150 days of ocean vacation.

Five giant ships more than 100 meters long are sailing on the blue sea. In front of them is a steel battleship, which is driven by steam and cuts the sea like a blade.

As we get closer to the Norman Empire, we meet more and more players on the road. Most of them are fleeing from the Norman Empire because it is too dangerous.

These people fled and met Su Xun's Shenzhou fleet on the way, so they were all incorporated. My sister went to bed Ah, no, get on the boat. The men are following the fleet.

That's why we don't pay attention to equality between men and women.

Today, Su Xun's women's army, the beautiful women's army, can also be called the warship mother, has more than 10000 people.

His main ship Shenzhou 7 had 4000 people, Shenzhou 8, Shenzhou 9 and Shenzhou 10 had 3000 people each. Because of too many people, Shenzhou 11 was born ahead of time.

Shenzhou-7 can not be upgraded for the time being. The next step is to turn those four ships into steam battleships.

Then with 20000 shipwives and hundreds of millions of male players, they conquered the Norman Empire and grabbed the magic mirror!

In other words, since the mirror knows everything, will it know that it is greedy for its body?

Su Xun likes this kind of hard and slippery.

"Well, it's slippery."

"Oh, almost." Rilla pretty red, looking at Su Xun's more and more excessive hand.

Su Xun didn't hear the language of Rilla. He was just an LSP and said, "I'll check you up."

"You go fishing. There are so many people." Rilla plucked up her courage to escape and gave him the fishing rod.

Su Xun mentioned the fishing rod: "why didn't a fish hook for so long? Come on, dive and hang a fish on the hook for me. The fisherman never flies."

"Yes! Captain

A shipmate answered, took off her uniform and skirt, and jumped into the sea.

Soldiers, it's their duty to obey orders.

In such an environment, the growth rate of these shipwives is very fast. As for those who can't grow up, they have already died in battle or have a fever.

Let the beautiful woman burn the boiler. This is the happiness of the powerful people. Most poor people can't imagine it.

After a while, he felt that the fish had been hung up, and then when he lifted the fishing rod, a nameless sea fish was caught.

This activity is voluntary for marine fish.

"I've caught fish. The captain is tired of it."

"Yes, yes, the captain is great."

"The captain's posture of lifting the pole is very handsome!"

All around, a group of little sisters in maid's clothes and sailor's clothes applauded and licked Su Xun hard.

Alas, the life of a powerful man is so boring and boring.

"Captain, we don't have enough coal."

At this moment, a little girl Ah, no, a second lieutenant came to report. To be more precise, it was a beautiful young woman with the rank of second lieutenant.

"So fast?" Su Xun frowned.

The second lieutenant explained, "there wasn't much coal collected in Oslo, because most of the space on board was reserved for all kinds of food and daily necessities."

"Shanghai map." Su Xun lost his fishing rod.

Two shipwives in black and silk spread out the chart in front of Su Xun.

"Where are we now?"

"About here, captain." The second lieutenant pointed to a place on the vast sea.

Su Xun moved his eyes along the place: "this country of silver moon is here."

"Isn't Kate Kingdom closer?" The second lieutenant asked curiously.

Su Xun said, "I just like the name of Yinyue country. Don't you think it sounds better than Kate country?"

Lt.:... "

What's Yinyue country doing with such a nice name? It's not bad luck.

Yin Yueguo: is it a crime to have a nice name?

Five days later, when Su Xun arrived at the sea area of Yinyue Kingdom, he was very puzzled because there were no warships.

They are such a big team. Wu Yaowu is very powerful. It's impossible that the warships of Yinyue country didn't find out.

"Captain, do you think it's cheating?"

Asked a blonde colonel.

Now Chinese is the common language on board.

"No matter what tricks he has, let him try the power of these ten 350mm main guns."

Su Xun said with disdain, and directly ordered all the warships to sail at full speed.

When the fleet arrived at the port of silver moon country, Su Xun and his wife were all confused.

Because a large number of people gathered at the port, banners and flags were flying at the top.

"Welcome to the kingdom of silver moon."

"We love peace, we are hospitable, and we welcome all equal business transactions."

"No war! Embrace peace

It's all over the banners and flags.Good guy, I know my country can't beat it, so I just want to make a friend.

After all, the lessons of the first few are still there.

If you can't fight it, you'll admit it. It's not humiliating. It's not shabby to live.

"Guests from afar, I'm the foreign minister of silver moon country. Welcome to our palace. Our king has given a banquet. Please move."

A middle-aged man in an official uniform stepped forward two steps and said, handing over a bunch of gorgeous flowers at the same time.

"It's very polite. I like to make friends with warm-hearted people. I like Yinyue country."

Su Xun went down with several officers.

A good invasion turned into friendly diplomacy.

Sure enough, when you are strong enough, the whole world is your friend, no one wants to be your enemy.

"Captain, beware of deception."

Lisa whispered.

"Do you think I'm afraid of Hongmen banquet?"

Su Xun looked at her curiously.

Lisa's words suddenly stopped. If silver moon country really wants to have a Hongmen banquet, it will only be them.

After all, Su Xun's military value is not boastful.

Because he is usually blown.

In this way, Su Xun left the officers on the warship waiting for orders and went to the banquet alone.

The fairy is not human, she is immortal.

"Oh, my friend from afar, please take a seat. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as Su Xun entered the main hall of the banquet, the king of silver moon got up and laughed to meet him.

I don't know. I thought they were good friends for many years.

"I'm sorry to have kept your majesty and ministers waiting for a long time. I'll punish myself for three drinks first."

After three cups of wine, Su Xun's thirst was relieved.

"Pa pa pa..."

Everyone applauded and praised the amount of wine.

"Friend, I've prepared what you need. After dinner, you can let the soldiers carry it on the ship." Said the king of silver moon.

The implication is that if you are invited to eat, you will be given something for free. If you take it, you can go quickly. Don't leave it here. It's very frightening.

Su Xun took a bite of roast mutton: "I haven't said it yet. How does your majesty know what I need?"

It has to be said that the Royal chef is good, which is not worse than his divine cooking.

"Ha ha, my friend, you need food, fruits, vegetables, fresh water and wine, but what you need most is coal for heating, right?" Asked the king.

Su Xun's face was gradually serious. He put down the cut mutton in his hand, looked at the king of the silver moon Kingdom at the top and asked, "how did your majesty know that?"

Food, cloth and wine can be guessed, but how did he know he needed a lot of coal?

It's not a necessity for navigation.

The king of the silver moon Kingdom just laughed and didn't speak. He was so enigmatic that he deliberately scared Su Xun.

He wanted Su Xun to be afraid of his unfathomable intelligence ability, so that he didn't dare to mess around.

"I take your majesty as a friend. You shouldn't hide it from your friends. If your majesty doesn't tell me, you don't take me as a friend." Su Xun sighed with disappointment and broke the dagger used to cut meat in his hand.


The clear voice made everyone tremble in the heart, and his face became pale gradually.

The quality of the knife used by the royal family to cut meat is also strong. It was broken so easily.

This Is this a man?

Clang ~

Su Xun threw out the broken dagger: "I'm sorry that I broke it accidentally."

He looked at the king apologetically.

"None No problem, come on, change a dagger for your guest. " Said the king with a swallow.

"Thank you very much."

Su Xun's face was full of thanks. He pressed his hand on the table at will. Then, boom, the table collapsed.

"Oh, you see I'm not careful again... " Su Xun looked at the king awkwardly and apologetically.

King of the silver moon Kingdom

Ministers of culture and military

"I'm so embarrassed. I've been stronger than others since I was a child."

Su Xun's face was full of guilt.

All of you

You call this A little bigger?

Su Xun held the post behind him.

"Oh, no!"

The king and ministers were startled. If the palace was destroyed, they would not be buried alive.

"Don't be nervous. I'll just give it a hand."

Su Xun said with a smile and looked at the king: "Your Majesty hasn't answered my question. How do you know I need a lot of coal?"

The ministers looked at the king one after another. They didn't know about it. They also wanted to know another source of information about the king, otherwise they would be afraid."My friend, I don't tell you something for your own good." Where is the king still pretending to be profound.

In order to dispel Su Xun's idea.

Su Xun waved his hand and looked at the Minister: "you go out first. I'll talk to your majesty alone."

The ministers looked at each other.


Su Xun raised his foot and stepped on the floor, then the floor suddenly appeared cobweb like cracks.

The ministers gave a pep talk.

"Your Majesty, I'll leave first."

"Your Majesty, take your time."

"I'm leaving..."

The ministers agreed to quit the hall, but they didn't know who closed the door.

In the blink of an eye, Su Xun and the king were left alone in the empty hall.

"Your Majesty, can you tell me now?"

With a smile on his face, Su Xun approached step by step.

He was really curious. How did the king know when they arrived at the port and how did he know he needed coal so far away from NIMA.

"You What do you want to do? If you get closer, I'll call someone The king shivered.

"Cry, break your throat Forget it. I'm not going through the process. " Su Xun's going up is a social beating.

"Ah! Stop fighting! Stop it! Presumptuous! Guard! Guard! Come on! Ah, ah

Listening to the screams coming from the hall, the ministers outside were very happy.

Fortunately, it wasn't them who were beaten.

"We can't do this! Our king was beaten inside, but we didn't do anything outside. It's too much! Shame

Suddenly, a young official broke out.

"Well said! We can't be indifferent! "

"It's a shame on all of us!"

Many young officials responded to the man.

When other senior officials saw this scene and made eye contact, they were still young and impulsive after all.

"What do you say we should do?"

All the enthusiastic young officials looked at the young man who had just taken the lead.

The young man said seriously, "we should pray for your majesty outside, and pray for God to protect him."

Then he closed his eyes and began to pray.

All of you

Then everyone prayed, and the young people who clamored to fight in were among them.

How touching this scene is.

He is a loyal minister of the Manchu Dynasty!

Inside the palace.

Perhaps the prayer of the ministers of culture and military outside played a role, and His Majesty was not killed.

I'm just beaten into a black and blue pig's head. I can't even recognize his mother here.

"I I said, "I'm wordy, wordy."

His majesty finally can't hold on, because although he pretends to be so enigmatic, in fact, he only has the advantage of intelligence, no force at all.

"That's the way it should have been? Why? Are you going to hold me up to death? " Su Xun shook his head.

His majesty took a nosebleed: "I I eat a white snake every night. After eating a white snake, I will have the ability to understand animals

"White snake?" Su Xun was stunned.

He thought of a fairy tale. The name of the fairy tale is white snake.

It's about a king who has the ability to understand animals after eating a white snake.

Then a bodyguard steals a bite. He also has the ability to understand animals. He leaves the palace. Finally, thanks to this ability, he marries Bai Fumei and goes to the top of his life.

The king nodded again and again: "yes, white snake, I didn't cheat you. The meat of white snake really has this ability."

"Get me one." Su Xun slapped the king on the dog's head. No wonder this guy knew when he would arrive and was in urgent need of coal.

When I was talking on the boat, I was heard by seabirds or fish. These animals spread among the same species, and then this guy learned about himself from the animals.

The king called out to the outside, "more food, go and bring me one more meal every night."

Soon, the guard came in with a plate of food covered with a lid.

"Your Majesty..."

The bodyguard was startled to see the bruised king.

"Put things down and go out." The king covered his face and was already considering whether to kill it.

The guard put down the plate and went away.

Su Xun came forward and opened the plate. Inside was a steamed white snake. It looked good.

He took a knife, cut a piece and put it into his mouth. He remembered that in the fairy tale, the bodyguard who was responsible for delivering vegetables only ate one piece.

After swallowing it, he found that there were a lot of sounds in his ears, which should be the talking sounds of animals.This ability is very important for him who has not recovered his cultivation for the time being.

The king looked at him eagerly: "well, I said, I didn't cheat you."

"Well." Su Xun nodded, and then asked, "where are the materials you prepared? I'm going to leave today

He doesn't want to waste his time here. He wants to get to the Norman Empire quickly.

"I'll have it moved in a minute." The king couldn't wait to shout out: "come on! Come on

"Your Majesty, what are you doing here?" For a long time, the voice of an unknown minister came from outside.

The king was angry: "come on, your grandmother!"

He understood that he was afraid that he would call someone in to help him deal with Su Xun, and then stir up more conflicts.

He made it clear before that he was sending food, and the bodyguard successfully came in.

And he just called for someone, but no one came.

"Sire, I My grandmother, you've done it That voice weakly returned a sentence.

The king suddenly realized: "I already know who you are. You are finished. I will kill you in three days!"

Su Xun was curious to see that the relationship between the monarch and the Minister of the silver moon kingdom was a wonderful work in the fairy tale world. He dared to unite to check and balance the monarch.

Isn't every country in the fairy tale world a king? Silver moon is not a fairy tale at all.

"Come and carry materials for the guests in the distance!"

The king growled hysterically.


The door was pushed open in an instant.

"Yes, sir

A group of Ministers knelt down to answer.

Soon after, carts loaded with goods were pushed to the port by the soldiers of silver moon.

A few hours later.


All the supplies have been put on board.

Su Xun and the king played farewell.

"I didn't expect that after a short time together, we would be separated in the twinkling of an eye." The king's face was full of sadness.

He went to the magician in the palace for treatment, so his bruised face has returned to normal.

When Su Xun heard this, he grabbed the king's hand: "since your majesty is so reluctant to leave me, I can stay a few more days to practice boxing with your majesty."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no The king was so excited that he wanted to smack himself.

Let your mouth cheap, let you fake polite.

Su Xun stopped teasing him: "thank your majesty for the materials. I hope we can see each other again."

"Goodbye, goodbye." The king grinned and roared in his heart: never see you again!

A few minutes later, with the sound of the steam ship's whistle, the Chinese fleet sailed out of the port of Yinyue.


The king breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although he was beaten, lost a piece of snake meat, and paid so much material, it was better than that the kingdom of Karl was beaten into the palace.

Now the kingdom of Karl has become a pillar of shame.

"You seem to get on well with the king."

On the bow, Xi Yan looked at Su Xun and said.

Su Xun said with a smile, "he and I are as good friends at first sight. That's quite good and very happy."

He didn't know whether the king was happy or not. Anyway, he felt happy, so it was over.

"Yes, of course it's a pleasure for you to beat people up." Said the fairy, with a curl of her lips.

"It's our tradition," Su Xun explained, "to fight is to kiss, to scold is to love, and to love is to kick."

"Do you want me to love you?" The fairy waved her powder fist and showed a sinister smile.

Sue said with a smile, "yes, but that's our tradition for men. The tradition for women to show love is just like Rilla. Do you still want to love me?"

"Bah! Go to hell with you! I think so. "

"I can't die in my life ~"

... "

370th day of ocean vacation.

After six months of hunting sharks and a few sea monsters that are more precious than national treasures, the Shenzhou fleet has accumulated enough survival.

The other four warships have all been upgraded to steam battleships. Now, Su Xun officially has a steel fleet full of 20000 warships.

As the main ship, Shenzhou-7 has been upgraded to high-quality form by Su Xun. It is the peak of steam battleship and can be called the ace battleship in World War I.

At the same time, the warships of those male players who follow behind the buttocks are also upgrading, most of which have become building ships.

Now, I don't know the number of players following Su Xun, but it should be 100 million, because Su Xun has been calling on the forum.

So in the past six months, more and more players gathered behind him.

Then many male players give up their rafts and unite for common development, which also makes their upgrading speed faster, because without unity, boats alone can't keep up with the fleet.With the upgrading of the ship, the performance is also upgrading, and the whole team is moving faster and faster.

Every time a ship is upgraded, it is a great improvement in sailing speed.

By this time, it had entered the waters of the Norman empire.

But there is still a long way to go to the west coast port.

Such a large team, just entered the Norman Empire waters, was noticed by patrol ships.

Then he hurried back to report that he didn't dare to meet Su Xun's fleet because he didn't have the courage.

"Can you send my voice to everyone with magic?" Su Xun looked at the fairy and asked.

The fairy nodded: "yes, but there are too many people. I can't stand it for too long."

Behind the Shenzhou fleet are hundreds of thousands of building ships, so many people are afraid of fairies.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like for so many people to rush to the continent of Norman Empire at the same time.

After the fairy cast the spell, Su Xun made a simple speech: "all brothers and sisters from blue star, we have entered the waters of Norman empire. Next, we will be intercepted by the Navy. If we don't want to live on the sea forever, we must defeat them!"

"According to the news sent by those brothers who were arrested as coolies on the forum, because song Liang, the traitor of blue star human beings, made the Norman Empire ships also have guns, so this is a bitter battle!"

"But we can't back down! Because behind us is the endless sea, we must win! Defeat the Norman Empire and live on land

This was the end of the speech, for the fairy had turned pale and sweat oozed from her forehead.

"Defeat the Norman empire!"

"Defeat the Norman empire!"

"Defeat the Norman empire!"

Hundreds of millions of people cried out, their blood boiling, and the sound seemed to shake away the clouds in the sky.

After drifting on the sea for more than a year, all the people who can survive now are cruel men who have seen blood. They are not afraid of death, because sooner or later they will die in the sea.

Now there are five steam battleships of the Chinese fleet as the main attack, and they have so many building ships with guns. What are they afraid of?

No matter how powerful the Norman empire was, it would not be able to send hundreds of millions of people to the sea to fight.

But they can!

The players who survived are now all soldiers.

It's a terrible number.

"You can completely remove my magic first. As long as you send me to my father, you can avoid this war." Said the flounder in the bucket.

Su Xun looked at him sympathetically: "you also know that your father is old and weak, so I tell you a piece of sad news. Although he is still alive, he is no longer able to deal with the government. According to the information I got, now your stepmother is in charge. Once your father dies, her son will succeed."

About the news, we have it on the forum.

And he also heard from the birds who came to Normandy that the evil queen was thinking about how to attack snow white when she came to power.

"How could that be! I am the great prince of Norman empire! I should be the emperor The flounder was hopping about in the bucket, its voice panicking.

He had already accepted the fate of being a fish, but Su Xun showed him hope, but now hope was about to be deprived, and he was afraid of it.

After all, if he could not succeed to the throne, what good would his existence do to Su Xun?

Su Xun knew what he was worried about: "my prince, you can rest assured that I will remove the magic from you and help you regain the throne."

It's clear that it's me who relieved it. The fairy on one side turned her lips. It's your credit again.

"You're serious!" The flounder's voice was full of surprise and disbelief, and then he responded quickly: "I'd like to swear that as long as I succeed to the throne, I will give you my stepmother, sister and magic mirror, and treat all vagrants well, and they will have the same experience as the people No, higher treatment. "

"I believe you." Su Xun's tone was mild. He wanted to use his identity to help flounder.

If the blue star people were allowed to be emperors, then the people of the Norman Empire would certainly not admit it, and no country in the fairy tale world would admit it.

Because the world attaches great importance to blood, not only aristocrats, but also civilians.

So flounder can inherit the throne without resistance, and he is supported by the blue star people. He must repay the blue star people, and he needs the support of the blue star people to stabilize the imperial power.

Because he has been away from the country for a long time, and he has no confidants in Normandy, he can only appoint and trust the blue stars who helped him regain the throne.

In this process, the blue star people will take advantage of his preference to develop rapidly in the Norman empire. When he stabilizes his throne and turns around to deal with the blue star people, it will be too late for him to shake.

At that time, the blue star people were absolutely involved in all aspects. There was no shortage of talents, so many officials, and even more there was no shortage of talents for political struggle.In the end, the blue star will complete a bloodless coup.

Su Xun also helped the players find a good home, and he only needed the magic mirror!

As for the wicked queen and snow white.

Even if the evil queen was so evil, Su Xun didn't dare to clap with her before recovering her mana. He was mainly afraid that she would poison her on some necessary roads.

Snow white can make friends. After all, this is the childhood goddess of countless people.

Su Xun also wanted to recall the original childhood and the lost youth.

In fact, as Su Xun expected, the Norman empire was already preparing to fight against the players' sea.

Although they were far behind the players in warships and forces, the Norman Empire mobilized a large number of witches, magicians and land knights to fight.

It's better than theology.

At the moment of receiving the news that the players entered the Norman Empire sea area, the order was sent down layer by layer, and the Imperial Navy troops, who had been preparing for half a year, left the port.

Both sides are ready to fight on the sea.

Because Su Xun could understand the animals, he could easily know the enemy's movements from the fish in the sea, and then set up his tactics according to them.

In fact, there are no tactics. There are too many ships and the range of shells is not far enough. It's easy to hit one's own people, so we separate them and surround the enemy.

Su Xun didn't know how many warships there were, so he could only divide them in piles.

Shenzhou No. 8 is surrounded from the left, Shenzhou No. 9 is surrounded from the right, Shenzhou No. 10 and No. 11 are facing him head-on.

This is the pain of too many people.

Five days later, the two fleets met in the sea, and Su Xun took the lead in fighting.

Because the steam battleship's main gun has a longer range, the enemy has entered his firing range.

The 350mm caliber main guns equipped on Shenzhou 7, 10 and 11 fired at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Boom

The sound of guns was endless, and the wooden warships of the Norman Empire were easily sunk one by one, because these guns and old guns were not the products of the same era at all.

"They shot too far! Come on! magician! Where's the magician! Where's the wizard! Help

It was the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy who commanded the battle.

Thousands of witches and magicians set foot in the air, casting all kinds of magic attacks in the air.

These are all able to fly. Those magicians who can't fly don't even have the qualification to fight.

"Beat them down!"

Su Xun pointed to the air and roared. The small caliber rapid fire guns on the three Shenzhou Class Battleships moved up.

"Boom boom..."

The rapid fire gun is used to hit the ash machine, and the firing speed is absolutely a drop of the bar. Those magicians haven't finished reciting the mantra, and dozens of shells have already flown out.

"Boom! Boom

The magicians flying in the air were killed by the explosion, and some of the fish who missed the net were successful in casting the magic, such as fireball and ice arrow, which killed many players.

But they only have this chance, because the rapid fire cannons will not give them time to play magic.

"Damn rubbish! I can only bully ordinary people! Come on! Hold the fire and press up! Otherwise, we will be beaten passively! Come on! Come on, come on

The marshal of the Norman empire was roaring, because he had never fought such a subdued naval battle.

Before the enemy entered its own attack area, it had already lost more than ten warships.

The magician, who had been placed high hopes, didn't play his imaginary role in the war.

Boom! Boom!

The shelling continued. After paying a heavy price, the Normandy Navy finally brought the enemy into the firing range and began to fight back.

But at the same time, they also entered the attack range of male players, male players also began to bombard, but also accompanied by sound blessing.

"The natives of the mud horse! Eat your grandfather

"Brothers! This is a sea battle game. Kill all the NPCs on the opposite side

"Come on! You little garbage

Most of the warships on the sea can't move at all, so there are no tactics to speak of. The two sides are you come and I go. From time to time, there are Warships Sinking, but they are insignificant in this kind of battle.

If someone looks down from the sky at this time, he can see that there is a big fire on the sea, even the sea seems to be boiling.

This sea battle, after the effect of the magician has been weakened, the result can be foreseen for a long time.

The Norman navy was almost pinned down when the number and artillery were dominant.

"Come on! Turn the rudder


"Marshal! We are surrounded

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

Shells fell like raindrops, Norman Navy warships sank one by one, soldiers died one by one, blood and fire is the main theme today.It's the only color today.

"To your majesty! Run into the boat

The admiral of the Norman empire was red eyed and ordered the warships to suicide attack the Shenzhou class warships.

The Norman navy was brave and fearless, but their wooden warships could not get close to them, and the Shenzhou class warships would be destroyed by the main artillery.

It's equivalent to a handle.


"Smash them! Tear them up

Su Xun was also roaring, although other warships could not hear his voice.

The resistance of the Norman Navy became weaker and weaker.

"Lost, lost, Imperial Navy lost."

The admiral of the Norman Empire looked at the Chinese warships in a daze, his eyes unspeakably complex.

He really can't imagine why there are such steel giants in the world?

And it's still made by a group of homeless people. Are they that powerful?


The Norman Grand Admiral and his warship sank to the bottom of the sea forever under the fire of a shell from the Shenzhou-7 main ship.

With the death of the admiral of the Norman Empire, the battle on the sea has come to an end. The soldiers of the Norman Empire surrender one after another, leaving only sporadic gunfire.

"Soldiers, look, look who I am!"

The great prince of Norman Empire, who had been disenchanted, stood in the bow of Shenzhou VII and cried out.

The surrendered Norman soldiers raised their heads.

"Yes It's his Highness the great prince

"This How can it be, your Highness the great prince is still alive! Your highness is still alive

Seeing the big prince, the officers and soldiers were confused and didn't understand how the missing big prince suddenly appeared.

And it's connected to the homeless.

"Guys! Great soldiers! I, your prince, heir to the future throne! I was persecuted by my wicked stepmother, cursed by the magician, and turned into a poor flounder... "

"They saved me! You've all been cheated! I suspect that father's illness is also related to that poisonous woman! You are soldiers of the Empire, you should not fight for her

"She murdered me, her father and the emperor, stole the power of the Empire, and made you make unnecessary sacrifices. Soldiers, follow me into the palace and capture the poisonous woman alive!"

The appeal of blood is endless. The great prince is the orthodox successor of the Empire. No one at the bottom will doubt what he said, so the defeated soldiers are angry. They need a place to vent.

And the most vicious queen is the best choice, she should be burned on the cross.


In the palace of the Norman empire.

Queen and minister are anxiously waiting for the news of the front line, the atmosphere in the hall is very dignified.

"Let me know if you have any information."

The queen couldn't sit down, left a word, got up, left her position and went back to her bedroom.

The first thing after returning to the bedroom is to take out the magic mirror: "magic mirror, magic mirror, please tell me quickly, will the Empire lose this war?"

"Dear Queen, I'm sorry to tell you that the Empire has lost." The voice of the magic mirror falls, and the screen of players landing appears in the mirror.


The queen farted and sat on the ground, just like a lost god whispering: "I lost, how can I lose, no, I haven't lost, I still have a chance!"

While the mouth kept repeating, the eyes showed the color of madness, while running out of the bedroom.

She didn't even care to hide the mirror.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sudden sound of guns in the city made the palace in a mess, and the ministers ran around in a panic.

With the flag of the big prince, Su Xun entered the palace with his 20000 beautiful soldiers.

"Can you feel the magic mirror now?"

Su Xun didn't go to the main hall to see how the prince could stabilize the audience, but took the fairy to wear in the back palace.

Well, the big prince acquiesced. Even if he was playing with his nominal little mothers in the harem, he would not say a word more.

"Yes, turn left and go straight."

So close, the fairy can feel the magic wave of the curse mirror without using the magic.

So all the way seven turn eight turn, finally came to the Queen's bedroom, saw the mirror.

A mirror on the dresser.

"That's it!" Exclaimed the fairy.

Su Xun stepped forward quickly and grasped the magic mirror.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Said the mirror suddenly.

Su Xun was stunned.

"Don't be so surprised. I know everything. Isn't that why you want me?"

The voice of the magic mirror continued calmly.

"Do you know what I'm looking for?" Su Xun asked.The mirror said, "in the secret room of the palace of the Norman Empire, there is a crown which has been kept for many years. It is inlaid with a gem, which is what you are looking for."

At the same time, a picture appeared in the mirror. On the picture is a golden crown, and the most prominent one is the aquamarine.

The power of this magic mirror was beyond Su Xun's expectation. He was very curious. What was the power?

If he took the mirror out of the fairy tale world, would it have the same effect?

But now it was not the time to think about this. Susian took the mirror and went to the secret room of the palace. He asked casually, "every time I use you, the user will be cursed. So what's my curse?"

"The so-called curse is just the exchange terms I set for people to achieve their goals. It all depends on whether I want to." The magic mirror said softly.

In other words, it not only has the ability to predict everything in the world, but also has a strong ability to curse.

And they have their own way of thinking.

This is the essence of cultivation.

It's more like a magic weapon.

How can such a ridiculous thing appear in the fairy tale world?


When he came to the palace secret room, Su Xun directly kicked the door open and went straight to the crown. Then he reached out to pick the heart of the sea embedded in it.

[congratulations on the completion of the mission: finding the heart of the ocean. 】

[reward: Dishu. 】

the sound of the system prompts him. At the same time, his cultivation of the four sages has enriched his whole body.

The book of earth is said to be owned by Zhenyuan immortal, the leader of earth immortals. It is a defensive magic weapon and has the ability to explore the world.

In Su Xun's opinion, real men don't need defense, they just need to attack, attack and attack again!

So Su Xun is going to make it into a Book of life and death.

It's just in line with his style. After all, he doesn't have a Book of life and death.

"Boom -"

just at this time, the outside suddenly had a clear sky, thunder and dark clouds, followed by a storm.

A huge evil god with three heads and six arms overlooks the palace from the air, covering the sky.

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