"Please untie it for me. I'm so ashamed."

Shouldered by Su Xun, XiaoLongNu, who was performing lightness skills all the way down the mountain, turned red and twisted her body.

Although she lives in an ancient tomb and doesn't contact with outsiders, it doesn't mean she doesn't know how shy she is.

Inviting moon and Lianxing have a deeper understanding of Su Xun's shamelessness. They are so ashamed to tie up the girls like this. They dare not look and dare not look.

Su Xun put down the little dragon girl, and then helped her to untie the ribbon on her body. He grabbed the ribbon and pulled it. The little dragon girl turned around in the same place. She was like a fairy in the world.

Inviting the moon and pitying the star were stunned. They had never seen such a woman with immortal spirit. After approaching, they could smell the faint fragrance of flowers. No wonder Su Xun Hua had to cheat her down the mountain for so long.

"Chang'an, they are..."

Little dragon girl looks at the moon and Lianxing.

"They are my maids." Su Xun said.

Inviting moon and pitying star are expressionless again.

If it wasn't for the skill of transplanting flowers and grafting trees, and it seemed that they could not beat Su Xun, their sisters would have killed Su Xun again and again.

The two masters of the palace of moving flowers have become maids. Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality behind all this? Please watch the novel "City: I have a new identity every week" which is updated at 1:00 every noon!

"You You can't take me down. "

Little Dragon Girl's eyes are full of tenderness, but her heart is a little uneasy, because her elder martial Sister Li Mochou's love changed greatly after she was negated by a man.

"I will never fail long er in my life."

Su Xun took her hand. Yin Zhiping, Yin Zhiping, eat shit. I'm the Dragon Knight!

XiaoLongNu smiles and leans against him.

Inviting moon and Lianxing almost choked on dog food.

"In broad daylight, cuddle cuddle what kind of system." Invite a month cold hum to say.

Su Xun sniffed: "sour, really sour."

Invitation to the moon's face more ugly.

"Let's go to Wuliang Mountain in Dali."

Su Xun whistled for the white horse, and then he flew up with the little dragon girl in his arms and galloped.

Lianxing and yaoyue also whistled, but only Lianxing's horse came back.

"Elder martial sister, your horse is gone." Lianxing said.

Invite the moon wrinkled show eyebrow, step into the air and take off into the forest, see her horse is lying on a don't know where to run wild horse body crazy output.

"As long as it's public, every good thing."

Invite month disgusted of said a, then direct a true spirit shoots on her horse body, the horse withered.

Then she landed on the horse: "drive!"

The horse reluctantly took a look at his temporary gun, friend, and then ran out of the woods.

"Why didn't those two sisters come with you?"

Immediately, little dragon girl turned her head and took a look.

"Don't worry about them." Su Xun sniffed the fragrance of Little Dragon Girl's hair and slowed down his horse's speed: "long er, turn back."

XiaoLongNu subconsciously turned back, and then glared a pair of beautiful eyes, because Su Xun kissed her.

Little Dragon Girl closed her eyes, her delicate body trembled, her face turned red, and let Su Xun taste her delicate lips.

She felt as if she had been drained of her strength, and her boneless body was in Su Xun's arms.

For a long time, they were separated.

Su Xun wiped the crystal on the corner of his mouth and stared at Little Dragon Girl.

"You Watch what I do. " Little dragon girl blushed, her eyes dodged and her heart beat fast.

Su Xun laughed: "you look good."

XiaoLongNu has been eating honey and pollen since she was a child. Her lips are actually sweet. Cough, Su Xun has a bold idea.

As for how she kept herself in such a good shape just by eating these things, who knows.

Everything is possible in the martial arts world.

"Drive!" "Drive!"

Invited the moon and Lianxing to catch up on horseback.

"Hahaha, younger martial sister, I thought you would die in the grave in your life, but I didn't expect you would go down the mountain."

A laugh rang out in the woods on both sides.

"It's my elder martial sister." Little Dragon Girl's face changed slightly.

Su Xun held her hand: "don't be afraid."

The next second, three figures quickly swept out of the forest, blocking the way of four people.

One of them, dressed in a tight purple Taoist robe, vividly depicts the proud body, holding a handful of Buddha dust. He is charming, charming and cold. It's Li Mochou, the elder martial sister of little dragon girl.

The other two are two little loris, who should be Li Mochou's disciples Hong Lingbo and Lu Wushuang.

They were girls when they appeared in the statue, but now they are only thirteen or fourteen years old.

"I have a good face. No wonder I can take you down the mountain." Li Mochou looks at Su Xun.

Little Dragon Girl pursed her lips: "elder martial sister...""If you know I'm your elder martial sister, hand in the jade girl's Heart Sutra!" Li Mochou interrupted her.

Su Xun said with a smile: "desire, nvxinjing, if you really want that, I can give it to you."

"Younger martial sister! You gave the Heart Sutra to an outsider Li Mochou stares at Xiao Longnu.

Little dragon girl looks at Su Xun blankly. She doesn't give Su Xun the jade girl's Heart Sutra.

Su Xun patted the back of her hand and motioned to sao'an: "Li Mochou, the red training fairy, is famous in the world. Long'er has passed the jade girl's Heart Sutra to me. Of course, the original version won't be given to you. If you have patience, I can copy it for you."

"You're smart." Li Mochou snorted coldly, and then looked at Little Dragon Girl: "younger martial sister, you don't eat people's fireworks. You don't know that the world is dangerous, especially men don't have a good thing. Don't be cheated."

The master of the palace of inviting the moon has a bright eye, confidant!

Lianxing is speechless. She thinks that there is only one elder sister in this kind of person. Unexpectedly, she has too little knowledge.

"Fairy Li, if you have such an understanding, you might as well exchange your experience of being betrayed with my maid." Like a devil, Su Xun pointed to the inviting moon and said.

Inviting moon and Li Mochou sent out a sense of killing against Su Xun at the same time.

Then they looked at each other and felt the loneliness and resentment of each other.

"Li Mochou met the girl in the lower tomb sect."

"I've seen Fairies in Xiayi flower palace."

Su Xun looked at the picture of two people cherishing each other, and mourned for the heartless men in the world for three seconds.

Together, they can kill heartless dogs.

Li Mochou and invitation to the moon are really miserable.

The reason why she invited the moon was that she was so tired that she didn't hesitate to retreat and saved her sweetheart, but the maid picked the peach.

Li Mochou first came down the mountain and met Lu Zhanyuan. She was deceived by him. The girl was emotional and devoted to Lu Zhanyuan. However, Lu Zhanyuan only wanted to cheat her. Then she abandoned Li Mochou and married he Yuanjun.

Their experiences are similar, and the results are similar. Inviting the moon's temperament changes greatly and kills Yulang, while Li Mochou is more ruthless and directly destroys the Lu family, and then takes Lu Zhanyuan and he Yuanjun's daughter as disciples.

There is also one thing in common, that is, they are still at home, and Li Mochou's palace sand is still there.

So Su Xun felt that it was a waste of their own experience for the two people not to be friends with each other.

Next, Li Mochou followed Su Xun and others on the road for the jade girl Heart Sutra. After all, if you want to copy, you have to find a place with paper and pen.

Because Li Mochou's master and apprentice don't have a horse, Li Mochou and invited moon ride on one horse, while Hong Lingbo and Lu Wushuang ride on the same horse with Lianxing. Three horses pull seven people and they are overloaded.

Fortunately, no traffic police issued a ticket.

Li Mochou and Yanyue hate to see each other too late. They share their own experiences and then express their prejudice against men all over the world and their hatred for scum men.

They also shared the methods of torturing the heartless man, learning and communicating with each other to promote the means of torture.

"How can sister Yanyue be with him?" Li Mochou motioned Su Xun on the white horse with his eyes.

"I have a skill in his hands. I have to work for him to get it back."

"What's the difficulty? Just grab it back from him?" Li Mochou naturally said.

Inviting the moon nodded: "I think so too, but I can't beat him, and I don't know what skills he has practiced. He is very powerful and strange."

"What about the sneak attack? I have ice soul silver needle

"It's no use. He's thick skinned."

"You two, I can hear you." Listen to two people loud conspiracy, Su Xun black face said a.

Li Mochou didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he inquired about the invitation to the moon and said, "I don't think my sister is like someone from the Song Dynasty."

"We are from Daming kingdom. The guy in front of us is Huai'an Marquis of Daming kingdom. He is in charge of royal guards and East Hall. He is powerful." The invitation month said.

Li Mochou frowned, then said in a loud voice: "so, isn't he a group of wives and concubines?"

Su Xun's face changed.

"Long'er, I'm in a high position. It's normal for me to have three wives and four concubines. Don't listen to her. She is cheated by men and wants to provoke us. I believe you can feel your feelings." Su Xun said softly.

Little dragon girl clenched her red lips and nodded, but there was still some uneasiness between her eyebrows.

After all, she's down the mountain now, and her body and mind depend on Su Xun. If Su Xun doesn't want her

She didn't dare to think about it any more.

"Li Mochou, shut your mouth for me." Feeling Xiaolongnv's emotion, Su Xun's face was cold.

Li Mochou chuckled: "how, I speak..."

The next second, she can't say it.

Because a second ago, he was still on the horse's back in front of her. In an instant, he floated in front of her, floating in the air, holding her white throat with one hand."Master!" Hong Lingbo exclaimed, subconsciously about to draw the sword, Lianxing quickly stopped her.

Li Mochou's eyes were full of horror. She was subdued without any reaction.

And the other side seems to have no internal power, relying solely on the speed of the human body itself, but who can tell her, how can a person's speed be so fast?

"Chang'an, No." Little Dragon Girl exclaimed.

After all, Li Mochou is her elder martial sister.

Su Xun looked at Li Mochou indifferently: "next time, you ask your apprentice to prepare a coffin for you."

Voice down, released Li Mochou, body scintillation fell on the white horse, hit the horse far away.

"Cough Cough... "

Staring at Su Xun's back, Li Mochou coughed incessantly, and his pale face gradually turned red.

"Now you know how evil he is."

Invite the moon you you to say.

Li Mochou nodded for the rest of his life and said in his heart that he would get the jade girl's Heart Sutra and leave immediately.

The farther she hid, the better. Just now, she really felt the shadow of death, and her life was hanging on the line.

In the evening, after a long day's journey, all the people met a small village. Su Xun gave the money to stay at the village head's house and asked him to prepare a table of wine and vegetables.

"Try it." Su Xun picked up a piece of chicken and put it in a small bowl in front of little dragon girl.

Life in the world, can not enjoy food, then such a life is meaningless.

Li Mochou looked at this scene jealously. She was once so spoiled by Lu Zhanyuan.

As a result, he was a liar. The key is that he only wanted to cheat her, not her body.

That's what makes her feel humiliated.

Su xungui is the marquis. He is in power. Naturally, he does not lack anything. So he must be sincere to XiaoLongNu. It is this that makes her envious.

Little Dragon Girl frowned and put it down. She shook her head and said softly, "Chang'an, I've been used to eating honey cream since I was a child. I can't eat it."

For more than ten years, her stomach has been used to honey and fruit. She can't accept other greasy food at all. She will vomit as soon as she eats it.

"Lady, I still have some fruits in my family. Why don't you fill your stomach?" Said the village head's wife.

Su Xun said, "thank you, mother-in-law."

"I can't afford it. I've given you enough money for several years." Said the village head.

After dinner, Su Xun spent money to buy the pen and paper left by the village head's son, and then wrote to Li Mochou what she was thinking about -- desire, female Heart Sutra.

Li Mochou's eyes were burning at Su Xun, who was writing all the time. What she wanted all the time was about to arrive, and she was breathing quickly.

Her clothes are really big and round. She is trembling when she is short of breath. I really want to weigh them for her.

Little dragon girl was helpless. She knew that Su Xun was playing with her elder martial sister, because she didn't teach Su Xun the Heart Sutra of the jade girl. How could he write it?

Half an hour later, Su Xun taught Li Mochou the paper in his hand: "this secret script needs a man to cooperate with you. Take it back and practice it slowly."

Little Dragon Girl heard this, jade lips slightly open, can Chang'an he really know jade girl's Heart Sutra? Because the Heart Sutra of the jade girl really needs a man and a woman to cooperate with the cultivation.

"Lingbo, let's go."

Li Mochou holding the paper, did not look, dropped a word and flew out of the window.

Su Xun is speechless. These martial arts experts always don't go to the front door. They like to go to the window.

Just like he likes to go through the back door.

Little dragon girl is in danger!

Both Yanyue and Lianxing looked at Su Xun in disbelief. They didn't expect that Su Xun really gave the skill to Li Mochou. It shouldn't be, it's not his temperament.

"What are you looking at me for? I always do what I say, but you think too bad of me."

Su Xun spread his hand and looked at them.

"I'll see her off." I'm still worried about inviting the moon. I'm afraid Li Mochou will follow Su Xun's practice.

Lianxing saluted Su Xun and said with a smile, "young master, Lianxing went to have a rest first."

Or she looks more like a maid.

Su Xun liked the tender star.

"Chang'an, how can you know the Heart Sutra of jade girl?" After Lianxing left, XiaoLongNu asked.

Su Xun hugged her and said with a bad smile, "I have countless Royal daughters. Of course, I will be lustful. I'm a woman's Heart Sutra."

"You..." Little dragon girl is very shy, and then she is pushed down on the bed by Su Xun.

While they were playing in bed, the master of inviting the Moon Palace on the other side also caught up with Li Mochou and his disciples.

"What's the matter with sister Yanyue?" Li Mochou is very fond of inviting the moon and regards it as a confidant.

Inviting the moon sighed: "you'd better take out the skill and have a look. How can he give it to you when Miss long hasn't given it to you?"

She thinks she knows Su Xun well. At least Su Xun respects women and doesn't advocate giving Li Mochou what little dragon girl hasn't given."Does he have to lie to me?" Li Mochou can't believe that there are so boring people in the world?

Cheated her all the way, just to play with her?

Invite a month helpless smile: "he is still really likely so boring, you don't understand him at all."

Li Mochou took out the skill Su Xun gave her, looked at it a few times, and his pretty face turned red. He said angrily, "this asshole!"

"What's the matter?" Invitation month took a piece of paper, and then also red face: "this is also too shameful!"

The paper she got showed two lifelike little people entangled together.

Next to it, there is a close matching: desire, the seventh form of the female Heart Sutra -- Guan, Yin, sitting lotus.

The other papers are all these shameful pictures, such as the eighth style, the double sky of ice and fire, etc

Hong Lingbo and Lu Wushuang are blushing and covering their eyes with their hands, but they peep through their fingers with relish.

"I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him!" Li Mochou was mad and roared with shame and anger.

Inviting the moon's genuine Qi broke Su Xun's desire, female Heart Sutra into powder.

Hong Lingbo is disappointed. She hasn't finished watching it.

"Well, it's good you didn't bring it out in public." Invite month helpless sigh tone.

If Li Mochou took out the secret book to read in public, it would be a real social death.

Li Mochou was so angry that he was ashamed, angry and wronged: "was he playing for nothing?"

Su Xun: don't blow your mouth. When did I fool you? I didn't even kiss you.

What else do you want to do? You can't beat him, you can't beat him. " The invitation month shook his head: "OK, we'll see you later."

With that, she flew back to the village.

Li Mochou wants to be more angry in the same place.

She has a long memory after being cheated by Lu Zhanyuan. This is the first time that she has been fooled by a man.

How angry (; '-').

"Master, if you want revenge, it's very simple." Hong Lingbo began to have bad ideas.

Li Mochou asked, "tell me about it."

"Doesn't he like martial uncle? Can't you hook him with your beauty? Let him fight with martial uncle. " Hong Lingbo is as insidious as a demon.

Li Mochou's face was cold: "villain, do you want me to show off my style, coquettish, hook and lead men?"

"Master, you are not worried that you can't compare with martial uncle." Lu Wushuang said carefully.

Li Mochou blurted out: "nonsense, that little bitch is nothing more than relying on the appearance of pure deception, how can I Li Mochou than her?"

She will never admit that she is inferior to little dragon girl.

Women are very competitive creatures.

"That's it. If you play with me, don't blame me for using the weapon that women are good at against you."

Li Mochou said with his eyes rolling.

She decided to hit (give) decisively!


The next day, early in the morning.

Su Xun opened his eyes and saw Xiao Longnu, who was lying in his arms and was sleeping soundly.

Last night, Su Xun took advantage of it, but he didn't take the last step. Because the sound insulation in this place was not good, he didn't want Xiao Longnu to die socially.

But he also confirmed one thing, XiaoLongNu's whole body is really sweet.

Concave and convex, skin like congealed fat, fruit flavor, flowers fragrance, is the best in the world.

Suddenly, the little dragon girl in her sleep seemed to feel something. Her eyelashes trembled. She opened her eyes and saw that Su Xun was staring at herself. Thinking of the absurdity of last night, she climbed up her cheek with a touch of bright red.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at you. I can't see enough. It's getting late. Let's get up." Su Xun gave her a kiss.

Little Dragon Girl reddened her face, moved her eyes away, and said, "give me your belly bag."

After a long time, the two of them walk out of the bedroom. After a night of absurdity, little dragon girl is too shy to look at each other.

The village head and his wife have already prepared breakfast.

He also specially made flower cakes for Little Dragon Girl overnight.

These days, the common people are simple. After collecting so much money from Su Xun, the old couple always feel that if they don't do something, they shouldn't take so much money from each other.

"Li Mochou left?" Su Xun asked casually.

Lianxing Jiao said: "childe, Li Xianzi is a woman no matter how, how can you play with her like that?"

Last night, the invitation to the moon had already told her the story, and she was also in a state of tears and laughter. She felt that they, the temporary childe, were really hard to guess with common sense.

Sometimes it's dignified, sometimes it's murderous, sometimes it's fun with a child.

"Didn't she want to be lustful and feminine? Is there a problem? " Su Xun's rhetorical question was straightforward.

Pitiful star speechless, jade girl, desire, female, two words pronunciation is the same, but the meaning is very different."Martial uncle! Help, martial uncle

Just at this time, little Laurie Hong Lingbo ran in panic and yelled: "martial uncle, my master was besieged by a group of Wulin people and was seriously injured..."

"Then let her wait to die. There's no help." Su Xun directly interrupted the rest of Hong Lingbo's words.

The little girl didn't even grow hair. Qi dared to show her acting skills in front of him. If she had to use a allegorical saying to describe it, she really ate a secret hamburger in front of Lao ba.

"Ah Hong Ling was dumbfounded when he was in Burton.

Little Dragon Girl pulled Su Xun's sleeve.

Su Xun's eyes indicated that she was calm.

Hong Lingbo left in a daze.

Su Xun then said to Little Dragon Girl, "that little girl is acting. Li Mochou is doing things."

"It seems that the elder martial sister must have not given up her Heart Sutra." XiaoLongNu frowned and said.

Su Xun said, "whatever she wants to do, eat quickly and continue to drive after eating."

After breakfast, XiaoLongNu packed some flower cakes, fruits and honey, and then everyone went on the road.

On the other side, Li Mochou is lying leisurely on the ground with a grass on his pink lips.

"Master, elder martial sister is back."

Lu Wushuang, who was far away, came running and yelled.

Li Mochou spits out the grass, then points a acupoint on his body, spits blood at his mouth, tears off his robe to reveal his belly pocket, and falls on the ground with a weak face.

Lu Wushuang wanted to talk and stopped, but he didn't dare to say it in the end.

"Master, don't pretend. That Su Xun didn't come at all." Hong Lingbo ran over and said.

Li Mochou immediately sat up from the ground: "why doesn't he come? Are you saying the wrong thing? "

"No, I haven't finished my words, he said let you wait to die, there's no help." Hong Lingbo said carefully.

Li Mochou

She questioned her face.

Looking down, I can't compare my face with my younger martial sister, but I'm more attractive than her!

Men shouldn't like her, right?

"This bastard! I can't help you

Li Mochou grabbed a handful of soil and carried it out.

"Master, forget it." Hong Lingbo had never seen such a cold-blooded man as Su Xun.

"No way!"

Li Mochou refused, gnashing his teeth and said: "I don't believe it! I'm not sure about him! "

Now, it's not a question of revenge for Su Xun. It's a fight for dignity!

"To rob No, buy a horse. We can still keep up Li Mochou said, took the package on Lu Wushuang's shoulder to change clothes.

After all, you can't walk in the world without clothes.

In this way, Li Mochou and his disciples followed Su Xun all the way, but they lost Su Xun's trace.

Li Mochou put all the blame on Su Xun, and vowed to find him and use his beauty to destroy the relationship between him and Xiao Longnu.

It's better to let Su Xun fall in love with herself, and then she kicks Su Xun with a haughty and merciless kick.

Otherwise, she can't get rid of her hatred!

In the blink of an eye, ten months have passed.

But Su Xun, who is always remembered by Li Mochou, has entered Dali with Xiao Longnu and others.

"Although the power of Dali is not strong, there are many experts. Don't make mistakes here."

Su Xun reminded Zhang Yue that the woman had killed several heartless men all the way.

The Tianlong temple in Dali is simply the gathering place of retired veteran cadres of the royal family of Dali.

The eminent monks in it have excellent martial arts. They are all from the Duan family. So, no matter how good their martial arts are, if they don't become immortals, they will at most protect themselves and not affect their national strength.

The war between countries is a competition of national strength. It is by no means that several experts can influence the war situation.

There is Guo Jing in the novel. Isn't song dead?

They inquired all the way to Wuliang Mountain.

"Use your lightness skills and find a waterfall separately."

Su Xun told the three girls that the world is a fusion of films and TV plays, not novels. He remembered that in the TV series, the jade cave of langhuan was under a waterfall.

Although they didn't understand Su Xun's meaning, they all obediently flew to different directions to look for the waterfall.

"Chang'an, this way."

Soon, little dragon girl found it.

Then the four put the horse in the forest and used their lightness skills to fall beside the pool under the waterfall.

Su Xun saw a cave next to the waterfall. This was the jade cave of langhuan. There were the secret scripts of Beiming magic power and Lingbo Weibu in it. Now they were all his.

Lingbo's micro step is the best body method.

At least in this world, no one can grasp him after he has learned Lingbo micro step. Don't you see Duan Yu dare to wave casually after he has learned Lingbo micro step?

As soon as he was about to take the three girls in, he saw a handsome, dull young man climbing out of the cave with a folding fan."Duan Yu?"

Su Xun didn't expect to catch up with Duan Yu's falling off the cliff to get the skill.

When Duan Yu heard someone calling for him, he raised his head subconsciously, then bumped into the cave. After a painful cry, he quickly lowered his head and continued to climb out.

Su Xun's four people were speechless. This guy was just a dumb goose.

However, Su Xun knew that Duan Zhengchun, the father of this guy, was really powerful. He was the real protagonist. When he was young, he was merciful everywhere. Everyone who played with him was beautiful and gave him a beautiful daughter.

Then Duan Yu was miserable. Every woman he fell in love with finally found that quante was his sister.

There are brothers and sisters in the world.

In fact, Duan Yu is not Duan Zhengchun's son, but Duan Yanqing's son, the first of the four villains.

Duan Zhengchun messes up outside. In order to revenge on him, his original Princess Dao Baifeng deeply communicates with a beggar in the ice and snow, and then gives birth to Duan Yu. Duan Zhengchun puts on a green hat.

Duan Yanqing is also a member of the Dali royal family. Originally, he was the emperor of Dali, but later he disappeared suddenly and was succeeded to the throne by Duan Zhengchun's brother.

So, the Dali palace is very chaotic.

"Fairy sister!" Helen of Troy Helen of Troy

Duan Yu looked as like as two peas in the cave.

"Mr. Duan, please respect yourself. This is my wife XiaoLongNu, not the jade statue in the cave." Su Xun hugged Xiao Longnu's waist and looked at Duan Yu.

Duan Yu was stunned: "do you know me? Also, how do you know there is a jade statue and this fairy sister in the cave No, just as like as two peas.

Bullshit, the same actor.

Su Su make complaints about it in his heart. He smiled and handed out a waist card: "Daming Huaian waiting."

"It's really disrespectful to see Huai'an in person." Duan Yu was surprised. He knew that the power of Daming kingdom had gone through many twists and turns, and finally fell into the hands of Su Xun.

Daming's Jinyi Wei is the strongest intelligence agency in the world all day long. There are dark piles in other countries, and intelligence personnel in other countries, though not as sharp as Jinyi Wei, are also placed in Daming.

The situation in Daming has been sent back to his country by various intelligence personnel. As the successor of Dali, he has naturally heard of it, but he did not expect that the powerful minister of Daming was so young.

The small country of Dali is far behind that of Daming. Although Daming is declining, it is still the largest and strongest country ruled by Han people in this rotten world.

Su Xun took back his waist token, looked at Duan Yu and answered his second question: "the reason why I know there is a jade statue in it that looks like my wife's face is because my wife has a relative relationship with the host here."

"We came here this time to get back the unique family knowledge in the futon under the jade statue. I don't think Mr. Duan moved anything in it."

That's a lie that comes at random.

Who let the jade statue and the Little Dragon Queen Yuyan all be the models of the same actor.

When Duan Yu heard Su Xun's words in such detail, he saw that Xiao Longnu and Yu looked like the same. He had no doubt about Su Xun's words. He took out the cloth roll from his arms and said awkwardly, "excuse me, Huai'an. I've taken those two volumes of skill. I'll return them to their original owners now."

Although Duan Yu is not an honest man, he is definitely a kind and honest man.

"Little Prince Duan is not greedy when he is faced with miraculous skills, but he gives them back truthfully. I admire him. In this case, little prince Duan can copy them." This is Duan Yu's chance. Even if he hasn't met Duan Yu, since Duan Yu has already got it, Su Xun won't cheat him out like that. He won't give any money to the original protagonist.

After all, Duan Yu is also a kind and good man.

And he had other ideas.

"Really?" Duan Yu first brightened his eyes, then waved his hand and refused: "no, no, how can I pass on my unique family knowledge to an outsider?"

"Since Duan got it, it's fate."

"Still not. I can't take it. I can't take it."

Su Xun sighed, pretended to think for a moment, and then said, "why don't you do this? The northern underworld skill and Lingbo Weibu are immortal skills. The one Yang finger and six pulse sword of Duan's family are not inferior. I've admired them for a long time. How about we exchange them?"

Su Xun felt that he was a dog when he exchanged the things that belonged to the protagonist for other things.

"This To tell you the truth, I can't bear to kill. I haven't practiced these two martial arts mentioned by Lord Hou. " Duan Yu scratched the back of his head, embarrassed to say.

Su Xun said with a gentle smile, "I just want to discuss some state affairs with the emperor Dali. You can go back to the palace with Mr. Duan and take them back to me."

"Well Well, in fact, I just want to walk in Lingbo. If someone kills me, I can run away. I don't want to kill people. " Duan Yu laughs.

Invite month and pity star sighed a tone, looking at Duan Yu sympathetically, this silly child was fooled lame.Then Duan Yu suddenly thought of something: "no, Miss Zhong is waiting for me to call someone to save her."

"Why do you need to call others? I'm willing to go with Mr. Duan to save people." Su Xun took over.

Zhong Ling is the daughter of Gan Baobao and Zhong wanqiu. In fact, she is the daughter of Gan Baobao and Duan Zhengchun. Zhong wanqiu likes to be a father.

Duan Zhengchun also dug a tunnel through Gan Baobao's bedroom, Zhong wanqiu's Emerald!

Duan Yu tells people about Zhong Ling.

Before, he met Wuliangshan Jianhu palace and Shennong gang at war. He foolishly went up to persuade them to fight. As a result, they were prepared to solve the problem first and then continue to fight.

Then Zhong Ling passes by and saves him. He bites the Lord of Jianhu palace with his poisonous mink. The Lord of Jianhu palace detains her and asks Duan Yu to get the antidote. Otherwise, he will kill Zhong Ling. Then Duan Yu falls off a cliff on the way to Zhong Ling's home for help and finds the jade cave of langhuan. After taking the skill, he meets several people of Su Xun.

Now hearing that Su Xun was willing to help him save Zhong Ling, Duan Yu was very excited: "thank you, marquis su."

Su Xun used his lightness skill, picked up Duan Yu and flew to the cliff. Then, without riding a horse, the four of them directly used their lightness skill and flew to Jianhu palace.


Duan Yu was carried away and yelled all the way.

A stick of incense arrived at Jianhu palace.

"Vomit ~ vomit ~"

Duan Yu's face was pale and he bent down to vomit.

"Brother Duan!"

Cried the playful and lovely Zhong Ling.

"Boy! You moved back so fast The Lord of Jianhu palace looked at Su Xun coldly: "this friend, be sure to take care of more..."

"Let the people go." Su Xun interrupted him.

The leader of Jianhu palace snorted: "you..."


The next second, he gets a slap.

Su Xun fell beside Zhong ling'er and took off to Duan Yu.

"Miss Zhong, are you ok?" After vomiting, Duan Yu's face looked better and asked with concern.

Zhong ling'er shook his head: "I'm ok, brother Duan. Where did you get these guys from?"

"Let's talk about the past and get out of here." Su Xun left with them, but no one in Jianhu palace dared to stop them.

After all, the palace masters are dead, who wants to be buried with them.

Duan Yu introduced Su Xun on the way: "Miss Zhong, this is Marquis Su of Daming kingdom. This is his wife, Miss long. These two are his maids."

A maid is not worthy of a name.

"Thank you, brother su. Sister long is so beautiful." Zhong ling'er winked playfully and said.

Su Xun said with a cool smile: "Miss Zhong, the outside world is very dangerous. You'd better go back earlier. We have something else to do, so we won't see you off."

He is not interested in Zhong ling'er's tablet.

"Brother Su and brother Duan saved me. Won't they come to my house?" Zhong Ling was a little reluctant to part.

Duan Yu said with a smile, "no, you said your father didn't welcome Duan. Besides, we do have something to do, so we won't delay any more."

"Well, brother Su, brother Duan, we'll see you later." Zhong Ling arched his hand, and then left with his own poisonous mink.

In a quarter of an hour.

Several of Su Xun's men went to the woods where they had just released their horses, but now there was only one of the original three horses.

"Young master, your horse is gone."

Lianxing said to Su Xun.

Su Xun said, "I'm not blind."

Then he whistled, but there was no response. It's not supposed to be. His horse is a bloody BMW in the palace, and he is very spiritual.

"You wait. I'll be right back."

With that, Su Xun began to use his lightness skills.

Follow the traces on the ground in the air.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Su Xun was black, looking at his white horse sniffing a black horse's fart.

The black horse is a female, and it's outside the house.

"Fuck! This colored horse, so far away, can let you smell the mare Su Xun was swearing.

I don't know who this broken horse learned from.

Just at this time, a group of people rushed over with a knife. The leading woman pointed to the wooden house in the distance and yelled, "rush in and kill that little bitch for me."

Seeing this scene, Su Xun immediately remembered that this horse is mu Wanqing's home. Isn't that horse Mu Wanqing's black rose?

My own horse is in tune with other people's horse. I'm the master. I can't help myself.

Su Xun stopped them and said to them, "how about you give me face and leave?"

Inside the house, muwanqingzheng was ready to use a concealed weapon to meet the enemy. When he saw this scene, his mouth twitched immediately.

Where's the fool? Is there one who can save people?

"What are you, kill together!"The first woman's voice fell down, and rushed to Su Xun with the crutch in her hand.

"If you don't give me face, I'll die."

Su Xun sighed, took out the folding fan at his waist, and turned it into a shadow, shuttling through the crowd.

He's fast!

When he stopped again, all the enemies around him fell to the ground and died one by one.

Inside the house, Mu Wanqing, who was holding a sword and was about to go out to help, was stunned. A cherry red mouth under the black face towel was open, and her eyes were full of surprise.

"Girls in the house, please come out."

Su Xunfeng, coquettish shaking folding fan said.

Mu Wanqing opened the door and walked out. Looking at Su Xun, she asked coldly, "why do you help me?"

She was tall and dressed in a black tight military suit. She outlined her figure clearly. She should be upturned and upright. She wore a hat and covered her face with a face towel, showing only a pair of bright eyes.

Su Xun pointed to her back with a folding fan.

"Girl, I'm not trying to help you. I'm just helping my future mother-in-law."

Mu Wanqing looked back in doubt, and then he brushed pretty red. Suddenly he was ashamed and angry, and yelled: "beast! Let go of my black rose

I saw her beloved black rose is a tall white horse lying on the back of crazy output.

Her black rose is not clean.

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