Liaodong, Guangning.

Mao Wenlong, who was supposed to be stationed in PiDao, had a higher position in the world. He was stationed in Guangning because he was in charge of Liaodong military affairs to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

Today, all the officers and soldiers in Guangning city gather in the school yard, because it is said that an angel is coming.

"I didn't expect that your majesty still remembered us. The salary was delayed for one year, but he thought he forgot us."

"It can't be that your majesty just ascended the throne and wants to make a great contribution, urging us to fight a decisive battle with the Manchu Qing Dynasty."

"What's your majesty? Didn't you hear from the guards in Jincheng? They are the guards under Huai'an Hou."

Because Su Xun was also the commander of the royal guards and the governor of the East Hall, it was not easy to call him, so these soldiers were called his title.

"It's said that Hou Nian Fang of Huai'an is weak and his martial arts are unfathomable. He killed Wei Zhongxian and eradicated the eunuch party. I don't know what heroes like him sent to Liaodong for."

"Well, I don't know when the military pay will be paid. Before Wei Zhongxian was alive, we could at least get some military pay, hoping that the literati would dream."

At this time, Mao Wenlong and Liaodong officials were waiting for the angels from the capital outside Guangning.

Finally, a team composed of the royal guards appeared in the public's sight, and the leader was huawuqi, who was very upset all the way.

First by land, then by sea, and then by land, he is a martial arts expert.

At this time, it will take months to go on a long journey.

"Liaodong governor Mao Wenlong and officers of Liaodong Town are waiting for the angel." Mao Wenlong came forward to salute.

Hua Wuqi did not dare to ask big: "General Mao, please get up. I can't accept such a big gift."

"I don't know the angel has come all the way, but what's your command?" Mao Wenlong asked. A word or two, he is far away in Liaodong. The news of Beijing can only get a few words, and he knows little about it. But he knows that the present court is Huaian's Suzhou has the final say.

In the past, if they wanted military pay, they had to lick Wei Zhongxian. In the future, they would have to please the Huai'an marquis.

For them, civil servants are much more hateful than Wei Zhongxian. At least Wei Zhongxian can pay them.

This is also a kind of sorrow, Wei Xu border, died in the battlefield, but should get the military pay, but still have to grovel to find a way to get.

Hua Wuqi said, "I'm Hua Wuqi. The hundred families of the royal guards came to pay for the soldiers of Liaodong in the name of Huai'an marquis. Ten million silver."

"What! Military pay Hearing the two words of military pay, people behind Mao Wenlong suddenly burst the pot.

And the figure of 10 million taels makes them dizzy. Happiness comes too suddenly.

Mao Wenlong is also very excited: "please spend hundreds of families to thank Huai'an Hou da'en for this general!"

Although Su Xun sent military pay in his own name, he was suspected of buying off the border army with an improper intention.

But that's a lot less than 10 million dollars.

Who is willing to work for Daming without military pay?

"General Mao, the Marquis has something to bring to the soldiers of Liaodong." Hua Wuqi took out a letter from her arms.

Mao Wenlong said: "the officers and men in the city have assembled and are waiting for huabaihu to lecture. This way, please."

Hua Wuqi came to the school yard, and then looked down at the military array filled with the spirit of extermination, which made him a Wulin expert. He recited the letter long ago and cheered: "I'm a hundred families of the royal guards, Hua Wuqi. I've been ordered by Huai'an marquis to pay you ten million Liang for the soldiers stationed in Liaodong."


This remark fell on the school field, and it was like thunder, and everyone began to talk about it.

"Ten million taels of silver! Then we can get the arrears of military pay before? "

"If it's true or not, it won't lie to us."

"God, I can get my pay at last!"

Hua Wuqi could not help but smile and continued: "the Marquis has something to say to you."

After the school yard quieted down, he imitated Su Xun's voice and said, "Liaodong is in a state of bitter cold and war, and the capital is prosperous and safe. But it's all because of the bitter cold of Liaodong that all the officers and soldiers get the prosperity of the capital."

"I don't care if the court officials remember the soldiers who were guarding the border in Liaodong, but I won't forget them! This ten million taels of silver is only the military expenditure in the early stage. From now on, when I am in the court one day, all the officers and men in Liaodong will be paid no less! "

"I shovel corrupt officials in the capital, remove the castration party, and build a stable rear area for your soldiers. You soldiers wait slowly in the front line. One day, Japan will come to Liaodong in person and join you in the bloody battlefield to slaughter Manchu Tartars with a three foot long sword!"

All Liaodong soldiers are excited, because there are still people in the court who can remember their merits.

They fought hard in Liaodong and defended the country. This was the first time in many years that they got complete military pay.

For the first time, a minister from the central government sent someone to Liaodong.

They always thought they were abandoned.

"Please go back to the marquis. The general will not give up any land!"Mao Wenlong, trembling and kneeling, roared.

Then all the soldiers fell down like mountains, kneeling on one knee, red necked and roaring the same way.

Marquis's thousand year old voice resounds through Guangning city.

One day, Su Xun will hear them shout long live.

At this time, Su Xun, who was in the Imperial Palace, did not hear the sound of long live, but heard the sound of empress Zhou begging for mercy.

After another cup of tea, Su xuncai let queen Zhou go and hugged her in his arms.

The back of Zhou Huang was red, his hair was messy, his eyebrows were still in spring, his eyes were foggy, and there were a little sweat on his crystal clear skin.

"Niang Niang is a little fragile." Compared with tiexinlan, empress Zhou did not suffer.

Queen Zhou rolled her eyes.

Su Xun stroked her wet hair and said, "Your Majesty hasn't done anything to you recently."

"Does he dare?" Empress Zhou showed a look of mockery.

If Zhu Youjian really dares to beat her or kill her, she will look up to Zhu Youjian.

Because Zhu Youjian is still a man.

But Zhu Youjian didn't dare to do that at all.

She is now jumping from one extreme to the other because what Zhu Youjian did disappoints her.

She also broke the pot. Didn't you want me to hook it and lead Su Xun? Yes, I enjoy it.

Maybe it's to revenge Zhu Youjian. She is obedient to Su Xun and has no dignity.

Whether the emperor was in pain or not, Su Xun didn't know. Anyway, he was also happy. Su Zhongchen broke the emperor for the Emperor Oh, no, it broke my heart.

During this time, Su Xun had been busy with military affairs. In addition to letting heimuya expand his army, he also sent people everywhere to pay military expenses. Liaodong was not the only one.

It is in his own name that Sima Zhao's idea is known to all.

It is to buy the hearts of the army.

But who can do anything about him?

There are few people in the court who dare to scold him face to face, and the army will only appreciate him when they get the pay.

Su Xun, who had copied a lot from his family, is really rich now. He is not short of money for military training and disaster relief.

Pay for the army and accept the morale of the army, and relieve the people.

As for the evaluation of civil servants, gentry and scholars, he didn't care at all.

He only cares about the evaluation of the army and the people.

"What's on your mind?" Queen Zhou asked.

Su Xun said: "miss your sister-in-law."

"Marquis, isn't it enough to have concubines?" Empress Zhou's face changed slightly at first, and then she soon began to smile. She wanted to protect her from Su Xun.

Su Xun didn't answer and got up to leave.

Queen Zhou is just for his entertainment.

Empress Zhou forced herself to help him change clothes.

When Su Xun returned to the mansion, he opened the door and saw Dongfang's elder sister in red in the room.

"It's not safe for women to enter men's bedrooms without permission."

Su Xun closed the door and chuckled.

Dongfang's elder sister, holding the wine pot in her hand, stepped on the bench and wiped the water stains on the corner of her mouth. Her bright eyes looked at Su Xun: "you can have a try. I also want to know what your strength is now."

She was surprised that Su Xun could kill Wei Zhongxian. Su Xun's strength grew too fast.

"Forget it, I'm not in the habit of bullying girls." Sue shook her head.

Dongfang's elder sister had been ready for a long time, so she got rid of the wine pot in her hand, and several embroidery needles flew out at the same time.

The two fight fiercely in the bedroom. After Su Xun absorbs Wei Zhongxian, he becomes a perfect warrior and has the same strength as Dongfang's elder sister.

But he also has skills such as invulnerability, so he soon subdued the Orient invincible.

"Let go of me." Being held in his arms by Su Xun, Dongfang Bubai's face was reflexively bright red.

Su Xun laughed: "didn't you let me have a try? Now it's your turn to try my length

"Stop it. I have something to show you." Dongfang Bubai's heart beats faster and feels soft.

Su Xun said with a bad smile, "I have something to show you, too."

I have to say that Dongfang sister is in good shape.

"Look at you, I'll get down to business." Dongfang's sister narrowed her eyes, and her breath was very short.

Su Xun released her: "what thing."

Dongfang's elder sister gave him a white look. Then she picked up a long strip wrapped in cloth on the table and threw it to Su Xun.

Su Xun uncovered the black cloth outside, and then revealed the true nature of the object, a flint gun.

And it's a more advanced flint gun in all aspects. He gave the drawing to little fish.

It seems that the rifle is restricted by the industry of this era, but the flint gun is also good.

This kind of flint gun is different from the drawings Su Xun gave to Dongfang Bubai for the first time. It is more advanced in performance and can be installed completely."Did you really make it?" Su Xun was surprised.

Dongfang elder sister said: "you arranged the little fish in the past. He is very powerful."

"Have you tried it?" Su Xun stroked the gun.

Dongfang sister rolled her eyes: "of course, I've tried. Would you like to show you the semi-finished products?"

"Let's find a way to mass produce at least 5000 guns by the end of this year and set up a firearm camp." Su Xun can't wait to queue up and shoot the Tartars.

Dongfang's elder sister snorted: "someone said that he would let my sun moon god religion unify the river and lake. He won't change his mind after accepting tie Ruyun's daughter."

"How can it be? It's just not the right time." Su Xun's tone was gentle.

Sister Dongfang snorted and flew away.


Quanzhen religion is located in Zhongnan Mountain in the Song Dynasty.

It was created by Wang Chongyang, one of the world's top five talents.

Today's leader of Quanzhen sect is Qiu Chuji.

At this time, on the mountain road leading to Quanzhen school, there were a group of uninvited riders, one man and two women.

It was Su Xun who invited the moon and pitied the stars.

Ding Baiying is left in the capital by Su Xun. Yue Lingshan wants to come, but her martial arts skills are too weak for Su Xun. Tiexinlan leaves the capital to visit her father.

"There is Zhongnan Mountain ahead."

A black horse, Lianxing holding the whip pointed to a mountain in front of him and said, his slender legs stepped on the stirrups, which made Su Xun a little envious of the horse.

Su Xun said, "our goal is not Quanzhen religion, but the tomb of the living dead at the foot of Zhongnan mountain."

"A tomb?" Invited the moon to wrinkle the Xiu eyebrow.

The ancient tomb sect is not well-known. It's normal to have never heard of inviting the moon and pitying the stars in Daming.

Su Xun didn't explain more: "let's go."

When they came to the foot of the mountain, they found two people standing there.

One is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a healthy face, and the other is a teenager named 123.

The two also saw Su Xun and them.

The middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes came forward to talk with Su Xun: "I dare to ask you what you want to teach Quanzhen."

"Brother, I misunderstood. I'm just passing by here. But since I'm in Quanzhen sect, I'm going to worship the mountain." Su Xun gave a smile.

At this time, the boy ran over with an impatient face: "Uncle Guo, how long do we have to wait?"

Hearing this address, Su Xun's pupils shrank and looked at the middle-aged man: "are you great Xia Guo?"

This scene is the story of Guo Jing sending Yang Guo to teach Quanzhen Taoism. That is to say, little dragon girl has just turned 18 and has not been tarnished by the Dragon Knight Yin Zhiping.

"It's Guo Jing. I don't dare to be a great Xia." Guo Jing gave a gentle smile and said to Su Xun.

Su Xun replied: "I'm in Su Chang'an. I'm from the Ming Dynasty. I didn't expect to meet such heroes as great Xia Guo. It's really a blessing."

Guo Jing is one of Su Xun's most admired characters in the novels of Jin Dynasty. The real chivalry is for the country and the people, helping the government to defend Xiangyang for more than ten years.

Of course, Guo Jing is not so famous now, and it will be several years before he becomes famous in the world.

"But I'm too young to be a hero." Guo Jing is a great master. He can see through Su Xun's strength at a glance.

The two women who seemed to be maids behind Su Xun were also congenitally perfect. With this kind of expert service, Su Xun was not an ordinary person.

Su Xun shook his folding fan and said, "I heard that Brother Guo had a relationship with Quanzhen sect. Today, he came to visit the immortal Taoist priest Qiu in Changchun."

"I'm here for this child. This is my old friend's son. I want to send him to Chongyang palace to study arts." Guo Jing pointed to Yang Guo with a round head and face.

Su Xun nodded: "I'm going to visit Taoist priest Qiu Chuji. In that case, why don't I go with you?"

At this moment, there was a sound in the grass, and two disciples of Quanzhen sect ran up the mountain.

"Two Taoist brothers, stay here."

Guo Jing stopped them with his lightness skill and said to them, "I'm Guo Jing. I'm here to visit the real man in Changchun. Please show me the way."

"You lewd thief, you have excellent martial arts. If you have the ability, you can go up by yourself." The two disciples did not know Guo Jing and had never heard of him, so they pulled out their swords.

Su Xun came in the air and fell to the ground: "the two Taoist brothers misunderstood. Brother Guo also wanted to call real Changchun master. It's not a prostitute or a thief."

"This..." The two Taoists looked at each other, and then arched their hands to Guo Jing: "Brother Guo, don't blame me. It's because Chongyang palace was besieged that I misunderstood him."

"Besieged, what's the matter!" Guo Jing's face changed and asked anxiously.

One of them replied, "Prince huodu of Mengyuan, I don't know where he heard about the name of the Dragon Girl of the ancient tomb sect. He had to marry her. He came every year because we were neighbors of the ancient tomb sect, so he attacked us."Huo dusepai's reason for attacking Chongyang palace is really speechless. Ancient tomb sect and Chongyang Palace are neighbors, so you want to attack Chongyang palace?

"There is such a shameless lecheron in the world Su Xun scolded indignantly.

Inviting moon and Lianxing look at Su Xun strangely. Even the queen dare to sleep. You are more lustful than him.

Guo Jing looked at the two Taoist priests, pointed to Yang Guo and said, "two Taoist brothers, this child will be taken care of by you first, and then go to Chongyang palace for rescue."

When you speak, you can use your lightness skills and get up in the air.

"Brother Guo, wait a minute. I'll go with you."

Su Xun followed him with the moon and the stars.

I'm kidding. Huo Du's Mengyuan LSP wants to rob his dragon. Only Su Xun can be a dragon knight!

When they arrived at the Chongyang palace and landed on the roof, they saw chaos below. They went straight to the main hall, where they met Buddha and God.

After entering the hall, Guo Jing performed 18 dragon subduing palms. With the sound of a dragon chant, dozens of Mongolian soldiers with machetes were shaken out.

"If Guo Jing comes late, please forgive me."

Guo Jing kneels on one knee and looks at Qiu Chuji.

"Jing'er, please get up." Qiu Chuji said.

Ma Yu face dew happy: "you come just in time."

"These three are..." Qiu Chuji looks at Su Xun.

Su Xun arched his hand: "I'm from the Ming Dynasty. When I passed through Zhongnanshan, I heard that Quanzhen sect had been killed, so I came to fight with Brother Guo. These two are my maids."

Inviting moon and pitying star have no facial expression.

"Thank you very much, young Xia."

Quanzhen Qizi gave thanks.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

A burst of villain laughter.

All the people looked to the door.

Seeing the big Sao with hair and folding fan, baohuo came in with darba.

Huo Du was stunned when he saw Su Xun, because Su Xun was more coquettish than him. He also held a folding fan, but Su Xun was dressed in a white robe and was as beautiful as jade.

He was also handsome, but when he wrote with Su Xun, he fell down and was crushed by his face.

"When will it be the turn of the Mongolians to be rampant in the Central Plains?" Su Xun shook the folding fan and looked at huodu.

Huo Du chuckled: "in a few years, the land of Central Plains will belong to us Mongolians."

"Ha ha ha, joke, within five years, I will let you Mengyuan roll back to the grassland." Su Xun said.

Huo Du sneered, put away the folding fan and said: "I'm not old, but I'm not young. If you want to get ahead, you have to see if you have this ability. If you can take me three moves, I'll let these Taoist priests go. How about that?"

It seems that he likes to let people take three moves. In the TV series, Guo Jing was asked to take three moves, but he was hanged.

"Don't bother. If you can take me, I'll kowtow to you." Su Xun's voice fell, his body was like electricity, and his jade bone folding fan stabbed out like a sword.

Huo Du laughed contemptuously and resisted with the folding fan in his hand. At the moment when two folding fans collided, Huo Du suddenly turned pale. Boom, the folding fan in his hand exploded instantly, and Su Xun's folding fan fell on his chest.

"Puyi -"

Huo Du spat out blood, and his body flew out like a cow hit him, hitting the ground, with cobweb like cracks on the floor and flying debris.

Hiss -

all people in Chongyang palace take a cold breath and become the culprit of global warming.

They are shocked, after all, huodu's strength they have already learned, very strong, otherwise they can't come to Chongyang palace every year, they still have nothing to do.

But now, Huo Du was beaten to spit blood by Su Xun, and had no fighting power. Their martial arts accomplishments were quite the same. Why were they so weak?

Huo Du covered his chest and got up from the ground. He looked at Su Xun in horror. He couldn't understand why there was such a big gap between the same accomplishments.

The strength of that blow was too strong.

"Get out of here." Su Xun shook the folding fan.

Huo Du was also a man who could afford to lose. He reached out and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth: "I'm convinced. I dare to ask you what you call me. When did you have such an unknown Master in the great song Wulin?"

"Su Chang'an." Su Xun said softly.

Good advice: if you are wandering in the river, you can't avoid being stabbed. If you want to avoid being stabbed, you should use trumpet to protect your life.

"I remember." Huo Du gave him a deep look, and then his opponent gave an order: "let's go."

After huodu left, Qiu Chuji looked at Su Xun and said, "thank you for your help, young Xia su. It's really admirable that he is young but highly skilled. He is so kind to me. I hope you will stay for a few more days so that we can make full use of our friendship."

"Since Taoist priest Qiu invited me, I'm not welcome." Su Xun agreed to come down.

Because the tomb is next to the Chongyang palace, it's convenient for him to sneak into the tomb in the middle of the night to find the secret script.……………

In the evening, Su Xun and Guo Jing drink on the roof.

"Brother Guansu is not an ordinary person for his dress and bearing." Guo Jing said, looking at the full moon in his mouth.

Su Xun said with a smile: "Ming Huai'an Hou, royal guards commander, East Hall governor, Su Xun."

There's no need to hide from Guo Jing.

When Guo Jing heard the speech, he looked at Su Xun with solemn eyes: "the name of the royal guards of the Ming Dynasty resounds all over the world. Now it seems that they are really not ordinary people."

"Brother Guo, what do you think of the general trend of the world?" Susian held the wine pot and had a fight with him.

Guo Jing was a little melancholy and shook his head: "look? I can't see it. I can only say that Guo is a Han nationality. If he encounters alien invasion, he can do his best. "

He is very pessimistic. Even if he gathers people in the Jianghu to help, he still can't stop tens of thousands of Mengyuan cavalry.

What they can do is to take a last breath for the Song Dynasty and make sure that they have a clear conscience as Han people.

"Brother Guo doesn't have to be so pessimistic. I think the world can be saved." Su Xun said with a smile.

Guo Jing looked at him: "help? It's not easy. "

"Brother Guo, look ahead. One day I will expel the alien race from the Central Plains." Su Xun was determined.

Guo Jing was also infected by his pride, holding the wine pot and pouring it fiercely: "that Guo is waiting for good news!"

They had been drinking until the middle of the night. Su Xun knew everything from world events to martial arts. Guo Jing admired Su Xun.

"I will leave early tomorrow morning. If brother Su comes to Xiangyang, he must come to my house."

Before leaving, Guo Jing invited Su Xun.

"Well, I'll call on you."

Su Xun also agreed to come down.

As soon as Guo Jing left, so did Su Xun. His direction was the tomb of the living dead.

He remembers that it was written on TV and in books that a pool could lead to the inside of the tomb of the living dead.

carved the upper half the nine Yin manual on the wall of the stone pool at the end of the pool, and the big fiery boxing that could control the tomb's jade girl's heart.

But the question is, which of these pools can lead to the tomb of the living dead? The nine Yin manual classics are in Mei Chaofeng's hands. She doesn't have any practice in the upper half of the nine Yin manual, but she turns herself crazy.

Susie can only try one by one. The nine Yin Manual of her hands was lost after her death, but Su Xun knew that the lower part of the nine Yin manual was hidden in the sword of heaven.

One of the skills of Su Xun's identity is that he is full of martial arts talents. He can master all martial arts as soon as he learns.

learned the upper half of the nine Yin manual and the big VAT boxing, and he urged the real spirit to destroy the stone carving.

After all, it's so dangerous. What if the bad guys practice killing people indiscriminately? Even if they don't kill people, it's not good to step on flowers and grass.

So let him own it.

Then he didn't disturb the little dragon girl and grandmother-in-law in the ancient tomb, and swam out of the pool.

When he put his head out of the water, it was a face, a delicate face.

You can't look down on her. She looks cold and indifferent. She is as clean as ice and cold as ice and snow. Her eyes seem to be a little confused.

In addition to the little dragon girl, no one in the world has such a beauty, such a pure and dusty temperament.

Su Xun was a little embarrassed, just like he had just stolen something from someone's home. When he went out, he just ran into the owner.

When I first met little dragon girl, his handsome temperament was destroyed before I could show it!

After all, his hair is wet and half of his body is still in the water. He is not handsome at all.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Little Dragon Girl's voice is gentle and soft. It sounds like a spring in the mountains, making people calm.

She had come out to practice at night, but she saw many footprints with water on the ground. All the way to the pool, she met the scene of Su Xun coming out of the water.

Su Xun flew out of the water, then ran the real Qi to evaporate the water vapor, and soon his clothes were dry.

"I'm Su Xun. I'm free to swim in the water. How dare I ask if the girl is a little dragon girl?" Su Xun's face was not red and his heart was not beating. He was in a panic and went swimming at night.

Little dragon girl didn't find it strange to swim at night. After all, she can practice at night. Why can't other people swim at night?

She has lived in the tomb of the living dead for a long time, and has not contacted outsiders, which makes her thinking a little different.

Looking at Su Xun, he asked, "do you know me?"

"In the daytime, Huo Du, a prince of Mongolian Yuan, had to marry a girl. He was beaten away by me. Now that I can see the girl, it's really beautiful." Su Xun praised.

His eyes are very pure, that is, pure appreciation, without the slightest bit of lust, evil, in the face of such a pure woman, he can not mention lust, evil heart.

Little Dragon Girl calmly nodded: "I said this year that annoying people how did not come, thank you."Huodu used to come every year. Although she never went out to meet each other, she was also very upset.

"Dragon girl is beautiful. I understand huodu's mind, because even I am attracted by dragon girl." Su Xun said calmly.

Little dragon girl does not smile, just lightly said: "what does that have to do with me."

In the tomb of the living dead, she only ate all kinds of nectar and honey and drank the clear spring, so she was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, which was from the inside out.

A white gauze skirt is wrapped with exquisite body, which is superior in appearance and figure.

When I used to watch TV dramas and original novels, I saw little dragon girl blindfolded and smeared by Yin Zhiping, which depressed him for a long time.

In the network novel, it is highly poisonous!

"I've heard that the ancient tomb sect is very advanced in martial arts. How about asking Miss long for advice?" Su Xun wanted to learn martial arts.

Little dragon girl was stunned. She was very strange. She just said she liked herself, and then she asked for advice on martial arts. This topic is too far away.

At half a sound, she nodded, "OK, please."

The voice falls, her body flies back, white clothes floating, ribbon flying, like a fairy under the moon.

"Dragon Girl, be careful."

Su Xun's voice fell and came out as a shadow.

Su Xun suddenly became very weak.

Everywhere is pressed to hit, and then a don't pay attention to was small dragon girl with white ribbon hit fly out.

"Miss long is really good at martial arts. It's still this time tomorrow. I'll come back for advice." Su Xun said.

Little dragon girl doesn't understand. It's only one day. Can she increase her ability greatly? I'll be here tomorrow night. I can only be beaten by her?

How could she know Su Xun's routine? He didn't want to compete in martial arts. He just wanted to find an excuse to get along with little dragon girl.

Watching Su Xun leave without any hesitation, little dragon girl can't help feeling a little good in her heart, because Su Xun is not as shameless as Huo Du.

She felt that this liking was more acceptable to her.

In the next few days, Su Xun talked with Qiu Chuji and others about Taoism and martial arts in the daytime. Then every night, he went to XiaoLongNu and deliberately used 10% more power each time. XiaoLongNu could feel that he was making progress every day.

They became more and more familiar with each other. Every time Su Xun came, he would tell her some stories about the outside world, which made little dragon girl curious about the outside world.

And she also began to bring gifts to Su Xun, such as the flower paste she made and the honey produced by jade bee.

Their relationship is advancing by leaps and bounds, and Su Xun becomes little dragon girl's first friend.

A month and a half passed in a flash of time.

This night, or two people meet for the first time by the pool, a dress white yarn little dragon girl is waiting.

Su Xun had arrived at this time in the past, but tonight she was delayed in the future, which made her feel confused.

Has he left Zhongnanshan?

Or is he in some danger?

Little dragon girl is in a mess.

Of course, Su Xun was late on purpose.

This operation is the old PUA.

At this time, a man in white came by the moon and fell beside her.

XiaoLongNu smiles: "here you are."

"Dragon Girl, you must do your best tonight, or I will win." Su Xun said with a smile.

Little Dragon Girl pursed a smile: "let's go."

Two people fight in the sea of flowers, hazy moonlight like petals, you come and I go very wonderful.

Shocked! The moon is dark and the wind is high. A man and a woman are fighting in the wilderness!

In the 30th round, Su Xun dodged the ribbon, turned his body like a shadow, and aimed his folding fan at Little Dragon Girl's white swan neck.

"You won." Said little dragon girl.

Su Xun took back the folding fan without expression.

Little dragon girl looked at him curiously: "you finally won me, why don't you look happy?"

"Because I'm leaving." Su Xun sighed.

"From Leave. "

Little dragon girl suddenly is pretty face white, clenching red lips, holding the little hand of ribbon more and more force.

For more than a month, Su Xun gave her a novel experience, told her all kinds of stories, and brought her some gadgets from outside.

It made her boring and repetitive life for more than ten years. What she looked forward to most every day was to meet Su Xun in the evening. Now when she suddenly heard that Su Xun was going to leave, she felt a little stuffy.

Suddenly, Su Xun pulled her into his arms.

Little Dragon Girl's heart is in a mess, but she doesn't struggle.

"Long er, come with me." Su Xun held her tightly and said softly in her ear.

It's easy for him to win XiaoLongNu by countless means. It took him more than a month just to let it go. Tonight is the time for the hard harvest of this month.Little Dragon Girl pursed her red lips: "no, we swore when we joined the ancient tomb sect that our disciples of the ancient tomb sect would never leave the tomb of the living dead."

Her elder martial Sister Li Mochou didn't comply.

Of course, Su Xun knew the limit, but it was no problem for him.

"If I forced you down the mountain, you didn't take the initiative to leave." Su Xun said.

Little dragon girl is silly: "ah (* °ω (*)

She never dreamed of this operation.

In fact, there is another condition to go down the mountain, that is, a man is willing to die for her.

However, the premise of this condition is that men do not know that there is such a condition, so it is difficult to achieve it.

Su Xun pecked at her: "it's settled. Tomorrow I'll go to the ancient tomb sect to rob people."

As the voice dropped, Su Xun flew away with his lightness skill.

Little dragon girl stood in the same place, touched the lips he had just touched, and a touch of rosy clouds climbed up her cheek.


The next day, Su Xun said goodbye to Qiu Chuji.

"Taoist priest Qiu, we've been in Chongyang palace for a long time. Today we're going down the mountain." Su Xun said.

Qiu Chuji said to stay: "what's this, Su Shaoxia? You've been instructing my Chongyang palace disciples these days. Even we old guys have benefited a lot. We're willing to live for a few years."

"Thank you for your kind invitation, Taoist priest Qiu, but I will continue to travel in the river and lake." Next, Su Xun will go to Wuliang Mountain in Dali.

In the blessed land of langhuan, there are two volumes of secret scripts: Beiming Shengong and Lingbo Weibu. The effect of Beiming Shengong is similar to transplanting flowers and grafting trees. It also absorbs others' internal power.

So he values Lingbo micro step more.

In addition, Dali Kingdom also has six veins sword, one Yang finger and other secret scripts, which attract him.

and the nine Yin manual are hidden in the northern Emei school's sword of heaven. The Emei school in the world is like Shaolin Temple, with many Emei clique.

Then you have to go to Songshan Shaolin Temple. The secret book of Jiuyang Sutra is hidden in a Lengjia Sutra of Shaolin Temple.

After collecting these secret scripts, his new army in heimuya has also been trained. It's time to push the other countries.

He can be said to be a busy group, in addition to beauty, no one can let him stop the pace of progress.

When Qiu Chuji saw that he couldn't stay, he put down a banquet to send Su Xun and Lianxing off.

During the dinner, Su Xun said something about XiaoLongNu. He asked Qiu Chuji to take care of the ancient tomb sect after XiaoLongNu left. After all, grandma sun is still there.

Quanzhen Qizi congratulated Su Xun and promised that he would take good care of his old neighbor.

In the afternoon, the three left Chongyang palace.

Then go straight to the ancient tomb sect.

"Men really don't have a good thing." Invite month cold hum a, dismissive say.

Su Xun had so many women in the capital that he took the time to cheat that little dragon girl.

"Su Yue said," you can't beat the master of the boat. "

"Also, you can't be prejudiced against all men just because you see such a bad thing." Invite a month to nod, quite agree of said a.

Su Xun

However, it can be seen that the temperament of inviting the moon has changed a lot, otherwise she would never make such a joke.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the ancient tomb, grandma sun came out and said, "I dare to ask you what you are doing for the ancient tomb sect."

"I've heard that the Dragon Girl of the ancient tomb sect has a beautiful country. I want to take her back to be the wife of the village." Su Xun said rudely with a mouthful of bandit words.

Granny sun frowned: "it's time to fight."

"Don't hurt her." Su Xun left an instruction to Lianxing and yaoyue, and then flew into the ancient tomb.

"Long er."

"Long er."

"Here I am." Little dragon girl came out.

Su Xun came forward and hugged her: "follow me."

"Is there one that binds people like that?" Asked little dragon girl.

Su Xun tied her up directly with her white ribbon, and her concave and convex figure became more obvious.

"Don't tie me up like that. I'm so ashamed."

Little dragon girl has a pretty face.

"Down the mountain, untie it." Su Xun was very satisfied with his masterpiece. It seemed that he didn't learn from the island movies.

"What about grandma sun?" Little dragon girl can't rest assured that she is getting older and older.

Su Xun carried her on his shoulder: "I've asked Taoist priest Qiu of Chongyang palace to take care of her. What's more, grandma sun also knows martial arts, and she's not an ordinary person."

Maybe granny sun and Qiu Chuji will be able to spark old age love and have a twilight love.

After all, Ma Yu and sun Buer are the only seven sons of Quanzhen. The other five are single dogs. After being fed dog food for so many years, don't you want to get married?

Su Xun carried little dragon girl to perform her lightness skill.

"Don't worry, grandma. He won't hurt me." Little Dragon Girl yelled on Su Xun's shoulder.Inviting the moon and Lianxing to subdue grandma sun and point her acupoints, then they follow Su Xun to leave.

There was a strange irritation between them.

The purpose of the palace is to kill the dregs. Now they seem to be helping the tyrant.

At the same time that Su Xun abducted Xiao Longnu, a great change was taking place in the palace of the Qing Dynasty.

With the help of trinket, Xuanye finally settles aobai and controls the imperial power of the Qing Dynasty.

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