Before, Su Xun asked Hua Wuqi to leave.

Let him kidnap Chen Feng's wife, children, father and mother. There is no need to talk about the morality of the world for this kind of heresy.

"Catch all of them, and ask them to cut off some day!"

With a wave of Su Xun's hand, the royal guards take down Huang Yuan and others and give them hand and foot decorations.

These are the royal guards limited hand ornaments.

Ordinary criminals are not qualified to wear them.

So, they are blessed.

"You can't kill me!"

Huang Yuan roared in confusion.

Puyi -

the light of the knife flashed and the head fell to the ground.

Su Xun slowly put the knife into the scabbard and looked at the corpse on the ground: "it turns out that I can kill you."

After all, the great man said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

He is a person who likes to practice.

Others were like falling into an ice cave. Looking at Su Xun, they were full of fear and despair.

At this time, Hua Wuqi grabbed a thin man and landed in front of Su Xun from the sky.

"Spare your life, my Lord, spare your life!"

As soon as he landed, the thin middle-aged man kept kowtowing to Su Xun and crying for mercy.

He is a member of the royal guards in Yangzhou.

He has been in Yangzhou for many years and knows the strength of these elite families in the local area. He doesn't think Su Xun will be their opponent, so he doesn't bother to pretend.

Unexpectedly, his prediction overturned.

"Who is this?" Su Xun looked at the flowers.

Hua Wuqi replied, "a thousand families of the royal guards in Yangzhou."

"Why is he still alive?" Su Xun frowned.

The next second, huawuqi folding fan shakes, thousands of families kneeling on the ground are broken and died.

"Into town!"

Su Xun rode a horse. Surrounded by the royal guards, the local garrison opened the way and walked slowly into Yangzhou city.

Behind him were a group of men in handcuffs and shackles, who were strung together with ropes and dragged away by horses.

"Look! Isn't that Lord Huang? "

"And master Han! What's going on? "

"Yangzhou city is going to change..."

After entering the city, the people on both sides of the street saw the adults who were reduced to prisoners and talked about them.

Su Xun yelled: "I'm the commander of the royal guards. I've been ordered to inspect the whole world. Now it's confirmed that Huang Yuan and others are lawless, corrupt, pervert the law, and bully the people. They're guilty of the most heinous crimes. They will be executed tomorrow afternoon!"

Huang Yuan and others wailed again.

After a short silence, the people immediately cheered the flash flood and tsunami.

"Well done! Good job! My daughter-in-law was defiled by the animals of the Huang family in those years! "

"My God! You've finally opened your eyes

"The servants keep growing. We can't be happy any more. They are still alive. They should be killed!"

From the cheers of the people, it is not difficult to see that none of the crimes verified by the royal guards are unjust.

Unless the royal guards deliberately wanted to frame someone, most of the evidence is absolutely irrefutable.

The next step was to make a house hunting. After the death of a thousand families of the royal guards in Yangzhou, Su Xun put forward an urgent one.

Hundreds of royal guards are attacking around the city. Huang Yuan, Han Ting and others' residences and manors are all copied.

Su Xun was waiting for news in the post station.

"Please forgive me. I'm guilty. I'll never die. I just want you to let my wife, children and parents go."

Yangzhou garrison Chen Feng kneels at Su Xun's feet.

"Leading the troops to camouflage the bandits, helping Huang Yuan to fight against his competitors, killing Liang and taking credit, really deserves to die."

Su Xun looked down at Chen Feng with a calm voice, but it was so cold that people were afraid.

Chen Feng was trembling and didn't dare to say anything.

"I don't care to turn back and commit suicide. As long as you die, your family will live."

Su Xun's voice dropped. He threw his sleeve robe and went to the table with his back to Chen Feng.

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Chen Feng kowtowed his head, then got up and bumped into the pillar beside him. He fell to the ground and died slowly.

In exchange for the safety of his family, he felt that he had made money.

"Come on, drag it out!" Su Xun called out.

Soon, two royal guards came in, one dragged the body away, the other cleaned.

"They copied the Chen family, but they didn't catch them."

Su Xun only said that he would not kill Chen Feng's family, but it did not mean that he would let them live a good life.

After all, the money Chen Feng's family spent was the hard-earned money Chen Feng earned outside, the real hard-earned money.

It was a big project in Yangzhou. It wasn't finished until the evening. The list was sent to Su Xun.

"There are 567 million taels of gold and silver, as well as countless jewels, calligraphy and paintings. It's really a rich country."Holding the statistics sheet, Su Xun raised a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth. After making so much money, it finally fell into his hands?

"Half to the capital." Su Xun tore up the list.

After all, this real statistical list can't be sent up. Wei Zhongxian knows that he is greedy, but he will never know how much he is greedy.

After killing so many people in Yangzhou, he will be impeached by all officials again. Some of the money will go into Wei Zhongxian's pocket and some will go into Zhu Youjian's treasury.

"Yes, my Lord."

Ding Xian turns around and leaves, going to make false accounts.

After Ding Xian left, Su Xun took out the purple haze magical skill and looked at it. He just looked at it and didn't practice it, because although the purple haze magical skill was superior, its attack power was too weak.

What's more, he wanted to practice the wedding dress skill of the flower changing palace. The premise of practicing the wedding dress skill was to abandon his martial arts, or he didn't practice any mental skills.

If you practice other skills, you can't practice the wedding dress skill. But if you practice the wedding dress skill, you can practice other skills. You can't make mistakes in the order.

Moreover, he also wanted to collect the strong points of hundreds of schools and compile a self-made skill, which is why he clearly did not practice the Zixia skill, but wanted to get it.

About a quarter of an hour later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Su Xun said.

Wearing a light white gauze with a light green breast wrapped in it, Jiang Yuyan came in with a cup of hot tea.

"Have a cup of tea, sir."

Jiang Yuyan bent down and put the tea in front of Su Xun.

Her hair has become a woman's sideburns, marking that she has become a woman, and her eyebrows are full of amorous feelings.

"Call shangxinlan. They go out to have a look. They all say Yangzhou is prosperous. I'll go to see how prosperous it is."

Su Xun took Zixia magic skill in one hand, and took a sip of the tea cup in the other.

Jiang Yuyan pursed her lips: "master, Yuyan and her mother were singing in Yangzhou before, and they are very familiar with Yangzhou."

"Well, then you can be a guide." Su Xun got up, put his arms around her white shoulder and laughed.

A moment later, Su Xun, Ding Baiyin, tiexinlan, Jiang Yuyan and Yue Lingshan were walking along the bustling streets of Yangzhou City, looking east and West.

Jiang YuYan's four women have attracted a lot of attention. After all, they are all beautiful women with different customs.

But Su Xun, who was walking among the four women, didn't know how many men's eyes he received.

"Brother Su, look at that beggar."

Suddenly, Yue Lingshan points to a beggar.

The beggar saw them, turned and left.

"Lin Pingzhi, stop." Su Xun stopped him.

Yes, this beggar is Lin Pingzhi, the young escort leader of Fuwei escort agency.

Hearing Su Xun call out his name, Lin Pingzhi stops. His face is full of embarrassment and shame of seeing acquaintances. After all, he is a beggar now.

"Mr. Su, Miss Yue."

In order to avoid the pursuit of Qingcheng sect, he fled all the way, and finally begged for a living.

Su Xun looked at him: "I'm sorry about Fuwei escort agency. Now you have a chance to revenge, but you will lose something. Do you want it?"

"Yes! i want! Please teach me When Lin Pingzhi heard this, he suddenly breathed.

He wants revenge all the time, but his kung fu alone may not have any hope in his life.

Su Xun took out a hand copied version of the anti evil sword spectrum from his arms and threw it to Lin Pingzhi: "I decide whether I want to practice it or not. If I practice it, I have to work for me for ten years."

"My Lord has given me a secret script to help me avenge my blood feud. I wish to serve you from generation to generation!" Lin Pingzhi respectfully and nervously took over the secret script, with a firm tone.

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder: "I advise you to think clearly. Come to me first after you have finished."

With that, Su Xun threw him a small bag of silver and left with his four daughters.

Lin Ping, with the secret script in one hand and the silver in the other, watched Su Xun's back. There were tears in his eyes, and his heart was filled with infinite gratitude.

It was not until the figure of the five disappeared completely in the crowd that he opened the secret script in his hand, and the eight words in his eyes hit him on the head like a heavy hammer.

If you want to practice this skill, you must go to the Palace first.

He just said that he was willing to work for Su Xun from generation to generation. After practicing this skill, he would have no offspring.

"To get it, you have to lose it."

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were gradually firm, his hand holding the secret script was more and more hard, and his knuckles were faintly white.

He breathed out a breath to continue to look up, and soon found that this is their Lin family's exorcism sword spectrum.

It's just that the mental formula is more perfect, which is the real exorcism sword spectrum. No wonder he always feels that his exorcism sword is very weak. Is it because the core of their practice has been deleted all the time?

If you want to practice the core of secluded evil sword technique, you have to cut off your own core.

Lin Pingzhi is landing.……………

The next day, there was a surge of people outside the Meridian Gate.

More than a dozen families, including Huang Yuan, were all put on their prison clothes, waiting to be interrogated and beheaded.

After the royal guards stay up late review, it is determined that the total number of people who have been interrogated and chopped is more than 1700.

After Su Xun sat at the table, other officials in Yangzhou were invited to watch the ceremony. When he saw so many prisoners, their faces turned pale and their scalp became numb.

Yangzhou can't cut so many people all year round.

He glanced carefully at Su Xun, who was quiet. All the officials were frightened. She was a murderer!

"My Lord, it's time."

Ding Xian took a look at the sky, then stepped forward to Su Xun and said softly.

Because there were not enough executioners, the royal guards took off their official clothes and became part-time executioners.

Su Xun opened his eyes, picked up the arrow, threw it down, and coldly spat out a word: "chop!"

"No! Woo woo! I don't want to die. "

"My Lord, please forgive me, my Lord, wuwuwu..."

There was a howling sound on the execution ground, but Su Xun was indifferent and even felt a little happy.

"Poof -"

the executioner took a sip of wine and sprayed it on the knife. Then he reached out and pulled out the wooden card behind the prisoner, raised the big knife high and cut it off with a Shua. The prisoner's head rolled down and warm blood splashed everywhere.

Then the corpses were dragged away and replaced. It was like a pig killing line. After the executioner felt weak, the Royal Guards replaced him.

All afternoon, the land outside the Meridian Gate was stained dark red with blood, and the heads and bodies were carried away one by one. Ten Yangzhou officials who were watching the ceremony on the high stage had fainted, seven of them had peed, and they were crying and shouting to resign on the spot.

Even the onlookers turned pale when they arrived at the back. The nickname of King Su Yan began to spread widely in the south of the Yangtze River, which could stop children's night crying.

After killing him in Yangzhou, Su Xun finally left with the expectation of Yangzhou officials.

If Su Xun didn't leave, they always felt that there was a knife hanging on their head, and it would fall down at any time.

Yangzhou is not far from Huangshan.

With the speed of Su Xun, they can arrive before the martial arts meeting.

This so-called Wulin conference is just not invited by Wulin, song, yuan, Qing and other small sects in the Ming Dynasty.

Every country has a strong sense of region and is quite exclusive.


A few days later, Huangshan.

Most of the major schools in Daming have arrived, such as Huashan school, Songshan school, Hengshan school, Taishan school, jindaomen school, Qingcheng school and so on.

"The heroes of the world and the major sects gather in our Huangshan Jiangfu, which really makes Jiangmou shine."

Jiang biehe was wearing a robe, with a tuft of goatee and a gentle smile on his face.

After some greetings, Jiang biehe sat down as his master: "the leader of tieruyun alliance has been missing for a long time, and the gratitude and resentment in the river and lake always need someone to decide. So Jiang called on all the heroes to come here to recommend a new leader of Wulin alliance, representing our Daming River and lake."

"If you want me to tell you, Mr. Jiang, it's very suitable for you to be the leader of the alliance. No one in the world knows the name of Jiang biehe, who is incomparable in benevolence and righteousness." Said Mr. red leaf.

Jiang biehe said with a smile: "Mr. Hongye is joking. There are so many heroes sitting here. The leader of Jianyue, the gentleman of Huashan sect, and the leader of Zuoyou of Songshan sect are all outstanding people for a while. They should be the ones to be."

Although he wanted to be the leader of the alliance, this idea could not be expressed by chiguoguo.

"Mr. Jiang is flattered." Yue buqun gave up.

Zuo lengchan looked arrogant: "I want to be the leader of the Wulin alliance, but I'd better put down the challenge arena to compete, so that I won't be able to convince the public."

"Now that all the heroes in the world and all the sects are here, do as the left leader said, and set down the challenge arena to compete with the previous one." Jiang biehe looked at the crowd and said.

They automatically ignore the Oriental sister of heimuya and the two sisters of yuelianxing in yihuagong.

Heimuya is a demon sect, not worthy to sit with them.

And the palace does not contact with outsiders, so this time the river biehe did not even send an invitation.

It was because he didn't send the invitation letter that invited Yue felt that she looked down on the palace, so she sent Hua Wuqi to Huangshan to attend the Wulin conference.

Liu Zhengfeng, the second leader of Hengshan sect, said: "we Hengshan sect will not be mixed with each other. Our leader, the dragon, will not see his head when he sees his tail. To tell you the truth, I'm going to wash my hands and quit the world in a few days."

After he revealed the idea of Jinpen washing his hands and quitting from the world, he immediately surprised everyone.

Only Zuo lengchan showed a sneer.

At this time, a servant broke in in a hurry and interrupted the conversation.

"What a flustered system!" Jiang biehe felt that he had no light on his face.The servant said in a panic: "master, it's bad. Here comes the royal guards."

Hearing the royal guards coming, everyone was shocked.

"Royal guards? What's the royal guards doing here? "

"It's no good for these eagles to come."

"If the royal guards are going to be bad for Mr. Jiang, we will certainly not sit back and ignore them."

Yue buqun and Ning Zhong looked at each other.

Both of them thought of Su Xun.

"Don't panic, heroes. I'm not afraid of the shadow. The royal guards can't get hold of it. Please wait here. I'll go out and have a look."

He is Wei Zhongxian's father-in-law, so he is not afraid of the royal guards.

"Mr. Jiang, wait a minute, go with me. If it's dangerous, I'll take care of you."

"That's right. Let's go and see what the imperial eagle dog is up to."

"Today, when the heroes of the world gather together, will men be afraid of a group of Eagle dogs?"

There are so many brave people. They usually scold when they see the royal guards. Now all the people who walk around are full of courage.

In this way, Jiang biehe took a group of Ming heroes to meet Su Xun outside the gate.

Seeing Yue Lingshan beside Su Xun, Zuo lengchan narrowed his eyes and looked at Yue buqun.

Other people here don't know Yue Lingshan, but he can, because he has investigated Huashan, Hengshan, Taishan and Hengshan school carefully for a long time.

Yue buqun's daughter is with the royal guards. Has Yue buqun joined the imperial court?

"How do you address this adult?"

Jiang biehe looked at Su Xun and asked.

"Commander of the royal guards, Su Xun."

Su Xun said softly, but it was like thunder in everyone's ears.

After all, the commander of the royal guards is the commander of the royal guards. Now the commander of the royal guards is in Huangshan, so he doesn't want to catch them all.

For a moment, people were like enemies.

"It's Mr. Su. Why did Mr. Su come to Huangshan?" Jiang biehe didn't expect that he would be the commander of the royal guards.

Su Xun pointed to tiexinlan: "this is Xinlan, my concubine, and tieruyun's daughter. I heard that my father-in-law was arrested by you, Jiang biehe, and came to rescue him."


If this word falls, it will stir up a thousand waves like a stone.

Because the amount of information contained in Su Xun's sentence is too much.

First of all, tie Ruyun's only daughter became a concubine to the commander of the royal guards.

Secondly, tie Ruyun was caught by Jiang biehe when he disappeared. What does Jiang biehe want to do?

Jiang biehe's heart is full of waves, but on the surface it's still: "Mr. Su, you've wronged Jiang. How can Jiang catch the iron alliance leader? Besides, Jiang can't even have the heart."

When they heard this, they became suspicious again. Yes, Jiang biehe is a famous man of benevolence and righteousness. How can he catch the iron alliance leader?

Ten thousand steps back, even if he wants to catch the iron cloud, he doesn't have the strength.

People suspected that Su Xun was planting and setting up, and provoking dissension. After all, they didn't like the royal guards.

"Jiang biehe, I'm a three-level official. Can I frame you up? If it's true or false, let me go in and search for it. " Su Xun was careless.

Jiang biehe was immediately worried and said angrily, "Mr. Su, I'm not a big man, but I'm also famous in the river and lake. If you want to search, what face do I have?"

He would like to say, Mr. Su, we all work for the company. The flood flushed the Dragon King Temple!

But at this time, in front of so many people in the Jianghu, he couldn't say that.

"Yes, if there's any hard evidence, you can doubt and speculate, you'll have to search, don't even think about it!"

"Iron girl, as the only daughter of the iron alliance leader, you collude with the royal guards to injustice Mr. Jiang. The iron alliance leader has a daughter like you!"

"We are here today. You royal guards are not allowed to be presumptuous. If you don't have any evidence, you should leave immediately. Don't frame Mr. Jiang here!"

Relying on the advantages of the number and strength, the major sects were not afraid of Su Xun and did not give face at all.

Step on

At this time, the sound of rapid footsteps sounded.

Soon, thousands of armored soldiers and hundreds of royal guards rushed out from all directions, set up dozens of broken crossbows specially made for the people in the Jianghu, and surrounded the gate of Jiangfu.

Looking at the arrow with thick and thin thumbs, the heroes in the river and lake who were just shouting suddenly quieted down.

To tell you the truth, these soldiers and the royal guards can't stop them if they really want to fight, but their disciples will be killed and injured badly, and all the factions will be greatly weakened.

The prosperity of a school never depends on one person. No one wants the next generation of elites to die young.

So they tacit understanding of the choice of recognition counsels."Anyone who dares to move in disorder will be killed without mercy!"

Su Xun left a word and directly took Hua Wuqi and others to push them away and walk into Jiang Fu.

The leaders of various schools are playing dead in place.

Don't say whether they have fought or not. They dare not even move their hands. If they do, they will rebel. Then their clan generals will be surrounded and suppressed by tens of thousands of troops of the imperial court.

"Lord Su! Lord Su

Jiang biehe quickly caught up with Su Xun and said to him in a low voice: "misunderstanding, my Lord, I'm the son-in-law of the Lord of the factory. The flood flushed the Dragon King Temple!"

"What! You are the son-in-law of the company. Why didn't you say so earlier? " Su Xun's voice improved a lot.

For a moment, the leaders of all factions looked at Jiang biehe, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Jiang biehe

It's crazy.

Su Xun laughed and hugged Jiang biehe: "I've been a family for a long time. In this case, Mr. Jiang will let my father-in-law tie Ruyun go."

Looking at Su Xun's smiling face, Jiang biehe really wanted to give him a blow.

All his years of decorating were in vain.

Now everyone knows that he is Wei Zhongxian's son-in-law. How can he get along in the world?

Anyway, it's all exposed. As long as these people go back to check, they can find out the truth. Jiang biehe is too lazy to pretend: "tie Ruyun is really in my hand, but it's ordered by the factory master, so please go back. I won't let anyone go without the order of the factory master."

Hearing Jiang biehe admit himself, all the people in the Wulin are furious. It's the anger of being played around like a fool.

"Farewell to the crane! You sinister little man

"Let go of the iron leader soon!"

"I didn't expect you to be a eunuch!"

"Do you really want to kill me? But you can't! Ha ha ha... " After the showdown, Jiang biehe revealed his true nature and laughed miserably.

All the people in the Wulin were angry and helpless. They really had nothing to do with Su Xun.

At this time, Su Xun said softly, "if you want to kill him, kill him. He's from the East Hall. I'm the royal guards. I'm not familiar with him."

The smile on Jiang biehe's face was instantly stiff.

It was the turn of a group of Wulin people to smile.

Jiang biehe was so scared that he grabbed Su Xun's sleeve: "Mr. Su How can you say that? We all work for the company... "

"Yes, so, you should also have the consciousness of sacrificing for the company." Su Xun broke off his hand, and then walked to the inner courtyard with a big stride.

Just as Jiang biehe wanted to catch up, Zuo lengchan and others used their lightness skills to surround him.

"Jiang biehe, you must die!"

Jiang biehe's face turned pale and he was terrified: "you can't kill me Mr. Chang won't let you go. I'm Mr. Chang's son-in-law I can't die... "

"What a lot of nonsense! You don't have to talk about the morality of the river and the lake with this kind of insidious villain. Let's go together! " Left cold Zen movement ice Qi, a palm out.

Yue buqun, Liu Zhengfeng, Yu Canghai and others have pulled out weapons, followed by hands.

Jiang biehe has average martial arts. After being surrounded, he is only beaten. He is dismembered by people with real Qi.

"The reason why Jiang biehe kidnapped the iron leader must be to be the leader of the Wulin alliance. He almost cheated him this time. If he became the leader of the alliance, he would be in danger."

"Yes, it's too dangerous. Thanks to the commander of the royal guards, if it wasn't for him..."

"This man is so old that he should be the new commander. It seems that he is not in the same mind as the eunuch."

When people were discussing Su Xun, Su Xun had released tie Ruyun from the secret room.

"Daddy Cymbidium embraces tieruyun.

Tie Ruyun was still confused: "Xinlan, how can you be here? Have you been caught?"

"Dad, I'm here to save you." Tiexinlan came out of his arms, wiped his tears and said.

Looking at tie Ruyun, Su Xun said with a smile, "I've met Laotai mountain."

"What do you call me?"

Tie Ruyun widened his eyes and looked at his daughter's coy appearance. His mind was blank. How long has he been locked up? Even his daughter has been arched.

Tiexinlan held tieruyun's arm: "Dad, thanks to Chang'an, if it wasn't for him, I didn't know you were caught by the villain Jiang biehe..."

She told the whole story.

After hearing this, tie Ruyun sighed and looked at Su Xun with a complicated look: "thank you, Mr. Su."

He is not happy that his daughter will marry the commander of the royal guards as a concubine, but he can't fight with each other when others save him.

"Laotaishan doesn't have to be like this. It's what I should do." Su Xun was modest and polite.

Tieruyun toothache: "you'd better not take a bite of laotaishan, change the name.""Yes, father-in-law."

Iron like cloud

Hold back and don't worry about it like a child.

"Dad, let's go out first. Those people in the Jianghu are still waiting outside." Said tiexinlan.

Iron such as cloud this just returned to a God: "right, right, go out first, have what go out to say again."

Then they went out of the secret room, and at the same time, Su Xun found the six Ren god dice in a dark space of the Qin studio.

"Find a way to untie this. The way to untie it is to put all the same patterns together." Su Xun directly threw the six Ren god dice to Jiang Yuyan.

He only remembered that Jiang Yuyan solved it in the TV play, but he forgot what method he used.

There are the highest level of skill of marriage clothes and Hunyuan Qi in Liuren divine dice. Transplanting flowers and grafting trees and burying flowers in empty wood are the top internal mental skills in the world.

These two internal skills are the most powerful in Daming's world, and Dugu Jiujian can't match them.

When everyone came to the front yard, a group of Wulin people came up one after another.

"Iron leader."

"It's good that the iron leader is safe."

"Thank you for your concern. I didn't check for a while, but I was ambushed by Wei Zhongxian." Tie Ruyun raised his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

Then he pointed to Su Xun beside him: "I believe we all know him. The commander of the royal guards, Su Xun, Su Chang'an, saw through Wei Zhongxian's calculation and saved my husband. Chang'an and Xinlan are in love and have accepted him as his concubine. And he and Wei Zhongxian are not the same people. We should help each other more in the future. "

"I can understand your determination to get rid of Wei Zhongxian. I will do it. You can rest assured." Su Xun threw his hand at the crowd.

Yue buqun was the first to stand up: "Lord Su, a young hero, killed corrupt officials and powerful families in Fuzhou. I admire him very much. Huashan sect is willing to obey his orders."

"The Songshan school is willing to listen to your instructions." Zuo lengchan came out the second time, and the trend was irreversible.

"Hengshan school..."

"I am Hengshan school..."

Then all the sects declared their position one after another. With the power of the royal guards, Su Xun controlled all the sects of the Ming Dynasty by the hand of tie Ruyun, the leader of the Wulin alliance.

He also seduced Dongfang's elder sister with his personal beauty. From then on, the Wulin of Ming Dynasty was in his pocket.

This time, he killed Jiang biehe and released tie Ruyun. Basically, he was shameless with Wei Zhongxian.

Before the news is sent back to the capital, we should go back and kill Wei Zhongxian and take charge of the government.

Then, he carried out external and internal investigation, eradicated corrupt officials, accumulated fame, and forced Zhu Youjian to take the Zen position.

With a stable rear area, you can go to other countries to pick up girls and find secrets.

The cabinet of the Ming Dynasty was perfect, and with the existence of the royal guards and the East Hall, even if the emperor did not go to court for more than ten years, the country would not be in great trouble.

For example, if Emperor Wanli did not go to court for more than 20 years, he still did not lose power, let alone create chaos.

Su Xun could make a general direction for the cabinet to complete step by step, but he just had to go around and supervise the country by the royal guards.

Half a month later, Su Xun set out on his way back to Beijing.

The eight locust merchants can only put aside for the time being.

At the same time, because huawuqi has not been back to the palace, after many years, the two palace masters of inviting moon and Lianxing stepped out of the palace for the first time.


A month later, the capital.


Wei Zhongxian clapped his secret newspaper on the table, and the table fell apart in an instant.

"Where did Sue find out?"

Wei Zhongxian asked coldly.

"Adoptive father, Su Xun will arrive in Beijing in three days." Zhao Jingzhong replied respectfully.

Wei Zhongxian said in a cold voice: "let him come to see us for the first time after he comes back!"

Su Xun killed in Fuzhou and Jiangnan. Wei Zhongxian helped him clean up all the money he sent back.

But now he dares to kill his son-in-law and let tie Ruyun go.

Wei Zhongxian thinks that Su Xun is becoming more and more out of control. It's a good thing that Su Xun's courage is so big that he doesn't even pay attention to him. That's not appropriate.

He's going to withdraw Su Xun's post and let him taste disobedience. He can make him ascend to the sky and also make him fall from the sky and die.

"Yes, adoptive father!"

Zhao Jingzhong had a gloating smile in his eyes. Su Xun, Su Xun, your good luck has come to an end. What are you without an adoptive father?

He was very jealous of Su Xun, because Su Xun was really a little Royal Guard flag when he met him for the first time.

But later, Su Xun was promoted all the way. Instead, he surpassed him. It was strange that he could balance his mind.

At this time, Su Xun was not afraid of Wei Zhongxian.

Half a month ago, Jiang Yuyan had already solved the six Ren god dice. Su Xun got the mental skills of transplanting flowers and trees and burying flowers with empty wood, and practiced with Jiang Yuyan.Jiang Yuyan was just like kaigua. He practiced in a few days. Su Xun's martial arts talent was already full, so he really kaigua.

Su Xun can now abuse Wei Zhongxian to death, because transplanting flowers and grafting trees can also absorb other people's internal power. In the TV series, Jiang Yuyan has absorbed Liu Xi's internal power.

So now Wei Zhongxian is a big power bank full of energy in Su Xun's eyes.

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