Looking at her horse being spoiled by Su Xun's horse, Mu Wanqing only realized that her black rose was not clean.

But she didn't realize that when she met Su Xun, she was doomed to be unclean soon.

That who once said a word: there must be a man for his horse.

"Beast! Animals

Mu Wanqing scolded that he was going to separate the two horses.

But Su Xun stopped her: "girl, my horse and your horse love each other. As the parent of this horse, I can't sit by and watch you fight with each other."

"I fight horses, not mandarin ducks!" As soon as he opened his mouth, he exposed his lack of culture.

Su Xun liked this kind of wire rod bright smooth, fierce thigh long, beautiful and uneducated little sister.

Two words: easy to cheat.

Su Xun said solemnly: "girl, we are witnessing a great thing, the origin of a young life. It's a waste of time for you to stop even if you don't grasp the time to observe and feel life."

"Go to hell, you horse is not a good thing, and this man is not a serious man!" Mu Wanqing scolded.

After scolding, she opened Su Xun and was about to save her black rose, which was being ruined.

At the moment of being lifted by her, Su Xun's hand seemed to grasp subconsciously and pulled off the towel on her face.

A lovely melon seed face showed.

Mu Wanqing was stunned and looked at Su Xun incredulously: "you You see my face. "

Her master made it a rule for her that she would marry the first person who saw her face.

Or you're going to kill him.

Su Xun had seen a TV play and knew this, otherwise he would have nothing to do when he was full.

"The girl is very beautiful. Why should she wear a mask to cover her face?" Su Xun laughed and praised.

Mu Wanqing looks complex, pursed her red lips and said: "Mu Wanqing, my name is mu Wanqing. You are the first man to see my face in so many years. From today on, you are my husband and I am your wife."

Fortunately, this person is also very good-looking, otherwise she felt that her life would be over.

"What did you say? Don't make fun of me, girl. I'm a man with a wife and concubine. I won't mess around outside! " The rejection of Su Xunyi's righteous words.

When Mu Wanqing heard this, he appreciated it a little more. Although his words revealed that he had more than one wife and concubine, he was not a promiscuous person.

Otherwise, he looks so beautiful. If he is a lecherous person, he can't wait to jump on him. How can he refuse?

Thinking of this, she softened her face and said in a soft voice, "a man with three wives and four concubines is a normal thing. I'm not jealous of my wife. I can be a concubine."

Concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concu.

"The girl's appearance is dignified, but it's too abrupt. Marriage is not a joke. I hope she will be careful." Su Xun's face was serious.

Mu Wanqing was a little impatient and pulled out a Throwing Knife: "a big man grinds and chirps. If you don't agree to marry me, I'll have to kill you."

Su Xun: Oh, and such a good thing!

"Why do you compare girls like this? Besides, girls are not my rivals." Su Xun shook his head and said that although he wanted to agree, he had to continue to perform.

Mu Wanqing has a strong personality and is careless. He wants to take the initiative to get along with others.

Mu Wanqing heard the speech, then gritted his teeth, raised the knife and looked at his neck.


Su Xun's folding fan blocked her Throwing Knife: "why do you want to die, you are too cheap."

"If you don't marry me, I can't kill you. Then I have to die. Get out of the way!" Mu Wan said in a cold voice.

Seeing this, Su Xun sighed and said helplessly, "why, why? How can I sit by and watch the beauty die? Just, since the girl knows death so well, you can follow me from now on. If the girl does not fail me, I will not fail the girl in this life. "

On how bitches cheat women.

"I will never serve my husband in this life!" Mu Wanqing raised his chin with pride, and then asked, "by the way, you haven't said your name yet."

"Su Xun, Chang'an." Su Xun held her in his arms: "it's enough to have Wan Mei accompany her in this life."

"Su Lang." Mu Wanqing closed her eyes.

What is martial arts speed? Duan Yu spent half a day in the TV series, while Su Xun only spent a quarter of an hour.

Duan Yu is a tragedy in the world. Every woman he falls in love with becomes his sister. After all of them break up, he discovers that they are not his own sisters.

He's not his father's own.

At this time, a horse roared, and the white horse had finished. He stepped on his hoof and came to Su Xun.

It's a bad horse.

Looking at Mu Wanqing in his arms, Su Xun laughed: "the black rose belongs to my white horse, and you belong to me."

"Su Lang, you are dead." Thinking of the way her horse had just been violated, she glared at Su Xun.The horse didn't save him. He put himself in.

She blushed at the thought that she would be in and out of susian sooner or later.

Oh, my God. I'm so ashamed.

Su Xun let her go: "since it's my woman, let's go with her husband."

Sooner or later can eat meat, do not worry.

If you're in a hurry, it looks like an LSP.

He's an elegant XSP.

"Well." Mu Wanqing turned to pack up the salute.

After about a cup of tea, they rode away.

The little dragon girl and the three are waiting for Su Xun in the same place. As the sound of the horse's hooves gets closer and closer, they know that Su Xun is back.

"No, there are two horses."

Lianxing frowned.

And soon they know why.

Seeing Mu Wanqing behind Su Xun, the color of the little dragon goddess changed, and her eyebrows were hurt.

Inviting the moon and Lianxing to have a look at each other, XiaoLongNu fell in love with Su Xun, which means that she has lost eight generations of blood mold.

Stupid women will be dedicated to Su Xun.

Duan Yu's eyes brightened, and then sighed. Why did he finally meet the women he liked, but all of them belonged to Marquis Su?

Silly child, because it was all yours.

"Wan Mei, this is long er." In order to take care of XiaoLongNu's mood, Su Xun introduces her first.

"Because she was a little nervous, even sister long Wanqing

"Hello." Little dragon girl smiles, then looks at Su Xun, waiting for Su Xun to give her an explanation.

Su Xun said it all over again, which made little dragon girl helpless. After all, she couldn't just sit by and watch Mu Wanqing's death. It was just a coincidence.

Knowing that it was just a coincidence that Su Xun didn't take the initiative to flirt with others made little dragon girl feel better.

Mu Wanqing gave Duan Yu the horse, and then rode with Lianxing to Dali palace.

A few days later, he arrived at the capital of Dali.

"Little Wang Ye, you have come back at last. If you don't come back, I will go out to find you." Just after entering the palace, a middle-aged scholar came.

Duan Yu said with a smile: "brother Zhu, I have come back safely? What about my father and uncle? "

"Little Wang Ye, these are..."

Zhu Danchen looked at Su Xun, and when his eyes fell on the four girls behind him, he pulled his lips. He felt that this man had the grace of his master when he was young. He was merciful everywhere and sowed seeds on all sides.

Duan Yu then pointed to Su Xun: "fourth brother Zhu, this is Marquis Su of Huai'an in Ming Dynasty. These two girls are his wives. Marquis Su came to Dali to see his uncle this time."

This time, the maid is not only unworthy of having a name, but also unworthy of being introduced by Duan Yu.

"It turned out that Su Hou was in front of me. I have eyes and don't know Taishan. I hope you can forgive me." Zhu Danchen heard Duan Yu tell Su Xun's identity, and immediately saluted him.

Su Xun said with a smile, "don't be too polite."

"Brother Zhu, tell me, where are my father and uncle? You can't let Marquis Su go for nothing. " Duan Yu is urging Zhu Danchen.

Zhu Danchen replied, "here comes jiumozhi, the national master of Tubo. His majesty and the Lord are in Tianlong temple."

"Let's go now."

Duan Yu can't wait to run out.


At the same time, Tianlong temple in Dali.

Zen master Kurong, master Ben Yin, master Ben Shen, master Ben Xiang, master Ben Guan, as well as Duan Zhengchun and Emperor Duan Zhengming are fighting with a monk.

In the TV series, the emperor Duan Zhengming should be a monk at this time, but in this world, he is still the emperor of Dali.

"In the past, Mr. Murong once said that there are two great martial arts in the world, one of which is the six pulse sword of Duan family in Dali. Mr. Murong has passed away, but the young monk once said that he would have a look at the six pulse sword with him, so please allow the young monk to copy it by hand, never peek at it, only burn it in front of Mr. Murong's grave."

Jiumozhi said calmly.

Of course, this is bullshit. He came here to capture the six pulse sword. How could he burn it.

"Hatoyama Chi, you are presumptuous! The six pulse sword is my Duan's unique skill. How can I borrow your hand to copy it? "

Duan Zhengchun pointed to jiumozhi and scolded.

Jiumozhi confident smile: "so it's necessary to start, it's not the little monk's rave, throughout the world with little monk can draw."

"But there are many who can kill you."

A voice of scorn came to the ears of all.

All at the same time.

"Dad, uncle!" Duan Yu danced and waved.

"Yu'er." Duan Zhengchun called.

Jiumozhi looked at Su Xun and his eyes narrowed slightly: "I didn't hear you wrong. You were just talking."

"So you're not deaf." Su Xun shook the folding fan and looked at Jiu Mozhi with a smile.Duan Yu quickly ran to Duan Zhengchun.

Duan Zhengchun looked at Duan Yu and asked, "yu'er, these are..."

"Emperor Baoding and the king of Zhennan are courteous. I'm waiting for Su Xun in Huai'an of the Ming Dynasty. I don't want to tell you. I hope you'll forgive me." Su Xun Chong, Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun said.

When Su Xun said this, everyone's face changed. After all, Huai'an Hou was very hot recently.

By killing Wei Zhongxian, Su Xun has been abroad for a long time, which can be called the hot fried chicken of this year.

"I've heard a lot about the name of Huai'an marquis. It's really magnificent to come to our small country in Dali, but I can't entertain you today." Duan Zhengming said.

Su Xun looked at Jiu Mozhi and gently shook the jade bone folding fan in his hand: "when I kill this monk for emperor Baoding, I can spare my hand to entertain me."

"Ha ha ha, arrogant, there are few people who can draw with me in this world!" Hatoyama chuckled twice and said with disdain.

Su Xun closed the folding fan: "still, there are few people who can draw with you, but there are many people who can kill you, including me."

As the voice fell, he rushed out as a shadow.

One of the reasons why he took the initiative in this case is that jiumozhi was a monk, and the Han people helped the Han people.

The second reason is that he wants to show his military value in front of the eminent monks of Tianlong temple.

"Come on, try my flame knife!"

Jiumozhi laughed, then cut out his palm like a knife, and a big flame knife fell out of thin air.

But Su Xun easily escaped. After all, his skill of being as fast as shadow was not soy sauce.

It's for Hatoyama.


Avoid Mo Su Jiu to learn so easily.

It was also a surprise that Tianlong temple was listed as an eminent monk.

"Well, there are many experts in Daming! But today I will also be the ghost of my hands! "

Jiumozhi gave a big drink, and then used one of the 72 unique skills of Shaolin - Nianhua finger.


Su Xun was contemptuous and hit it directly.

Jiumozhi pointed to the fist.


His whole hand was smashed by a force of brute force, and his body flew upside down like a broken kite.

Everyone was stunned, shocked that Su Xun's strength was so terrible.

Congenitally, it's crushing the master's realm!

"Horizontal practice martial arts!"

Jiumozhi gets up and stares at Su Xun.

He could feel that Su Xun's strength was not as strong as his, and his martial arts cultivation had not yet broken through the master's realm.

But just hit that punch, but under the impetus of the true Qi, it gave full play to the strength that did not belong to the innate kungfu, which belonged to Su Xun's own strength.

"If there are really many experts in the Central Plains, I will go back to seclusion and practice hard, and come back to seek advice in a few years."

Jiumozhi's voice fell and he wanted to escape.

"I said I would kill you."

"I'll kill you."

Su Xun quickly chased him out, and then he grabbed Jiu Mozhi's leg and smashed it down.


Jiumozhi hit the ground, and the floor made of bluestone was torn apart, with gravel and smoke flying.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, jiumozhi stood up with bloodstains hanging on his mouth: "since the benefactor has to kill everything, don't blame me."

"That's a lot of crap." Su Xun appeared in front of him with a few flashes. He raised his hand and smashed it out.

Jiumozhi was the master of the Tubo state, and also the first expert of the Tubo state. If you kill him, the Tubo state will not be able to intervene in the Central Plains war for ten years.

Jiumozhi's body surface is covered with a layer of fiery red vigorous Qi, which is a sign of the master's state. It turns the true Qi of internal force into vigorous Qi, which is more domineering than the true Qi and can also protect the body.


But Su Xun used his infinite skill, and this fist directly broke the vigorous Qi, which fell on his chest in the incredible eyes of the Tubo national master.

The ribs of the Tubo national master pierced out from behind, and a stream of blood gushed wildly, and he fell to the ground with unwilling color.

For a moment, the whole world was dead.

The five masters of Tianlong temple, Duan Zhengming, Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yu, Mu Wanqing, invite the moon At this moment, everyone was staring at Su Xun.

A master of Jingwu was killed by a congenital situation.

They couldn't believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

Suddenly, they saw Su Xun move again.

Su Xun bent down and grasped Jiu Mozhi's hand.

Jiumozhi is still breathing. He thinks that he wants to save himself, and hopes for life appear on his face.

After all, he is the national teacher of a country. How could the other party kill him so recklessly.

"Damn, I almost forgot to absorb power. It's a waste of energy. Fortunately, I haven't lost my breath yet. The great master's vitality is strong."

Su Xun was abusive, and he continued to absorb the internal power of jiumozhi.Hatoyama Chi "....."

All of you

Is it something that people can do?

In full view of the public, jiumozhi was sucked to death by Su Xun. After refining jiumozhi's internal power, Su Xun finally broke through the master's realm.

In view of jiumozhi's spirit of sacrificing himself for others, Su Xun decided to fight his hometown in the future.

"Amitabha, is Huai'an Hou's use of the northern underworld skill of Xingxiu sea?" Kurong asked.

Master Kurong's face is half tender, half as dry wood, so it is called dry wood.

Su Xun shook his head and said, "master, I'm not good at it. What I'm using is the grafted flowers and grafted trees in the highest martial arts of the Ming Dynasty's flower palace

At this moment, Lianxing and yaoyue want to swear.

It belongs to them.

"Amitabha, I see. The martial arts of all schools in the world are really mysterious." Kurong praised.

Su Xun waved, and invited the moon was still in a daze. Lianxing had already wisely handed over a handkerchief, and Su Xun slowly wiped off the blood splashed on his hand.

Then he threw the handkerchief on his face and covered his ugly face.

Duan Zhengming, the emperor of Dali, said, "jiumozhi is the national teacher of Tubo. If the Huai'an Marquis kills him, I'm afraid it will cause disputes between the two countries."

This is mostly the reason why in the TV series, jiumozhi makes trouble, and they don't surround and kill.

"It's just Tubo. It's a tiny place. I'm a million armored men in Ming Dynasty. What's the fear?" Su Xun laughed and said with great pride.

Duan Zhengming said: "in any case, it's because of my great care. I won't stand idly by."

After some greetings, Emperor Baoding invited Su Xun to Tianlong temple, and then ordered someone to bring tea.

"I don't know why Huai'an is waiting for you to visit our small country in Dali?" Duan Zhengming asked lightly.

Su Xun put down his tea cup: "I'm here just for two things. First, let's talk about the first thing. Now the Manchu Qing Dynasty and the Mongol Yuan Dynasty are very powerful. If we go on like this, there will be no place for our Han people to live in this world. I want to make an alliance with you Dali to attack the Manchu Qing Dynasty and the Mongol Yuan Dynasty together."

"There is no reason why a small country in Dali can form an alliance with Daming. We are willing to advance and retreat together in Daming." Duan Zhengchun agreed on the spot without hesitation.

Because it's good for Dali.

No matter how the sun goes down in Daming, Xishan is also a big country.

Dali is just a small country.

Today, the territory of the capital of the Song Dynasty has been greatly reduced due to the prosperity of different ethnic groups, not to mention Dali?

He was eager to form an alliance with Daming to protect himself.

Su Xun nodded: "as for the second thing, let's talk about it from Mr. Duan."

"Yu Er?"

Everyone looked at Duan Yu.

Duan Yu said: "uncle, I promised to exchange skills with Marquis su. He gave me Beiming and Lingbo Weibu, and I gave him a Yang finger and six pulse sword."

Hearing this, people looked different. One Yang finger said it was ok, but the six pulse sword was a unique skill of Duan family.

But they just formed an alliance, and Su Xun also helped them to kill Jiu Mozhi, and he came up with two equally good skills. If he didn't agree, wouldn't it seem that Duan family was too unkind?

Moreover, offending Su Xun is equivalent to offending Daming, which is not a good thing for the Duan family.

After some deliberation, Duan Zhengchun looks at master Kurong. He is the one with the highest seniority.

"Amitabha, it's a good thing that you can make an alliance with Daming. The six pulse sword is nothing more than a skill. The prosperity of Dali is better than that of Duan family." Kurong closed his eyes and agreed to give liumai Shenjian.

Su Xun arched his hand: "I'd like to thank Master Kurong. If I can get the six pulse sword, I will die without regret."

Su Xun was blowing blindly to relieve the sadness of the six pulse sword.

In the evening, Duan Zhengming held a banquet in the palace.

After having enough to eat and drink, Su Xun and Xiao Longnu were arranged to stay in a house outside the palace.

"I didn't expect that the palace was really luxurious."

Mu Wanqing said carelessly.

"When you see the Forbidden City of Daming, you will know what luxury is." Su Xun couldn't deny it.

Mu Wanqing said, "no matter how luxurious the Forbidden City is, I can't go in."

Su Xun just laughed, then waved and said, "OK, let's go down and have a rest. Long er will stay. I have something important to discuss with you."

It's important - it matters!

Little dragon girl blushed and looked down.

Of course she knows what's going to happen tonight.

Finally, the real thing is coming.

Inviting the moon and Lianxing leave quickly. Mu Wanqing takes a look at Xiaolongnv with a smile and goes away, and closes the door to them.

Then she crouched outside to eavesdrop.

"Long'er, it's getting late. Let's have a rest." Su Xun came forward to hold Xiao Longnu's fragrant shoulder.The little dragon girl answered like a mosquito.

Then susian took her hand to the bedside.

Just like peeling an orange, layer by layer

Little Dragon Girl closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled, her breath was a little short, and let Su Xun play with her.

Then there was spring in the house.

"If you've heard enough outside, go back and have a rest early."

Su Xun's voice suddenly came into his ears.

Outside the door, Mu Wanqing was startled and flushed. Then she ran with weak legs and nearly fell down several times on the way.


The next morning, when they saw little dragon girl again, they only thought she was more beautiful.

Little dragon girl is too shy to look at people.

Especially after learning that Mu Wanqing was eavesdropping outside the door last night, she was embarrassed to face her.

In the next few days, Su Xun took the four women to go sightseeing in the daytime and at night.

"Young master, don't you practice when you get the six pulse sword and one Yang finger?" Lianxing couldn't see it any more. She felt that some of Su Xun's playwrights were frustrated.

During the day and at night, Mu Wanqing and Xiao Longnu come here in exchange, but they don't see him practicing.

So what's the point of trying to get the secret script?

Mu Wanqing also said: "yes, Su Lang, you'd better pay more attention to martial arts."

"Wanqing said that if we neglect our martial arts, we will be guilty." Little dragon girl also gently persuades Su Xun to study hard.

Su Xun looked at several people in surprise: "haven't you practiced yet? I've already mastered six pulse sword, one Yang finger and Lingbo micro step. "

"You really know how to blow it." Invite a month to sneer, Yin Yang strange Qi of said a.

She's also a martial arts genius, but she hasn't been able to understand the six pulse sword, let alone three.

So Su Xun's words sounded ridiculous to her.

Su Xun said, "it's not as good as Wanmei's ability to blow."

Mu Wanqing glared at her with a red face. Of course, she knew what the blow in Su Xun's mouth meant.

Lianxing sighed: "I just want to remind you that if you don't want to practice martial arts, you can't do it well. Why do you tell such untrustworthy lies?"

"Well, why do you always look at genius with your mortal eyes?" Su Xun sighed helplessly, and they all got out of the way. He was going to be ready to be forced.

Then he used a Yang finger to break a rockery, and then he used the six pulse sword to knock down a tree.

Then he landed steadily and looked at the four girls

"do you believe it now?"

The four girls have been stunned.

What kind of talent is this? You can travel around the mountains and rivers day and night, and you can practice the six pulse sword, Lingbo micro step, and one Yang finger three martial arts so quickly.

Is this still human?

"Alas, who can understand the loneliness of genius?"

Su Xun sighed and shook his head.

"Marquis Su, there is a woman named Li Mochou outside who calls herself your elder martial sister."

A servant came to report.

"Elder martial sister has come here?" Little dragon girl admires Li Mochou's determination to get the jade girl's Heart Sutra.

Su Xun said, "let her in."

Soon, Li Mochou took Hong Lingbo and Lu Wushuang into the backyard.

"Elder martial sister." Little dragon girl said hello.

Li Mochou nodded and looked at Su Xun, smiling like a flower: "do you miss a little girl, Mr. Su?"

"If you get angry, just go to the kitchen. Maybe you can find a cucumber." Su Xun said blandly.

Li Mochou was gnashing his teeth again, and then hummed: "younger martial sister, elder martial sister has not found a place to live now, do you mind if I live here?"

"As long as you like, elder martial sister." Little dragon girl quietly smiles and answers softly.

On the first day of Li Mochou's residence, he was peaceful.

The next day, she was still safe. She disappeared for a long time on the way and came back in the evening.

At noon on the third day, XiaoLongNu and others were waiting in the front yard, and Su Xun went back to his bedroom alone.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Mochou sitting on the edge of the bed and asked, "elder martial sister, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Su, Mo Chou is still a virgin. Don't you want to taste one or two?" Li Mochou showed a charming smile and went to Su Xun.

I'll let it go. I can't believe you don't take the bait!

In order to learn how to hook a man, she specially disguised herself as a man and went to the brothel to observe and study.

Su Xun looked at her concave convex body and held her hand: "elder martial sister, this figure is more attractive than long er. I really want to have a try."

Li Mochou's robe is more tight today. She obviously changed it herself. It's really insulting.

A charming and enchanting beauty, however, puts on the clothes that should be dignified, which has formed a great visual impact on people. I have to say, it's really wonderful to step on the horse!"What are you waiting for?" Li Mochou's Qianyu finger hooked Su Xun's chin and showed a touching smile.

Su Xun pretended to be impatient and hugged her.

It's not hard for him to play as he is.

Li Mochou shows his banter. When you want to do something wrong, I'll shout for help to see if XiaoLongNu will love you after she knows that you have violated her elder martial sister.

Su Xun, Su Xun, after all

All of a sudden, she fainted in the dark.

"Play with me, I'll kill you."

Su Xun showed the color of banter. After half an hour in the house, he took the gift out of the bedroom.

In the morning, he received a secret letter from the royal guards. He has already said goodbye to Duan Zhengming and is leaving today.

"What about elder martial sister and her two disciples?"

Little dragon girl asked after seeing Su Xun.

"I don't know. It's better if she doesn't follow. I've got everything. Let's go."

Su Xun's five men rode on their horses and left the capital of Dali with the help of Duan Yu.

At this time, Li Mochou awoke.

She felt dizzy.

Looking down, he was angry and roared hysterically: "Su Xun! You bastard

At this time, she was tied and hung on the beam with rope by Su Xun, which was the same binding method as Xiao Longnu.


Hearing her cry, Hong Lingbo and Lu Wushuang, two snack makers, with cake scraps hanging around their mouths, ran quickly to open the door.

"Master, you are OK "Right?"

After seeing Li Mochou's present appearance, the two little Lauries were shocked, and their mouths were wide open.

"What are you looking at! Shut the door

Li Mochou scolded shyly and angrily. Then he broke the rope and fell to the ground.

"Su Xun, I must kill you!"

"You can't run to the ends of the earth!"

Li Mochou gnashed his teeth.

She saw a piece of paper on the table. When she saw the picture on the paper, her neck and heel turned red with anger, because it was the scene of her hanging on the beam.

There is another word beside it: elder martial sister, my painting is still like it. I still have a few pictures in my hand to appreciate. Pay attention to your tone when you talk to me later, otherwise I will pass this painting on to the people in the river and the lake (≖◡≖✿).

"Ah! This asshole! Animals

Li Mochou tore up the painting and went crazy. She felt that she was going crazy. The biggest mistake in her life was not to meet Lu Zhanyuan, but to provoke Su Xun.


"Where are we going next?"

After leaving the capital of Dali, Mu Wanqing asked.

"I have received a secret report from the royal guards that there will be a good play in xingzilin, Wuxi. I have secretly ordered the royal guards in the Song Dynasty to go to Wuxi to join in the play."

After all, this is the most famous part of Tianlong eight.

Qiao Feng, the righteous leader of the beggars' sect, knew his true identity here. In fact, he was the king of Khitan, so he handed over his dog beating stick and quit the beggars' sect.

The reason why Qiao Feng is so miserable is that he has offended Kang min.

His mistake is that there is no sun, Kangmin!

Kang min is a young man. He is very coquettish. He used to be Duan Zhengchun's lover. After Duan Zhengchun abandoned him, he married an honest man, Ma Dayuan, the deputy leader of the beggars' sect.

But Ma Dayuan is so ugly that he can't satisfy Kang min, so Kang min and Bai Shijing, Quan Guanqing, elder Xu and others of the beggars' sect are secretly engaged in many people's movements.

At the Baihua meeting held by the beggars' sect in Luoyang, she was attracted by Qiao Feng at a glance. However, she was rejected by Qiao Feng's righteous words and held a grudge.

Later, Wang Jian, the old leader of the beggars' sect, died, and Qiao Feng inherited the position of leader.

Kang min inadvertently learned that Qiao Feng was from Khitan, so he encouraged Ma Dayuan to expose it, so that Ma Dayuan could be the leader of the gang, but Ma Dayuan refused.

Then Kang min and Bai Shijing, Quan Guanqing and elder Xu killed Ma Dayuan, first planted it on Murong Fu and then on Qiao Feng.

At the beggars' sect meeting in xingzilin, Wuxi, elder Xu found master Zhiguang of Tiantai Mountain, six brothers of the Shan family, Zhao qiansun and other people who knew Qiao Feng's true identity, and revealed that Qiao Feng was a Khitan.

Then, under the pressure of Quan Guanqing, Kang min, elder Xu and Bai Shijing, Qiao Feng gave up his dog beating stick and quit the beggars' sect. His life went up and down.

Su Xun admired Qiao Feng very much. He was righteous and kind-hearted. He had been resisting the invasion of the Central Plains. Even if he was proved to be a Khitan in xingzilin, he vowed not to kill a Han.

In Su Xun's opinion, what identity is important for a person like Qiao Feng? Is it not better than the civil servants who scrambled to be dogs for Manchu Tartars?

At that time, when he saw this paragraph, he wanted to go in and kill the group of false benevolence and righteousness.

Since there was no room for Qiao Feng in the Song Dynasty, Su Xun took him to the Ming army.Those who pick up for nothing, don't do it for nothing.

Five people day and night, a breath to catch up with the road for more than half a month, and finally arrived outside Wuxi City.

A man is not dead, a horse is nearly dead.

"There's a wine shop. Go and have a rest."

Muwanqing pointed to the roadside restaurant said.

Su Xun looked at the number and orientation of the flags hanging in the restaurant, and a smile appeared on his face.

This wine shop is the hidden stake of the royal guards.

No wonder he received the secret report from the royal guards about the beggars' sect meeting held in xingzilin so soon.

"Please come in, my guest."

Small two enthusiasm out to help a few people lead the horse.

"A pot of good wine, and then cut a few Jin of meat, in addition to vegetarian cakes and so on, bring some." Su Xun went to a table and sat down. He patted a silver ingot.

Seeing this, the sophomore brightened his eyes and said with a smile, "OK, my guest, just a moment."

"Tell your manager to come here." Su Xun said.

Little two some don't understand, but still according to the words, into the backyard to the shopkeeper called out.

Soon, a fat middle-aged man came to Su Xun with a big smile: "I'm the manager of the wine shop. What's your order?"

Su Xun took out a waist token.

As soon as the middle-aged man's face changed, he soon returned to normal and said quietly, "my Lord, the cottage is here. I'll show you the way. Please come here."

Su Xun followed the shopkeeper to the backyard.

"I'm in the dark pile of Wuxi City in the great Song Dynasty, Wang San, a hundred families of the royal guards. See the commander!"

At the moment, Su Xun's temperament had changed.

"How many people have gathered in Wuxi City today."

Su Xun asked with a light hand.

"My Lord, since receiving the secret order, we have gathered 257 brothers in Wuxi City."

Su Xun nodded and gave a few more orders. Then he left the yard and returned to the table.

But found that he left this period of time, next door empty table up a big drink guests.

Another look, yo, isn't this Qiao Feng.

Su Xun went to Qiao Feng and sat down: "brother, it's huge, but it's too boring to drink alone. How about I have two drinks with you?"

"After this bowl of wine, do it." Qiao Feng took a look at Su and drank the bowl.

Su Xun said, "you misunderstood me?"

"Are you not Murong Fu?" Qiao Feng asked.

In this part of the play, he misunderstood Duan Yu as Murong Fu. Now Duan Yu didn't come because of Su Xun's interference, and he mistook Su Xun for Murong Fu.

Su Xun said with a smile: "South Murong, North Qiaofeng. I'm not Murong Fu. I'm very polite."

"It's brother su. I'm Qiao Feng. I'm sure you've recognized him. Please, whoever loses will be responsible for paying the bill." Qiao Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Qiao Feng just inherited the position of beggar. He was in high spirits and didn't know that he was going to meet Waterloo for the first time in his life.

Su Xun didn't remind him. After all, with Qiao Feng's character, he won't believe what you told him. He won't doubt the brothers in the gang just because of Su Xun's words.

So Su Xun just accompanied him to drink. Qiao Feng had a good time and patted the table: "brother Su and I are as good friends at first sight. Why don't you and I get married?"

This guy has a habit of making friends.

But Su Xun didn't have this hobby. He suddenly had a brother and felt very uncomfortable.

"It's good to be friends with leader Qiao." Su Xun declined with a smile.

Qiao Feng is also an open-minded person. Seeing this, he doesn't mention it any more. Su Xun introduces Xiao Longnv to him. Qiao Feng praises Su Xun for his good fortune.

At this time, several beggars' sect disciples ran in and said to Qiao Feng, "tell the sect leader that there is an idea to break into the branch of Dayi to make trouble. The branch leader is afraid that he can't resist it, so he ordered his subordinates to go to the branch of Daren to ask for help."

Dayi Branch is in the apricot forest.

"How many people are there?" Qiao Feng asked.

The disciple of the beggars' sect replied, "there are four people, three women and one man. The man is very unreasonable."

as like as two peas, Helen of Troy, Murong Fu and A Zhu, Murong Fu and his sister Murong Fu, Wang Yuyan and Murong Fu are the same as the twins.

Murong Fu, a big fool, has been dead for 600 years. He always wanted to restore his country. As a result, he was cheated out of money by paying officials to buy weapons.

Moreover, in order to recover his country, he snubbed Wang Yuyan, who was secretly in love with him. It was a natural thing. Su Xun didn't mind helping him comfort his little cousin.

"You can't stop four people?" Qiao Feng said wantonly, which shows his pride.

Then he sighed again: "it seems that this wine can't be drunk. Brother Su, let's have a look together?"

"Don't you dare to obey me!" Su Xun bowed his hand and said in secret that if you don't let me go, I will go myself. Then he said, "master Qiao, wait a moment. I'll go to check out."Taking advantage of the opportunity of checking out, Su Xun orders Wang San to inform the royal guards who have arrived in Wuxi to ambush outside the apricot forest, waiting for his further orders.

After that, Su Xun takes Xiao Longnu and invites the moon to love the stars. Mu Wanqing follows Qiao Feng to the apricot forest.

The so-called Fengyun Jihui apricot forest.

And Su Xun is the best at calming down the storm.

Kill all the people, and the wind and cloud will die.

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