"Slow down! Since you are qualified to be my friend, we don't have to be enemies! "

Seeing that Su Xun wanted to do something, Gong yangbai quickly opened his mouth in an attempt to resolve the contradiction, but the gentleman didn't do anything.

But what he didn't know was that Su Xun didn't like the words of gentlemen, he only liked the words of beauties.

"I thought that Jian Xiu would rather bend than bend."

Su Xun had a sneering smile on his lips.

"I used to be the same, but after I folded it once, I realized that it might be wrong to rather bend than bend."

Gongyangbai doesn't think much of Su Xun's sarcasm.

From the time he wanted to take away Su Xun's body, he was no longer the God of sword.

He had already died once, and the purpose of his death had been achieved. It took him more than 10000 years to revive. The price was too high for him to die a second time.

After all, there are not only hard swords, but also soft swords. Sometimes soft swords hurt people more.

It's happy to be a man who can bend.

"You can live if you want, but why should I let you go?"

Su Xun looked at gongyangbai with a smile.

Gongyangbai said, "I was fighting for a treasure and was besieged. Do you want to know what I was fighting for? Can let a seven grade sage fall unexpectedly. "

Su Xun didn't answer, so he looked at him.

It's time to cooperate with your performance. I didn't see it.

"All right." Gongyangbai had been waiting for him to ask. Unexpectedly, Su Xun didn't follow the routine, so he had to sing by himself: "it's a key. It's a key that can enter the secret place left by the Taoist."

"It's the secret place left by the Taoist, but the Taoist won't fall. How can it be left?" Su Xun didn't believe it.

Gongyangbai said, "so it's a legend."

"For an uncertain legend, they surrounded and killed a seven grade sage?" Su Xun couldn't understand.

After all, the explosion of a saint of seven grades before his death is also terrible. Maybe he can take one away.

Gongyangbai also couldn't understand Su Xun's thought: "isn't that enough? Whether it's true or not, it's a ray of opportunity to preach, preaching! Do you understand? "

It's not a legend to follow, it's a rumor like a rootless duckweed, but as long as it's about sermon, it's bound to set off a storm.

It's just the difference between the size of wind and rain.

"I'm sorry, I almost forgot. I'm different from you poor men." Su Xun suddenly responded.

They have their own systems, bug like breakdowns, traces of Tao, and a lot of opportunities to testify.

So in his opinion, there is no need to fight for an uncertain legend.

But gongyangbai, a group of poor people, doesn't have as many opportunities as he does. Ninety nine percent of the saints can't see the hope of preaching in their whole life, so they usually cherish their lives. Seeing the opportunity of preaching is like a dog seeing excrement.

This is probably the so-called: smell excrement in the morning Ah, no, it's the morning news. I'll die in the evening.

Ram white

I just seem to be ridiculed by the other party?

"Let me go, and I'll tell you where the key is." Gongyangbai showed a confident smile.

He died because of this, and those guys also killed him because of this. He believed that no one in this world could refuse this huge temptation.

Su Xun nodded: "OK, it's a deal."

Although he has a breakthrough pill that can help him step into the last step, he can still do it without the help of external forces. After all, preaching is the perception of the law, otherwise there will only be an empty realm and the power of the Taoist will not be exerted.

Of course, if the process of getting the key is dangerous, he still chooses to use drugs.

Raise the realm first, and then fill it slowly.

"In Shenzhou, Yuzhong and Yuequan mountain, only I can untie the ban." Said ram Bai.

As long as he had the value of existence, Su Xun would not kill him in order to get the key.

In this process, he had plenty of opportunities and methods to get rid of Su Xun's control.

Then wait for the cultivation to recover, and then come back to revenge.

Su Xun frowned: "you mean, you set a seal, only you can untie the ban?"

"Of course, otherwise I'll die and the key will be taken. Then I'll die for nothing?" Gongyangbai is very resourceful for that key.

Su Xun said with a smile, "otherwise we'll make a bet. I don't believe that only you can open the ban."

"How to bet?" Gongyangbai is very interested.

Su Xun took out an ancient Axe: "I'll kill you, then I'll go to China to try, and I'll burn the result to you. If you win, I'll burn more paper money for you."

"Oh Oh, brother Su is really joking. " Ram white face unnaturally squeeze out a smile, and then suddenly sacrifice the long sword in the coffin and cut to Su Xun.

"You are a madman!"

He could see that Su Xun was not ready to let him go from beginning to end and did not play according to the routine.

Su Xun played down his sword which had been sleeping for more than 10000 years: "I made a gambling agreement with brother Gongyang sincerely. I didn't expect Gongyang to kill me. It really made me sad."Gongyangbai can die for that key once. How can he really give it to him? As a man, Su Xun knows that men's mouths are deceiving ghosts.

Gongyangbai is a saint of seven grades. After today's weak period, it's not easy to kill him again.

As for the key, Su Xun didn't ask for it at all. He didn't care if he got it or lost it.

So it's a big deal to kill the ram first.

"I have no deep hatred with you..."

"Isn't it hatred for me?"

Su Xun interrupted him directly and took Pan Gu's axe to chop him away. His cultivation was higher than that of Gongyang baisanpin in the spirit state. It was all-round hanging.

"I have written down this hatred!"

Gongyang white hate said, then ran out of the sword temple, at the same time the whole secret place began to collapse.

This is the small world he opened up. He wants to exchange the aftereffects of the collapse of the world for the chance to survive.

"Want to run? It's naive. The man I've been staring at hasn't been able to run away. "

Su Xun knew the truth that if you beat a snake, you'll never die, but you'll be hurt. The sky demon's bow pulled open and an arrow shot out.


An arrow burning green flame breaks through the air and goes away. This arrow is the result of land pressure.

The first flame between heaven and earth is an arrow.

Gongyangbai is just a force to escape, he knows there is an arrow behind him, after all, an arrow will not lose his life, but stop it may really die.

Puyi -

the rocket shot into RAM Bai's body.


Be inserted, into the moment, the ram white call.

What a deep shot! so painful!

A flame is burning his spirit, and ram Bai's current mana can't put it out.

Su Xun took out the chopping knife: "get out!"

When Lu Ya uses the chopping immortal Throwing Knife, he has to pay homage to it, because Lu Ya's Quasi holy cultivation can't hold the chopping immortal Throwing Knife, so he is asking for it.

But Su Xun didn't have to be used to it. He didn't listen to me. He just beat me out of the gourd.

As Su Xun's voice fell.

A pure white, with a pair of wings of the elf Ma Liu climbed out, riding on the gourd, white, fat appearance is very lovely.

But why does it often have tears in its eyes?

Maybe it is the deep love for this gourd.

"Kill him." Su Xun said.

The elf came out in a flash as a throwing knife.


Gongyangbai, who is burned by the divine fire, has not yet reacted. He is directly blasted by the chopping immortal Throwing Knife.

It's a good story that the sword God was killed by throwing knife.

Well, it's a good story for throwing knife.

Not necessarily for the sword God.

"Brother, what's this baby? You know me. I've loved children since I was a child."

The Zhenyao sword flew to Su Xun's side, and the strength of chopping immortal flying sword made him salivate.

You don't have to do it yourself. You can kill people automatically with a shout. It's so sweet.

"The world is going to collapse. Let's go."

Su Xun put away the chopping sword.


Zhenyao sword flew to gongyangbai's sword: "gongyangbai is dead, take the sword away."

"What's the matter?" Su Xun could see that the sword spirit in Gongyang white Sabre was a woman.

Zhenyao sword explained: "it's love."

"Before, Gongyang Bai's soul was in the sword. Was he and the sword spirit innocent?" Su Xun is very vicious.

Zhenyao sword said with righteous words: "you are human, you can't solve the sword, the sword is clean..."

Su Xun looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"Don't look at me. I was corrupted by Liu An and Mei pangzi." Zhenyao sword sighed.

With a wave of his hand, Su Xun swept away Gongyang Bai's sword and the pills and sword spectrum in the palace.

Then a sword split the gradually collapsed and fragmented sky, and flew out from the crack with the Zhenyao sword.

As for the life and death of others in the secret place, it has nothing to do with him. All he can do is silently bless.


In the valley.

The collapse of the secret caused a lot of movement.

After all, this is the collapse of a world.

"What's the matter? What's going on inside!"

Elder Ye of the Yin Yang Sword sect and elder Zhou Jun of the Taiyi sword sect are very nervous.

Because the most outstanding disciples of the young generation of the two schools are all in it. If something happens, this generation will be a fault, and the consequences will be very serious.

Mengling is calm, because there is Su Xun in it. She doesn't have to worry about the life safety of Zhenyao sword.

It's true that the Zhenyao sword is not life-threatening. It's just because the mouth is cheap and it's back to its original shape.

But soon she couldn't keep calm."The secret place is collapsing!"

Mengling blurted out in horror.

The small world of a seven grade sage collapses. Can master Su and Zhenyao sword really come out?

"Damn it! How could that be

"How could the secret place suddenly collapse!"

Even Mengling could not keep calm after he knew the secret place collapsed, let alone elder ye and Zhou Jun.

Suddenly, a purple streamer came out from the entrance of the collapsed secret place. This man was Su Xun.

"Sue Where's the little demon? What about the little demon

Mengling asked in panic. After all, Zhenyao sword is the hope of the whole clan.

"He's fine." Su Xun took out his sword.

"Master." The Zhenyao sword floats in the air.

Seeing this, Meng Ling was relieved. He was just beaten back to his original shape, as long as he was still alive.

"Boy! I ask you, our disciples of Yin Yang Sword sect, why only you come out! "

Elder Ye flew to Su Xun and asked.

"I'm not their wild father. How can I know what happened to them?" In the face of the old yin yang man of the Yin Yang Sword school, Su Xun was not polite.

Elder Ye was very angry: "you are presumptuous..."

"Elder ye, the most important thing now is the safety of the disciples." Zhou Jun stopped him, and then looked at Su Xun: "I hope you can tell me what happened and what happened to our Taiyi sword sect disciples."

"I don't know what happened, but the secret place suddenly began to collapse and I escaped. As for the others, I don't know." Su Xun said.

Elder ye said with a wry smile: "it's a joke. You're just a little Taiyi. Why did everyone die in it? You're the only one who came out!"

"I hope you can give me an explanation." Zhou Jun's face was not good.

Su Xun sneered: "my answer to your question is that you have a good attitude, and even asked me to give you an explanation. What kind of thing are you

Zhou Jun's face was suddenly gloomy.

"Lizi..." Elder Ye just wanted to speak.


Su Xun's raising his hand was a slap in the face.


Caught off guard, sage two grade elder Ye was directly taken out and knocked down a mountain.

Zhou Jun was shocked. Just as he wanted to step back, Su Xun had already slapped him.

Puyi -

Zhou Jun, who is also a saint, gushes blood and falls heavily into the valley.

"Is this explanation enough?"

Su Xunfei was in the air, looking down at them from a high position, and the breath of sage Sipin was no longer hidden.

Meng Ling's eyes widened. She speculated that Su Xun's true cultivation might be second grade or third grade, but she didn't expect that it was fourth grade.

Sipin is the best in China. After all, the strongest in China is the Wupin sage.

"You Who the hell are you

Zhou Jun and ye Chang fly together and look at Su Xun in horror.

It's shocking that the waning Yunxia sword sect has hidden a sage of four grades.

"Elder of Yunxia sword sect."

Su Xun added an identity to himself.

Meng Ling was a little excited when he heard that Su Xun was not a member of the Yunxia sword sect, but with this identity, the Yunxia sword sect was covered with tiger skin.

Zhou Jun and elder Ye looked at each other, and they both thought that the dead camel was bigger than the horse.

Compared with the sudden appearance of a four grade saint in the Yunxia sword sect, they didn't want to investigate the fact that Su Xun was pretending to be Taiyi Jinxian and sneaked into the secret place.

However, both of them felt that the collapse of the secret place must have something to do with Su Xun. Maybe it was because he used the secret method to suppress cultivation into the secret place, and then he was rejected by the rules in the secret place, resulting in the collapse of the secret place.

In this way, the death of so many disciples was naturally attributed to Su Xun and Yunxia sword sect.

At least elder ye can be sure that all the disciples of their Yin Yang Sword sect must have died in the hands of Su Xun.

Because he gave orders to surround and kill Su Xun and Zhenyao sword before those disciples entered the secret place.

A group of Taiyi Jinxian went to kill a Sipin sage, so the end was obvious.

Of course, the situation is better than others. He certainly does not dare to pursue this matter.

"Some of you didn't know Taishan before. I've offended you a lot. I hope you'll forgive me and leave first."

Zhou Jun bowed to Su Xun and then flew away.

"I'm leaving now."

Elder Ye has lived up to his previous arrogance and arrogance, and then he left.

Yunxia sword sect suddenly came up with an elder of four grades. This matter must be sent back to the sect.

Even if you want to settle with Su Xun, you have to go back to zongmen to move the soldiers.

"Master, I'm afraid there will be trouble next."Mengling said with a sad face.

Elder ye and Zhou will definitely report the incident when they return to their respective sects. The two sects will not easily let go of Yunxia sword sect. Maybe they will take advantage of this opportunity to eradicate Yunxia sword sect.

Su Xun looked at her: "if you want to protect the inheritance and disciples of the clan, I have a good plan."

"Please give me some advice." Meng Ling was relieved. She was afraid that Su Xun would leave the Yunxia sword sect.

Then the Yunxia sword sect will really disappear.

She can't stop the Taiyi sword sect and the Yin Yang Sword sect alone. As for the so-called closed ancestor, she doesn't know if she is still alive.

"I can't give you any advice. I just look at the face of Zhenyao sword. I can't bear to sit back and watch the fall of Yunxia sword sect."

Su Xun shook his head, and then said: "to be honest, I'm the leader of Lingzhou's underworld division. If master Meng is willing to let Yunxia sword sect join the underworld division, then naturally our underworld division won't sit back and watch our people being bullied."

Why did he make up an identity for himself as the supreme elder of Yunxia sword sect, and then let them go after he wounded elder ye and Zhou Jun? Is it not for the sake of drawing hatred for Yunxia sword sect and increasing pressure on Mengling?

Without the external threat of destruction, how could menglingyou agree to the incorporation of Yunxia sword sect into Yinsi?

Originally, Su Xun wanted to make a picture slowly, but with Nu Wa and the leader of Tongtian sect, he no longer needed to be as troublesome as the original plan.

What tricks do you play when you have hard power?

"This..." Mengling hesitated.

If the Yunxia sword sect was merged into the Yin Department, wouldn't it be equivalent to the annexation of the inheritance of the Yunxia sword sect?

Su Xun saw her hesitation: "after the Yunxia sword sect was merged into the Yin Department, it can still be inherited, but from then on, the Yunxia sword sect all had to listen to the Yin Department's instructions."

What he wants is the name of Yunxia sword sect, which can expand wantonly in Taizhou with the help of Yunxia sword sect. After all, Yunxia sword sect is a local clan which has been inherited for thousands of years, and it will not encounter too much resistance in the process of expansion.

For example, can it be the same as the devil who comes to our territory to rob territory?

Hearing this, Meng Ling's face softened slightly and said, "it's a matter of great importance. I hope you can give me some time. After all, it's about the rise and fall of the clan."

"It's all right." Su Xun smiles. As long as the pressure of Yin Yang Sword sect and Taiyi sword sect is still there, Yunxia sword sect can't escape from him.

Then he added: "however, I hope the dream Lord will make a decision early. After all, I can afford to wait. Taiyi sword sect and Yinyang sword sect won't wait too long."

"Yes." Mengling bit shuidudu's lips and looked at Su Xun bitterly. I felt pity for her. Her character was not suitable to be the leader of a clan.

She's not stupid. Now she hasn't responded. Su Xun has been plotting against Yunxia sword sect from the beginning, but now she can only rely on Su Xun.

Su Xun winked at Zhenyao sword and asked Zhenyao sword to do ideological work for her master.

The next day, Mengling found Su Xun and agreed that Yunxia sword sect should be merged into Lingzhou Yinsi.

This efficiency surprised Su Xun.

Who knows what Zhenyao sword said to her.


Yin Yang Sword school.

"What a shame! It's really unreasonable! If you respect a sage of four grades, you will be able to do what you want and not do it! "

"This elder is not the one that the Yunxia sword sect claims to be closed all the time."

"No, I know that. It can't be the black robed young man mentioned by elder martial brother Ye."

"Hiss, in this way, doesn't it mean that there are two four saints in Yunxia sword sect?"

The hall was suddenly quiet.

There are four sages in their Yin Yang Sword school, two of them are three, one of them is two, and one of them is one.

If there are two saints of four grades in Yunxia sword sect, they can't be provoked.

"In any case, the 17 outstanding disciples can't die in vain. Please contact Taiyi sword sect."

The leader Yin Yang said with some tired heart.

There are five saints in Taiyi sword sect, one is four, one is three, two are two, one is one.

If the two factions unite, even if the four members of Yunxia sword sect come out together, they will not be afraid at all.

At this moment, suddenly a disciple came to report.

"I'd like to report to the headmaster and elders that the Yunxia sword sect has just been incorporated into Lingzhou Yinsi."

Everyone was puzzled.

"Lingzhou Yinsi? Where is that? "

"Half a year ago, the holy meteorite was in Lingzhou."

"Does Yunxia sword sect even want its own orthodoxy?"

"Yunxia sword sect merged into Lingzhou Yinsi, which means that this Yinsi is certainly not weak. There are two four grade saints in Yunxia sword sect, and now they are not our enemies."

The old ancestor of yin and Yang snorted coldly: "even if Taiyi sword faction doesn't unite with us this time, it will unite to fight against foreign forces. Since Lingzhou wants to reach Taizhou, cut off his hand!""Good! This kind of action of Yunxia sword sect is simply to eat the inside and forget the outside! I can't stand it

"We should unite all Taizhou sects to form an alliance to fight against Lingzhou Yinsi."

"Taizhou is the territory of our Taizhou friars!"


"Your Majesty, it's stormy outside now. Why do you still have the heart to play the piano here?"

Waiting for Su Xun to finish playing a song, Meng Ling in a pink skirt walked over anxiously.

"The sky hasn't fallen yet."

Su Xun couldn't deny it.

Mengling didn't have such a good attitude: "but the sky in Taizhou is about to collapse. Led by the Yin Yang Sword sect and Taiyi sword sect, they are organizing the Taizhou friars alliance, which is obviously aimed at our underworld department."

"Little dream, you have to understand that as long as it is an alliance, it must be unstable." Su Xun paid no attention to this alliance because of his sincere education.

At any time, he could find a way to break up the leaky Taizhou friars' Union.

Hearing Su Xun's address to himself, Mengling's mouth twitched. When he didn't get Yunxia sword sect, he called me master of dream. After he got it, he became a little dream.

Oh, so this is the man of eel.

"From the formation of this alliance, to the establishment, to the confirmation of the leader of the alliance, the struggle for power and profit enables them to fight first. We can not move like a mountain."

According to Su Xun's estimation, without a year and a half, the Taizhou friars' Union could not be established.

"But..." Mengling wants to talk about it again.

Su Xun interrupted her: "OK, you don't have to say any more. I will leave two Sanpin saints here. If there is any emergency in a short time, they can deal with it."

Naturally, he said that Nuwa and the leader of Tongtian sect came from the Honghuang world. The territory of the underworld department in Lingzhou was stable. As long as we didn't touch the tiger beard of Yujian sect, then Nuwa in the ancient sword world would be enough.

"And you?" Mengling heard the meaning of Su Xun's words. He wanted to leave Yunxia sword sect.

Su Xun said, "I've got something recently. I'm going to practice behind closed doors and try to break through the five grades as soon as possible."

Meng Ling didn't expect that Su Xun had to practice in a closed door at this critical moment. Besides, should you break through the five grades and drink water? It's that simple.

She has been stuck in Yipin for more than 300 years.

After he sent Mengling away, Su Xun went back to Lingzhou again and gave the sword to Nu Wa.

It's a local specialty for my wife on a business trip.

After a few days in the underworld department, he put on his mask and went to the imperial sword sect to get in touch with Xie Lingyun.

Now Xie Lingyun takes him as his confidant.

The friendship between the two people is growing day by day. Time can not erase their friendship, but only make their friendship as long as wine.

Xie Lingyun himself said this

Besides, Xie Lingyun asked him to help investigate the whereabouts of Su Xun who killed his apprentice and robbed jianlingguo

At that time, Su Xun patted his chest and said, "brother Xie, don't worry, your enemy is my enemy. Even if I dig three feet, I will dig this man out!"

After all, elder brother Xie finally asked for his help. Can he refuse?


As for the fact that he is Su Xun, I'll leave this surprise for him later.

After saying goodbye to Xie Lingyun, Su Xun returned to Taizhou Yunxia sword sect, and then began to shut down.

One month has passed, and the Taizhou friars union is still in the stage of propaganda.

Before, Su Xun thought that the alliance could be established in a year and a half, but now it seems that he was hasty.

At this rate, it will take at least two years.

"System, extract the 35th new identity."

Su Xun had to work hard to cultivate. He would not waste his precious time on the alliance of Taizhou monks, which had not yet been successfully established.

And at present, the secret division can not take the initiative to attack, otherwise it will promote the unity of the alliance.

Because under the threat of external factors, we will temporarily put aside internal strife and calculation.

He won't move until this loose and power struggle alliance is successfully formed.

Because this alliance is not only a stage for Taizhou monks, but also a stage for them.

[drawing Successful extraction, congratulations on the new identity of the host: Ocean adventurer. 】

[Blue Star changes, seven billion people all over the world have crossed into a sea world overnight, all of them start on a raft, with nothing but a wooden hook that will be worn. 】

[survivors have to face numerous dangers, and a little carelessness is a dead end. In addition, the ocean is mysterious and dangerous. There are always strange things in this world, so everything is normal. 】

[your raft is everything to you. If you collect enough materials, the raft can be upgraded continuously, and your safety factor will be greatly improved. 】[identity and ability: God level cooking, copper skin and iron bone, powerful as an elephant. 】

[identity task: find the heart of the sea. 】

[Note: because the host's major and life level are too high, the host's accomplishments and physique will be blocked this time, and only the ability of the current identity can be used. 】

"is the heart of the sea a magic horse?"

Su Xun was confused, but the system didn't answer.

He shook his head and threw them out of the air. Besides, he felt that the world was a bit like a game called raft survival on earth.

However, from the introduction of the system, this world is obviously different from the world of raft survival. It is estimated that this world has extraordinary power.

"Raft survival" this game is a person living in the sea, the beginning of only four wooden rafts, as well as a hook hook things.

There is a lot of marine garbage floating on the sea surface. Use a wooden hook to hook it and improve your living environment.

But it's a stand-alone game, and now it's an online game played by seven billion people.

"Give me a woman, I can build a nation; give me a raft and a woman, I can create an aircraft carrier formation in situ."

No matter what ghosts you are, Laozi's aircraft carrier formation sweeps everything and crosses the sea.

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