"Thank you, please."

Su Xun said blandly.

This indifference made Xie an even more nervous. After all, the commander of the royal guards came to his territory, and he didn't know if he was in trouble.

The best way to get along with the royal guards is not to get along with them all your life.

"Lord Xie, go back and help me prepare a banquet. I'm going to invite Fuzhou gentry. I'll stop at the post station and let me know when I'm ready." Su Xun said.

Xie an was relieved. It seemed that he just came to ask for money, so he was easy to get rid of: "yes, my Lord."

Then Xie an left.

"Send someone to the hidden stake of the royal guards to get a copy of the information of the rich gentry in Fuzhou." Su Xun ordered.

Although most of the gentry in this era are not benevolent for the sake of wealth, if there are really two good people, Su Xun is also a good person. Good people don't kill good people.

"I'll do it

Ding Xian went out to give orders.

Yue Lingshan's big Naizi was full of doubts: "what are you going to do?"

"Miss Yue, you talk a little too much." Su Xun looked at her, and there was a warning in his eyes.

Yue Lingshan was so scared that her breath stopped. Then she remembered that she was the notorious royal guards.

As soon as he got back to the post station, someone immediately sent the details of the Fuzhou gentry to him.

Su Xun's face became colder and colder.

"What a businessman, without borders."

"Pa!" The paper in hand was slapped on the table by him, and the table collapsed suddenly.

Yue Lingshan saw this scene, sitting on the edge of the bed carefully, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe a, afraid of each other angry heart with their own fire.

The reason why Su Xun was so angry was that these merchants not only bullied the people and manipulated the grain market, but also colluded with Japanese pirates.

In the late Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates were serious, especially in Fuzhou, where they often landed and plundered.

These gentry joined hands with the Japanese pirates to rob the city of gold, silver and jewelry, and then divide the accounts.

This is a national thief!

Damn it! Damn it all! death is not to be regretted!

In Su Xun's eyes, the killing intention was almost overflowing, and Yue Lingshan was scared to be pretty and white.

"Come here!" Su Xun called.

Yue Lingshan beat a spirit, clenched the pink lips, slowly got up and walked to Su Xun's side.

Su Xun pulled her into his arms. The warm and fragrant nephrite was infinite, and the fragrant wind came to his face.

"Ah! What are you doing! "

Yue Lingshan's hair stood up.

"You say, should they die?"

Susian held her and pointed to the document.

Yue Lingshan subconsciously looked at it. The more she looked, the more absorbed she was. She even forgot that she was still held by Su Xun.

"Damn it! These bastards

Miss Yue is an age full of sense of justice.

After reading the evil deeds of the gentry in the documents, I was so angry that the granary was full of ups and downs.

Su Xun, who was already angry, was even more angry.

Then he pinches her chin and kisses her. Doesn't the commanding officer of the royal guards mean to do whatever he wants?

Yue Lingshan is pretty and pink, her body trembles.

"I don't want to ~"

but she doesn't count.

Yue Lingshan couldn't resist Su Xun's kiss. Her eyes were foggy, as if she had been drained of all her strength, so she was paralyzed in Su Xun's arms.

Feeling her belt untied layer upon layer, Yue Lingshan's mind was blank and desperate.

Elder martial brother, Lingshan is not clean.

Linghu Chong: Thank you, younger martial sister, for thinking about me at this time, so that I have a sense of participation.

"My Lord, magistrate Xie has sent a message that he has prepared a banquet in Tianxiang Pavilion, and all the gentry in Fuzhou have arrived." Ding Xian's voice suddenly rang out of the door.

Su Xun loosed Yue Lingshan, got up and said, "put it on yourself."

It looks like a scum man.

Yue Lingshan forced herself to stand up, straightened her skirt with shaking hands, and then tied her belt.

"You are going to marry me."

Yue Lingshan said with two lines of tears.

Although she likes Linghu Chong, they have been polluted by Su Xun. It's useless to like them any more.

Because she is no longer clean. If Su Xun doesn't marry her, she has only two choices.

"I would like to inform you that among the 14 families, including the magistrate Xie an, the royal guards have not copied 15 million taels of silver, and there are countless gold, silver, jade, calligraphy and paintings."

Ding Xian replied respectfully.

"With my command, I transferred people from the capital to send five million silver, gold, silver, jade, calligraphy and paintings to the capital."

That's right. Su Xun wants to buy ten million liang of them.

He gave it all to Wei Zhongxian.

This 10 million taels is enough for him to train a strong army secretly. He has already thought about the training place.Heimuya!

Blackwood cliff is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is most suitable to use the sun moon god cult as a cover to train troops.

He needs an army of his own.

If the royal guards are strong, they will be strong. But on the front battlefield, there is only one way to die.

"I will do my duty."

Ding Xian was Su Xun's confidant. He didn't ask so many questions. He just answered and turned away.

At the same time, Su Xun's memorial was also written.

The content of the memorial is nothing more than a detailed account of the crimes of the local gentry and magistrate Xie an in Fuzhou.

He knew that once the incident was introduced to the capital, it would certainly cause a great sensation. There would be many memorials to impeach him like snowflakes.

But he didn't care.

Let alone Wei Zhongxian.

With the evidence of Zhu Youjian's regicide in his hand, Zhu Youjian doesn't dare to do anything about him

he wants to take this opportunity to clean up his future Daming kingdom.

"Come in when you come."

Su Xun closed the memorial and said a word.

The next moment, accompanied by the fragrance, a beautiful woman in red flew in.

It's sister Dongfang.

She usually shows people how to dress up as a woman. Outsiders only think that she is like this because she has practiced sunflower Scripture, but they don't know that she is a woman.

True or false, false or true.

"What can I do for you, Su Da

With a wave of the eastern unbeaten robe, the door closed.

"I'm going to train a new army in the name of the sun moon god religion on your black cliff." Su Xun said.

Dongfang Bubai floated to the table in front of Su Xun and sat down. He said with a smile: "secret training, it seems that our Lord Su is willing to surrender."

"Just be prepared." Su Xun didn't explain.

Dongfang Bubai came close and stared at him: "you are more suitable to be an Emperor than that guy who is suspicious and sick and always likes to play in secret."

Looking at the red lips close at hand, Su Xun quickly kisses her like a dragonfly skimming water.

"You..." East Asia is invincible.

Su Xun said with a smile: "the people of the Jianghu don't care about trifles. I don't think the eastern cult leader will care."

"I take back what I just said, dandy." Dongfang Bubai snorted coldly, and said that he was not angry.

Had it not been for Su Xun's good looks and curiosity, she would have gone away.

So, the point is to look good.

Su Xun played with the memorial in his hand: "outside there is the Manchu government's eyes, inside there is the eunuch party and the Donglin Party's endless struggle. The Ming Dynasty is hard to return. There is only one emperor in the world, maybe there is hope."

"It's treason. You dare to think about something Wei Zhongxian didn't even dare to think about." Said the Oriental sister.

Su Xun had a profound meaning: "he is a eunuch, of course he will not rebel, but I am not a eunuch."

"It's none of my business whether you are a eunuch or not. It's going to kill my head to help you rebel. Don't draw big cakes for me what I can get." The Oriental elder sister snorted. The younger daughter is full of style. The nine Yin Manual of

, the second of them, is to search for the world's martial arts, such as the lonely nine sword, the dresses of the gods, the northern gods and the nine Yin true classics. After I find them, I can copy all one copy to you.

For people in the Jianghu, what is more attractive than these lost martial arts talents.

"It's all lost. How can you make sure you find it?" Sister Dongfang obviously didn't believe it.

Su Xun looked back tactically: "within half a year, one of them will be sent to you. If not, you can tell me that I'm training for rebellion."

I'll take care of you in half a year.

"OK, it's a deal."

The eastern cult leader thought for a moment and agreed. Although she didn't know where Su Xun was confident, she couldn't see any trace of deception from Su Xun's face.

It's only half a year. If he doesn't want to lose his official position and be wanted, he will certainly do what he says.

As for Dongfang Bubai, she doesn't matter at all, because she is wanted by the government, and most of the people in Wulin are wanted.

Because whether they are chivalrous, or indiscriminately kill innocent people, they will be reported to the official.

"Find another group of craftsmen. They are the best ones who have experience in casting guns and fireguns." Su Xun said again.

Oriental unbeaten also agreed.

Su Xun directly gave the ten million taels of silver to Dongfang Bubai and asked her to send someone back to heimuya.

This time, the Asia invincible was really shocked: "ten million taels! Are you not afraid that I'll swallow it for you? "

"I want you to swallow me." Su Xun looked at her ruddy mouth and laughed jokingly.

Dongfang Bubai showed a blank color, obviously did not understand the meaning of Su Xun's words.

Su Xun looked at her and said, "I believe you. Besides, it's only 10 million taels."For Su Xun, ten million Liang is not much. Daming is so big that he can copy a few more.

Dongfang Bubai's mouth twitches.

Ten million taels nothing more?

But she didn't worry about Su Xun cheating herself this time. After all, she even gave her ten million taels of silver.

This kind of inexplicable trust feeling strange, he should not really like himself, right?

How else can you explain why he trusts himself so much?

For a moment, the Asia invincible was a little upset.

After all, she has only been in love with women, and has never been in love with any man.

Next, the two men's and women's groups discussed some details, and the new army was tentatively assigned 10000 men.

Take the elite route, two thousand fireguns, three thousand infantry, and the remaining five thousand are all heavy cavalry.

Today's blunderbuss are still firecrackers, which have a lead wire and need to be ignited. They can't be used in rainy days, and it's troublesome to load.

Su Xun drew a drawing of suifa gun. The advantage of suifa gun is that it doesn't affect the use in rainy days, but the problem of slow loading can't be solved.

After all, the technology in this period was not mature. Even if he drew a drawing of Gatling, the craftsman could not make it without corresponding equipment.

Therefore, a small amount of fire blunderbuss can be assembled for emergency.

Half an hour later, Dongfang Bubai left with the drawing of suifa gun drawn by Su Xun.


Three days later, Su Xun left Fuzhou.

To the south of the Yangtze River, the headquarters of Donglin Party.

Fuzhou copies more than 10 million taels, which is a small idea.

Jiangnan is the real rich land. The merchants there are all related to the Donglin Party. If they don't plunder 50 or 60 million taels of silver, they are not clean.

Fifty or sixty million, half paid, half left.

After all, those who are brave enough to survive and those who are cowardly enough to starve.

When he copied Wei Zhongxian's house, the half was still his.

Trinket said that you are more cruel than me!

Five days later, he received the news that the Fuwei escort agency had been destroyed. All the dogs and chickens died miserably.

Only Lin Pingzhi is missing.

When he got the news, Su Xun was still a little confused. He thought it would not happen.

I didn't expect that the Lin family was destroyed. It seems that Lin Pingzhi is destined to be a factory flower for him.

"I said," why doesn't your father come? "

Su Xun looked at Yue Lingshan in his arms and asked.

"How do I know?" Yue Lingshan rolled her eyes and was bored playing with her hair.

All of a sudden, Su Xun stopped because he said that Cao Cao had arrived. Yue buqun, his wife Ning Zhongze and his first disciple Ling Huchong were blocking the way ahead.


Seeing Yue buqun, Yue Lingshan's eyes brightened.

"Officer dog! Let go of my younger martial sister

Seeing that Yue Lingshan was held in his arms by Su Xun, he made Hu Chong angry and gave a loud drink.

Su Xun looked at Yue buqun and said, "why, is that how leader Yue educates his disciples?"

"Chong'er, don't be rude." Yue buqun yelled, then looked at Su Xun and hugged him: "I've brought the secret script of Zixia magic skill, and asked Su to release Lingshan."

As he spoke, he took out a secret book from his arms and held it in his hand.

"Leader Yue won't cheat my official with a fake one. In that case, Huashan sect will be removed from the Jianghu." Su Xun said casually.

Although Yue buqun was called Junzi sword, Su Xun knew that he was a hypocrite. What if he practiced the fake secret script he gave and became possessed.

Yue buqun's gentle smile: "Mr. Su can rest assured. I'm just worried about my daughter's safety. I don't want to provoke you royal guards."

His appearance is excellent. No wonder he is called Gentleman sword. He really looks like a gentleman.

"Go, bring me the secret book." Su Xun said.

Ding Baiying got off her horse and walked over, holding the top half of the secret script, then sneered.

Because Yue buqun is testing her with his true anger.

Ding Baiying also runs Zhenqi, and they are on the road, using Zixia Shengong as the medium to make more efforts.

Soon Yue buqun couldn't hold on. His martial arts were not very good. Otherwise, he would not have practiced the secluded evil swordsmanship in order to revitalize the Huashan sect.

Zixia divine skill is a special mental skill. It can prolong life, has smart ears and eyes, and can dissolve all kinds of Qi, but it is not helpful for the improvement of skill.

"I admire the girl's profound skill."

Yue buqun released the secret script and stepped back.


Ding Baiying snorted coldly, took the secret book back to Su Xun, and then handed it to him.

"Headmaster Yue, your daughter can give it back to you, but my woman can't give it to you." Su Xun said.

Ningzhong saw something wrong from her daughter's face, and her face changed: "what do you mean by that?""What do you mean, ha ha, female Xia Ning? I'm afraid I'll call you my mother-in-law in the future. Lingshan is already my official." Su Xun was bragging, because Yue Lingshan didn't agree at the last step.

Yue buqun and others suddenly turned pale.

Linghu Chong is more angry: "dog officer!"

The voice fell, and a sword stabbed Su Xun.


Su Xun pulled out his sword and made the fox break. At the same time, he was shocked back by a huge force.

The martial arts of carrying a pot is rubbish. Before he got Dugu Jiujian, he was a chicken with vegetables.

After all, who makes Yue buqun a chicken.

"Elder martial brother." Yue Lingshan exclaimed.

Su Xun's face was cold: "Linghu Chong, in Lingshan's face, I won't punish you for offending, but it's better not to do it again, otherwise, I will die!"

In Mr. Jin Yong's series of novels, he doesn't like the protagonist most, and he doesn't have the role of the protagonist.

"Officer dog, you dare to defile my younger martial sister!" Linghu Chong staggered up, eyes red to crack.

"Chong'er!" Yue buqun yelled angrily, and then looked at Su Xun calmly: "even though you are good at martial arts, I can only fight today as a father!"

Of course, he didn't want to fight Su Xun. He even thought it was good for Yue Lingshan to marry Su Xun, but his apprentice and wife were still there. He couldn't destroy his image.

Although Yue buqun is a hypocrite, if he can pretend to be a gentleman all his life, he is also a real gentleman.

"Father, mother, he didn't force me, is My daughter volunteered. " Yue Lingshan clenched her lips.

Linghu Chong looked at her incredulously: "what do you say? It's impossible. He must have forced you!"

How can his innocent younger martial sister marry a notorious imperial eagle dog?

Younger martial sister should be his!

But now in other people's arms, may have been sleeping, make fox Chong feel crazy.

"He didn't force me!" Yue Lingshan stressed that she looked at Su Xun with red eyes: "let's go."

If she stays any longer, she will cry.

After all, she and Linghu Chong are childhood sweethearts. I can't bear to see elder martial brother so sad.

"Headmaster Yue, I'll go first. I'll take Lingshan to visit Huashan in the future." With that, Su Xun rode his horse and led the royal guards to walk away.

We have to go to Huashan to visit our father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Linghu Chong looked at Yue buqun: "master, the younger martial sister must have been forced. We must save her!"

"If Lingshan couldn't accept him, she would have killed herself." Yue buqun said a light.

His biggest wish is to revitalize Huashan. If he cooperates with the imperial court, he can realize this wish even if he fails to get the anti evil sword spectrum.

This is a blessing in disguise.

Linghu Chong was severely damaged by master's words.

He would rather cheat himself that Yue Lingshan was forced, so that he could feel better.

Ningzhong sighed: "Chong'er, don't be too sad. The teacher's wife will introduce you to a good girl."

She has always regarded Linghu Chong as her future son-in-law, but who can think that things are changeable.

And the mother knows her daughter best. As Yue buqun said, if Yue Lingshan could not accept Su Xun, she would have committed suicide because she was defiled.

"Master, I want to be quiet."

Red eyes, carrying his own wine pot, rushed into the forest and disappeared.

"Chong Er, Chong ER!" Ningzhong cried.

Yue buqun frowned: "OK, for a woman like this, how can he shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing our Huashan school in the future?"

"That woman is your daughter." Ning Zhong then hears this words, immediately is not good spirit of say.

Yue buqun sighed: "I know, but now that it's here, what can we do?"

"Alas." Ning Zhong rubbed his forehead.

Yue buqun hugged her: "well, let's go to Fuzhou first. I heard that Fuwei escort agency has been destroyed. Only the only son is missing. If we can meet him along the way, we will be paid. After all, he is also a hero's orphan."

He still didn't give up the anti evil sword spectrum, but he didn't know that it had been in Su Xun's hands for a long time.

On the other side.

"Come on, don't cry. Cry for another man in front of me. It makes me feel green."

Su Xun said to Yue Lingshan with red eyes.

Good guy, it's even worse.

It's a villain.

Yue Lingshan wiped her tears with her little hand and said angrily, "it's clearly you who green my elder martial brother."

"You are green, your elder martial brother." Su Xun corrected.

He is a good man. How can he put a green hat on people? Does he look like that kind of evil person?

Of course he doesn't, because he is!When Yue Lingshan heard Su Xun's words, she cried again. She felt that she was too bad.

Su Xun comforted him again: "don't cry. It's not you. It's us who green your elder martial brother together."

Yue Lingshan burst into tears.

Now she is not the warm and Skillful wife in the novel, but a playful and lively little girl, so she is very emotional.

Half a month later, Su Xun entered Jiangnan.

At the same time, the fact that he slaughtered knives on a large scale in Fuzhou has also spread to the court, which has caused a great shock.

All the officials competed to impeach each other. The last one who enjoyed this treatment was Wei Zhongxian, Duke Wei.

Wei Zhongxian died to protect Su Xun. Zhu Youjian just said a few words, but nothing came to an end.

After all, Zhu Youjian is also angry. Those businessmen have more money than his emperor. If they collude with Japanese pirates, they should be copied well.

After all, nominally speaking, Daming is still the country of their old Zhu family, and Su Xun's behavior can be regarded as helping their old Zhu family get rid of the maggots attached to their bones.

On this point, he and Su Xun were on the same front. Of course, when he came to power, in order to stabilize the officials and gentry, he would certainly kill Su Xun and calm his anger.

It's a pity.

Su Xun won't give him a chance to be in power.


Jiangnan boundary, high mountains and dense forests.

"What's ahead." Su Xun asked.

One of the royal guards immediately replied, "my Lord, ten miles ahead is Furong Town."

"Rest there tonight." Su Xun said.

At this moment, countless arrows flew out.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

"Protect my Lord!" Ding Xian drew his sword and roared.

Suddenly, a dozen royal guards surrounded Su Xun.

After a round of shooting, only four or five people died, because the royal guards are all warriors. They are not ordinary people. They are so easy to be shot by liuya.

Su Xun's face didn't change as he rode on the horse, and Ding Baiying easily blocked all the arrows that shot at him.

On the contrary, he showed great interest.

It's the first time that he's ever seen such a story in martial arts TV series.

Treacherous officials will be chivalrous and righteous.

I didn't expect that he could enjoy the treatment of being surrounded and killed on the way. Hiss - full of sense of achievement.

"Officer dog! Take your life

"Brothers, kill the dog officer with me!"


After the arrow rain stopped, in the woods on both sides of the official road, there were shouts of killing, and countless people in black rushed out.

"Leave two alive, and the rest will not be forgiven!"

Su Xun said softly.

"Shall we not help?" Asked Yue Lingshan.

Su Xun chuckled: "if a group of mobs can hurt me, what will the royal guards do?"

Yue Lingshan looked around and found that the assassins were not the opponents of the royal guards. Occasionally, two of them were quickly solved by Ding Baiyin and Ding Xian.

"Can you tell what school these belong to?" Su Xun looked at Yue Lingshan in his arms and asked.

The other party gave him such a big surprise. If he didn't kill his family, he couldn't repay his kindness.

Yue Lingshan shook her head, frowned and said hesitantly: "look at the moves, they are not from a sect, they are more like improvisation."

"Oh?" Su Xun's eyes were slightly cold. He was not a member of the Jianghu sect. He had a suspicious object in his heart.

At this time, the sky suddenly countless pink petals falling with the wind, and then a man in white with a folding fan fell from the sky into the battlefield.

With a folding fan, he beat the masked assassins to pieces.

"There is no shortage of flowers."

Su Xun recognized this man. He didn't expect that even the drama of peerless double pride would be integrated into the world.

Huawuque is a disciple of the palace, and the only male disciple. There are two palace masters, i.e. inviting the moon and pitying the star. They are also the master of huawuque. The purpose of the palace is to kill all the heartless people in the world.

Su Xun said in secret. Fortunately, all the women she's been to have accepted it. It's not ungrateful.

He hates Heartbreakers the most.

With the help of flowerless, nearly 100 masked assassins soon fell one by one, leaving only two alive.

As soon as Hua Wuqi was ready to leave, Su Xun stopped him: "this is young Xia Hua of the flower palace."

"Do you know me?" Flowers stop.

Looking at Hua Wuqi, Su Xun said, "young Xia Hua, can you answer me a question first? Why do you always come out with petals falling?"

He's a horse trooper. He has such a coquettish appearance in the martial arts world. He's too forced to pretend. He wants to make a whole one.

Hua Wuxia pulled at the corner of his mouth. Unexpectedly, Su Xun's focus was on it.

"Is it inconvenient to say? If so, it won't be difficult for Hua Shaoxia. " Su Xun said.Hua Wuqi folded up the folding fan with no expression: "in fact, it's not inconvenient to say. It's just to prepare the petals in advance, carry them with you, and then blow the petals away with real Qi."

Su Xun

All of you

Be particular! High class! high-grade!

But every time you do that, don't you feel ashamed?

"If it's OK, I'll go first." There is no sense of shame in huawuqi, and she is ready to leave.

Su Xun quickly called out, "young Xia Hua, stay here."

"What else?" All flowers frown.

Su Xun invited him to say, "I'm good at martial arts, young Xia. Why don't you join the royal guards and serve for the imperial court?"

"Not interested." Hua Wuqi stayed in the palace all the year round and had no idea of the rank of the officials of the imperial court.

Su Xun said, "don't you want to know your life experience, young Xia Hua?"

"You know?" The eyes are like electricity.

Su Xun said with a cool smile, "as long as young Xia Hua agrees to join the royal guards, I will tell you."

"Good!" Hua Wuqi agreed.

He has been in the palace ever since he remembered. He didn't know who his parents were. He wanted to know.

Su Xun said, "your father is Jiang Yulang, who used to be famous in the world. Your mother is a maid in the palace. You have a brother..."

At the beginning, Jiang Yulang was seriously injured and fell at the gate of the palace. He was rescued by the master of the Moon Palace.

Because the moon is greedy for his body.

But Yanyue and Lianxing are in a hurry to close the door, so they give Jiang Yulang to yuenu. Then Jiang Yulang falls in love with yuenu and makes her big.

The two finally escaped from the palace.

But Jiang Yulang was betrayed by his bookboy Jiang Feng, and invited Yue to kill Jiang Yulang. Yuenu also died, leaving only two twins.

The two twins are huawushao and xiaoyu'er. Huawushao is adopted by the palace, and xiaoyu'er is taken to the Devil Island by Jiang Yulang's good friend Yan Nantian.

The purpose of the palace is to see Jiang Yulang's two sons killing each other.

After listening to Su Xun's story, everyone was sympathetic and looked at Hua Wuqi. The boy was really miserable.

"Impossible, impossible, how could the great master and the second master be my enemies..."

Hua Wuqi looks pale and unbelievable.

"There is no shortage of flowers. The secret information of our royal guards is all over the world. There is nothing that our officials don't know. If you don't believe it, you can go to your two masters to fight. Now that you know the truth, they don't care to cheat you."

In fact, she was miserable. She volunteered to help Jiang Yulang heal. If it wasn't for this, she didn't have to shut up. As a result, she was picked peaches by the maid.

Su Xun was very interested in "the magic skill of wedding clothes" of the flower changing palace, and he was also interested in wearing wedding clothes for the two sisters, the moon inviting and Lianxing, who had excellent martial arts skills and excellent looks.

Su Xun said: "your father was saved by inviting the moon, and he gave her his life back. You were raised by the flower transplant palace, and your two masters are good to you, so you don't have to worry about killing your father's enemies."

Hua Wuqi's face gradually calms down. Yes, does he want to take revenge on Shifu?

At least emotionally, he must have no feelings for his father, whom he had never met.

"There is no shortage of flowers. From today on, you are the one hundred families of the royal guards." Su Xun had to search for a lot of silver, a lot of secret scripts, beauties and experts.

And then a wave of cross push Mengyuan and Jiqing, as well as all kinds of surrounding minority tribes and small countries.

Hua Wuqi has always been a man of promise. He bows his hand on the spot: "Hua Wuqi, see you."

"Where are you going?" Su Xun nodded and asked. Hua Wuqi seldom came out of the flower palace.

Hua Wuqi replied, "Jiang biehe held a martial arts meeting in Huangshan. Shifu asked me to take part in it. He won those experts and became the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance."

After hearing this, Su Xun began to think about it. Jiang biehe was the son-in-law of eunuch Liu Xi in the TV series. Liu Xi was very good at martial arts. He practiced the skill of absorbing martial arts, controlled the government and the East Hall, and acted as a bully.

But now there is no eunuch named Liu Xi in Niubi of Daming Kingdom, and the East chamber is controlled by Wei Zhongxian. Wei Zhongxian in Xiuchun Dao doesn't know martial arts at all. He is just an ordinary man.

"My Lord, Jiang biehe is interested in Wei Gonggong's daughter, but he is Wei Gonggong's son-in-law." A general flag saw Su Xun's thinking and reminded him.

It suddenly dawned on Su Xun that Wei Zhongxian had replaced Liu Xi in the TV series. That is to say, Wei Zhongxian is also a martial arts expert and can absorb great skills.


How did Su Xun feel that the difficulty of getting Wei Zhongxian down suddenly became greater.

Sure enough, in this world, we can't completely refer to the plots in movies and TV plays.

Fortunately, we are aware of this now, otherwise it will be easy to suffer big losses one day in the future.

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