Suddenly, Su Xun noticed that the mermaid's eyes fell on the flaming fire push in the bow.

She didn't seem to have seen fire. There was some curiosity and a little fear in her watery eyes.

It seems that there is no fire at the bottom of the sea where the mermaid lives.

If you think about it, Mermaid and sea monster can only be regarded as a kind of strange creatures, not involved in extraordinary. If the seabed can make a fire, it means that there is extraordinary power, then the world's risk factor will be greatly increased.

Seven billion ordinary people, to survive in a world with extraordinary power, isn't that giving their heads away?

Judging from the current situation, Su Xun estimated that there was no immortal or Buddha in the world.


There is no fire at the bottom of the sea

It means no cooked food.

Su Xun's eyes became bright gradually.

He thought of the way to leave the mermaid, no fish can resist the lure of delicious food, confused.

He also has a divine cooking skill.

And his mission is to find the heart of the sea, he does not know what this is.

With the help of mermaid, a local fish, the task should be completed smoothly.

As for the language barrier, it's not a big problem. Anyway, being idle is also idle. You can teach her to read.

"You wait."

Su Xun made a few gestures to her, then tore off a piece of shark meat and roasted it on the fire with sea salt as the only seasoning.

In order to keep the mermaid, he even put a raw potato into the wood fire. The baked potato is a kind of primitive food.

When he roasted shark meat, he used divine cooking skills. Shark meat was like adding magic power, sending out a faint meat flavor.

Although she didn't know the language, the mermaid could see that Su Xun was making food. She was smelling the unique smell of cooked food, and her mouth was secreting saliva quickly.

Bright eyes in the dark like luminous gems, staring at the fire on the rolling shark meat.

Soon, after the shark meat was roasted, Su Xun tore off a piece and handed it to the mermaid, nodding to her.

The mermaid pursed her ruddy lips and carefully took over the shark meat. While staring at Su Xun, she took a timid bite and her eyes brightened.

It's like the discovery of a new continent.

Su Xun also took the rest of the shark meat and ate it. The shark meat roasted with divine cooking skills was better than the one he roasted before.

Of course, in the case of not enough seasonings, the degree of delicious is also limited. After all, even if you have cooking skills, you can't cook without rice.

After the mermaid finished eating, her ruddy mouth sucked her white fingers. Her pure face made this move, which made Su Xun move a little.

Noticing Su Xun's eyes, the mermaid seemed to realize that the action of licking her fingers was not very elegant. Her white face turned red and turned her head.

A salty sea breeze blows her blonde hair. On her white body, there is only a large shell, a chest cover, and a colorful fish tail under her slender waist. It's like a fairy tale coming into reality.

"And, No."

With a smile, Su Xun turned over the cooked potatoes, peeled them and handed them over.

Because the newly baked potatoes were very hot, Su xuncai only broke off a small piece and didn't give it all to her.

The mermaid blinked, then slowly opened her red lips, revealing her scallop teeth and pink tongue.

When she saw Su Xun take that little, she thought it was to feed herself, so she opened her mouth.

Su Xun was stunned. He knew that she had misunderstood, but the misunderstanding was good. He liked this kind of misunderstanding and slowly reached out to feed the potato into her little mouth.

It's like feeding a pet.

The mermaid chewed it gently, with a happy and satisfied expression on her face. After swallowing it, she opened her bright eyes and looked at Su Xun.

Obviously, she wanted to.

Men are most afraid of women: I also want to.

"Woman, your name is greed."

In this way, Su Xun fed his pet. Through a brief feeding, he increased their trust.

"I'll give you a name."

After feeding the potatoes, susian tentatively touched her blonde hair. She just looked at herself curiously and didn't resist. She was a little happy.

Trust has been established, although it is still very shallow, but it will become solid over time.

On the sea level in the distance, the sun was setting. The afterglow of the setting sun reflected the white face of the mermaid. Her face was ignorant and curious, which meant that she could not understand Su Xun's meaning, but she was still listening carefully.

"How about Xiyan?"

A beautiful face at sunset.

It's vulgar, but it's OK when it comes to meaning.

"You, sunset."

"From now on you will be called Xiyan."

Under Su Xun's explanation, although the mermaid still didn't understand the meaning of Xiyan, she knew that Su Xun was calling herself when she said these two words.Su Xun wanted to know a lot from Xiyan, but his language was not good, and all of them were empty.

When the sunset completely disappeared, the sea was covered with darkness, leaving only the full moon and stars hanging in the sky, emitting only a faint light.

"Go to sleep."

After a tiring day, Su Xun didn't want to toss. He would get up tomorrow morning if he had anything to do.

His quality of life has been greatly improved now, and his daily survival will be improved tomorrow.

He has only 10 o'clock left, and 90 o'clock to go before he can upgrade the wooden boat into an awning boat with a shed.

Looking at Su Xun lying on the boat with his eyes closed, the mermaid understood the meaning of his two words.

She also lay beside susian. The fish's tail was swinging. Her soft body was close to susian's arm, and she closed her eyes just like him.

There was no fishy smell or salty smell of the sea on her, only a faint smell of seaweed, which floated into Su Xun's nose and made people feel calm.

When Su Xun and the mermaid were sleeping together, a big event happened on the forum.

I found an island! 》

the poster's name is Chen Fei: "brothers, the sky has eyes. I just fell asleep and was awakened by a collision. I thought it was a sea monster attack and I was ready to return to heaven. Unexpectedly, when I got up and looked, I found that I was floating on a beach [picture]"

"this island is not big. It's estimated that it's the size of a football field and a half. There are many plants on it, so I will be happy The full text plus pictures for my adventure live

This is the first time that a player posted a post on the forum and encountered land, so the response was great.

Zhao Yu: "lying trough! I'm so lucky! I found the land, so I can settle down on it. I don't need to drift any more! "

Chen Zhou: "it shouldn't be. Isn't the beginning of the game a reminder that land doesn't belong to the players? If you leave the ocean, there may be some danger. "

Junichiro Koizumi: "borrow the building for help. God is on the way. My compatriots from all over the world, I am being chased by a shark now. What should I do?"

Zhou Jun: "it's hopeless. Let's die."

Zhao Liang: "it's hopeless. Let's die."

Then the reply area follows the building smoothly.

Chen Fei: "I seem to see the light of fire. There are human beings on it. Brothers, I finally see human civilization. I go to ask for help first, and then I have to eat some cooked food. I'm starving. I'll continue to live [picture] when I'm full."

The picture shows a bonfire burning behind a bush, with something baked on it, surrounded by a few vague figures.

Zhao Liang: "tut Tut, I'm envious. I've been eating raw shark meat on my horse. Today I know that it's more difficult to make fire from wood than to kill shark."

Chen Sheng: "the upstairs inadvertently installed a force."

Zhou Jun: "it's not like he's in trouble. I think he's well prepared and deliberately wants to pretend to be such a force."

Chen Tao: "thirty minutes later, why didn't the landlord post us and forget us? Although we can't eat it, let's have a look at the cooked food! At least there's material for tonight's dream. "

Zhao Hai: "lying trough, I found a terrible thing. If you enlarge the picture, do you feel that the thing baked on the campfire is a bit like a person?"

Chen Lan: "Ma ye, really like people, now I know why the landlord has not been updated, because the landlord may become cooked food, terrible."

Zhao Deng: "the landlord is cold. He has sounded the alarm for us at the cost of his life. Land is very dangerous."


The next day, the first ray of sunshine in the morning fell on Su Xun's face and woke him from his sleep.

Su Xun opened his eyes and felt that his mouth was dry. Then he woke up suddenly and his face disappeared.

He is a little worried about gain and loss.

Or left?

Gan! I knew that I should tie her to myself with a rope when I went to bed last night. It's a complete accident when I meet Xiyan. Now where can I find a new mermaid?


At this time, with the splash of water, the sunset leaned out of the sea and climbed onto the boat.

In her hand, she still held a fish that Su Xun could not name, and pointed to the fire that had not been burnt out.

Su Xun was relieved. He couldn't laugh or cry. He was addicted to cooked food and went to find food himself.

Startled him, he thought that he had left without saying goodbye, and the potatoes invested in the early stage were wasted.

"Wait a minute."

Xiyan didn't run, which made Su Xun calm down. He checked the status of Shenzhou 7.

Name: Shenzhou 7.

Survival: 30

Quality: low

wear: 69 / 70

Introduction: an ordinary wooden boat, 6m long and 3M wide, is ordinary, but at least the bottom of the boat will not leak like a raft, and it will not fall apart so easily.

Because of the improvement of his living standard, the daily survival point he can get every day has increased from 5 to 20. In addition, the wear degree is reduced by 1 point, which should be reduced by 1 point every day. In other words, the wooden ship can be used for 70 days, and it will fall apart in 70 days.Today, if we can kill two sharks, we can upgrade the wooden boat to an awning boat, so that we can have a shelter from the wind, rain and sun.

In the ocean, the sun is also a big enemy, long-term exposure will cause water shortage soon.

"Well, now I'll help you roast the fish."

Su Xun took the fish from Xiyan's hand, and then added firewood to set the fire. He opened the intestines of the fish with his bare hands, broke the belly, cleaned it, smeared the sea salt from the sun, and baked it.

Xiyan then stared at Su Xun's every move. She was studying.

"Here, you bake, I'll drink."

Su Xun made a gesture to her, and then Xi Yan was surprised and took over the fish in Su Xun's hand.

Su Xun took a bottle of mineral water and drank half of it. Then he poured all the fresh water collected by distillation last night into one bottle.

Several tools were made to collect fresh water, but only one and a half bottles were collected in one night.

Then Su Xun opened the forum again and went straight to the trading area. Today's trading area is more prosperous than yesterday's. There are people changing water, all kinds of fish meat, and seabird meat. Fierce people don't lack any.

At present, he is not the only one. Many people have begun to complete the most basic self-sufficiency before they have surplus production to trade in the trading area.

Then he opened the hot search list and saw Chen Fei's post about discovering the island last night.

After watching it, he sighed. Chen Fei must have died miserably. He wanted to go to the local people to get some cooked food, but he probably became a cooked food himself.

Later, Su Xun withdrew from the forum, and his eyes fell on Xiyan. He found that she was tight, pretty and nervous. She looked like a great enemy.

This made Su Xun feel funny. He held her hand from behind: "don't be so nervous, you'll burn it instead..."

At this point, he suddenly remembered that Xiyan could not understand his words and shook his head.

In this way, susian held Xiyan's hand and taught her to cook the fish, but it was a pity that there was a lot of paste.

Xiyan was a little embarrassed, because it just looked different from what Su Xun baked last night.

What Su Xun could say, of course, was that he could only praise her with tears that she baked it well, and he took the initiative to eat most of it.

After breakfast, Su Xun began to pick up marine garbage. To be exact, he ordered Xiyan to pick it up.

It takes time to teach Xiyan's words and language. Before that, we need to save enough materials to concentrate.

"Sunset, over there."

"And the barrel! Bring me the barrel! "

Today, Su Xun picked up a wooden bucket again. The things in the bucket were good things.

And he liked the feeling of the draw.

Before opening it, he didn't know what was in it. It could be anything.

Su Xun opened the newly picked up barrel.

[congratulations on the nail X10. 】

[congratulations on getting mineral water X3. 】

[congratulations on the dagger x1. 】

[congratulations on winning the X1 of water margin. 】

[congratulations on the tomato x2. 】

the harvest of this barrel is more abundant than that of yesterday, especially daggers and tomatoes.

There is also the outlaws of the marsh. Although Su Xun has read it, he can also read it again to kill time. The key is that there are words on it, which can teach Xiyan to read.

Su Xun picked up the dagger, and the handle was about 30 cm long. It looked very sharp.

With this thing, many things are convenient.

Su Xun caught a fish from a bucket full of sea water, stabbed it a few times and threw it into the sea.

This is what he used to attract sharks.

The setting face looks at this scene in one side puzzled.

Su Xun just laughed at her without explanation.

Because she didn't understand the explanation.

Xiyan saw that Su Xun was smiling at herself. She also looked up and gave Su Xun a sweet smile.

Then Xiyan sat in the stern of the boat, the tail of the fish patted the water, opened her mouth and began to sing.

Su Xun couldn't understand what she was singing, but it was just like in a fairy tale. The mermaid's singing was very beautiful and intoxicating.

About seven or eight minutes later, he still didn't see the shark. Su Xun wondered why there was no shark because of the strong smell of blood?

Another two minutes later, suddenly there was a surge of waves in the distance, and a blue faced and tusked sea monster emerged. It had three hands, and the third hand was holding a steel fork. It swam fast to the wooden boat.

"Fuck! The harpoon

Su Xun remembered the picture of the building owner who died in the sea monster's hand yesterday. Although it was very vague, it could overlap with this monster.

Now in the forum, this sea monster has a specific name - the steel fork sea monster.

Human beings just like to use nicknames.Su Xun didn't expect that the smell of blood didn't attract sharks, but it attracted more difficult existence than sharks.

No wonder there are no sharks. After all, with this sea monster near, which shark dares to deliver food?


Xiyan also saw the fork sea monster. With a flustered exclamation, she looked up at Su Xun in fear.

Obviously, she knew this kind of sea monster.

Su Xun suddenly felt that it might not be the bloody smell that attracted the harpoon, but the sunset song.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here."

Su Xun clenched the dagger, killed this thing, and got more survival than killing sharks.

He has copper skin, iron bone and great strength. He can compete with the steel fork sea monster.

Of course, the most important thing is that now, in addition to being hard, you can't run even if you want to run on the sea.

The sea monster is less than two meters away from the wooden boat.

Sue, who had been tense, moved.

He grabbed a board and smashed it.

The sea monster subconsciously uses the steel fork to resist.

At the same time, Su Xun jumped down, and the dagger in his hand went to the sea monster.

But the sea monster obviously didn't want to be interfered by Su Xun.

After all, if you put it too deep, it will bleed.

It's too deep. It can't stand it.

Fortunately, it has three hands, one to block the board, the other two to block the dagger.


The dagger was blocked. To be exact, it stabbed into the sea monster's right arm, and blood splashed everywhere.


The sea monster let out a husky scream.

Su Xun held the dagger tightly and pulled down.

Puyi -

the sea monster's right hand was abruptly cut off, and then Su Xun held it and stabbed it again and again.

It's also strange that the third hand behind his back stabbed Su Xun's body with a steel fork, but it was like stabbing a steel plate, which could not break Su Xun's defense.

Su Xun was relieved. He didn't defend any more. He just attacked and tried his best to wield the sword.

Sea monster looks at Su Xun's eyes. He seems to be scared. He doesn't expect that the other side's skin is too thick to pierce, so he wants to run, but it's doomed that he can't run away.



Knife into the body, blood, sea monster scream more and more weak, until dying.

"Go to hell with you!"

Su Xun hit it on the head with a fist. Bang, the head of the sea monster's green face and tusk shriveled.

But it's still alive.

Maybe he thinks he can save it.

But Su Xun, the chief surgeon, had already sentenced him to death. He didn't want to die, so he helped him to die.

Doctor Su, the master of the knife, stabbed the sea monster's neck with a knife and almost cut off half of his head.

The sea monster with tenacious vitality finally died.

Su Xun was also breathing heavily. Although he was as strong as iron, he would be tired.

And fighting is definitely the most tiring sport.

The setting face on the wooden boat had already been stunned. Her pretty face was full of force, and her small mouth became O-shaped.

Su Xun picked up the fork of the sea monster and knocked off his equipment. Moreover, he gained 100 survival points.

To kill a pitchfork is enough for him to lift a wooden boat into an awning boat.

Su Xun took a picture and posted on the forum.

"This is a friendly match, did not expect to kill the opponent, ah, invincible really lonely ah. 》

as the saying goes, people are hard or hard, and they don't work for a day Wrong, it's a day without pretending.

It seems that the dead post, reply area burst.

Smith: "Oh, my God, MAIGA, how did you do it when you killed a monster?"

Crown: "foreigners upstairs make a fuss. We can do this little thing."

Chen Hao: "upstairs brag force don't take me."

Chen Zhao: "brother Su is powerful! It's the first man to upgrade to a wooden boat and soak a mermaid! "

Zhao Hai: "is the horse still human? This kind of monster can also be killed. Once I thought that it was the ultimate power of human beings to resist a bag of rice on the third floor. "

Once again, the forum was boiling because of Su Xun, but Su Xun was forced to commit crimes. After Su Xun finished, he didn't take any more actions.

However, he hung the corpse of the steel fork sea monster in the trading area. If he was allowed to eat this ugly monster, he would not be able to eat it, so he simply dealt with it cheaply.

See, if you're ugly, you're not even qualified to be a food (* / Omega *).

The trading price for the corpse of the pitchfork was two bottles of water, which was soon given a second.

Because he can't eat, but after all, there are so many people willing to be grain reserves.

After the success of the transaction, the sea monster body in front of Su Xun disappeared and replaced by two bottles of water.

The mermaid's face was stunned again. She widened her eyes and looked at Su Xun strangely.The corpse of a sea monster disappeared in front of her, which shocked the fish.

Su Xun picked up the fork and climbed onto the wooden boat.

"Upgrade to an awning boat."

Su Xun gave the upgrade order.

Soon the wooden boat changed a lot.

It turned into a longer, wider, awning boat with a shed and two sliding wooden doors at both ends of the shed, with a large internal area.

Name: Shenzhou 7.

Survival: 30

Quality: low

wear: 100 / 100

Introduction: a strange awning boat, 7m long and 3M wide, is stronger than ordinary wooden boat, with oars, you can decide the market direction at will, and from then on you have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

The wooden boat turned into an awning boat. Xiyan couldn't speak any more. She just looked at Su Xun.

The Three Outlooks of Yusheng were overturned to pieces.

Su Xun didn't know how to explain to her.

Can only embrace her in the bosom, patted her small hand to show comfort.

Suddenly, he felt a warmth on his face.

It turned out that Xiyan was licking his face.

Is this Mermaid intimacy?

Su Xun's heart was full of desire. He held out his evil hand and felt the softness of her waist. Xi Yan looked at him curiously, and didn't know what he was going to do.

Looking at her ignorant and simple appearance, Su Xun couldn't bear to do anything about animals. He finally touched her face and didn't go any further.

Su Xun took a look at the next upgrade plan of the ship. The next upgrade is the sailing boat, which needs 500 survival points. Of course, he can also choose to improve the quality of the awning boat. It takes 50 points to upgrade to the medium class and 100 points to upgrade to the high class. Su Xun still has the equipment to upgrade the sailing boat.

After sunset, there was no worry about food in a short period of time, and there was no need to hook up marine garbage. In the next few days, Su Xun began to teach her how to speak and read.

Xiyan's learning speed is very fast, just a week's effort, the two people have been able to simply communicate.

Su Xun asked Xiyan if she knew what the heart of the sea was, but Xiyan said she had never heard of it.

Finally, he asked where there was an island. Xiyan pointed to a direction, and Su Xun rowed away with the oar.

Because he wanted to get to the island quickly, Su Xun didn't hunt sharks and other sea monsters all the way. He didn't hear anything about the foreign affairs of the ship, so he just went to the island.

Three days later, Su Xun finally saw the shadow of an island, and he laughed.

It's 12 days since I came to this world. It's my first time to set foot on land.

After ten days, he saw the state of the boat.

Name: Shenzhou 7.

Survival: 330

Quality: low

wear: 90 / 100

Introduction: a unique awning boat, 7m long and 3M wide, is stronger than the ordinary wooden boat, with oars, you can decide the market direction at will, and from then on you have shelter from the wind and rain.

Su Xun speeded up and rowed the boat to the island.

When Su Xun's eyes were full of islands.

He didn't notice another hot new post on the forum.

Villagers, there are demons in this world! There is extraordinary power, a warning from the dying. 》

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