"Prepare the crossbow!"

Watching the Shenzhou 7 enter the shooting range, the prince of auspicious state calmly issued the preparation order.

Then at the top of the warship, another flag bearer waved the flag to command the other four warships.

"What's on the other side?"

A military officer of the state of Austria showed his doubts.

Other people are confused.

Because they saw that all the opposite warships were crossing over and facing them.

What kind of combat mode is this?

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom... "

Hundreds of cannons ignited at the same time, the huge muzzle trembled, and a hundred and ten cannonballs went through the bore.

"Come on! Turn the rudder

Looking at those shells falling from the sky, although the military officers of the Aussie state did not know that it was a gun, they also knew that something would happen when they were hit by those balls.

They also think of those shells as the kind of things thrown by the catapult.

"Ask some mages to do it!"

The eldest prince looked at the three men in robes.

"Don't worry, your highness. We are here."

Three people have a plan, and then at the same time holding a staff, chanting, casting magic, a magic barrier exuding magic appeared in the air.

These barriers can stop arrows and catapults for a short time, because they consume the magician's magic power.

"Boom! Boom

The shell fell on the magic barrier, directly destroyed the barrier, and the shells behind continued to fall.

"How could that be?"

Seeing this scene, all the military officers on the warship were shocked.

They finally understood that it was not a way of throwing stones, and sky fire was not a means of fire magicians.

The people of Kar Kingdom don't lie. It's a new and powerful weapon.

"Come on! Protect your Highness the diving boat

The magician escorted the prince from the boat.

Boom! Boom!


"Fire! The ship is on fire

"Run! Jump out of the boat

Shells fell on the warship, the warship was blown to pieces, the ship's soldiers jumped into the sea.

However, there are only a few shells that can accurately hit the warship, and more shells fall into the sea.

Therefore, the soldiers who jumped from the ship were also killed. The sea was blown up by several feet high waves. Blood mixed with the sea water, and limbs and arms could be seen everywhere.

The big prince had three magicians who tried their best to protect him from the danger of his life.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shelling on the sea continued, because Su Xun didn't need prisoners, he just needed survival.

"Protect your highness. I'll use my magic to kill the leader of those vagrants." Said a middle-aged magician with five stars on his robe.

He is a five-star magician. He has been able to use his flying magic. He wants to catch the king first.

If the enemy continues to bombard like this, they will all die in the end, because their magic will be exhausted.

So in addition to surrender, the best way is to try to kill the enemy's chief General alone. As long as you kill the enemy's chief general, you can change the trend of the whole war.

"You must be careful."

The big prince said with concern.

"Don't worry, your highness. I have confidence."

The five-star magician's voice fell, then flew out of the sea and rushed to Shenzhou-7 quickly.

"You demons, stand trial!"

"Only by burning a fire can you burn up the evil in your heart. You are all guilty people."

He flew in the sky, a little bit of staff, read a mantra, countless fireballs fell into the sky.


Everybody's changed a lot.

But Su Xun didn't change his face, because he knew that the fairy would not just sit by.

Sure enough, the next moment, a sea from the sea like a dragon flying, will all the fireball out.

The little fairy floats in the air with a fairy stick.


The five-star magician's eyes were shocked. He didn't expect that these vagrants were protected by fairies.

No wonder this group of vagrants can possess such powerful weapons. It must be thanks to the fairy.

Then he was a little angry. He looked at the little fairy and asked, "as a fairy, how can you help these wandering demons to kill your people? Do you think you have degenerated into an evil god? This is not what you should do as a fairy! "

The fairy had a guilty look on her face, because she was right. But when she got along with Su Xun for so long, she was naturally biased in her feelings.

"Very well, fairyland, you should help us defeat these vagrants." Looking at the shame on the fairy's face, the five-star wizard showed a smile.This is really a young fairy. She is easy to trust others. She must be bewitched by these vagrants. She has the responsibility to lead her back to the right path.

"You finished farting, don't you?"

Su Xun looked at the five star wizard and asked.

"I am a noble magician..."

The five-star wizard was angry. Although he didn't understand, he also guessed that Lao forced Deng was abusive.

"Noble? Then I'll send you higher. "

Su Xun directly picked up a gun, aimed the muzzle at the magician, and lit the fuse.


The shell came out of the chamber. The five-star wizard wanted to show his magic resistance in a panic, but before he finished his spell, the shell had already fallen on him.


The shell exploded in the air, and a five-star magician who claimed to be noble was killed.

I can't help it. Who let him shake his skills so long? I really think it's a cartoon. When the enemy increases his strength, he'll wait for the other side to release it.

"Why How could that be

The prince and the other two magicians were stunned, but a five-star magician who could fly magic died like that?

"No matter how noble a magician is, he will die even if he is attacked by me. It's almost the same to change a female magician." Su Xun forced to blow the muzzle.

It's true that if a female magician comes here, she won't die after several shots. Well, as for the reason, it may be that the female magician's defense is relatively high, it should be.

Moreover, he will also give the female magician a defensive armor that he has built himself, that is, she is armed with six armor.

The conditions are very harsh.

First of all, men and women must cooperate with each other. Secondly, it consumes a lot of energy of the forger and requires hard work day and night.


Su Xun put down the gun in his arms, pulled out a long knife and pointed to the front: "rush up, don't seal the knife!"

If he wanted to capture them as slaves, he would let them not even have the chance to live as slaves.

The four warships steered forward.


"Come on, swim on!"

Watching the boat approaching, the surviving Aussie soldiers swam away in panic.

"Surrender." Said the great prince.

As the words fell, all the officials of the Aussie state who went to war this time were relieved.

One of them yelled out: "we are willing to surrender to the stateless people on the other side."

"Surrender?" Su Xun showed a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth: "tell them, I'm not allowed."

"Our captain said we would not accept surrender!" Lisa stood in the bow and yelled back.

The officials of the Aussie state were confused, because it was the first time that they met someone who did not accept surrender.

"Your Highness So, what should we do? "

Everyone looked at the big prince.

"I'm the prince of Oz, you can't kill me. I'm more useful alive than dead!"

The big prince can only pull down his face and shout in person.

It's not too shabby to live.

"Oh, and a big fish." Su Xun didn't expect to get something unexpected: "tell him, you can't kill him."

Su Xun is going to use him to blackmail a batch of materials from the Ottoman State. After all, the Ottoman State has more than one million people, at least tens of thousands of soldiers, which is not so easy to break.

Even if it can be conquered, his beautiful army will be killed and injured badly in the melee, so it's enough to use the big prince to blackmail a batch of materials.

Don't be greedy.

"Our captain said, you swim here, we won't kill you!" Lisa is acting as a microphone again.

Hearing this, the eldest prince was relieved, and the officials and soldiers of auspicious country were also very happy.

Although the eldest prince lost the battle, he did not forget to win his heart at this time. He said to the soldiers, "compared with your lives, my dignity as a prince is nothing. I am willing to exchange my dignity for your lives and take you back alive."

"Support your Highness the great prince to the death!"

All the soldiers were moved, but the officials didn't think so, but they pretended to be moved.

"Good! Let's swim through now

The big prince took the lead to swim to Shenzhou 7, and all the living officers and soldiers followed him one after another.

More than ten minutes later, the defeated generals gathered in front of Shenzhou 7.

Only at this time, from the perspective of looking up, did they feel more clearly what a giant it was, just like a deep-sea giant.

Such a huge ship, even the Norman empire can not build it, these vagrants are too powerful.

"Who is the eldest prince of Oz?"

Su Xun asked condescending.

"Dear Sir, I am."

Even if he was soaked in the sea, the big prince still had a noble etiquette and did not forget his demeanor."Hold on."

Su Xun dropped a spear.

The eldest prince seized one end, and then Sushen took him to the boat. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers threw the raft down. The soldiers thought the raft was for them and climbed up one after another.

"Kill them all!"

With Su Xun's command, more than a thousand soldiers ready to go, armed with sharp blades, jumped on the raft and killed the soldiers of the Aussie state.

Poop - poop -

"ah! Don't kill me! Ah

The sound of the blade entering the body kept on ringing, and the screams kept on. The raft was stained red with blood.

The big prince was stunned. He grabbed Su Xun's arm and said, "you promised not to kill us!"

"I only said not to kill you, not including them. You are still useful when you are alive, but their only function will be produced after death." Su Xun's tone was cold as ice.

The great prince of Oslo was so lost that he fell on the deck.

Then Su Xun joined the killing feast.

A few minutes later, the scream stopped, the sea was bloody red, and the pungent smell was disgusting.

To the aborigines of this world, players are not worthy of being like them, just slave seeds.

But also, for players, the indigenous people in this world are just NPCs. Even if they are not provoked, they will not be soft to kill.

In this sudden naval battle, Su Xun gained a total of 3100 survival points. In addition to the original 3400, he already had 6500. He could upgrade Shenzhou 7 to a steam warship.

Upgrade was immediately selected.

After deducting 4000 survivals, the wooden warship became a steam warship made of oil and steel.

The whole has been full of modern atmosphere.

Name: Shenzhou No.7

survival: 2500

Quality: low

wear resistance: 500 / 500

Introduction: length: 150m, width: 40m, height: 50m, the thickest part: 280mm, a steam driven battleship with 10 350mm main guns, weight: 5000 tons, water consumption: 17000 tons, maximum speed: 22 knots, can carry 4500 people, can be called the leader in the sea.

"This What the hell is going on! "

Looking at the sudden earth shaking changes in a ship, the eldest prince of Oslo began to doubt life.

Rilla, the fairy and Xiyan can't keep calm, because the ship is made of steel. How can it sail on the sea?

And the players are excited, steam warship ah, finally can free hands.

"The trough! Battleship! This is the ultimate dream of men! How fragrant

"This NIMA has been able to fight across the sea with this ship. The ten main guns alone can blow a wooden warship to nothing."

"It's worthy of being the man in front of all players. The speed of horse stepping is the same as that of open hanging."

The male players in the rear looked at the steel giant and were envious for a while.

Later, Su Xun upgraded Shenzhou 8, Shenzhou 9 and Shenzhou 10 to wooden warships.

With this fleet, he has been able to cross the world's oceans, he has no rival.

"What's going on, what's going on, what's going on..."

The eldest prince of the kingdom of Oz, looking at the four ships changing their appearance in front of him, was going crazy.

Is it magic?

But what kind of magician does it take to step on the horse? Even fairies can't do it!

"Lisa, you take a warship to escort the prince of auspicious country to borrow some materials. Coal is the most important thing. In addition, Liu Liu, what materials do you need to make shells, but you can write to Lisa."

Without coal, the steam warship could only drift with the wind and could not make steam.

And the shells have to be developed again. The original shells can only be used by three wooden warships.

"Yes, Captain!" Lisa salutes.

Su Xun looked at a beautiful ship and stressed, "remember, call me captain in the future!"

Steel and Mothership are the perfect match.

"Yes, Captain!"

Half an hour later, Lisa set out on Shenzhou 8 with 300 soldiers and the eldest prince.

Su Xun and others were waiting in place.

He sent a post to his big baby on the forum to attract more girls to join him.

Who makes girls like his big and hard baby?

With the upgrade of the four ships, there are many empty positions on the ship that need to be filled.

Shock! It's a big, hard baby that can interest both women and men. 》

Su Xun felt that his title was more and more UC shock style.Su Xun: [picture] [picture] it's just a sun. Do you have a sister with you?

The reply area explodes.

Gao Fei: "lying trough! Iron fellow

Zhang Yuan: "wori, steam warship! I'm so envious of this horse

Xie Yu: "I don't think you're basking in the sun. You're basking in warships. I'm so happy. What's the difference between your behavior and those who bask in luxury cars to attract girls? I look down on you most, because I don't have any! "

Han Lili: "some time ago, it was a wooden warship. Now it's a steam warship. Brother Su is too fast. I can't stand the speed!"

Zhang Ying: "really big, I'm so excited!"

A few hours later, Shenzhou 8 returned.

Lisa used the big prince to change everything she needed from auspicious country. It can be seen that cannon is the last word!

With the coal, Su Xun had a special person to burn the boiler to make steam. Yes, it was crazy to let Jiao Didi's beauty burn the boiler.

Only he can do such a thing.

After all, he's immune to beauty.

"Let's go!"

Four warships set sail again.


Meanwhile, the Norman empire.

The palace.

In a bedroom, a woman in her twenties, tall and hot, wearing a gorgeous dress, is sitting quietly in front of a mirror.

The woman's skin is white, her face is delicate, her eyebrows are full of amorous feelings, her eyes seem to be misty and charming, her bra skirt can't restrain the exaggerated radian, and her slender legs are straight.

She was the wife of the Norman emperor xuxianqu, and now the queen of the Norman empire.

"Magic mirror, magic mirror, I ask you, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" The queen has been given the magic mirror for a long time and has achieved many goals with it, but today it is the first time she has asked this question.

Because she has got all the material satisfaction, her child will be the next emperor, and now she only cares about beauty.

The mirror said, "queen, although your beauty has shocked the world, I have to say that the most beautiful person in the world is your daughter snow white."

Snow white appears in the mirror. She is painting in her bedroom in a white dress.

Looking at Snow White's more beautiful and younger face and figure than herself, the queen is extremely jealous. Why is that child of cheap life more beautiful than me?

In her heart, she said, snow white is dead. Isn't she the most beautiful woman in the world?

Anyway, I've already killed her brother. Killing her again can be regarded as cutting the roots.

"See the queen. Song Liang is out to see you."

A maid in waiting came to report.

"Oh, what's the matter?" The queen asked slowly.

Song Liang is a vagrant, but seeing that the other side is witty, speaks well, and can deal with other vagrants, the queen just accepts to be a dog.

The maid of honor replied, "I don't know, but I look very anxious. I always say that I have something important to report."

"Let him in." Said the queen.

Soon after, song Liang, who had already put on the official uniform of the Norman Empire, walked in quickly, and then crawled on the ground: "see you, Queen Saint Ann."

"Come on, what's the matter." The queen looked at the dog in front of her and asked in no hurry.

Song Liang didn't dare to look up, so he fell on the ground and replied: "queen, it's not good. Some of those vagrants have a very powerful ship. The guns and crossbows of the Norman empire can't break through, but he can easily break through the warships of the Empire."

Norman Empire did not have cannons, but he presented the most original design of cannons and explosive formula, as one of his advanced steps.

In a word, he offered all he could think of, blocking the way of those post rebels.

"Nonsense, how can there be such a powerful warship, and how do you know?" The queen frowned, questioning in her eyes.

Song Liang gritted his teeth and said, "I dare not deceive the queen. I can know it's because..."

He didn't say anything about the forum before, but now he has to say it, otherwise the other party won't believe it.

Now that there are steam warships, the players' strength will be stronger and stronger. If the Norman empire is not paid attention to and attacked as soon as possible, sooner or later they will fight on the mainland with strong ships and guns.

After all, there are too many powerful scientific talents in the players, who can develop terrible weapons.

When the time comes, won't the number one traitor be cut into 18 sections by the players and thrown into the sea to feed the fish?

"Well, you said you didn't dare to deceive me. You didn't tell me about it." The queen said coldly.

Song Liang immediately begged for mercy: "Queen calm down, Queen spare your life, isn't that a confession?"

"Well! It's not going to happen again. " The queen snorted coldly and said, "I'll tell your majesty about this. Go down and do a good job. I won't treat you badly.""Yes, Queen, I'm leaving."

Song Liang didn't look up all the time. He was lying on the ground like a caterpillar and slowly shrank back to the door. Then he stood up, lowered his head and turned out of the bedroom.

He is more familiar with this process than the maid of honor here. He has already gained experience in being a dog.

After Song Liang left, the queen looked at the magic mirror: "magic mirror, magic mirror, tell me quickly, does the powerful ship song Liang said really exist?"

She won't listen to song Liang's one-sided words.

"He didn't lie. The ship he said did exist." Said the mirror calmly.

In the mirror, there are pictures of Shenzhou-7 sailing on the sea, including Su Xun on board.

But Su Xun didn't have any magic power at this time. He couldn't feel that he was really being watched by the special power.

"My God, this Is this a boat

The queen widened her eyes. When she wanted to see more carefully, the picture in the mirror suddenly disappeared.

"My power has been stopped, you know, I know everything, but my power is not strong."

The magic mirror said calmly.

The queen put the mirror into the secret room, and then went to see the emperor. She had to let the emperor fight harder.

Otherwise, according to song Liang, there will be more and more such ships until they can't cope with them.


At the same time, on the vast ocean.

"Just now there was a force peeping and seeing, which was cut off by me with magic." The fairy said to Su Xun.

Su Xun frowned and didn't say anything, because he didn't know who was peeping.

He doesn't have any mana now. In the face of this situation, he has nothing to do. Fortunately, there are fairies.

No wonder men like fairies.

Because fairies are not only capable, but also capable.

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