On the vast sea.

Several seabirds spread their wings and flew over the sky.

Su Xun had a wooden hook in his hand. He had only a short sleeve and beach pants, and a pair of flip flops.

Oh, there is a raft made of four boards under his feet, which is all his wealth.

[seven billion players from Bluestar, welcome to this ocean world. The only land here does not belong to you. Your world is a raft under your feet and a vast ocean. I hope you can live here. There are countless dangers and opportunities hidden in the sea, waiting for you to explore. May the God of the sea bless you forever. 】

[players can get a certain number of survival points every day. Survival points can upgrade your rafts. Of course, those who have the ability can upgrade their rafts with your hands instead of survival points. 】

[the better players live, the more survival they get every day. In addition, they can also get survival by hunting sharks and other sea monsters. They can also get survival by upgrading their rafts manually. 】

[last warning, the sea is very dangerous. Don't leave your raft and go to the sea at will. 】

a sound full of massiness comes into the ear, which is obviously equivalent to a game announcement.

"Players? Is it really a game world? "

Su Xun didn't know if he had implicated the seven billion blue star people. If he refused this identity, wouldn't they come across?

Or even if you don't choose this identity, people on this planet will cross over. Who made this amazing game?

It can't be the LORD God again. After all, the LORD God is the creature who likes doing this kind of thing most.

Please give your raft a name. 】

"Shenzhou 7."

Anyway, it's all boats. There should be no difference between flying in space and swimming in the sea.

Name: Shenzhou 7.

Survival: 5

Quality: low

wear: 30 / 30

Introduction: a simple raft with a width of 2M and a length of 2.5m can be seen everywhere on the sea.

[congratulations on the successful naming of players. The player forum has been activated. The forum can be used for communication between players. 】

another voice sounded, and Su Xun found that he had a forum interface in his mind.

The forum has several functions.

Hot search list, post area, my posts, and the most important trading area.

Su Xun opened the trading area directly.

[this is an area where players can trade items. If you have something you don't need, you can hang it on it and exchange it with people who need it. 】


At this time, someone has posted on the forum.

"Lying trough, where is the horse! How did I get here? 》

"I thought I was the only one who went through it. I thought I was the protagonist in the legend, Gan! 》

fortunately, there is this forum, otherwise loneliness and loneliness are the biggest enemies of mankind! There is a forum, you can at least play online love. 》

is there a mermaid in this world? Are there any immortals? Who brought us here. 》

"we are all villagers. I suggest that we should unite for common development, gather the survival points, distribute them reasonably, and use them together, so that we can live. 》

"I'm Sichuan Jianguo, President of magnesium. Who is willing to give me resources? I will thank you again when I go back. 》

Su Xun didn't open these posts. He didn't have the leisure to look for materials first. Because the sun was so big and there was no water, he would belch soon.

He picked up the wooden hook at his feet, and there was a long rope behind it.

[wooden hook, which can be used to pick up everything on the sea, has an effective range of 15 meters. It will cause wear and tear every time it is used until it can not be used. 】

"my fleet has a long way to go."

Su Xun sighed, took the hook and threw it at a piece of wood. Then he easily hooked it and dragged it onto the raft.

[board x1. 】

Su Xun threw the hook several times, and caught seven boards, two leaves and three pieces of waste plastic.

He is so accurate, if you don't believe it, you can ask his woman, he never shot crooked.

His code name is accurate shooter.

"Damn, it's all these things."

Although leaves can weave ropes, he has no leisure to do it now. He just wants to find water.

Even if we meet a raft now, we can go up to communicate with each other in sign language and borrow some water.

After all, he is as strong as iron and steel, and no one alone will be his opponent.

There's a saying that if they cultivate grain and I cultivate guns, then they are my granary.

Well, look around for a week, if there are no other rafts, even if there is a shark!

It's not difficult to kill a shark alone with his strength. In this way, we can not only get survival, but also have food. Eating raw can also guarantee physical strength.All of a sudden, he saw a wooden bucket. His eyes lit up and he threw the hook out, caught it and dragged it back.

Congratulations on getting the bucket x1. What you can get from it depends on your luck. 】

Su Xun opened the barrel and his eyes lit up.

Congratulations on getting the mineral water X3. 】

[congratulations on potato x2. 】

[congratulations on the rope X3. 】

[congratulations on the nail X10. 】

apart from anything else, the potatoes and mineral water can sustain life. At least he is thirsty now.

Without saying a word, first fill a bottle of water, save two words does not exist, do not have enough strength to meet the sea monster attack on the end.

After all, even if he had copper skin and iron bones, he would be drowned by water. Even if his strength was as strong as an elephant, he would not be able to exert it even if he was not strong enough.

Therefore, it's the most important to keep your best state of life at any time.

After drinking water, Su Xun's smoking throat was finally relieved, and then he began to upgrade the raft.

The so-called upgrade is to connect the wooden board hooked from the sea with the nail and rope just opened in the barrel and the raft, so as to expand the raft.

As for how to smash the nail without a hammer, would it be a problem for Su Xun?

A direct slap on the nail into the board, solid, much easier to use than a hammer.

Name: Shenzhou 7.

Survival: 10

Quality: medium.

Wear: 40 / 40.

Introduction: a raft simply reinforced by its owner, 3M wide and 4m long, can drive more stably.

After Su Xun reinforcement, the quality of the raft increased, and the degree of wear resistance also increased. At the same time, because of manual upgrade, the raft gained 5 survival points.

There is still one iron nail left and one rope left. In addition, there are two bottles of water and two raw potatoes, which are all his current property.

Oh, and a bucket that's been opened.

If you are lucky enough to meet an island, you can put some soil in the bucket, and then plant the potatoes for sustainable development.

Of course, it's even better to meet a mermaid who doesn't like to wear clothes by nature.

Don't say that fish can't have a day. He can even have a day for foxes and ghosts. Why can't fish have a day? Isn't that species discrimination? In his eyes of fraternity, no matter what race, as long as it is beautiful, it is equal!

What's more, when I was a child, I told you that mermaids can become people?

In this way, the raft floated all the time. Su Xun picked up a lot of boards and ropes. Until the raft could not bear the load, he stopped and lay on the raft.

Su Xun took another look at the raft upgrade plan. Upgrading to a high-quality raft requires 30 survival points, upgrading to a wooden boat requires 50 survival points, and upgrading to an awning boat with a shed requires 100 survival points.

As for upgrading to an aircraft carrier, Su Xun gave up the idea for the time being.

He has just upgraded the raft from low quality to medium quality, which is equivalent to saving 15 survival points.

Sure enough, hard work makes a fortune. Saving 15 points is equivalent to earning 15 points?

Then he opened the forum, at this time in the hot search of the first post is a help post.

There are monsters in the sea. Help me! 》

after clicking the post, there are several pictures, in which there is a vague figure with blue face and tusks.

Louzhu Gaoliang: I'm scared to death. I was just using the hook to hook things. I didn't expect that the hook couldn't be dragged. Then I vaguely saw the monster in the picture from the sea. He was holding my wooden hook with one hand. In case you don't believe me, he said I had no plan to hang. After I was scared, I immediately took a picture and uploaded a post. He's around my wooden hook now

Post here suddenly interrupted, obviously the landlord probably, maybe, maybe, should be cool.

The number of replies has reached 100 million.

Zhao Cheng: "lying trough! Why did the landlord stop and stop editing the post? Don't scare me. "

Wang Er: "Wow! There are monsters in the sea

Zhang San: "the landlord was an individual face man before he died."

Chuan Jianguo: "where's my guard! Damn, where's my white house presidential guard! Where are they all

Niu Chun: "don't shout any more from Comrade Chuan Jianguo upstairs. You are retired. Who cares about you?"

Zhang Lili: "it's terrible. You men still have the strength to resist. What should we women do? This game is not fair and humanized at all."

Zhou Chuan: "the elder sister upstairs is still talking about humanization. Can people make this game?"

Su Xun quit the post and highlighted the picture on the forum, which sounded an alarm for all the people drifting on the sea. There are really monsters in the sea.

Su Xun also browsed several posts, most of which were help seeking posts, a small number of experience sharing posts, and some of which advocated players to unite.Su Xun quit the post area and click to open the trading area.

In the trading area, there are wooden boards, empty bottles, plastics, ropes and so on.

After all, the game is just at the beginning, the players have not got any precious things, such as water and food and so on, no one will hang up the transaction.

"Hey! Brother over there! Hey

Suddenly, a cry came to my ears.

Su Xun quit the forum and got up to have a look.

I found a raft approaching me in the distance. Standing on the raft, a bald man was rowing with a board as a oar. It was he who was calling for himself.

After drifting for a long time, I finally met other rafts. I hope I can get some harvest.

He is going to see what the other party is.

If he was a good man, he would not harm a good man even though he was not a good man.

If it's not a good thing, he likes it best, because it's not a good thing either.

If we start, we won't have worries and guilt.

Looking at the raft slowly approaching, Su Xun seemed to see a resource package flying towards him.

With an excited and enthusiastic smile on his face, he waved back: "Hey! brother! This way

Fellow townsman sees fellow townsman, stab a gun in the back.

Then he bent down and picked up a piece of wood, which was used as a paddle, and rowed the raft close to each other.

Looking at the raft on the opposite side, Zhang Qiang took the initiative to approach him. A sneer appeared on his face, and then he changed into an excited smile.

He was really excited, because as they got closer and closer, he clearly saw that there were two bottles of mineral water in front of Su Xun's raft.

Moreover, Su Xun's raft was only a little smaller than his wooden method, which was obviously upgraded by himself.

He felt that Poseidon was looking after him, and his luck was so good that after all, he was about to get two bottles of water and a raft.

He had robbed a raft, pushed the owner of the raft into the sea, robbed the other party of a bottle of water and a sweet potato, then demolished the other party's raft and upgraded his own raft manually.

Isn't it faster to rob than to collect materials from the sea?

Excited Zhang Qiang subconsciously touched his bald head and licked some dry lips.

He regarded Su Xun as his prey.

But he did not know that the two bottles of mineral water that Su Xun deliberately placed in the most prominent place were for fishing.

What did you say?

A real Hunter usually enters the arena as a prey, and then eats the prey that he thinks he is a hunter so much that there are no bones left.

Ten meters.

Eight meters.

Five meters.

Two meters.

As they got closer, they both bumped into each other.

"The trough! Brother, I'm so excited to see you. I haven't seen anyone alive all morning

Zhang Qiang said hello to Su Xun excitedly. In fact, he was secretly ready to kill people and steal goods.

Before he came to this world, he was originally a murderer who was sentenced to life imprisonment for robbing and killing people in his house, so there was no psychological pressure on him to do this kind of thing.

Unlike other people's fears, he likes this game very much, because there is no legal restriction here, and if it is not for this game, he will spend his whole life in prison.

"Yes, I'm also excited. You haven't seen a living person all morning. I haven't seen a living person since I stepped on the horse." Su Xun said with a smile.

The moment he saw Zhang Qiang, Su Xun was sure that he was not a good man. After all, he had lived for so many years, and his eyesight was never bad.

Since the other party is not a good person, it can be no pressure to kill and steal.

He is not a good man.

Zhang Qiang made a familiar joke: "fuck, look what you said, I'm not a living person?"

"You won't be soon." Su Xun looked at his own things on the raft with a smile, including three bottles of mineral water, a raw sweet potato and two wooden hooks.

The smile on Zhang Qiang's face disappeared, and then he immediately stepped back. His triangular eyes were full of fierce light: "I didn't expect that my brother and I were in the same way, too. If you don't rob me, you can't get two bottles of water."

"I'm not a fellow, but if I rob you, I'll be officially in the business." Su Xun said.

Zhang Qiang grimly smiles and grabs the board in his hand: "I have two human lives in my hand, you spareribs, what do you want to fight with me and take my head?"

"Don't move. Be careful. Don't step on my sweet potato." Su Xun saw that he took another step back and was about to step on his sweet potato, so he quickly reminded him.

Zhang Qiang laughed angrily: "your sweet potato? Let's see if you have life to eat. Go to hell with you

Voice down, he waved the hands of thick wood, hard toward Su Xun's head.In the face of this ant level threat, Su Xun was too lazy to hide.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiang thought that the other party was scared by himself, and immediately scoffed in his heart.

I thought it was a cruel man, but I didn't expect that it was not good at using.


The plank hit Su Xun firmly on the head, but Su Xun still stood in the same place.

He didn't have a broken head in his imagination. He didn't even leave a mark on Su Xun's head.

Zhang Qiang suddenly dumbfounded, the smile on his face also gradually stiff, some panic in the heart.

"Tut, that's it?"

Su Xun sneered, then hit the plank with a fist, and the plank cracked.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiang immediately hit a smart, knew it was a hard stubble, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and slowly retreated: "brother, we have something to say, everything is for you, just keep the raft for me."

In the vast sea, without food and water, they can still live for a period of time, but if there is no raft, waiting for him is a dead end.

"It's ugly. It's beautiful. I want my raft." Su Xun was amused by him.

Zhang Qiang

Your raft?

Do you have a sense of ownership?

"Big brother, we can cooperate. We can do whatever you want me to do in the future. As long as you let me go today, I will be responsible for robbing things for you in the future."

Zhang Qiang tried to exchange his own ability for a way of life, which meant that he wanted to be a dog for Su Xun.

"Do what I want you to do?"

Su Xun looked at him with a smile.

Zhang Qiang chrysanthemum a tight, but he saw the hope of life, a bite of teeth ruthlessly said: "yes, you let me do what, do, I can."

He fought for his life.

Life is not easy, strong cry.

"Then I want you to die."

Su Xun's voice fell down and he punched.


Zhang Qiang's body fell down in an instant. At the moment when he was about to fall into the sea, Su Xun reached for him again.

This action makes desperate Zhang Qiang see the hope of life again, and his heart is full of joy.

Then, in his sight, a fist as big as a sandbag grew bigger and bigger, bang, and lost consciousness.

He was beaten to death by Su Xun's two fists. His seven orifices were bleeding and his eyes were wide open. He could be said to be dead.

Su Xun put the body on the raft, took a picture of him and posted a post on the forum.

Shock! A man should do this to me. I'm so excited that he's bleeding. 》

start with a compelling title.

Content: after drifting on the sea for a morning, I finally met a raft. I went up to say hello with an excited and excited attitude. I didn't expect that he wanted to kill me and then rob my things. However, I practiced Kung Fu for several days and killed him in a chaotic fight.

I feel very guilty now, because I killed someone, but I don't regret it, because if I don't kill him, it will be me who will die. My post is to remind everyone that we must be alert to those fellow townsmen chatting up, remember!

Later, it was accompanied by a photo of Zhang Qiang.

Zheng Fei: "fuck! It's too bad. I can see the owner's helplessness between the lines. "

Zhao Liang: "yes, don't be sad. It's his fault. It's not your fault. I can see from the post that the landlord is a good man with a good heart."

Wang Er: "thank you for reminding me. Please be careful. Don't trust others too easily."

The reason why Su Xun sent this post was that he didn't want the kindness of ordinary people to be used by those evil people. Otherwise, the kind-hearted people in the back would die, and the ones who survived would be worse and worse, which would be more boring.

Then he closed the forum and threw Zhang Qiang's bleeding body into the sea. Su Xun wanted to use his body to attract sharks to hunt, then kill the sharks to earn survival and food.

Tie Zhang Qiang's body to the raft.

Then he began to clean up the spoils.

Two bottles of mineral water, a raw sweet potato, two wooden hooks, board X20, rope X7, nail x15, stone X3, leaf x15, iron sheet x2.

Two pieces of iron sheet are sur's surprise. With these two pieces of iron sheet, he can make a fire on the raft.

As for the way to make a fire, it's also very simple. Build a few shelves, put iron sheets on them, and then dry the boards and leaves to make a fire.

This way ordinary people can't use, because at the speed of ordinary people, their wrists are broken, and the fire can't be ignited, but Su Xun's hand is fast.

After putting the items aside, Su Xun began to upgrade the raft manually. He spliced Zhang Qiang's raft with his own raft, and then built a platform on the raft with iron sheets to make it ready for fire without being put out by the sea.

Sweet potatoes and potatoes can also be put on the table, because from time to time, sea water will rush to the raft, and if it is wet by water, it will rot.After all this, the raft was upgraded again.

Name: Shenzhou 7.

Survival: 20

Quality: high

wear: 50 / 50

Introduction: a more advanced raft, 7m long and 4m wide, can withstand the impact of small waves.

Although the area has expanded, the rafts are rafts after all. They are leaking everywhere, and they are not strong enough to creak. It's still necessary to upgrade them to boats as soon as possible.

However, upgrading medium quality rafts to high quality rafts by hand is equivalent to saving another 30 survival points.

Plus 10 points of reward, I've made another profit.

Soon, Su Xun saw a shark fin on the sea not far away. He was moving rapidly towards his raft. He quickly untied the rope tied to Zhang Qiang's body, so that the shark wouldn't tear his raft apart when he was hunting.

Then Su Xun grabbed the two stones and jumped on the shark. Then he took the stone and hit the shark on the head with the sharp side.

The shark was in pain and rolled in the sea. Susian held on tightly. The powerful force made him tear the shark skin with a stone.

The sea soon filled with blood fog. Of course, it was shark's blood, not Sushen's.

Su Xun picked the shark's eyes. In short, he wanted to kill it. After fighting for several minutes, the shark finally died.

Su Xun himself was almost exhausted.

Killing a great white shark with bare hands, he has gained 40 survival points, plus the original 20 points, he has been able to upgrade the high-quality raft into a wooden boat.

"Hoo - Hoo -"

the smell of blood here will soon attract more sharks or bigger sea monsters. Although he was very tired, Su Xun forced himself to tear a few pieces of meat from the shark and then got on the raft.

"Upgrade, upgrade the wooden boat."

As soon as he got on the raft, Su Xun chose to upgrade.

As his voice dropped, 50 of his 60 survival points were deducted, and the high-quality raft became a low-quality wooden boat in a package of white light.

Name: Shenzhou 7.

Survival: 10

Quality: low

wear: 70 / 70

Introduction: an ordinary wooden boat, 6m long and 3M wide, is ordinary, but at least its bottom will not leak like a raft, and it will not fall apart so easily.

"At least you don't have to sleep on the wet boat tonight." Su Xun let out a comfortable breath.

Then I took a bottle of water and drank it.

Then the wooden board was used as a paddle to paddle the wooden boat away from Zhang Qiang and the shark's body.

After rowing far away, he put down the board and let the boat drift on the sea. He picked up the sweet potato and ate it raw without peeling.

Now he has a very serious sense of hunger. He has to supplement it quickly before he has the strength to make a fire. With a fire, he can roast shark meat.

After eating sweet potato, Su Xun regained some strength, fixed the iron sheet on the bow with nails, and surrounded the boat with another iron sheet.

Then break the board, put one of the big pieces in the iron sheet, and then break off a rectangular piece of wood, grind it round with stone, and start to rotate on the board.

Around the board are dried leaves. If there is a spark, the leaves will burn up.

Su Xun took out his hand speed that he had practiced on the woman and turned the stick in his hand quickly.

Drilling wood to make fire is undoubtedly a hard work that needs patience. When Su Xun was sweating, he finally got a spark, and the hay around the board burned quickly.

Su Xun put in the broken wood chips and gradually put in larger wood after they were completely burned. In this way, a fire was finally made.

Then Su Xun washed a piece of shark meat directly with sea water and roasted it with a stick.

After baking, Su Xun tasted it. He said that it didn't taste very good.

But if you have something to eat, you can't ask for more. Seven billion people may have to starve to death.

After eating enough, Su Xun began to use nails to make fishing hooks. Just bend the nails. After all, the fish in the sea are bigger, and the bigger the hook is reasonable.

Shark meat is bait.

As for the bucket, it could not be used as a planting pot without soil, so Su Xun chose to fill it with sea water to raise fish, as long as he changed the water frequently.

In this way, the problem of food will be solved. Next, we need to solve the problem of fresh water. We can't always rely on the sea. It's a chance. We have to make a simple seawater distillation unit to purify fresh water.

It's easy to do. Anyone who has seen the wilderness survival program knows that the temperature is used to heat the sea water to condense the water vapor. When the temperature is low, the water vapor will turn into water, which is fresh water.

It's made of mineral water bottles, but it's very slow to collect, so we have to do more.

After finishing the distillation unit and fish hook, it was already sunset, and the temperature on the sea began to drop.Su Xun put the shark meat on the hook and threw it into the sea. He held the other end of the rope in his hand, and then roasted it on fire. This was how he lived.

He should be the best living environment among all players now. With the improvement of living standard, he can get more survival tomorrow.

He took a few photos and uploaded them to the forum.

I can't help it. I don't feel comfortable without pretending to be forced.

"Little days" is very popular. 》

Su Xun: Oh, one day is about to pass. It's a full and complete day.

[picture] [picture] [picture]

in the reply area, the pot suddenly burst.

Zhang Jun: "lying trough! What's the matter with the horse? It's a wooden boat. There's fire and barbecue! "

Wu Fei: "I think it's very powerful to manually roll the raft into a high-quality raft. I didn't expect that the building owners have upgraded to wooden boats. I envy them."

Zhou Yuan: where do you get so many survival points? Upgrade the raft to a wooden boat.

Xie Yu: it's obtained by killing a shark. Someone in the trading area is selling shark meat, saying that killing a shark can obtain 40 survival points.

Zhang Mazi: Wuwuwuwu, I cried with envy. My broken raft was bitten by a shark for a quarter.

Looking at Su Xun's living environment, the reply area was filled with envy and hatred. Many women wanted to partner with Su Xun. Su Xun said that they were thinking about farting.

Even if you want to send guns thousands of miles away, you have to first determine where he is. In the vast ocean, you can't determine your own coordinates.

However, to Su Xun's surprise, there were still many people who killed sharks. Among the 7 billion people, there were always a few changes, which were normal.

But it's conceivable that those people didn't kill a shark as easily as he did, but he killed a shark with his bare hands without eating for a long time.

All of a sudden, he felt the rope on his hand move. Obviously, there was a fish bite.

Su Xun was inspired and began to take up the line.

He doesn't know how to fish. In his opinion, as long as there is a fish bite, it will be over.

"Fuck! Big deal

Su Xun mentioned it casually, but he didn't move. Then he got serious and began to lift it up.

Then he was confused, a mermaid.

With long golden hair, white and delicate face, the proud baby's granary is mouth watering, and a colorful fish tail.

She didn't bite the hook, but the line entangled the mermaid's tail. Before she could solve it, Sue picked her up.

"There are mermaids."

Susian touched her face, hoping to become a man, then he could harvest the happiness of a man.

"Oh ~"

the mermaid's eyes were a little frightened and flustered, and her mouth made a voice that suthen couldn't understand.

Obviously, racial language doesn't work.

"It's good to have a pet."

Unable to communicate, let Su Xun a little disappointed, but soon inspired, eye care on the line.

I can't use the lower body. There's the upper body.

Don't get me wrong. What he means is that the upper body of a mermaid is the same as that of a human being, so it can do what a human being can do. Fuck, how can you feel that the more you describe it, the darker it is.

All in all, the mermaid has a hand and can help Su Xun work. At least he doesn't need to tick any more. Let the mermaid go to the sea to help him pick up supplies.

"Well, don't be afraid. I'm not a good man Ah, bah, I'm not a bad person. I'll help you untie the rope. Don't resist, will you? "

Su Xun Jun pretty face, but a gentle smile, eyes clean, full of goodwill, tone of light to the flustered Mermaid said.

What he is good at most is acting. He can make what kind of expression he wants.

Although they didn't know how to speak, the mermaid could understand the kindness in Su Xun's eyes, so she gradually gave up the struggle and was gently carried on the wooden boat by Su Xun.

I have to say, this body is really soft.

Su Xun untied the rope around her fishtail.

In order to catch fish in the deep sea, he connected three ropes, 45 meters long, so the mermaid's tail was completely entangled.


After helping the mermaid untie the rope, Su Xun stretched out a hand.

The mermaid hesitated for a moment, then tentatively put her little hand on it.

Su Xun held it and then released it. He could not act like he had never seen a woman before. Otherwise, he would be scared away easily. He should be elegant and calm.

Su Xun took a few photos of her and then posted them on the forum. Since he had posted those two posts before, he has received a lot of attention.

So just after this post was published, many people saw it and replied.

Zhang Jiu: "lying exercise! Mermaid

Xie Huan: "upstairs, you can't do it, but the landlord can do it, ah! I'm sourZhou Lin: "it's fishtail. The landlord can't handle it unless he really has such a strong taste."

Zhang Lang: "the brother upstairs is shallow. The upper body of mermaid is the same as that of human. Do you understand?"

Zhou Lin: "it's my carelessness. I want to share my experience with you. I want a mermaid, too!"

Chen Tai: "it's so beautiful. It's probably my only comfort when I come to this world. I suddenly have the motivation to live again when I step on the horse!"

Lin Xue: "for LSP, beauty is the first productivity, I feel full of strength."

After Su Xun sent the mermaid's picture, the forum suddenly exploded, the gospel of LSP!

Although before we saw the sea monster's post, we guessed that there would be Mermaid.

But after the appearance of mermaid, we are still excited and excited. After all, from beginning to end, mermaid is capable in the ocean.

After showing off for a while, Su Xun didn't pay attention to the howling of the LSP any more. He had to find a way to make friends with the mermaid so that she could stay.

This Mermaid, who lives in the sea all the year round, is a good helper. It can not only help him collect marine materials, but also guide him.

He couldn't tell the directions in the ocean, but the mermaid certainly knew where there were islands.

And with the mermaid, can he still fish by himself? Just let her catch it.

So we must keep the mermaid.

Take it!

But the question is, what can he do to attract the mermaid to stay?

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