With Zhu Youjian and Wang Chengen leaving, only Su Xun and a group of civil and military officials were left in Taihe hall.

"My Lord, I'm so sorry. As an official of the same court, I've always regarded you as my most respected predecessors. Unexpectedly, you stabbed me in the back! Fortunately, your majesty is sage and insightful, and has not been framed and encouraged by you in a few words. "

Su Xun circled in the hall of Supreme Harmony, looking at Cui Chengxiu, Han Kuang and others with a sad face. He seemed to want to write down everyone's appearance.

His eyes were numbing.

Many people regretted later, especially those middle-level officials who were just qualified to go to the court, and they said hello to Han Kuang's ancestors for 18 generations.

Mr. Cao Ni, without knowing the enemy's situation, led us to open fire. It's not like we're going to follow Wei Zhongxian's example. It's the Holy Family of Zhenglong!

Now, I'm sorry for him. I dare not talk to my wife.

"Mr. Su, misunderstandings, misunderstandings, I was taken to the ditch by them." Li Lusheng, the censor, licked his face and came up to Su Xun to kowtow.

He was a member of the eunuch party, promoted by Wei Zhongxian, and promoted from magistrate to censor.

Cui Chengxiu, the senior officials, can't put down their faces to be soft with Su Xun on this occasion, but he has no psychological pressure. After all, Wei Zhongxian's people have no integrity.

Su Xun laughed and patted him on the face heavily: "since all of them have fallen into the pit, you can just bury them in the pit. The grave is free."

No matter what Donglin Party or eunuch party he is, he should clear out the court hall as soon as possible, so that he won't be held by his trouser legs when he is out in waves.

Li Lusheng's face turned pale.

Su Xun didn't waste any more time on one of his little people. He looked around for a week: "ha ha, my lords, this Liang Zi is a knot. You make me feel cold. Changing the Japanese official makes you sad!"

He laughed to the chill of his feet.

Voice down, a throw sleeve robe, negative hand laughing to go outside the hall, at the door by the eunuch to help him put on shoes, stride out of the hall door.

The hall of Supreme Harmony is dead.

Li Lusheng threw himself on the ground and began to cry.

But at this time, no one laughed at him, only empathy and fear, anger and panic.

They thought that Wei Zhongxian was dead, and it was their turn to take charge of the government, but they didn't expect a more vicious one.

And now Su Xun's power is even higher than that of Wei Zhongxian. The key is to kill Wei Zhongxian. He has a good reputation among the people.

This man is a hundred times more difficult than Wei Zhongxian.

They may all be the next li Lusheng.

"Urge the book of history..." Han Kuang sees Cui Chengxiu.

Urge Cheng Xiu to squint: "walls have ears."

Han Kuang nodded and kept silent.

A running dog of the eunuch party and a clear stream of the Donglin Party actually got together because of Su Xun. Su Xun was also the matchmaker of their two families.

There are many wise people in such a big court. After a short period of muddle, they quickly reflected that the emperor's attitude was not right.

According to Zhu Youjian's character when he was king of letters, he was a man with strong desire for power.

How could it be that after being controlled by Wei Zhongxian, he took the initiative to hand over the power to Su Xun?

Moreover, his reward to Su Xun was too much. It was not like reuse, but more like helplessness.

Excluding all the impossibilities, the one left is the only answer. In this way, they have a bold speculation that Zhu Youjian is afraid of Su Xun.

But he was a great emperor. Su Xun's power came from the emperor, and his foundation was even weaker than Wei Zhongxian's. what could the emperor fear?

This is the key to solve Su Xun's problem.

On the other side, as soon as Su Xun walked out of Taihe hall, he was stopped by a palace maid.

"Mr. Su, stay here. I have an important person to see you." A palace maid with lingering charm gave Su Xun a smile.

Su Xun asked, "who is the nobleman in the palace?"

Noble here generally refers to the imperial concubines.

The emperor's concubine met his foreign minister privately. Zhu Youjian didn't think he was wearing a green hat for him.

Zhou miaoxuan: didn't you wear it for him?

"I'll know if you come with me." The maid in waiting just smiles and makes a gesture of invitation.

Su Xun also laughed: "lead the way."

Can he still be scared by a woman?

What's more, she's a woman she hasn't seen.

Ten thousand steps back, let alone meeting the emperor's concubines. He takes Dong Xiangguo as his idol. He dares to spend the night sleeping with his concubines.

Then she went into a small garden. The maid stopped at the door and said, "please, my Lord."

When Su Xun went into the garden alone, he saw a beautiful figure with his back to him. His hair was black and his head was full of gold forks and jade hairpins.Wearing a white skirt embroidered with Golden Peony, with a white jade neck protruding from the back collar, she has a slim back and a tall figure. Her slender waist is like a willow in the wind, and below it is a full moon with moderate radian.

Just looking at one figure can evoke the inexplicable flame in people's heart. Of course, Su Xun is an exception. Su liuxiahui Xun is famous for his calm mind.

Because often people have not sat in his arms, he has been rude in the mess.

So people give nicknames - sit back!

Finally, the woman slowly turned around, revealing the delicate face, a moderate size oval face, eyebrows like willow leaves, eyes pan peach, Qiong nose is cherry like pink lips, charming and moving.

"Mr. Su, how brave you are

Seeing that Su Xun dared to look at his face so rudely, Zhang Yan yelled angrily.

She couldn't help turning around because she could feel his unbridled eyes behind his back.

But I didn't expect that after seeing her real face, Su Xun dared to look at her so boldly.

"I'm not brave enough to appreciate her beautiful body." Su Xun showed a joking smile.

He now knows what Zhang Yan suddenly saw him for. After all, he was the only one who came into the palace wearing flying fish clothes that day. It's very easy to find out his head.

Zhang Yan's pretty face turned red, as if she could shed blood. She was ashamed, angry and frightened. Her hands were shaking when she pointed to Su Xun: "you How dare you

She is the Empress Dowager. How ever did anyone dare to play with her like this? It's a matter of losing one's head.

"Thank you for your praise." Su Xun laughed and asked, "I don't know what's the purpose of calling me."

Zhang Yan was furious: "Mr. Su! Breaking into the harem, peeping, watching the Empress Dowager bathe, you are a capital crime

She didn't understand why Su Xun could be so calm after committing such a big crime, but it was this kind of indifferent attitude that made her more and more angry.

"What the empress said is very true. I'll turn myself in now. Frankly, I look at the empress's body and ask for your Majesty's death!" With that, Su Xun turned and left.

Zhang Yan's pretty face flashed a fluster, and Zhang was helpless: "you are crazy! Stop for me

"I've committed a capital crime. Does the empress want to cover up the officials?" Su Xun looked back with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yan clenched the powder fist, which still don't know this audacious commander is still teasing her.

She took a deep breath, calmed the agitation, and said with humiliation: "Mr. Su, I don't want to have" no shortage. I need you to go to Liaodong for me. " In the study, Su Xun looked at Hua Wuqi and said.

The map of the world is very strange. It can't be compared with the historical map of the previous life. After all, several countries exist at the same time. The fusion of martial arts and history is not the original world at all.

In this world, Liaodong of the Ming Dynasty actually borders on the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and Mao Wenlong is the governor of the Qing Dynasty.

Mao Wenlong was a very capable general in the original time and space, but he was killed by yuan Chonghuan.

After all, Mao Wenlong had to fight against the Qing Tartars at the front line.

However, what reassures Su Xun is that Manchu will not attack for the time being, because according to intelligence, Xuanye, that is Kangxi, is not in power, and power is controlled by aobai, so he won't start a war for a while.

Aobai said: Mr. Su, it's not difficult for us to go together.

Compared with the great Song Dynasty, the situation of the Ming Dynasty is still relatively good, because the great Song Dynasty is being defeated by the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty cavalry. The latest news shows that the defense line of the song army has shrunk to Xiangyang. If Xiangyang is broken, the great Song Dynasty will not be far from subjugation.

After listening to Su Xun's arrangement, Hua Wuqi took a deep breath: "don't worry, you will live up to your life."

Fortunately, it's by sea, otherwise it's not easy to escort ten million silver to Liaodong by land.

Su Xun handed him another letter: "this is what I want to say. Help me bring it to Liaodong officers and soldiers."

Soon, Hua Wuqi was ordered to leave.

As soon as Hua Wuqi left, Su Xun received the news from the palace. The Emperor invited him to a banquet, saying that he was celebrating for eradicating the remnants of the eunuch party.

"Dare I eat the wine and food in the palace?"

Su Xun didn't know what the emperor was up to.

However, since the Emperor invited him, he agreed. After all, he was an emperor, so he had to give some face. It's for the sake of the Empress Dowager.


In the evening, Su Xun went to the palace alone.

Zhu Youjian held a banquet in the pavilion of the royal garden.

When Su Xun arrived under the leadership of the eunuch, there was only Zhu Youjian in the pavilion.

"See your majesty."

Su Xun gave him a bow.

"Ha ha ha, Su Aiqing is here. Come on, take a seat quickly. Today is a family dinner, but you should have a good drink with me." Zhu Youjian said with a laugh.

Su Xun sat down opposite Zhu Youjian and said, "Your Majesty invited me. Naturally, I can't please you."But in the heart is active open, this guy won't really prepare to poison oneself this big loyal minister.

"The empress is coming -"

accompanied by a shrill voice, followed by Empress Zhou in full dress.

Wearing a phoenix crown and a dignified golden red phoenix robe, it is noble and grand. The white on the chest adds a bit of amorous feelings. This dress can arouse people's desire to conquer the status.

"I'll see you." Su Xun got up.

Empress Zhou chuckled and looked like a pool of spring water in her eyes: "Lord Su is a great hero of your majesty. Today, just relax and don't be so restrained."

"Yes, Madame." Su Xun answered, and then sat down again. He was even more suspicious.

Just the two of you invited me. What the hell are you up to?

When the dishes were ready, Zhu Youjian said to the eunuch maids, "go down. Without my command, you are not allowed to step into the imperial garden, so as not to spare Yaxing."

"Yes." A group of maids and eunuchs left one after another. In the blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the royal garden.

Zhu you reported the cup and said, "I'll drink to Su Aiqing first. Queen, Su Aiqing's great contribution is my humerus. Please pour wine for him."

Su Xun blinked. Zhu Youjian was crazy to ask the queen to pour wine for him.

"Your Majesty, you must not. How can the empress Fengti pour wine for me?" Su Xun refused.

Unexpectedly, empress Zhou smiles, walks to him and sits down: "I just said that Lord Su should not be too polite. You see, it's polite again. All the eunuchs and maids have been sent. Today, there is no outsider."

Then he leaned over to pour the wine for Su Xun, and embroidered the Phoenix's bra to sink, revealing a touch of scenery.

Su Xun understood. It's a beauty trick.

Hiss -

ZHU Youjian is so cruel!

Xianneng did not hesitate to order to kill Zhou miaoxuan, her confidant who had been with her for many years.

Now I can use the queen to do the trick.

If we hadn't met him, Zhu Youjian would have been a big hero in the world.

It's a pity that I met him.

He likes it best.

The beauty took it and gave it back.

Now that he knows Zhu Youjian's plan, he is not polite. He pretends to refuse and grabs the wine pot from the queen. In fact, he holds her jade hand.

"Niang Niang, still let me come by myself."

Empress Zhou's delicate body is slightly stiff. She is so bold that she has already started to play with her.

She wanted to slap her face, but when she thought of Zhu Youjian's plan, she forced herself to endure humiliation, with a smile on her face, pretended to fall and fell into his arms.

"Ah There was a sweet cry in his mouth.

Su Xun quickly put his arms around her and got up. With a nervous look on his face, he said, "isn't the body of empress Feng all right?"

"Maybe it's a sprain." Empress Zhou slightly frowned, a look of pain, people pity.

Watching Su Xun play his queen in front of him, Zhu Youjian's hand holding the wine glass turns pale and vows to tear Su Xun to pieces.

"I suddenly felt ill, so I went back to my bedroom to have a rest. The queen treated Lord Su well for me." Zhu Youjian was angry in his heart, but his face was silent.

Su Xun said, "Your Majesty, take care of the dragon."

"Thank you for your care. We must have a good time tonight. It's getting late and the palace is closed. Let's stay in the palace." Zhu Youjian finished and left quickly.

One more minute, he can't stand it.

After Zhu Youjian left, Su Xun looked at the empress in his arms and said, "the empress's foot is sprained. Why don't you let her knead it? After all, I know a little bit about bonesetting. "

"What's the nonsense of Lord Su? Women's feet can't be seen by men." Empress Zhou is coquettish and angry, but this image of refusing to return to shame is more attractive.

Su Xun said with awe inspiring righteousness: "eat your salary, share your worries, your majesty is not here, I can only care for his Empress."

Zhu Youjian: I'm so moved.

Later, after empress Zhou pushed her, Su Xun took off her shoes and showed her white feet. Then they soon rolled together in a mess.

For Su Xun, since it was Zhu Youjian who took the initiative to send it to his door, it was not in vain.

To pick up is to earn.

Empress Zhou also died for Daming.

Of course, she would never admit that she was a little bit evil and excited when she was kissed.

"No, there's a room in the north. Go to Go to the room. " Empress Zhou forced her consciousness and gasped.

In the imperial garden, the Phoenix is singing. Zhu Youjian has no sleep all night and smashes the porcelain and jade pieces to pieces.

The next day, Su Xun took a look at the still sleepy queen Zhou, then put on his clothes and left.

He didn't go far. He was on the roof. He wanted to see what Zhu Youjian's reaction was.In the house, Queen Zhou youyou wakes up and feels that her whole body is almost broken up. Then she suddenly wakes up and finds that Su Xun is missing. She immediately wants to cry without tears.

She hasn't had time to assassinate yet.

The empress of Tang Tang was whored by Bai.

Then she put on her clothes in a trance.

But he said that Zhu Youjian had been waiting for a long time, but no news came. He felt that something was wrong. Then he came to the Royal Garden in a hurry. After opening the door, he saw queen Zhou sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze.

"Nothing happened to you last night?"

Zhu Youjian was disappointed.

"It happened." There is no expression behind the emperor of Zhou. She clearly captures the disappointment in Zhu Youjian's eyes. Her heart immediately cools and she is also disappointed in Zhu Youjian.

Zhu Youjian said: "what about others?"

"I fainted last night When you wake up, he's gone. " Queen Zhou blushed and whispered.

Su Xun is not a human being, but an ox!

Zhu Youjian

What do I want to do?

What's the picture!

At this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded.

"Your Majesty is here too. I've come to thank you for your hospitality last night." Su Xun came in.

Zhu Youjian's face turned blue and white.

Su Xun looked at him sarcastically: "you really have nothing to do with it. Daming actually needs a woman to save him. Then Daming should die."

"You Shut up Zhu Youjian was angry.

Su Xun sneered: "Zhu Youjian, if you are safe, you will be a puppet who doesn't worry about food and drink. If you play these little tricks again, don't blame me for being rude."

If it had not been for the time, he would have kicked this selfish silly beep to Java.

"This is the land of Daming!" Zhu Youjian knows that he has turned over, and he no longer suppresses his emotions.

Su Xun raised his hand with a slap in the face: "open your eyes and have a look at your Daming. You are worried about the external and internal troubles. The people are in dire need of living. You are in arrears with military expenses. The victims have four lives. Do you Zhu's family still deserve to sit in this country when they pass on to this generation?"

The last emperors of the Zhu family are really not good.

Zhu Youjian's face turned pale. He recognized Su Xun's rebellion. He wanted to seize Zhu's country.

Su Xun made a point on him.

"You What have you done to me

"It's just to waste your roots. After all, the queen is my woman now. I'm not like you. I only use my own woman to waste you, so that you can't touch her in the future. If she's missing a hair, I'll make you feel worse than death."

With that, Su Xun turned and left.

"You're such a bitch. Have you been flirting with him for a long time?" Zhu Youjian roared.

Empress Zhou was even colder, biting her lips and shaking her head stubbornly: "I haven't..."

All this was designed by Zhu Youjian, but in the end, she spilled fire on her head again Zhu Youjian raises his hand, but suddenly thinks of Su xungang's words and puts them down.

When empress Zhou saw this, there was a trace of irony in her eyes. Compared with Su Xun, Zhu Youjian didn't look like a man, either in bed or under bed.

Zhu Youjian was stung by her eyes, growled a few times, then stormed away.

Since then, Zhu Youjian has been reduced to a puppet emperor. He has been drinking and enjoying all day, and has been absorbed in poetry, because the eunuchs who go up to the court and down to the palace are gradually replaced by Su Xun.

Even several armies in the capital were replaced by his own people by Su Xun in various ways. The whole capital of the Ming Dynasty was full of Su Xun's words from the inside to the outside.

here he can also go out to the waves. The first stop is the Quan Zhen religion in the Song Dynasty. He is going to the half the nine Yin manual inscribed in the tomb.

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