"Let's go."

After boarding the ship, Su Xun gave the order to retreat. Otherwise, when the next principal gathered all the soldiers in the country, he would be in trouble.

They were ready to run. With Su Xun's order, seven little sisters in sailor's clothes rowed with all their strength.

Even Su Xun, a human Tyrannosaurus Rex, went to battle himself.

A sailboat full of goods and materials sails out of the port. The journey ahead is the sea of stars.

Until he could not see the island country whose name was not worthy of owning, he asked the people to stop: "almost. Rest."

"Oh, my hand almost broke."

"I'm so tired that my wrists are not my own."

Hearing that Su Xun said that he could have a rest, all the seven women lost their oars and collapsed.

Little Annie, who was less than 1.5 meters tall, also loosened her oars and puffed.

"Have you got the chart?" Sunset asked.

The other people who were tired and paralyzed heard this were all in a spirit and looked at Su Xun one after another.

Su Xun said with a smile, "guess what."

Then he took out the chart.

All of them came together, and susian was surrounded by women.

In the fairy tale world, Liu Xiahui was calm and laid out the chart with solemnity.

"Here, you see, that's where we are now, skaguo." Su Xun pointed to an island.

The country finally has a name.

Then, Su Xun's fingers moved, and the eyes of the people followed his hand.

Until the edge of the chart, Su Xun stopped. It was a big continent.

Finally, his finger rested on the kingdom of Eaton: "go south, land from here."

"So far away." The crowd howled, and they felt that their hands were suffering.

When the wind is downwind, they can still rely on the wind. When there is no wind, they can't rely on their manual endurance.

Su Xun said: "it's a little far away, but it's better than to be like a headless fly. Now I know which direction the goal is, at least I have the bottom of my heart."

"Hee hee, Captain, you have a bottom, but we don't have one."

No. 4 with short hair blinked mischievously.

Others all laughed one after another, looked at Su Xun jokingly, and blinked at him.

It's said that the seamen are all old people and hooligans. These women are driving more and more now.

A group of female drivers, driving is dangerous.

Su Xun managed to escape from the wolf pack.

Otherwise he would feel wet.

The boat drifted slowly to the south.

Su Xun sleeps in his room and opens the forum. He hasn't seen song Liang's post for a long time. He is the first "lucky guy" among the seven billion players to land

I don't know if he got out of the circus.

He hasn't been on the forum these days. Song Liang has updated several posts, basically keeping the rhythm of sending one post every day, proving that he is still alive.

From the change of the title of his post, we can probably understand the journey of his heart in recent days.

"Training is hard, I swear, I must get out of the circus! 》

"fuck! Hit a stick to a sweet jujube, think this can make me yield? Don't eat to death! 》

hunger strike works! They were afraid that I would die. I decided to go on a hunger strike and pursue freedom! 》

Su Xun sighed that he had fallen.

A good astringent successor will be corroded by the capital shells of fairy tale world.

Su Xun continued to read his post two days ago.

"Wuwuwuwu, I haven't had a rest, I feel that I'm dying"

"I must get out of here!"!!! 》

Su Xun shows a happy expression, goes through all kinds of torture, and his original intention of running away does not change. Song Liang finally finds his original intention. He is still the boy he used to be.

After brushing the history post, Su Xun frowned when he saw the post he just sent today.

If I do something that I'm sorry for, don't blame me. I just want to live. 》

Su Xun chose to read this post.

Text: [picture] [picture]

the content of the picture is a self portrait, in which the eyes are deeply sunken, and the eyeballs are covered with blood, which looks like withered.

Then the following is the text: "I song Liang sorry everyone, but I really can't stand it, I can't, look at my picture, I'm really tortured to death, I don't want to die!"

"So I betrayed everyone, told them that I am not the only yellow skin person in the world, and told them that more than seven billion people have come to this world. "

"So, next you may be captured by the aboriginal Empire, because there are too many of us, and they want to take us to captivity as slaves."

"I'm sorry, I'm a traitor and a sinner of the blue star people, but I can't stand it any more. You scold me. I just want to tell you that when you meet Aboriginal ships, don't believe them any more. They're all here to hunt you. I'm a sinner and a sinner."The bottom of the reply area is instantly fried.

Zhou Yuan: "fuck! traitor! Do you know that this will kill us! Dog traitor

Chen Hui: "we understand your situation, but I can never forgive you for what you have done."

James: "sheter! Fark

Park canyuan: "what's wrong with being a slave? Is it bad to eat or drink? It's better than being at sea

Bangs: "upstairs the stick used to kneel, don't think everyone is as soft as you."

Hiroji Honda: "baga road! Asshole

Xie Ling: "let's upgrade the boat well. Only those who meet can unite as much as possible to fight against the aborigines."

Everyone expressed their anger, because song Liang's behavior harmed everyone.

Originally, people were looking forward to landing and getting rid of the sea of misery, but now, who dares to land?

On land, they may be captured as slaves, and there is a risk of being rounded up by indigenous ships in the sea.

This time, I don't know how many people will be caught. After all, the ship of the player can't compare with the aborigines here.

"It's really It's too late for me

Su Xun couldn't help scolding.

He also wanted to go to the Norman Empire to look for the magic mirror, which created many difficulties for him.

"What's the matter?" The setting face doubts of ask a way.

Su Xun took a deep breath, touched her blonde hair and said, "now I It's very angry. "


Brother Kun is attached to the body, which is the same method of removing fire and Qi.


The 45th day of ocean survival.

Su Xun adheres to the principle of supporting the weak but not the strong. All the way, he only saves his sister, but all the men ignore him.

For this reason, he was attacked in the forum.

Now the most blessing for him on the forum is to wish him an early death.

Although the players misunderstood him, the magnanimous Su Xun didn't care. Looking at all the beautiful women on the boat, he thought it was worth it. It was a beautiful scenery.

At present, there are 20 people on his ship, including 10 sailors and 10 female soldiers. The small sailing boat is almost unable to load, so the matter of upgrading is imminent.

These days, he let the girls on the ship kill a lot of sharks. In addition to the daily survival, it's only 300 short of upgrading.

I don't know if the murderous atmosphere on the ship is so strong that there are no sharks coming near for days.

In this regard, Su Xun can only take Fishing law enforcement.

"Xiao Xiyan, sing a song for me."

Su Xun said to Xiyan.

"I..." Xiyan just wanted to say that her singing is easy to attract sea monsters, and then soon understood.

Su Xun wanted her to attract sea monsters.

Then she sang in the bow.

It's the language of the mermaid people. Although I can't understand it, all the people on board are infatuated.

But this time, the song of sunset did not attract sea monsters, but attracted a local ship.

A pirate ship, to be exact.

"Captain, it's a pirate!"

Lisa, the leader of the soldiers, saw the skeleton flag flying on the ship in the distance.

With more and more people on the ship, Su Xun no longer used the number, because he didn't need to remember everyone's name, just remember the leader.

Lisa, 28, was an officer in active service before crossing. Su Xun promoted her to be the leader of the female soldiers on the ship, responsible for training.

She has a long golden hair, dark green uniform in her body very fit, exquisite figure is clearly outlined, the key is leg length.

"Get over there and grab supplies!"

Without hesitation, Su Xun ordered that the materials sent to the door should not be in vain.

And he also wants to try to find out if hunting these local pirates will gain survival.

"Yes! Seven o'clock, speed up! "

The sailor's chief is Chen Rui, 25 years old. Before crossing, she was a rich woman in China who loved to explore and had a captain's license. She knew the ship's driving very well.

She was not very beautiful. Su Yan's words were only seven points, which proved that Su Xun's saving women was out of kindness, not greedy for their faces.

Chen Rui walked to the bottom of the boat with her long legs wrapped in white silk.

The sailor is white silk, the soldier is black silk.

Su Xun thought that Shenzhou 7 was heaven.

The pirates on the pirate ship were attracted by the mermaid's song and saw Shenzhou 7.

"Guys! Look! There was a mermaid on board, and all the women on board

Su Xun: grass! Blind? If you don't want your eyes, you can donate them to those in need. Thank you.

"Come on, come on! Go ahead! Don't let them run away. Catch those women and have a good time

"Captain! They seem to be coming to us! ""Hahaha, they must be scared out of their wits, guys, rush up for me!"

The pirate ship also made great efforts to paddle, and soon the distance between the two ships was no more than 10 meters.

There were about twenty or thirty men on the pirate ship, all men with long guns and short knives.

They left the hook on the Shenzhou-7, and the other end of the hook was fixed on the pirate ship, so as to avoid the escape of Shenzhou-7.

However, the distance is a little far. If their hook can't catch it several times, Shenzhou 7 will slip off.

However, Su Xun helped them to fix the hook on Shenzhou 7.

Because he was also afraid of Pirates running away.


It's the first time they've seen someone who's so cooperative.

"For the sake of his interest, I can leave him a way to live in a moment. Get close to him."

The pirate leader can't wait to say,

"it's really slow. I have to do it."

Su Xun swearing said, and then directly grasped the hook on Shenzhou 7, and forced the pirate ship to his side.

Then the more than ten meter long pirate ship was easily pulled by Su Xun, and the pirates on board were immediately confused.

Is it human strength to step on the horse?

Then they woke up with a start.

"Come on! blamed! Retreat

The captain growled hysterically.

He now knew why the opposite ship would take the initiative to approach them, and he felt the danger.

There is a change of state on the opposite ship. It is likely to be a high star land knight.

More than 20 of them were killed.

"Captain, I can't do it. The hook is too tight to take off."

In order to prevent the fat sheep from escaping, how tight they fixed the hook, now they regret it.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way

The captain pushed the pirates away, then pulled out his own knife and cut it on the chain connecting the hook. With one knife, the sparks splashed.

Regardless of the captain, sweating, so buried in a knife and a knife on the chain.

"Why don't I help you?"

A voice of inquiry entered the ear.

"Not fast yet..." Before he finished, the captain suddenly reacted and slowly raised his head.

Su Xun's smiling face came into view.

When he buried his head in chopping the iron chain, the two ships had long been dragged together by Su Xun.

The men behind him were shivering.

"Misunderstanding Misunderstanding... "

Said the pirate captain tremblingly.

"I don't think it's a misunderstanding."

Su Xun laughed and touched him gently.

Half of the pirate captain's head was smashed, blood flew, and his body fell into the sea.

At the same time, Su Xun gains 30 survival points.

As soon as his eyes are bright, he can get survival by killing pirates. It's more than enough to kill these 20 and upgrade the building.

Before, he killed so many bodyguards in the Palace seven in seven out, and there was no survival. It seems that only the hunting at sea can survive.

His eyes were blazing at the rest of the pirates.

"I su Mou today, want to get rid of harm for the people!"

Su Xunyi's words roar, carrying a knife rushed to the pirate ship, ten valiant female soldiers are also led by Lisa, carrying a knife rushed up.

Because the spear doesn't work on the boat.

Su Xun started to chop melons and vegetables, and killed nine more people. When he had enough survival to upgrade the building, he gave his head to the women soldiers.

The reason why they were allowed to survive was that Su Xun wanted to build a fleet, which naturally required more than one boat to form. This was why Su Xun had to take their rafts with him before.

They don't need to upgrade their rafts for the time being. They just need to accumulate survival. Then when Su Xun's ship is upgraded to an aircraft carrier, they have accumulated a lot of survival.

They can upgrade their rafts to warships directly, and an aircraft carrier formation will come out.

"The ship can't be loaded. Don't rush to move materials. I'll upgrade the ship."

After killing all the pirates, Su Xun said.

Everyone is looking forward to watching Su Xun.

Because the ship was too crowded, there were too many materials piled up, and there was not enough room for people to sleep.

Su Xun chose to upgrade the building.

After that, the sailboat changed dramatically. The length of the sailboat increased by two or three times. The sailboat changed from one sail to three sails, with a total of three floors.

The most important thing was that there were five cannons on each side of the deck.

Although these are ancient guns, they are hot weapons at least.

Name, Shenzhou 7

survival: 10Quality: low

wear: 200 / 200

Introduction: a three story building ship, 40m long, 10m wide, 9m high, ancient warship, can carry thousands of people, with ten old guns, can ride the wind and waves.

"Artillery! What a big gun

Seeing the guns on the deck, everyone was excited, which marked that they had entered the era of hot weapons from the era of cold weapons, and achieved a qualitative leap.

From the fact that there were no guns on the pirate ship just now, we can see that there are no thermal weapons in the world.

With these ten guns, they can already cross the ocean and go all the way.

"But we don't have shells."

Chen Rui splashed a basin of cold water, in the excitement of the public is like the eggplant frost hit.

Cannons without shells are equivalent to firesticks?

"That I can make shells. "

A woman in a sailor's uniform and horsetail raised her hand and said weakly.

For a moment, everyone looked at her.

Under the gaze of the crowd, she was a little embarrassed: "I am a doctor of physics and chemistry, and I was responsible for studying missiles before crossing. As long as I have materials, I can get cruise missiles."

Su Xun didn't expect that the woman who didn't show mountains and water was so hanging.

It's bigger than his sling.

"She will be our protected animal in the future. By the way, what's your name again."

Su Xun looked at the woman with two horsetails and asked.

"Liu Liu." Answered the woman with two horsetails.

Su Xun said: "in the future, we will capture more No, save more researchers. These are valuable assets, especially female researchers. "

Everyone on the blue star has come through, including those who study weapons and advanced technology. If they can be collected, they will have to go to heaven?

In this way, Su Xun announced the establishment of a research department. Liu Liu served as the minister, and she was also a member of the Department.

She was the only researcher on board.

"Come on, move the supplies."

With a wave of his hand, Su Xun took away all the wine, food and jewelry from the pirate ship.

"Turn the rudder and go to this country first."

After boarding, Su Xun opened the chart and said.

Billy is the closest kingdom to where they are now.

The reason for going to Belgium is to purchase raw materials that can be used to make shells.

What's more, it's downwind to go to Billy country now, and you can go by sailing.

The ship is too big for ten sailors, not even twenty.

So we can save more people to be sailors along the way, at least a hundred sailors.

"Yes! Captain

Chen Rui and Lisa take all the people to sail, then turn the rudder and sail to Billy country with the help of the wind.

Su Xun sat on the top platform of the building ship, looking at all the mountains, and posted on the forum at the same time.

"Hunting and anti hunting"

Su Xun: "I just met a group of pirate attacks, which made me find a very interesting thing, that is, hunting aborigines in the sea will get survival, killing an aborigine is 30 survival."

"Now that the Norman Empire has begun to hunt us players, we can hunt them for survival. It's easier than killing sharks. Of course, remember, only killing at sea is effective."

"In addition, I will go to a small country called Billy country to purchase materials. My ship has been upgraded to a building ship, and there is an urgent shortage of sailors. Ladies with charts may as well go to Billy country, where I will wait for you."

The ship can carry more than 1000 people. Su Xun is going to recruit 300 sailors so that they can rotate.

We have to recruit 100 logistics personnel and 800 soldiers, which is only 1100.

After Su Xun posted the post, there was a reply soon.

Dong Xue: "I have charts. My team has more than 100 sisters. Can Mr. Su accept all of them?"

Zhao Han: "fuck! This is discrimination against men. I protest! Protest

Xie Fei: "let's set foot on the horse. It's going to be a building boat so soon. I've just upgraded to a sailing boat."

Song Hui: "I also have charts, and I'm taking my team on the route to Billy country."

Zhao Gao: "how can a sailor let a woman do such a tired job? Su Xun didn't know how to feel pity for jade. Couldn't he give it to our men? "

Zhang Fei: "brothers, if the Norman natives want to take us as slaves, we will send them to hell!"

After so many days of development, most of the women have been united, so it is not difficult for Su Xun to recruit. The premise is to have a chart.

After Su Xun quit the forum, he took a look at the next upgrade target of Shenzhou 7.

After the building ship is a warship, just a wooden warship, or the kind controlled by oars.

But it's a lot bigger. It's more than 150 meters long and 30 meters wide. It's a huge thing. At the same time, it doesn't seem crowded to carry 3000 or 4000 people.Upgrading requires 2000 survivals.

And he's only 10 now.

Su Xun breathed out a breath, and then called the setting face up, holding her to sit and watch the sunset.

On the way to Billy country, Su Xun met a group of women, more than 70 people, who accepted them all and asked them to change into new clothes.

For the first time, the number of people on board exceeded three figures.

The average age of the women on board is 23 years old, because the physical quality of the elderly can't keep up, so it's impossible for them to live so long in the harsh sea.

So most of the players who are still alive are young, young and middle-aged.

The elderly are offline very early.


The 60th day of ocean survival.

After 15 days of sailing.

Billy country is near.

"Captain, otherwise you don't go ashore."

Lisa said something worried.

Su Xun didn't agree: "Billy country is 18000 miles away from the Norman empire. The news of the Norman empire can't reach Billy country so quickly, so we won't find a round up when we land. They will only treat us as businessmen from other countries."

At this point, he pauses, then shows a touch of disdain: "what's more, even if they have got the news of the Norman Empire, they have begun to round up the blue star people, but they can't catch me."

Looking at Su Xun full of confidence, a group of lonely women seemed to have water flowing out of their eyes.

After all, Su Xun was the only man on the ship.

And he is handsome and strong.

"Come on, move on, pull in."

As he continued to sail, Su Xun saw many big ships. Of course, they were not as big as his building ships.

After all, Billy was just an island country, not a continent occupied by the Norman empire.

Su Xun had an idea and thought about it.

"Come here, we'll do this later..."

After listening to Su Xun's opportunity, everyone was convinced by his intelligence. They wanted to sleep with him.

An hour later, Shenzhou 7 sailed into the western port of Belgium.

On the wharf, there are two rows of soldiers, and there are a large number of melon eating people around.

After all, such a big ship, swaggering to the port, there have long been Billy's ships to the official report.

On the Shenzhou-7, on the deck of the ship stood rows of female soldiers with spears.

The key is that the rows of black, silk legs, I do not know how much attention attracted.

Su Xun stood at the bow of the ship in a uniform.

Behind them are Lisa and Chen Rui.

Su Xun and the two men got off the ship.

On the dock, an official came up.

"This distinguished gentleman, I don't know which country he came from and why he came to our country."

The official asked Su Xun politely.

Since Su Xun had such a big ship and so many soldiers, he didn't dare to look down on each other.

The ability to build such a large ship shows that the national strength of the other party's country is certainly not weak. With the protection of soldiers, the other party must also be an official.

"Hello, I'm from the eastern kingdom of the Han Dynasty. I'm a duke. I'm sent to all the countries under the order of our emperor." Su Xun came at once.

This is the plan he made on the ship before. He pretended to be a national envoy and landed in the name of visiting. In addition, he would be warmly received and respected by the local government.

Sure enough, on hearing this, the official's face became more respectful. He asked, "how many people are there in your country, your highness?"

It depends on the dishes. I want to know about the strength of the Han kingdom.

"Our country has 70 million people." Su Xun said a number blindly for fear that he would be scared.

But it's a scary number.

Because Billy has only 500000 people.

All the people were in an uproar. They stared at Su Xun strangely, as if they thought he was lying.

Apart from the Norman Empire, how could there be a country with such a large population in the world?

Why have they never heard of it?

Su Xun asked in surprise: "how, is our country's population a lot? I don't understand that. It's the first time I've been so far away. "

Looking at Su Xun's expression, the official couldn't see any sign of lying. He said with a bitter smile, "Your Highness, there are many, only less than the Norman empire. It's the second most populous country I've ever heard of."

"Mr. official, can you introduce your majesty to me? I have brought with me a gift from our majesty for him. " Su Xun said again.

The official nodded: "certainly."

Then he asked curiously, "Your Highness, why are all your soldiers women?"

"Because I like women, and they are not inferior to men in training." Su Xun was smiling, and his face showed the expression that all men knew.The official also gave a meaningful smile, indicating that I understand, I understand: "Your Highness will really enjoy it."

"Come on, bring the gift down." Su Xun turned around and yelled at the boat.

As his voice fell, the female soldiers carried down boxes after boxes of jewelry, a total of five boxes.

Then put it on the ground, open it, and all kinds of jewelry in it radiate a dazzling light.

Boom, the whole scene exploded.

"A lot of jewelry! That's too generous. "

"Didn't you hear that? There are 70 million people in the state of Han. They must be very strong and rich. "

"You're right. These jewels look a lot, but to them they're just small things."

"But it's still shocking..."

All the people were talking about it. Looking at Su Xun, his eyes became more humble and respectful.

"This That's too much. "

Even the official was frightened. It's not that their country can't afford so much jewelry.

However, he had never seen such a rich and powerful act of sending so much money to an envoy.

Su Xun chuckled: "it's just a small idea."

These are all robbed from the pirate ship. They are the lifetime savings of the pirates. They took advantage of him.

The reason why Su Xun sent so many jewels was that he knew that the king of Billy would repay him more, because it was about the face of the country.

"What a generous country."

The officer sighed, then asked the soldiers to carry the jewels away. "Your Highness, please follow me. Your majesty will welcome you very much."

Su Xun didn't lead the soldiers, so he followed the officials to the palace to see the king of Billy.

An hour later, Billy's palace.

In the hall, Su Xun met the king of Billy, a middle-aged man in his forties.

On both sides of the hall were ministers of the kingdom of Billy.

When Su Xun walked into the hall, everyone's eyes focused on him.

"Dear king of Billy, on behalf of his Majesty the emperor of the Han Empire, I say hello to you."

Su Xun put one hand on his chest and bent slightly.

"It's very kind of you, Duchess from the East. Please stay in our country for a long time so that we can entertain you."

The king of Billy was very polite, because according to the following information, the Empire of the Great Han was very strong.

It's definitely not something he can offend.

"I'd love to. I just need some supplies." Su Xun said with a smile.

The king of Billy said, "we will pay for all the goods your Highness has bought in the country."

"Thank you for your generosity." Su Xun said.

The king went on: "there is a dance party tonight to choose my son ace's wife. I hope the Duke will also attend."

"My pleasure." Su Xun agreed to come down.

Then Su Xun left the palace, but the discussion in the palace was not over.

The Great Han empire gave them so many jewels that their return gifts could not be less.

Otherwise, the emperor of the Han Empire will look down on him and cause a war.

However, gold, silver and jewelry alone are too common and vulgar for them to be original.

A minister came out and said, "Your Majesty, I heard that there is a man among the people who has a table that can produce exquisite food. It's better to buy it as a gift in return."

Although this table is magical, it is nothing for them, because the most important thing they need is exquisite food.

But because of its magical characteristics, it can be given as a gift, which can be regarded as the intention.

The king was overjoyed when he made this table a part of the gift list.

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