On May 4, the sword God zhenzhuan said that Su Changsheng's sword was defeated by Qin Sheng, the leader of Taihua sect.

On May 10, the sword God zhenzhuan Su Changsheng defeated Zhao Wuji, the leader of Yunlan sect.

On May 15, the sword God zhenzhuan Su Changsheng defeated the second grade sage iron leader Liu zhongyun.

On May 20, the sword God zhenzhuan Su Changsheng defeated Huo Changan, the leader of Yunhua sword sect.

May 24

Su Changsheng, a disciple of the sword God Gongyang Baizhen, was born. He did what his master did ten thousand years ago. He was invincible and defeated the seven patriarchs in Taizhou for one month.

The name of Su Changsheng has spread all over Taizhou at a strange speed. Now in the world of cultivating immortals in Taizhou, who doesn't know that the sword God really passed on to Su Changsheng.

Things can spread so fast, of course, it's Su Xun himself who arranged people to add fuel to the flames. In a word, hype first and stir up the reputation.

Gongyangbai, the sword God, is the pride of Taizhou friars, while Su Xun's disciples who risk confiscating yangbai are very topical. If they show their strength again, their social status will rise rapidly in Taizhou immortal world.

He had to be invited to attend the founding ceremony of Taizhou friars' Union, and then he arranged several more Tuos on the day of the ceremony to propose him as the leader of the alliance.

Taiyi sword sect and Yin Yang Sword sect don't want their opponent to be the leader of the alliance, so Su Xun, who has strength, status, background and neutrality, is very suitable.

In particular, the Yin Yang Sword sect is weaker than the Taiyi sword sect. In order to prevent the Taiyi sword sect from becoming the leader of the alliance, they will definitely support Su Xun.

Then Su Xun pretended to refuse again, and "reluctantly" agreed to everyone's request.

As long as he becomes the leader of the enemy, is it necessary to worry that he will not win them? It's hard for him to lose!

Planning is perfect.

"Young master, where are you going next?"

On the mountain road, snow white, holding a sword, followed Su Xun. Compared with the past, her eyebrows were a little more feminine. She had a green silk shawl, a simple jade hairpin on her head, a clean breast and a white skirt. The baby's granary was so abundant that she could not walk around without jumping. I was worried that she couldn't hold her skirt.

It would be wonderful if I jumped out accidentally.

These days, with Su Xun, she spent most of her time walking. It's better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. She has a deeper understanding of the world.

Of course, the night accommodation is a room, lonely men and few women inevitably deliberately fire.

So Su Xun also had a deeper understanding of her.

Well, after understanding it, I found that it's not deep.

Snow white can write an autobiography called "night games between fairy tale girl and Mythical Man".

Also, her name is snow white, and because she is a princess, she is called snow white.

"Yin Yang Sword school."

Su Xun walked in front with a negative hand. He said quietly that where he passed, the plants and trees separated automatically.

Lu Xun once said: there is no road in this world, so if Su Xun forced him to pretend more, it would become a road.

"It's getting dark." Said snow white.

The implication is that if you don't fly to the city, you can find an inn.

"Why don't you have the consciousness to bear hardships? Keep going. If you have a village, you'll sleep. If you don't, you'll fight in the field No, camping. "

Bai Xue is still a little girl. Su Xun feels that as an old driver, he has the responsibility to teach her.

Snow white rolled his eyes, I followed you, not only learned to bear hardships, but also learned to eat Hum!

Don't think about it. I learned to take pills.

They chatted with each other. While they were on their way, they bickered from time to time. If they were seen, Su Xun would kill him.

Otherwise, if it's spread out, it will be a mess.

Bai Xue is more and more cheerful now, otherwise she would not quarrel with Su Xun according to her previous temperament.

"Wow ~ wow ~ wow ~"

a baby's cry came.

"How could a child cry?"

Bai Xue frowned. She was a little scared when she heard the baby crying in the wilderness.

It has nothing to do with cultivation. It's a girl's nature.

"What's strange? There's a cemetery ahead."

Su Xun's mind swept away and said casually.

Snow white

That's even more strange, OK!


Su Xun's face suddenly became cold.

"What's the matter?" Snow in the question at the same time, will also carefully expand their own ideas.

Then the next second, her pretty face turned white and almost vomited out: "what is he doing?"

She saw a young man dig open a grave and take out a newborn baby covered with blood from the coffin. The cry came from this baby.

"Corpse refining boy." Su Xun replied in a cold voice.

Snow White asked, "what do you mean?""When a woman conceives, she tortures her to death alive. The female corpse feels resentment and is unwilling to die. All her resentment is transferred to the fetus, and then the child is born as usual. She is born for the corpse, like a ghost child, but has entity."

"Evil demons will use secret methods to control it. Corpse children have corpse poison. If they are bitten by corpse children, they will become living corpses. They will obey the command of corpse children and be used by evil demons to do evil."

There was a flash of killing intention in Su Xun's eyes, because this kind of sorcery was completely immoral. The innate condition for refining a corpse boy was to torture a pregnant mother to death, and make her resentment as strong as possible.

Torture the mother and control the birth.

I can't imagine how much pain the woman in the cemetery in front of her suffered before she died.

"Ah! This That's too bad. "

After hearing this, Bai Xue was very surprised that there were so vicious people in the world.

After all, she was in the fairy tale world before. No matter how bad the villains were, they were just using curses to turn people into animals, or using magic to make people sleep forever.

Compared with that, it's weak.

"Therefore, those who practice this magic art should die."

Su Xun's voice fell and disappeared as a shadow.

White snow quickly followed up.

In the graveyard.

Zhang Zheng looked at the baby in his hand, and his face was very excited. His smile was twisted and abnormal.

It's not in vain that he spent so much time, first living with the brothel watch, then getting pregnant and torturing him to death. This resentment is really strong enough.

And this baby is connected with his blood, once the refining is successful, it will be easier to control.

"Boom -"

all of a sudden, there was a lot of thunder. It was already dusk. Suddenly, dark clouds were pressing down and the sky was dark.

The woman in the coffin opened her eyes.

"Return my child, return my child!"

The female corpse rushed out of the coffin and rushed to Zhang Zheng with a sharp roar. Her eyes were full of resentment, her whole body was boiling like boiling water, and there were blood and tears gushing from the corners of her eyes.

"Stinky watch, get out of here."

Zhang ZHengNai is an evil monk. He is not afraid of a female corpse and kicks it out.

"Return my child! Give me back the baby

At the moment of landing, the female corpse stood up again like a spring and flew to Zhang Zheng.

"Your role is over. If you help me to give birth to this corpse boy, I'll give you a ride." Zhang Zheng shows a sneer, pinches a magic formula, and flies out the ghost flag with a hundred ghosts whistling.

At this moment, a sword came out.

Whew -

before Zhang Zheng could react, the sword had already broken his sea of Qi and ruined his cultivation.

"Ah! Puyi - "

Zhang Zheng gave a shrill cry, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. He knelt down on the ground, and the baby in his hand flew out into the distance.

Su Xun and Bai Xue came out of the darkness.

"Sue Su Changsheng

Zhang Zheng blurted out.

"Give me my child back!"

The corpse rushed over and picked up the baby.

"You know me." Su Xun looked at Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng's face was pale and his voice was dry: "Su Changsheng, the white sword, who in Taizhou doesn't know you."

Now the whole Taizhou knows that a girl dressed in white and holding a sword is Su Changsheng's standard accessory.

"It's no use knowing me." Su Xun's face was expressionless. He looked at the female corpse and said, "he'll give it to you."

The female corpse put down her child and looked at Zhang Zheng. Her eyes were full of resentment, love and hatred.

How much she loved Zhang Zheng before she died, and what Zhang Zheng did to her made her hate him now.

"No! Don't kill me! Xiaoqing, I I love you, I I just miss my son. "

Zhang Zhengmu Lu is frightened. Xiaoqing cheated her when she was alive. Now that everyone is dead, he still wants to cheat her.

"In that case, stay with me and my son. Our family will be together forever."

The female corpse showed a penetrating smile, and then rushed over and bit Zhang Zheng, tearing off a piece of meat. Then the baby also jumped up with a strange smile, showing his sharp teeth and biting Zhang Zheng's face.

"Ah! Let go of me! Let go of me

"No! Xiaoqing! bitch! Ah

Zhang Zheng, who had been smashed into a sea of Qi, didn't have the slightest resistance. He screamed and roared on the ground, and his flesh was torn off one by one, dripping with blood.

Snow closed her eyes and hid in Su Xun's arms. After all, for her growing up in the fairy tale world, such a scene is too bloody.

Su Xun watched the scene quietly.

He even thought it was delicious!

About half an hour later, Zhang Zheng's scream became weaker and weaker until he lost his breath completely. He had been gnawed into a white bone.

Then Su Xun's sword came out. The corpse and the corpse boy died and fell on Zhang Zheng's white bone.

"Young master, how can you..." Bai Xue looks at Su Xun puzzled. She doesn't understand why Su Xun saved the ghost mother and son, and then killed them.Su Xun calmly explained: "the ghost mother's nature is to kill in order to raise a baby, and to raise it with human blood. The corpse boy's nature is also bloodthirsty to kill. She doesn't know who she is, but she should die for killing and taking blood from her adopted son."

Snow white looks complicated and doesn't know what to say.

"Let's go. It's good to see more of these things. If you fly in the sky all day, you can't see these things. So, no matter how high you can fly, you still have to be grounded." With a flick of Su Xun's finger, a fire burned the three corpses to ashes.

Bai Xue nods her head and follows up with her sword. The sword is easily suffocated by the baby's granary.

After dark, passing by a village, Su Xun and Bai Xue stayed at home for one night.

In the middle of the night, Su Xun took Bai Xue outside to pick up a handful of local air, which was closely integrated with nature.


Seven days later, Yin Yang Sword sect.

A high mountain soars into the sky, and a jade ladder of 18999 steps leads from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, a hundred Zhang Jade Gate was inscribed with two gilded characters - yin and Yang.

"The genuine school." Snow White sighed.

There have been eight sects in a row in the past month. Only the Yin Yang Sword sect is really rich and powerful.

"The upstarts need these things to show their confidence." Su Xun said.

Hearing this, Bai Xue felt that Su Xun was biased against the Yin Yang Sword school.

At this time, the main hall of Yin Yang Sword sect.

"It's said that Su Changsheng is on his way to our Yin Yang Sword sect. What do you think of this man?"

The old ancestor of yin and Yang asked solemnly.

"I heard that all the swordsmen used by this man are the shadow of our Yin Yang Sword sect, Taiyi sword sect and Yunxia sword sect. They may be true disciples of the sword God."

The elder was playing with a teacup.

"It doesn't matter whether he's real or not. What's important is that now Taizhou friars think he's real. The key to the problem is that he comes to worship the mountain. What shall we do?"

The second elder pointed out the key to the problem.

Before that, all the seven sects were defeated, even including a Sanpin saint. The highest cultivation of their Yin Yang Sword sect is the ancestor of Yin Yang, which is only Sanpin.

Once they take part in the battle, they will surely lose. They can only become stepping stones to make su Changsheng famous. But if they don't take part in the battle, it will be even more humiliating to spread it.

So they are now in a dilemma.

At this point, a sound enters the ear.

"Where is the leader of the Yin Yang Sword sect? I'm going to visit the mountain next to Su Changsheng!"

The voice fell, the air soared into the sky, the whole person stood there like a sharp sword.

In the hall, the four people looked at each other. Before they had time to discuss, Su Xun came to the door.

They were caught off guard.

"Come on, let's go. No matter what, in name, I'm from the same school. I can't see it without seeing it."

Master Yin and Yang took three elders to the mountain gate to meet Su Xun.

"Su Baiyi, if you want to come here, you should welcome it from afar. If you want to welcome it from afar, you should welcome it from afar." Yin Yang ancestor said with a smile.

Su Changsheng, the white sword God, is also known as Su Baiyi.

Su Xun said with a cool smile: "from the root, ten thousand years ago, I had the same origin with the members of the Yin Yang Sword sect. According to my seniority, I have to call you elder martial brother. You don't have to be so polite. I come here today just to discuss the sword, and I invite elder martial brother yin yang to give me advice."

"If that's the case, I'd like to ask younger martial brother Su to shout out. I'm not worthy of teaching him. I'll forget about discussing swords. You and my elder martial brother are about the same in discussing Taoism." The Yin Yang ancestor said with a kind face that he only talked about the sword when he was crazy.

Su Xun smiles a little, and his mind moves. The sword of Yin Tianzi in Bai Xue's arms suddenly comes out of his body and floats in front of him, sending out a cold sword meaning.

"Elder martial brother Yin Yang, please give me some advice."

The ancestor of yin and Yang

I told you in vain that you had to beat me today.

"In that case, communicate."

The old ancestor of yin and Yang kept a peaceful attitude, with a long and slender sword in his hand.

"Please, elder martial brother."

"Brother Su, please."

The two men's voices fell, and at the same time, they stepped into the air. First, they fought close combat, fighting you and me in the air.

Su Xun's accomplishments were suppressed in the third grade. He had a feeling of being tied up. He couldn't let go of his means. The Yin Yang Sword sect was also an old third grade. They were five or five at one time.

two people used as like as two peas.

"Elder martial brother Yin Yang, I want to be serious."

Su Xun's voice fell, and his figure flickered a few times. Then his long sword fell into the air, and countless swords formed a eight trigrams on the head of yin and Yang, which was full of golden light.

With the same magic power of sword technique, the two eight trigrams collided in the air and exploded. In an instant, the sword flew and flattened several mountains.

Their figures flew higher and higher until they left the earth and entered the void.Stab!

Su Xun's black hair was flying, his white robes were hunting, his swords were shooting everywhere, and he held the sword in both hands. Countless swords were spread behind him like peacocks. The sword of the cloudy sky came out, and thousands of swords were flying like rain.

With a wave of the long sword of yin and Yang, he was surrounded by countless swords. Su Xun separated himself from each other and put out his sword from different directions.

The sword cuts countless meteorites in the void. The shield made of the sword of the Yin and Yang ancestors is smashed. His own blood spurts out, and his body flies back thousands of meters before it stops and stabilizes.

"Elder martial brother Yin Yang, I've accepted."

Su Xun's long sword swung away, turned into streamer and fell from the sky. He took back the scabbard in Bai Xue's arms.

"It's a joke. Younger martial brother Su has a profound cultivation of Kendo and superb powers. He is worthy of the master's true biography. I admire him." Yin and Yang said.

Then they return to the ground from the void.

"Elder martial brother, what's the matter?"

The three elders of the Yin Yang Sword sect met him.

"I'm inferior to others. I lost to younger martial brother su."

Yin and Yang Laozu pretended to be free and easy to say.

Although the three elders had expected it, they were still disappointed when they heard the result.

"Thank you, elder martial brother. If Changsheng wants to go to Taiyi sword sect, let's go first." With that, he ignored the retention of the Yin Yang Sword sect and left with Bai Xue.

Looking at the direction of Su Xun's disappearance, the three elders frowned: "at least they came from the same school. They didn't stay, just like they came to step on people."

"He came to step on people, and then there were Taiyi sword sect and Yunxia sword sect. Who made our three sects claim to have the true biography of sword God?" Two elder cold hum a, not salty say.

The elder stroked his beard: "as long as the three factions are defeated, it's easy to say that when everyone loses face, we won't lose face if we mix in."

"I have an idea." Yin and Yang said.

The three elders all looked at him and spoke.

With a brilliant light in his eyes, master Yin and Yang said, "we can elect him to be the leader of Taizhou friars alliance in half a year's time."

All three of them are not stupid people. They just understand when their brains turn and smile one after another.

"The elder martial brother of the leader has a high skill. The Taiyi sword sect is very powerful. As long as they are not allowed to be the leader of the alliance."

"And we recommend Su Changsheng. Su Changsheng must remember our feelings. When we join hands with him, we won't be afraid of Taiyi sword sect."

"Elder martial brother, this move is really high and hard! Let's support Su Changsheng and contact more people to support him. He is the true legend of the sword God. At that time, did Taiyi sword sect dare to fight against everyone? "


Taiyi sword sect hall.

Five saints gathered together.

Chao Huayun, the only sage of Sipin and the leader of Taiyi sword sect, sits at the top.

"Yin Yang, that old thing, is defeated."

The elder broke the silence.

Chao Huayun disagreed: "Su Changsheng is a sage of four grades. Even if he suppressed the essence of three grades, he was better than the old man of yin and Yang, so it was normal to lose."

"He may be coming to us soon." Two elder eyes fall on Chao Hua cloud body, afraid he lost.

Chao Hua Yun said with a confident smile: "he and I are all four grades. Although I am not a master, I have been taught by him. The way of sword is no less than Su Changsheng."

"That's right. If you want me to see it, you are just worrying. Elder martial brother, the leader, can't lose. Besides, so many people have lost to Su Changsheng. If elder martial brother wins him, won't our Taiyi sword sect become famous again?"

The four elders have the most confidence in Chao Huayun. Just looking at the posture, it seems that Chao Huayun has won.

"Elder martial brother Chao can be here. Su Changsheng comes to worship the mountain."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Su Xun's voice spread all over the Taiyi sword sect in the next second.

"Let's go and meet this younger martial brother who has been practicing for so many years before he came out of the mountain and made a great success."

Chao Huayun put down his tea cup and went away. Four elders turned into Hongguang and followed him.

At the foot of Taiyi sword sect, Su Xun and Bai Xue are waiting for each other to deliver their achievements.

What Bai Xue holds in her arms is not yintianzi sword, but Su Xun's special sharp weapon for killing saints - longkui sword.

He didn't use the Dragon Kwai sword these times. First, he didn't use the ox knife to kill the chicken. Second, he was raising the sword and pregnant the sword to find the best feeling.

He wants to defeat Chao Huayun with one sword.

His previous achievements are all foreshadowing. Only by defeating Chao Huayun with one sword can his reputation accumulated in the past month be pushed to the top and form a qualitative change.

Soon, with five rainbow lights, Chao Huayun and four elders fell on the opposite side of Su Xun.

"Younger martial brother Su, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Chao Huayun spoke calmly.

"Elder martial brother Chao, let's start directly."Su Xun showed a gentle smile.

"Try it abroad." Chao Huayun rose from the sky.

But Su Xun said, "no, elder martial brother Chao, just find a place with a little space. It won't take that long."

"Younger martial brother Su, the ability belongs to the ability, but it's not good to be too arrogant." Chao Huayun's eyes narrowed slightly.

He was so despised by Su Xun that he could not help feeling angry.

Su Xun said with a smile: "elder martial brother Chao, it's useless to say more. Let's see the real move under our hands."

"Come on then." Chao Huayun snorted coldly, his body turned into sword light, tearing through the space and disappearing.

After that, Su Xun and others stopped on a waterfall, which was thousands of feet high. With a sweep of their mind, they were all empty.

Su Xun said, "elder martial brother Chao, I only use one sword. After one sword, if you are unbeaten, I will lose."

"Arrogance Chao Hua Yun gave a scornful smile.

The smile on Su Xun's face converged. With a wave of his hand, the Dragon Kwai sword flew into his hand, and then he cut it out with a sword.

The sword seems simple, but at the moment of the sword, the waterfall stops flowing, the flowers and trees around wither at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the birds and animals quickly become old and die instantly.

The four Taiyi sword sect elders who watched the battle had white hair and beards, and their faces were old. Snow White's beautiful face was also covered with wrinkles.

"The way of time!"

Chao Huayun blurted out that he offered his own sword at the same time, but he despised Su Xun from the beginning and was doomed to suffer a big loss in this move.

At this time, in his eyes, everything around him became very fast, the sword was too fast to see, and the cultivation of his four saints could not be seen.

The way of time is so terrible. Otherwise, there will be no saying that time is respected and space is king in the world.

"More than that."

Su Xun gave a cool smile. His sword combined the law of time and the law of curse, and temporarily drained the power of all the immortals. Only for this sword, he felt that his sword was called the real moment of youth.

The beauty of the world, the beauty of red powder, under this sword, but in an instant, it disappeared.


Chao Huayun fell directly from the air and fell into the waterfall. At the same time, everything around him returned to normal. Time was played by Su Xun and was in the palm of his hand.

Of course, his current control of the power of the law can only control the law of time within a certain range. When he truly proves to be the master of time, he will be able to control and manipulate the river of time at will.

"Elder master!"

The four elders of Taiyi sword sect didn't react. They didn't understand how Chao Hua was defeated in the blink of an eye. They didn't even see clearly.

Chao Hua flew up from the waterfall and waved to indicate that he was OK. Looking at Su Xun, he said with a complicated look: "the way of time is really overbearing. It's even more surprising that younger martial brother Su can understand the law of time to such an appalling level."

The way of time and the way of space are both overbearing, but few people practice them, because they are too difficult to see the hope of preaching.

Up to now, at least, he has never heard of anyone who practices the way of time in xuanyue continent who can control the flow of time around a saint of the same level.

"Yes." Su Xun gave a little smile, and he had a hard time. After all, he was drained of Su's aura.

Chao Hua Yun took a deep breath: "it's true that he is the true disciple of Shifu. He can cut the sword of time. Chao Mou is convinced that he has lost

"Elder martial brother Chao, I'm flattered. I have to go to Yunxia sword sect in Changsheng. Let's go first." Su Xun's voice fell, and he left with the snow turning into streamer.

Chao Hua sighed: "this son is so terrible. Which elder Sipin with the same surname Su who came out of Yunxia sword sect is not his opponent."

"As long as all three of us lose."

Su Xun beat Chao Huayun in kendo. After the news, Taizhou was shocked.

Although winning in kendo is not equal to winning when fighting for life, it at least shows Su Xun's strength. Like gongyangbai, the God of sword, Kendo is invincible.

Su Xun has another nickname.

Su in white is invincible.

Three days later, Su Xun arrived at Yunxia sword sect to discuss sword with Su Xun, the elder of Yunxia sword sect.

It is said that the two sides fought for three days and three nights. At last, Su Xun, the elder of Yunxia sword, was defeated.

It is said that Su Changsheng said to Su Xun: "throughout Taizhou heroes, only you and Changsheng."

After this incident came out, everyone was shocked by Su Changsheng's strength. After all, he lost two four grade sages in a row.

At the same time, it also shocked the strength of Su Xun, the elder of Yunxia sword sect. After all, he was the only one who could fight Su Changsheng for so long before he lost.

Two people surnamed Su are well-known in Taizhou.

Su Xun and his own joint hype.

People in this world are still too simple to dream of such operation.It is said that after defeating the supreme elder of Yunxia sword sect, Su Changsheng was invincible in Taizhou. He once said that invincible was too lonely, so he closed up in the mountains.

So many "rumor" in the end who spread it?

Of course, it was Su Xun who sent it to someone.

It's just that things have come to an end. The goal of this stage has been achieved. It's still half a year before the founding of the friars' Alliance.

He can't waste his time. He feels like he's going to break through the top five, so he's ready to make a copy.

Before extracting a new identity, he went to Lingzhou Yinsi and accompanied his Hougong group for a few days.

Then he went to the fairy tale world and took his 20000 beautiful women troops to xuanyue.

They were arranged in the underworld division and were given unified training by Gujian Nuwa. An army full of female soldiers and with experience of fighting side by side with Su Xun was extremely rare. They planned to be the son of heaven's own soldiers.

After all this, he took a new identity in a mountain in Taizhou where he was said to have closed down: "system, I want to take the 36th new identity."

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: Royal Guards. 】

[this is a magnificent world, where several countries coexist in song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Southern Song Dynasty is on the verge of collapse, the power of the Mongol and Yuan Dynasties is strong, the Manchu and Qing dynasties have entered a prosperous age, the future of the Ming Dynasty is uncertain, and the rivers and lakes are intertwined with the courts. There are great swordsmen who serve the country and the people, and little people who belittle themselves for glory and wealth, and you are an ordinary Royal Guard of the Fusi in the north town of the capital of the Ming Dynasty 】

[identity ability: as fast as shadow, powerful, invulnerable, full of martial arts talent. 】

[identity task: hanjiatianxia! 】

[tip: due to the low world status, the host's strength is too strong, and the world consciousness repels it, you need to block the cultivation and the sage's constitution to enter. Ask the host to provide permission. Please state your position in three minutes. 】

[Note: this world is different from the one you know well. Please explore it carefully. 】

it sounds like a martial arts world, but the final warning doesn't look like a martial arts world.

Su Xun has practiced so many magic arts, but he has never studied martial arts, because in his opinion, martial arts can never be compared with the cultivation of immortals. The upper limits of the two are different from beginning to end. How can they be compared?

But since he got the system, every identity he extracted is good for himself, so he decided to accept this identity to study martial arts.

"Agree to provide access."

Su Xun felt that his system was too humble.

If you look at other people's systems, you don't have to apply to the host.


Daming Kingdom, the seventh year of apocalypse, summer.

The capital, Nancheng, mingshifang.

A group of royal guards in flying fish suits and embroidered spring knives are searching an inn. Several bodies are dead on the floor of the inn.

"Chang'an, search carefully."

Shen Lian said casually.

"Yes, my Lord."

Su Xun gave a hug.

His current name is Su Xun. His name is Chang'an. He is an orphan. His identity is a small flag under Shen Lian, a member of the Fusi family in Beizhen.

Xiaoqi is the most basic official in the royal guards. It belongs to subordinate seven ranks. Above it is the general flag. Then there are shibaihu, Baihu, deputy Qianhu, Qianhu, Zhenfu envoy, commander Qianshi, commander Tongzhi, commander.

According to his memory, the world is mainly composed of four countries: Qing, Ming, song and yuan, and other small countries, nomadic tribes and so on.

The Qing Dynasty annexed a large number of Ming territory. At present, it is nominally the Little Emperor Kangxi who is in charge. In fact, the government is controlled by aobai, and the domestic anti Qing forces continue to rise.

The state of song is exactly called the Southern Song Dynasty. The Northern Song Dynasty was occupied by the Mongols and the Yuan Dynasty. It was founded by Zhao Gou, the ninth son of song Weizong, and its capital is Lin'an. The current year is Xianchun, and the emperor is Zhao Yi, the emperor of song duzong in history.

The state of yuan was at its peak, but there were many uprisings among the Han people in China, especially the clans in the rivers and lakes, who were the main anti yuan forces, among which the Ming religion was the most prosperous.

Daming lost a lot in the battle of Sarhu eight years ago. At home, there were eunuchs interfering in politics, Donglin Party jumping up and down, and the country was in turmoil. Outside, the Qing government was covetous.

In a word, after clarifying his memory, Su Xun found that the history of the world was in a mess. The four dynasties that appeared successively in the history of China actually became four countries living together, fighting against each other and fighting incessantly.

Today you beat me, tomorrow I beat you, the day after tomorrow we beat him together, the relationship between the four countries is just like the relationship between slag man and slag woman, chaos!

This is just a court, and the situation in the river and the lake is more chaotic than words. He has come to this world from all kinds of sects he knows well in movies and TV plays.

Moreover, people who practice martial arts in this world have a high value of force. For example, Guo Jing of the state of song, with 18 dragon subduing palms, can push back thousands of troops. If one can be regarded as one hundred in the normal world of martial arts, and the best can be regarded as one thousand, then the world's martial arts experts can be regarded as one thousand.

In short, the map has become bigger, the relationship has changed, and the value of force has increased. No wonder the system says that the world is very different from what he knows.His current Shangguan Shen Lian is from a film and TV play Xiuchun Dao. The film mainly tells the story of Shen Lian's falling into a series of conspiracies between Zhu Youjian, the king of letters, and Wei Zhongxian, the Duke of factories.

"My Lord, the shopkeeper and the second child are all dead, and one of the dead is from the East Hall."

Another little flag, Yin Cheng, came over with a waist tag and said.

Shen Lian took the waist token and squatted down to look at the dead man leaning against the pillar: "no wonder I feel familiar. It turns out that it's Guo Zhen, Duke Guo of the East Hall."

"My Lord." Just at this time, a royal guards man rushed in from the outside.

Shen Lian frowned: "didn't I ask you to go to zhenfusi Yamen and invite Wuzuo to have a autopsy? What about people? "

"Lord Hui, if you don't work hard, you'll be met by the general banner of the Yamen. He'll be there soon." The royal guards' strongman replied with some uneasiness.

Yin Cheng was angry instantly: "you! Let them run into this case, can they still fall into our adults' hands? It's been half a year before they run into a big case! "

"What nonsense, drink too much!" Shen Lian yelled, and Yin Cheng wanted to talk and stopped, and finally he didn't speak any more.

With a disordered sound of footsteps, a general flag with a dozen people quickly broke in.

The leader walked up to Shen Lian and arched his hand: "I've met a hundred adults, Ling Yunkai."

"You come fast." No salt, no salt.

Ling Yunkai said: "my Lord, today is the Chinese New Year's day. The things on the street are busy enough for me. If there are small ones here, I won't bother you."

Hearing this, all the people who followed Shen Lian were angry and looked at Ling Yunkai angrily.

"Lord Ling, do you want to fight for success?" Su Xun held Xiuchun Dao and stared at him coldly.

Shen Lian was a bit surprised, because in his memory, Su Xun was unknown and not a man who liked to stand out.

Ling Yunkai sneered and scolded: "you are a little flag. You really don't understand the rules. How long have you been working in the royal guards? Do you still have a superior officer in your eyes?"

"Ling zongqi, I also want to ask you, do you know the rules? This is mingshifang, my place and my case. I don't know who dares to touch it! " Ling Yunkai oppresses others with his official position. Shen Lian can also oppress him.

Ling Yunkai stopped talking and looked at Su Xun coldly. He stopped talking and stood in the same place.

"Investigation!" Shen Lian gives an order, and then they directly ignore Ling Yunkai and continue to search.

According to his memory, Su Xun opened a cupboard and said, "my Lord, I found a live one here."

Inside is a shivering shop boy.

"You see it all?" Shen Lian asked.

The second child nodded and shook his head.

At this time, Yin Cheng followed several of his colleagues to talk about the emperor's falling into the water by boat.

Shen Lian just heard it, and then he went up and said, "what are you talking about here? Get out of here!"

Yin Chengshan, just ready to leave, was stopped by Ling Yunkai: "Yin Xiaoqi, you can't go now, you just arranged the emperor's slander words, I have written in this book."

Impermanence thin is a notebook that the royal guards carry with them. Once everything recorded on it is reported, people can be taken to imperial prison for investigation.

It's a black and white book of life and death.

Hearing Ling Yunkai's words, everyone's face changed, especially Yin Cheng himself.

"Win the small flag, you can't say these words from a small flag. There's an accomplice. Come on, who taught you." While speaking, Ling Yunkai stares at Shen Lian with insidious eyes, obviously trying to trap him.

Su Xun took out his impermanence book and looked at Ling Yunkai: "Ling zongqi, you are not the only one who has this impermanence book. You can write it, and I can write it too."

When he was watching TV at that time, he thought that this thing was a loophole. If you can write it, I can write it too. Lao Tzu still framed you. It's a big deal to blow up together.

"Yes, lingzongqi, if you want to frame up your colleagues like this, don't blame us for being unjust."

"Come on, everybody write about it. Ling zongqi's crime is to slander his colleagues."

Su Xun's colleagues all took out their own impermanence and looked at Ling Yunkai with a smile.

Yin Cheng was relieved and threw a grateful look at Su Xun, which saved his life.

Even Shen Lian, who basically never smiles, can't help but flash a smile on his face.

"Presumptuous!" Ling Yunkai's face was blue and white, and his thin hands were shaking.

It was the first time that he saw this kind of operation. He almost blew his lungs. He directly pulled out the Xiuchun knife and pointed to Su Xun: "it's just a small flag. Ann dares to bully me!"

"Choking -"

the sound of Xiuchun Dao coming out of the scabbard rings. The light of the Dao suddenly appears, and a flower of blood blooms. Ling Yunkai covers his bloody neck, and his eyes are full of disbelief.


Ling Yunkai's body fell to the ground.The whole Inn was so quiet that everyone was silly. Everyone could see that Ling Yunkai was bluffing. But he didn't expect that Su Xun killed Ling Yunkai so cleanly.

This is the following crime, killing colleagues, more importantly, Ling Yunkai is uncle Wei's nephew!

Although Duke Wei may not remember that he had such a nephew, at least he had this relationship.

In the eyes of the crowd, Su Xun calmly put Xiuchun Dao back to the scabbard and threw his fist at Shen Lian: "Ling zongqi wanted to kill Xiaguan for no reason, but Xiaguan had no choice but to fight back. He killed Xiuchun Dao by mistake. Please make atonement!"

Relying on his familiarity with the plot, since he dares to kill Ling Yunkai, he thinks of how to finish.

Wei Zhongxian, the king of faith, Zhu Youjian, the emperor Chongzhen, who was hanged in a crooked neck tree, is a waste in his eyes. If you can't, let me do it!

You can't stop the Manchu Tartars. I'll stop them!

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