Villagers, there are demons in this world! There is extraordinary power, a warning from the dying. 》

this post was posted on the forum at about 10:00 in the morning. It has been viewed and replied hundreds of millions of times in the morning, and its popularity is still rising rapidly.

The name of the posting is Chen Nan.

At the beginning of the post, there are several pictures. The content of the picture is a bottle, a devil floating in the air, whose body is unreal and real, and whose face is ferocious and ferocious.

Chen Nan: "fellow villagers, this is the last time I prayed to the devil to send a post. When you see the post, I am dead."

"I made a net with leaves and ropes. When I fished, a bottle came out of the net. As soon as I opened it, a devil floated out of it. He said that he had vowed that whoever saved him would be tortured and killed."

"Is that familiar? Yes, this horse is the devil in the little story of the fisherman and the devil in the fairy tale Arabian Nights. At the end of the story, the fisherman deceives the stupid devil back into the bottle, seals it again, and throws it into the sea again. "

"As a result, I was caught again by my bad luck. I deeply think that the fisherman's uncle, who allowed him to litter? Ganlin Niang, it's bad luck for me to come to grandma's house. My brothers, the water in this world is very deep. Remember

"For the sake of warning before I die, if anyone has three wishes when he comes to Aladdin's lamp, please make a wish to revive me."

The content of the post ends here. It seems that the attitude of the person who posted the post before death is pretty good.

Or have nothing to do but make fun of it.

Hao Shuang: "Wo RI! If there is no picture, I absolutely don't believe that the devil in the horse riding fairy tale actually appears. Are we in the fairy tale world? "

Gao Wan: "if it is a fairy tale world, the land is more dangerous than the sea. If you dig deep into fairy tales, there is a deep darkness."

Ward gilbong: "Oh, my God, this is a hero. We should remember him."

Ichiro Watanabe: "what if I haven't seen a fairy tale? The emperor is up. Am I cold

Zhao Yun: "there are many good things in fairy tales. You are afraid of death, but I am not afraid. I must find the mainland when I step on my horse, and then go to snow white! To fulfill the most innocent and simple wish of my childhood. "

Zhou Chao: "LSP is brave and not afraid of death! But Snow White may have been turned by the seven dwarfs

Xie Liang: "upstairs, are you the devil?"

Han Wei: "calm down, everyone. This is a totally abnormal world with all kinds of dangers."

After learning that the devil in the fairy tale actually appeared in this world, people were shocked.

Some people are afraid, others are happy.

For those who are not afraid of death, although the fairy tale is dangerous, it also represents opportunity.

Su Xun, who hasn't seen the forum today, doesn't know these things for the moment. At this time, he has arrived at the island.

The island is bigger than at least two football fields.

The mermaid couldn't go ashore. At the same time, Su Xun left her to watch the boat on the shore.

In order to avoid picking up resources back, suddenly found that the boat floated away, the horse on the dog.

"Wait for me here, I'll buy two oranges No, I'll be back soon. "

Susian touched her golden hair.

"Well." Xiyan nodded, then got up and gave Su Xun a kiss with a smile.

Obviously, Su Xun became a beast. In the past ten days, she didn't just teach her how to speak. After all, mouth plays a lot of roles. Of course, single men and few women should learn how to use it properly

Watching Su Xun's back disappear, Xi Yan sat in the bow of the boat, the colorful fish tail slapping the water, holding the book of outlaws of the marsh in his hand.

Su Xun went to some coconut trees, then broke the tree with his fist and picked off the coconut.

That's how it's done.

After all, he won't come here any more.

So there is no public morality.

I picked more than 20 coconuts, carried them all on the boat, and then carried a bucket to dig.

Dig the soil and you can plant it on the boat. There are still tomato seeds and a potato.

Su Xun broke the barrel horizontally from the middle, so that it could be used as two rectangular planters.

It was filled with soil and put on the stern of the ship.

Then Su Xun began to walk further on the island. He wanted to find more wild fruits.

As for whether you will meet the cannibal aborigines like the hapless one who posted before.

He didn't think he had to worry about that.

If you have to worry about it, you are also worried about the life safety of the aborigines who meet him.

Speak of the devil, and he will come.

Suddenly, a group of human beings wrapped in animal skins jumped out of the woods and surrounded Su Xun with wooden spears.

There are more than a dozen, men, women, young and old.

Looking at their eyes, it was obvious that Su Xun, who was different from them, was regarded as food.After all, stranded on this island, it's not easy to get Sushen's food.

So if you meet them, you won't let them go.

"If you leave now, I can still assume that nothing has happened."

While speaking, Su Xun took out the dagger. He didn't regard these primitive people as the same kind, just as these primitive people regarded him as food.

But the other side obviously didn't understand him.


Everyone rushed to him, shouting.

They're hunting.

Unfortunately, they met another hunter.

And they became prey.

Holding a dagger, Su Xun seized the wooden spear that was first stabbed at him, broke it with one hand, and then stepped forward, and the dagger stabbed him in the throat instantly.

Puyi -

it was the sound of the blade's body, and the warm blood flowed to sutian's hand along the dagger.

The others all stepped back. Obviously, they didn't expect that the resistance of the prey was so strong.


Then they rushed up again.

But they are definitely dying.

Their sharp wooden spears were useless to Su Xun. They could not even leave a red mark.

Like killing a chicken, Su Xun turned these fierce primitive people into primitive ghosts.

Just a few minutes later, there were only a dozen corpses left, and the land was red with blood.

Su Xun bent down, wiped the blood on the dagger on one of the corpses, and went on.

Along the way, he didn't meet any large animals. He should have been killed by these primitive people.

A few minutes later, he saw some thatched houses.

It's obviously a gathering place for primitive people.

He came into the village like a devil and mopped up in the thatched cottage.

Let him find a few pieces of intact animal skin, as well as animal oil torch, and flint.

There are melons, fruits and bacon. It's a good harvest.

Since these people live on the island, it means that there is no danger on the island.


As soon as susian was about to leave the hut, he suddenly stopped.

In the crevice, he found a map and an unopened drifting bottle.

He looked at the map first. It was a map of the mainland. He couldn't understand what it was.

What Norman Empire, the Duchy of Karl

However, the existence of such a large continent shows that there is also a systematic human civilization in this world.

He put the map away and opened the bottle again. Inside was a piece of cloth.

After opening it, it said: I really want to have beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the prince's dance.

Seeing this, Su Xun immediately thought of Cinderella, but it was a fairy tale, so he didn't take it seriously. He lost the cloth and left only the glass bottle.

Don't say Cinderella is just a story, even if it is true, it has nothing to do with him. Now he just wants to upgrade his Shenzhou-7 to an aircraft carrier, find the heart of the sea by the way, and then leave the world.

Then he took the skins, melons and fruits, bacon and map to the shore where the ship was stopped, and returned with a full load.

"So much."

Seeing that susian came back with big and small bags, Xiyan wanted to help. Unfortunately, she had no legs and could not go ashore. She could only sit on the boat and watch.

"Eat a fruit first, and press the essence."

Su Xun cut a watermelon the size of a basketball and ate it with Xiyan on the boat.

After eating, spread the hide in the shed, so that it will be soft when you go to bed at night, and then plant potatoes and tomato and watermelon seeds in wooden barrels.

Finally, the bucket for fish farming was emptied, and the island was cleaned and filled with fresh water.

Anyway, there is no shortage of fish to eat, so these fish are certainly not as important as fresh water.

"If only it could ripen quickly."

Looking at the seeds just planted in the planter, Su Xun said something with emotion.

"If you can find a magician or a wizard, you can." Xiyan is more and more skillful in speaking.

But Su Xun heard something different: "are there magicians and witches in this world?"

"Yes, I knew a wizard lived in the quagmire of Eton." Xi Yan nodded.

Su Xun felt toothache and the mermaid couldn't speak. He thought there was no extraordinary power in the world.

But Mermaid can talk, but tell him that there are witches and magicians in this world.

Can his fleet push the world?

Su Xun asked again, "do magicians and witches have the power to call the wind and rain and move mountains and seas?"

"Well, no, they can say incantations, change things, have simple fireball skills, and evil wizards can curse." The setting face ponders to reply a way.

Su Xun was relieved.Thought: this?

For a wizard and magician of this level, before he finished his spell, Su Xun would be able to strike first.

When they are upgraded to warships, they will not even have the chance to spell.

Su Xun suddenly thought of a point: "can the magician or wizard give you a leg?"

His cultivation has not been unsealed. He can't do this, but he can let the magicians in the world solve it.

When Xiyan heard this, her face was a little unnatural, and she pursed her lips: "yes But... "

"Is there anything hard to say?" It was the first time that Su Xun saw this expression on his face.

Xiyan clenched her lips and said, "once my youngest sister, for the sake of a prince of a human country, at the cost of her own voice, found a wizard in the mire to exchange a pot of soup that could make her human."

"After she had her legs, every step she took was like stepping on the edge of a knife. And once the prince she loved married someone else, she would die. Finally, the prince amused the princess of a neighboring country and she died."

She looked up and said, "I'm not afraid of the pain of stepping on the tip of a knife. I'm not afraid that I will no longer have the long life of mermaid after I become a human. I'm afraid that I'm the same as my sister..."

She couldn't understand her sister's feelings for the human prince before, but now she does.

She was not afraid of death, but she was afraid that after suffering and becoming a man, Su Xun was tired of playing and didn't want her.

Su Xun's face was strange. This horse Xiyan's younger sister sounds like the little mermaid in the fairy tale "the daughter of the sea".

He suddenly thought of the words on the cloth in the drifting bottle he just picked up.

This horse Is it a fairy tale world?

Or, to be more precise, the world contains elements of fairy tales?

If so, no wonder the game system repeatedly reminds them that land does not belong to them. After all, land is no less dangerous than the sea.

The world of fairy tales is still very dangerous and can't be cheated by the naive romance on the surface of the story.

For example, there is a fairy tale called the emperor's new clothes. The child tore through the emperor.

Will that child come to a good end?

Don't tell me that the child has exposed the fact that the emperor was naked and ran. The emperor not only didn't get angry, but also rewarded him for his honesty.

Forget it, no matter what he has on the shore, he just shrinks in the sea. After all, the heart of the sea must be in the sea as soon as he hears its name.

"I'll make you human, and there's no side effect." Susian touched her face.

In fact, half human and half fish are also very exciting, as long as the upper body can be used.

Xiyan knew the meaning of the side effect and nodded happily. She chose to believe Su Xun.

When Su Xun opened the forum, he wanted to send his speculation to the forum. He was not interested in the fairy tale world because his height had already exceeded the extraordinary factors in the fairy tale world.

But the seven billion ordinary people who come across from the blue star must be interested in the supernatural things like magic and witchcraft in the fairy tale world.

As a result, when he opened the forum, the whole person was directly hoodwinked.

Team up for snow white! Seven dwarfs are cheaper than seven billion of us. 》

"if you find the mainland, you can share it. I'm going to find golden apple. 》

I have a reservation for Snow White's stepmother, and I like this kind of mature one. 》

"fellow townsmen, we seven billion people can unite to build a nation in the fairy tale world! 》

"full name LSP? What's the situation? "

How to feel, everyone knows that the world has fairy tale factors, and he finally knows.

There's a lot of trouble. Turn on the hot search.

Ranking first in the hot search list, it is the post of Chen Nan, the unfortunate ghost who released the devil.

After reading the post, Su Xun's mouth twitched.

This guy is really unlucky. Open the door to unlucky. Unlucky home.

The devil, who was first sealed and then cheated by the fisherman, was absolutely cruel to him.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that Su Xun's face was not right, Xi Yan asked.

Su Xun quit the forum and said, "it's OK, Xiyan. Can you go home and ask your father if you know the heart of the sea?"

In the daughter of the sea, it is recorded that the father of the six Mermaid sisters is the king of the sea, who is the serious king of the sea.

He should know the heart of the sea.

"Well." Xiyan agreed without hesitation, because this was the first time that Su Xun asked her for help.

Su Xun asked again, "if you go home, I'll be floating on the sea. Can you still find me?"

"I remember your smell, so I won't lose you." Xiyan showed a proud smile.

Su Xun kisses her red lips and skillfully picks two shells from her body.After a burst of intimacy, Xiyan left.

Without xiaoyuren's sunset, Su Xun had to practice his ancestral craft by himself.

Su Xun continued to drift along the sea by boat.

This time, there are plenty of goods and materials. There are more than ten pieces of bacon, a bucket of water, and melons, fruits and coconuts. There should be no player who has more goods and materials than him.

He is now the richest man of seven billion.


Night is coming.

Su Xun roasted meat in the bow of the boat, including bacon, fish, and cut fruit. It was very rich.

This is the second day that Xiyan left.

I miss her.

He killed two sharks, and now he has 430 survival points. It's still 70 short to upgrade the awning ship to a sailing ship with sails. When the awning ship is upgraded to a sailing ship, it can barely be regarded as a big ship.

As always, Su Xun took a picture of the big dinner in front of him and uploaded it to the forum. It's like sending a circle of friends. Every day he can harvest a lot of admiration.

Those people envied and envied the message, which was the best meal he had every time.

It's been half a month, and seven billion people have died. Su Xun doesn't know how many people have died, but those who have survived have adapted, and those who have met each other have begun to live together.

It is known on the forum that there are more than 100 people in the largest group at present, both men and women. The leader is a senior executive of modern company named Zhou Yao.

He collected the resources of more than 100 people, made rational use of them, and managed them in an orderly manner.

Although life is hard, but somehow after the group survival rate also improved a lot.

According to this trend, more and more people will meet on the sea, and eventually they will land, compete with local people for territory, and even build a new country.

But these have nothing to do with Su Xun.

He salted the barbecue and turned it over.

He changed a sheet of iron from the trading area, which he put on the fire and used as a baking plate.

The strong smell of meat filled the sea.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came, the calm water suddenly began to surge, and the awning boat began to shake.

Then Su Xun suddenly felt that it was dark, completely dark, and even the light of the moon was gone.

When Su Xun looked up, he saw an ugly guy with horns floating in the air, completely covering the waning moon in the sky.

This is a devil. It looks like a typical devil in fairy tales and fables.

I almost engraved the word "devil" on my forehead for fear that others would not recognize it.

"Stupid mortal, how dare you look me in the eye."

The devil's voice is hoarse and harsh.

Fuck, the devil Chen Nan released?

Su Xun asked tentatively, "great master, are you the one sealed in the copper bottle?"

If he is self-cultivation, he can kill his whole family with one finger.

But now the situation is stronger than others. If we can't solve it by force, we can only use wisdom.

"What do you want to say?" The devil's eyes are full of evil.

Because that was his eternal disgrace. When Su Xun mentioned this, he was uncovering his scar.

But his attitude undoubtedly admitted that he was the devil sealed in the copper bottle.

Su Xun showed an excited and exaggerated expression, and tears came out: "my great adult, we have been looking for you for hundreds of years."

"Nonsense! How can you little human beings live for hundreds of years? " The devil roared.

Since he was cheated by the fisherman once, he obviously has a long memory, but it is limited.

Su Xun trembled with excitement: "no, no, dear Mr. devil, listen to me. It's not me. It's my ancestors who have been looking for you. They admire your supreme power and want to release you. They ask for a wish from you. Unfortunately, they haven't found it. I've been driving the boat to look for your trace in the ocean since ten years ago. I never thought of it I didn't expect to find it at last

The lie is full of holes, but the devil has been sealed for hundreds of years. How can he know what's going on outside?

What's more, from the original story, this fool has been released, and can be cheated by the fisherman to automatically get into the bottle and be sealed again.

That means his IQ is zero.

So if you want to cheat him, as long as the mood and performance are in place, it doesn't matter if the reason is far fetched.

Sure enough, the devil doubted: "human, do you know the end of cheating me?"

He doubted Su Xun's words, but he read from Su Xun's expression and eyes that he didn't lie.

It made him lose his mind for a moment.

"No! Absolutely not. If you think about it carefully, how can I know that you are sealed in a bottle if what I say is a lie? " Su Xun asked.

The devil pondered. He thought this was reasonable. The fierce light in his eyes had gradually dissipated, so he looked at Su Xun quietly, waiting to speak.Su Xun continued to pull the calf: "also, if I didn't want to look for you, how could I risk driving a boat on the sea? You know how dangerous it is

"Well, man, for the sake of your humility, I'll just have to believe you. What's your wish?" The devil has believed Su Xun.

, on this intelligence quotient, no wonder it will be turned around by a fisherman, Su Su can make complaints about it in his heart.

He can't bear to cheat each other. He always feels guilty about bullying the mentally handicapped.

However, thinking that the mentally retarded child could strangle his body now, Su Xun chose to follow his heart.

Follow your heart.

"We have been looking for you for generations to get the chance to learn magic from you." Su Xun made up a lot of things. If he could teach him magic, he would make money.

The devil didn't answer, but his eyes fell on the barbecue on the iron sheet below. He was greedy.

After hundreds of years in prison, he had not enjoyed any delicious food. Now when he smelled the meat roasted by Su Xun using divine cooking skills, he was salivating madly.

Su Xun quickly put the roast on a leaf: "please enjoy these."

Devil grabbed, a mouth, and leaves together with the same down, showing the color of satisfaction.

"I can give you a magic for the sincerity of your ancestors from generation to generation, and for the sake of your palatable barbecue." Said the devil.

The devil was kind enough to repay him. When he was sealed, he swore that if anyone let him out, he would do everything to repay him.

As a result, no one saved him after 400 years of waiting, so he twisted his mind and swore that if anyone saved him, he would kill him, and the devil was the devil.

Of course, now he knew from Su Xun's lies that it was not that there was no one to save him, but that he could not find him, and he never gave up to save him, so his twisted heart was slightly pacified.

But Su Xun was looking for his explanation from generation to generation, which satisfied his vanity.

In addition, Su Xun just gave him the first cooked food that had been sealed for hundreds of years, so he didn't mind being merciful occasionally.

Su Xun did not expect that the devil really agreed, and immediately said: "I hope to learn..."

"You have no choice, whatever I give you." The devil interrupted him domineering, lantern like, and then looked around on the boat.

Su Xun bowed his head and said sincerely, "I hope you can forgive me for being young and ignorant."

The devil was very satisfied with Su Xun's attitude. Unlike the fool who let him out two days ago, he called ghost at the first sight, and then he was too scared to speak clearly.

The devil stretched out his hand a little: "give you birth to the magic, you can use this magic to give birth to those seeds planted in the soil on your ship, and speed up their maturity."

"Thank you for your generosity." Su Xun's eyes lit up. Although the spell had no attack power, it was what he wanted most. The devil was a particular ghost!

When the devil was ready to leave, Su Xun asked again, "Sir, do you know the heart of the sea?"

"Greedy human, you have got my feedback, you should not dream more, but generous I decided to forgive you, I have never heard of this."

"I'm going to take revenge on the guy who sealed me. I hope we can see each other again. Of course, if you can survive in the ocean, ha ha ha..."

Then the devil flew away laughing.

It's a bit of schadenfreude. Do things as you like. Is that the devil?

That Su Xun felt that he was also like a devil, because he did things at will.

"Tut, the art of birth control. If you pick it up, you will earn it."

Su Xun pointed to the pot where watermelon and tomato were planted, recited the mantra, and then a green light came out from his fingertips. Then the seeds planted two days ago began to germinate.

After the seed sprouted, Su Xun felt a little dizzy. It was obvious that he had consumed too much mental energy.

He stopped casting and looked at the tomato and watermelon seedlings with a satisfied smile on his face.

Once a day, if you go on like this, you will soon be able to harvest, and vegetables, melons and fruits will be self-sufficient.

The only trouble is that the spell is a little long.

So that's why he doesn't think the world's magicians and witches are a big threat.

As long as his hand is fast enough, he can kill him before he says the spell.

Of course, he remembers that in fairy tales, demons and fairies don't have to spell.

Otherwise, he just didn't have to follow his heart and let the devil have a taste of the iron fist of socialism.

Two days later, Su Xun saved enough to upgrade the awning boat into a sailing boat.

At the same time, Xiyan also came back, bringing back to him the news of the heart of the sea.

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