Outside Wen's mansion, hundreds of royal guards surrounded the gate with sharp knives and crossbows.

Su Xun rode his horse and raised his whip. He looked at the vermilion gate, and a ferocious smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Wen Tiren, right servant of the Ministry of rites, this guy didn't clear up because he died long ago and had no chance.

According to the historical track, after Chongzhen ascended the throne, he would be promoted to minister of rites and served as the first assistant in the cabinet.

The cabinet is generally one to seven people. After entering the cabinet, it is equivalent to standing at the top of the civil service in the Ming Dynasty.

When he was an official, this guy would engage in infighting, thinking about how to kill his political enemies all day long. He didn't make any contribution to the people of the imperial court, traitor!

This kind of waste, which only makes money and engages in political struggle and is not beneficial to the country and the nation, should die early.

"Somebody, call the door!" Su Xun said.

Li Kuisheng and two royal guards came forward and banged on the door: "open up! Open the door quickly

"Who ah who ah, come, shout what shout."

An impatient voice came from inside the door. Then a servant opened the door and saw the royal guards from the crack of the door. He immediately stood there.


Li Kuisheng raised his foot and kicked the door open.

"Rush in!"

The rest of the royal guards swarmed on.

"What are you doing! What do you want? This is the residence of Lord Wen, the Minister of rites. What are you doing? "

"Come on! Go and report it to your excellency

There was a flurry of excitement in the house.

Su Xun dismounted and walked into Wen's house.

"Sir, is there any misunderstanding? My master is the right servant of the Ministry of rites. Even if he is the royal guards, he should pay attention to evidence and etiquette when handling cases..."

When the housekeeper of Wen's house saw Su Xun, he came forward to negotiate. As the housekeeper of Wen's house, he was the third grade official in front of the prime minister's door. He was related to Wen Tiren and was not afraid of Su Xun.

Looking at the noisy old dog in front of him, Su Xun laughed, and then his eyes suddenly turned cold. Xiuchun sword came out of its sheath, and a flower of blood bloomed. The housekeeper of Wen family covered his bloody throat and slowly fell to the ground.

"Evidence? My words are proof! "

Su Xun took back the knife and said calmly.

The outer courtyard, which was originally very noisy, suddenly quieted down, and the servants were trembling.

"Wen Tiren, the right servant of the Ministry of rites, was deeply favored by the emperor, but he didn't want to serve the country and the monarch. He was corrupt and perverted the law, formed a clique for personal gain, intended to kill the monarch, killed the three clans, confiscated property and charged it into the national treasury. Anyone who dared to stop him was guilty of the same crime!"

Su Xun looked around in a cold voice.

"Presumptuous! nonsense! Nonsense

Accompanied by an angry voice, Mr. Wen walked out of the inner courtyard with an angry face and anxiety.

Obviously, he didn't go to court, but he was wearing official clothes. Obviously, he came out after changing official clothes.

Official uniform can increase momentum buff.

"I'm a Jinshi in the 26th year of Wanli. Since I was an official, I've been honest, loving the people, cultivating and studying my family. How ever I've been corrupt and perverted the law! Never form a party for personal gain! How ever killed a king

"You eunuch hawk dog, today you can frame my official, but you can't stop the mouth of the world. If you dare to kill my official, it will be a bad memory for thousands of years!"

Wen Ti Ren is full of righteousness. When he talks about the excitement, he bows to the palace.

If Su Xun didn't know that this guy was a traitor, he would have been cheated by his acting skills.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Su Xun laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Wen Ti Ren hummed coldly.

Su Xun looked at him: "I laugh at Lord Wen's impending death? How much is your salary? How did the two houses in the east of the city come from? Farming, reading and inheriting? What's the matter with the man who was raised in the west of the city

The salary of Ming Dynasty officials is not high, so these dogs are more corrupt than those who go to high-end places and buy houses to raise concubines.

Wen Ti's face turned pale when he was in a hurry. Then he thought of the power of the royal guards. The most terrible thing about the royal guards is that they can write down everything they say to their wives at night.

The civil servant was scared by the royal guards and the East Hall. As soon as Chongzhen got to the top, he tricked him into withdrawing the East Hall and the royal guards, saying that if you don't withdraw, you just don't believe us.

Then Chongzhen, the great Congming, really withdrew. From then on, he became deaf and blind. What he saw was what the officials wanted him to see.

There are also post stations. The civil servant suggested that he remove the post station, and Chongzhen did. Then Li Zicheng, the staff member of the post station, lost his job and rebelled after he lost his job. Li Chuang Wang was also forced to start a business.

Emperor Tianqi didn't go out of the palace for seven years, but he knew everything about the world like the palm of his hand. It was because of the royal guards, which were the emperor's ears and eyes.

Chongzhen blinded himself.

And Wei Zhongxian. Although Wei Zhongxian is bad, he will make money. Originally, Emperor Tianqi left Chongzhen to make money. As a result, Chongzhen demoted Wei Zhongxian.

After Wei Zhongxian was demoted, no one could help Chongzhen make money, and then he couldn't even afford military expenses.Later, the ministers were so fat that Chongzhen was so poor that he could not afford to fight, so he had to borrow money from the ministers. As a result, the ministers were so poor that they didn't borrow money. When Li Zicheng came to Beijing, Chongzhen didn't even have a thousand taels of silver.

However, tens of thousands of taels of silver, gold, silver and jewels were found in those ministers' homes.

When the Qing army entered Beijing, many of them were eunuchs, and dozens of civil servants died for the country. As for the others, they all shaved their heads to welcome the new emperor.

"Mr. Wen, our royal guards imperial prison has cleaned up the room for you. Come on, please move to imperial prison." Su Xun said lightly.

Two royal guards come forward to catch Wen Tiren, strip off his official clothes, and then put shackles on him.

"Let me go! I didn't kill the king! No regicide! You are setting up! I am wronged

Wen Ti Ren keeps yelling and struggling, but it's useless. It's nothing but pedaling before death.

After all the people in Wenfu were controlled, the royal guards began to attack everywhere. This is their old business, and they are more and more skilled.

They know very well where these officials like to hide their silver, which belongs to their confidants.

Soon, boxes of gold, silver, jewelry and house title deeds were carried out and checked by a special person.

"My Lord, after counting, we found 300000 taels of silver. I don't know how much gold, silver and jewelry are."

"Three hundred thousand taels? How can I see two hundred thousand taels? " Su Xun said casually.

The general flag of the inventory sniffed his mouth: "please make atonement, it's a small inventory error, it's only 200000 Liang."

"Just pay attention next time." Su Xun said lightly, and in the twinkling of an eye, he recorded 100000 Liang.

He was not afraid that Wei Zhongxian would know, because what he showed now was greed for money and lust. Wei Zhongxian had plenty of money and didn't care about his greed at all. Moreover, he was a eunuch and didn't care that Su Xun liked beauty.

If Su Xun is not greedy or lustful, Wei Zhongxian doesn't dare to use him, because you don't want to be greedy or lustful. Why do you join the eunuch party? A secret agent?

Su Xun went to Wen Ti Ren and patted him on the face: "Mr. Wen, I didn't see that. You are so rich. Tut tut."

"Come on, take the 200000 taels of silver, gold, silver and jewelry outside the gate of Wen's house."

Wen Ti Ren heard this, immediately thought of what, face such as paper color, a pale.

There is no one outside the door of Wen's house, because no one in the royal guards dares to come up and watch the case.

These people are all in the restaurant across the street, closing the window and looking out secretly.

Boxes of gold, silver and jewelry were carried out and nearly blinded in the sunshine.

"People of the Ming Dynasty, open your eyes and watch. This is the property of Mr. Wen, the right servant of the Ministry of rites of the Ming Dynasty. Now there are 200000 taels of silver and countless gold, silver and jewelry. Is this money from heaven?"

"Wen Ti Ren is an official who is not benevolent. He is corrupt and perverts the law. He is involved in instigating Lu Wenzhao, a thousand families of the royal guards, and Guo Zhen, the eunuch who is in charge of printing, to kill the king. The crime is extremely heinous. He should be punished for it!"

Su Xun shouts out that if Wen Tiren is convicted, under the propaganda of those scholars, he will become the eunuch hawk dog Su Xun to frame Zhongliang.

But the common people didn't understand the facts. In addition, the royal guards and the east hall were arrogant. They might have misunderstood Su Xun.

Therefore, Su Xun directly revealed Wen Ti Ren's property obtained by embezzlement and perversion of the law, so that these people realized that Wen's true face was a corrupt official!

And the royal guards also took time out of their busy schedule to investigate and deal with a real corrupt official.

Looking at the gold, silver and jewelry, the people on the other side of the street burst into flames.

"Lord Wen is a corrupt official!"

"Two hundred thousand taels! My God

"Daming was confused by these things!"

"The emperor fell into the water and there was a conspiracy. When Daming was in danger, how dare he kill his king?"

"Liaodong's military expenditure has been delayed for a long time. A right servant of the Ministry of Rites has 200000 silver in his family!"

Listening to the mosquito like buzz, Su xunlu waved: "take it away, who's next?"

"My Lord, the next one is censor Chen Liang."

"What are you doing? Let's go!"

On this day, Su Xun made a series of house raids, and got 5 million taels of silver and countless gold, silver and jewelry. This was because he was greedy for 500000 taels.

Su Xun's courage was too small. If Wei Zhongxian's other sons came, he would be more greedy.

The main reason is that I am not proficient in being a corrupt official for the first time.

Su Xun shared all the money he earned with his subordinates and turned them into a community of interests. If he could make money, these people would help him.

This is a very realistic problem, otherwise people will work for you when they are sick.

Su Xun handed the list to Wei Zhongxian, who encouraged him to leave.

"Adoptive father, this man has just been valued by you, and he has not got 500000 silver. He has also released Ding Baiyin. This kind of greedy and lustful villain is not trustworthy." As soon as Su Xun left, Wei Zhongxian's fourth daughter began to apply eyedrops.Wei Zhongxian took the list and said, "it's just because he is greedy and lustful that we can rest assured. Otherwise, what will he do with me?"

"My adoptive father taught me that." Wei Ting replied.


That night.

Wenxiangge, jiaofangsi, official prostitute, brothel.

All the ministers who have been ransacked will have their women sent here to receive guests.

The female dependents of the ministers have a high face value, and they have a previous status bonus, so many people like to come here to promote economic circulation.

Su Xun is a serious person, so he likes serious women, likes to drive private cars, and is not interested in cars that have been shared by countless people.

However, he can't refuse to accept the kindness of hundreds of households here.

That's too embarrassing for subordinates. They still have to rely on them to do things, so Su Xun Mian is very difficult.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhou, you are here. Please come inside. The girls come out to greet you."

As soon as Su Xun and others arrived at the door, warm fragrant pavilion's mother came out to meet him. Obviously, his subordinates were all old drivers who came here to drive.

The mother here refers to the procuress.

"This is Mr. Su. Call the best girl here to accompany him. Don't worry, you are indispensable for the silver." Li Kuisheng pointed to Su Xun and said.

The procuress smelled the words and looked at Su Xun: "this adult looks a little strange. Come here for the first time."

She knows that these people are all hundreds of households. If they can be called adults, the lowest is vice thousand households. Vice thousand households of the royal guards are already big figures.

"Don't worry about me. I'll have a drink, and the girl won't have to." Su Xun said with a cool smile.

One hundred households said, "how can this be done? It's not for drinking that serious people come to warm fragrant Pavilion."

"You know a fart, we adults certainly don't look up to these mediocre fat vulgar powder who have been played with." Li Kuisheng looked at the procuress and said, "Mom, do you have any young children who haven't received guests yet? This is our new one thousand adults. Don't hide them any more. We'll give you all the money."

"Oh, Hello, my lord Li, can I agree with you when you speak? I really have a little girl in my hand who hasn't broken her body. This is the treasure I have kept all the time. Please come upstairs

Hearing that Su Xun was a thousand households, the smile on the procuress's face was flattering, and the powder was almost falling.

Soon, Su Xun and others came to a private room, and Li Kuisheng, a group of LSPs, hugged a girl.

Not long after, a girl in a pink dress was led in by the procuress: "Mr. Su, this is MiaoTong, Zhou MiaoTong. Now she only accompanies the wine to play the piano and sing songs. She doesn't stay overnight, and she is still innocent."

The implication is that, my Lord, you can choose her to spend the night with you tonight and pull her out of the top.

"Zhou MiaoTong." Su Xun looked at her. She was a character in the plot. She hasn't started to receive guests yet.

In the movie, Zhou MiaoTong was 23 years old when she met Shen Lian in nuanxiangge. Now she looks 17 or 18 years old, tender and pure.

She has a beautiful face and a tall figure. Her pink skirt is wrapped with a concave convex body. Her body is enchanting. Under the gauze, her white shoulders are like condensed fat, showing the peony's bra, especially the beauty.

All the other LSPs were stunned.

"Come here." Su Xun waved.

Zhou MiaoTong pursed her red lips. Encouraged by the procuress's eyes, Lianbu moved to Su Xun's side, and then sat down: "my Lord, I respect you."

There was fear in her eyes, because her family was copied by the royal guards, so she was afraid of the royal guards.

Su Xun held the glass, looked at her and asked, "do you have a sister named Miao Xuan?"

He remembers that when he saw the film, someone in the review area analyzed that miaohuan and MiaoTong were sisters.

Dang ~

the wine cup Zhou MiaoTong just picked up fell off and asked anxiously, "have you met my sister?"

Yes, Miao Xuan's surname is Zhou. Zhou Miao Xuan.

"I'll give her a ransom. Make a price." Su Xun looked at the procuress and said calmly.

The women of Jiaofang department could not be redeemed by giving money, because they were all the daughters of sin ministers, but this was not a problem for Su Xun.

"This..." Procuress is in some danger. She has spent a lot of energy in training Zhou MiaoTong. She regards her as her own cash cow, so how can she have the heart to let go.


A hundred households slapped on the table: "didn't you hear what we adults said? What a price

The procuress shivered with fright and said repeatedly, "as long as you get the document and take her away, how can I take it How about collecting money... "

"Pa", Su Xun patted a silver note on the table and said: "the document will be sent to you tomorrow. In addition, this is the money to redeem her."

"More Thank you very much. Have a good time. " The procuress ran away with silver.Su Xun pulled Zhou MiaoTong into his arms and held her stiff body: "your sister is in my house."

Zhou MiaoTong stares at him.

"I saved her, and she promised me, so you can call me brother-in-law." Su Xun gave a smile.

Zhou miaoxuan is just a plaything for him.

By the way, the witness of King Xin's regicide.

They all looked at each other, holding others and asking them to yell at their brother-in-law.

Zhou MiaoTong clenched her red lips and lowered her head to pour wine for Su Xun: "my Lord, MiaoTong, here's to you."

"You don't have to be afraid of me. It's not me who copied your royal guards." Su Xun held her smooth chin.

Zhou MiaoTong's eyelashes trembled slightly. She didn't dare to look Su Xun in the eye. Her small hand holding the wine glass was trembling slightly.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, he checked out and said that he was going to wash the dust for him. But how did a group of drunkards pay for it? It was Su Xun who paid for it.

And the LSPs are staying here tonight.

This group of people are scheduled to come to white, whoring it.

Su Xun takes Zhou MiaoTong out of the warm fragrant Pavilion.

When the wind blows, the wine will dissipate.

There was no one in the street.

Suddenly, Su Xun stopped.

Because someone is blocking the way ahead.

A handsome man in red is holding an embroidery needle in a leisurely embroidery.

"Asia is invincible."

Su Xun almost blurted out subconsciously.

As long as it's a modern person, anyone who sees this show will think of the Asia invincible for the first time.

"Lord Su knows me."

Dongfang Bubai raised his head, pursed a smile, and looked charming. Su Xun was excited. This guy was just a man, not a girl.

"The leader of the Oriental sect got in the way late at night, but he was entrusted by the king of faith to take his life?" Su Xun asked.

In the detailed list written by Zhou miaoxuan, there is the name of the sun moon cult in heimuya.

So it's not hard to guess why Dongfang Bubai got in the way at night.

"That's right," the Orient unbeaten admitted

"Can the eastern leader know why his highness King Xin wants my life? I think the eastern leader can cooperate with me. " Su Xun was very calm.

Dongfang Bubai smiles: "talents who are better than me are qualified to talk about cooperation with me. If you win, I'll talk about it."

The voice fell, and the embroidery needle in his hand was wrapped by Qi, and shot to Su Xun with the sound of breaking the air.

Su Xun stood still.


The embroidery needle shot at Su Xun's chest, making a clear sound, and he was bounced out directly.

After all, Su Xun was invulnerable and powerful. He was as fast as a shadow. Even if he didn't practice martial arts, he would be invincible on land. If he practiced martial arts, he would be supernatural.

"Practice Kung Fu horizontally."

The Asia invincible was taken aback.

"Master of the Orient, it's my turn."

Su Xun's voice fell down and came out as a shadow.

The speed of Dongfang unbeaten was also very fast. They fought each other in the blink of an eye. Dongfang unbeaten was directly beaten by Su Xun and flew out, spitting blood.

"You don't know martial arts!"

Dongfang Bubai covered his chest and got up from the ground. He looked at Su Xun incredulously.

She could feel that Su Xun had no real Qi and no martial arts in his body, but he was invulnerable, powerful and fast.

Su Xun also looked at him suspiciously, because when he just punched Dongfang Bubai in the chest, he obviously felt a little soft.

Is Asia the invincible a girdle girl?

Which version of the eastern leader is this Tamar?

Seeing Su Xun staring at his chest, Dongfang Bubai also knew that he was exposed. He was a little annoyed. With a cold hum, he used his lightness skills and stepped up in the air. He clapped his hands.

No matter how fast Su Xun is, she can't fly. That's her advantage.

Boom, boom

The explosion of genuine Qi engulfed Su Xun. At that time, smoke and debris were everywhere.

When all the smoke and dust dispersed, Su Xun stood in the same place, but his clothes were rotten.

"How could that be?"

How can there be such an evil thing? A person who has not practiced martial arts is so strong as a tortoise shell.

In the distance, Zhou MiaoTong saw this scene with her mouth wide open, and became Su Xun's shape.

"Master of the Orient, can we talk about it now?"

Su Xun patted the dust on his body and asked.

This understatement made Dongfang unbeaten feel humiliated.

This kind of feeling is like you exert all your strength to cultivate a woman, and then think you are very fierce, but the other side has no feeling.

Dongfang Bubai took a deep breath: "the royal guards are really experts. How do you want to cooperate?""Why is the leader of the Orient willing to help king Xin?" Instead of answering, Su Xun asked in reverse.

Dongfang Bubai looked at him like a fool, but still replied: "of course, it's because his highness Xinwang is the future son of heaven, and he can support my sun moon god religion to unify the river and the lake, which is very powerful."

"Master of the Orient, but if I tell you, your highness King Xin can't control the power even if he becomes emperor?" Su Xun showed the color of banter.

Dongfang Bubai's eyes were uncertain. She didn't understand the struggle in the imperial court. In her opinion, King Xin became emperor, and the whole Ming Dynasty was his. How could she not control the power under the right name.

Su Xun walked to Dongfang Bubai step by step. Dongfang Bubai subconsciously wanted to retreat, but he held back.

Su Xun came to her ear and said in a low voice, "the king of faith wants to kill me because Wei Zhongxian and I have the evidence of his regicide and the list of his supporters. Now Wei Zhongxian has begun to eradicate the people who believe in the king, and he is just a puppet when he ascends the throne."

Feeling the heat of Su Xun's mouth beating on her ears, this wonderful feeling made Dongfang Bubai pretty red, but the information Su Xun revealed made her have no time to think.

"Oriental leader, how about cooperating with my official? It's more useful than cooperating with Xinwang." Su Xun retreated.

As Su Xun retreated, Dongfang Bubai's agitated heart calmed down: "according to you, it's better for us to cooperate with Wei Zhongxian directly?"

Su Xun looked at her like a fool.

"I What's the matter? Am I right? " Being looked at by Su Xun's eyes, the eastern leader was a little annoyed, but he was not strong enough.

Su Xun sighed: "the eastern cult leader is a person in the Jianghu. It's normal that he doesn't understand the situation in the court. Wei Zhongxian controls the government and has great authority. Why does he want to cooperate with you, a person in the Jianghu?"

The implication is that you don't deserve it.

The leader of the Oriental sect was speechless. Yes, Su Xun and Xin Wang chose to cooperate with her because they were weak.

But Wei Zhongxian is so strong, why do you want to cooperate with her? Her sun moon god religion is not qualified.

"How do you want to cooperate?" Since Xinwang's ship is a rotten one, it's natural to jump to survive. Invincible Eastern

, Wei Zhongxian, who was able to resist the feeling of scratching, listened to Su Su's whisper in her ear. "You are in the river, I am in the court, you and I jointly manage the king of letters, and has the final say, I will make the decision."

Sooner or later, it's all a family. What's the difference? The court is mine, and the river is mine.

"What if I help you achieve your goal and you turn your back?" The leader of the Oriental sect is good at learning.

Su Xun sighed: "since the eastern leader doesn't believe me, there is only one way."

"What can I do?" "Oriental invincible asked.

Su Xun said solemnly: "then you sleep with me and turn me into your man..."

"The apprentice!" The East is unbeaten.

Dang! It's like hitting on an iron plate.

Su Xun patted his chest at will: "don't make trouble."

The East is not defeated.

"What do you say?" Su Xun asked.

For a moment, Dongfang Bubai couldn't think of a good way. Suddenly, his eyes fell on Zhou MiaoTong in the distance and said, "if you dare to cross the river and tear down the bridge, I'll spare no effort to spare you. You are invulnerable, but the people around you are never invulnerable."

"OK, it's a deal." Su Xun held out his hand.

Dongfang Bubai was about to give him a high five, then he took his hand back and gave a cold hum.

Su Xun said with a smile: "I'm afraid people all over the world can't think that the famous Oriental leader is actually a woman."

The concubine of the eastern cult leader seems to be called Xue Qianxun. Tut, Lily Saigao, lily is infinitely good.

"Women can still chide and surprise the world." Dongfang Bubai didn't explain much, so he just threw off his red robe and flew away.

A black token came down from the sky.

"If there is something urgent, you can order someone to come to heimuya with this token to find me." The voice of the invincible east came.

Susian, play with the token. Black wood cliff. I have to go there often to turn you into black wood Cough, cough.

"Let's go." Su Xun said to Zhou MiaoTong.

When he got home, Su Xun took Zhou MiaoTong to the inner courtyard and saw Zhou miaotuan painting.


Zhou MiaoTong cried, tears streaming down her face.

Zhou miaoxuan's delicate body trembled, suddenly turned his head, and his brush fell to the ground: "MiaoTong!"

"Sister." Zhou MiaoTong pounced in the past, and the two sisters quietly hugged each other.

For a long time, the two sisters separated. Zhou miaoxuan looked at Su Xun and said, "thank you."

"I happened to meet you. Your sisters chat slowly. I'll go to see Ding Baiying." Su Xun turned and left.

When she came to Ding Baiying's room, her lute bone was pierced by a hook. At this time, she was lying on the bed. Her face was as pale as paper. Because she had to apply medicine, she only wore a white belly pocket, and the spring burst out.Hearing the footsteps, her eyes were lax. Some distracted Ding Baiying turned her head and looked at Su Xun.

Su Xun said, "you two apprentices must die. After all, if you let them go privately, it can be interpreted as lust. But if you let them go, it won't make sense."

Two tears fell from Ding Baiying's eyes.

Su Xun stretched out his hand to wipe it off: "I know you have two apprentices, Ding Xiu and Ding Xian. I don't have people to work for. Let them work for the royal guards."

Ding Xian is Jin Yichuan, Ding Xiu is Jiaqian Jushi, and "that girl is very moist" is his famous saying.

"I'll kill Zhu Youjian." Ding Baiying's voice was dry and hoarse, showing deep resentment.

If she had not fallen in love with Zhu Youjian, she would not have helped King Xin to woo his elder martial brother Lu Wenzhao. His elder martial brother would not have joined King Xin's camp and would not have died now.

If King Xin had not sent her two apprentices to kill Zhou Miaoxian, her two apprentices would not have died.

She hated Su Xun, but because of her elder martial brother Lu Wenzhao's will, she would not do anything to Su Xun, so all her resentment was transferred to King Xin.

As the saying goes, love is deep, hate is cut.

Su Xun gently stroked her smooth face: "I will help you kill him, but not now."

When it's time to replace Zhu Youjian, Su Xun won't let him live.

On the other hand, Asia is pleading guilty.

"Please make atonement, your highness. Su Xun has excellent martial arts. I'm not his opponent." Said the invincible.

Although Wang Xinyan was disappointed and annoyed, he said on the surface, "please get up, as long as the leader gets away safely, you will be relieved."

With the beginning of Wei Zhongxian's great cleansing, he now has no available people in his hands. Only those people who don't understand the situation in the imperial court are easy to cheat.

But what he didn't know was that Dongfang Bubai had already abandoned him and collaborated with Su Xun.

"Dongfang cult leader, you'd better send someone to publicize Wei Zhongxian's bad reputation in the river and lake, saying that the situation of Ming Dynasty is all caused by Wei Zhongxian. It's better to call on people in the river and lake to assassinate Wei Zhongxian."

King Xin wanted to use those people's dedication to serve the country to incite them to assassinate Wei Zhongxian. As long as Wei Zhongxian's old dog died, Su Xun was not worried.

"Asia invincible, yes."

The eastern leader said respectfully.


Three days later, the case of regicide came to an end.

This time, nearly 100 people were involved in the regicide case. On the day of execution, people were killed in the vegetable market.

King Xin's power in the dynasty was almost purged, and all of them were replaced by Wei Zhongxian's own people.

There are still some people who have not been cleaned, but have been deleted by Su Xun. As long as Wei Zhongxian is still alive, these people can be threatened and controlled by him at any time.

When Wei Zhongxian died, Su Xun would have been able to control them without threat.

With the end of the regicide case, Su Xun was affectionately called the eunuch Eagle dog by the Donglin Party scholars.

They hated Su Xun to the bone, but they didn't act rashly, because they were waiting for King Xin to ascend the throne.

As long as king Xin ascends the throne, Wei Zhongxian and Su Xun will all die without a burial place.

Wei Zhongxian is a eunuch, his power comes from the emperor, the emperor will be able to recall him.

In history, it is true that Wei Zhongxian was solved by Emperor Chongzhen's will.

But now it's different.

Wei Zhongxian holds the handle of believing in Wang Jijun, and seven or eight out of ten people in the court are Wei Zhongxian's people. How dare he order to remove Wei Zhongxian?

Therefore, the expectations of these Donglin Party scholars are doomed to fail. When Wang Xinwang ascends the throne, they will find that Wei Zhongxian's eunuch party has gone to a higher level.

At the same time, Su Xun cracked the case of regicide and was promoted by Wei Zhongxian to the governor of the north town of royal guards.

On the first day of promotion, Su Xun arranged for Ding Baiying's two apprentices, Jiaqian Jushi, Ding Xiu and Ding Xian, to join the royal guards, both of whom started from Baihu.

Then Su Xun calmed down and didn't take his followers around, because he was busy looking at some martial arts secret scripts that Tuodong Bubai had found.

"These goods are too low-grade. It seems that we have to find a chance to go out of Beijing and find them by ourselves."

Su Xu knows that many of the world's martial arts are not discovered by anyone. They are evil spirits, sword, Joyoung, the nine Yin manual, and the northern gods.

He wants to collect all the martial arts secrets of the world's cattle and study them. Maybe he will get something.

He also wanted to get hold of the anti evil sword spectrum, and later he took control of the East Hall and let the eunuchs of the East Hall practice.

Lin family's anti evil sword spectrum is evolved from sunflower Scripture, which is easier to learn than sunflower Scripture.

Lin Yuantu was famous for a time with his unsociable sword technique.

If there are 3000 eunuchs under his command who practice evil sword technique, he will dare to sweep the world.

And just stay in the capital, those beautiful women who are yearning for will not come to the door by themselves.

For example, the little dragon girl in the ancient tomb, Yue Lingshan of Huashan sect, Ren Yingying of heimuya, Zhou Zhiruo of Emei sect, and Xiao Zhao of Mingjiao sectThese women are waiting for him to comfort them.

Another month later, in the expectation of both the eunuch party and the Donglin Party, the Apocalypse emperor died.

Zhu Youjian, the king of letters, became emperor. After the seventh year of the apocalypse, he changed his name to the first year of Chongzhen.

Su Xun was the fourth grade official. When Zhu Youjian held the first Grand Court meeting, he was also present.

"If you have something to play early, you have nothing to retreat."

Wang Chengen stood in front of the emperor and cried out.

He was the eunuch who accompanied Chongzhen to hang Meishan.

"I have my own music." A censor came out and looked at Chongzhen and said in a loud voice: "I impeached Wei Zhongxian, the eunuch of Li BingBi, who framed Zhongliang, embezzled and perverted the law, abused his power, bought officials and sold barons, which aroused public indignation several times. His crimes are too numerous to be written down. I ask your majesty to kill Wei zhongxianping!"

"Your Majesty, please punish Wei Zhongxian to calm the people's anger."

"Your Majesty, please punish Wei Zhongxian to calm the people's anger."

Officials of the Donglin Party began to reconsider one after another. Obviously, they had already agreed to surprise Wei Zhongxian.

The eunuchs didn't know that Wei Zhongxian had grasped the evidence of Chongzhen's regicide. For a moment, he was a little flustered.

In fact, there is no so-called eunuch party at all. Eunuch parties are all composed of officials from Chu party, Qi party and other places, because they are so beaten by Donglin Party that they can't resist and can only take refuge in Wei Zhongxian.

Then it was called eunuch party by Donglin Party.

Wei Zhongxian was not in a hurry, and even showed a trace of casual irony in the corner of his mouth.

Su Xun came out: "Duke Wei is loyal and patriotic. Now he has been framed. Please be careful."

"Your Majesty, please see." The eunuchs also responded and spoke for Wei Zhongxian.

All the people of Donglin Party sneer. They have invested in Zhu Youjian for a long time. Now Zhu Youjian is in the top position, which is the end of Donglin Party's rise and castration.

However, what Zhu Youjian said next was that all the members of Donglin Party were smashed.

"Do you have any misunderstandings? I know well that Wei Dapian is dedicated to serving the country."

Chongzhen said with disgust that he wanted to take Wei Zhongxian to the vegetable market and behead him now.

But he can't. now the court and the palace are all Wei Zhongxian's people, and he is caught in the small pigtail of regicide, so he can only choose to stand on Wei Zhongxian's side.

Donglin Party directly confused, raised his head and looked at Chongzhen incredulously. His eyes were like a group of abandoned women looking at a scum man.

Your majesty, that's not what you were!

At the beginning, you hated Wei Zhongxian to the bone. How did you change your mind to us one day after you ascended the throne?

"Your Majesty, I'm wronged. I'm all for your majesty and Daming, but now I'm attacked and raped by a group of people with ulterior motives. I'm suffering!"

"Old slave, please your majesty treat the crimes framed by these people with ulterior motives, and exchange the old slave's innocence."

Wei Zhongxian knelt down in front of the emperor and cried.

Chongzhen was in a dilemma for a moment, because those people were his last supporters.

Su Xun once again handed the sword: "tell your majesty, the royal guards found out that Gao Chun, the censor who just took the lead in framing Duke Wei, was corrupt and perverted the law, and forced to expropriate farmland. Since he has been greedy for hundreds of thousands of silver in just a few years, please see clearly!"

Which official in the court is not under the surveillance of his royal guards? He has already found out that if he catches a corrupt official, he will kill one.

However, for the time being, we can only deal with the Donglin Party, and only when he replaces Wei Zhongxian can we attack the eunuch party.

"Su Xun, you You're spitting blood Gao Chun's face turned pale and stuttered to refute Su Xun.

Su Xun sneered: "since the censor Gao said that I was speechless, why don't you ask your majesty and your ministers to go to the censor Gao's house and have a clear look?"

"Your majesty! I'm guilty! I'm guilty Gao Chun kneels down in a hurry to beg for mercy.

Chongzhen showed disgust: "the royal guards immediately find out this matter, if it is true, there is no amnesty for killing."

"I will comply with the order." Su Xun retreats, and Gao Chun is dragged out by the warrior in front of the hall.

The people of Donglin Party suddenly feel cold. They have always regarded Chongzhen as an unreliable player!

Next, Wei Zhongxian reported a large number of so-called meritorious officials. Chongzhen was like a ruthless order machine. He was promoted and arranged in turn.

Su Xun was not on the promotion list because he was promoted to governor only a month ago.

Moreover, it's not easy for him to be promoted next, because he is Xu Xianchun and Tian ergeng. These two people have been close friends with Wei Zhongxian for many years.

So Su Xun had to find a way to get rid of them or kill them before he could go up.

Is he too bad?

But it's not bad to have bad feelings.

He saved the state of Ming.

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