Taizhou, Yunxia mansion.

In a courtyard in the back mountain of Yunxia sword sect.

"Is this the xuanyue kingdom?"

Tongtian sect leader in red robe and Nuwa in white dress perceive this new world.

The laws of this world are obviously more complete than those of the Honghuang world, which is higher than that of the Honghuang world.

"There are 14 states in xuanyue mainland. The upper three states are Yunzhou, Tianzhou and Shenzhou. These three states are more dangerous. Don't go to other places for the time being. If you have enough, go to Lingzhou." Su Xun gave each of them a jade card of Yin Si's identity.

Playing with the green jade card, Tongtian sect leader casually asked, "don't you need any help here?"

"I'll call you when I need you." Su Xun said lightly.

People are all saints. We can't think of tying them around at any time. Just don't drop the chain when we should fight side by side.

He found out to mix, relying on more brothers!

Nuwa nodded: "good."

Then she pulled out a strand of hair and gave it to Su Xun: "if the strand of hair burns out, I can follow it."

She and Su Xun were called Double monks. They had no feelings, but they were very close. After all, when they had a divine relationship, they were once in harmony.

There is no secret between gods and souls. Is there a more intimate relationship in the world?

Of course, it was Nu Wa who had no secrets in his eyes. His secrets were blocked by the system, and some things Nu Wa couldn't see when she was in Shenjiao.

If one word is used to describe the relationship between two people, it is a very close, strong relationship between fixed guns, friends Ah, no, regular friends.

"Me too." Tongtian also learned from Nu Wa and gave Su Xun a hair.

Then Tongtian and Nuwa left, and they went in different directions to explore the new world.

As soon as they left, Mengling arrived.

"Master, there are just two breath..."

"It's my good friend." Su Xun said.

Meng Ling pursed his mouth: "I see. I thought it was from Taiyi sword sect and Yin Yang Sword sect."

When she said this, she felt bitter. The once famous Yunxia sword sect was like a sieve. Unless the mountain protection battle was opened for a long time, any Saint could fly through it.

But this level of mountain protection array needs to consume a lot of Xianjing to maintain. The waning Yunxia sword sect can't maintain this high consumption at all.

What does this situation amount to.

It's equivalent to a person who has lost money from a billionaire to a millionaire. He has a tens of millions of sports cars at home that he once bought. He can still afford to drive them from time to time, but he can't afford to drive them for a long time.

This is the mountain protection array of Yunxia sword sect.

"By the way, I haven't asked, what's the purpose of your three sects in discussing swords." Su Xun suddenly thought of this.

The three schools discuss swords once every 100 years. It's not just for the sake of fighting for priority and showing off.

After all, Jianzong is not a group of Buddhists who need to fight for their beliefs. On the surface, fame is more important than anything, because they rely on it to attract believers.

But the friars are more concerned with actual interests.

Besides, the Yunxia sword sect allows the free cultivation outside the sword sect to participate in this discussion. But why do these free cultivation participate in this discussion? It's not just for the sake of being famous.

Therefore, there must be something good to drive this argument, which is going on rain or shine every hundred years.

Mengling replied: "the elder is not a Taizhou friar. It's normal not to know about this. The three schools of swordsmanship are fighting for the entrance to a secret place."

In Mengling's narration, Su Xun finally knew what happened to the three schools of sword argument that happened every hundred years.

The reason why Taizhou sword repair is so popular is that about 25000 years ago, a peerless sword repair appeared in Taizhou, which shocked xuanyue 14 Prefecture.

His name is gongyangbai. He has been wandering around fourteen states with one sword from Daluo Jinxian to Qipin saint. He has never been defeated in the same stage, but what really makes him famous is discussing swords with a Jiupin saint.

In the end, the Jiupin sage lost, and clearly said that throughout the fourteen states, there was no one in kendo.

In other words, gongyangbai is not the best in xuanyue in terms of cultivation and strength, but he is the first person in xuanyue in terms of kendo.

He was recognized as the God of sword by the friars of fourteen states.

After that, gongyangbai returned to Taizhou and founded tianjianzong. For a time, tianjianzong was famous in xuanyue mainland.

But later gongyangbai was besieged to death when he was fighting for a treasure. His tomb became a secret place in his small world.

After gongyangbai's death, tianjianzong was also split. Yunxia sword sect evolved from tianjianzong.

Although Yin Yang Sword sect and Taiyi sword sect were established after Yunxia sword sect, their founders were also disciples of Tianjian sect, so they are the same branch.

In the past, Yunxia sword sect monopolized the mysterious realm of sword. Later, Taiyi sword sect and Yinyang sword sect appeared, so they were the branches of tianjianzong's blood. They only wanted to share it.However, the secret place of sword God is limited. It can only be opened once every 100 years, and only 50 people can enter each time. Moreover, its cultivation can not exceed that of Taiyi Jinxian. In order to allocate the number of people, the tradition of three schools discussing swords appears every 100 years.

"Since the quota is so tight, the Yunxia sword sect allows people outside the three sects to participate. How can the Yinyang sword sect and the Taiyi sword sect agree?" Su Xun asked.

Meng Ling said with a bitter smile: "the Yin Yang Sword sect and the Taiyi sword sect know the Yunxia sword sect very well. We have almost no chance of the top 50 in this year's sword discussion, so in their view, it's just that they are competing for the 50 places."

"As for those casual practitioners, they didn't pay attention to them at all. Even if a few of them were lucky enough to be promoted to the top 50, the ones who got in most were their disciples, who could kill people."

"And I allowed the free cultivation to participate. At the beginning, I wanted to use it as a favor, so that those who were promoted in the secret place could protect the little demon from the two evil forces."

"How can that stupid beep sword man be?" From his straightforward language, Su Xun could feel Mengling's good intentions to protect Zhenyao sword.

Only one Zhenyao sword of the Yunxia sword sect has a chance to be promoted to the top 50 and get the place to enter the secret realm. However, if he goes in alone, his strength is weak and he is likely to be solved by the two factions.

So Mengling used the self-confidence of the two factions to allow sanxiu to participate, so many sanxiu, there are always a few who can be promoted, they owe the favor of Yunxia sword sect.

They have to pay for protecting the safety of Zhenyao sword in the secret place. In any case, it gives Zhenyao sword more hope to live.

The Zhenyao sword is also the hope for the rise of Yunxia sword sect, so it must not die in a secret place.

"Don't worry, he can't die with me." Su Xun put on a strong force with a flat tone.

Father should protect his son.

Mengling said: "the master used secret techniques to suppress cultivation, and cheated the people of Yin Yang Sword sect and Taiyi sword sect, but he was a saint after all and couldn't get into the secret place."

Su Xun was satisfied if he could help Yunxia sword sect save her last face. As for entering the secret place to protect Zhenyao sword, it was impossible.

"If I can cheat them, I can cheat gongyangbai." Su Xun doesn't think so. Even Hongjun can be cheated by the system. Can't he get a seven grade gongyangbai?

Mengling saw that Su Xun was so confident, and he wanted to talk for several times, but finally he didn't say anything.

Su Xun asked again, "the seventh grade sage will not die so easily. Is gongyangbai really dead?"

The higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to die. Even if he committed suicide, there were some means to revive him. A seven grade sage died completely, which Su Xun thought was impossible.

"I don't know." Mengling shakes her head. After all, she is not gongyangbai.

However, she felt that most of them were dead. Otherwise, after more than 10000 years, they would have been resurrected.


Two months later.

The day when the three schools of swordsmanship officially started.

There are a lot of people in the martial arts arena of Yunxia sword school.

"Yin Yang Sword sent here!"

With a loud drink, I saw a group of disciples in black and white, armed with swords, headed by a middle-aged man in black robes.

The middle-aged man, surnamed ye, is the three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect.

"Taiyi sword sent here!"

A group of disciples in white robes and swords came into the hall. All of them raised their heads and looked proud.

The leader of the team was an old man with white hair and warm face, also wearing a white robe.

In contrast, even at the home of Yunxia sword sect, the disciples of Yunxia sword sect are not enough.

Yin Yang Sword sect and Taiyi sword sect took their seats in the north and south of the martial arts arena respectively. Yunxia sword sect, as the host, is located in the East, while sanxiu group is located in the West.

In the middle, there are five challenge arenas, namely, a, B, C and D. those who participate in the contest draw lots to fight in pairs. In the end, only ten challenge masters are left in each arena, and a total of 50 people are qualified to enter the secret realm.

In the scattered repair pile, Hua Ziyu saw Su Xun standing behind Meng Ling, and his eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

Because he remembered that this guy had just come to Yunxia mansion. How did he become a disciple of Yunxia sword sect?

But then he seemed relieved.

"All of you are Taizhou fellows. You must know what the top 50 swordsmen represent. Now, please come to draw lots." Mengling said.

As the voice of Mengling falls, everyone goes forward to draw lots in order, and those who draw the same number are the opponents.

No matter how many people participate, after layer upon layer elimination, only 50 people will be left.

And as soon as you enter the challenge arena, you will be conceited of life and death.

"No.1, please go to the challenge!"

A disciple of the Yin Yang Sword sect flew to the challenge arena, looked around and yelled.

"Yizi 16, please fight!"

"Bingzi No.47, please make a decision!"

Soon, the five challenge arenas were full.

Su Xunfei went to the No.1 challenge arena, arched his hand to the disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect, and showed a harmless smile: "please, Taoist brother."His smile is innocent and innocent. At first sight, it is the kind of chicken that has never been killed since childhood.

He didn't kill a chicken, he didn't get on a chicken.

"Let me see that you Yunxia sword sect have some true biographies of Tianjian sect." The disciples of Yin Yang Sword sect sneer.

It's obviously dismissive of Yunxia sword sect.

Su Xun: "I hope Taoist brother will show mercy."

"Fear of death is no challenge!" The disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect scoff. The long sword comes out of its sheath, and the air of the sword rushes into the sky. When they come up, they make a big move and want to kill.

We can see from this that it's not random. It's obviously well prepared.

Su Xun waved, and the Dragon Kwai sword appeared in his hand. Then he cut it carelessly.

"Puyi -"

the disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect suddenly became separated by Yin and Yang.

The head slowly rolled down on the challenge arena, eyes full of consternation and loss.


In an instant, there was an uproar.

How difficult is it to kill in the same stage?

But Su Xun downplayed the killing of a late monk of Taiyi Jinxian, which made people not surprised.

Besides, Yunxia sword sect is weak. How dare you kill the disciples of Yinyang sword sect? Is that ok?

"If you dare to hurt a killer, you're really a person with a bad heart!" The three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect yelled angrily.

Other disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect were also staring at Su Xun, and they had a lot of killing opportunities in their eyes.

Su Xun laughed: "he wants to kill me."

So I killed him. Is that a problem?

"Elder ye, since you are in the challenge arena, you should be proud of your life and death." Mengling looked at the three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect and said.

"Good! Yunxia sword sect is very good The three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect laughed angrily and sat back again.

Su Xun didn't pay attention to your old silly beep. He put away his dragon Kwai sword and left the challenge arena, waiting for the second round of draw.

In the challenge arena, Huaziyu and zhenyaojian also beat their opponents respectively, but they didn't kill each other.

Hua Ziyu went directly to Su Xun after going down to the challenge arena: "I didn't expect that brother Su was a disciple of Yunxia sword sect. It's really hard to hide it from me."

The tone was obviously teasing, satirizing Su Xun, a disciple of the fake Yunxia sword sect.

"I didn't mean to hide it. I just joined Yunxia sword sect two days ago." Su Xun was serious.

To this kind of shameless spirit, Hua Ziyu gave full affirmation with speechless attitude.

"But brother Su killed the disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect. I'm afraid it will be difficult next." Hua Ziyu is concerned.

Su Xun also sighed: "yes, next time I met the disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect, I had to kill them all."

Hua Ziyu

This forced me to be caught off guard.

You think the people of Yin Yang Sword sect are watermelon.

You want to kill it?

"In any case, brother Su's courage is worth affirming." Hua Ziyu seriously encouraged.

One morning passed, the first round ended, and the second round began. Su Xun was No.1 again.

Su Xun took the lead in flying to the "a" arena and looked around for a week: "those who hold the" a "number one, please fight."

A sanxiu came out of the crowd.

"Wait!" At this time, the three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect suddenly stopped.

Everyone looked at him.

He looked at Su Xun coldly, and then said, "Jun Xian, you go to exchange jade autographs with that man."

"Yes, master." A young man with sword eyebrows answered and went to the sanxiu.

"It's Li Junxian, the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, the head of Yin Yang Sword sect. It seems that Yin Yang Sword sect is determined to kill the disciple of Yunxia sword sect."

"Yes, the Yin Yang Sword sect has always been protecting its weaknesses. The Yunxia sword sect is weak. This time, that man is more or less in danger."

"If you want to blame him, you can only blame him for killing first..."

There was a lot of discussion among the people. There were sympathizers and schadenfreuders looking at Su Xun.

However, the disciples of Yunxia sword sect are very indignant and humiliated to the behavior of Yin Yang Sword sect.

Mengling wanted to open her mouth. After all, the Yin Yang Sword sect broke the rules by changing the sign. However, as soon as she was about to open her mouth, Su Xun stopped her with his eyes.

This time, she used her eyes. I'm afraid it's Su Xun's brothers who will stop her later.

The sanxiu naturally did not dare to disobey the Yin Yang Sword sect, so he had to exchange jade slips with Li Junxian.

Then Li Junxian pointed his foot and fell opposite Su Xun. Looking at him, he said faintly, "before you die, you have the right to let me know your name."

When you open your mouth, you are forced to do it.

"But you have no right to know."

Su Xun hated this kind of forced crime. Maybe it was the so-called mutual repulsion of the same kind.

Li Junxian said, "no matter how sharp your mouth is, when my sword goes through your throat, it will not make a sound."

As his voice fell, he grasped and roared in the void, and countless swords appeared behind him, which filled the sky."To solve you, just one move."

Li Junxian gave a scornful smile, and then soon the smile on his face became stiff, because Su Xun didn't know when he had pinched his neck and lifted him up.

"You're right. You only need one move to solve it."

Su Xun said softly with a smile.


All of a sudden, it was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, and everyone stood up.

"How could that be! When did he do it? "

"Li Junxian didn't even have a chance to do it!"

"Is this the heavenly pride hidden in Yunxia sword sect?"

Everyone was full of shock, because they couldn't understand why Su Xun was so unreasonable.

Of course, it's because he's a bully. Is there any difficulty for graduate students to beat primary school students?

Hua Ziyu looked at Su Xun, and his eyes flashed with inexplicable colors.

"Stop! If you dare to kill him, you will never die with me The three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect have red eyes and fierce murders.

Mengling's long sleeve was thrown, and the breath was in a tit for tat confrontation with the three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect: "elder ye, it's not appropriate for the people under the challenge arena to threaten the people on the challenge arena."

"If Li Junxian dies, he will die too!" The three elders of Yin Yang Sword sect don't care about Mengling's attitude at all.

Li Junxian is one of the outstanding young disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect. He has reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian after a thousand years of practice. The great Luo is around the corner, and the sage is expected.

If he died here, it would be equivalent to breaking the future of the Yin Yang Sword sect. As the three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect, he would never tolerate it.

"It really scared me to death."

Su Xun's face was frightened.

The three elders of Yin Yang Sword sect were relieved: "if you let him go, he will admit defeat. Let bygones be bygones."

Of course, this is bullshit. After entering the secret world, the Yin Yang Sword sect could not kill Su Xun because of the large number of people.

"Dare you kill me?"

Li Junxian forced to endure the humiliation in his heart and showed a provocative expression to cover up his inner reluctance.

"Of course not." Su Xun shook his head.



Li Junxian's neck was pinched and broken.

Then a fire burned from its body, burning its spirit and body to ashes.

Killing people and destroying corpses.

"Oh, my hand is slipping."

Su Xun looks at elder Ye apologetically.

For a moment, the audience was dead.

It's so quiet that you can only hear people breathing.

"I want to die!"

Elder Ye roared hysterically, his eyes were red, and he cut Su Xun with his finger as a sword.


With a wave of Mengling's sleeve, a jade hairpin turns into a long sword and flies out, blocking elder Ye's attack.

"Elder ye, you are conceited of life and death in the challenge arena. Is it too much for you to attack our disciples of Yunxia sword sect?"

Mengling coldly looks at elder ye and asks.

"Yes, elder ye, if you break the rules like this again, my Taiyi sword sect won't sit back and ignore it."

The leader of Taiyi sword sect is Zhou Jun, the elder of punishment. He said carelessly.

The declining Yunxia sword sect is no longer regarded as an opponent by the Taiyi sword sect. The Yin Yang Sword sect is the enemy. Therefore, the death of the promising Li Junxian of the Yin Yang Sword sect is a good thing for the Taiyi sword sect.

Elder ye forbeared the anger in his heart, looked at Su Xun's gnashing teeth and said: "well, you are very good, younger generation, I hope you can come out alive."

"Thank you for your blessing. I will live up to your expectations." Su Xun said seriously.

All the people were twitching. They had never seen Su Xun who was so deadly.

Brother, that's a saint. One finger can kill you. How many lives do you have? So arrogant.

Su Xun stepped down from the challenge arena. In the next few rounds of drawing lots, all the people who met him voluntarily admitted defeat.

There was no pressure to make it to the top 50.

Yunxia sword sect promoted him and Zhenyao sword. Six of them were promoted in sanxiu, including his fair friend Hua Ziyu, 25 of Taiyi sword sect, and only 17 of Yin Yang Sword sect after losing Li Junxian.

Although there are only two people who are promoted in the end, they all shine brilliantly in the challenge arena.

However, everyone thought it was a pity, because no one knew that the two men who were carrying the hope of the rise of Yunxia sword sect might be dying in a secret place.

After all, no matter how powerful they were, they were just Taiyi Jinxian, who couldn't stop seventeen friars at the same level.

That night, the crowd came to a cliff.

Wait here for the secret to open.

"Brother Su, when you go in, you should be careful of the Yin Yang Sword sect."

Hua Ziyu kindly came to Su Xun to remind him.

He is a warm-hearted person, and Su Xun's sexual orientation is normal. Although he hasn't tried, he can feel it.Su Xun took a look at the disciples of Yin Yang Sword sect who were ten steps away. All of them looked at him coldly and made no secret of their murders. They obviously received the order to keep him in the secret place.

Su Xun gave them a kind smile. After all, he was a nuclear peace lover.

Of course, his smile in the eyes of the disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect was chiguoguo's provocation.

Suddenly, the aura of heaven and earth became violent, and a vortex slowly formed in the middle of the cliff.

All the meditators opened their eyes.

"Everyone enters orderly. You have seven days to look for opportunities in it. After seven days, you will be sent out automatically." The dream spirit floats beside the whirlpool.

One monk after another kept coming in. When it was Su Xun's turn, Meng Ling raised his heart to his throat.

Seeing that Su Xun was not blocked by the ban and successfully entered the secret place, she was relieved.

If Su Xun is blocked out, the fact that the Yunxia sword sect is looking for someone to cheat will be exposed, and the last face of the Yunxia sword sect will be gone.


In the mysterious realm of sword.

Everyone came in through the entrance and was in a steep valley.

Seventeen disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect quickly surrounded Su Xun and Zhenyao sword.

The reason why they can't wait is not because they can't wait to die, but because they are afraid of Su Xun running away.

"We only want to take revenge for killing these two people. It has nothing to do with other people. Please stay away from them, so as not to hurt them by mistake."

Cried a disciple of the Yin Yang Sword sect.

The disciples of Taiyi sword sect and several sanxiu all flew to the top of the valley to watch the battle. Only Hua Ziyu didn't leave, but took the initiative to enter the encirclement.

"Boy, do you want to be nosy?"

A disciple of Yin Yang Sword sect said coldly.

Hua Ziyu's gentle smile: "you say it is. I like to make friends. If I don't help my friends, is it still called friends?"

Su Xun was a little surprised. After all, he has been treating Hua Ziyu as a friend.

I didn't expect that Hua Ziyu was willing to stand up and help him in this situation.

"Since you're bent on death, I'll help you!"

Killing two is killing, killing three is killing. The disciples of Yin Yang Sword sect don't care about killing one more person.

"Don't come here! One step further, but don't blame me for being impolite! "

Su Xun warned seriously.

"Ha ha ha, joke, do you think it's still fighting alone in the challenge arena? Kill him

The disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect swarmed up.

Hua Ziyu just wanted to do it. Zhenyao sword pulled him out of the battlefield: "let's not make trouble."

"What?" Hua Ziyu looks confused.

Looking at the rushing disciples of Yin Yang Sword sect, Su Xun sighed: "why do you have to force me?"

Then, one step out, one hand out.


A giant hand came down from the sky in the frightened eyes of the disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect, which had the power of shaking the heaven and shaking the earth. The disciples of the Yin Yang Sword sect died in an instant.

There is a silence between heaven and earth.

Seventeen Taiyi sword sects were wiped away in an instant, but not a single stone was broken in the valley.

"Let's go."

Su Xun threw his sleeve gun and looked at the Zhen demon sword and the shocked Hua Ziyu spit out two words.

After Su Xun, Hua Ziyu, who was fascinated by Zhenyao jiantuo, walked to the secret place.

The friars on both sides of the valley were very confused.

It's been a long time.

There's a dreamy trance.

"Just And die like that? "

"The seventeen Taiyi golden immortals were wiped away with one palm? He Is he really Taiyi? "

"What kind of monster is this?"

"It's true that these large-scale gates can't be underestimated no matter how declining they are. The emaciated camel is bigger than the horse."

Everyone is thirsty, just that scene in their mind for a long time.

Seventeen Taiyi Jinxian, without any resistance, were wiped away in an instant.

It's as simple as drawing a symbol on the paper. Is this really the strength of Taiyi Jinxian?

Did they fix a fake fairy?

On the other side, Hua Ziyu came back for a long time and looked at Su Xun: "what kind of cultivation are you?"

"Taiyi Jinxian, why, isn't it obvious enough?" Su Xun's answer was straightforward.

Hua Ziyu said with a bitter smile, "have you ever seen a Taiyi Jinxian who can destroy 17 Taiyi Jinxian in one hand?"

"Yes, I am." Su Xun replied.

Hua Ziyu was speechless, but he was sure that Su Xun was not the so-called Taiyi Jinxian.

Most of them use some special method to suppress their own cultivation and enter the secret realm.As for Su Xun's original cultivation should be the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, because he knew that unless his cultivation was higher than gongyangbai's, the sage could not enter this secret place no matter what means he used to suppress his cultivation.

And the saint whose cultivation is higher than gongyangbai has no need to come to this secret place.

Su Xun said, "the small world is so big, only seven days. Where are we going now?"

"Come with me, I know the most precious part of it." Hua Ziyu took over the conversation and then explained, "my elders have come in."

After that, Hua Ziyu flew to the West with Su Xun and Zhenyao sword, ignoring the precious lights he met along the way, and arrived at a palace two days later.

The palace was inscribed with "sword Palace".

"This is the tomb of the sword." Zhenyao sword recognized it, because Mengling told him.

The sword God's body is inside.

Hua Ziyu's eyes flashed a special color: "yes, this is the sword tomb. It's all ordinary goods outside, and the real good things are in it."

"Do you have a way in?" Zhenyao sword remembers that Mengling said that the sword tomb is forbidden and can't be entered, so let him encounter it and don't waste time here.

Hua Ziyu didn't answer. He went forward and put his hand on the prohibition. Then the prohibition slowly dissipated.

The Zhenyao sword was shocked.

Seeing this, Su Xun said, "the elder you are talking about is the descendant of sword God."

He was a little suspicious. He had dragon spirit, which indicated that he was a royal son of Dayin Dynasty.

But it can break the prohibition of the sword God. Is the Dayin Dynasty actually established by the descendants of the sword God?

"Yes, I am a descendant of the sword God." Hua Ziyu admitted and said to Su Xun and Zhenyao sword, "I only want one thing after I go in, and I don't want the rest."

The implication is that I hope you don't fight with me, and I won't fight with you for anything else.

"Go ahead and talk about it." Su Xun said.

Hua Ziyu nodded: "you come with me."

Su Xun and Zhenyao sword followed him and entered the sword palace. After seven or eight twists and turns, they came to a secret room skillfully, as if they were going home.

It's a secret room. In fact, it's a hidden hall. In the middle of the hall, there is a transparent crystal coffin floating, in which lies a sword.

"This is the sword of the sword God. It's very handsome."

Zhenyao sword looks at the sword in the coffin.

The sword is like a ruby, warm and bright red, which gives people a kind of extremely weird beauty and makes people love it.

"Thank you for your compliment."

Hua Ziyu stroked the coffin, as if he could feel the sword through the coffin. His eyes became obsessed.

Zhenyao sword said with a smile: "I didn't praise you."

"You are praising me." Hua Ziyu said.

"What?" said Zhenyao sword

"Fool, it's obvious that he is the resurrected ram white." Su Xun rolled his eyes.

Zhenyao sword was stunned: "what!"

Hua Ziyu looked at Su Xun and said, "you are very smart."

"You didn't want to hide it after you entered the sword palace." Su Xun shook his head, and then said, "it's the same as going home. I have to go home."

"Yes, after more than 10000 years, I finally came back. Unfortunately, my body is useless." Hua Ziyu felt the coffin with some regret, and then shocked with force. The coffin broke, and a wisp of ghost poured into his body from the sword beside the body.

Then the breath of his whole body began to undergo earth shaking changes, and his cultivation continued to rise. Da Luo Jinxian was a saint in the early stage, later stage, peak stage.

At the same time, his body can't bear the sudden surge of cultivation, and only his soul is left.

"It's just one grade. At least it's enough for the time being." Gongyang Bai squeezed his fist, and then looked at Su Xun: "remember I said I would only take one thing when I came in? That's your body. Give it to me. "

"Gan! Can't it, the sword God? " Zhenyao sword looks at gongyangbai with a boastful face.

Gongyang Bai's soul slapped out, and the Zhenyao sword flew out directly, and was beaten back to its original shape.

"Damned horse! Do you know how hard it is for Laozi to transform himself? " Return to the original shape of Zhenyao sword.

This is the second time that he has been beaten back to his original shape. His whole sword is going crazy.

Su Xun looked at gongyangbai: "when I first met in the restaurant, you were greedy for my body."

"Yes, I can feel that your body is very special. Only in this way can I bear my soul."

Gongyangbai didn't deny that he had been greedy for Su Xun's body when he was chatting up in the restaurant.

After all, since ancient times, all men take the initiative to chat up, the ultimate goal is not for each other's body? Ծ̮Ծ

later, Su Xun disappeared. He was still disappointed, thinking that Su Xun had left Taizhou.

It was not until he saw Su Xun at the sword conference that he felt a sense of happiness.He was so concerned about Su Xun's safety that he was afraid that if he died, his body would be gone.

It is no exaggeration to say that before entering the sword palace, he was more concerned about his body than Su Xun himself.

Su Xun said, "what if I refuse?"

"You are not qualified to refuse, but I don't like extortion. As long as you promise, I will fulfill one of your wishes." Gongyang Bai is calm.

Su Xun shook his head: "you are too confident, you know I'm not just Taiyi Jinxian."

"Of course, it's Da Luo Jinxian, isn't it? But what then? " Gongyangbai asked with a smile.

His smile revealed an extremely strong self-confidence, as if everything was under his control.

Su Xun looked at him with silly eyes, and then his breath began to rise. Da Luo Jinxian, Saint grade one, grade two, grade three, grade four.

The smile on ram's white face suddenly became stiff, and was replaced by shock: "how can this be possible!"

He knows his own secret place so well that it is possible for Da Luo Jinxian to suppress cultivation with the help of secret treasure.

But saints can't get in at all! As long as there is a trace of origin, it will be excluded.

How did Su Xun get in!

"Ha ha ha, silly beep, big silly beep, my boss exists to break the impossible!"

The town demon sword laughed happily and couldn't wait to help Su Xun.

"For your good taste, all I can do is make you die more thoroughly this time."

"It's too much trouble for you to keep resurrecting."

Su Xun looked at ram Bai and said.

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