Looking at Su Xun bending over and clasping in front of him.

Shen Lian is still confused.

He didn't understand that a guy who used to eat and die had the courage to kill a Shangguan.

He didn't know where Su Xun had come from. At least he was very quick.

He's in a panic now, because Su Xun killed Ling Yunkai. He's Su Xun's superior, and he's also responsible, so he doesn't know what to do.

"Bold! The following is a crime! This is rebellion

It was not until Ling Yunkai brought a small flag to shout angrily that the people in the inn came back to their senses.

Ling Yunkai's men all aimed their swords at Su Xun.

Yan Cheng next to Su Xun pulls out a knife to fight them, because Su Xun offends Ling Yunkai just to help him, otherwise he can't be forced to kill.

"Choking! "I don't know!"

As Yin Cheng drew his sword, other colleagues also drew their swords against Ling Yunkai's subordinates.

"What do you want to do! Are you going to rebel? "

Ling Yunkai's subordinates are a little flustered because there are few of them. If they really fight, they will suffer.

"My Lord." Everyone looked at Shen Lian.

But Shen Lian has always been indecisive. In the movie, he even watched Yin Cheng be forced to commit suicide in front of him. What decisive decision can he make at this time?

So he kept silent and didn't say a word.

"You'd better make it clear that lingzongqi is the nephew of Duke Wei!" Ling Yunkai's subordinates said.

"What! The nephew of Duke Wei. "

"Ling Yunkai is so big..."

"What's wrong with that? It's a disaster."

Hearing that Ling Yunkai was Wei Zhongxian's nephew, Su Xun's colleagues were immediately flustered. Then they took back their swords one after another and distanced themselves from Su Xun.

"You A bunch of cowards

Seeing this, Yin Cheng scolded angrily, tightened the knife in his hand, and stood firmly beside Su Xun. Anyone here could retreat, but he couldn't!

"Listen to the order and take down Su Chang'an and Yin Cheng!" Shen Lian closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

Yin Cheng couldn't believe it: "my Lord!"

Su Xun just stared at Shen Lian calmly.

In this part of the movie, Yin Cheng is framed by Ling Yunkai to slander the emperor. Shen Lian doesn't have protection, but forces Yin Cheng to commit suicide.

Now Shen Lian has just given up one more person. He is indecisive and easy to do bad things for women, so he is not enough to do it.

Shen Lian is a big licking dog. He licks Beizhai first, but Beizhai likes Xinwang Zhu Youjian. In order to lick Beizhai in the movie, he gives Beizhai the evidence that xinwangjian murdered the emperor. However, Xinwang wants to kill him and Beizhai together in order to kill him.

This is called, the highest level of love for her is to help her protect the man she loves, so that she will not be sad, I will be happy.

Later, he licked a prostitute, female Zhou MiaoTong. As a result, Zhou MiaoTong was just afraid of him, but she really liked someone else. Shen Lian knew it and continued to lick it.

He is across a door, looking at Zhou MiaoTong and other men love each other, old stimulation.

This is probably the legendary lick king.

Or maybe he has some special hobby.

"If we don't catch you, we'll all be harmed." Shen Lian didn't dare to look Su Xun in the eyes. After all, Su Xun had been with his subordinates for so many years.

Ling Yunkai's small flag sneered: "Lord Shen made a wise choice. He lost his official clothes for two small flags, but it's not worth it."

"Take people." Shen Lian breathed out a breath.

After a short hesitation, former colleagues came forward to prepare for the official clothes on Su Xun and Yin Cheng.

"Wait! I'll see Duke Wei myself

Su Xun's voice fell, and he took Ling Yunkai's body to the head with a knife and strode out with his head.

In a few months, the Apocalypse emperor will soon die, and Wei Zhongxian will fall down when Xinwang ascends the throne. But now he is still powerful. Su Xun doesn't mind being a castration party for a few days, so he can use his power to climb up.

After all, compared with the eunuch party, the Donglin Party in the late Ming Dynasty was also rotten. These civil servants were just jokes. When the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the pass, Liao and Liao dared to commit suicide and die for their country, but in order to survive, they surrendered faster and faster.

A typical example is Qian Qianyi, the Minister of rites. At that time, he was one of the leaders of the Donglin Party. After the Qing Dynasty entered the pass, Liu Rushi, the famous prostitute of Qinhuai Bayan, asked him to commit suicide and die for his country. Qian Qianyi bent down and touched the river, saying that the water was too cold. Come again next time.

And next time Then he came down to the Qing Dynasty and became the Minister of rites in the Qing Dynasty, enjoying the high official position and high salary.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, these civil servants who surrendered, ah, it was the death of the country, but he did not. You can change the dynasty, as long as he surrendered fast enough, the glory and wealth will still be there.

So in Su Xun's eyes, there was no difference between the eunuch party and the Donglin Party in the late Ming Dynasty. They were big garbage dumps.

But why did he choose Wei Zhongxian as the garbage dump? The Donglin Party now supports Zhu Youjian, the king of letters, who is the Chongzhen emperor in history.Emperor Chongzhen wanted to be a king of the Ming Dynasty. He was very diligent. After a lot of self thought wise Sao operations, he speeded up the destruction of the Ming Dynasty, and finally hung up the southeast branch of the Ming Dynasty.

Su Xun didn't like this king of Subjugation. Compared with Chongzhen, he preferred to be a eunuch for two days. At least he was free and had no scruples in doing things.

Second, what he knew could not be trusted by Zhu Youjian, but would be destroyed by him.

So he can only choose Wei Zhongxian!

He wants to keep Wei Zhongxian, and then replace him, step by step climb to the highest power, let Zhu Youjian ascend the throne can only be a puppet emperor.

Daming country has the final say by him.

He said he would beat whoever he beat, sleep whoever he slept, sleep with the queen, and let the emperor make his bed.

old fellow Dong Zhuo fucking great.

Watching Su Xun lift his head and go away, Yin Cheng quickly helps the hilt to keep up with him. Although he can't control his mouth, he is also a righteous man and is not afraid of death, otherwise he won't commit suicide in the movie.

All the people in the inn looked at each other. Is Su Xun crazy? He killed Duke Wei's nephew and dared to see him with Ling Yunkai's head.

"Does he want to run? Keep up

A small flag under Ling Yunkai said, and then all the people followed him. Once Su Xun and Yin Cheng wanted to run, they would do it.

In this way, a very strange scene appeared on the street of Ming Shifang.

Two royal guards are walking ahead, one of them is still holding a head.

Behind them are the royal guards of the brigade, who are closely followed by swords, and others put short crossbows on their arms.

People don't understand what the situation is.


Wei Zhongxian residence.

Wei Zhongxian was dressed in a white dress and was soaking his feet under the maid's service.

"Today It's the Chinese New Year's day. Why did you come here? " Wei Zhongxian's voice is very slow.

Zhao Jingzhong holding a box: "adoptive father Mingjian, just because today is the Chinese New Year's day, so Jingzhong specially came to give a gift to his adoptive father."

Zhao Jingzhong is Wei Zhongxian's adopted son. According to the plot of Xiuchun Dao, he took charge of the east hall after Wei Zhongxian's fall, and later he killed Wei Zhongxian.

Wei Zhongxian's biggest hobby is to take care of his son and his daughter, but he can't remember all of them.

So there is no pressure for Su Xun to kill Ling Yunkai. Wei Zhongxian doesn't even remember his nephew, otherwise he won't be a little flag just like himself.

"Well, Jingzhong, you have a heart. Put things down and come back early." Wei Zhongxian said with a smile.

Zhao Jingzhong bent down and just wanted to speak, a Fanzi of the east hall ran in and knelt down on one knee: "tell the Lord of the factory, there is a royal guard flag outside to ask for help."

"Oh, it's rare that even a small flag dares to come to see me." Wei Zhongxian is very interested.

Because of the emperor's favor and the fact that the Apocalypse emperor was seriously ill because he fell into the water by boat, Wei Zhongxian was very powerful in the capital. Many people came to him by the back door, but for the first time, a small flag came.

To put it bluntly, the official positions of the East Hall and the royal guards are lower than 1000 households, and they are not even qualified to see him.

Zhao Jingzhong licked his face and flattered: "adoptive father, what does this mean? It means. Now even this kind of big fart knows that you speak well."

"You, this mouth." Wei Zhongxian pointed at him, but the smile on his face couldn't be covered. He said to Fanzi, "today is the Chinese New Year's day. We are happy. We don't care about him. Let's send him away."

"Back to the factory, the little flag still held a head and said It's your nephew, Ling Yunkai. " Dongchang Fanzi trembled and fell to his knees.

He lost his head for fear of being angry.

The smile on Wei Zhongxian's face gradually disappeared. Although he didn't have Ling Yunkai in his mind, since it was his nephew, it must be his nephew.

Because in Daming, no one who has relations with Wei Zhongxian dares to impersonate him.

"My adoptive father, I will go and kill the ignorant maniac." Zhao Jingzhong said.

Wei Zhongxian raised his hand: "no, let him in."

A little banner of the royal guards killed his nephew and dared to hold his head and swagger to see him. He was very interested in the reason.

This is also the reason why Su Xun wanted to carry Ling Yunkai's head. Otherwise, he might not even see Wei Zhongxian's face and be blocked by Fanzi.

"Yes, Mr. Chang!" Fanzi got up and left.

A few minutes later, Su Xun was relieved of his Sabre and dagger, and went into the Wei mansion alone.

"I'm Su Xun. I'm Fu Si's little flag in Beizhen. Please see Chang Gong!" Su Xun put down his head and bent over.

Wei Zhongxian's face was expressionless, and his eyes fell on Ling Yunkai's head. "Is this our nephew?"

"It's right to inform the factory master." Su Xun replied.

Wei Zhongxian laughed: "are you not afraid of death?""It's all for the company!" Su Xun said with a determined tone.

Wei Zhongxian took up his tea cup: "Oh, I've wronged you. Tell me. If you can't tell me why, go to the imperial prison and wait for your death."

"It's a matter of great importance. I can only tell the Duke of the factory that I'll ask him to leave for a while." When Su Xun spoke, he took a look at Zhao Jingzhong and said, "you.".

Zhao Jingzhong was furious: "you are presumptuous..."

"Ah, Jingzhong, you go out first." Wei Zhongxian stopped him.

Zhao Jingzhong faced Wei Zhongxian: "adoptive father must not, in case this person has..."

"He doesn't dare, and he won't." Wei Zhongxian interrupted Zhao Jingzhong and looked at Su Xun: "we think we are very accurate in judging people. Are you right?"

"The wise eye of the factory master!" Su Xun flattered.

It's up to you. It's up to your mother.

Your dear dry son killed you, you as a puppet of the letter King deceived you round and round, right?

Zhao Jingzhong gave Su Xun a cold look, then turned to leave, and closed the door.

Wei Zhongxian put down his cup and said, "go ahead."

"Mr. Chang, the reason why he killed Ling Yunkai was that he wanted to harm him!" Su Xun said.

Wei Zhongxian indifferent, not salty said: "give you two words of time, say not to let our interest, then needless to say."

"Your Majesty fell into the water because of King Xin, who wanted to get rid of the factory official!" Su Xun let out a thunder It's all about the cultivation of heaven and earth I'm sorry to be here.

The teacup in Wei Zhongxian's hand shook for a moment, and he stared at Su Xun like a torch: "you're just a little flag of the royal guards. Do you know what you're talking about?"

"There's evidence for everything you say in your humble position. You dare to guarantee it with your head!" Su Xun's answer was chopped.

Wei Zhongxian looked at him: "go on."

"Yes, Mr. Chang." Su Xun continued: "tonight, a homicide happened in Jinling building of mingshifang. It seems that it was for the purpose of murder, but in fact it is not. There is a very special person in the dead, Guo Zhen."

"Handprint eunuch Guo Zhen?" Wei Zhongxian asked.

This man is the emperor's confidant.

Su Xun nodded: "it's this man."

"Go on." Wei Zhongxian's eyes are dignified.

Su Xun said: "a month ago, your majesty went overboard in a treasure boat. This treasure boat was built by Guo Zhen. He and Lu Wenzhao, a thousand families of the royal guards of the Fu Department of Beizhen, were once the Western army's comrades. He was instructed by Lu Wenzhao to tamper with the boat."

"Lu Wenzhao believed in the king and killed Guo Zhen afterwards. The Duke of the factory thought carefully that his Majesty was already weak and sick, and he fell into the water on a treasure boat. Now he is critically ill and has no children. If anything happens, who will benefit the most? There is no better way than Zhu Youjian

Zhu Youjian is the younger brother of emperor Tianqi. Emperor Tianqi has no son. He will succeed him if he dies.

"And the evidence?" Wei Zhongxian asked.

Su Xun replied, "the Duke of the factory can send someone to investigate the documents related to the construction of the treasure ship in the royal guards' archives. If it's too late, the archives will be on fire."

In the movie, because Beizhai insinuates castration in his paintings, he orders Ling Yunkai to catch Beizhai. Shen Lian likes Beizhai's paintings and goes with them. In order to protect Beizhai, she kills Ling Yunkai.

Beizhai witnessed the killing of Ling Yunkai. Beizhai fled and told the people who believed in the king.

So King Xin's subordinates Ding Baiyin and Beizhai are acting to threaten Shen lian to burn the archives. If they burn the archives, they will give Beizhai to him. Otherwise, they will give Beizhai to the royal guards to expose his killing of Ling Yunkai.

Shen Lian went to burn the document library, but he brought out the book related to the construction of treasure ships. Later, he gave it to King Xin for the sake of Beizhai, and was ready to take Beizhai away. In the end, he was chased and killed by King Xin. Finally, he was captured alive. After King Xin ascended the throne, he pardoned him and was demoted to the general banner of the royal guards.

"Somebody Wei Zhongxian roared.

Not long after, the door was knocked open, and a woman with dozens of people rushed in: "adoptive father!"

Her name is Wei Ting. She is Wei Zhongxian's fourth daughter and capable general.

"Go and get the documents related to the royal guards' archives and the treasure ship building supervision right away." Wei Zhongxian said.

"Yes! Adoptive father

Wei Ting looked at Su Xun curiously, and then quickly took people back and closed the door.

Wei Zhongxian looked at Su Xun and said, "how do you know these things? We don't want to investigate them, but you have made great achievements and told us what you want."

By now, he had no doubt about what Su Xun said, because with his power and fixed direction, it was easy to verify the truth.

He was in a cold sweat behind his back. He thought that King Xin was a good baby to be manipulated by him. He didn't expect to hide so deeply and have such skills.

The reason why he never doubted believing in Wang was that he could kneel down to him. But now it seems that this is such a terrible heart.

Without Su Xun's words, he would have thought of what would happen later. After his Majesty's death, he believed that the king would ascend the throne, and then he would be dismissed Wei Zhongxian."I have nothing else to ask for in my humble position. I wish I could serve the company well!" Su Xun said solemnly.

Wei Zhongxian said: "less than a thousand households are not qualified to see us. In this case, you should make up for the lack of a thousand households in the Fu Department of Beizhen first, and come to take office tomorrow."

"Come on, get a thousand official clothes."

Thank you for your cultivation Su Xun tried to put on a very excited and grateful expression.

Qianhu of the royal guards is a five grade official. He has become the core leader of the royal guards.

Nanzhen Fusi is a special department to supervise the interior of the royal guards, which is equivalent to the spy in the secret service.

The governor of Beizhen is in charge of imperial prison. He can arrest, investigate and execute prisoners without going through other judicial organs, so he has great power.

There are five thousand households in the north and five thousand households in the south.

More than 1200 people are in charge of one thousand households.

Soon, someone came in with a brand-new suit of Qianhu official clothes and waist tag and handed it to Su Xun.

"You're saving our lives. We're rootless and affectionate. We won't treat you badly if we work hard in the future." Wei Zhongxian also drew a big cake for him. If Su Xun had the ability, he didn't mind helping him. Anyway, he was also working for himself.

"I will never let down the high expectations of the factory owner!"

"One document alone is not enough. We should be able to nail down the evidence of King's regicide, witness! Material evidence! It's up to you to report it. " Wei Zhongxian looked at Su Xun and said almost word by word.

That document can only let some people including him believe that King Xin planned to kill his monarch, but it is not enough to convince people all over the world, so we must get hard evidence!

As long as he killed the evidence of King Xin's regicide, the king Xin would never jump up in front of him again.

At the same time, it's also a way to test Su Xun's ability. If he can't, he will deal with it in another way.

Su Xun said: "please rest assured."

It's not necessary for Wei Zhongxian to say that he himself has to hold the evidence of King Xinwang's regicide. It's not only Wei Zhongxian who wants to control King Xinwang, but he also wants to control King Xinwang in the future.

In the early stage, he could only control the government through remote control of King Xin. If he killed King Xin and usurped the throne now, he would be surrounded by the army tomorrow.

"Go, I'm tired." Wei Zhongxian waved.

"I'm going to leave in a humble position!"

Su Xun turned and left holding the official clothes and waist tag.

Su Xun went to the yard and met Zhao Jingzhong.

"Mr. Zhao." Su Xun gave a smile.

Zhao Jingzhong took a look at the thousand official clothes in his hand and went to Wei Zhongxian's bedroom with a cold hum.

After all, he didn't regard Zhao Jingzhong as his opponent.


Outside the residence of Wei Zhongxian.

Shen Lian and others are still around there.

After a long time without seeing Su Xun, Yin Cheng's eyes were full of anxiety, and he knew that he was in danger.

"It's all gone." Shen Lian said calmly.

Everyone left, because they all acquiesced that Su Xun was dead. After all, he went into Wei's house with the head of Wei's grandfather and nephew. Could he still come out alive?

"Creak, creak -"

just as the crowd was about to leave, the big red wooden door of Wei Zhongxian's mansion suddenly opened slowly to both sides.

Everyone is subconsciously hearing the sound and turning back.

Then he saw Su Xun come out with a suit of official clothes of the royal guards in his hands. He gave them a gentle smile and said, "colleagues, let's get to know each other again. I'm going to Fu Si Qian Hu, Su Xun and Su Chang'an in the north town of the Royal Guards."

Mr. Lu Xun once said: I stand in front of you, you see I kind of like before.


This is like a flat thunder, all the people fried a seven meat eight vegetables.

All the people were wide eyed and looked at Su Xun incredulously, as if he had seen a ghost.

In their dreams, they could not imagine that Su Xun was not dead. On the contrary, he had risen thousands of households in Qingyun.

This What happened?

"I'm in charge of Yin Cheng, a small flag of Fu Department in Beizhen, and I'm a member of a thousand families!" Yin Cheng knelt down on one knee with excited face.

He felt like he was going to make a great success!

Others are still in a state of dullness.

Su Xun restrained the smile on his face and said faintly, "why, don't you see Shangguan?"

They all came back to their senses and knelt down on one knee with a very complicated mood.

"I'll wait to see Mr. Qianhu!"

Su Xun didn't let them get up. Holding the official clothes, he walked step by step to the little flag of Ling Yunkai's subordinates who had just called the most fiercely in the inn.

Feeling that he was covered by Su Xun's shadow, the little flag lowered his head, turned pale, and his body was shaking: "Lord Qianhu Forgive me, spare my life, be humble, have no eyes, be humble I'm in a humble position... "

"Shh --" Su Xun raised his foot, stepped on his shoulder, and directly stepped on it. "Do you know what is the biggest happy event in a person's life?""Kim It's a gold medal Xiaoqi felt that her shoulders were going to be broken, and it was difficult to speak and enunciate.

"Wrong." Su Xun stepped on his shoulder bone with a click, and said word by word: "the greatest joy in life is when a villain is successful."

"I deserve to die for my humble duty..."

"Then you die." Su Xun's voice fell, and he left with his official uniform in his hand, and Yin Cheng followed him.

The little flag stood up with pain, pulled out the Xiuchun knife with his left hand, and then cut his throat, blood rushed out, the body hit the ground.

As the royal guards, he knows the horror of the royal guards, so if he does not die, he will be more miserable than death.

Between death and misery, he chose death.

Just like in the movie, Yin Cheng chooses to commit suicide in order not to enter the imperial edict prison.

The imperial edict prison of the royal guards is hell.

There was no one who didn't open his mouth.

Otherwise, I can't open my mouth. I'm dead.

Thus we can see the horror of royal guards' Imperial prison.

Xiaoqi's colleagues helped him collect the body, and then washed the ground clean. After all, they soiled one mu and three cents of the land in front of Duke Wei's door, and the end would be miserable.

On the other hand, Su Xun was on his way home, and Yin Cheng was always behind him, saying nothing.

"Come back. Come to my house early tomorrow."

Su Xun said softly.

This man is not only competent, but also loyal. He is not afraid of death. He is also a good brother with Pei Lun, a hundred families in Nanzhen Fusi. It's not bad to take him.

Of course, his mouth likes to talk freely after drinking. He can't do some secret things, he can only do things on the scene.


mainly because there is no one available in his hands now.

Yan Cheng was overjoyed, knelt down on one knee, clasped his fist and said, "thank you for your cultivation!"

It was not until the sound of Su Xun's footsteps completely disappeared that he stood up from the ground, his face full of excitement.

From tonight, everyone began to pay attention to Su Xun, the new governor of North Town.


The next day, the Fu Department of Beizhen, a thousand households.

Ten hundred families gathered here.

"It's said that this new Qianhu used to be the little flag of Qianhu next door. I don't know how he was valued by Duke Wei. He rose to the top overnight."

"Ha ha, I'm envious of you. I've heard that this master of thousand households went to Wei's mansion with the head of his nephew and father-in-law, and then he came out alive to be promoted to a thousand households."

"It can be seen that this master is not simple. I hope he is not a difficult master."

"Lord Qianhu is highly valued by Duke Wei. We have to work hard in front of him."

"Why hasn't Li Baihu come yet..."

"The thousand households are here!" Yin Cheng followed Su Xun with the knife, and cried when he came to the door.

Su Xun, wearing a brand-new official dress, a gauze hat, and a embroidered spring knife on his waist, walked into the front yard of qianhusuo.

Ten hundred households immediately forbidden voice, Qi Qi knelt down on one knee and cried: "humble duty, please see thousand households."

Instead of calling them to get up, Su Xun went to the front step by step. Yin Cheng quickly ran into the house and put a chair behind him.

Seeing this scene, people secretly scolded themselves for being stupid, and even didn't prepare a chair in advance.

"Let's all get up. I will be colleagues with you in the future. I hope you will cooperate." Su Xun sat down and said.

All of them said: "I am willing to listen to your instructions."

"Everyone is here." Su Xun asked.

Everyone looked at each other. A hundred households came forward and said, "my Lord, Li Kuisheng, Li hundred households have not arrived."

"Since he hasn't arrived yet, tell him that he doesn't need to come in the future. Now, Yin Cheng will take over his duties as a hundred households." Su Xun's face was expressionless. He took office by himself. He still has a future. Isn't that embarrassing for him?

It's time to make an example of him.

Yin Cheng clasped his fist and said, "I will obey you."

All of us are terrified. As soon as we take office, we will win a hundred households, and the new official will take office three times.

But it's a good thing it didn't burn on them.

Step on

At this time, a middle-aged man who was wearing an official hat while running ran in panic and said with a smile: "I'm late, I'm late, my Lord. I'm sorry, I drank too much last night. I'll set up a table to make amends to you this evening and give you a clean hand."

A mouth full of wine.

All of us are looking down at the nose, nose, mouth and heart as if we didn't see him.

Su Xun's face was expressionless and he stared at him quietly.

"This What's the matter What happened? "

Li Baihu had a hiccup, but obviously he didn't realize that he was the one who had the accident.

"Somebody." Su Xun called.

Four royal guards rushed in and saluted Su Xun: "see you, my Lord.""Take off his flying fish suit and drive him out for me." Su Xun looked at Li Kuisheng coldly and said.


The four fell to Li Kuisheng.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Let go

Li Kuisheng was confused for a moment, and then with the strength of wine, he directly knocked down the four Tiqi to the ground.

"Choking ~"

Yan Cheng's Xiuchun sword was about to rush up.

"Li Kuisheng, are you going to rebel! I'll tell you, from today on, I'll tear up your 100 households! "

Su Xun's face sank and he said harshly.

"What! Why withdraw me! I'm just a little late. Don't you just rely on flattery? If you don't have Duke Wei, you're nothing

"A little flag turned over by flattery actually rode on my head, didn't it! Why are you a thousand households! Ask which brother here suits you! "

Li Kuisheng, who was not convinced with Su Xun, heard that he had been dismissed from his job. Under the stimulation of alcohol, he burst out and yelled.

"I'll tell you why."

Su Xun's voice dropped and he pulled out the Xiuchun knife.

"Good! Then try your weight

Li Kuisheng also pulled out the knife with a grim smile, and then rushed to Su Xun with a red face.

"Brother Li! I can't help it

Seeing this scene, the rest of the families were shocked, because Li Kuisheng was one of the top three. If he killed Su Xun by mistake, Duke Wei would investigate them for dereliction of duty.


A clear voice sounded. The Xiuchun knife in Li Kuisheng's hand was broken in two. The knife in Su Xun's hand was less than half an inch away from his forehead, while he sat on the chair without moving half a step from the beginning to the end.

The fight between the two was completed in an instant.

All of them were shocked. They didn't expect that Li Kuisheng was defeated in one move, and Su Xun still won so easily and effortlessly.

It's very human to be valued by Duke Wei.

All of a sudden, everyone was a little more awed of Su Xun. Duke Wei valued him and had strength. He had a great future in the future and could not lose money with him.

"Is that enough?"

Su Xun asked in a calm tone.

A cold sweat fell from his forehead. Li Kuisheng's face was blue and white. He lost his knife and knelt on the ground.

"Humble duty I'll take it. "

"If you take it, go away." While Su Xun was talking, the Xiuchun sword in his hand was put into the scabbard.

Li Kuisheng bowed his head and said, "please give me another chance to be humble. The humble family inherited from my father. I don't want to lose it like this."

"Hundred households have not. If you want to stay in Beizhen, you can start from the general banner. Get ready and work with me in the evening." With that, Su Xun got up and went out.

On his first day at work, he naturally wanted to see the superior

he wanted to see the commander of the North Town governor.

"Thank you, Mr. Qianhu."

Li Kuisheng's voice came from behind.

So, ah, this man is a disgrace.

You have to be beaten to be obedient.


Time turned and came to midnight.

The whole capital has fallen into a deep sleep.

Lu Wenzhao, another member of the Fusi family in Beizhen, has bright lights. He is drinking with Shen Lian.

"I heard that the new Qianhu is your little flag? Do you know him? " Lu Wenzhao asked.

, he was the king's command to secretly investigate what he said in the Wei Zhong Xian house that day.

Lu Wenzhao, Shen Lian and Guo Zhen are all survivors of the battle of Sarhu in the 47th year of Wanli.

So Lu Wenzhao was able to persuade Guo Zhen to do something on the treasure boat that emperor Tianqi took, which made the emperor fall into the water. At the same time, he had a good relationship with Shen Lian.

Among the three survivors of that year, one became a thousand families of the royal guards, and the other became a eunuch of BingBi. Shen Lian was a small hundred families. It can be seen that many of them could not be human.

Shen Lian shook his head: "this person was very humble, but it's not worth it. Since last night, it seems that he has changed a person."

"You, you just can't get along with each other. Please get in touch with him when you have time." Lu Wenzhao finished, took his glass and drank it down: "have a rest early."

"I'm going to leave in a humble position!" Shen Lian leaves with her fist in her arms.

Then, a young woman, dressed in white, with a fair face, tall and heroic figure, came out from behind the screen with a long knife in her arms.

She is Ding Baiying, Lu Wenzhao's younger martial sister, and a sharp knife in King Xin's hand.

"Younger martial sister, you've heard that. We don't know anything about Su Xun. Go and try his skill first." Lu Wenzhao poured himself a glass of wine.

Ding Baiying did not speak and nodded.At the same time, Shen Lian, who had just left the Lu mansion, saw a large number of royal guards riding in the dark, but he didn't take it seriously. He just thought that they were passing by.

After all, the royal guards are catching people every night.

Until Su Xun's horse stopped in front of him.

"Surround yourself. You can't let a fly go!"

With Su Xun's order, more than 200 people blocked the front and rear doors of Lu's house, and the walls were blocked by royal guards with crossbows.

"Su Qianhu, this is Lord Lu's residence. Is it wrong?" Shen Lian asked.

Su Xun was riding on his horse. His flying fish suit was covered with a black cape, and he was holding a whip in his hand. He looked at him condescending: "Shen Baihu, you are also the royal guards. The evidence of the royal guards' taking people must be conclusive."

"Rush in." Su Xun waved his whip.

Dozens of royal guards broke in.

At the same time, Lu Wenzhao heard the voice and looked at Ding Baiying: "you go first."

"Be careful." Ding Baiying's voice dropped, she went to the back door, and then leaped on her toes.

"Whew, whew..."

Dozens of crossbows flew out and forced them down.

Su Xun turned to Shen Lian and asked, "Shen Baihu, do you still think this is a misunderstanding?"

"This..." Shen Lian is speechless. He doesn't know who the woman is or why she is in Lu Wenzhao's house, but she is obviously not a kind person. Otherwise, he won't run away when he sees the royal guards.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Stop it! Who sent you here! Don't you know me? "

Lu Wenzhao roared angrily.

Su Xun got off his horse and went in with the rest of the people: "Lu Qianhu, don't shout. When you enter the imperial prison, if you don't want to say something, there is plenty of time for you to shout."

"Su Qianhu, what do you mean?" Lu Wenzhao really didn't know, so after all, he never dreamed that he and King Xin's regicide would be exposed.

Su Xun sneered: "Lu Wenzhao! Do you want to quibble with the eunuch of handprint Guo Zhen in killing the king? "


Lu Wenzhao's brain exploded, chaos, almost a fart, shares sitting on the ground.

The royal guards who came to take part in the killing were also shocked. The royal guards and eunuch Guo Zhen conspired to take part in the regicide. This is a big case that can stir the world.

"Take it!" Su Xun said.

Lu Wenzhao suddenly sober, long sword scabbard: "Su Xun, you frame Zhongliang, never succeed."

"Kill The royal guards rushed up.

Lu Wenzhao resisted with his sword, but he killed more than ten people in the blink of an eye.

"Step back, all of you, and stop that woman."

Su Xun was calm and gave a big drink.

After receiving the order, the royal guards around Lu Wenzhao retreated slowly, and then they all left the back yard.


Lu Wenzhao stares at Su Xun and roars at him with a knife. Su Xun raises his hand and punches.


The fist hit the body of the knife. With a clear and pleasant voice, the embroidered spring knife turned into pieces.

Lu Wenzhao himself was also shaken back several steps.

He shook his numb right hand and stared at Su Xun. There was a flash of horror in his eyes.

"Vigorous Qi protects the body, master's realm! incorrect! There is no vigorous Qi. It's not the master. It's the horizontal training of the flesh and the body! "

In this world, martial arts can be divided into five realms: forging, postnatal, congenital, master realm and great master realm.

"Come again." Su Xun waved.

Lu Wenzhao gritted his teeth and rushed up again. Su Xun easily dodged his continuous moves, but he could only catch Su Xun's shadow and could not even touch his clothes.

"It's too slow. It's my turn."

Su Xun's voice fell down and he punched.


Lu Wenzhao's shoulder blade sank in, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. His body flew upside down in an instant, breaking a pillar, and the house collapsed.


As soon as Lu Wenzhao wanted to get up, Su Xun stepped on him again: "how dare you kill your king?"

Two Royal Knights come up quickly and pierce Lu Wenzhao's lute bone with iron hooks to arrest him.

"Elder martial brother!" Ding Baiying, who is fighting with Jinyi Tiqi, exclaimed. At this moment, she was shot through her leg by a crossbow and then taken down.

Su Xun went to Ding Baiying with a negative hand and held her smooth chin: "it's so moist."

"Su Xun! Let her go! Come at me Seeing this, Lu Wenzhao roared with red eyes. He likes Ding Baiying, but Dante Baiying likes to believe in the king.

Su Xun looked back and said with a smile, "it's because of the seed that I'm going to attack her. I can't attack you."

"You son of a bitch!" Lu Wenzhao is hysterical.

Su Xun lightly spit out two words: "palm mouth."

"Pa! Pop! Pop! "Ha..."

The two knights beat Lu Wenzhao's mouth with scabbard again and again. Several teeth were removed. The epithelium of his mouth was open and fleshy."All right, so that you won't be speechless at the trial." Su Xun called to stop. Then he came to Ding Baiying's ear and said in a soft voice, "it's very moist outside, but it's inside. His highness King Xin hasn't tried it. I want to test it for him first."

Ding Baiying lost her face and glared.

Su Xun laughed and turned to leave.

He feels like a villain now, but in fact he has a dream of saving the Han family.

The four countries, the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, are still struggling. The Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and the Manchu Qing Dynasty are powerful. They are far from the goal of the Han family.

"Take it back to the imperial prison, and I will try it all night."


Su Xun came and went in a hurry and soon rode away with a large number of royal guards.

Shen Lian is still standing at the door.

This short day, too many things happened, his brain is not enough.

In addition to a face, his subordinates had excellent martial arts skills, and became his boss overnight. His former colleagues became prisoners of regicide from a thousand families with great prospects overnight.

This world is really crazy.

There was too much news about Lu Wenzhao's residence to hide, and Su Xun didn't want to.

His royal highness Xin Wang is doomed not to sleep tonight.

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