who would appear thousands of years later.

At that time, he said "dog" in his heart.

"I'll sweep it." Dress woman said, and then the moment is wide eyed: "how can it be like this!"

"What's the matter?" The young man in suit asked suspiciously.

The dress woman swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "all the data displayed are question marks."

"Also reincarnated?" Wu Dao subdues the Great Han.

The young man in suit frowned: "the main temple didn't say that this is a team confrontation task. How can there be reincarnation besides us?"

The woman in the white dress yelled at the iron man who was fighting with Nezha in the air: "Zhou Peng, send a miniature nuclear bomb to the handsome man in black."

"Good! I hate the little white face who is more handsome than me. " Iron man fired at Su Xun.

A miniature nuclear bomb flew to Sushen.

In the face of the oncoming nuclear bomb, Su Xun grasped it in his hand, and then pinched it into dust.


Seeing this scene, the four members of Tianlong team were all shocked. Iron man was hit by Nezha with huntianling at the moment of absence, and a burst of sparks broke out.

"Another big Luo Jinxian? You're not going to waste another curse scroll Said the dress.They used the curse scroll to deal with the big Luo Jinxian named Zhao Gongming.

The curse scroll was exchanged by them with points in the main temple, which can be called a big killer for saints.

They are also very precious. There are only three of them.

"No matter where you come from, if you kill people in this seat, you will die here!"

Su Xun turned into a rainbow light and went away. He appeared in front of iron man and hit him with one blow. Iron man split into pieces, turned into powder and floated in the wind.

Facts have proved that the marvel heroes in the West are not the opponents of the eastern monks.

"It must be Da Luo Jinxian!"

"Use the curse scroll!"

Tianlong team left three scalp numb, as the captain of the young suit out of a scroll.

Then aim at Su Xun and tear it open.

There was a gust of wind and nothing happened.

The three people were directly confused.

"How could that be..."

With a move, Su Xun tore the curse scroll into his hands, and he frowned.

He felt a familiar smell.

But maybe it's too long to remember.

"Who are you?"

Su Xun looked at the three.

Under the gaze of Su Xun's eyes, the three people couldn't bear falling from the air and fell on the ground.

"The trough! Who the hell is this guy stepping on the horse! Yuanshi Tianzun? "Master of Tongtian?"

The eyes of the strong men in martial arts clothes are red.


Su Xun searched the souls of the three people directly. At the moment when he invaded the souls of the three people, the souls would reveal themselves, but Su Xun stopped them.

A moment later, Su Xun's consciousness retreated from the three men's consciousness of the sea. Their souls exploded and they died completely.

"The main temple?"

Su Xun's mouth went up, and he said how could he feel familiar. At the beginning, he also met the main temple in a copy world composed of games.

He also robbed the main temple of the main God and made another system for Tang Xuanzang.

At that time, the LORD God was cursed by him. I don't know if he is still alive.

Is this God still a race?

At this time, the air was full of wind and clouds, and a huge vortex appeared in the sky.

Everyone can feel that there is something strong coming to this world in this way.

Sensing the movement of Tongtian sect leader, Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi, the four turned into Hongguang.

If it was not for JunTi and Jieyin who swore that they would not step into the East, they would have come.

"What's the matter?" Nu Wa frowned and asked.

Su Xun stood with a negative hand and looked at the whirlpool above the sky: "a fool wants to cross the border to send his head."

The next moment, the sky and the earth were dim, and a crack appeared in the sky. A huge human head came out of the whirlpool and stopped after seeing Su Xun's five saints.

He just sensed that the reincarnation was searched and died in this world, so he came to have a look.

But I didn't expect that as soon as the horse's head stretched out from the passage, he saw five saints on the opposite side.

What a surprise!

Although the cultivation of these five sages is not high, he can't deal with them alone.

Then he just poked his head out and tried to pull back.

"Stuck, can't you get out? Let me help you. What I like most is helping others. "

With a smile, Su Xun reached out, grabbed his hair and pulled it out.

Tongtian, Nuwa, Yuanshi, Laozi four people at the same time.


The main spirit was pulled out of the void channel by the five people, and the ground broke down at the moment of landing.

Then he quickly got up and shrunk to normal human form.

Su Xun's five men surrounded him from five directions.

"I'm just a part. Let me go, or I'll fall here, and I'll disturb you."

The Lord divided himself and tried to negotiate with the five.

He only has the cultivation of sanpinsheng, and he has no many magic weapons of noumenon. He can't be the opponent of the five sages, so he can only try to solve the problem peacefully.

"When we are really the sieve in the world of flood and famine, you saints from other countries will come and leave as soon as you want?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the God expressed Su Xun's words, then offered a sacrifice to Yu Ruyi, and rushed up first.

Taishanglaojun is the second, Tongtian sect leader is the third, Nuwa is the fourth, and Sushen is the fifth.

Five against one, and no matter in the number of people or in cultivation are dominant, the separation of the Lord and God can only support hard, and even have no chance to fight back.

"If you bully more than you bully less, you'll be a hero. You'll have a good time one-on-one!" The Lord divided himself into rage.

Su Xun chuckled, raised his hand and chopped out: "no, I'm playing very well now.""You forced me!" The Lord roared, his body suddenly expanded and wanted to explode.

As soon as he dies, noumenon will feel it, and then noumenon will avenge him.

"He's going to blow himself up. Go back!"

In an instant, the five men's magic weapon was exhausted, isolating the Lord and God from each other and withdrawing tens of thousands of miles at the same time.

"Damn it

Looking at the five saints running fast, the main god can not help but burst a rude, but at this time has not stopped, the body exploded.


A sage blew himself up. Even if there were many magic weapons to block and isolate him, he could not help but collapse. A huge pit with a depth of 1000 meters appeared in the original place.

At the same time, a young man in white robe opened his eyes in the deep void of xuanyue continent, the holy land of the upper three states. He tore the space and disappeared.

"If you say you're going to explode, you're going to explode. It's so decisive."

The leader of Tongtian sect had some feelings. After all, the higher their accomplishments, the more they cherish their lives. Let alone the self explosion of saints, they have never heard of it.

"He is just a separate body. If the body does not die, there are ways to revive him." Nu Wa's voice was cold.

"Here we are," he said

as like as two peas in the next moment, the figure that looks exactly the same as the God's spirit is coming out of the void.

White, purple hair, golden eyes, look indifferent, eyes indifferent to everything, as if everything in the world in his eyes is just a meaningless symbol.

Five people suddenly pressure mountain big, each other is just a look, enough to make them sweat.

Su Xun couldn't see through his accomplishments, but he had the feeling that he had kicked the iron plate today.


The main myth sound falls, a purple gold spear carries the supreme power to seek the thorn to su.

Because Su Xun is the strongest of the four.

This spear carries the power of rules. There is no way to hide it, only hard.

"Mother Ganlin!"

Su Xun took out the sky demon bow and shot an arrow.


The arrow collided with the divine spear. The arrow was broken and the divine spear was intact, but it was so shocked that it deviated from the track. It was very dangerous for it to pass Su Xun's neck.

"Heaven demon royal family?"

There was a slight fluctuation in the Lord's eyes.

"This bow is for God."

The main myth sound falls, one hand grasps to Su Xun.

Suddenly, he took his hand back.

Because in the void, a giant palm was pressed to the LORD God as if it had overturned the sky. It was clear that the giant palm was all over the world, but Su Xun was not in the palm.

"A strong witness! no He Dao Jie Zhu

God's face can no longer maintain as usual indifferent, pale, and then a bite of teeth out of a similar straw man's magic weapon, disappeared from the original place.

In the void of a million miles away, the God appeared in confusion. His face was pale, and his mouth was covered with golden bloodstains. He looked back in fear, and then used the magic weapon to escape again regardless of his injuries.

Damn it!

Why is there a strong man in a world where the number of saints is less than ten!

Just then, he was forced to use the holy things of the protoss to save his life. So Rao's cultivation fell from the eighth grade to the fifth grade.

But he didn't have the slightest reluctance and anger. What he had was the joy of surviving. He was glad that the Lord of the world didn't do his best, otherwise he would die.

However, the sky demon royal family has a relationship with a powerful man. What do they want to do?

In the world of flood and famine.

Su Xun was also immersed in the power of that palm, and he didn't come back for a long time.

That seems overwhelming, but it is only aimed at the LORD God, forcing the other party to run away. What kind of power is this?

The next moment, an old man flew in.

"Meet the teacher."

Nuwa, the leader of Tongtian sect, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, all four worshipped the old man.

Su Xun also knew the identity of this person, the first person in the Honghuang world - Hongjun ancestor.

"See you."

Su Xun also gave a gift.

It's not advice, it's respect for industry leaders.


Hongjun nodded and waved his hand. The next second, Su Xun disappeared with him. There were only four people looking at each other, each with his own mind.

When Su recovered, he found himself in a magnificent hall.

"This is Zixiao palace."

Hongjun came over and waved his hand. There was a table and a set of tea sets.

"Bodhi tea, try it."

Su Xun was a little nervous. He took a cup and tasted it: "good tea."

"What's good about it?" Hongjun asked.

As soon as Su Xun's face was stiff, I said it casually. The good thing was that I couldn't tell what was good.

Hongjun obviously didn't want to embarrass him: "don't be too nervous. If I can't accommodate you, you won't have the chance to make trouble in the Honghuang world for so long.""What Laozu said is." Su Xun is clever.

"What do you want to ask?" Hongjun said slowly

"Why did you disturb Fengshen even though I was a boy?" Su Xun was very curious about this.

Hongjun said with a smile: "the thing of God worship is just born in response to the disaster. The most important thing is the disaster, not the God worship. Besides, I think your humane god worship is also a little interesting."

To put it bluntly, his existence has long been merciless, so he will not interfere in human affairs. Fengshen is just born in response to robbery. It doesn't matter if he has been robbed. Haotian can't recruit people himself. Who is to blame?

"Dare to ask Laozu, what is he Dao?" Su Xun only knew how to testify. The end of the sage was the way to testify. But just now, the LORD God clearly said that Hongjun was the leader of the world.

Hongjun replied: "he Dao is a helpless act after the failure of the demonstration of Dao. He agrees with the Dao of heaven and incarnates the Dao of heaven, but he has no hope for the road all his life. If the world of flood and famine is broken, the Dao of heaven will die, and I will die, so he can't leave the world of he Dao for too long."

That is to say, most of the monks pursue the way, while Hongjun proves the way of heaven. Although he has strong strength, he is also bound with the Honghuang world, which is equivalent to the real sense of the Lord of a world and the Lord of the world.

He can leave honghuangjie, but if he leaves too long, honghuangjie will be broken without the protection of heaven, and then he will fall.

The strength of the road is unrestrained.

The strength of harmony lies in certain constraints.

The former is better than the latter. After all, what monks pursue is complete freedom.

In a world, there can only be one person who is in harmony with the Tao, but there can be many people who are in harmony with the Tao.

"Thank you for your help." Thank you, Sushen.

Hongjun looked at him: "now it's your turn to answer my question. I can't figure out where you come from. You don't seem to exist. There is no trace to find."

He is the leader of the world. He is one of the few strong men in the world, but even he is not able to understand Su Xun.

This is also the reason why he is interested in Su Xun.

"I come from xuanyue mainland, but I don't know why I can't be counted as me." Of course, Su Xun won't say anything about the system, but it can be seen that the system is more powerful than Hongjun's ancestor at the level of he Dao.

Who made such a hanging thing?

"Xuanyue continent?"

Hongjun repeated, and then said, "the universe is so big. Before joining the Tao, I traveled all over the universe, but I never heard of the name of xuanyue."

Su Xun didn't care. After all, there were so many planets and so many worlds in the universe. No one could guarantee that he would travel all over the world.

"Meeting each other is predestination. Leave this thing for your self-protection." Hongjun handed Su Xun a jade medal.

Su Xun didn't ask what it was, so he accepted it directly: "thank you for your reward, boy. Thank you very much."

"Go ahead." With a wave of Hongjun's hand, Su Xun left Zixiao palace and appeared outside Chuzhou City.

He brought the jade brand into the system space.

At the same time, Hongjun in Zixiao palace frowned, and the jade plate lost contact with him.


There was a strange color in his eyes.

Outside the city of Chuzhou, seeing Su Xun coming back, several people from Yuanshi Tianzun met him at the same time.

"What did the teacher say?" Nu Wa asked.

Su Xun shook his head: "nothing."

"You stirred Fengshen into a pot of porridge, but the teacher didn't say anything?" It's unbelievable.

Su Xun shrugged: "who knows?"


A month later, the whole territory of Xiqi was captured, and Jifa, king of Wu, burned himself in the palace like King Zhou.

Since then, the world of flood and famine has been unified in a real sense, with books and cars on the same track, while Su Xun claims to be the first emperor of the three emperors and five emperors.

It is the first emperor of the Han Dynasty. The date is the first year of the first emperor.

In March of the first emperor's year, fengshentai was granted the title of God.

Hundreds of officials gathered outside the Fengshen platform. At a glance, there were nearly a thousand people. The Han soldiers with black armor, red feathers and masks stood on both sides.

"The emperor arrived -"

with a roar of thunder, all the civil and military officials and the guards knelt on the ground.

"I wish the emperor peace."

In the magnificent music composed of chime bells, drums and horns, the emperor arrived at fengshentai.

Su Xun got off the imperial chariot and ordered Gong Bao to be the God.

Dressed in a red official uniform, Shen Gongbao bravely held back his excitement and opened the list of gods: "the emperor announced that the world came from the summer, the vassals were under separate rule, the wars were incessant, then there was no way for the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty was in chaos, now..."

"The emperor appointed Li Jing as the king of tota. The general manager was still busy with the military affairs of the whole country."

Li Jing's pagoda is a copy of Su Xun's from Li Jing on his journey to the West.

It's all returned to its original owner. Anyway, it's all Li Jing.

With the fall of Shen Gongbao's voice, a wave of humanitarian spirit poured into Li Jing's body, making his accomplishments soar."The emperor granted Zhao Gongming the title of the true king of the Golden Dragon Ruyi Zhengyi dragon Huxuan altar."

"The emperor granted Xiao the title of emperor Zhaobao."

"To prevent Cao Bao from becoming the God of treasure."

"Royal seal Shiji for the moon Travel Star King."


Most people still follow the divinity in the original works of Fengshen, which really elevated the heaven.

Lingxiao hall, Haotian God's face is as deep as water.

Through the Kunlun mirror, we can see the affairs of God worship in the world.

The list is very long. Shen Gongbao is still reading it.

"Emperor Haotian is the Jade Emperor, in charge of the affairs of heaven..."

"Bang Dang!"

Haotian God kicked over the imperial case, and his eyes were red. He didn't expect that Su Xun was crazy, and he even sealed him as the king of heaven.

"What a shame! That's ridiculous

He can only be powerless and furious, because his Hongjun father no longer loves him and doesn't support him.

After the end of the canonization, except for the Jade Emperor, everyone was very happy. They all kowtowed to the emperor's kindness.

Su Xun also received a prompt to complete the task.

[congratulations on the completion of the mission: defending human power. 】

[reward: Daochen. 】

"what is the trace?"

Su Xun took a look at the introduction and found that it was a post engraved with a trace. They all said that the road had no trace, but now he got a trace.

The system is going against the sky.

With this trace, he can understand it when he wants to testify, which will be of great help.

Alas, it's not easy for him to come to this stage with his own efforts.

Two months later, Su Xun left a separate body and left Honghuang world with Nu Wa and Tongtian sect leader.

He had intended to deceive yuanshitianzun and taishanglaojun away, but he thought that Hongjun's ancestors were just two capable younger brothers. I'm afraid he would not allow them.

So he gave up the idea. When they were needed, he could come and help them.

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