"My father did hear of the heart of the sea you asked me to ask, but he didn't know where it was."

Xiyan's upper body was lying in the bow of the boat, and her lower body was in the sea. She looked at Su Xun apologetically.

Su Xun finally asked her for help, but she didn't give any substantial help.

So she's sorry about that.

Su Xun comforted: "it's OK. First tell me the news about the heart of the sea."

He didn't expect to be able to find the heart of the sea so easily. It would be nice to know something about it.

"The heart of the sea is a crystal stone. It has the ability to control the sea and command everything in the sea. It was once in the hands of the sea god, but it has been missing for a long time."

That's all Xiyan got from Haiwang.

"I'm sorry for you. Let's get on the boat first."

Su Xun gave a little smile and took her from the sea to the boat, but Xi Yan held his neck and didn't let go.

"Well, did you miss me?"

She blinked playfully.

"What do you say?"

Su Xun bowed his head and gave her a kiss. Then they were out of control, so they rolled and nearly overturned the boat.

The only regret is that the lower part of the body is a fish tail, can't fight with live ammunition.

Su Xun, the representative of human beings, and the mermaid, the representative of Xiyan, had a close contact and contributed countless children to the harmony between the two peoples Countless powers.

"Wow! Sprouted, why so fast! "

After intimacy, I dived into the sea to take a bath. After gargling, I noticed the long seedlings in the planting basin.

She has been gone for only a few days. The watermelons, tomatoes and potatoes she planted are so big.

Su Xun said, "keep your eyes open."

Xiyan looked at him suspiciously.

Su Xun recited the mantra and performed the art of birth.

With the blessing of magic, the seedlings in the two planters slowly grow into vines.

Xiyan glared at Su Xun and said, "are you a magician?"

"Of course, and a great magician." Su Xun admitted it shamelessly, and then pretended to be forced: "Xiao Xiyan, look good again."

With that, he chose to upgrade Shenzhou 7.

Then the awning boat turned into a sailboat.

The hull has been enlarged several times, with a big sail in the middle and houses on board.

Name, Shenzhou No.7

survival: 10

Quality: low

wear: 150 / 150

Introduction: a wooden sailing boat, 13m in length, 5.5m in width, 1.5m in height, with two rooms, can drive more stably in the vast ocean when facing the wind and waves.

"This It's amazing... "

Although she had seen Su Xun turn the corpse of the sea monster into a bottle of water and the wooden boat into an awning boat, she was still shocked to see Su Xun turn the awning boat into a sailing boat with his own eyes.

"It's nothing. For us magicians, it's just a small thing." Su Xun didn't think so.

The sunset is fooled by him. His beautiful eyes are full of worship, as if twinkling with little stars.

Now she finally knew why Su Xun was so confident that he could turn her into a human.

It turned out that Su Xun himself was a powerful magician, so he would certainly be able to study the magic of turning himself into a human without side effects.

Su Xun didn't know that she had so much brain tonic.

Xiyan suddenly thought of something: "by the way, my father also said that the heart of the sea may no longer be in the sea, because when it came out that the heart of the sea was lost, countless sea people searched all over the sea and didn't find it."

"Doesn't that mean it's on land?" Su Xun didn't know whether the news was good or bad.

It's bad news. At least I've eliminated the ocean for myself, so I don't have to work hard in the sea.

Well, I have to go to land.

Su Xun didn't plan to land at all. He just wanted to build a fleet to cross the sea.

If he's going to land, does his fleet still have birds?

Xiyan's interest was not high, because if Su Xun wanted to go to the land to look for the heart of the sea, she couldn't take her. She had to wait for Su Xun in the sea.

However, she could not tell Su Xun about her worries. Instead, she comforted him and said, "it's OK. At least the land is smaller than the ocean, and it's not as complicated as the ocean. It's easier to find it."

"And you are a noble magician. On land, you will be respected by all countries, so you can let the king mobilize his people to help you find the heart of the sea."

Su Xun gave a wry smile. His family knew his own affairs. He was a noble magician with a hammer. He was a warrior with full attack and defense.

And he looks so handsome, go to the king for help, what if the queen is greedy for him?Isn't he forced to give the king a green hat?

Is he such a person?



It suddenly occurred to him that there were fairy tales in the world, so maybe snow white.

If there is snow white, there is her stepmother queen.

Don't get me wrong, Su Xun is not greedy for her stepmother's body, but greedy for the magic mirror in her stepmother's hand.

If you can get that magic mirror, you can find out the whereabouts of the heart of the sea from the sunglasses?

It's a great waste to leave that magic mirror in the hands of the queen. She only used to ask such boring things as "who is the most beautiful woman in the world".

Therefore, he pointed out that the magic mirror was predestined to him and should have entered his pocket.

The smile on Su Xun's face gradually became wild.

"What are you laughing at?"

Xiyan felt that Su Xun's smile was a little slapping.

Su Xun restrained his smile and said, "it's nothing. Just a moment. I'll show you something."

Then he got up and went into the cabin, took out the map he had found on the island and came out.

"Look at this. Have you heard of the countries above?" Su Xun spread out the map and asked Xi Yan.

"I haven't been there before, but I've heard people on those cruise ships talk about it before. This is the Norman empire. The nearby kingdom of Eaton, the kingdom of cabel and the kingdom of ice and snow are all affiliated countries of the Norman empire."

"Have you ever heard of an omniscient mirror in the world? In which country. " Su Xun asked again, so many kingdoms can't be found one by one.

Xi Yan shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. After all, I can only know the information about the land from the people on the cruise ships passing by on the sea."

"Can you find this continent?" Su Xun asked hopefully, after all, Yan could find the direction of the island on the eve of the war.

Xiyan shook her head: "no, I can only determine the nearby islands and lands according to the smell of soil in the sea breeze. I can't find the Norman empire."

"All right." Su Xun put away the map. He had to put it down for a while and try to upgrade Shenzhou 7 first.

In this way, you can at least have a foothold. Upgrading to a warship is a mobile fort. If you get into any trouble on land, you can completely avoid the ship.

Moreover, after upgrading to a modern ship, the ship will have its own radar system, so that it can identify the direction on the sea and find the location of the mainland.

Xiyan saw that she couldn't do anything to help her. She felt guilty: "I'm sorry, I..."

"You've helped enough." Su Xun interrupted her and put his arms around her smooth white shoulder.

Under the setting sun, they lean on the bow of the boat and watch the falling sun on the sea level. The picture is very beautiful.

But in fact, Su Xun was distracted.

His consciousness has sunk into the forum.

A new post was hot searched on the top.

Brothers, I'm going to land! 》

the name of the posting is song Liang.

[picture] [picture]

the first two pictures show a cruise ship and a group of blonde people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, seven billion men and women from blue star, look what I found? liner! A cruise ship of the world

"The destination of this cruise ship is the kingdom of Kabel. You're right. I can land now. Hahaha, I should be Su Xun. I can almost imagine these women falling into the hands of Octopus monsters, tentacles

"Dinner tonight, octopus sashimi!"

Su Xun collected the sail, tied the dagger to his waist, picked up the steel fork to kill the sea monster and jumped down.

The reason why we jump apart is because we are afraid that the tentacles of octopus will break the boat.


Another sound of falling into the water.

Xiyan also jumped down.

"Come up."

Xiyan swam below him.

Without hesitation, Su Xun directly rode on her sleek and slender waist, and then swam to the octopus monster quickly with a flick of her tail.

"Sea monster! Take your life

Su Xun grabbed Xiyan's hair in one hand, waved a steel fork in the other hand, and rushed to the octopus monster with a roar.

At this moment, he is the king of the sea!

On the raft next to the octopus monster, several women were stunned. With their mouths open, they could easily insert an egg.

Octopus monster left four women, one tentacle to cut the air to Su Xun.

Xi Yan takes Su Xun away flexibly.

Su Xun pulled out the dagger at his waist and gave it a backhand.

Puyi -

the blood erupted, and the tentacle that the octopus drew was directly cut off, and the blood dyed the Sea red.

The octopus growled, and more tentacles came to Su Xun.Sunset directly carried Su into the deep sea.

These tentacles of octopus are all empty, hitting the sea and rolling up the waves.

Su Xun rode to the bottom of the octopus monster and exploded it with a steel fork.

BGM should be equipped here: Chrysanthemum explodes all over the mountain ~

"ouch -"

at the moment of being exploded, the octopus sends out a howl, and its body directly rushes out of the sea level.

"Jump out of the boat, all of you

Su Xun yelled.

The people on the raft jumped into the boat one after another, and then swam far away with the strength of secondary development.


Octopus monster fell from the sky, huge waves overturned the raft, a few bad luck people directly stunned in the past, sank to the bottom of the sea.

Su Xun relied on the moving speed of sunset in the sea to avoid this passive move.

"You get them on the boat."

The next battle was the most fierce. Su Xun didn't want to let Xiyan stay here and be hurt by mistake.

Although Mermaid speed is fast, but their life is very fragile, blood is relatively thin.

"Well, be careful yourself."

Xiyan is very obedient, ordered a, and then a throw fishtail from the bottom of the sea from the battlefield.

And Su Xun had a bloody fight with the octopus monster with a steel fork.

It has to be said that the octopus monster's fighting power and vitality are much stronger than the previous one.

It's those tentacles beat on Su Xun's body, although it can't break the defense, but it will be very painful.

However, Su Xun's courtesy is not enough.

He stabbed the octopus with his steel fork, and the octopus would be in pain, and the sea would be red with blood.

"To NIMA! I'm a living man, but I can't let you be bullied by a beast! "

Su Xun's fork fell again and again.

"Poof! Poof

Steel fork into the body of the sound continues to ring, octopus strange warm blood kept pouring out into the sea.

Suddenly, a tentacle caught Su Xun.

Su Xun's hand holding the fork was also curled, and the dagger had fallen off and was floating on the sea.

On the ship, Xiyan and the people who have just been saved are shocked to see this scene.

"I'll help him."

Xiyan jumped into the sea again without hesitation.

From the fairy tale "the daughter of the sea", her sister's undying feelings for the prince, we can see their view of love.

It's about loyalty.

That's why she is not afraid of life and death to save Su Xun.

But Su Xun didn't use her to help, because he directly lowered his head and bit on the tentacles of the octopus monster.

Think of it as an octopus sashimi.

He had a lot of strength. After biting it, he tore it. Poof, a piece of meat was torn off.


The octopus screamed, the tentacle that had torn off a piece of meat loosened, and susian fell from the air.

But the moment he fell down, Su Xun raised his fork and stabbed the octopus.


All the steel forks fell into the octopus monster's big head, and Su Xun held the steel fork and hung in the air.

The octopus monster, already covered with bruises, fell on the sea after the fatal blow.


Huge waves were smashed up.

At the same time, Su Xun gained 300 survival points.

And he is also tired enough, this thing damage strength is not strong, but the blood is really stepping on the horse thick!

Su Xun lay back on the sea for breath.

Xiyan quickly swam to the bottom to hold him.

Su Xun grabbed a tentacle of Octopus monster and hung it in the trading area.

Such a big piece of meat was finally won by a collective that gathered together to survive.

With this Octopus monster, Su Xun traded a large tin can, five air dried seabirds, seven potatoes, five sweet potatoes, and two cabbages.

On that basis, he lost money.

But he didn't care, because he couldn't talk about sea monsters, so he might as well change what he needed.

And the forum was once again cracked by it.

Su Xun killed another sea monster! 》

in the post is a picture of Su Xun hanging the sea monster in the trading area.

Chen Chun: "lying trough! This sea monster is more fierce than last time. Is this horse still human? "

Gao Huan: "I feel that he is the sea monster. All the sea creatures he killed are poor sea creatures."

Zhou Fei: "upstairs, it smells like that."

Xie Hai: "too NIMA fierce, if only can form a team with him, the sense of security is full."

Li Zong: "people will not take you a waste, after all, you a man can't let him say."

Xie Hai: "upstairs narrow, who said not?"Wu Pei: "you are really scared."

The content of the post is gradually slanting, and the painting style is full of the breath of fencing. Su Xun doesn't know anything about it. He and Xiyan get on the ship with the trade, and the rescued people on the ship quickly reach for it.

Their raft was also handed up.

There are seven survivors, all women.

Those who have been killed and can not be saved are also women. This small group is all women.

It's hard for a woman to live alone, not only against sea monsters, but also against men.

So after some women meet, they choose to unite, which not only enhances their own strength, but also does not need to be reduced to sexual tools to be used by men as slaves.

Today, there is no way to deal with this situation, let alone a group of women, even a group of men who encounter Octopus monster will still suffer heavy losses.

"Thank you for saving my life."

The seven men bowed to Su Xun.

"Do you know me?"

Su Xun looked at the seven people. They were in good shape and had beautiful faces. But after so many days of wind, sun and rain, their skin turned to wheat and light black.

Vaguely can also see the abdominal muscles, as well as the arm muscles, obviously are not weak women.

After all, in this situation, the weak women either turn to men or have died, and those who can survive have evolved into such strong women.

Although they had a beautiful face, Su Xun had no doubt that they could move bricks at the construction site.

Of course, strength belongs to strength, but their endurance is certainly not as good as men's.

"We all pay attention to your forum number, and the mermaid around you is easy to recognize."

Said a woman with a single ponytail, oval face, wheat skin, only one piece of omen left on her upper body and a pair of jeans shorts on her lower body.

It seems that she is the leader of several people.

Several other people's clothes are not complete, when they enter the game, they don't know where the clothes are rotten after so many days.

"Just know me. Don't mention it. We are all villagers. What's more, it's impossible for me to sit by and watch a group of women captured by sea monsters and remain indifferent."

Su Xun said with a smile.

"You can ignore it, but we can't ignore it. If it wasn't for you, we would be the food of that octopus monster." Said a woman with short hair.

"Food?" Su Xun showed a bad smile: "Xiyan, oh, this Mermaid told me that sea monsters catch females to reproduce."


The seven women's faces suddenly changed, and then they all showed their expressions for the rest of their lives.

If you die, it's OK. If you get pregnant by that disgusting Octopus monster, it's worse than death.

"What are you going to do next?"

Su Xun asked.

The seven looked at each other.

In the end, the single horsetail woman who led the group said, "brother Su, we want to work with you. Of course, we are willing to work. As long as you don't let us sleep with you, we can do anything, and we don't have to eat the best food to live."

These women are no longer the charming women in the city. They are very clear. If Su Xun doesn't take them in, they will die.

And after seeing Su Xun's fighting power, their life safety would be guaranteed.

As long as you don't let them be sex slaves and slaves, you can let them work as if they were working slaves.

"Actually I can sleep with you. "

Seven people do not know who is weak said a sentence.

Others were twitching, but then again, Su Xun was so handsome and powerful. Many of them were willing to sleep with her.

"I don't need to sleep with you. The scandal is in the front. Since you stay on the boat, you have to listen to me. I don't like people who are not obedient. If anyone is not obedient, I will throw her into the sea directly."

Su Xun seriously warned seven people, because he would really do what he said.

The seven people shivered one after another. From Su Xun's tone, they had no doubt about the credibility of the words.

"Brother Su, don't worry. We are not ungrateful people. Even if we were before, we are not after this period of time. We will certainly be obedient."

Single horsetail female leader said sincerely.

"Call me captain later, and you will be the first sailors on board." Su Xun smiles.

The reason for leaving them is that the ship will become bigger and bigger in the future. Before it evolved into a modern ship, although it can use sails to move forward, it still needs sailors to paddle to control the direction of the ship.

So these seven people are ready-made tools.

Compared with raising a group of big men, it's a group of women who always look good. What's more, these women can't work, and women don't let men.

"Yes, Captain!"At the same time, the seven women stood at attention and cried, with bright smiles on their faces.

Then Su Xun asked the seven of them to introduce themselves, but it was too troublesome for him to remember.

So I numbered them directly, from number one to number seven, so it was much easier.

"Today is your evening. I really helped him a lot.

In the evening, seven women, a man and a mermaid sat on the deck eating delicious food and laughing.

Then the sleeping room is not enough. Susian and Xiyan occupy the room, and the rest of them sleep on the deck.

It's good for them.

Lying on the soft animal skin, Su Xun is surrounded by the soft touch from the tender skin of sunset. When he is shopping in the trading area, it's like shopping in Taobao.

Now there are more and more goods hanging on the trading area, and there are many kinds of goods. Su Xun is the biggest local tyrant. Of course, he doesn't want to miss good things.

He exchanged seven players' homemade oars and seven spears in the trading area.

This is for the seven seamen.


The next day, the 17th day of survival.

Early in the morning, Su Xun gathered the sailors and distributed the oars and spears to them.

And told the regulations, every morning to carry out military training, after all, he is best at training.

These women are not only sailors, but also soldiers and tools on the ship. They have to work hard.

After breakfast, they will train, and after training, they will be assigned tasks.

It is mainly responsible for marine materials.

Then after lunch, Su Xun arranged for them to have actual combat training and Kill sharks with wooden spears.

Throw their raft down, and then take them to jump on the raft with wooden spears. Use the fish with broken stomach to attract the sharks. When the sharks come, they attack in groups.

They had been killed when they were attacked by sharks before. Although they paid the price, they would not panic when they met sharks again.

Su Xun was responsible for their safety. He watched them fight with the shark. Whenever the shark wanted to run, Su Xun would drag it back.

Until the seven killed the shark completely.

Then the dinner in the evening is shark meat. If you can't finish it, hang it in the trading area and trade with people.

Day by day, people get along with each other more and more harmonious and tacit understanding.

Su Xun could also wipe some money from time to time. To be more precise, he was robbed, handsome and annoyed.

The 25th day of ocean survival.

Su Xun was lying on the wheat colored thigh of No. 2 sailor, who owned 32D baby granary, enjoying the massage of No. 3 and No. 4, while watching the current information of the ship.

Name, Shenzhou No.7

survival: 850

sailor: 7

Quality: low

wear: 142 / 150

Introduction: a wooden sailing boat, 13m long, 5.5m wide, 1.5m high, with two rooms, can drive more stably in the vast ocean when facing the wind and waves.

Sailor, this display was available two days ago.

He has tried that as long as he is sure to recruit the other party as a sailor, the number will increase, and the number will decrease when he removes the other party's sailor status.

In addition, at present, there are 650 survival points to upgrade to a building ship, which is a long way to go.

Then he opened the forum and clicked on the only person he followed, song Liang.

The lucky man who claimed to meet a local cruise ship and go to Cabell kingdom with the cruise ship.

He updated today. The previous contents were all about his life on the cruise ship. Su Xun didn't care. Today is the day when the cruise ship arrived at the port.

But after seeing the name of the post, Su Xun was stunned.

Brothers! Don't believe the local aborigines. I learned from blood and tears! 》

I have to say that the title is very attractive.

Su Xun chose to read the post.

"I set foot on the land of Kabel Kingdom today. I thought it was a simple and beautiful princess waiting for me, but I didn't expect it was a circus."

"Damn it! I was sold to the local circus people by the crew on the ship. I said why the people on the ship were so enthusiastic about me. I thought my handsome appearance attracted them. But I didn't expect that it was because there were no yellow people in this continent. "

"So I was sold to the circus. In order to prevent me from escaping, I was put in a cage and accepted tickets for exhibition. Next, I have to learn how to ride a unicycle and ride a horse. I'm a monkey! Cry to death. "

"Brothers, I'll try my best. I'll find a way to escape. Wait for me!"

The reply area is full of joy.

Highlight: "ha ha ha, laugh for a while."

Chen Cang: "although you are very poor, I can't help laughing. Ha ha ha..."

Zhong Er: "I bless you in the ocean, but before that, let me smile, ha ha ha."Xie an: "I'm waiting for you to save us when you are developed. Now save yourself first."

Zhou Yuan: "upstairs, say Ji, not ba."

Su Xun couldn't laugh or cry after watching it. This guy was so upset a few days ago. Now it's over.

Sure enough, he was forced by thunder.

Unless someone as handsome as him has privileges.

"The captain also read song Liang's post?"

Asked sailor two, who massaged his forehead.

"Yes, can you lift your granary? I feel like I'm suffocating. " Su Xun made a suggestion.

Second worry: "I don't want to, who let it grow so big, and there is no chest, no clothes."

Hearing this, the ordinary No. 3 took a look at his own airport, showing a small look of resentment: "you are showing off, you must be."

"Brother, I smell the smell of soil again. At five o'clock, there must be land, mixed with the smell of a large number of human beings. There are big settlements."

Xiyan, who had been swimming in the sea, suddenly fell on the side of the boat and cried to Su Xun with excitement.

"Come on, five o'clock."

Su Xun immediately got up, and several long legged female sailors quickly got out of the cabin and used the oars to control the direction.

Who let the sailboat have no rudder? If you want to turn, you can only use this primitive method.

Su Xun was a little excited. Since there was a lot of human breath, did he finally arrive on the mainland?

Although this hope is very slim, but now this situation allows him to have a trace of fantasy.

With the efforts of the female sailors, the sailboat turned and moved slowly towards five o'clock.

Because this direction is not with the wind, the sailors have to paddle.

This is undoubtedly individual work.

So next, Su Xun needs to recruit more sailors, because after upgrading to a building ship, he needs more people to row when the wind is not favorable.

What's more, it's most interesting to collect a boat of cool women sailors and train women soldiers.

It's not good for him. It's just that women are weaker than men. That's why he wants to save more women.

As for men, they can live on their own. They don't need to be saved. What they need to save is waste.

What can he do with the trash?


Since you can't do it, save the hammer.

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