"What is that! Monster! Monster

"God! What the hell is that! "

"Run! Here comes the monster

Because of the sudden appearance of evil spirits in the air, the Norman empire once again fell into panic.

Su Xun and the fairy went out of the palace and looked up at the evil god with three heads and six arms in the air.

"It's an evil spirit!"

The fairy's pretty face was pale, her lips were tight, and her eyes were also full of fear.

Evil gods are fallen angels or fairies. They have strong power and fall for stronger power. Their hearts are full of killing and violence.

"When my Lord comes into the world, all you conspirators will die! They're all going to die! Ha ha ha... "

The queen stood in the open space not far away, her black hair was blown disorderly by the wind, her eyes were crazy, and she gave out owl like laughter, which made people feel cold.

"Humble human, give me the mirror in your hand, and I will forgive your sin, and allow you to crawl on the ground, kiss my toes and be my slave." The vision of the evil god was fixed on Su Xun.

Everyone looked at Su Xun and expected him to give the mirror to the evil god. Then the evil god took the initiative to leave.

But is Su Xun the kind of person under threat?

What he's not afraid of is being threatened.

"Are you talking to me, you brute?"

Su Xun looked at the evil god calmly.


All of a sudden, the whole audience burst into flames.

How dare Su Xun call the evil god a beast!

Although the other party looks like a beast, you can't say it directly.

After all, that hurt animals.

"Humble human, dare to insult me, only death can wash away your sins."

The evil god was furious, and the killing in his eyes was almost to the essence, and a huge claw fell.

He's going to crush this lower creature to death.

"It's you, brute

Su Xun's voice fell down, and he stepped up in the air. His momentum poured out like the sky and the earth. He stepped out step by step, and a huge sword was formed behind him.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

Especially the players.

"The trough! There is a Sword Fairy among us

"No wonder that Su Xun was a cultivator. We Bluestar had cultivators!"

"When we come to this world, we can't be the ghost of some immortal on the blue star."

"This NIMA is so handsome!"

The evil god was a little flustered. He could feel it. With the strength of the other side, he could press himself to death with one finger.

He didn't know why the other party was so fussy.

But he knew he was in danger.

Is this horse riding from God?

Why can the world have this power!

The evil spirit roared in his heart, then turned and ran without hesitation, and his body shrank rapidly.

"If you want to run, have you asked this seat?"

Su Xun's long sword broke through the air behind him.

What's the point of not pretending to force people to live?

After all, people are forced out.


It's so easy for people to think that the evil god is committing suicide.

"God! Is this still human power? "

"God is up..."

The people of the Norman Empire knelt and prayed.

"What's the matter? You don't know me."

Su Xun fell to the ground and looked at the fairy.

"You You... "

The fairy's eyes widened, her mouth opened into an O-shape, and her face was unbelievable. She was even too shocked and nervous to speak clearly.

"I What's wrong with me? "

Su Xun talks like her.

"You are a saint!"

This time it was the magic mirror in susian's hand.

"You are not a thing of the world."

Su Xun looked at the mirror. After his cultivation recovered, he also felt the familiar smell from the mirror.

It's a magic weapon of artifact level. It's stronger than longkui sword, but weaker than Pangu axe.

He said how could there be such a powerful mirror in the fairy tale world? It turned out to be a mirror from a foreign country.

"I also have a name, Kunlun mirror."

Said the mirror.

"Kunlun mirror, the magic weapon of Queen Mother of the west?" Su Xun was dubious, because if it was a Kunlun mirror, the power would be too weak to match.

After all, the Sansheng stone in his hand is refined with the weakened version of Kunlun mirror in a small world, which can have the effect of seeing people's past and present lives.

Since this magic mirror has the flavor of Kyushu, if it is really Kunlun mirror, it is likely to be the real Kunlun mirror in traditional Chinese mythology.The true Kunlun mirror in the traditional myth has the ability to shuttle through time and space and know nothing, and it is a top defensive magic weapon.

But this mirror is a little too weak.

Hearing Su Xun say the three words "Queen Mother of the west", the magic mirror was immediately excited: "you are from Kyushu!"

"Tell me what happened." When he heard the magic mirror say the word Kyushu, Su Xun had believed it.

Kunlun mirror explained: "in the war of Kyushu, the queen mother of the West was seriously injured. I urged her to escape from this world with the ability to travel through time and space. But the rules of this world are completely different from those of Kyushu. There is no spirit at all."

"And I also spent too much spiritual power in the war, so I can't shuttle again. There is no spirit in this world. The empress can't absorb spiritual power to heal herself, and I can't supplement spiritual power."

"In order to maintain the life of the empress, I gave her the rest of my strength to keep her sleeping for a while, and I took the remaining strength to find a way to save her in this world."

Said here, it stopped for a moment, and then said excitedly: "although I have not seen you, I do not know why you did not appear in the war, but since you are from Kyushu, I beg you to save Niang, she was injured for Kyushu."

In fact, it can let the queen mother of the west fall. After all, after the fall of the sage, it will be resurrected in various ways for thousands of years at least and thousands of years at most, but it can't let go of its feelings.

After all, resurrection will always pay a price, and cultivation will also fall. For saints, a breakthrough will take thousands of years, and cultivation will fall several steps at a time, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of years of hard work destroyed once.

"Where is the holy body now?" Su Xun didn't expect that even the queen mother of the West almost fell. This is an old fairy in the traditional myth.

So it seems that the war was too fierce. If after thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, the saints of Kyushu and TIANYAO clan are resurrected, will they fight again.

Su Xun felt that both sides were just recuperating now. After all, several saints were seriously injured or fell at one time. This kind of hatred was too serious.

However, if the sky demon clan were really the four fierce beasts who were driven out of Kyushu in ancient times, it would be reasonable to seek revenge from the Kyushu immortals and Buddhas.

Kunlun mirror replied: "in a snow mountain, I can take you now."

While speaking, a picture of a towering snow mountain appeared in the mirror.

"You What are you talking about? " The little fairy was so confused that she couldn't understand.

Instead of paying attention to her, Su Xun said to the magic mirror, "take me now."

"Good." The sound of the magic mirror contains excitement.

Su Xun waved and disappeared in the same place with the fairy.

When it reappeared, it was already over a snow mountain.

"The lady is in it." Said the mirror.

Su Xun clapped his hand, and the snow mountain exploded directly from the middle. A woman wrapped in a white light was floating quietly in the center of the snow mountain.

Women only look at the appearance of about twenty-seven or eight, a white melon face, Phoenix eyes closed, bright red mouth like a cherry, wearing a phoenix crown, gold hairpin step shake do decoration, a red gorgeous dress, elegant temperament, dignified and beautiful, unspeakable.

From the gold hairpin on her head to the shoes on her feet, they are all artifacts. This woman is a treasure all over her body.

Rich woman! Absolutely rich woman!

"It's beautiful." The fairy was stunned.

Beautiful is not only the beauty of Queen Mother of the west, the key is the dress of Queen Mother of the west, Chinese clothes, exquisite and cumbersome, there is a special charm.

"Empress's accomplishments."

Su Xun asked Kunlun mirror.

"Eight saints."

Su Xun took a cold breath. He was only one step away from the peak of the sage. He could be beaten like this. The demon clan was a little strong.

Is it the fourth ancestor of the four fierce beasts?

"Can you sober your mother up by treating her with elixir?"

Su Xun didn't expect to keep the queen mother of the west by his side all the time, but it was good to let her help to pacify Taizhou.

In short, he wants to have a soft meal.

Of course, if the queen mother of the West doesn't dislike it, he doesn't mind a lifetime of soft food.

"It's useless. The empress was injured by a saint. No panacea works. She can only be brought to a world with immortal spirit, and she will automatically repair the injury." Kunlun mirror's words dispelled Su Xun's idea.

If the wound is so healed by the holy body, I don't know when it will be healed.

However, it's good to take care of her carefully. When she wakes up, she has to repay her kindness.

Su Xun stepped out and held the queen mother in his arms. Her body was warm and soft.

"How can you do that!"

Kunlun mirror exploded in an instant. How could a strange man touch his mother's holy body with his hand.

"Shut your mouth. I'll save your master. If she can't repay me for the time being, you can repay for him."With a wave of his hand, Su Xun put Kunlun mirror into the system space passively and voluntarily.

The queen mother of the west is a living person. There is no way to put it into the system space. He can only take a little loss and hold her.

He, Su Xun, specializes in recycling second-hand saints.

"Who is she?" The fairy floated far away and asked carefully. Even if the woman was unconscious and looked at each other directly, she felt palpitating.

Su Xun said, "a great man."

Without these people to stop the sky demon, the earth people from birth may be the food of the sky demon.

Then he took the fairy back to the palace.

"Great, indescribable existence, thank you for your help, this is my stepmother and sister, according to the promise, they should belong to you."

The big prince knelt down respectfully in front of Su Xun and opened his mouth carefully. After all, he saw the scene of Su Xun's sword cutting the evil god with his own eyes.

Su Xun looked at the queen and snow white.

Empress charming, at this time a pair of fear, pathetic appearance, more people have ravaged, ravaged impulse.

Snow White is wearing a crystal crown and a long white dress. She has a delicate face. Although she is young, her baby's granary is big, her waist is slim, and her legs are straight and white under the skirt.

Her eyes are clean, pure and kind.

It's a fairy tale world

Time passes like water. You can see it, but you can't catch it. In a twinkling of an eye, more than a year has passed.

On this day, Su Xun's quiet room was finally opened.

Su Xun, dressed in black robes, came out from inside.

The book of earth has been refined into a Book of life and death by him.

Moreover, it is based on the local script, supplemented by other materials. After all, at least one of the ten halls of Yama is enough.

The book of life and death refined in the book of earth can be used to check the life span of people in the world and the good and evil of their life, including monks. Of course, the book of saints can't be seen.

When he came out of the quiet room, he saw a few women playing under the peach tree. It was Rilla, Xiyan, snow white and the five fairies.

Five people and a year ago is not the same, all wearing the world's long skirt.

This is already in Rome.

Su Xun's idea appeared in the bedroom. He first took a look at the queen mother of the West who was still sleeping. Then he appeared in the peach forest and hugged them.

"Ah! Look for brother

"You're out at last."

Suddenly seeing Su Xun, Xiyan and Rilla are very happy, holding Su Xun's neck.

Annie, the fairy and snow white stand on one side and want to get close, but they are worried.

"You play first, and I'll do something."

Su touched their faces, and then went to call the master of Tongtian, and asked him to help send the book of life and death to Lingzhou Yinsi, because he had something else to do.

"What a waste."

"Waste the magic weapon."

Nuwa and the head of Tongtian sect in the world of God were speechless when they looked at the books of life and death.

They could all feel the power of the book of earth, but it was split by Su Xun. It was a treasure of heaven.

"I don't lack magic." Su Xun dazzled a rich man, and the evil rich man's face was revealed.

"In that case, why don't you give us some magic weapons?"

"No problem." Su Xun threw out a golden cudgel, which was pinched into scrap iron in the dark.

The golden cudgel is a good treasure for Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian. It's useless for saints.

After the head of Tongtian sect left, Su Xun held Nu Wa in his arms and randomly chose a room for the weekend. It was the feeling that men and women were in harmony. That was the ultimate enjoyment.

"Did you miss me?"

"If you want to hurry up, do you think I'm a little girl?"

"How can this kind of thing be fast? It takes time to have the best experience. I have rich experience."

Three days later, Su xuncai walked out of the room, and Nu Wa's pretty face was red. Anyway, the female sage was also a woman.

Su Xun went to find Mengling again.

"Your Majesty, at last you are out of the gate."

Seeing Su Xun, Meng Ling was relieved, as if he finally had the backbone.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Su Xun asked curiously. He didn't understand the pressure of Mengling. He didn't press her.

Meng Ling anxiously said: "the Taizhou friars' Union is almost finished. Half a year later, the Taiyi sword sect will hold a founding ceremony. Aren't you in a hurry?"

She felt that the whole Yunxia sword sect seemed to be the most tired by herself. He also talked to Tongtian sect leader and Nu Wa, and they were indifferent.

Now Su Xun is also like this. She has paid too much for the secret department.

"Is the leader sure?" Su Xun asked.

Mengling shook his head: "not yet. It should be determined at the founding ceremony. It's very likely that he is the leader of Taiyi sword sect. Setting the founding place in Taiyi sword sect can explain a lot.""Not necessarily. The position of leader will not be settled so easily." Su Xun said blandly.

The power of the alliance is huge. Any clan wants the position of the leader, especially the Taiyi sword sect and the Yin Yang Sword sect. They will definitely compete.

Looking at Su Xun's tepid appearance, Meng Ling was worried for him: "my majesty, are you not worried at all?"

"There's nothing to worry about. I've come to tell you that I'm going to travel for a while. Yunxia sword sect can just close the mountain gate." Su Xun took a sip of tea.


In the face of a great enemy, first it was closed. Now I have to travel. Can I get off the bus in time?

Su Xun said that the door had been welded.

"Your Majesty, it's burning now." Mengling is kind and tired. She is really worried.

It's just burning eyebrows, it's not burning Hair.

Su Xun said, "this tea is good."


She felt very angry.

Su Xun said that he could help her relieve the pain. After all, it was the boss who cared about the female subordinates.

It's like giving employee benefits to female subordinates.

"Where is the Zhenyao sword?" Su Xun didn't see the ghost sword. He thought it was strange.

It's impossible for that guy to come here without hearing the news.

Mengling replied feebly: "he's shutting up. He said he'd like to re cultivate his life as soon as possible."

Su Xun understood that the guy was greedy for the sword spirit in gongyangbai's sabre. If he didn't have a human body, he could only do it.

Sure enough, girls are the driving force of LSP.

GHS is the primary productivity.

Don't get me wrong. I'm talking about doing good.


Three days later, Su Xun left Yunxia sword sect.

He left with snow white.

Snow White is holding the sword of Yin Tianzi in her hand.

She is now Su Xun's swordsman.

Su Xun changed his white robe and his face. Well, he's going to do something.

The first place he went was taihuazong.

The most famous sects in Yunzhou are Jianzong, and taihuazong is no exception. They are also Jianxiu sects.

The patriarch is a saint. As long as there is a saint in charge, he can be regarded as a third rate sect.

Su Xun wanted to challenge all the sects in Taizhou with a sword, and beat them one by one.

This is the way gongyangbai once used, which can make him famous in a short time, and also show his strong strength. Otherwise, how can he compete for the position of leader of Taizhou friars League?

He is now a former disciple of gongyangbai. Because he has brought a lot of gongyangbai's Classics from the sword palace, he can use gongyangbai's sword skills to fight against the enemy.

In this way, he can be the descendant of the sword God. Anyway, gongyangbai is dead. Who knows?

The sword God is a descendant with outstanding cultivation and great fame. There is no clan behind him. It is easy for all forces to accept such a person as the leader of the alliance.

Because there is no power behind him, it means that even if he becomes the leader of the alliance, Su Xun can't monopolize power. Therefore, all forces can rest assured of him.

Well, after Su Xun became the leader of the alliance, he would work wholeheartedly for the welfare of Taizhou friars.

Five days later, Yuquan city.

A handsome man in white, with a beautiful girl holding a sword, stepped into the city.

Taihua sect and other sects were built on the mountain. They were built in the west of Yuquan City, in the downtown area.

It's a clan, but it's more like a college.

Snow White followed Su Xun with her sword in her hand. Her eyes looked left and right, and she was too busy.

She had been in Yunxia sword sect for a year before. This was the first time for her to go down the mountain. She was very curious about everything.

Walking on the street, they attracted a lot of attention.

In particular, snow white, beautiful face is not said, blowing can break the skin is the best.

But no one to catch up, after all, as long as the eyes are not blind can see that these two people are not simple.

See beauty on the top of the silly beep is still a small number, or it is really forced to do whatever you want.

"You love the excitement." Su Xun asked.

Snow White replied, "just curious."

She has a quiet nature. She really doesn't like lively people. She didn't say a word all the way.

"Follow me, open your eyes and study hard. You are very suitable for practicing sword." Su Xun said lightly.

The reason why she took snow white with her was not because she was the most beautiful among several people, but because of her talent for sword. Su Xun told her that she was both a teacher and a friend.

Snow White pursed her lips: "yes, sir."

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

They stopped outside the gate of Taihua residence.Boom!

A sword shot straight into the sky from Su Xun.

"Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng..."

In Taihua sect, all the swords chanted, then bent in the same direction, as if they were kneeling.

The disciples of Taihua sect were all shocked.

"I don't know who came to taihuazong."

With a gentle voice, a middle-aged man with a short beard came out.

This is Qin Sheng, the leader of Taihua sect.

Behind him are the elders of Taihua sect and a large number of curious disciples.

Seeing Su Xun, a dignified look flashed in Qin Sheng's eyes: "I'm Qin Sheng, the leader of Taihua sect. Why did you come to Taihua sect?"

Su Xun's sword spirit disappeared, and the Dharma swords in Taihua sect also returned to normal.

"It's amazing to hear that the Taihua sword technique was created by the Qin clan. I'm here to see it." Su Xun said calmly.

Qin Sheng said with a smile, "I'm joking. How can I compare my accomplishments with those of my predecessors?"

It means that you are deceiving the small with the big.

"Don't worry, I don't care to bully you with my accomplishments. I will suppress your accomplishments to the same level as you." Su Xun stood up with a negative hand and said softly.

When Qin Sheng heard the words, he was sure that he was really just coming to compare swords, so he said, "the elder has come all the way. There is absolutely no reason for you to come back empty handed. In this case, I will make a fool of myself."

"Come with me." Su Xun's voice fell, and his figure flew to the mountains outside the city. Snow White followed.

Qin Sheng also followed closely, and the elders and disciples of Taihua sect also flew over.

The other monks in Yuquan city didn't know what happened, but they all followed.

Three hundred miles outside Yuquan City, Su Xun and Qin Sheng stood on a mountain, yearning for each other.

Su Xun had a sword in his hand, and Snow White's sword came out of his mouth and flew into his hand.

"Master, I offended you."

As Qin Sheng's words fall, a long scarlet sword appears in his hand. It rises in the air and stabs out with a sword. The gorgeous sword is as gorgeous as a rainbow, and countless petals of waste are shining. At this moment, everyone seems to have seen the most beautiful scenery in the world.

The ninth form of Taihua sword technique -- instant beauty.

It's a one shot decision.

Su Xun moved. The sword of Yin Tianzi was cut out, and a sword roared away. There was no fancy.

It's just a simple sword.

This sword seems tangible but invisible. It directly destroys the spirit. Qin Sheng's long sword is bounced away, and his body slowly falls from the air with a mouthful of blood.

The sword cut by Su Xun didn't hurt every plant, but it easily hurt a sage.


All the monks watching the battle were in an uproar, staring at Su Xun with unbelievable faces.

What kind of cultivation is this.

At this moment, they vaguely saw another person's shadow from Su Xun. It was a legend.

"I lost."

Qin Sheng covered his chest, a little lost.

In fact, he has long been ready to lose, but when he does lose, it is inevitable that he will be a little lonely, because he has no idea of winning in his heart?

Su Xun threw the sword back to the scabbard, and then left with snow white.

"May I have your name, sir?"

Thinking about Su Xun's mysterious sword technique, Qin Sheng suddenly thought of something and cried from a distance.

"I, Su Changsheng, have learned from gongyangbai."

Su Xun's light voice floated into the ears of all the monks on the scene, causing an uproar.

"RAM white! Sword God Gongyang white disciple

"No wonder there is such a cultivation of Kendo! That sword clearly has the son of Taiyi sword sect's sword skill! "

"Yes, it's obviously the same origin as his teacher!"

"Li Taibai, does he want to imitate what the sword God did in those years, and choose the world clan with the sword?"

"Taizhou is really going to be lively."

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