"It's Billy's ship."

Stern, looking at the distance of three shunfenger, full of soldiers of the ship, Xiyan said.

Chen Rui frowned: "do they have anything else to say? Or something for us? "

"No, to use an idiom, I'm afraid it's bad for those who come. Otherwise, would it be necessary to send so many soldiers?"

As an officer, Lisa made her own reasonable speculation and showed off her Chinese skills by the way.

Foreigners like to use idioms when they learn Chinese.

Su Xun looked at her and stressed, "we are the ones who come."

Lisa was speechless when she heard the words. Yes, it seems that they cheated the king of Billy by pretending to be big men's messengers. So strictly speaking, they are the bad ones.

"This What the hell is going on? What are you talking about? " Cinderella Rilla can't understand.

Isn't Su Xun the Duke of the Han Empire?

How could the king send troops after them?

The fairy hummed twice: "don't you understand? He's not a Duke at all, just a liar. "

"As long as I want, the world can have another Han Empire at any time." Su Xun said with a cool smile.

Isn't the founding of the people's Republic of China a small thing for him?

This is his old business. He can't remember how many countries he built.

Please call him Su Jianguo later. Thank you.

Rilla looked at the fairy with wide eyes. "Is all she said true? Are you really liars

"How can this be called cheating? It's the art of language, it's business, it's business. " Su Xun explained.

Rilla blinked: "the king has given you so many jewels. What did he buy here?"

"He bought a lesson." Su Xun has a serious face.


She felt that the whole person was Ah, no, it's brain. The whole brain is big.

Su Xun also solemnly explained: "this lesson is very valuable. This time he spent money to buy a lesson and valuable experience of being cheated. Then he can avoid being cheated by others next time."

"Captain, let go of the affair of seduction. It seems that the three ships are going to surround us." Chen Rui said.

Su Xun said with a smile: "just in time, let them know what the iron fist of modern industry is. It's also a blow to wake them up and promote the development of the industrial revolution."

So he felt great.

"Yes! Captain

Lisa saluted and then went down the stage.

Then he directed the soldiers to move the cannons and aimed them at the Three Billy ships.

"What are they doing?"

On the warship in the middle of Billy country, ace was puzzled to see the female soldiers moving their guns.

The minister was also confused: "I don't know."

This group of local veterans have never seen a cannon.

Eh, there is no rhyme.

"Load!" Lisa called out.

The female soldier filled in with round shells.

"Light up!"

Another woman soldier lit the fire with a torch.

Cannon and black silk beauty are perfect match.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Because of the angle, only six cannons can be fired at the same time, and six cannonballs can fly out of the barrel.

"What's that?"

Seeing the shells falling from the sky, the people on the ship were staring at them curiously.

"Run! It's a catapult

The minister suddenly reacted and took ace to the stern of the boat. Although the catapult was powerful, the stones could not hurt the stern of the boat.

What puzzled him was why the other side's catapult was so small?


The shell fell on the ship and exploded. The wooden warship was suddenly torn apart and flames rose. Countless people were hit by the fragments of the explosion.

Of the six shells, only two hit the target.

Half of the ship that was hit was broken, and the other half was sinking into the sea.

"God! what is it? Is it a flask? "

"No! The flask is not so powerful

"Damn it! Retreat! It's terrible

Although only two ships were hit, the rest of the ship was terrified.

At this time, ACE didn't want to take the order. Without hesitation, he jumped directly into the sea, and then swam madly to the ship that had not been hit.

The distance looked short, but it was far away. When he was exhausted, the boat was in sight.

His face showed a smile, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted that he could get on the boat as long as he swam a few more times.

"Whew - boom!"

Two shells landed on the ship in front of him, and the ship exploded, leaving only the limbs and arms.

The smile on ACE's face gradually solidified.This shell smashed not only a ship, but also a teenager's dream.

He swam like crazy for such a long time with all his strength. What was the reason?

It's a philosophical question.

But this is obviously not the time to think about it.

"Go back and thank the king for his generosity. I love Billy, I love the mountains, the water and the people of Billy. Billy is so wonderful! I really like it here! "

Sue voraf Xun, yelling at the officers and soldiers of Belgium in Russian.

"Captain, you are infringing the copyright of others. Have you paid the copyright fee?" Chen Rui teases.

Su Xun waved his hand: "I'm learning from it. How can we call copyright infringement

After successfully persuading the officers and soldiers of Billy country not to pursue with eight shells, the building ship continued to move forward.

This time the goal was not Eaton, but to make a detour and land directly on the Norman empire.

Before choosing the kingdom of Eaton as the landing point, one was because it was near, the other was because it was not sure which country the magic mirror was in, so we had to find it one by one.

Now that the position of the magic mirror has been determined, it will not take so much effort.


Ocean vacation No, day 68.

Shenzhou-7 has been away from Billy for almost a week. At this speed, it will take more than two years to reach the Norman Empire port on the west coast.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

Considering the actual situation, the ship will continue to upgrade and the speed of transit will be faster and faster.

On the ship, on the deck and on the building walls stood rows of women soldiers in black, silk and armed with iron spears.

The logistics personnel dressed in black and white maid's clothes were put on the ship, and the beautiful figure and beautiful clothes formed a beautiful scenery.

The working sailors stay in the cabin, and most of the rest sailors bask in the sun on the bow deck.

As a captain, Su Xun is indifferent to so many beauties. He is reading the post on the forum, and someone has been caught.

Seven billion players came to the fairy tale world, and a considerable part of them fell into the waters of the Norman empire.

These people were also the first to be captured.

Su Xun is reading a new post.

Man in Norman has been caught. 》

building owner: "because there was no chart, I didn't know where I was. Naturally, I never dreamed that I was riding in the waters of Norman Empire, and then I was successfully captured by the slave ship of Eaton kingdom."

"By the way, slave boats are the ships that went out to sea to capture us as slaves. After they captured me and my companions, they separated men and women, numbered them differently for management and then sold them."

"Men are worth more than women, because men are stronger and more able to work, except for beautiful women, who will become tools in that respect. Song Liang, the damned dog traitor, has become a master by selling us. He is now a slave hunting consultant, who is responsible for explaining our habits and cultural traditions, and then teaching the aborigines how to arrest and manage us. "

"There are still some people who have been rebelled by song liangce and become dog legs, so don't believe the induced posts. They may be from traitors. Share a little skill, don't report the real name after being caught, so that you won't be found out when posting in the forum. "

Gao Fei: "these two devils, traitors, too damn, Ganlin Niang, a group of bastards!"

Koizumi Taier: "brother upstairs, what does it have to do with us devils? We are also victims."

Chen Feng: "because of NIMA's size, I have been arrested for a long time. I have observed that the most traitors are devils and sticks."

Wang Tai: "the only thing we can do now is to upgrade the ships quickly. Not to mention pushing the Norman Empire, we can at least occupy the sea and land equally."

Zhou Hui: "we should try our best to collect the names of those running dogs and make a list. Sooner or later, we will eradicate the traitors!"

Su Xun can only sigh that people are dangerous. Now the players have begun to help the aborigines deal with the players.

For this part of defectors, the players expressed extreme hatred on the forum.

In the face of player's hatred and possible revenge, the traitors help the aborigines to deal with the players more ruthlessly. As long as they capture all the players as slaves, no player can retaliate.

They were born of the same root. Why are you so anxious.

Susian hugged Rilla and Xiyan and sighed.


All of a sudden, there was a knock of iron.

Such a rapid voice is a warning.

The soldiers on the ship were immediately on high alert, and the long legged artillery ladies also arrived at the predetermined position.

"What happened."

Su Xun stood up from the sofa.

The sofa was moved in Billy country.

Billy went to the country, and the shotgun changed again.It all depends on King Billy's generosity.

King of the kingdom of Billy: why, can't it go through? You have to flog me over and over again?

Gu Lao said: brother, it's still a long time. Just look at me and get used to it.

"Captain, there are a lot of sea monsters ahead." A female officer with the rank of captain came up and said.

Su Xun stepped forward and looked into the distance with the wooden wall on the edge. Sure enough, he saw a large group of steel fork sea monsters riding the wind and waves, and looked at them closely.

"Is this a gathering of harpoons today?"

At least one or two hundred. Susian felt toothache.

"It's the tide of animals!"

Xiyan pretty face showed the color of panic, and then further explained: "usually sea monsters are acting alone, only in the hair, love period only collective out."

"Find a place to breed?" Rilla took the call.

Xiyan shook her head: "there are no females in the customs. It's convenient for us to round up a large number of females."

"Isn't our ship a target?" Rilla's eyes widened, because the boat was full of women.

Just sue for a man.

Su Xun looked at the fairy: "a kind and kind fairy will not sit and watch so many beautiful women being captured and violated by the ugly customs."

"Don't wear a hat on me. The magic power of the mirror I predicted last time hasn't been fully restored." The fairy felt pain, and Su Xun was kidnapping her.

Only young people are kidnapped by morality, while old people are generally immoral.

Su Xun yelled: "second battalion commander! Laozi's Italian cannon, blow her mother's for me. "

"Tell the captain that we We don't have Italian guns A woman with blonde hair and blue eyes Ah no, a female captain hesitated.

Obviously, as a foreigner, she has never seen Liangjian, which shows that foreigners' childhood is incomplete.

Su Xun waved: "three battalion commander go."

"Yes, Captain!" A Chinese woman officer with the same rank of Captain responded cleanly.

Because she has seen Liangjian, she knows that any gun can be called Italian gun at a particular time.

Then she went down to command ten cannons to fan out in the bow, and a large number of shells were carried out.

Both sides of the ship were full of soldiers with spears to prevent the sea monsters from rushing onto the ship.


"Light up!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Ten shells were fired at the same time, and then the person in charge of loading immediately carried out the second loading.

This kind of primitive old gun is a little complicated to load.

"Ah "Ouch ~"

it was the first time that the customs officers ate the shells, which caused panic.

Because they were too dense, at least 20 or 30 of them were killed and wounded by two rounds of artillery fire.

But these steel fork sea monsters soon learned to be smart, that is, they all spread out on the sea.

The vast sea, they break into parts, artillery instantly lost the role of a large area of attack.

These sea monsters attack from different directions.

It's like a siege.

The soldiers on the ship kept stabbing and chopping with spears and knives in their hands to repel the sea monsters.

At the same time, many people were stabbed to death or arrested by the customs, and the screams continued to ring.

A small piece of sea centered on Shenzhou-7 has already turned blood red, with bodies floating.

Su Xun threw down a raft.

Then he took up a spear and fell from the sky, stabbed a sea monster to death with one spear, fell on the raft and massacred the sea monster with the raft as the fulcrum.

People who love sea monsters say they will be severely condemned.

"Puyi --" Puyi -- "

the sound of spear entering the body kept ringing, and Su Xun, who had copper skin and iron bone, seemed to have a unique skill.

He can ignore the sea monster's attack, regardless of defense, a strong forward forward.

The best defense is attack, which is reflected incisively and vividly in him.

Everywhere he went, blood was flying, and a corpse floated in the center of his raft.

At the same time, survival increased rapidly.

But at this time he did not care about these, because he has killed crazy!!!

The people on the boat were stunned. Most of them had never seen Su Xun. They only heard that he was very powerful.

However, as for how powerful it is, there has never been an exact concept. Until now, there is no number.

This is a killing machine.

"How could that be?"

The little fairy frowned. She couldn't understand. How could Su Xun's defense be so high?

Sea monster's steel fork stabbed at him did not cause too obvious damage, which is completely abnormal.

She didn't know that it was normal for anything abnormal to happen to Su Xun.With Su Xun's killing, and all the soldiers on the ship attacked, the remaining sea monsters fled.

More than 200 sea monsters came and left more than 150 corpses when they left. More than 30 or 40 of them were killed and injured by the shells. Su Xun killed 40 of them by himself, and the others were killed by the female soldiers on the ship.

The soldiers killed more than 20 people and injured more than 10 people. They killed so many sea monsters only by virtue of their number and geographical advantages.

This wave made Su Xun fat.

One harpoon is 100 survival. He killed 40 and gained 4000 survival.

We can upgrade the building ship to a warship.

After boarding the boat, Su Xun put the dead women soldiers on the raft, lit the fire and drifted away with the wind.

Let their ashes be sprinkled in the ocean.

Then Su Xun chose to upgrade Shenzhou 7.

With the deduction of 2000 survival points, the building ship has undergone all-round evolution, with a length of more than 100 meters, a width of tens of meters and a height of more than 10 meters.

The number of sails on the ship increased to more than ten.

What's more, the number of guns on the ship also increased, and instead of being placed on the deck, the black gun barrel protruded from the muzzle of the cabin.

Muzzles were opened on both sides, and there were at least 70 or 80 guns, though they were still old-fashioned guns.

Name: Shenzhou 7.

Survival point: 2300

Quality: low

abrasion degree: 300 / 300

Introduction: an old-fashioned huge four story warship made of wood and iron, 158m in length, 33m in width, 12m in height, equipped with 80 guns, can carry 3500 people, and has 13 windsails of various types, which can withstand large waves.

The next upgrade is a steam warship that burns coal and uses steam as power. It's a real industrial product to get rid of manpower completely. So the survival of the upgrade also needs more than 4000 points.

"This What's going on? "

Looking at the sudden earth shaking change of Shenzhou 7, Rilla and the fairy were stunned.

Not to mention how a ship suddenly turned into such a huge ship, the huge size of the ship was unheard of.

The players on the ship were cheering.

The bigger the ship is, the safer it is on the sea. It means that it can carry more people. They will have more helpers and face more storms.

If they meet the new tide of beasts, they just need to turn the rudder, cross the ship, and let the 40 guns on one side of the warship fire at the same time. At most, two rounds will be enough to overtake all the more than 200 sea monsters.

With the upgrading of the ship, all the 300 sailors who could be rotated must now go to battle.

After the huge oars extended into the sea, the warship was like a huge millipede.

With the oars out of the water, the giant monster sailed smoothly on the sea.

Su Xun takes a picture of her baby and posts on the forum.

Ladies and sisters, come on, I'll show you a big baby that will make you excited after watching it. 》

[picture] [picture] [picture]

at the top of the post, there are three pictures, the contents of which are the full body photos of the warship Shenzhou 7.

Su Xun: "people in the ocean, just upgraded, this kind of experience can only be understood by those who understand, I don't understand any more. In a word, the boat is too big. It only recruits women. Of course, I don't mind the men following me. "

"After all, more people are safer. I'm going to the west coast of the Norman Empire, and I have a chart in my hand. But because of the distance, the beauties who failed to get on the bus in the kingdom of Billy last time have noticed that the bus has started. Ha, Shenzhou 7 has started again. Ladies with charts can also drive to the west coast of the Norman Empire according to the chart. We will definitely meet on the road."

The warship can carry 3500 people. Now there are only 1200 people on board. There is a gap of 2300 people left. As a good man, of course, he wants to fill the gap and save some lovely girls.

Big ship and cute girl are perfect match!

Huge warships, although only old-fashioned warships, but also caused countless players crazy.

Goofy: "man's dream! With a warship and another beautiful woman, brother Su has realized it! The maid, the sailor, the soldier, envied me

Jin guangming: "Su Xun is really tired of oba. He must be a member of the Korean empire."

Chen en: "yes, he is the father of your stick."

Meilu Watanabe: "Si Guoyi, susang is really excellent. It's like touching your big baby."

Han Fei: "after seeing the big baby, there are more excited men than women. Warship, this is the romance of men. I'm still a wooden boat."

Zhou Yao: "I've changed my route to the west coast of Norman empire. Dad is waiting for me."

Now the conflict between the aborigines and the players is more and more fierce. Su Xun invited the male players to stay behind his boat for shelter, just to unite the players.There must be many shamans, magicians and knights in the Norman empire. In this case, it is impossible for susian to steal the magic mirror from the palace. His noble skin is too conspicuous.

It's not good to be sneaky. If you try to break through, you won't be able to succeed by yourself.

But a wave of billions of players into the Norman Empire, can change the Norman empire.

Don't the natives here want to catch the blue star people as slaves? They should take the land of Norman Empire and drive the natives to the sea.

Let them go to reclaim the desert island, because the ocean is the player's basic disk, players can constantly upgrade the raft, indigenous people can't turn waves on the sea.

"Su Xun, what's the matter? How did you do it? And why is your skin so thick that sea monster weapons can't hurt you? "

The little fairy flew to Su Xun's side, just like a hundred thousand whys.

What she saw could not be explained by science or by metaphysics.

Su Xun said, "I was chosen by heaven. I was sent to save the world. Do you believe it?"

"Am I stupid?" Asked the fairy.

Su Xun nodded: "a little."

"Go away!" The fairy pinched her fist and scolded.

"All right."

Su Xun left in a hurry.

It took a while for the fairy to respond: "don't go yet. You haven't answered my question yet."

"If you tell me not to leave, I will not leave. Then I have no face." Su Xun did not reply.

Then he pulls ray into the room.

"Well, if you have the guts, you can come in."

Soon, Rilla's voice rang out in the room. It's indescribable, but it's understandable.

The fairy could only stop and clenched her fist: "Damn, I will find out your secret and see when you can hide it."

With that, she looked left and right with a guilty heart, no one, then peeked at the traditional room with magic for a few minutes, and soon ran away red faced.

There was a question in her little mind.

Why do humans like to do this?

Is it really that interesting?

In the evening, Shenzhou-7 stopped at a desert island temporarily. In order to celebrate the evolution of the building ship into a warship, Su Xun ordered a good celebration tonight.

He took out the small dining table and kept repeating the mantra to make the small dining table produce food one after another, and then distributed it to the public until the small dining table was tired.

If the small dining table could talk, it would ask Su Xun: are you still a person? Please stop there. I really don't have a drop.

Unfortunately, he could not speak, so he could only be squeezed by Su Xun in silence.

All kinds of fruit, wine and meat, feel free to enjoy tonight.

"Come on, let's have a drink to celebrate our official entry into the era of warships."

Su Xun stood up with his glass and said.


All of them said in unison, then took their glasses and drank them down.

"To you, captain."

"Here's to you, captain."

There was an endless stream of people coming to offer a toast to Su Xun.

Su Xun suspected that they wanted to get drunk and do something to him that could not be written.

He will never give this group of female drivers the chance to drive his luxury car, because as we all know, female drivers are very dangerous and prone to accidents, especially the new female drivers who have never driven.

In the case of drunkenness, these novice female drivers will cause serious damage to the car.

After all, drunk driving harms people and cars.

The island is full of laughter, singing and fire.

Tonight full of songs, doomed to no sleep.


The 85th day of ocean survival.

Along the way, he met several waves of poor girls. Su Xun was very kind and extended a helping hand to save them.

There are 1800 people on board.

It's one thousand seven short of full strength.

"Which country is the nearest ahead?"

Susian looked at Rilla and asked.

Rilla took out her chart, opened it and looked at it: "it's the kingdom of Karl."

Su Xun took a look. The area of Kar Kingdom on the map was not large, which was smaller than that of Billy kingdom.

"How long does it take to get to the kingdom of Karl?"

There are nearly 2000 people on board. There are few supplies left, so we have to replenish them again.

"If it's always windy, it'll be there in about three days." Rilla replied.

Su Xun said: "summon the helmsman, go to the kingdom of Karl to replenish supplies. When you arrive at the waters outside the kingdom of Karl, don't get close. Send someone up to inquire about the situation. Then, see if the news of the Norman Empire has reached here, so as not to fall into the trap.""Yes, Captain!" A woman soldier turned and left.

With Su Xun's order, Shenzhou-7 turned right and sailed to the kingdom of Karl.

Fortunately, for two days in a row, it was downwind.

Shenzhou No.7 warship successfully arrived outside the Kar Kingdom and surrounded the sea area. Faced with the enthusiasm of the soldiers, Su Xun refused to go to the island to inquire about the situation.

He looked at the fairy: "your mana is restored, kind and beautiful..."

"Come on, shut up and be wordy. Can't I go?" The fairy is fed up with this.

Su Xun said with a smile, "at the first sight, I knew you were a good fairy."

"I knew you were not a good man." The fairy glared at him and then flew away.

About two hours later, the fairy flew back: "don't think about it. The kingdom of Karl has received the news. Because of the tragedy of the kingdom of Billy, the Norman Empire has asked the magician to inform the Royal prophets of all countries by magic."

"What should we do now? We don't have much material. Do we have to keep eating fish?"

"Can you sneak into the kingdom of Karl?"

"It's not likely to sneak in..."

All the officers talked about it one after another. At last, they all shut up and looked at Su Xun.

Waiting for him to make a decision, in the eyes of the public, it seems that no problem can be difficult to him.

Su Xun said: "why do we have to sneak in? We can play a guest role in pirate robbery. Is our cannon a decoration

"Pirates? Robbing? "

All of them couldn't keep up with Su Xun's ideas.

"Good! It's robbery! If they don't sell it to us, we'll take it another way! "

Su Xun stood up and said, "Rilla, how many soldiers are there in Billy country?"

"Probably Three thousand, five thousand? " Rilla is not sure. After all, she didn't care about that before.

But it's about these two numbers.

There are not many soldiers in the fairy tale world. First, most of the countries are island countries. Even if the territory is small, the population is small, and they do not border with foreign countries, so there will be basically no war.

Most of the soldiers maintain the domestic rule and public order, and set off the royal family.

Second, the relationship between countries in the world is very peaceful on the whole.

So the king won't pay for so many soldiers.

Su Xun looked at the crowd: "do you hear me? The kingdom of Billy is bigger than the kingdom of Karl, and it may only have 5000 soldiers at most. How many will the kingdom of Karl have? "

"Maybe up to 3000 soldiers, nearly 2000 of us, and cannons. This one is absolutely capable!"

He wants to let these backward aborigines know what it means to be a strong boat from the East. They are bombarded and forced to sign a series of betrayal treaties.

Do you feel familiar?

Da Qing calls for experts.

"No! War will kill many people. You shouldn't start a war. " The fairy wants to stop Su Xun.

She is an existence full of truth, goodness and beauty.

Su Xun looked at her: "now these aborigines want to capture us as slaves and enslave us. In this case, can we just sit and wait for death and escape?"

"This..." The fairy suddenly stopped talking and clenched her lips. She didn't know how to answer.

"I can see a good heart, but the nature of this society is dirty." Su Xun said softly.

Su Xun didn't care about her any more. He looked at the officers and said, "so it's decided to let the logistics cook and continue to drive after dark. At dawn, we will bombard the port and ask them to negotiate. If they don't agree with the treaty we listed, they will enter their Palace. I will personally put the treaty in front of the king for him to sign."

Su Xun's momentum was like a rainbow, and his tone was firm.

The cannon is the truth. If he holds the cannon in his hand, he will master all the truths in the world.


All the officers saluted at the same time.

In the outer waters of Kar Kingdom, a huge warship floats quietly on the sea. I don't know when there is fog, and the cooking smoke is covered by fog.

"God helps me."

Looking at the fog on the sea, Su Xun laughed.

As night fell, the mist had dissipated.

Under the cover of the night, all the 13 sails were raised, and they were driven forward with the help of the wind.

On the deck, the soldiers had changed from their usual short skirts to their combat suits.

The shell has been loaded, waiting for the order to fire.

At dawn, the first ray of sunlight shines on the harbor, but at this time, even the most industrious people have not got up, and the whole Karl kingdom is still immersed in the dream before getting up.

More than 150 meters long warship approached the port, the body of the warship crossed over, and the muzzle was aimed at the port.

"Light up!" At the command of the commander."Boom boom boom..."

Forty guns fired in unison, and the shells fell into the harbor and the city in a beautiful parabola.

The huge explosion of shells broke the tranquility of the dawn, and the rolling flames seemed to devour everything.

Soon there was chaos in the city.

"What happened? God, what's the matter

"Fire! Come on! It's on fire

"God! What's going on here? "

The second round of gunfire came, and as more and more people woke up, the chaos became more and more serious.

When they saw the great ship lying across the Bay, they were too frightened to speak for a long time.

"God! What a monster that is

"The flame from the monster's mouth devours everything. Go and invite the earth knight to come!"

"It's useless, it's unstoppable..."

"Boom! Boom

In the sound of the explosion, the crowd without clothes rushed to the inner city like a tide.

After three successive rounds of shelling and more than 100 shells, the whole port has been reduced to ruins, and even the outer part of the city has been seriously damaged.

At this time, Su Xun ordered to stop the shelling.

Hearing the end of the gunfire, the brave Carl national stretched out his head to see what was going on outside.

Su Xun stood at a high place and cried, "we are the people you want to capture and be slaves. Your king must promise us the following three conditions, or we will continue to attack and blow up your kingdom."

"One: hand over one third of the jewels in the city."

"Two: hand over enough food for 10000 people."

"Three: we are allowed to go into the city to buy materials. Of course, we are not robbers. We will pay for them."

Well, of course, it's the money you hand over to buy your supplies.

"You only have two hours. If you don't agree in two hours, we will continue to attack!"

When Su Xun finished, there was silence all around.

A moment later, it exploded.

"Damn it! They are a group of pirates! Such people deserve to be our slaves

"No! Didn't you hear him? If you didn't want to take them as slaves, how could this happen? You are all sinners of the kingdom

"Wake up, now the question is what should we do next? Where is your majesty

"It's a dream for him to hand over one third of the jewels in the city. No one is going to take my money!"

"We can't agree! We can't compromise with a group of bandits. We have the most powerful soldiers. We should let the soldiers defeat them! "

Soldier: don't take me with you.

The opinions of the masses are always unimportant, and the opinions of the kings and ministers play a decisive role.

At this time, King Carl's palace.

The main hall is as noisy as the vegetable market.

"We must not promise the bandits!"

"What should I do if I don't answer? You don't think that the earth knight can stop the sky fire

"We should release the slaves we have captured, show our goodwill, and then bargain with them."

Some ministers advocated to agree to the Treaty of treason, and the bloody ministers wanted to lead the troops to fight against it.

There was a big row in the hall.

"Enough! Shut up

The king patted the table angrily.

The ministers were quiet.

The king, with red eyes and hands on the table, was like an old tiger: "I will never agree with their terms. No matter how powerful their boat is, it can't drive to land. Fight with them!"

With the king's decision, no matter how many opinions people have, they can't put forward. They have to obey.

Then the state of Kar began to deploy troops, and the outer city was already defensible, so they stuck to the inner city.

The walls and gates of the inner city were stronger.

Of course, they also sent an official to publicize the national prestige: "listen to you bandits, your Majesty the king will not compromise. If you dare to land, you will die, even the dregs will not..."


Before he had finished his words, a round shell came down from the sky and broke it. It was true that there was no residue left, only a boot flew out.

Although the two countries did not cut the emissary when they exchanged troops, Su Xun did not want to abide by this rule now.

"Since they don't drink, give them some color and pass on my orders."

"One battalion was left behind, and all the other battalions landed. In addition, ten guns were removed and taken ashore."

"Yes, Captain!"

As the search order was issued, the whole ship's soldiers took action.

More than ten minutes later, a group of hot and valiant female soldiers were arrayed in the harbor with sharp blades.

Ten cannons with wooden wheels were launched.

"AttackSu Xun personally led the battle.

With his command, more than 1000 soldiers with sharp blades began to slowly push into the city.

Finally came to the inner city, there are many archers on the wall.

But Su Xun didn't give them the chance.

That's to piss them off.

Because his cannonball has a longer range than his bow and arrow.

So he stopped at a distance and pushed 10 cannons to the front.

"Second battalion commander, give me a blast!"

"Fire! Fire! Fire

Su Yunlong Xun pulled off his cap and roared.

"Yes The second battalion commander was the new artillery battalion commander. Su Xun thought it was lucky to set the second battalion as the artillery battalion.

"Light up!"

"Boom boom..."

Ten shells were fired.

For the specific results, please refer to the battle in which the Qing Dynasty was defeated into the capital by the great powers.

The shell fell on the wall and the gate, which opened with a bang. The gate was blasted out of a hole. At the same time, many soldiers on the wall were killed and wounded.

"Devil! They are a group of demons

"We can't beat them. Run!"

"I'm going home, I'm going home!"

The soldiers on the wall had no will to speak of. After seeing their comrades in arms, they dropped their weapons and ran away.

"Attack the whole army!"

Su Xun pulled out his long knife, which pointed to the front.

"Go on

"Sisters! Follow me in


A group of tall, exquisite and beautiful women's army rushed into the city with a sharp blade. Their faces were cold and fierce. It was the so-called "women do not let men".

King Carl thought that the strong walls and gates did not last two minutes under the attack of the cannons.

The soldier was killed by a group of women.

calls the old iron old fellow well.

Daqing: don't scold, please don't scold!

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