"Do you know where the bookboy who betrayed your father was?" Su Xun looked at the flowers.

Flowerless bow hand: "still hope adult tells!"

He can't get revenge from Xuyue and Lianxing, but the traitor who betrayed his father must die.

"He changed his name to Jiang biehe, who is now called Jiang biehe with unparalleled benevolence and righteousness." Su Xun said every word.

After Jiang biehe betrayed Jiang Feng in those years, he took a lot of money and changed his face. Although his martial arts were rubbish, he got a reputation in the world of benevolence and righteousness with his excellent communication skills and Wei Zhongxian's support.

There is no lack of flowers.

"My Lord, there are two left alive."

Ding Xian came with two assassins.

With a knife off the two faces of the black scarf, exposed, a real face, a middle-aged, a young man.

"Who asked you to come." Su Xun asked.

They glared at Su Xun: "bah! I don't know how many people in the river and lake are harmed by the royal guards. We all kill your Eagle dog spontaneously. It's a pity that heaven has no eyes and can't kill your dog! "

Don't say, after hearing these words, Su Xun really found the feeling of being a traitor and villain.

"What a righteous man. You should have both children at your age. Our royal guards have eyes and ears all over the world. It should not be difficult to find your wife and children." Su Xun looked at the middle-aged man with a smile.

These days, it's important to pay attention to the fact that there are three cases of unfilial behavior. Even those who run around the world will get married and have children when they are old enough to pass on their blood.

It's common to get married at the age of 14 or 15, and you can call yourself an old man at the age of 30. So judging from the age of this middle-aged man, all his children should be in their teens. If you get married early, you may even have grandchildren.

The middle-aged man suddenly turned pale, but he was still silent, staring at Su Xun.

Su Xun leaned over to stare at him and said word by word, "you may not know me very well. Even if you are just a small role, I will find your wife and children in order to have a good heart."

With that, he waved his sleeve robe and turned to leave: "give him a picture and pass it around to the royal guards. If you find out where his wife and children are, the reward will be ten Liang and the official will be promoted to two levels."

"Come to me! What kind of hero does harm to orphans and widows The middle-aged roared with red eyes.

Su Xun sneered: "now that he has become a righteous man, he must have the consciousness of implicating his family."

With that, he turned over and got on the horse and made a gesture to leave.

"No! No! I said! I said Seeing that Su Xun was going to leave, the middle-aged man couldn't hold on any longer.

He was not afraid of death, but he never dreamed that there would be such a poisonous and boring person as Su Xun who would knock him to death just to get angry.

Moreover, he was not a righteous man. He just collected money to do things. He had not yet realized that he would get rid of Su Xun, a traitor, and take on his wife and children.

Su Xun's tone was calm: "say."

"It's master Han Ting. I'm the brother of master Han's head guard. He came to me and said that if he killed you, master Han would give me 300 Liang silver."

The middle-aged man vomited like pouring beans.

"Three hundred taels. There are nearly 100 people here. My Su's head is really valuable." Su Xun laughed and then asked, "are you all from Han Ting?"

This time, the young man answered, "I I'm the nurse of master Zhao's family. I don't know anyone else. "

"Most of the things you did in Fuzhou are passed on, so people in Jiangnan want to kill you on the way." Yue Lingshan wrinkled her nose.

Su Xun also thought of this. After all, Yangzhou was much more serious than Fuzhou. These gentry refused to pay taxes, controlled the salt administration and water transport, and became rich.

Although Fujian also belongs to Jiangnan, it is not as rich as Suzhou and Yangzhou.

Nearly 100 people have been arranged to assassinate him, which is very important. Unfortunately, they underestimate the royal guards. Most of them always scold and belittle the royal guards every day. As a result, they belittle and belittle themselves.

The royal guards are never rubbish.

A general flag said: "my Lord, the closer to the hinterland of Jiangnan, the more complicated the situation is. I'm afraid that even the army and even the local royal guards have been interfered by them. It's better to let the humble officers take people to Yangzhou city to inquire about the situation. If there is no danger, it's not too late for me to enter the city."

If Su Xun entered the city rashly, it would be easier to get in than to get out.

"If they really had the courage to use the army to encircle and kill their own officers, they would not be able to assassinate halfway." Su Xun didn't like it, but he had to guard against it. He waved to Hua Wuqi and asked him in a low voice.

Huawuqai bows: "wuqai obeys!"

"Don't worry about the Wulin assembly on the other side of Huangshan. When the Yangzhou issue is solved, I will accompany you to the meeting." Su Xun patted him on the shoulder.

Jiang biehe is Wei Zhongxian's son-in-law. If he is allowed to be the leader of the Wulin alliance, then Wei Zhongxian and Wei Laogou's power will become stronger. This is something Su Xun won't allow. He is an official of the imperial court. He can't be the leader of the Wulin alliance, but he can't be the leader of the Wulin alliance.Su Xun looked at the general flag again: "take a few people with you, follow huabaihu, and obey his orders."

"I'll do it Having seen the military value of flowerless, the chief flag officer is convinced of flowerless.

After that, Hua Wuqi took ten people on the way first.

Su Xun looked at the two assassins kneeling on the ground and said, "I want you to testify against the mastermind behind the scenes."

Yangzhou gentry assassinated Sanpin life officer. They handed the knife to Su Xun.

No matter who participated or who didn't, Su Xun wanted to kill the world.

Only a few hundred people were killed in Fuzhou, while at least thousands in Yangzhou.

Kill the world so that no one can be greedy.

"To serve my Lord!" They knew that they had no room to refuse, and even dared not commit suicide.

Su Xun went on with the two assassins.

At the same time, Yangzhou city.

At this time, the hall of Han Fu was full of people.

These are the gentry in the Suyang area.

They control most of the wealth of Jiangnan, and any one of them can influence the market trend.

Most of them have relations with the officials of the imperial court, and some even have family members who have served as chief aides.

"Confused! You are confused! Although the royal guards are notorious, they are highly skilled in martial arts. How can they kill Su Xun

In the first position at the bottom left, an old man in a brocade robe patted the table, angry and helpless.

His name is Huang Yuan. He is in charge of the Huang family. The Huang family controls the water transportation between Su and Yang, and has great influence.

"Mr. Huang, it's already happened. We are all in the same boat. We'd better think about the remedial measures. Then Su Xun will be here soon."

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang. We've arranged for people who are not afraid of death, or who are close friends. Even if they commit suicide, they won't betray us."

"The eunuchs killed so many people in Fuzhou city that they went to Yangzhou again. It's obviously a bad comer. Can't we just wait and see?"

Everyone is buzzing.

"All right, everyone be quiet." The master of the Han family yelled, and then looked at Huang Yuan: "Lord Huang controls the water transportation of the two states. He has a large number of people and strong financial resources. It's better for him to give you an idea."

Huang Yuan is not the one with the highest status among them, but he is definitely the one with the strongest local influence.

"If you can't afford a sword soldier, you'd better wait for him to come and eat and drink, and ask for money and beautiful women. If he doesn't know how to praise, then we shouldn't be cruel!" Huang Yuan stroked his beard and said with gloomy eyes.

One said that they also felt that the group of colleagues in Fuzhou were too mean. They wanted to send them away when they gave tens of thousands of taels. They really thought they had never seen the world before.

Now the Donglin Party is in a weak position. If money can be used, it's better to use it. After all, no matter how much money is given, they can earn money from the people.

Moreover, they are not the idiots in Fuzhou. They belong to all the families in Yangzhou City, from garrison garrison to royal guards. If Su Xun really doesn't know how to praise him, they don't mind killing him.


At sunset, Furong Town.

After Furong Town, it's about two days to enter Yangzhou city.

Because it is located in the south of the Yangtze River, close to Yangzhou, only a town is very prosperous, from the inn to the brothel is everything, crowds, lively.

However, as the royal guards entered the town, the noisy town became silent. Under the demonization propaganda of scholars, the people had only fear of the royal guards.

Finally, Su Xun chose a Yuelai Inn as his place to stay tonight, the martial arts world chain inn.

"Shopkeeper, we've made a reservation in the inn. We've refunded everyone's room money." Said a bag of silver thrown by the general banner of the royal guards to the shopkeeper.

In the afternoon, the assassination happened. In order not to make trouble, strangers should not be left in the inn.

Most of the people think that they are unlucky. They return the house money and go to find a new place.

But one table was indifferent.

And all four of them were people Su Xun knew.

His brother xiaoyu'er and his apprentice, tiexinlan, a woman disguised as a man, and her maid Xiaoyu, are all evil.

Both Cymbidium and little fish are going to Huangshan.

Tie Xinlan is the daughter of tie Ruyun, the former leader of the Wulin alliance. She went to Huangshan because tie Ruyun was missing. She wanted to ask all the Wulin sects to help find her.

Little fish went to Huangshan because she wanted to find Mr. Hongye to inquire about her life experience.

Mr. Hongye is specialized in recording the history of the Jianghu and the secret history of the Wulin. All kinds of secret history of the Wulin can be found in him. If you give me money, I'll sell it to you.

"Four brothers, my Lord is going to have a rest here tonight. It's not suitable to keep strangers. I've settled the food for you. I hope you can make it convenient." Ding Xian went forward to the four and took out a bag of silver.The maid of Cymbidium gave a cold hum: "money is great. My family is small Young master is not short of money

"Ah! I can't say that. It's really great to have money, but the bird's nest and shark's fin we just ordered have been finished. I'm afraid your money is not enough. " Little fish stepped on the bench and looked at Ding Xian.

Ding Xian frowned. As soon as he was ready to speak, Su Xun stopped him. He looked at the little fish and said with a smile, "little fish, talk to me."

Little fish got the true biography of the master troublemaker. He can even research the wooden robot that can act and do things. This is absolutely a talent.

And it can also make a recorder, recording the sound in the body of the wooden robot first, then setting the trigger conditions, once triggered, it will play the recording.

This horse riding is a hanging force!

Su Xun suspected that he would give him a drawing. He might be good at rubbing Gatling and atomic bomb.

"Eh, you know me. I didn't expect that even adults have heard my name of little fish. Has my handsome style been spread all over the world?" Little fish quite narcissistic stroked his hair like a unicorn.

Cymbidium rolled her eyes wildly, too narcissistic.

Suddenly, her body trembled.

Because Su Xun suddenly sat beside her and put his arms around her shoulder.

"Ah! What are you doing! Let go of my little Young master There was a little exclamation from the maid.

Su Xun looked at him with a puzzled face: "your young master and I are old friends at first sight. They are all big men. What's the matter with intimacy? So what are you nervous about? "

"I I... " A little gag.

Su Xun hugged tiexinlan again, looked at her and said with a smile, "brother, do you think so?"

Tiexinlan's so-called female disguised as a man is to change a man's clothes, stained with a beard, in the play, only a little fish can see through.

Are the others blind?

Can't you see the baby's granary as big as Cymbidium and the thin waist as cocky buttocks?

According to the law of women disguised as men in martial arts novels, as long as they change into men's clothes, they are men by default.

Little fish looked at the scene with great interest. He saw that Su Xun was playing with the little girl's skin on purpose.

"Yes Yes The iron heart orchid exquisite Jiao body is taut to bind tightly, skin smile meat don't smile of say a.

Su Xun's face was full of enthusiasm and pure smile: "I'm Su Xun. I saw my brother at first sight. How about a long talk tonight?"

"No, no, I don't have to. I'll just change places." Tiexinlan shakes his head like a rattle. After all, isn't the long talk exposed?

Little fish jokingly said: "brother Su, you are so intimate with brother tie, you don't like men."

The iron heart orchid hears this words suddenly a burst of chills.

It makes her sick to think that the person holding her might be a man's faggot.

The royal guards also shivered. Isn't it true that the commander really likes men?

They suddenly thought of Su Xun's enthusiasm for flowers in the afternoon and mourned for flowers in their hearts.

"Hahaha, brother Yu is joking. I'm just very curious about why brother tie's pectoralis major is so great. I want to discuss with him." Su Xun laughed and put his hand in front of tiexinlan's chest.

Tiexinlan didn't know that she had been seen through by these two people for a long time. She was playing with herself all the time. She was angry: "you are a prodigal son, watch your hands!"

It was easy for Su Xun to get away from it.

Cymbidium is about to draw the sword subconsciously.


With Ding Xian's angry voice.

The royal guards point to Cymbidium one after another.

"Miss tie, I think the official position of this adult in the royal guards is not low. Do you want to kill the official to revolt? Admire, admire The little fish has a playful face.

Tiexinlan reluctantly snorted and put the sword back on the table: "it turns out that the royal guards are all such shameless people. No wonder people all over the world turn pale."

"Put the knife away." Su Xun waved.

Ding Xian and others take back the knife and sit back.

Yue Lingshan went to Su Xun's side with her mouth, and her eyes were not good at staring at tiexinlan.

The little fish said with a smile, "my Lord, the pink lady around you seems to be jealous."

"This is my concubine, Yue Lingshan, the daughter of Yue buqun, the leader of Huashan sect." Su Xun introduced a sentence.

Iron heart orchid Dun when stare big eyes: "gentleman sword Yue leader's daughter, can do concubine for you!"

"Can't you?" Su Xun asked.

Tiexinlan took a look at him and had to admit that this guy was really handsome. He was young and in a high position. He was very attractive to women.

Su Xun pointed to Cymbidium and said to Yue Lingshan, "Cymbidium, the only daughter of the lion."

"It turned out to be the gold of the iron alliance leader. It's disrespectful." Yue Lingshan pursed her lips and clasped her fist at tiexinlan.

Tiexinlan looked at Su Xun incredulously: "how do you know my identity?""The royal guards observe all officials and supervise the world. They know everything. I know where your father is." Su Xun said with a smile.

Wei Zhongxian took the place of Liu Xi in the TV series. In order to practice the highest level of power absorption, he needed to absorb the internal power of five masters of Yang internal skill and two daughters of pure Yin.

Tieruyun is the key to cultivate Zhiyang internal skill.

Moreover, in order to make his son-in-law Jiang biehe the leader of the Wulin alliance, he tangled with the experts and kidnapped tie Ruyun, which killed two birds with one stone for Wei Zhongxian.

According to the plot, tie Ruyun is now hidden in a secret room in the Qin studio of Jiang biehe's home.

When iron core Langdon was overjoyed, he asked anxiously, "tell me where my father is."

"What's in it for me? I never do anything that is not good. " Su Xun said calmly.

Tiexinlan blurted out: "as long as you tell me where my father is, I'll give you whatever you want."

"I don't want anything but you." Su xunqiantu dagger now, the reason why he chose the Wulin leader is because tie Ruyun is missing. If tie Ruyun comes back, then naturally he doesn't have to choose the Wulin leader again.

Su Xun got the only daughter of tie Ruyun, the leader of the Wulin alliance. Didn't he control the Ming Wulin on the curve?

Yue Lingshan stares at the dogs. The man and the woman look at each other. Then she sits aside and grieves alone.

After all, even she was only a concubine. Concubine's status was very low. She was only higher than a servant girl. She was not qualified to tell a man how to accept other women.

Tiexinlan's face suddenly froze. He didn't expect that Su Xun would ask him to do so.

Of course, she didn't think that Su Xun wanted her just to have a long talk with her, just to try.

Little fish can't see any more: "Hey, you are also a senior official. It's not appropriate to bully a girl while others are in danger."

"I know your background." Su Xun said.

Little fish suddenly changed the subject of conversation: "in fact, I am not familiar with her, but I think you are a good match."

"What a shame Tiexinlan glared at him angrily. She thought the other party would save the beauty.

Su Xun looked at tiexinlan with a smile: "Miss tie, as long as you agree to my conditions, I am willing to help you save your father."

"Save it? Is my father arrested? " Iron core Langdon is to seize the key point in Su Xun's words.

Su Xun's eyes widened: "no, no, he's a Wulin leader with excellent martial arts skills. Don't you really think he just disappeared?"

"I..." Cymbidium pretty face a burst of green a burst of white, half a bite silver teeth: "I promise you."

My father is in danger of being caught.

And this guy's pretty.

Big deal from him, anyway, always want to marry, as long as it can save father, also worth.

"That's right. It's reasonable for son-in-law to save his father-in-law." Susian touched her smooth face.

Feeling the temperature of Su Xun's palm, Cymbidium was pretty red and stepped back: "you can't touch me before you save my father."

What if this guy doesn't admit after eating.

"Do I look like a devil in color?" Su Xun was surprised. He felt that tiexinlan had misunderstood him.

Yue Lingshan hummed: "that's it."

Su Xun made a slap, and Yue Lingshan suddenly became pretty and crimson, angry and ashamed.

Only she understood what that meant.

Little fish flexibly squeezed between Su Xun and tiexinlan and said with a smile, "brother Su, you just said you know my life experience. I don't know whether it's true or not."

"Again, I never do anything that is not good for me." Su Xun had a gentle smile.

Little fish said: "I don't have brother tie's pectoralis major. You don't want me."

Tiexinlan glared at him.

Yue Lingshan subconsciously contrasted with each other, and then some inferiority came down to her head.

"You're right. I want you." Su Xun pointed to the little fish with a meaningful smile.

Small fish chrysanthemum a tight: "no way."

Tiexinlan and Yue Lingshan also show a complex expression (subway, old man, mobile phone).

Even Ding Baiying, who has been competing with Su Xun for many times in the same bed, seems to know Su Xun for the first time.

Stupid royal guards are still worried about chrysanthemums.

And the smart royal guards are already thinking about how to go to bed and offer flowers for promotion.

Su Xun said, "I know that you have inherited the master troublemaker. I need you to do things for me."

"It turns out to be doing things. That's acceptable." The little fish was relieved and patted himself on the chest.

Most of the people in the inn breathed a sigh of relief, while a few expressed disappointment.

I thought I had found a shortcut to success, but it was just a mirage.Su Xun said, "your father's name is Jiang Yulang, your mother's name is yuenu, and your brother's name is huawuqi. He is a new member of the royal guards. In those days..."

He told little fish the romantic love story he had just told Hua Wuqi in the afternoon.

Little fish did not speak for a long time after listening.

"From today on, you are also a member of the royal guards." Su Xun took a token and gave it to him.

The little fish played with the token and said with a smile, "it seems good to be the same official as my brother."

"You don't have to follow me. I'll draw some drawings later. You can take them to heimuya to see if you can make them out." What Su Xun wanted to draw was the earliest rear mounted rifle in the world.

If the little fish can research this thing out, then Su Xun will directly push the world with guns.

Little fish said: "no, my Lord, I haven't met my dear brother yet."

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. After all these years, I'm not in a hurry." Su Xun laughed.

Little fish shrugged: "well, let him kill Jiang biehe himself. It's revenge for his parents."


After dinner.

Little fish took Su Xun's drawing and took his apprentice, evil Tongtian, to heimuya overnight.

Evil Tongtian's dream is to be a villain, so he can join the royal guards. At that time, he cried bitterly that he finally realized his dream.

Su Xun looked complicated. He didn't know whether his attitude was praising himself or hurting himself.

In front of the window on the second floor of the inn, Su Xun, Yue Lingshan and tie Xinlan stood there overlooking the pedestrians below.

Tiexinlan has restored women's clothes, wearing a purple long skirt with off shoulder and waist, white fragrant shoulders and looming business line make Su Xun linger.

By the way, her martial arts are also good. In the early days of her birth, the overall force value in the TV series "little fish and flowers" was relatively high.

And huawuqi is better than Ding Baiying. In the later stage of the congenital realm, the moon invitation and Lianxing in the flower Palace are estimated to be the great perfection of the congenital realm. From this, we can infer that Wei Zhongxian is also the great perfection of the congenital realm now. If he is allowed to cultivate the highest level of absorbing power, he can break through the master.

"Look." All of a sudden, Cymbidium exclaimed.

Su Xun and Yue Lingshan looked along the line of sight.

In the room on the second floor of Yihong courtyard opposite, a woman wearing a gauze and only a red belly pocket was fighting against the invasion of a middle-aged man.

Women look young, but from the bone revealed charming, a pair of eyes especially bright.

"Jiang Yuyan."

The villain who was forced to blacken by his father Jiang biehe in little fish and flowers.

She used to be Jiang biehe's illegitimate daughter. She sang with her mother for a living. Later, her mother died of illness. She took the keepsake to find Jiang biehe. As a result, she was sold to Yihong hospital because of her simple mind and credulity.

Then she was saved by huawuqai and fell in love with huawuqai, but huawuqai didn't love her, plus stepmother's bullying and father Jiang biehe's repeated use, Jiang Yuyan blackened, killed her sister and went to the palace as a concubine.

In the end, he killed the emperor and became the queen, and almost killed the leading role.

Su Xun jumped to the opposite side.

He doesn't know lightness, he just jumps high.

There is a thing in Jiang biehe's hand called Liuren shendie, which contains the highest skill of the unique skill of the Yiyi palace, transplanting flowers and grafting trees.

In the TV series, it was Jiang Yuyan who easily solved the six Ren god dice that Jiang biehe couldn't open for many years.

Moreover, Jiang Yuyan is still a martial arts genius. She practices the magic skill of wedding dress. In a few days, she will be full, and then directly hang Hua Wuqi, xiaoyu'er and others.

Almost from an ordinary person, he broke through one after another in just a few days and became a master.

Plus she's beautiful and has long legs.

Of course, Su Xun couldn't wait and see.

"What does he do?" Watching Su Xun jump to the opposite brothel, tiexinlan asks Yue Lingshan.

Yue Lingshan said, "what do you think?"

"It's really That's enough. " Cymbidium is speechless.

Heroes don't ask where they come from, and hooligans don't ask how old they are.

In the room on the second floor of Yihong courtyard, Su Xun directly knocked the middle-aged man unconscious.

Then he looked at Jiang Yuyan with tears hanging in the corner of her eyes and shivering in the corner of the wall: "are you ok?"

Jiang Yuyan covered her clothes tightly and shook her head.

"Come with me." Su Xun held out his hand.

Jiang Yuyan looks up at him, then shrinks back. She is really afraid of being cheated.

Before just out of Yangzhou city was cheated out of money.

Today, she was cheated into the brothel again. If it wasn't for her virginity, she might have been broken by the two cheaters.

If you follow this man and sell him to other brothels, is it different from now?

Su xunrousheng said: "from now on you will follow me, I will not sell you to anyone."I really don't know what the two cheaters who sold Jiang Yuyan into the brothel thought. They are so precious!

In Su Xun's opinion, only delicious food and beautiful women can live up to him in his life. Otherwise, even if he is immortal, what's the meaning of living?

Jiang Yuyan still can't believe Su Xun. It's just the saying that once she's bitten by a snake, she's afraid of straw rope for ten years.

"In that case, I'm offended."

Su Xun directly pulled her into his arms, then held her and kicked the door open and went out.

"What are you doing? Let her go!"

"If you want to take her away, you have to give her money!"

The bustard, who had been guarding outside, was muddled for a while, then quickly caught up with her.

"Go away! When did the royal guards pay for whoring and singing? " Su Xun rightfully threw out a token.

The procuress dares not put a fart in an instant.

This is the welfare of working in the royal guards.

Jiang Yuyan, who was in Su Xun's arms, could not help but calm down at this moment, and felt extremely at ease.

Su Xun took her back to his room and looked at Yue Lingshan and tie Xinlan: "another one."

They rolled their eyes at the same time.

"From now on, you are my concubines. They are your sisters, Yue Lingshan and tiexinlan." Su Xun introduced Yue Lingshan and tiexinlan to Jiang Yuyan.

Jiang Yuyan pursed her lips and looked at them carefully: "sister Yue and sister Xinlan are good."

Hearing that Su Xun wanted to take her as his concubine, Jiang Yuyan was grateful and happy.

It's better to be a concubine than to be sold into a brothel. The key is to be able to settle down.

Before she became black in the play, she was a person who was eager for stability, even wanted to stay in the brothel, because she was cheated all the way, and only in the brothel could she find a place to live.

"Hello." Yue Lingshan and tiexinlan are both well-educated people, and they barely smile.

If they were wives, they could still object to Su Xun's concubines, but they were concubines and had no right to speak.

Su Xun looked at Yue Lingshan and tie Xinlan: "what are you still doing here? Go back to bed early."

If you don't let me touch her, I'll touch her.

"Watch out for her to drain you." They glared at Su Xun fiercely, then picked up the skirt and left together

Su Xun looked at Jiang Yuyan: "my name is Su Xun, the commander of the royal guards, follow me, no one can bully you or cheat you from now on."

"Yuyan, thank you." Jiang Yuyan has been a singer since she was a child, so she is very sensible and sensible.

Su Xun waved to her.

Jiang Yuyan hesitated for a moment, then clenched her red lips, moved her lotus steps gently, and sat down on his leg slowly.

Su Xun put his arms around her and asked, "you should have just entered the brothel. What's the matter?"

"Master, I'm looking for my father. My father's name is Jiang biehe. Can you help me find him?" Jiang Yuyan looks at Su Xun carefully and expectantly.

Su Xun stroked her hair and said, "Jiang biehe abandoned your mother and you. He is sorry for your mother and daughter. Do you want to recognize him?"

"My body Listen to the master. " Jiang Yuyan is helpless in the play, so she must find Jiang biehe.

Now with Su Xun, it doesn't matter whether she can find that heartless father or not.

Now, she is kind-hearted and doesn't want to take revenge on Jiang biehe.

Su Xun said, "forget him. He is not worthy to be your father, let alone my father-in-law."

"Yes, I do." Jiang Yuyan was very clever, because she was afraid that she would not be good, so Su Xun didn't want her.

Jiang Yuyan summoned up her courage and said in a trembling voice, "let me take a rest to serve the master."

"You are beautiful, sir. I like you very much." Su Xun lifted Jiang YuYan's chin and praised him.

Jiang Yuyan took the initiative to hand over her delicate red lips and put her lotus like arm around Su Xun.

These were all taught by the brothel procuress during the day. Now she used them on Su Xun.

Although very unfamiliar, but Jiang Yuyan has been working hard to cooperate, but also let Su Xun did.

He likes this kind of sensible girl.


Two days later, outside Yangzhou.

The prefect of Yangzhou led hundreds of officials and local famous families to meet Su Xun outside the gate of the city.

Looking at the four beautiful women around Su Xun, everyone looked at each other and felt relieved.

Although there are three people with swords, but in their view, most of them just show off.

Since Su Xun likes beautiful women, it's easy.

I'm afraid he doesn't like it.

As long as there is one they like, they will be able to give in to what they like and coax him around.

"I'm the magistrate of Yangzhou. See you."

Yangzhou magistrate ran up from a distance.

Su Xun rode on the horse and pointed to the people behind him: "what's the matter?""I'd like to tell you that these are all local families. I've heard that you're here in person, so I've come to meet you spontaneously."

The governor of Yangzhou has a flattering smile on his face.

"You have a heart. Let Chang'an panic."

Su Xun looked at the gentry and said.

"When you see Su, it's like coming to your own home when you come to Yangzhou. You don't have to be so polite."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Su, we have already prepared the food and wine. Why don't we ask Mr. Su to move first?"

"Mr. Su is really a young talent. It's really admirable that he has been a member of the top three grades since he was young."

A group of old people have the audacity to flatter a grandson's young people. If they are ordinary people, they would have lost themselves in these flatteries.

It's a pity that Su Xun was blown too much and became immune.

If you don't believe me, ask Ding Baiying.

"Hahaha, you are flattered. Your majesty trusts you." Su Xun laughed twice, and then asked, "are all the famous families in Yangzhou here?"

"Everyone wants to see you, my Lord, so here we are." Yangzhou magistrate said shyly.

Su Xun nodded and said, "it's good that they're all here. Can Mr. Han and Mr. Zhao be here?"

"What's the matter with you calling me?" Two middle-aged people in their forties came out together.

Su Xun looked at them: "on the way to Yangzhou, I was assassinated by a thief. The thief actually said that they arranged it. Is that ridiculous?"

"Ha ha ha, ridiculous, ridiculous, the thief talks nonsense, how dare we assassinate you?"

"Yes, we have no grievances or enmities with adults. How can we do such a thing? I think it's a malicious frame up. Please be aware of it and give us justice."

Han Yuanwai and Zhao Yuan did not change face, and even rightfully asked Su Xun to find out the behind the scenes.

The smile on Su Xun's face slowly converged: "the two councillors thought it was funny, but my official believed it. Come on, take these two people down and ask them to cut off some day!"

"Yes Four royal guards came forward directly and controlled Han Yuanwai and Zhao Yuanwai cleanly.

The situation, which has just been enjoyable, is now in a sharp turn.

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Mr. Su, what are you doing?"

"How can the words of the two assassins be taken seriously?"

"It's too much of a joke for Mr. Su."

Others have questioned Su Xun's actions.


Su Xun snorted coldly: "it's not only them, you're involved. Come on, surround them all!"

The royal guards behind him drew their swords and surrounded all the more than 20 people at the gate of the city.

"Su Xun! You You're planting! Say we're looking for someone to assassinate you! And the evidence

"Good! How dare you take people without proof

"I'm the former Secretary of the Ministry of accounts! How dare you be so presumptuous! It's lawless

All of us had a verbal attack on Su Xun.

Su Xun took the reins and rode around in front of the crowd: "evidence? I think what you did is what you did. You need evidence. When you are all dead, you will have evidence sent to the capital. "

"Su Xun! Do you think we are those fools in Fuzhou? This is Yangzhou! It's not where you can run wild! Chen shoubei! When are you going to stay Huang Yuan was angry and roared.

The next moment, with the rapid footsteps, hundreds of soldiers with long guns and armor rushed down from the city tower and surrounded everyone.

Then the soldiers gave way, and a tall military officer came with a long knife on his waist.

Han Yuanwai, Zhao Yuanwai, and all the family leaders of the rich families showed a bright smile on their faces.

Huang Yuan sneered: "Su Xun, Su Xun, the whole Yangzhou City, from garrison to captor, even the royal guards, are all our people. What are you going to fight with us! Since you don't have a toast... "

The words behind him suddenly stopped.

Because when Chen shoubei was about to walk in front of them, he suddenly turned a corner, knelt down in front of Su Xun's horse and said, "my Lord, Yangzhou City garrison Chen Feng took part in the commanding officer. Huang Yuan and others denounced Jujin for inciting the garrison, intending to assassinate my Lord today. It's like rebellion. Now I'm surrounded by my Lord, please instruct me!"


Huang Yuan and others are immediately a blank mind, brain melon seeds buzzing, face unbelievable.

"Get up." Su Xun said carelessly.

Chen Feng got up and said, "thank you!"

Su Xun looked down at Huang Yuan with a playful smile: "my officer But if you don't have to drink, what can you do? "

"Chen Feng! Are you really crazy! " Huang Yuan's face was stiff and he looked at Chen Feng strangely.

He really couldn't understand that Chen Feng had been wearing the same trousers with them all the time. How could they go against the water.

Chen Feng is no better if they are planted."Shut up! I'm loyal to the imperial court. How can I go along with you big rats of the country? " Chen Feng turned and pointed to Huang Yuanyi's righteous words.

In fact, he doesn't want to fight back, but his wife and children are in the hands of flowerless.

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