Su Fu.

The house Wei Zhongxian sent at will belonged to the servant of some unfortunate official department. It's big and white Sorry, the house should be big and luxurious.

Big and white is a word for steamed bread.

Don't get me wrong, it's the steamed bread that can be eaten.

In the pavilion and waterside pavilion, Su Xun is lying lazily on Zhou miaohuan's leg, and Zhou MiaoTong is peeling the grape skin for him.

The two sisters are wearing the same light gauze, with exquisite figure and full of visual enjoyment.

In the open space outside the pavilion, Ding Baiying dressed up in a blue man's suit with a long knife in her hand.

Ding Baiying has a good figure. After all, she is a martial arts practitioner and can complete many difficult movements.

Su Xun gained a lot of happiness from her.

But now Su Xun is not in the mood to join Feifei No, it should be that he wants to join Bai Ying, because he is thinking about how to bring Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun down.

After all, he was a good man and kind-hearted man since he was a child. He was not good at doing these tricks.

So when used to being a good man, he suddenly wants to do something bad, but he doesn't know where to start.

"Why, our famous Royal Guard Zhenfu envoy, Mr. Su, is still worried?" Seeing Su Xun's melancholy, Zhou miaoxuan teased him and gave him a white, soft and boneless hand to massage his temple.

Su Xun sighed: "Mr. Xu Xianchun, Mr. Xu and Mr. Tian'er are old. My subordinates are thinking about how to help them retire early."

He's really worried about his old boss.

Zhou MiaoTong smelled that Yan's face was strange. So, they really thank you.

"What's the expression? Give me a smile." Su Xun held Zhou MiaoTong's smooth and white chin.

When Zhou MiaoTong heard the speech, she opened her face with a smile, opened her lips gently, and called out: "Ye AI ~"

she really didn't wait for nothing in nuanxiang Pavilion. She was proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and was good at playing, playing and singing. The key was that she was pure and charming in temperament.

No wonder the mother of nuanxiange doesn't want to let her go. Zhou MiaoTong is her masterpiece.

The evil spirit could only be subdued by Su Xun, a holy monk who had taken scriptures on the way to the West.

"In fact, it's very simple. Now Wei Zhongxian is monopolizing power in the court. But the more he is at this time, the more sensitive he is. What if Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun collude with the emperor and want to replace him?" Zhou miaoxuan said slowly.

Su Xun's eyes lit up: "what he said is very true. Why didn't I think of such a simple question."

It seems that I am still too kind.

Zhou miaoxuan rolled his eyes. Recently, he thought about the method on the three of them every day. He had thought about it for a long time.

"Take the four treasures of the study." Su Xun called out.

Zhou MiaoTong put down the grape and left.

They don't want servant girls when they are alone. They are all Wei Zhongxian's people.

Su Xun didn't want to know what posture he used to subdue the female goblin at night.

A few minutes later, Zhou MiaoTong came back with some paper and pens, knelt down on the ground, spread out the writing paper, and then helped him grind it with his sleeve. He behaved gracefully.

Su Xun got up, took the pen and began to write.

He wrote two letters to two of the eunuchs who held high positions in the court.

Su Maoxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment.

Cui Chengxiu, Minister of the Ministry of war.

These two are two of Wei Zhongxian's five tigers, occupying two of the six Shangshu, which can be seen that they are widely used.

However, with Wei Zhongxian's job, they secretly collude with King Xin. The last time they cleaned up by means of the regicide case, Su Xun gave Wei Zhongxian no two of them on the list. He suppressed their confession of collusion with King Xin and did not report it.

At that time, he just wanted to prepare for a rainy day so that he could use it to threaten these people for his own use in the future, but he didn't expect to use it now.

Sure enough, primary school teachers are right. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

Wei Zhongxian won't believe it when he accuses Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun of colluding with Zhu Youjian, but it's not the same when he asks Cui Chengxiu and Su Maoxiang to frame him.

After that, he put it in an envelope, and then Su Xun said to Zhou miaoxuan, "imitate Zhu Youjian's handwriting and write a letter to Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun respectively."

Zhou miaoxuan is a master of painting. She is not only good at painting, but also good at imitating. She is very familiar with Zhu Youjian's handwriting, so it is not difficult to imitate.

Not only was Zhu Youjian green by Zhou miaoxuan, but he also welcomed the back stabs from the traitors, husband and wife.

"Good." Zhou miaoxuan chuckled and put up his pen to write in Zhu Youjian's tone and handwriting.

The general content is that Xu wooed Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun with high officials and wealth, and even promised that they would be Marquis once Wei Zhongxian was overthrown.

After the four letters had been written, when the ink was dry, Su Xun called out, "Bai Ying."

"My Lord." Ding Baiying drew back her knife, stepped forward, knelt on one knee outside the pavilion, and bowed her head to listen to the order.

Although she has had a deep communication with Su, she always regards Su Xun as her boss.Her heart was cold as ice.

But it doesn't matter, because for Su Xun, as long as her body is still hot.

Su Xun arranged the four letters: "put these two letters in Cui Chengxiu's and Su Maoxiang's study, and hide them in Tian ergeng's and Xu Xianchun's bedrooms."

"Yes, sir." Ding Baiying picked up the letter and left.

Seeing Ding Baiying leave, Su Xun was in a good mood and began to play with sister Zhou miaoxuan.

The curtain was rolled up by the wind, and the laughter of silver bells in the pavilions floated with the wind and disappeared in the wind

Time flies to the afternoon.

Zhouji teahouse, a private room of LAN brand.

Dressed in plain clothes, Cui Chengxiu and Su Maoxiang came to the door of the private room with anger and uneasiness.

They looked at each other and knocked on the door.

"Dong Dong..."

"Come in." There was a quiet voice.

When they opened the door, they saw Su Xun, who had been waiting for a long time in a white robe.

"Two ministers, please let me wait."

Su Xun looked at them with a smile.

They feel more disgusting than eating dead flies.

After closing the door, urge Chengxiu to hum coldly: "Su Xun, you don't want to threaten us. You privately intercept the confession to threaten us to frame Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun. It's hard for Duke Wei to know you."

"I framed Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun as internal strife at most, but they are domestic thieves." Su Xun took a sip of the cup and said carelessly.

Cui Chengxiu and Su Maoxiang look very ugly, which is why they have to come to meet.

Once Wei Zhongxian knew that they had colluded with King Xin at the beginning, and Wei Zhongxian's stronger power wanted to move them now, even though they were in high positions, there was no chance to struggle.

Su Xun said with a smile: "you two adults, as long as you do as I say, I promise that those stupid things you do will never be known by the factory."

"And then I've been threatened by you, right?" Su Maoxiang said coldly.

Su Xun put down his tea cup: "it's better to die than to be threatened by me, or even to implicate his family."

There was no expression on their faces, no joy or anger.

"Two adults, now our company is the only one in the court. Without foreign enemies, it's inevitable to fight inside. Even if you are in a high position, it's hard to avoid being attacked. After all, you are too high. Everyone wants to stand up and have a look at the scenery."

"The three of us can work together. Once I have the power of the royal guards, the two adults will definitely have nothing to worry about. Why not?"

Within the eunuch party, there are several parties that can't beat the Donglin Party. They have never been monolithic. Now that the Donglin Party is weak, the eunuch party will start to fight for power and profit.

Su Maoxiang and Cui Chengxiu look at each other. They think Su Xun's proposal is good. The main reason is that they have no choice. They are better to unite than to be threatened.

At least it's good for both sides.

"Tell me what we should do."

Cui Chengxiu took a sip from the cup.

Su xunlu said, "you just need to remind the emperor of the correspondence between Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun three days later. The rest of the factory officials will check it themselves, and they will certainly find out the evidence."

With Wei Zhongxian's sensitive attitude at this time, once he suspects that Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun have problems, he will send someone to search their house secretly.

Su Xun asked Ding Baiying to put the two letters in the bedroom where they were most easily searched by the royal guards and the East Chamber Fanzi, so as to ensure that the letters could be found.

"Good." They agreed.

Su Xun got up and said, "those two are tasting tea slowly. I have something else to do. I'll go first. Goodbye."

Seeing Su Xun leave, they looked at each other, then hummed coldly: "dog bites dog."

There is also a chain of discrimination within the eunuch party. The royal guards and the East chamber are the enemies of all officials.

Because the royal guards and the east hall are not only looking at the officials of the Donglin Party, but also at them. After all, the royal guards and the east hall are promoted by this.


Three days later, Wei Zhongxian's residence.

"What's the matter with you two at our house?" Wei Zhongxian's heart trembled when he saw the two generals, Cui Chengxiu and Su Maoxiang, coming together.

Cui Chengxiu said: "Mr. Chang, we have heard a lot of rumors recently. Please be very careful."

"What rumors?" Even Cui Chengxiu and Su Maoxiang wanted to remind Wei Zhongxian that his face was dignified.

Su Maoxiang said: "Mr. Chang, there is a rumor that Tian ergeng, commander of the royal guards, and Xu Xianchun, commander of the royal guards, secretly have correspondence with your majesty. I'm afraid they will do harm to Mr. Chang, so I'm here to remind you."

"Nonsense, Xu Xianchun is loyal to us, and Tian ergeng is familiar with us for the new year. It must be mostly to alienate us. You two don't have to care." Wei Zhongxian can not deny that.At the same time, Cui Chengxiu and Su Mao bowed to each other and said, "I hope the factory master will be very careful. I have to deal with the government affairs, so I won't disturb the factory master."

They didn't say any more. If they said more, they didn't call it a reminder. It was more like they were trying to frame Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun.

Looking at Cui Chengxiu and Tian ergeng's departure, Wei Zhongxian's face, which can't be denied, suddenly turned chilly, and yelled at the door: "come on."

"Adoptive father." Wei Ting came in. She was Wei Zhongxian's most trusted person. In the movie, Wei Zhongxian was demoted and left Beijing with her.

Wei Zhongxian put down his tea cup and said, "stare at Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun, and search their families for any letters from the palace."

"Yes, daughter, yes." Wei Ting left.

Xu Xianchun is not good at martial arts, but Tian ergeng is good at martial arts. But he can sneak in and search while he is not at home, so it's not difficult.

That night, two letters were presented to Wei Zhongxian. Wei Zhongxian's face was as gloomy as water.

Although only these two letters were found, Xu Xianchun and Tian ergeng didn't take the initiative to hand them over to him, and they didn't confess to him, which means that they were moved.

Moreover, as a eunuch of BingBi, he was sure that this was the handwriting of Emperor Zhu Youjian.

After all, the emperor promised to be a marquis, which is the merit of generations. A eunuch may not care, but Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun certainly do.

"Two dogs eating inside and outside."

Wei Zhongxian sternly scolded one, in the eye a murderous opportunity flashed over: "summon Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun."

"Yes, Mr. Chang." There was a sound outside the door.

"Call again the governor of Beizhen, the governor of Zhenfu, and the envoy of Zhenfu, Su Xun!"

"Yes, Mr. Chang."

Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun are sure to be dismissed. If they are dismissed, they need to find a replacement. At this time, the most suitable one in the royal guards is Su Xun, the governor of Beizhen.

Inviting Su Xun is also a warning to others. Let Su Xun see what happens when he betrays him. Let Su Xun know that Wei Zhongxian can hold people up and make them fall.

Half an hour later, Su Xun and Tian ergeng met Xu Xianchun at the gate of Wei Zhongxian's residence.

"Lord Tian, Lord Xu."

Su Xun will greet them all the way.

"Mr. Chang also called you. What's the matter?" Seeing Su Xun and Xu Xianchun, Tian ergeng frowned and said curiously.

Xu Xianchun shook his head: "I don't know."

"Two adults, let's go first. If we go in, we'll know." Su Xun said with a smile.

In this way, Tian ergeng took the lead, Xu Xianchun took the second place, and Su Xun took the last step and entered the Wei mansion.

"I'll see you in my humble position."

After meeting Wei Zhongxian, the three paid homage.

Wei Zhongxian was expressionless and silent.

A sense of depression enveloped Xu Xianchun and Tian ergeng. They were shocked and had a bad premonition.

"I have two letters here. Commander Tian and Lord Xu, please have a look." Wei Zhongxian threw the letter in front of the two people and said blandly.

Hearing Wei Zhongxian's address, Tian ergeng and Xu Xianchun were scared out of their wits. Resisting their fear, they slowly picked up the writing paper on the ground and were shocked.

"This This letter must have been written by the emperor to alienate us. Mr. Chang, I am loyal to you! "

"Yes, Mr. Chang. Let alone we didn't receive the letter, even if we received it. Of course, laudeno is actually a traitor arranged by Songshan sect to Huashan sect. He is the third disciple of zuolingchen.

Rodeno's acting skills are very good, but Yue buqun has known about him for a long time. At last, he took advantage of rodeno. This time, he sent rodeno and Yue Lingshan to Fuzhou to get rid of the surveillance of Songshan school, because Yue buqun was plotting against the evil spirits of the Lin family.

Su Xun was interested in both the anti evil sword spectrum and the Zixia magic skill of Huashan sect. He also wanted to get the Dugu nine sword in the Siguo cliff of Huashan sect.

He came to Fuzhou just for the exorcism sword spectrum hidden in the Lin family's old house, but he didn't expect that he happened to meet Xiaoao's opening plot.

In this case, it's just the right time to get the Zixia magical skill and the anti evil sword spectrum of Huashan school together.

Ding Baiying didn't know that Su Xun had so many ideas. She really thought that he just wanted to have a rest.

They dismounted and led the horse.

"Please come in." Rodeno came out, dressed up as an old man with a smile on his face.

Su Xun and Ding Baiying sat down at a table and said, "a pot of green tea and some cooked food."

Yue Lingshan pretends to be an ugly girl. She bends down and is busy. Her figure is enchanting. When she bends down, her buttocks are like a full moon, which can give people infinite reverie.

Seeing that Su Xun was staring at Yue Lingshan all the time, Ding Baiying admired his taste. Such an ugly girl could watch with relish. She was not picky about food.

"The wine of two guests." Yue Lingshan came over with a pot of wine and put it on the table in a clear voice.

Ding Baiying's eyes were slightly fixed, because Yue Lingshan's hands looked very white and tender, her voice was clear and crisp, her body was enchanting, her face was ugly and rough, but her hands were smooth and tender, which was obviously disguised with the technique of changing face.No wonder Su Xun was staring at her all the time. He had noticed these details for a long time. Ding Baiyin admired her meticulous observation.

Feeling the admiration in Ding Baiying's eyes, Su Xun blinked a little foolishly. Didn't I pretend to be forced?

Yue Lingshan and laudeno look at each other, because they also see that Ding Baiying is a martial arts practitioner.

"Drive! Drive

At this time, accompanied by the sound of the horse's hooves, several riding horses, led by a handsome man dressed in black, riding a white horse, like a small recipient.

After confirming his eyes, this is Lin Pingzhi, the young escort leader of Fuwei escort agency.

Xiaoao is a sad character in the world. He is a rich second generation with a good sense of justice. It is because he helped Yue Lingshan stand out in this wine shop and killed Yu Renyan, the son of Yu Canghai of Qingcheng school.

Then the Lin family was exterminated by the Qingcheng sect. He wanted to revenge. Later, he was accepted as a disciple by Yue buqun. He believed in Yue buqun, but he didn't expect that Yue buqun was just plotting his exorcism sword.

Finally, he became blind and blackened himself.

"Lao Cai! Lao Cai came out to lead the horse. "

One of the strong men dismounted and cried.

Rodeno quickly walked out: "several guests are invited. Lao Cai has returned to his hometown. This wine shop has been ordered down by the old man. Just call me Lao SA."

"Last pot of green bamboo leaves." When Lin Pingzhi spoke, he subconsciously took a look at Ding Baiying.

Because Ding Baiying is very tough and very soulful.

The other dart heads who accompanied Lin Pingzhi out hunting all joked: "little dart head, you don't have a crush on other girls. You have a good eye."

"If you really like it, you should go up and talk to me. There are not so many rules for people in the Jianghu."

"Yes, little dart leader, ha ha ha..."

"One more word, I'll cut your tongues off." Ding Baiying's pretty face was as cold as ice.

Lin Pingzhi quickly got up and apologized: "this girl is calm down. I'm Lin Pingzhi, the young escort leader of Fuwei escort agency. My uncles offend girls so much in words. I'm here to accompany them."

"If you talk nonsense, you'll be dead. If you're very old, you need a child to apologize for you." Su Xun took a sip of the tea bowl and said slowly.

He has a good impression of Lin Pingzhi, but he doesn't like other people in Fuwei escort agency. After reading the original novel, he knows that these people also like to bully others.

The faces of the four escorts were very ugly, but seeing Lin Ping's eyes, they didn't say any more.

"There's a hotel ahead. Go and have a drink."

A Sichuan sound sounded, and two young people came in from the outside. It was Yan, a member of Qingcheng school, and Jia Laoer, a Longtao who didn't deserve to be remembered by Su Xun.

"What would you like to drink, my guest?"

Yue Lingshan came forward to say hello.

"Oh, I thought the back was gorgeous, but the front looked like old hemp skin."

Looking at Yue Lingshan's disguised face, Yu Renyan looks disgusted and comments.

When Lin Pingzhi heard the words, he was angry. He directly slapped the case and said, "what are you, two insolent bastards, who dare to come to our Fuzhou mansion to have a wild life?"

Before the blackening, Lin Ping had a strong sense of justice.

Compared with the protagonist Linghu Chong, Su Xun prefers to be Lin Pingzhi before blackening. He is more suitable to be the protagonist.

Look at what Linghu Chong has done. As a righteous disciple, he has made friends with Tian boguang, a flower picking thief. He is not clear about the demon sect. He was raised by Huashan and taught martial arts, but he has no contribution to Huashan sect.

If he's a bad guy, he's supposed to be a good guy. Is that what a good guy should do?

This horse riding is clearly what Su Xun should do!

What's more, even Su Xun couldn't tolerate Tian boguang, a flower picker who specialized in harming women.

Because beauty wants him to do harm!

"Gee, who are you cursing?" Yu Renyan heard this also came to temper.

Lin Pingzhi looks handsome. When he is called rabbit, he gets angry and smashes the wine pot.

"Gee, you want to die!"

Yu Renyan and Jia Laoer get up to fight. Lin Pingzhi's four dart heads also pull out their swords.

"If you want to go out and play, don't disturb my tea."

Su Xun said softly.

"Which son of a tortoise are you? I'm a disciple of Qingcheng sect. Let me get out of here. What are you?"

Jia Laoer points at Su Xun and yells at him.

"Puyi --"

the light of the knife flashed by, and Jia Laoer pointed to Su Xun's hand, which was cut off directly, and blood splashed everywhere.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Jia Laoer screamed and fell to the ground.

Ding Baiying put the sword back to the scabbard without expression.

There was a terrible silence in the wine shop. Everyone looked at Ding Baiying incredulously, because they didn't even see how she started.Ding Baiying is a master in the middle of the congenital period. The last group of people in the wine shop are only in the early days after tomorrow. It's strange that they can see Ding Baiying's drawing skills clearly.

Yu Renyan first reacted and subconsciously pointed to Su Xun. Then he suddenly thought of something and took his hand back. He said: "boy, you dare to fight against the disciples of Qingcheng sect. You're dead."

"Even your father dare not talk to me like that." Su Xun gave him a cold look, which made Yu Renyan's body stiff in the same place.

Su Xun got up, looked at Yue Lingshan and said, "Miss Yue, come with me."

"You..." Yue Lingshan was struck by lightning. She couldn't understand how she had exposed her identity.

The next second, before she could react, Su Xun had already appeared in front of him. He tore off the mask on her face and showed a pretty face.

Lin Pingzhi was confused. Why did he feel that no one in this small wine shop was a normal person.

"It's the same face."

Su Xun pinched Yue Lingshan's chin and commented.

"Let her go!"

Although rodeno is the traitor arranged by Songshan sect to Huashan sect, his apparent identity is Yue Lingshan's elder martial brother, so he can't wait to save himself.

But he just had some action, the knife in Ding Baiying's hand was already on his neck.

"Go back and tell Yue buqun that if you want his daughter to be OK, you can exchange it for Zixia's magical skill."

Good guy, Su Xun directly engaged in kidnapping and extortion.

Hearing the speech, Yue Lingshan blurted out: "you dare to play the idea of Zixia magic power. My father will not let you go. You are definitely not his opponent."

"If he doesn't give it, I'll sleep with his daughter and be a family with him. The family can't speak two languages." Su Xun showed the color of banter.

"You dream!" Yue Lingshan said with shame and anger

Su Xun and Yue Lingshan are just about to leave, but Lin Pingzhi has the courage to stop him.

"Brother, please release this..."

The words behind him suddenly stuck, because not far away suddenly the sound of horses' hooves was like thunder, and smoke was everywhere.

Soon, more than one hundred royal guards galloped to the scene under the leadership of Ding Xian.

Qi Qi turned over and dismounted. Ding Xian quickly ran to Su Xun and knelt down on one knee: "see you

The wine shop fell into strange silence again.

Royal Guards! The famous royal guards!

The Royal Guards not only make the common people and officials fear, but also make the people in the Jianghu dare not provoke.

Although these people in the Jianghu often scold the imperial eagle dogs, they can go as far as they meet the royal guards, because it's really RBQ!

The imperial court is the biggest power in the world.

"What did you just say?"

Su Xun asked Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's face turns pale. He wants to save Yue Lingshan in his heart, but he doesn't dare to make trouble for his family.

"Please calm down, my little dart leader made a slip of the tongue for a moment. I hope people don't take it seriously."

A dart leader pulled Lin Pingzhi back.

"If you can't get along any day, come to the capital to find my official."

Su Xun throws a token to Lin Ping, and then robs Yue Lingshan to leave.

In the novel, Lin Pingzhi is a talent to practice the anti evil sword, which is needed by the east hall after Su Xun.

But now Lin Pingzhi didn't kill Yu Renyan, and the Lin family didn't destroy the family. He shouldn't use this token. Anyway, he just played chess at random.

Until seeing a large number of royal guards go away, the rest of the people in the wine shop were relieved at the same time.

"Jia Laoer, you should admit your bad luck." Yu Renyan took a sympathetic look at the broken arm Jia Laoer.

Although Jia Laoer had a hundred unwilling, he could only pick up his broken hand depressed.

Rodeno left without saying a word.

"Less dart leader, let's go too."

Four escorts persuade Lin Pingzhi to leave.

Jia Lao Er, who had broken his arm, had nowhere to get angry. His eyes fell on Lin Ping's face. If it wasn't for this guy, how could he get into trouble with the royal guards.

"It's not so easy to go. I don't want to go because you broke one of your hands. If you don't kneel down and kowtow to me today, none of you will go!"

Jia old two gnash teeth of say.

In the original novel, Lin Pingzhi was forced to kowtow and shout uncle, so he would not die if he did not die.

"Although this elder brother is a disciple of Qingcheng sect, his behavior is too deceptive."

Knowing that they were disciples of Qingcheng sect, the four escorts of the Lin family were not so impulsive.

However, their fear of the fame of Qingcheng school fell into Yu Renyan's and Jia Laoer's eyes. On the contrary, they became the base of their indomitable and aggressive spirit.

After a quarrel, the two sides got into a fight. Yu Renyan is the son of the leader of Qingcheng school. He has excellent martial arts skills, and he is not inferior to many.

After Lin Pingzhi was subdued by him, he subconsciously touched a dagger on his leg, stabbed it directly, and then killed Yu Renyan. Jia Laoer saw this scene, and was scared to rob a horse and run away.Although Su Xun influenced the course of the story, his blunder led to the original result.

So in the future, Lin Pingzhi may really want to enter the East Hall, which he is in charge of, as a flower.


Su Xun and Yue Lingshan share a horse.

Gallop to Fuzhou City.

Yue Lingshan was hugged by Su Xun. She blushed and softened. She knew everything.

"If you let me down, I can't run away. I I'm going to ride a horse with that woman. " Yue Lingshan said breathlessly, she really can't stand it.

Even though she and her elder martial brother Linghu Chong only had physical contact in the fight, it was the first time that she was so close to a strange man that it was hard to explain.

She couldn't control the body's natural reactions.

She was ashamed to find that she was held by Su Xun, and she was so excited that she couldn't describe it.

Su Xun said with a smile, "she likes men, but she doesn't like women, so you'd better stay at ease."

"You You are shameless Yue Lingshan scolded.

Su Xun laughed: "it's not a lady from a big family. People in the Jianghu don't care about trifles."

Yue Lingshan is about to cry. Do you call it informal for women and men to share a horse?

What she likes is elder martial brother Linghu. If elder martial brother knows, he will think she is not clean.

Linghu Chong's hair is turning into spinach.

After entering Fuzhou City, Su Xun took people straight to the old house of the Lin family, and then found the old cassock on the beam, which was written with the evil sword technique.

Lin Yuantu was a monk before, so the sword technique was written on the cassock.

"What is this?" Asked Yue Lingshan.

Ding Baiying also looks at Su Xun curiously.

Su Xun replied, "it's a very powerful and evil sword technique. Your father Yue buqun always wanted it."

As he said that, his face became strange.

In his mind, he still remembers a classic scene in the TV play. Yue buqun's wife bought a lot of cloth to make clothes, and asked Yue buqun and Lin Pingzhi to see if she liked the cloth she bought.

After that, Yue buqun and Lin Pingzhi, who had already practiced the evil sword technique from the palace, just came into the room, and at the same time picked up a piece of red cloth, they couldn't put it down and praised each other. They also flattered each other, saying that heroes think alike.

But that piece of enchanting red cloth was intended to be used by ningzhongze to make clothes for himself and his daughter, so ningzhongze's face was brilliant at that time.

"How do you know my father wants it?" Yue Lingshan turned her lips. Huashan's Zixia magic skill is a profound mental skill. Can his father like other skills?

Su Xun said with a meaningful smile: "at that time, help me to ask your father if he has the idea of going to the East Hall. We east hall need talents like him."

Yue buqun, a hypocrite, is also a cruel man.

Anyone who can cut his own chirp is a cruel man.

Wei Zhongxian was a eunuch in his own palace. Look, he is nine thousand years old now.

So ah, anyone who is ruthless can make a career with his ruthlessness.

(if the plot needs to be, the reader should not imitate it.)

"Bah, you just went to the east hall!" Yue Lingshan stares at him. Of course, she knows that the East Hall is eunuch.

"I'd like to inform you, the magistrate of Fuzhou, to see you."

At this time, Ding Xian came in to report.

When he heard that he had come to Fuzhou, the magistrate of Fuzhou immediately came so far to ask for a meeting, which showed that there was a corrupt official.

Mostly for gifts and flattery.

Well, let's cut in Fuzhou first.

These merchants are getting richer and richer. They are all big fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered in the pigsty.

"Let him in." Su Xun said lightly.

Soon, an official with fat head and big ears and flattering face trotted in and bowed to him from a distance: "next officer, Xie an, the governor of Fuzhou, specially brought Fuzhou officials to see the commander."

The magistrate of Fuzhou is a senior official, while Su Xun is a senior official.

Of course, what's more important is that Su Xun was a Beijing official, and he was highly valued by Wei Zhongxian, so he was more worthy of flattering and flattering these local officials.

Yue Lingshan turned her lips when she saw this scene. It was because of the East Hall, the royal guards and the flattering officials in these places that the whole world was in a mess.

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