The twenty seventh day of ocean survival.

With the efforts of seven female sailors and the help of fish navigation system.

Su Xun finally saw the shadow of the land.

No, to be more precise, it's an island, a relatively large island. There are many buildings of Western European style on the island, which shows that there is a real human civilization here.

Su Xun was very excited, because as long as there were people, he could find out the chart of the Norman empire.

"Go ahead at full speed. When you get ashore, make a suit for each of you!" Su Xun called to the cabin.

It has to be said that women look better when they wear clothes than when they don't wear them. After all, besides keeping out the cold, another important function of clothes is to dress up.

No clothes, but no feeling, is to the kind of hazy beauty is the most interesting.

Cough, cough, LSP.

Hearing Su Xun's words, the seven women held their breath and accelerated the speed of rowing.

Their hand speed must be very fast.

Although they are used to not wearing clothes, it doesn't mean they don't want to wear clothes.

After all, they all live in a civilized society.

Xiyan came to Su Xun and asked, "brother, do you have money to buy clothes?"

Even if she is a Haizu, she knows that in the human world, clothes are made for money.

As a fish who used her upper body to communicate with Su Xun at a negative distance, she never saw a silver coin on Su Xun.

But she didn't know that Su Xun was a big silver coin, an old silver coin.

"I'll just have a fist." Su Xun gave a smile.

With boxing, don't you have money?

Everyone is his wallet.

Xiyan had nothing to say about it. She took an earring from her ear and handed it to Su Xun: "you can sell it. You should get a lot of gold coins."

Two earrings are the only ornaments on her body, and they are also the most valuable things. They use the highest quality pearls on the bottom of the sea. After all, they are mermaid princess.

"Am I being taken care of?" Su Xun was dumbfounded, but he didn't refuse and took the earrings.

He's not the leading actor in the TV series who has the attribute of affectation. What's wrong with his women's things? It's better to send her in the future.

The family is so clear about what to do.

"I'll wait for you on the boat."

Looking at the nearer and nearer to the wharf, we can see the figure clearly, and Xiyan enters the room.

When a mermaid appears in the human world, it is most likely to be captured and raised by nobles.

Because the mermaid in addition to the lower part of the body is fishtail, regardless of the appearance or body are more than many human women, loved by many dignitaries.

She didn't want to get into trouble for Sushen, so she had to hide herself to avoid unnecessary troubles.

More than ten minutes later, the ship finally sailed into the dock, and there were also sailing boats and wooden boats on the dock. The development level of science and technology has not yet entered modernization.

The seven seamen were not dressed, so susian asked them to stay on the boat with Xiyan, otherwise their hot figure would easily make people commit crimes.

He just wants to know the road map to the Norman Empire, but he doesn't want to spend time dealing with it.

People on the dock looked at Su Xun curiously, because among a group of white people with blonde hair and blue eyes, Su Xun with black eyes, black hair and yellow skin was too conspicuous.

At the same time, Su Xun was also looking at them, and he also found a strange place.

That's the people here. At least the people on the dock he sees now don't smile.

Besides, the boats on the wharf are very small, and the biggest sailboats are not as big as his. Don't the businessmen in this country sail far to buy?

"Hey, man, where are you from?"

Asked a middle-aged man dressed as a businessman.

"I came from the eastern Tang Dynasty and went to the Norman Empire to seek the Scriptures. But I lost my chart on the way. Do you have any extra charts? I pay for it. "

Su Xun looked at the merchant and said with a smile.

The merchant's face suddenly changed. He looked around nervously. Then he said to Su Xun, "man, no matter where you come from, don't laugh."

"Why? I don't see a smile on your face Su Xun was curious.

Although he doesn't care about this at all, he only cares about charts, but the other party mentioned this point. If he doesn't pick up the conversation, it's a bit inappropriate.

The merchant's face changed and he didn't explain. Instead, he said, "all the charts of our country have been destroyed. You have to go to the imperial palace to find the chart, but I advise you not to. It's very dangerous to enter the imperial palace."

"Why?" Su Xun felt that the country seemed to reveal a strange feeling everywhere.

First of all, there are no smiles on people's faces. The whole area is lifeless, as if living under the high pressure policy of some country.

The merchant pulled Su Xun aside, lowered his voice and said, "I'll tell you that you came here from the Far East, so that you won't be killed in confusion.""The emperor of our country likes new clothes very much. He had to change clothes every quarter of an hour before. Later, he was cheated by two damned swindlers, saying that he made a very gorgeous and noble dress for his majesty, but only smart and honest people can see it."

"In fact, there are no clothes at all. His majesty is just a little bit. He is not willing to admit that he is stupid and dare not offend his majesty. So they all praise that the clothes that don't exist are beautiful."

"But a child said it, and at last everyone laughed. His majesty became angry. But for the sake of face, he still insisted that the clothes that did not exist were real. He continued to complete the inspection. After returning to the palace, he ordered to kill the child, and stipulated that no one was allowed to laugh in China."

"Under such a policy, people are executed every day in China, from the common people to the ministers, so many people flee. In order to prevent more people from escaping, his majesty ordered the destruction of all charts."

After hearing this, Su Xun breathed a sigh. Isn't this Andersen's fairy tale the emperor's new clothes?

More precisely, this is a follow-up development of the story of the emperor's new clothes.

After all, can an emperor who just wants to change his clothes be a benevolent king?

He lost such a big face and was ridiculed, which was irreparable. So he killed those who dared to ridicule him. In order to completely ban him, he made even greater efforts to make everyone stop laughing.

A total despot, a tyrant.

"Thank this kind and kind gentleman for telling me this. Can you ask me where I can make clothes?" Su Xun looked at the middle-aged businessman and asked.

The middle-aged businessman said, "walk along the main street. There are many good tailors in our country."

Because the emperor liked to wear new clothes, the country's clothing industry flourished.

This is the effect of the superior and the inferior. Of course, it also brings about the decline of the military and other physical industries.

Who makes everyone want to make a fortune by making clothes? Who is willing to work hard to develop other industries.

"Thank you."

Su Xun nodded and left the dock.

"Old John, who is that man? Do you know him? You seem to have talked a lot?"

"What a strange man. He has black eyes and hair, and yellow skin."

As soon as Su Xun left, fishermen and businessmen around the wharf gathered around the middle-aged businessman to inquire about the situation.

"He came from the remote eastern Tang Dynasty and went to the Western Norman Empire to seek scriptures..."

John took Su Xun as the material of his pretending.

And forced Wang Su Xun, at this time is walking into a jewelry store: "boss, please look at this."

Su Xun handed the Pearl Earring to him.

Chubby boss's careless eyes suddenly changed. He picked up the earrings and looked at them. Then he said to Su Xun, "guests from afar, please wait a moment. I need to take them in for identification."

With that, he was ready to turn and enter the room.

Just took a step and stopped.

Because Su Xun caught his back collar.

"I think it's better to identify here, don't you think?" Su Xun does not laugh.

He saw this kind of trick on TV when he was in primary school. He took it to the studio for appraisal, but when he took it out again, it had already been replaced.

At this time, there is no monitoring. Local people bully a simple group of outsiders by relying on local advantages.

Fat boss know encounter stubble, show a reluctant smile: "of course, this is a very good pearl, I am willing to pay 100 gold."

Things are good things. He really wants to collect them. Since he has a hard problem, he has to spend money to buy them.

"Do you think I'm a fool? If you make such a price that insults my intelligence, I'll go to the shop next to you right away. " Su Xun didn't know the purchasing power of gold coins, but he knew that this guy must have put down the price.

With that, he snatched back the pearl earrings, pretended to turn around and went out.

Fat boss quickly cried: "wait, my friend, don't be so impulsive, you can still talk about 1000 gold coins, I am willing to pay 1000 gold coins for this."


Su Xun hit the wall with a fist, and the wall sank into a pit, and there was a spider web like crack.

"I didn't catch you. Say the price again."

It can be called the most hard core bargaining method in history.

Fat boss's face turned white, but he felt bitter in his heart, because a thousand gold coins is really the price of conscience.

However, he looked at the hard fists on the wall and thought his conscience could be more expensive. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "one thousand three hundred gold coins."

"Deal." Su Xun could see that this time the fat boss was really in pain, which showed that he had no loss.

The fat boss came into the room and bitterly took out a bag of gold coins and handed them to Su Xun: "please order them."

"No more." Su Xun didn't think that he dared to cheat himself after seeing his own boxing power.After leaving the jewelry store with 1300 gold coins, Su Xun went into a tailor's shop again.

"Guests from afar, it's my honor to serve you. What can I do for you?"

As soon as I entered the tailor's shop, a freckled female apprentice met me.

Su Xun: "do you have any paper and pen to customize some clothes? I'll draw the picture and you do it

Soon, the female apprentice came out with a piece of paper and a pen: "guest, please."

Then she curiously looked around, because it was the first time that she saw the guests design their own clothes.

Su Xun painted on the paper. He drew a blue and white sailor's jacket and skirt. He also drew white silk and black silk. Cough, cough, LSP.

At present, silk stockings are specially for men, but just make them according to Su Xun's painting.

In addition, there are high-heeled shoes that men wear now, mainly to prevent stepping on cow dung.

After painting the sailor's uniform, Su Xun drew a picture of a modern military uniform, with a dark green coat, trousers and a short skirt. The style was German.

"God, it's a divine design."

The tailor's boss had already stood behind Su Xun, showing an exaggerated expression.

"Can you do it?" Su Xun asked.

The boss repeatedly nodded: "of course, distinguished guests, I am willing to pay for your design."

He could almost imagine the charm of these two kinds of clothes on women, and his tailor shop would surely explode the whole country.

"Give me 100 sets each for free. These two drawings are yours. I will give you a design drawing when I receive the goods." Su Xun pointed to the drawing.

Sure enough, knowledge is priceless. He has a lot of ideas about women's clothing styles.

It's all thanks to his group of women, who wear different clothes every day.

The boss heard that there was a new design, and his eyes were shining: "as you wish, sir, what size do you want these clothes made of?"

Su Xun casually talked about some of the most common size data of women, asked him to make dozens of sets each, and after he agreed on the date of taking the goods, he left.

After leaving the tailor's shop, he went to the blacksmith's shop and spent money to customize weapons in the blacksmith's shop.

Including sword, knife, spear and bow.

At the beginning, the boss refused, because swords and knives were OK, but spears and bows were contraband in China, and private casting and collection were prohibited. What's more, there was still such a large quantity of goods that rebellion was enough.

However, Su Xun gave too much. Su Xun gave 300 gold coins, which he could not refuse.

For ordinary people, this is a huge sum of money. The currency of the world is gold, silver and copper. 100 copper coins are equal to one silver coin, and 100 silver coins are equal to one gold coin.

An ordinary worker's income is only ten copper coins a day, and Su Xun's 300 gold coins are enough for the blacksmith's family to take risks.

After leaving the blacksmith's shop, Sue found a restaurant to eat and thought about how to get into the palace.

Because the middle-aged businessman on the dock made it very clear that basically all the domestic charts had been destroyed, and only the imperial palace had them.

The imperial palace is heavily guarded. Although he has the ability of copper, iron and power, it's too difficult for him to sneak in and steal quietly.

What's more, even if he can successfully sneak into the palace, he doesn't know where the chart is placed. Even if he gets it, he may not be able to bring it out.

After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to sneak in.

It's just that the way of sneaking in should be changed, and all the people who saw him should be knocked down. Won't they sneak in smoothly? And it's going to come out.

He felt like a genius.

But before that, he had to carry his clothes and weapons onto the ship, and then he would slip away when he got the chart.

So next, while waiting for the clothes and weapons to be made, he needs to find out about the security situation in the palace.

This problem is not difficult, especially when he has 1000 gold coins left in his hand.

After all, there is a saying that money makes the devil push the mill.


In the evening, the guards outside the palace changed their posts.

Phyllis was a palace guard.

After the change of duty, he went home with his helmet in his arms.

But there was no smile on his face.

Because they had been ordered to capture and kill those laughing ordinary people, which made him deeply hostile to his neighbors.

His parents and his wife's parents also alienated them, so he and his new wife had a bad life, even a hard time.

Especially when they are not rich, the pain is magnified infinitely.

"Hey, man, you don't seem happy?"

A figure stopped Phyllis.Phyllis looked up and saw a foreigner with black eyes, black hair and yellow skin.

Of course, this foreigner is Su Xun.

"What can I do for you?"

Asked Phyllis, somewhat upset.

"90% of the worries in the world are caused by lack of money. If so, I think I can solve your worries," Su Xun said

If he wants to know the security situation in the palace, he can only know it through the guards in the palace. They are responsible for this, and naturally they know it best.

If the other party doesn't want money, it won't get in the way of reporting him. It's just a wave of backhand killing.

"Are you joking, sir? Do you mean to give me money? " Phyllis is unbelievable.

Su Xun shrugged: "why not?"

"My grandmother taught me that there is no free lunch." Phyllis was not fooled by Sushen.

Su Xun nodded: "your grandmother must be a wise old man. Yes, I can give you a lot of money, but you need to pay the corresponding price."

"At what cost?" Phyllis said in secret. It's OK to listen. It's too much. Just don't agree.

Su Xun said, "I'll give you 100 gold coins, and you just need to tell me how many guards there are in the palace."

He said the price first and then the request, which would make Phyllis even less bold to refuse.

Because 100 gold coins are not small money.

Phyllis was only twenty coppers a day, better than ordinary workers, but not rich.

100 gold coins can change his fate.

The gap between the rich and the poor is everywhere.

As before, the jewelry store owner can spend 1300 gold coins just to buy an earring, because he can sell that earring at a higher price.

And ordinary people may not get 10 gold coins in their lifetime.

This is the gap between the rich and the poor.

Phyllis's face was uncertain. He admitted that he was interested. "What do you want to do?"

A foreigner deliberately inquired about the guards in the palace, which made him not worry.

"It's none of your business. You can take 100 gold coins if you just tell me. No one will know about it." Su Xun was like a devil leading him down.

Phyllis gritted his teeth: "I want money now."

"As you wish." Su Xun lost the 100 gold coins in the bag he had prepared.

Phyllis caught the gold coin and opened it. He was breathless and thirsty.

He has never seen so much money, and now the money belongs to him. How can he not be excited.

Su Xun urged, "I think you can wait until you get home and feel their breath."

"Hoo -" Phyllis came back and breathed a deep breath: "there are 300 bodyguards in the palace. There were more than 600 bodyguards, but they have to change their posts."

Three hundred bodyguards, this number, compared with the bodyguards of the emperors of the eastern countries, is a scum.

But in the fairy tale world, a city with 100000 people can be called a country, and whether there are 100000 people in this country who don't know, so it's normal.

"Is there a magician?" Su Xun asked again.

Phyllis looked at him strangely: "our country is very small, how can the magician stay?"

He seemed to be curious. Su Xun was so rich, but he didn't even have this common sense.

Magic research is very expensive, and it needs communication to make progress, so most magicians are in large countries with large population.

"Where's the knight?" Su Xun asked again.

Phyllis nodded and replied, "there are two five-star earth knights in the palace. One is the personal guard of the emperor and the other is the commander of the palace guards."

"Five star Knight of the earth?" Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

Phyllis understood that the foreigner knew nothing and adhered to the good tradition of collecting money. He explained: "knights and magicians are divided into nine stars. One star is the lowest and nine stars are the highest."

"Then how strong is the five-star earth Knight's attack power?" Su Xun is as steady as an old dog.

Phyllis pondered for a moment: "if you use your knighthood skills, you can cut the tree with one sword."

Su Xun was relieved, but so.

He said, "thank you for your answer. Now you can go home and feel the gold coins."

Three hundred people, he can deal with, a group fight three hundred, so happy decision.

Seeing Phyllis leave, so did suthen. He is going to spend the night on the boat.

Night falls, the temperature drops suddenly, the day is still sunny, but the night has begun to snow.

It's a good thing he's strong.

"Buy a box of matches, sir."

"Please buy a box of matches, sir."


A cute little girl in an old apron is selling matches. Her apron pocket is full of matches and her feet are a pair of big slippers. The slippers are obviously not hers.Unfortunately, the passers-by did not stop and did not pay for her matches.

Little Annie was a little desperate. She sat down in the corner outside a restaurant. She felt cold and scratched one match after another to keep warm.

She was very cold, but she didn't dare to go home, because she didn't sell any matches. When she got home, her father would definitely hit her and wouldn't give her food.

Suddenly, Annie, who was already unconscious, felt a shadow in front of her eyes. She subconsciously looked up.

What I saw was a pretty face.

But her focus was on susian's clothes.

Oh, my God, this person wears less than her on such a cold night. He must be very poor, too.

"Come with me."

Su Xun stretched out a hand and said softly.

He wanted to come to the restaurant to buy some food to bring back the legend, but he didn't expect to meet the little match girl.

When he read this story before, he was still very young, but he felt sad for the death of the little girl.

Now it can change the outcome of the other party's death.

If you give me a hand, I will do it naturally.

Annie couldn't hold on any longer. She didn't think about anything at all. Her cold little hand stretched out.

It wasn't until Su Xun held it that she found that this man's hand was warm.

Susian took her to the restaurant.

Looking at their clothes, the waiter frowned. As soon as he was ready to drive, Su Xun put a gold coin into her mouth.

"What a lovely child, sir. Can I help you?" The waiter gave a sweet smile.

In the face of money, even if susian put other indescribable things into her mouth, she would show a sweet smile.

Feeling the warmth of the restaurant, Annie was a little happy and restrained. Holding susian's hand tightly, she saw susian give a gold coin to the waiter. She thought it was too wasteful.

If she can bring back a gold coin, her father will not beat her for a long time.

Su Xun said faintly, "take some food and put it in a basket. I'll take it away."

"Yes, sir. Just a moment, please." The waiter sat down with them and then turned to leave.

Annie sat down timidly, as if for fear that she might contaminate the chair and tablecloth.

"What's your name?"

Su Xun handed the hot water in front of him.

Annie carefully replied, "Annie."

The warm smell in the restaurant has completely restored her consciousness, and her hunger is more obvious.

"You're afraid to go home because you didn't sell the matches. Your father will hit you, right?" Su Xun asked.

Annie's eyes widened. It seemed that she didn't expect the other party to know her own business.

When Su Xun saw this, he knew he was right. He was really the little match girl in the fairy tale.

Su Xun asked, "how about going with my brother? My brother won't beat you. My brother will take you away from here."

My uncle will take you to see the goldfish.

"Well." Annie is afraid to go home anyway. She will be killed when she goes back.

Besides, no one was so kind to her except that she had already married her grandmother in heaven.

Simple and naive, let her use the simplest way to distinguish people's heart, think that Su Xun is a good man.

Soon, a lot of food was brought in.

Su Xun paid the bill and took out a gold coin as a reward. He hired these people to help him take the food to the boat at the wharf, because there were too many.

At the same time, Su Xun also bought a lot of condiments and quilts, because he didn't expect that the temperature difference between day and night was so big.

If there were no quilts, the women without clothes on board would be damaged by the cold.

Half an hour later, on Shenzhou 7, the waiter of the restaurant had left with his reward.

A group of people surrounded little Annie.

Little Annie shivered.

"Is she the little match girl?"

"She's so cute, but her skin is freeze-dried. It's pathetic."

"She still has clothes, but we don't even have clothes. We've been naked for a month."

"Well, let's eat first. Don't scare people." Su Xun said helplessly.

"Yes, captain."

Seven people made a funny salute. Su Xun reached out his hand randomly and felt it perfectly.

They didn't care. They usually took the initiative to wipe Su Xun's money.

Then she began to eat the big meal that Su Xun bought. Little Annie was dazzled and wolfed down.

Because she's never eaten anything good.

She was more sure that susian was a good man just because susian gave her these things.

Because she thinks she's not worth the food, she's just a pariah.

After dinner, the people lay on the skins, huddled together and covered with new quilts for warmth.Su Xun shares a room with Xiyan and Annie.

Little Annie slept soundly and soundly, with a smile on her lips. Obviously, she had a good dream.


Five days later.

Su Xun hired someone to carry all the clothes on the boat. When the seven women saw the blue and white sailor's clothes full of fantasy space, their mouths twitched.

This sailor's suit is all about love. How about fun suit.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough Su Xun's serious sophistry.

Seven people rolled a white eye, and then put on, have to wear, better than no wear.

Of course, it's normal for each of them to have at least two military uniforms, one with military trousers and boots, one with skirt and black high heels.

Two days later, in the evening, Su Xun personally used a cart to carry the weapon on the boat.

Put it on the deck and cover it with cloth. Everyone is well fed and ready to run.

And Su Xun is going to sneak into the palace to steal the chart.

"Be careful." Xiyan kisses Su Xun.

Seven female sailors also stare at Su Xun, and then one by one take turns to come forward to kiss, this is to send a blessing.

Little Annie also gave Su Xun a blessing. After changing her clothes, she looked more lovely.

Of course, she was just a child in Su Xun's eyes. He didn't do anything about animals.

"I'm going. Wait for me to come back."

Su Xun changed into a man's uniform, carrying a long knife around his waist, holding an iron spear in his hand, and a dagger in his boots. He went to the palace armed.

It's 12:30 in the evening. The sky is covered with snow. The wind is biting. It's 10 degrees below zero.

"Who is it?"

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the palace, there was no hidden him, and he was immediately found by the guards outside.

"As long as you don't stop me, you won't die. When I kill the emperor, you won't be blamed."

Su Xun looked at them and said something seriously.

No one else had to die. The emperor was sure to die. If Su Xun killed him, he would do good for the people of this country.

"Arrogance! Kill him

At the command of the leading general, more than a dozen soldiers on duty to guard the city gate rushed to Su Xun.

"Why must I be forced to kill?"

Su Xun sighed helplessly and clenched his spear. His body was like a cheetah shooting.


A spear pierced the chief's throat, then the spear shocked and cut off his head.

A spear in his hand, each time stabbed, will take away a life.

In the blink of an eye, all the soldiers were killed.

As if playing a game, Su Xun walked into the palace with a bloody spear.

"Someone broke in and killed him!"

"Report to your majesty! There are assassins

"Stop him! Kill him and get the reward

The soldiers patrolling in the Imperial Palace rushed to Su Xun without second words.

"I don't know what to do."

The spear in Su Xun's hand was thrown out.

Puyi -

a general was directly pierced by a spear, and his body was taken out and inserted into the post.

Then Su Xun pulled out his waist knife and rushed out.

"Poof "Poof


Blade into the body of the sound, accompanied by bursts of screams continue to ring, scarlet blood blooming in the air, blood scattered on the ground to melt the snow.

"Devil! He is the devil

"He is a devil! Run

Dozens of people died in a row, and all of them were afraid, because their knives didn't leave a trace on Su Xun.

In panic, they all lost their knives and ran away.


Looking at the bodies on the ground, Su Xun wiped the blood on the knife and shook his head.

It's worth taking your own life for the sake of a fatuous monarch who neglects people's lives and abandons the government?

At least Su Xun didn't feel worth it for them.

This loyalty is stupid loyalty, and the emperor is not worthy of their loyalty.


After pulling out the spear inserted in the post, the general's body fell to the ground.

Su Xun continued to walk to the palace.

In the palace, the emperor is working.

She arched over a concubine twice.

"Your Majesty? Have you come in? "

The concubine twisted her body.

"I'm done."

The emperor said breathlessly.


After a short silence, she could only boast against her heart: "well, your majesty is really powerful."She's finished before she even feels it. This kind of speed is really powerful.

"Bang bang!"

"Your majesty! An assassin has entered the palace! "

The voice of his bodyguard came from outside the palace.

The emperor immediately got up from the bed.

"Get dressed! How dare you come to assassinate me! It's killing you

The emperor was fierce and gnashing his teeth.

The concubine quickly got up to change clothes for him. She didn't take anything from her hand, but she pretended to have clothes and put them on carefully for the emperor.

This is the emperor's new dress.

The emperor never admitted that he had been cheated. He killed all the people who laughed at him for not wearing clothes.

In order to prove that he was right and not cheated, he always wore the emperor's new clothes.

"Your Majesty, it's a gorgeous and noble dress. It's so beautiful."

The concubine's face showed the color of exclamation and praised.

"That's nature."

The emperor pretended to touch his clothes, which did not exist, and then went out.

There are more than 100 bodyguards and two five-star Knights outside the palace.

"Where's the assassin! Where is the assassin! "

Asked the emperor, glaring.

"Here I am."

A quiet voice sounded, and Su Xun walked to the door step by step. Every step he took, a red footprint would be left on the snow covered ground.

Because his body has been dyed red by blood, and the spear in his hand is still dripping blood.

"What country are you from? How dare you come to assassinate me The emperor saw that Su Xun was not a man.

Not a native.

Su Xun said, "I tried my best to sneak into the palace to steal a chart."

The crowd was speechless.

You call that sneaking in? Stealing?

Do you steal like this? What a shame to the thief!

"Killing everyone who sees me is the perfect way to sneak in." Su Xun said with a smile.

People: Well, NIMA has a point.

The emperor denounced: "arrogance! Be presumptuous

"You are not presumptuous, a little bit no, hang in the country are naked, or you are more arrogant." Su Xun sneered.

This kind of fool, who can be emperor, can only be attributed to his blood. The West pays attention to blood.

This is definitely the emperor's painful foot. The emperor's most taboo point is this. Hearing Su Xun's taunting him, his eyes were red: "kill him for me!"

"Kill A group of bodyguards rushed up.

They are full of momentum and fearless of death, because they all want to show themselves in front of the emperor.

No matter how much the people hate the emperor, he is always the emperor and the master of the country.

Su Xun's spear trembled and flew out. A little cold came first, and then the spear came out like a dragon. In an instant, he harvested four people's lives, and the blood was like a plum blossom.


There were many bodyguards, but they couldn't move. The spears and knives in their hands cut Su Xun's body as if they were on iron sheet, making a clear sound.

After finding that Su Xun was invulnerable, everyone was a little scared and cast a shadow in his heart.

They suspected that sue Xun had a devil's shelter.

"All out of the way!"

The two knights of the earth roared.

Then all the soldiers scattered one after another, leaving a space in the middle. Two earth Knights approached Su Xun with huge swords, full of momentum.


"Cross cut!"

"The moon falls!"

They both roared at Su at the same time.

Each hand is their own Knight skill.

They all look strong.

Su Xun lost his spear and cut it.


The swords in the hands of the two knights flew straight away.

Su Xun was stunned: "so weak?"

"So strong!" The two knights were stunned.

Su Xun showed a grim smile: "it seems that I overestimated you, but also depressed myself."

The voice fell and rushed out with a knife.

If you are a man, you should kill!


With a knife, the head flies high.


It's another knife. The body is split in two.

Two land knights were killed by the sword.

Su Xun wiped the blood on his face and showed a ferocious smile. He looked at the emperor.

"Escort! Somebody! Protect me

The emperor showed the color of panic, a fart, shares sitting on the ground, like a fat big white pig.

However, no bodyguard dared to step forward.

After all, the two five-star earth knights were killed like chopping melons and vegetables, not to mention them."Tell me where the chart is."

Su Xun stared at the emperor and asked.

"In In the library, come on! Go and get the chart for this adult! Go

The emperor shivered, his eyes full of fear, and growled hysterically at a valet.

"Yes, yes."

The waiter excites himself, and then runs to the library. Ten minutes later, he holds a volume of chart and gives it to Su Xun shivering.

"Big My lord... "

Su Xun grabbed it, opened it and said with a smile, "it's very good."

"You You are satisfied. " There was a flattering smile on the emperor's face, and he was relieved.

I think I've saved my life.

"Puyi -"

Su Xun left the knife in his hand without hesitation.

The emperor's head fell off, the smile on his face completely solidified, and he was always happy.

Everyone was stunned to see the emperor dead.

Su Xun swaggered and walked out calmly.

A series of blood red footprints were left behind.

It wasn't until Su Xun's back completely disappeared that the palace was full of noise and chaos.

"Your Majesty is dead!"

"Your Majesty is dead!"

In the chaos, looting began, and the will of the people began to awaken.

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