Believe in Wang Fu.


All the documents on the table were distributed by Zhu you. He swept them down with his hands and fell all over the floor.

He sent someone to steal the relevant documents of treasure ship construction supervision in the royal guards' archives tonight, but he learned that the document had been taken away by the East Chamber last night.

Then came the news that Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin were arrested by the royal guards led by Su Xun.

Until this time, he probably guessed what Su Xun said to Wei's house last night.

"Su Xun!"

Zhu Youjian squeezed the name out of his teeth.

On the night when Su Xun entered Wei Zhongxian's residence, Wei Zhongxian sent someone to take away the documents related to the construction of the treasure ship. At the same time, Su Xun ascended from the small flag to the royal guards, and Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin were arrested tonight.

The relationship between these events is obvious.

But he couldn't figure out how he knew so many things about such a little man who had never heard of his name before?

He paralyzed Wei Zhongxian by pretending to be like a dog for so many years, but because of Su Xun, his layout was destroyed.

How can he not hate it!

"Your Highness, you must save my master!"

Ding Dan and Ding Tai knelt down and begged.

They are ding Baiyin's apprentices.

Zhu Youjian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "your Master Wang will surely save you, but it's urgent for you to do another thing and kill Beizhai."

He was not sure how much Su Xun knew, and he was not sure whether Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin would spit.

So these two people have to die in prison.

And his confidant, Beizhai, is dying.

This woman followed him for a long time. She knew too much about him, and it was the link between him and Donglin Party at the beginning, so she had to die.

As long as these three people are dead and there is no proof of their death, Wei Zhongxian will not be able to catch the hard evidence of his regicide.

Ding Baiyin and Lu Wenzhao are under strict supervision in the imperial prison of the royal guards. They are not so easy to start.

What's more, they won't betray themselves in a short time, so they have to solve the problem of Beizhai outside first.

Su Xun catches Ding Baiyin and Lu Wenzhao, but he doesn't move Beizhai, which means he doesn't know the relationship between Beizhai and himself. Beizhai hasn't been targeted by the royal guards. It's the easiest thing to kill her at this time.

"Yes, your highness."

Ding Dan and Ding Tai were ordered to leave.

Although they can't let master down, they can only trust Zhu Youjian now, because they can't even break into the royal guards' Imperial prison with their own strength.

Seeing the two leave, Zhu Youjian's face was uncertain, and then he wrote a letter on the table.


A man with black waist and long knife fell from the beam, knelt on one knee and bowed his head: "Your Highness."

"Send this letter to the eastern leader as soon as possible." Zhu Youjian lost the letter.

Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin are in the imperial prison of the royal guards, where it is impossible to succeed by poisoning.

So he needs a person with excellent martial arts to sneak in, kill two people in the name of rescue, and then he can retreat completely. It's just right for Dongfang to be invincible.

Dongfang Bubai was able to figure it out and let me go. When he became the bearer of heimuya, there was his support behind him.

Wei Zhongxian and others put their eyes on the court. Naturally, they did not expect that Zhu Youjian's layout was in the Jianghu.

So Zhu Youjian often travels, and Ding Baiyin, the experts in the world, works for him.



With the thunder, the sky began to rain heavily, and the sound of rain on the ground was like fried beans.

It began to rain in the middle of midnight, and the sultry summer night turned into a cool thunderstorm night.

Beizhai lives in the west of the city. It is a courtyard with two entrances and two exits. The walls of the courtyard are made of mud, and the houses are thatched. The environment is quite elegant.

"I'm afraid few people in the whole capital can think that Mr. Beizhai, who has excellent painting skills, will be a beautiful and gorgeous woman." With a smile on his face, Su Xun carefully looked at Beizhai, who was wearing a long skirt and thin clothes.

The slightly messy long hair is rolled up, the pattern of the belly pocket under the thin shirt is looming, the arc of the baby's granary is perfect, the slender waist and legs are slim

Tut, after so many years, he still can't change his habit of appreciating other people's wives.

He's not going to change.

In Lu Fu, he specially said that he would interrogate Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin overnight, but actually he came here secretly. According to Xin Wang's character in the movie, he would definitely kill Ding Baiyin, Beizhai and Lu Wenzhao.

Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin are unable to move at present.

So he will kill Beizhai first.

But Su Xun came to wait for the hare, and let Beizhai know that King Xin would kill her, so that she would be willing to tell more about him.

Beizhai forced to suppress the tension in his heart, and the red lips gently said, "I don't know what happened when you visited Beizhai late at night. If you want to save the painting, please come back tomorrow.""I'll protect you."

While Su Xun was talking, he gently picked up Bei Zhai's chin with one hand and looked at her face carefully.

The beauty of big power is good.

"Is that how adults appreciate women all the time?" Beizhai pursed her lips and avoided Su Xun's hand. Su Xun's action made her more nervous.

Su Xun laughed and took back his hand: "it's true that he is the confidant of King Xin. King Xin is so beautiful that she doesn't live in the house. Instead, she makes him stay in the empty house. It's a waste, a waste."

If you don't use it, don't waste resources.


Hearing Su Xun say the word "Xin Wang", the beauty of Beizhai suddenly became pale.

"Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying have been arrested by my official. I believe that the king wants to kill you. I can't bear the death of the beautiful lady. I come to protect her." Su Xun said.

Beizhai heard this, almost subconsciously blurted out: "he won't, he won't kill me."

"You were born in the Donglin Party, and your greatest role to him is just the link between you and the Donglin Party. Now that your role has been played out, he may have feelings for you, but what are you compared with his great cause?" There was a hint of irony in the corner of Su Xun's mouth.

Beizhai clenched her lips and said nothing, but her eyes were firm. She didn't believe that Xinwang would kill her.

All women in love are brain disabled.

Su Xun continued to ruthlessly break a girl's fantasy about her lover: "if he really valued you more than the great cause, he would have taken you to the mansion. Why didn't he? Isn't it because you are the daughter of a crime Minister of the Donglin Party, afraid that Wei Zhongxian might doubt the relationship between him and the Donglin Party? "

"If you don't believe it, just wait. The assassin he sent to kill you may be your acquaintance." Su Xun laughed and took out a painting to enjoy.

Beizhai's painting skills are really good, but I don't know what other skills are.

If you have time, you can ask her to compete in the same bed and fight a friendship fire Friendly match.

Two people look at each other and sit, one admires the painting, the other looks confused, and a candle flickers in the middle.

Outside, it rained more and more heavily. Two figures in night clothes easily flew over the wall and fell into the outer courtyard under the cover of night and thunderstorm.

They've been to this place many times, so they're familiar with the location of the bedroom.

Two people see the bedroom candle is still on, look at each other, and then hold the knife carefully forward.

Brush, brush

At this time, dozens of royal guards with crossbows and arrows suddenly appeared on the walls around the courtyard.

The rain drops from the sharp crossbow.

"Ambush! Get out of here

They immediately turned to the king's door.

Step on

With the rapid footsteps, a group of royal guards with bamboo hat, coir raincoat and long sword rushed into the inner courtyard from the outer courtyard, surrounded them.

In the blink of an eye, it's a net.

"You have orders! Capture the assassin alive


Then a fierce battle broke out in the inner courtyard.

In the bedroom, listening to the shouts from outside, Beizhai could no longer keep calm.

"You're panicking." Su Xun gave a smile.

Beizhai clenched his fist and looked at Su Xun: "who knows if you've wronged him?"

She will not give up until she reaches the Yellow River.

"You look like a woman licking a dog. Fortunately, I used to work as a dog licker." Su Xun shook his head and said.

Beizhai can't understand the meaning of this sentence, but she can think of it with Naizi, which is definitely not a good word.

Just stressed: "he won't kill me!"

"No tears without a coffin." Su Xun shrugged his shoulders and didn't have the same insight as the dog. He put the painting on the table and picked up the brush to create the second time.

It's King Xin in the painting. Su Xun added a pair of sunglasses and a cigar to King Xin, and drew a bicycle beside it. The inscription: 17 generations of Ming Dynasty.

The 17th emperor, the king of subjugation.

Seeing that Su Xun had changed his painting beyond recognition, the corner of his mouth twitched and he wanted to say nothing for several times.

The battle outside has come to an end.

All the royal guards in this world are warriors.

The royal guards are the son of heaven's own army. They don't even have the qualification to join the royal guards before they reach the forging territory. Even if they inherit from their parents, they have to reach the standard of strength.

Even Ding Baiying could not resist the siege of more than 100 royal guards, let alone her two apprentices.

They were covered with blood, and the rain and blood on the ground mixed to dilute the smell of blood.

A large net full of blades was taken out by several crossbows and arrows, which covered Ding Tai and Ding Dan who were about to run out of Qi on the ground. Then four crossbows and arrows flew out and fixed the four corners of the net on the ground.

Then several royal guards rushed up and put their swords around their necks. Someone took out a hook and pierced their Pipa bones. They locked their Pipa bones so that their Qi could not be mobilized even after they recovered.They have done this kind of thing many times. They can't stop the siege of the royal guards without reaching the master's realm.

The royal guards are the first-class intelligence agencies in the world. They often run in the rivers and lakes. They don't have enough force. How can they deal with those Wulin people.


A hundred families pushed open the bedroom door, did not enter, stood at the door and said: "I tell you, the two assassins have been captured alive, please tell me."

"Mr. Beizhai, go out and have a look. Maybe it's your acquaintance?" Su Xun sent out an invitation with a smile.

Beizhai pursed his lips, got up in a nervous mood, and walked out behind Su Xun.

As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, someone held an umbrella over Su Xun's head to prevent him from getting wet.

"Bring the assassin here." Yin Cheng called.

Four royal guards knelt down in front of Su Xun, escorting Ding Tai and Ding Dan, who were locked.

At the moment when he saw both of them, Beizhai's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, his mind blank, and his thin body was about to fall.

Huaichun girl, suffering 300% of the damage from her lover, is heartbroken.

King Xin really wants to kill her.

Why! Why?

She would never betray him even if she was caught, but would he not believe her?


A thunder exploded, and Beizhai, who was too frightened and heartbroken tonight, fell back.

Su Xun put him in his arms and said in a low voice, "do you see that? For people like him, women are just tools to achieve their goals. He never believes you. He is just using you. Are you willing to be a fool and be discarded after he uses you? No, it's just killing people. "

Su Xun used "he" instead, because no one else could know that it was related to Xin Wang and Zhu Youjian.

"I What should I do Beizhai had tears in his eyes, hatred in his eyes and hoarseness in his voice.

When she wanted to commit suicide, it was king Xin who saved her. After knowing her life experience, he swore in front of her that he would destroy the eunuch party and protect her in every way.

She also helps Xinwang wholeheartedly, helps him to contact his father's previous relationship and students, helps him to get in touch with Donglin Party. For his sake, she doesn't want fame, and even can't see him all year round.

She even forgot her father's hatred and Donglin Party, and was only filled with Xinwang Zhu Youjian.

But this evening, Zhu Youjian Mingming can choose to send someone to pick her up, or send her to Jiangnan, the headquarters of Donglin Party.

But he chose to kill her!

She felt that she was a joke, and Zhu Youjian's kindness to her before was all fake in her eyes now, in order to make better use of her.

When a woman loves a man, she wants to take out her heart, but when a woman hates a man, she wants to take out his heart.

Beizhai used to be the former, but now it is the latter.

King Xin underestimated the power of women.

Su Xun said in a low voice, "write down the story of his plan for the emperor to fall into the water. Those Donglin Party ministers have made friends with him. I will help you to revenge him."

The royal guards such as Yin Cheng thought that Su Xun was talking about Lu Wenzhao, and no one thought that it was king Xin who killed the king.

The story of King Xin's regicide can't be spread out, because it's a matter of holding his handle. The handle can only be used in his hand, so Lu Wenzhao can only carry the pot.

"Help me? You're just like him, but you want to use me. " Beizhai shows a sarcastic smile. Look, the IQ of the blackened woman has doubled.

Wash white weak three points, black strong three times.

In movies and TV plays, the most typical role of the super God after the blackening is the queen Jiang Yuyan.

Su xungang wanted to talk, and Beizhai showed a self mocking smile: "at least you don't cheat my feelings."

"I'm not interested in feelings, but in your body." Su xunlu criticizes the original photo excellently.

Beizhai said without expression: "as long as you help me revenge that man, whenever you want me, he hasn't touched me for several years."

In the movie, Zhu Youjian is selfish and suspicious. To him, women have no royal throne.

"We'll talk about it later. Let's go ahead and write a confession." Su Xun put his arms around her body and turned to enter the room.

As we all know, since ancient times, wife is the most fragrant.

My wife has no other's fun.

Just like when I was a child, I always thought other people's snacks were better and their toys were better.

What does it mean?

It shows that everyone is the seed of LSP since childhood.

Outside the bedroom, more than 100 royal guards were standing neatly in the rain. Raindrops dropped from the bamboo hat and coir raincoat, and the blood on the ground was splashed by raindrops.

In the bedroom.

Beizhai first wrote about Zhu Youjian's plan for the fall of the Apocalypse emperor. That's a detail.

Then she listed many officials who secretly made friends with Zhu Youjian, as well as the Wulin school.It's no wonder that as soon as something happened, Zhu Youjian's first thought was to kill Beizhai. Beizhai knew too much about him.

Blame Zhu Youjian for his bad luck. Except for a few confidants, no one knows the relationship between Beizhai and him, so he didn't send anyone to protect Beizhai.

But who let him meet the pressure of Su Xun? It's equivalent to a closed book examination. Su Xun read the answers and then went to the examination room. Isn't that the whole room killing?

"How close is he to the people in the world?"

Looking at the names of those familiar characters, Su Xun frowned and asked.

Beizhai said without raising his head: "otherwise, what do you think he is doing? Is it really for sightseeing? At the beginning, I met him on the way out. He has a great influence. "

After hearing this, Su Xun had to sigh that if Chongzhen in history was really the guy in the movie, Daming might be able to breathe again.

Everyone is staring at chaotang. Who would have thought that Zhu Youjian would develop his own power in the Jianghu?

After Beizhai was finished, Su Xun put it away, and then said, "you can write a simplified version, subtracting some high-ranking people."

"Unexpectedly, you are not so loyal to Wei Zhongxian." Beizhai naturally knew Su Xun's plan.

It's just to leave the detailed ones in your own hands, and then give the simplified ones to Wei Zhongxian.

Su Xun's eyes glared: "I'm loyal to the Lord of the factory. The sun and the moon can learn from me. Don't wronged the good man."

I'm the man who wants to be a factory flower.

You don't have to cut haw to be a factory flower.

Beizhai chuckled and wrote at his desk.

"What are you going to do with me?" After finishing the simplified version, Bei Zhai looked at Su Xun and asked.

Su Xun put the paper away, put it in his chest, and looked at Beizhai: "you should have something not written."

"After being cheated by men, I learned a truth that men can't be trusted. If I tell you all I know, is it still useful for you?" Beizhai admitted that she had something more important to say.

Su Xun didn't ask any more questions, because he had enough of them now: "I will ask Wei Zhongxian to give you to me directly, and he will agree. In the future, you will be my servant girl."

"I thought it was at least a concubine."

"You're thinking about farting."

"I can't always call you Beizhai."

"My real name is Miao Xuan."

Half a quarter of an hour later, the royal guards withdrew, and Miao Xuan followed Su Xun.


At that time, Wei Zhongxian's residence.

"Chang Gong, that's all I got from that Beizhai." Su Xun handed over some pieces of paper.

Wei Zhongxian took it and looked at it. His face was more and more smiling: "OK, OK, OK, Sushen, Sushen, our east factory needs talents like you."

"Mr. Chang's reputation is too high, and his humble position is just to do what he can." Su Xun felt a chill in his crotch.

Wei Zhongxian asked again, "what about that woman?"

"Outside, I dare to ask the Lord of the factory to give her to the lower officer." Su Xun lowered his head and said.

Wei Zhongxian frowned: "we know that you are in a good mood. Don't do bad things for a woman."

"Mr. Chang, keeping that woman can further make Xinwang afraid, and..." Su Xun's face showed a wild smile: "I also want to try my humble job. What's the difference between the women that the royal nobles like."

"Presumptuous! Is there a royal family in your eyes? " Wei Zhongxian's face suddenly sank and he cried angrily.

Su Xun said bluntly: "the royal family only let the humble job be a small flag. It's the Lord of the factory who let the humble job be a thousand households. So there is no royal family in the eyes of the humble job, only the Lord of the factory!"

He felt like he was licking more and more.

The tongue is becoming more flexible.

Well, snow white praised him for that.

Please call him sue lick later.

Wei Zhongxian's originally gloomy face bloomed a smile like an old chrysanthemum: "you remember our kindness, we are very happy, but we should remember that some words can't be said nonsense, it's easy to kill ourselves."

"Thank you for your instruction. I only say that in front of you." Su Xun licked again.

Wei Zhongxian laughed and waved: "OK, bring the confessions of Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying as soon as possible. That woman's play depends on her play."

"Yes, I'll leave." Su Xun is ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." Wei Zhongxian stopped him again, raised the paper in his hand, and said coldly, "if you've seen this thing, you can take it by its name. As long as it's in the capital, you can take it all and go to jail."

This is to cut off Zhu Youjian's party members and replace them with his own, so that Zhu Youjian has no one to rely on.

"Yes! Mr. Chang Su Xun responded.

Wei Zhongxian snorted coldly: "there are also these rivers and lakes sects, a group of lawless people, who dare to participate in the struggle between the court and the court. When you have finished dealing with what you are doing, you should deal with them and teach them the rules.""Yes! Mr. Chang Su Xun answered again.

He will not go out of Beijing in a short time. He will go out to deal with those sects in the river and lake only when the rear area is stable after King Xin becomes the puppet emperor.

Maybe it was in the evening. He was afraid that Su Xun would be hungry. Wei Zhongxian drew a big cake for him: "do well. You will be the next governor of Beizhen."

"Thank you for your cultivation! I'll leave at my humble post

Su Xun's secret way is that what I want is not only a Zhenfu emissary, but also a commanding emissary of the royal guards.

By the way, I'll get rid of you and put your East Hall under the command of Lao Tzu's royal guards.

"Wait a minute." Wei Zhongxian will stop him.

Su Xun wants to hit someone. What can't you say at one time?

Squeeze a little bit later, kidney problem?

But as a qualified inheritor of Sichuan Opera's face changing intangible cultural heritage, Su Xun turned around and put on a respectful expression: "please give me the order."

People have to bow under the eaves.

Just wait for him to break the eaves one day.

"Come on, show me something."

Wei Zhongxian called.

A few moments later, several maids came in.

They were holding silver ingots in their hands.

One of them is holding a lease.

Wei Zhongxian got up and took the title deed and the key from a maid: "it's shameful that you don't have a good place to live. Take it and don't be polite to us. These are all copied from the family."

"You can keep some of the other silver for yourself, and give the rest to your subordinates."

"Go and get him a bag to put in."

Su Xun said that it's a good job to go home.

"Thank you for your humble position!"

For the sake of nine thousand years old, I'd better give him a decent way to die.

No wonder they all want to live with 9000 years old, have a bright future, have money, share houses, and pay too much.

I can't do it with the royal family. Shen Lian has been working hard for so many years and is only a hundred households.

When Su Xun walked out of Wei Zhongxian's residence, his eleven hundred families were waiting outside, and Li Kuisheng, who was demoted from hundred families to general banner, was also there.

"Gather the brothers who will act tonight at the thousand house." Su Xun said with a heavy bag.

"I will do my duty."

Su Xun looked at Beizhai: "let's go."

"Take me with you everywhere?" Beizhai pick eyebrows.

Su Xun also had no way: "otherwise, what should I do? Let you go to my home, and there is no one to protect you."

"My Lord, it's time for you to change your house. I'm willing to guard your home." Yin Cheng came forward and said.

Su Xun took out the lease and said, "the Lord of the factory gave me a reward. I haven't seen it yet."

"I'm willing to take my brother with me to look after the house for adults." Li Kuisheng said.

Su Xun said with a smile: "thank you very much. Let's go to qianhusuo first. When we're finished, we have to go to Zhaoyu to try Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin."


Half an hour later, thousands of households went to work.

Tonight, all those who took part in the operation and survived stood in the front yard of a thousand households.

"All of you have worked hard tonight. The factory official rewarded me with the money, but I think you also have your share, so I give you a share."

"Three Liang alive, five Liang disabled, ten Liang killed in duty, not much money, don't give up."

Three taels of silver is not a small number. This horse riding is not a TV play, but a reality. One or two taels of silver can buy more than 300 Jin of rice. Three taels of silver is more than 1000 Jin.

In this period, three Liang silver can buy enough food for a family of five for a year.

"Thank you for your reward!"

Everyone cried out.

Seeing Su Xun's thunder means and his super powerful force, now they have taken Su Xun's reward, and everyone has been convinced of him.

After that, Su Xun took Miao Xuan to Zhao prison.

Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin are both locked and tied to the stake. Because there is no order from Su Xun, they have not been tortured.

Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin were shocked to see the Beizhai, miaoxuan, behind Su Xun.

I thought she was caught, too.

"Everybody out."

Su Xun waved.

"Yes, my Lord!"

The jailers in charge of the guards withdrew one after another.

"Mr. Lu Wenzhao, Mr. Ding Baiyin and Mr. Beizhai have already confessed, so do you two."

Su Xun put his arms around Miao Xuan's waist and looked at them.

Two people are like to be accumulated suddenly, the full face is inconceivable looking at wonderful Xuan, they once worried that oneself can't hold, but never thought that wonderful Xuan will betray letter king.

"I've told Lord Su about King Xin's regicide and everything he did secretly. Miss Ding and Lord Lu don't have to hide any more." Miao Xuan said.Hearing Miao Xuan's acceptance and even saying the word "King Xin" in front of Su Xun, the last hope in their hearts was completely destroyed.

"Are you worthy of your highness?"

Ding Baiying gritted her teeth and stared at Miao Xuan, because she also liked to believe in Wang.

"He sent people to kill me, but it was this Su who saved me. Do you think I am worthy of him?" Miao Xuan said with a sneer on his face.

Lu Wenzhao didn't say anything because he was also a good person. He knew that this was something that King Xin could do.

Ding Baiyin did not believe that Zhu Youjian was such a person: "maybe it was just the royal guards who directed and performed themselves."

"He sent your apprentice to kill me." Miao Xuan's words made Ding Baiying speechless.

Ding Baiying's eyes were in a trance. In her heart, Xinwang's tall image was shattered. She couldn't accept it. How could Xinwang and how could he do such a thing?

Su Xun looked at Lu Wenzhao: "Lu Wenzhao, come on, it's meaningless to be silent."

This is also a rich and pitiful person. In the movie, he likes his younger martial sister Ding Baiyin, but he knows that Ding Baiyin has a secret love for Xinwang, so he doesn't even dare to show his heart trace. In the end, he was killed by Xinwang together with Ding Baiyin.

"I want to see Mr. Chang." Lu Wenzhao said that he felt he could save it again.

Su Xun sneered: "it's useless. Do you think you can live? Lu Wenzhao, I don't think you have the courage to collude with Guo Zhen to kill his monarch. There are masterminds behind it. Look, are these masterminds? "

As he spoke, Su Xun took out a piece of paper with the names of many Donglin Party members on it.

Seeing this piece of paper, Lu Wenzhao immediately understood that he wanted to carry the pot for King Xin, and he had to play the role of pulling these Donglin Party members into the water before he died.

"You are also the royal guards. I believe you also know the taste of imperial prison. Don't force me to use punishment. As long as you cooperate, you will die happily." After entering the royal guards' Imperial prison, it's a gift to die happily.

Because more people are not as good as death.

Lu Wenzhao laughs with self mockery: "after the war of Sarhu, I said to myself that I would change my way of life, but I didn't expect that I would change my way of death. It's better to die in the battlefield."

"He said, you write it, and give it to him for signature." Su Xun said to Miao Xuan.

Lu Wenzhao himself is not a hard nut. When he knew that he would die, he would no longer be hard mouthed. He explained how King Xin planned to kill his king and what he and Guo Zhen had done.

Then, with Su Xun's reminding, he honestly made friends with a group of Donglin Party officials about Guo Zhen's regicide and rebellion.

After Miao Xuan finished writing and asked him to sign the pledge, Su Xun looked at Ding Baiying again: "I know you are not afraid of death, but what about your two disciples? Think about it for them. "

"I I said

Ding Baiying's voice is dry and astringent. She has been disappointed with King Xin. For the sake of her apprentice, she explains her role in King Xin's regicide plan.

Ding Baiyin, Lu Wenzhao and Miao Xuan's three testimonies about Wang's regicide are enough to nail him to death.

"Well, you're going to die."

Susian took the confession and was about to leave.

"Lord Su!"

Lu Wenzhao's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Anything else?" Su Xun stopped and turned around.

Lu Wenzhao looked at Su Xun with a pleading face: "please, for the sake of my cooperation, let my younger martial sister live. Please, my Lord!"

"Elder martial brother, don't ask him." Cried Ding Baiying.

Lu Wenzhao turned a deaf ear and burst into tears. He kept praying to Su Xun: "Lord, I beg you, Lord Su, I beg you!"

"Elder martial brother!" Ding Baiyian also cried. Of course, she could feel Lu Wenzhao's feelings for herself.

But she had been secretly in love with King Xin, so she pretended not to know. But when she learned that King Xin sent someone to kill miaoxuan, the image of King Xin in her heart was shattered.

In order to be such a man with only power in her eyes and love her elder martial brother deeply, she couldn't help hating King Xin.

Su Xun mercilessly refused: "it's very touching, but I won't leave a dangerous person by my side."

There are few available people in his hand. Ding Baiying's strength makes him greedy, but he doesn't want to take risks.

"No! My Lord, she will not Lu Wenzhao quickly shook his head, looked at Ding Baiying and said, "you remember, younger martial sister, you can live with my life. If you dare to fight against Lord Su, elder martial brother, I can't even close my eyes when I die underground. Follow Lord Su, otherwise you are still alive. King Xin won't let you go."

In the movie, he is also the first to see the true face of Xin Wang's fickleness and selfishness.

"Elder martial brother..." Ding Baiying wailed.

Miao Xuan said, "leave her. When Lu Wenzhao dies, she will hate Xinwang and become your sword. She and I can be your tools to threaten Xinwang."

Sure enough, women know women best.

"Somebody." Su Xun called.Four people ran in: "my Lord."

"Put her down." Su Xun said.


The four untied Ding Baiying's rope and went to lock the hook of her lute bone. At the moment when the hook was taken out, blood splashed everywhere.

Miao Xuan goes up and holds Ding Baiying.

"Remember, your life is the life of your elder martial brother. You should know how to cherish it and be grateful to me."

Su Xun pinched her chin and said, then turned to leave, and Miao Xuan held her behind.

"Thank you, my Lord! Lu Wenzhao, thank you

Behind him, Lu Wenzhao yelled.

When Su Xun brings Miao Xuan and Ding Baiying to the house Wei Zhongxian sent, he finds that there are already servants and maids busy cleaning inside.

When asked, they were all sent by Wei Zhongxian.

On the surface, he valued Su Xun. On the other hand, Su Xun also understood that these people were all here to watch him.

That night, Yin Cheng and Li Kuisheng took 30 royal guards to live in the house to take charge of the safety work.

After working on Miao Xuan for most of the night, he became a fellow of King Xin. Su Xun slept soundly.

But Xinwang's eyeballs were full of blood, and he didn't sleep all night, because he had got the news that miaoxuan had been arrested, and he was in a state of extreme suffering.


The next day, early in the morning.

A shocking news began to spread in the capital: the emperor fell into the water by boat was done by Lu Wenzhao and Guo Zhen, the eunuch of the royal guards.

It is said that there is a behind the scenes agent behind them, and the royal guards are investigating further.

The capital city suddenly became a terror.

At this time, Su Xun met the future Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian in Wei Zhongxian's residence.

He had come to deliver the confessions of Ding Baiyin and Lu Wenzhao, but unexpectedly he happened to meet Xinwang.

I guess I knelt down and pleaded for mercy.

After all, in the movie, this guy kneels down to Wei Zhongxian and cries for his help.

Pretending he didn't know Xinwang, he handed Wei Zhongxian several pieces of paper full of words: "Mr. Chang, this is the confession of Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiyin. Please have a look."

Xinwang's eyes slightly coagulated and soon returned to normal.

"Chang'an, you don't know this one. Haven't you met his royal highness King Xin soon?" Wei Zhongxian reached for the confession and pointed to the letter, Wang said with a smile.

Su Xun pretended to be stunned. Then he turned to look at King Xin and arched his hand: "I've seen your royal highness King Xin."

"Your Highness, this is Su Xun, the new governor of Beizhen. He is very capable." Wei Zhongxian pointed to Su Xun and looked at Xin Wang with a smile.

King Xin hated him deeply, but he didn't say anything on his face: "it's your blessing to be valued by Duke Wei. Don't let him down."

"Your Highness can rest assured that I succeeded in everything that the factory master ordered me to do last night." Su Xun replied with a slight smile, and then lowered his voice: "miaoxuan girl's body is very moist, I thank her royal highness King Xin for her humble duty."

Long live Tauren. Please call him Su Huangmao.

The fist in King Xin's sleeve was clenched tightly, and his anger was burning in his heart. He almost burst up on the spot. He was a good king, and he was wearing a green hat by a thousand families!

What a shame! What a shame!


Wei Zhongxian slapped on the table.

Su Xun and King Xin looked at him.

"What a shame! How unreasonable! His highness King Xin, you see, according to Lu Wenzhao's confession, there are so many ministers who are deeply favored by the emperor to take part in the murder of his majesty. Damn it Wei Zhongxian gritted his teeth.

Su Xun handed the testimony made up by Lu Wenzhao to Xinwang: "please have a look."

King Xin just took a look, and his hand trembled. Those above were all his people.

"I hope Duke Wei will not let these regicides go!" King Xin's finger holding the confession turned white, and his heart was dripping blood when he said this.

All his efforts have been in vain!

These are loyal ministers who are loyal to him!

Wei Zhongxian seriously said: "Your Highness, don't worry, we will not let these disorderly officials and thieves go. Chang'an, now go to take people from above."

Wei Zhongxian and Xin Wang both know what's going on, but they don't have to continue to play as long as they tear their faces apart.

"I'll do it Su Xun arched his hand, then held the handle of the knife, turned around and walked away.

After burning incense, King Xin went out of Wei's house.

He has never hated a person so much.

Now he hates Su Xun more than Wei Zhongxian.

He went back to the palace in despair.

"Your Highness, the leader of the Orient is here."

A bodyguard came forward to report.

Xinwangdun was in a good mood. Then he stepped into the reception hall and saw a man in red who was more beautiful than a woman sitting in it.

This man is the leader of the sun moon god sect, Dongfang Bubai."Asia is invincible. I've seen your highness."

Dongfang Bubai put down his tea cup and got up.

"Master of the Orient, I want you to hide your identity and help me kill a man." The king of letters gritted his teeth.

Dongfang Bubai asked curiously: "I don't know who actually made your highness hate so much."

"A thousand households in the North Town, Su Xun!"

At this time, Su Qianhu, who is believed to be remembered by Wang, is taking people to copy his home. Today, he is going to copy ten.

It's a lot of work.

But he liked it very much, because he made money and copied all the traitors he could remember in history.

In the list given to Wei Zhongxian, the names of loyal officials were deleted by him, and the rest were all corrupt officials, big and small, as well as treacherous officials who were later demoted to the Qing Dynasty. Su Xun wanted to take this opportunity to clean up.

Don't you love shaving?

Today I'll shave your heads first!

Ace shaver, Su Xun applied to fight!

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