After practicing transplanting flowers and grafting trees, Su Xun decided that he was only responsible for stamping the orders given by Wei Zhongxian, so Su Xun affectionately called him the emperor of stamping, and would continue to seal for him in the future.

"Your Majesty, a happy event, a great one!"

Wang Chengen trotted in with an excited face.

"What's more, Wei Zhongxian has committed many evils and died suddenly?" Zhu Youjian's interest is lacking.

What he wanted to do was to make great achievements after he ascended the throne, but he didn't expect that Wei Zhongxian and Su Xun had the power to kill the king, which made him a puppet emperor.

Wang Chengen said excitedly: "the emperor is really clever. Wei Zhongxian didn't die suddenly, but he was killed by Su Xun. Now it's all over the capital."

"What Zhu Youjian immediately sat up.

After a long silence, he burst out laughing: "Wei Zhongxian, Wei Zhongxian, I didn't expect that you would die in the hands of the dog who was promoted by you. He also trampled on you. You gained a wave of reputation of eradicating eunuchs and traitors. I'm afraid you won't die in peace."

"My Lord, there is another good thing..." After Wang Chengen reported his good news, he was ready to talk about Su Xun's breaking into the palace. He wanted to persuade the emperor to take advantage of this matter to handle Su Xun, so that the imperial power would return to Zhu Youjian.

He didn't know that Wei Zhongxian and Su Xun had mastered Zhu you's evidence of regicide, so they thought things so simple and beautiful.

"It seems that your majesty is in a good mood."

A sound of pondering rang out, and everyone went along. He saw a red flying fish suit Su Xun came in with a long knife on his waist.

Seeing this, Zhu Youjian was shocked: "Su Xun You, how did you get in! "

"Your Majesty, another thing is that the commander of the royal guards breaks into the palace with a knife. Please punish him severely!" Wang Chengen held back his excitement and handed Su Xun's knife.

After all, it's a crime of attempted assassination.

Su Xun looked at Zhu Youjian with a smile: "Your Majesty can have a clear view. Don't be unjust to me."

"Still arguing..." Wang Chengen denounced.

Zhu Youjian has calmed down and interrupted Wang Chengen's words: "shut up, Su Aiqing is ordered to enter the palace. I want to have a secret talk with him. You all go down."

Although Wei Zhongxian died, Su Xun still held his secret, so he had to be a puppet.

But he has seen the hope of power.

Wei Zhongxian can fight the Donglin Party, but he doesn't think Su Xun can fight it.

What he needs now is to wait until the right time to give Su Xun a fatal blow.

Wang Chengen was stunned and quickly responded. Knowing that Zhu Youjian was in trouble, he resigned.

"Your Majesty, I will leave first."

Empress Zhou got up, with a smile on her lips, nodded slightly to Su Xun, and then left.

Although she knows that Su Xun is the treacherous Minister Zhu Youjian hates, she will not be impolite as a queen.

She came from an ordinary family and was also a virtuous empress. There were many empresses in Ming Dynasty, but few emperors. They wasted them.

"Su Aiqing, please tell me what will I do." Zhu Youjian showed a self mocking smile.

Su Xun said with a smile, "Your Majesty has a clever plan. In fact, it's nothing more than that the minister eradicated Wei Zhongxian, a treacherous minister, for your Majesty's sake

This is a bad word for Zhu you.

"Su Aiqing has a point." Zhu Youjian's heart is like eating a fly, but his face is full of it.

Su Xun said, "I want to take charge of the factory guard."

The factory is the East factory, and the guard is the Royal Guard. Even Wei Zhongxian didn't take charge of the factory.

He just used his power to suppress the Royal Guards for the governor of the East Hall.

"It's so good, but Ai Qing's reward is too meager to get rid of thieves for the country. Let's let her serve as the commander of the royal guards and concurrently serve as the commander of the East Hall. How about another Marquis of Huai'an and a jade belt for the boa constrictor?"

Anyway, Su Xun now has whatever he wants, so Zhu Youjian waves his hand and rewards him indiscriminately. If he wants to destroy him, he must first make him crazy.

Su Xun was in a high position when he was young, and he was in charge of the government. Zhu Youjian wanted to let him float, let him expand to the point that he didn't know what to say, and make him seek his own death.

But he didn't know that Su Xun had been an official more than this. Could it make him expand?

That's it?

"Thank you

Su Xun's calm hand.

Zhu Youjian sneered. He was quite determined. He was so happy that he could hold back.

I'll see how long you can bear it.

"If Aiqing has nothing to do, leave. The imperial edict of awarding Aiqing will be announced tomorrow morning."

Zhu Youjian waved and said.

Then Su Xun retired. At the same time, the ministers were gathering together.

Both the Donglin Party and the eunuch party have their own. Now, without Wei Zhongxian, they are ready to join hands except Su Xun.

After all, they are all ministers of state, so naturally they don't want to be put on the head by a spy.What's more, Su Xun and his party in Fuzhou and Yangzhou killed more than 2000 people. Who is not afraid of this kind of killing God?

Remove the secret agent first, and then there will be internal competition among them. At least they won't be killed like Su Xun.

"Now that Su Xun and Wei Zhongxian bite the dog, Wei Zhongxian is dead. Your Majesty must be waiting for us to impeach him."

Urge Cheng Xiu to carry a teacup to say indifferently.

Although he is a member of the eunuch party, he is now a minister. The emperor can't dismiss him if he wants to. After all, there are so many eunuchs in the eunuch party. If all of them are removed, will the emperor use any more people?

On the contrary, Wei Zhongxian's existence has been suppressing him. Now that Wei Zhongxian is dead, he is happy.

As for the cooperation with Su Xun, he has long been thrown out of the sky. Wei Zhongxian is dead. What's the use of the evidence that he secretly believed in the king?

"Yes, Wei Zhongxian is dead. Can Su Xun, a commander of the royal guards, jump up and down?"

"I'm ready for the memorial. I'll impeach Su Xun tomorrow. Please press your fingerprints." Han Kuang took out a joint Memorial and put it on the table.

After pressing the fingerprints, all the people in the room laughed at each other. There is no permanent enemy in politics. Don't they join hands with each other now?

"Ladies and gentlemen, I propose to drink tea instead of wine. Cheers to the bright future of Daming!" Han Kuang got up and said.

He is deeply trusted by Zhu Youjian, but because of Wei Zhongxian, Zhu Youjian is not good at reusing him. Now that Wei Zhongxian is dead, he should rise to the top.

This man was the first assistant in the movie.


"Did you hear that? Wei Zhongxian is dead. "

"You know now? It has been spread all over the capital for a long time. It was the commander of the royal guards, Lord Su, who killed it. "

"Well done! It's said that Mr. Su has killed three or four thousand people this time. They are all corrupt officials and despotic gentry. Mr. Su is really blue sky

"Yes, those scholars still scold Lord Su and Wei Zhongxian for being in collusion every day. But after Lord Su became the commander of the royal guards, the royal guards no longer dare to bully our people. Who is good or bad? We are blind. Can't we see it?"

"Now that Wei Zhongxian has been killed by Lord Su, who dares to say that they are in collusion? Mr. Su clearly endured humiliation and gained the trust of Wei Zhongxian. He is our loyal minister of Daming! The emperor's loyal minister

Wei Zhongxian's death is a great event. After all, no one knows that he is nine thousand years old. Under the propaganda of the East Hall and the royal guards, it has spread all over the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

Everyone was talking, and Su Xun became a loyal minister who broke into the enemy, endured humiliation and gained his trust. At the critical moment, he was killed.

Now who dares to say that Mr. Su is a eunuch?

Is there a eunuch who kills his own leader?

At the same time, Su Xun also ordered that the matter be spread to all counties of the Ming Dynasty by using the intelligence network of the royal guards.

He's already washing white.

At this time, Su Fu, in the study.

"My Lord, all Wei Zhongxian's followers have been arrested and put into prison, and the place where he hid his silver has also been found."

He said, lowering his head.

Most of the people in the East Hall, Su Xun, did not pursue it, but Wei Zhongxian's daughter and son would definitely be arrested.

Otherwise, how can the East Hall and the royal guards be run in a unified way when there are internal differences?

Su Xun said slowly: "tomorrow afternoon, ask and chop, in addition, count Wei Zhongxian's property."

"Yes, I'll leave." Dingxiu leaves.

Just then, there was a noise outside.

Soon a royal guard ran in: "I tell you, there are two women outside. They claim to be from the flower transplant palace. They want us to hand over 100 families of flowers."

"The moon and the stars." Su Xun got up and went out.

When you come to the front yard, you can see that Yanyue and Lianxing are fighting with Li Kuisheng and other royal guards.

Hua wushao went to copy Wei Zhongxian's home.

The two of them are tall, with deep career lines looming. One is cold and the other is gentle. The two sisters have different customs.

"All back off!" Su Xun called.

Li Kuisheng and others were ordered to withdraw from the battle circle.

"You can't break into my official residence."

Su Xun scolded, and his voice fell down. He turned into a shadow and rushed to the two sisters. The two sisters gave a cold hum. One of them used the magic skill of wedding dress, and the other used Hunyuan Qi to fight Su Xun.

However, their wedding dress skills and Hunyuan Qi have no mental skills of the highest level.

"Empty wood buries flowers!"

Su Xun gave a loud shout and used his unique skill of burying flowers with empty wood to push them back. Then a tornado destroyed the parking lot and made them vomit blood.

"How can you know the skill of my flower transplanting palace?"

Inviting the moon and pitying the star to help each other, and looking at Su Xun with unbelievable faces, they buried flowers in empty wood, but they had already lost their skill in the flower palace."Do I need to explain to you?"

Su Xun asked in reply.

Inviting the moon was so angry that Lian Xing was gentle that she told Su Xun: "Su Da, please calm down. My sister and I just came here to look for their beloved disciples, but they didn't want to kill people. Otherwise, these royal guards would have died long ago."

The temperament of inviting the moon is to kill people, but she was persuaded by Lianxing. After all, this is the capital. She offended Su Xun and was besieged by the army. There is only one way to die.

"Pity Star Palace master, if not, you two have already died." Su Xun said calmly.

Invite month cold hum, some not convinced.

Lian Xing pursed his mouth: "please call Hua Wuqi out. Another skill I lost in the flower palace is to bury flowers in empty wood. Please return it."

"Is the master of Lianxing palace joking? I didn't steal it from you. Why should I give it back to you? In addition, I will do the same

Su Xun wanted to use empty wood to bury flowers and transplant flowers to hang the two sisters for his use.


When Su Xun heard that the transplanting flowers and trees were also in his hands, the invitation to the moon and Lianxing were not only breathless.

"As long as the adults can return the skills of transplanting flowers and transplanting trees and burying flowers with empty trees, any conditions can be raised." Inviting the moon is more decisive than pitying the star.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I can give you back my skills, but the palace will work for me for ten years."

"This..." The star looked at her sister for the month, because the flower house was always a strong visitor has the final say.

Inviting the moon coldly said: "is not to listen to your order to help you kill? Why not

"In order to prevent you from going against me, I'll give you the skill of transplanting flowers and grafting trees first, and then I'll give you the skill of burying flowers with empty trees a year later." The woman who invited the moon didn't have any sense of keeping the promise. Su Xun didn't feel at ease.

Invite a month to sneer: "did not expect Su adult hall a man incredibly still believe two women."

"Can't the master of inviting the moon believe men?" Su Xun showed a meaningful smile.

Invited month was mentioned sad, face a heavy, cold hum a: "Su adult mouth is flexible."

"To tell you the truth, my tongue is more flexible." Su Xun laughed, and then said, "I am upright as an official. There are many treacherous officials who want to harm me, so for the sake of my life, you two will follow me and protect my safety."

Hearing Su Xun's claim to be upright, the royal guards all around were twitching.

My Lord, you are more greedy than Wei Zhongxian.

"It doesn't matter if you die. Don't take down the skill of transplanting flowers and grafting trees." Invite month cold voice to say.

Lianxing apologized to Su Xun with a smile: "this is my sister's temperament. Please forgive me. Next, we will try our best to protect adult's safety."

"I still like to talk to the leader of Lianxing palace. Come in and give you the skill of burying flowers with empty wood first."

With that, Su Xun waved his sleeve robe to let the royal guards back down, and then led the two sisters into the study.

After giving them the skills of burying flowers with empty wood, they arranged a partial courtyard for them.

In the afternoon, Wei Zhongxian's house finished copying.

There are more than 40 million taels of cash. This dog is more greedy than the 30 million taels that Su Xun sent back. He didn't give Zhu Youjian a cent. It's really greedy.

Wei Zhongxian: I'm flattered.

Invite the moon to go back to arrange things about the flower palace, leaving Lianxing alone in the capital.

Su Sao, Bao began to plan to hook up and lead Lianxing.

Compared with the woman who has been hurt and has prejudice against all men, Lianxing, who has never been in love and is kind-hearted, is a better woman to cheat.

Because of the special skill of the palace, the 30-year-old invited moon and Lianxing always maintain their 20-year-old appearance, so age is not a problem.

The problem is beauty.


Su Xun was stunned. Good guy, he impeached seventy-two crimes. I didn't do anything. I just went to crime with a law every day, didn't I?

"Wait for me to reconsider!"

A large number of Ministers knelt down. When other officials saw this scene, they hesitated for a moment and followed suit.

For a moment, only Su Xun was left standing.

He seems lonely and miserable. The eunuch party officials all know that he is going to die, not only some of them are miserable.

"You Aiqing, please rise quickly. Su Aiqing is devoted to the country, loyal to me, and even eradicates Wei Zhongxian and other traitors. What's his crime?"

Zhu Youjian really wants to make an order to investigate and deal with Su Xun, but he can't do that. He will die together.

How can Su Xun's life match his?

Man Dynasty Civil and military suddenly confused, kneeling on the ground, they looked up at the emperor.

Your majesty, what are you thinking!

You missed such a good chance!


There was a terrible thought in the crowd.Is Su Xun always a member of the emperor, and he sent him to Wei Zhongxian?

The more people think about it, the more likely it is.

For a moment, he was in a cold sweat. The emperor had such a good hand, and they offended Su Xun, who made great contributions to the emperor. Isn't it tragic?

A bunch of brain buffs, crazy brain buffs.

Zhu Youjian didn't know what they were thinking, so he ordered Wang Chengen to declare a decree.

Wang Chengen took the imperial edict and stepped forward a few steps: "emperor Fengtian, the imperial edict said: my humerus, royal guards commander Su Xun, loyal and patriotic, Balabala Today, he is given the post of commanding envoy of the royal guards, and concurrently the governor of the East Hall. He goes to Huai'an to wait, and he is given a boa robe and jade belt to rest with the state. He is allowed to worship not his name, enter the court and walk up the hall with his sword. It can be seen that I do not kneel down, and I do so. "

Hearing such a generous reward, everyone was shocked again. They gave Su Xun all the things that the East Hall and the royal guards said were right. Isn't your majesty afraid to raise another 9000 year old Wei Zhongxian?

No, Su Xun is not a eunuch. His harm will be even greater. It's Dong Zhuo, it's Cao Cao!

"Minister, take orders." Su Xun came out.

"No! Your majesty! Even though Lord Su has made great contributions, it is too much to offer such a reward. I ask your majesty to take it back! " Han Kuang yelled.

"Your Majesty, please take it back!"

Most people have reconsidered. Su Xun is in charge of the East Hall and the royal guards at the same time. Then they have offended Su Xun today. Won't they suffer in the future?

So I only expect Zhu Youjian to take back his life.

But Zhu Youjian's attitude was decisive: "this matter is settled. I'm tired. Let's disperse the court."

Voice down, straight up and go.

He just wanted these officials to fight with Su. The more incompatible they were, the happier he was.

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