Billy country has a population of 500000, which is relatively large in the fairy tale world.

The Norman Empire had a large population because it included the neighboring kingdoms.

The whole Norman continent is the nominal territory of the Norman Empire, and it is normal to have hundreds of millions of people.

After Su Xun left the palace, he began his shopping.

Billy sent an official to follow Su Xun to coordinate and pay the bill. He also sent a team of soldiers to help carry his purchased materials onto the ship.

Some people are willing to pay the bill, so Xun is very happy.

Bought a few sewing machines, and a lot of white and blue and black and dark green cloth.

In this way, the sailor uniform and military uniform can be produced by themselves, and the logistics personnel should be recruited, and the logistics personnel should also have the corresponding uniform - Maid uniform.

In addition to buying cloth and sewing machines, Su Xun also customized 300 sets of sailor's clothes, military clothes and maid's clothes in various sizes in several clothing stores.

With officials following, these clothing stores and tailors will give priority to Su Xun's orders.

At the same time, Su Xun hastily made several flags.

After finishing the dress business, Su Xun went to buy a lot of pillows, quilts and tableware.

The officials who followed Su Xun to pay the bill turned black. He didn't expect that Su Xun would buy so much.

That's the weight of at least one or two thousand people.

Su Xun said, "we still have three ships that haven't landed, so we need to prepare their supplies together, but there are too many, otherwise we'd better pay for them."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no The official said without hesitation.

It's about the face of the country. Diplomacy is no small matter. Losing the face of the country is a sinner.

After hearing this, Su Xun could only express his gratitude: "your country is so generous. I will certainly publicize your kindness to your majesty of the Han Empire when I go back."

Later, Su Xun bought several barrels of materials to make the original shells. These materials seemed a little puzzling to the officials. Of course, he didn't know how powerful these things would be when they were combined.

After a big clean-up, with the help of Billy soldiers, all the supplies were put on board.

"Don't forget the evening ball, your highness."

When the official left, he reminded Su Xun.

"Of course." With a smile, Su Xun personally sent the officials off the ship, and then handed some flags to Lisa: "hang them all up."

The flag is bright red with the four words "Shenzhou 7" written in white on it.

As long as you see this flag on the ocean, players will know it's their own.


In the evening, Su Xun went to the palace for a dance.

He doesn't have a girl. A real man doesn't need a girl. He goes fishing for someone else's girl.

All the ministers, nobles and rich businessmen are present at the dance tonight. All kinds of pretty girls want to be liked by the prince at the dance.

Prince ace is the eldest son of King Billy and queen, and the future heir of the kingdom.

The king won't be there today, so ace became the center of the dance.

It didn't end until Su Xun came.

Su Xun was wearing a brand-new dark general uniform and German military uniform, which made him look sharp, but also reserved and handsome.

Don't worry about the military uniform. It doesn't affect the battle. It's just a matter of whether you are handsome or not.

"Is this the prince of any country? It's so cool. "

"Yes, I really want to dance with him."

"His clothes really match his people."

A group of flower infatuated girls talk one after another, and there are still young women who are constantly looking for Su's eyes.

But for their husband, Su Xun had to teach them to learn an idiom.

Suddenly out of favor, ACE is not happy. This is his kingdom, and he is the leading role here.

He wanted to go to sue Xun for trouble, but he soon gave up the idea.

Because he saw that the ministers came to Su Xun one after another, and they were very polite.

As the successor of the king, he is not a fool. He knows he can't make trouble for himself. Otherwise, some younger brothers want to replace him.

"Your Highness, I am the chancellor of the exchequer of Billy. Please allow me to propose a toast to you."

"Of course, cheers." With a smile, Su Xun took a glass of red wine from the maid.

"Your Highness, can you tell us something about the customs and customs of the Great Han Empire?"

"Yes, we know for the first time that there is such an empire in the Far East."

These ministers are very enthusiastic and curious. In fact, they are also inquiring about the details of the great man.

They need to compare which Empire is stronger than the Norman empire.Su xungang wanted to talk. Suddenly he looked at the door. His eyes lit up and he showed an apologetic expression: "you guys, maybe there is no time now. I want to invite that beautiful girl to dance."

When they looked at the door, they saw a girl in a light blue gorgeous dress. She had a charming face, a tall figure, a baby granary, and a pair of beautiful crystal shoes on her feet.

They have to admit that this is a girl who is extremely beautiful. Why don't they know when there is such a wonderful beauty in Wangdu.

Everyone was attracted to the girl.

Including Prince ace, he only saw the girl for the first time. He even thought about the child's name.

When the young LSP was still shocked, Su Xun, a mature LSP, had already approached him.

"This beautiful lady, can you have a dance?" Su Xun showed a gentle smile.

Looking at the handsome man in front of her, Rilla was nervous and nodded shyly: "of course."

She held out her little white hand. Susian gently held it and led her to the middle of the hall. They danced with the music, and the dance was beautiful and moving.

Until this time, those slow step LSP have regret, ACE is the heart is cool.

He felt as if he had lost the most important thing in his life.

He liked the girl very much, but he had just found out the identity of Sushen, a great Duke whose population was second only to that of Norman empire.

It's more important than his father's king.

So he didn't dare to ask Su Xun for it. He could only bear the pain of not giving up and looking at each other and Su Xun's eyebrows. He felt the pain of being green face to face.

Su Xun didn't know that the young prince's heart was so rich. He held Rilla's waist and said, "what's the name of this beautiful lady, please?"

"My name is Rilla." Rilla's heart beat so hard that it was the first time she had danced with a strange man.

Su Xun praised: "it's a nice name."

Although he did not understand the meaning of "Rilla", it did not prevent him from teasing his sister.

"Thank you." Rilla expressed her thanks, then plucked up her courage and asked, "what about you?"

"Su Xun." Su Xun gave a cool smile.

Time passed by so casually. Rilla and susian got along very happily.

Su Xun, with his rich experience as a scum man, made the little girl tremble.

And hugged her.

Su Xun, who hasn't done it once in two months, is ready to move.

It wasn't until Rilla saw the hands on the wall clock that she suddenly woke up and got up from Suxun's arms: "sorry, I think I should go back."

With that, without waiting for Su Xun to react, she quickly picked up her skirt and ran out.

Hans, who has been paying close attention to this side, thinks that it's susian who makes Rilla angry. He is very happy that he has the chance to take over.

Su Xun was also a little confused. He was just fine. He just left.

The point is, you didn't tell me where your home was.

Am I going to be alone tonight?

"Rilla, wait for me."

Su Xun quickly got up and ran after him.

Ace's face is distorted. Don't you see that people don't want to talk to you?

It's hateful to chase after him!

Good Lord, don't let that beautiful lady be cheated into bed by this foreigner.

He wants to get a complete set.

When Su Xun chased out of the banquet hall, Rilla's figure was gone, leaving only a crystal shoe.

Su Xun picked up the crystal shoes, and his face became strange: "this is What about Cinderella? "

That woman was Cinderella just now?

No wonder he felt Prince ace's eyes were always wrong. He thought that he was jealous of his handsome, because he was green.

I don't know which version of Cinderella's story this is, because there is no fairy in one version, and there is fairy in another.

He suddenly thought of a small detail. It was after looking at the wall clock that Rilla suddenly ran away.

In other words, there are fairies.

In the fairy version, Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but he doesn't have beautiful clothes and carriage.

The fairy turned the pumpkin into a carriage, the mouse into a horse, gave her gorgeous clothes and shoes, and told her to leave before midnight, otherwise all the magic will be invalid.

That's why Rilla just glanced at the wall clock and ran away.

Because it's not far from midnight.

But now the problem comes, Cinderella's clothes and shoes are changed by fairies with magic.

And the fairy also specifically said that after midnight these spells will be invalid.But why is the magic of this crystal shoe not invalid, no matter in fairy tales or now?

What's more, the crystal shoes are changed by the magic of fairies, and they will fit perfectly. How can it happen that the shoes suddenly fall off while running?

To sum up, Su Xun felt that most of the fairy intentionally used this crystal shoe to lead the prince to find Rilla, and then realized Rilla's wish to marry the prince.

It's just different from the fairy tale now. It's him that Rilla met first, and he picked up the shoes.

Why does the fairy help Cinderella so much.

It can't be just because Cinderella is pitiful. There are more pitiful people in the world than Cinderella.

Su Xun couldn't figure this out, but he was too lazy to think about it. He first found Cinderella according to the plot.

Find the bridal chamber directly, fairy tale speed.

Su Xun went to find the king: "Dear sire, I saw a beautiful girl at the dance. Her name is Rilla, and she can put on this crystal shoe. Would you please help me find her?"

"Of course." The king agreed with a smile, and then ordered a minister to look for it.

If the noble Duke of the Han Empire married a woman from Billy, it would be a great good thing to promote the relations between the two countries. Why not?

Su Xun said, "thank you, your majesty."

The minister left with the crystal shoes, while Su Xun was chatting with the king in the palace, waiting for the news.

"Your Majesty, Prince ace is here."

When they were chatting, a maid in waiting came to report.

"Let him in." Said the king.

Soon, Hans came in: "father..."

Just as he said two words, he saw Su Xun on one side, and his words were all stuck.

He came to see his father to help him find the woman and marry her.

I didn't expect that Su Xun was also here.

"This is Duke Sushen, an envoy from the Eastern Han Empire. You can call him uncle." When the king saw ace staring at Su Xun, he introduced a sentence.

The corner of ACE's mouth twitched, but he was still very tired. He cried out in pain: "Hello, uncle susian."

"You too, your highness ace." Su Xun smiles. Your original wife is going to be your aunt.

The king then asked, "ace, what can I do for you at this late hour?"

"No No, I just see my father so late and haven't had a rest. Come in and have a look. " Ace's heart aches.

In front of Uncle Su Xun, he could not say that he was greedy for the woman who might be his aunt.

The king waved: "well, your uncle and I still need to chat. You can go back to rest."

"Good father, goodbye uncle suthen." Ace said hello to his uncle in tears and left.

After ACE walked out of the side hall, he came to the garden. Heartbroken, he punched the tree, and a tear fell from the corner of the smoke. He looked melancholy: "I suddenly became a crying fool, not a good prince."

As soon as he thought that the beautiful girl would pose seventeen postures on Su Xun's bed, he couldn't help looking up at the sky and roaring: "no! no No

Don't ask why there are seventeen, because he only knows seventeen. Purity limits his imagination.

"Isn't that his highness ace? What's the matter? "

The bodyguard who heard Yuan Hua's howling came over and asked after seeing that it was ace.

"I can't do it, I can't do it! It's so hard! "

Ace's voice was very sad.

Here BGM: true feelings are like vast grassland ~

the chief bodyguard shakes his head. His majesty forces his highness ace too hard. He is still working on the topic so late.

"Your Highness, it's getting late. If you have any questions to do tomorrow, you'd better rest early."

The chief bodyguard kindly persuades him, and then takes the bodyguard behind him to continue to patrol.


All the population in the country is registered.

So the minister found Rilla easily.

"What can I do for you, my lord?"

Rilla's father is a businessman. He is in business all the year round. Only her stepmother is at home.

"Madame, you have a daughter named Rilla, don't you?"

After all, this may be the future mother-in-law of the Duke of the Han Empire.

"Rilla? No, "he said

The middle-aged lady shook her head. She had long forgotten Rilla's name.

She, like everyone else, called her Cinderella.

"Is there something wrong with the file?"

The minister frowned, then took out the crystal shoe and handed it to his wife: "madam, can you let your daughters try this shoe?"

He talked about the ball.

His wife's eyes brightened after hearing this, and he felt that his daughter had a chance to marry into the royal family."Well, just a moment, please. My two daughters did attend the dance tonight."

She took the crystal shoes and went back to the room. Then she told her two daughters about it.

The two daughters were overjoyed after hearing this, because Rilla was dressed completely different tonight, and they didn't recognize her at the dance.

Let the eldest daughter try the shoes first, but her feet are too long, so she can only cut off her toes.

Then he used a special method to stop bleeding. Finally, he put on the crystal shoe. Finally, he followed her mother out to see the minister with pain.

"My Lord, this shoe belongs to my eldest daughter. She just changed her name to Rilla two days ago. She hasn't registered yet."

The wife holds the eldest daughter to look at the minister to say.

"It really fits." The minister nodded, and then his opponent said, "go and inform the Duke."

Half an hour later, Sue found it.

"You see, your highness, it must be this beautiful girl dancing with you tonight."

The minister pointed to his eldest daughter and said to Su Xun.

Su Xun took a look at his beautiful eldest daughter, and then he looked at the lady beside him: "are you making a fool of me?"

At the same time, he directly kicked the eldest daughter's feet, kicking off the crystal shoes. At the same time, the eldest daughter's bandaged toes were also exposed.

He didn't know why the prince in the fairy tale couldn't remember Cinderella in a flash.

But Su Xun clearly remembered that although this woman was pretty, she was not Rilla.

Hearing Su Xun's accusation, the lady's face turned pale immediately: "Your Highness, I have a second daughter. She also attended the dance tonight..."

When susian heard this, he made sure that the minister did not find the wrong place, but the wrong person. This lady was Cinderella Rilla's wicked stepmother.

The trace of bandaging on the eldest daughter's feet should be the reason for putting on crystal shoes and cutting off her toes.

There is a story in the fairy tale where the eldest daughter cuts off her toes and the second daughter cuts off her heels.

"Let your little girl out, Cinderella, and let her try this shoe." Su Xun said.

The lady's face changed: "Your Highness, it's just a dirty and ugly little girl..."


Su Xun's hand was a big one.

The lady was almost knocked to the ground. Her hair on her head was scattered and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"Don't let me say it again."

Su Xun looked at her without expression.

For this vicious stepmother, Su Xun felt that his slap was kind.

"Yes Yes, your highness

The lady didn't dare to force her any more. She covered her face, then turned and went into the room and called out Cinderella Han.

When Cinderella saw Su Xun, she recognized him at a glance, but at this time, she only had low self-esteem.

Because she is not the dazzling beauty at the dance, she has no gorgeous skirt and exquisite dance shoes, she only has a shabby gray skirt.

But Su Xun squatted down and took off her shoes, revealing her delicate white feet.

The clothes are dirty, but the body is clean. After all, dirty and not clean are two different things.

Su Xun put on the crystal shoes for her, which fit her very well.

"Damn it! You went to the dance secretly! Did you steal my money to rent a skirt

See this scene, stepmother instantly exploded.


Another slap hit her in the face.

This time, Su Xun didn't have to do it. It was the minister.

"Damn stupid woman, you dare to fool me!"

The minister was very angry, because he was cheated by this stupid woman and made him lose face in front of the Duke.

But also a foreign Duke, he is now representing the country of Billy, is losing the face of the country.

"Take this stupid woman and her eldest daughter."

The minister gritted his teeth.

Although he was very angry, he didn't lose his mind and didn't catch his second daughter.

"No, don't catch me. Let me go."

"Cinderella, no, Rilla, I'm your mother. Your father loves me very much. Help me."

Rilla and her eldest daughter cried.

"You are not my mother. You have taken over my mother's property and sent me to sleep by the fire." Rilla looked at her stepmother and said coldly.

Su Xun showed his appreciation. He was afraid that Rilla was the kind of good man who would repay good for evil.

In his view, people should not take the initiative to harm others, but also should not forgive a villain.

In the end, Rilla's stepmother and eldest daughter were arrested, and the minister also left. The second daughter was afraid of Rilla's revenge and left home wisely.

"Why leave without saying goodbye?"

Susian looks at Rilla in front of him."I'm like this..."

Rilla became restrained again. Compared with Su Xun, she was like a clown.

Su Xun picked her up and walked to the house with a big stride: "you look very beautiful."

"You What are you going to do

Rilla was a little nervous and her body was shaking.

"What do you say?"

Su Xun gave a bad smile, put her directly on the sofa, and then began to respond to the call to increase the population.

What is fairy tale speed?

The speed of fairy tale is that the prince finds Cinderella and gets married immediately.

Su Xun, let's have a room first.

A girl's gentle voice came from the room.

Outside the window, in a tree, a fairy blushed, but she couldn't help staring into the living room.

Two hours later, the world was quiet.

"Can you show me the dress I'm dancing in tonight? That's the most beautiful side of you. "

Susian hugged Rilla's delicate body and said softly.

"This..." Rila's face is in a state of embarrassment.

Su Xun asked, "what's the matter? You're my woman now. There's something you shouldn't keep from me. "

"Sorry, I That dress is not mine. It's made by the fairy's magic. " Said Rilla.

Su Xun pretended to be shocked: "fairy? Is that true? I've never seen a fairy before. "

"It's true. Although it sounds incredible, I didn't lie to you." Rilla assured anxiously.

She has been given sleeping clothes by Su Xun.

Su Xun used 36 postures, 19 more than his highness ace's fantasy of 17.

Su Xun, the scum man, still showed that you were cheating me: "Rilla, you should tell me the truth. My country is very big, but I've never heard of fairies in the world. Are you cheating me?"

"I didn't, I didn't cheat you..." Rilla was about to cry. She didn't cry when she just clapped.

Su Xun said, "honey, don't joke with me any more. Unless the fairy appeared in front of me, I would never believe such ridiculous words."

"Can you believe it now?" The fairy couldn't see it any more. She appeared in the living room in an instant.

Rilla excited up: "that's her, I didn't cheat you, look, I really didn't cheat you."

"Sorry, dear Rilla, I misunderstood you." Su zhanan achieved the goal of forcing the fairy out, with an expression of apology and guilt on his face.

Fairies in fairy tales are kind, so it means they are very easy to use.

Rilla shook her head. "It's OK. I don't blame you."

"Well, I'm still here." Looking at the two people as if no one else show love, the fairy is very angry.

"Sorry, I almost forgot, your fairy."

Su Xun seemed to think of the fairy, and looked at her, eh, a very lovely girl.

It's going to be a long time to cry.

The fairy looked up at her head and said, "in the face of Rilla, I forgive your rudeness."

"It's really shocking that there are fairies in the world who can do magic, and they are so lovely and beautiful, and they must be very kind."

Su Xun's face was full of shock, and his mouth was full of praise. He praised the little fairy who had just come out of the society and had not experienced the danger of the society. He was so dizzy that he could hardly touch the ground.

The fairy blushed: "well, I know how good I am. You'd better stop."

So am I really that good?

Just as the outsider who went to Guangdong to work lost herself in the sound of pretty girls, she also lost herself in the sound of fairy girls.

"So dear and beautiful miss fairy, I have one thing to ask you." Su xunzianqiong's dagger appears.

The fairy said, "I knew you didn't have a good heart, but I don't mind realizing one of your wishes because you just praised me very well."

It can be seen from this that she is too young.

If he was an old man, he would be vague or refuse Su Xun directly.

Su Xun likes this kind of simple girl.

Because Lao Hao cheated him.

"Miss fairy, I want to know where the heart of the sea is." Su Xun said with expectation.

The little fairy was embarrassed: "my magic can't predict. Why don't you change it?"

Su Xun looked at her suspiciously, so useless?

Well, he shouldn't overestimate the fairies in the fairy tale world, just a group of magicians.

The proud fairy was hurt by his suspicious eyes: "you say it again, I can predict that it was just an accident."

"Well, on the other hand, there is an omniscient mirror in the world. Now it should be in the hands of some queen. I want to know which country it is."Su Xun was going to the Norman Empire because it was the mainland. According to the plot of the story, Snow White's country was more likely to be on land, but he didn't know which country it was.

"This..." The little fairy was embarrassed again.

Seeing this, Su Xun waved his hand wordlessly: "OK, you can go."

"You look down on me!" The fairy pinched her fist and blushed, staring at Su Xun angrily.

Su Xun directly threw out a denial triple: "it's not me. Don't talk nonsense. I don't have it."

"It's you, it's you! You just look down on me! Isn't that the curse mirror? I'm sure I can predict! " The fairy clenched her pink fist.

Then she bit her silver teeth, took out her fairy wand, drew several symbols in the air, recited the incantation, and then spat out a mouthful of blood and fell from the air.

Su Xun quickly hugged her: "what's wrong with you? It doesn't matter."

"The curse mirror is in the palace of Norman empire." The fairy's face was pale and her voice was very weak.

Su Xun didn't expect that she really predicted it. However, it seemed that she was suffering a lot. He was a little embarrassed: "OK, I know. Don't worry. I will repay you if I have kindness. I will revive you."

"Resurrection? I'll take a few days off and I won't die. " Said the fairy, blinking.

Su Xun threw her on the sofa: "waste my feelings, why is the magic mirror called curse mirror?"

"You don't know? What are you looking for? " The fairy looked at Su Xun curiously.

Su Xun said, "use it to find the heart of the sea. You can't predict that magic mirror."

"You don't want to live." The fairy widened her eyes: "the reason why the magic mirror is called curse mirror is that although it knows everything, the user will be cursed to a certain extent every time. The higher the difficulty of using the magic mirror to complete the goal, the more severe the curse."

"The heart of the sea is such a precious thing. You use the curse mirror to find it. Even if you find it, you will be haunted by a very serious curse."

When Rilla heard that she was pretty and white, she looked at Su Xun with worried face. For them, curse was a terrible thing.

After all, there are too many things cursed by witches or demons in the fairy tale world.

Like the sleeping beauty.

When he was a child, Su Xun liked sleeping beauty very much. When he grew up, he liked sleeping beauty even more.

And he has achieved the goal of sleeping beauty, and sleeping beauty more and more.

"You don't have to worry about that. I have my own way." Su Xun said with a smile.

The fairy meant well, but when he found the heart of the sea, he finished the task and recovered his cultivation. Does he need to be afraid of the curse of the magic mirror?

Seeing that Su Xun didn't seem to be joking, the fairy showed her curiosity: "what can you do?"

"I..." Su xungang wanted to answer, suddenly showed a joking smile: "if you really want to know, you can follow me to watch it."

"Just go. I'm fine anyway." The fairy snorted and said with disapproval.

Then he added, "of course, you don't want to use my magic to help you harm people."

"What kind of person am I?" Su Xun felt that he was really wronged. The other side misunderstood him.

The fairy hummed twice and did not speak, but the meaning was obvious.

Su Xun said, "don't you go out yet?"

"Why go out?" The fairy wondered.

Su Xun pulled over Rilla for the second half, and the fairy blushed and disappeared.

There are three white words in the air.

"Bad guy!"


The next day, in the morning.

Susian went to the palace to thank the king with a long white dress and a woman dressed Rilla.

Rila is a girl's age, but after last night, her eyebrows are a little more feminine, and even more charming.

Even the king was stunned when he saw it.

I secretly regretted that if I had known that there was such a beautiful woman in China, I would have been admitted to the palace.

Of course, now that he was Su Xun's woman, he could only give up the idea.

After all, he is a wise monarch.

Prince ace says it's dog time.

The woman he likes becomes his aunt and almost his mother, but she just won't be his wife.

"Your Majesty, Rilla and I thank you very much for your help. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be together so well." Su Xun said gratefully.

The main thing is to thank your son. Without his wife selection dance last night, how could I have the chance to choose his wife?

The king laughed and said, "Your Highness, it's very kind of you. It's a great thing that you can marry a girl from Billy."With that, he looked at the loveless ace on his side: "don't you say hello to your uncle and aunt?"

"Good uncle and good aunt." His highness ace feels loveless. His heart is dead.

Rilla's face was restrained and shy, while Su Xun was calm: "Your Highness is welcome."

At noon they stayed at the palace for lunch.

All the guests had a good meal. If you don't believe me, ask Prince ace.

Ace said he was really happy. Didn't you see the smile on his face.

Ten days later, Sushen was leaving Billy country.

During this time, all the women who had charts and were close to Billy arrived.

Su Xun's Shenzhou 7 has expanded to 1200 people, almost full.

His custom-made uniform, sailor's uniform, and maid's uniform have also been made for the new people.

There are also some people who do not have uniforms. There is a special room on board to make uniforms, which is in the charge of the logistics department. The logistics department is full of black and silk maids.

In addition, Su Xun selected 20 scientific research talents from these people to fight for Liu Liu.

On the day he left, the king gave back a generous gift, more jewelry than he had given.

Besides, there is a table.

"Duke, please see, this is a very magical table. As long as you say to it," small table, open quickly ", tableware, delicious food and wine will appear on the table automatically. This is a gift from our king to your emperor."

The minister who came to see him off also demonstrated the usage of the table in front of Su Xun.

After reading it, Su Xun said in secret, isn't this the table in the fairy tale table, donkey, stick that can produce delicious food out of thin air?

Donkeys seem to pull out gold coins.

The stick can hit people automatically.

I didn't expect that this story happened in Billy country.

However, Su Xun didn't want to look for donkey and stick, because those two things didn't work as much for him as this table.

"It's incredible. It's a fantastic table. I'd like to thank you for your Highness the emperor."

Su Xun showed a surprised expression, and then let a female soldier put the small table away.

Later, Su Xun and the minister said goodbye, and then took Ruila and others to board Shenzhou 7.

Then Shenzhou 7 set sail. With the efforts of more than 100 sailors, the huge building ship soon left the port and disappeared on the sea level.

"I'm such an elegant Duke. I hope I can meet you again in the future."

The minister who saw off said that he had never seen such a kind Duke.

"Stop it! Stop them

Just then, a soldier came running.

"What's the matter?" Asked the minister.

The soldier said anxiously: "just now the prophet in the palace received the news from his friends in Norman empire with magic. Those yellow skin, white skin and blue eyes are all vagrants from the sky. They have no country at all. They are all excellent slaves. We have all been cheated. Your majesty is very angry and orders to catch them all."


There was an uproar on the dock.

"They have just left. Order all the soldiers to board the ship and catch up with them!"

Just now, he was still lamenting Su Xun's gentle and easy-going minister's ferocious face and hysterical roar.

Under the order of the minister, groups of soldiers boarded the ship in a tame and orderly manner and set sail to pursue.

"Wait for me! I'm going too! "

A voice came suddenly.

Everyone goes by reputation.

Prince ace came in a hurry, his eyes red with excitement.

He's going to get Rilla back!

Although Rilla had been reclaimed by that damned liar, he didn't care.

Even if Rilla is pregnant, he doesn't care. If he is born, he will support her.

This is probably true love.

After ACE boarded the ship, five warships full of soldiers chased in the direction of the disappearance of Shenzhou-7.

Above Shenzhou seven.

"Captain, the first batch of shells have been produced, a total of 30 rounds. Apply for test firing."

With two black eyes, Liu Liu excitedly said to Su Xun that the shell had been improved by her. It was more powerful and had a longer range on the basis of the original.

"OK, I'll shoot the first shot."

Su Xun dropped his knife and fork, took a mouthful of red wine and gargled. He got up and went to a gun.

He has just used that table to create a table of delicious food, which he is enjoying. The taste is pricking.

"Captain, the first shell has not been tested. It's very uncertain. I'll do it."

Lisa walks up to Su Xun.

"It's OK. I have confidence in Xiao Liu."Su Xun looked at Liu Liu and said with a smile.

He's copper and iron, even if it's a blast, he won't die. If someone comes, he will die.

Being so trusted, Liu Liu was a little excited: "Captain, don't worry, this kind of shell is very simple, it's not difficult for me, there will be no problem."

"I believe you."

Su Xun came to the cannon, filled in the shells,

and then took the torch to light the fire.


Surrounded by a thunder, the shell shot out and exploded in the sea, blowing up several meters high waves.

"It blew up! It blew up

Everyone was cheering. With these shells, they could cross the sea.

Su Xun also showed a smile on his face. He looked at Liu Liu and said, "well done."

Then he looked around for a week: "the successful launch of the shell marks that we have entered the era of firearms. We will have a good dinner tonight and celebrate together."

"Hoo hoo, long live the captain!"

"I'm so excited. There's nothing to thank the captain, or I'll kiss him."

Everyone cheered again when they heard that the food had been improved tonight.

"Report to the captain, there's a ship coming in the rear!"

At this moment, a woman soldier standing on the top platform of the building called out.

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