Apricot forest, the branch of the beggars' sect.

At this time, a large number of beggars' sect disciples gathered here.

Bao Butong, with three beautiful girls, was grumbling about the beggars' sect: "my son went to Luoyang a few days ago to meet your leader, but you came to Wuxi. Didn't you let him rush for nothing?"

Ma Dayuan died of his own unique skill of throat locking and catching, while the martial arts of the Murong family in Suzhou can imitate other people's martial arts and return them in the same way. Therefore, under the deliberate guidance of Kang min, Bai Shijing and others, the beggars' sect thinks that Murong Fu killed Ma Dayuan and comes to Wuxi to discuss with the Murong family.

The headquarters of the beggars' sect is in the north. Kang min and others specially use this excuse to transfer Qiao Feng to the south just for the convenience of getting him out of power.

The south is far away from the headquarters of the beggars' sect. Qiao Feng is helpless here. It's just they started.

"Here comes the leader!"

At this moment, I don't know who called.

Everyone turned to look.

Saw Qiao Feng hair, swaggering with Su Xun and others along the path came.

Bao is different. Ah Zhu, ah Bi and Wang Yuyan are confused when they see the little dragon girl behind Su Xun.

Xiaolongnv, Qiaofeng, muwanqing, and several other people are also silly when they see Wang Yuyan.

"Miss Wang, why didn't I know you had a sister?" Bao diferent looking at Wang Yuyan asked.

Wang Yuyan was at a loss: "my mother didn't say that."

"It's just like it. Don't think about it." Su Xun said in a low voice, holding little dragon girl.

It's called looking like?

is as like as two peas!

Qiao Feng said to Su Xun, "it's really strange. I'll help my sister-in-law inquire about it later."

"Brother Qiao, it's not urgent. You'd better deal with the present affairs first." Su xunruo's suggestion.

Qiao Feng doesn't think it's a small thing.

He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

Then he gave a hearty smile, arched his hands to the crowd and said, "Hello, brothers."

"See you, gang leader!" I'd like to meet all the disciples of the beggars' sect.

There was a touch of contempt in the corner of his mouth.

Bao diferent looked at Qiao Feng: "Lord Qiao, I'm different in Bao. You should know my name."

"I have heard of the name of Mr. Bao." Qiao Feng gave Baodi a hug.

Bao does not agree: "I'm flattered. It's not a big name, but a bad one."

"Now that you know you stink, shut your mouth." There was a sudden sound.

Four beggars' sect elders came with their disciples.

Bao Difeng snorted: "you are the four beggars' sect elders. Are you trying to fight

"Hey, hey, I'll take part in the fight."

A middle-aged man jumped out of the tree. It was Murong Fu's second general who was in trouble.

"Your Murong family killed Ma Dayuan, the deputy leader of the beggars' sect. Before Murong Fu came, he killed you first!"

Elder Chen, one of the four elders of the beggars' sect, cheered.

A smell of gunpowder filled the air.


Qiao Feng yelled, and then said: "Third Master Bao, your son didn't come. You are not the opponent of our beggars' sect, so you'd better leave quickly."

The disturbance is evil, and he wants to fight again, but Bao Butong holds him, gives a fist to Qiao Feng, and then resolutely takes Wang Yuyan and turns around.

"Brother Bao, brother Feng, you go first, and I'll stay for a while." After a few steps, Wang Yuyan pursed her red lips and looked at Xiaolongnv.

There is a difference between the evil storm and the bad one.

ABI said: "brother Bao, don't worry. If you have us with Miss Wang, nothing will happen."

"Well, we're going to join you. Let's go first." Bao Difeng and the disturbance were evil. He left with a word and quickly used his lightness skills.

"Vice leader Ma has no revenge. How can the leader let the enemy go at will?" Quan Guanqing, the helmsman of Dazhi branch, came to Qiao Feng and said in a strange way.

Qiao Feng faced the crowd: "we came to Wuxi this time for the Revenge of vice leader Ma. He died under his unique skill of throat locking. At that time, I thought of the skill of changing stars of the Murong family in Suzhou."

"But on the way here, I thought it over carefully. Vice leader Ma was not killed by Murong Fu."

"What about the evidence? All speculation? I think you're trying to cover up the murderer! " Quanguanqing is pressing forward step by step.

Qiao Feng is just straight, but not stupid.

By this time, he had already reflected something wrong: "where are the two elders of law enforcement and meritorious service?"

In such a big scene, none of his cronies were present, which is obviously problematic.

No one answered his question.

Qiao Feng seized a gang member: "Zhang Quanxiang, did you kill your helmsman?"

"No! Bai Changlao, they are tied up in the boat of Taihu Lake. It's none of my business. I didn't do it. " Zhang Quanxiang's face turned white and stammered."Who did it?" Qiao Feng asked

Zhang Quanxiang and Yu Guang look at Quan Guanqing.

Quan Guanqing has a sneer on her face.

Qiao Feng looked at the four beggars' sect elders and asked, "four elders, what happened?"

The four did not answer.

Qiao Feng's face changed slightly. He stamped his feet and knelt to the ground with a genuine Qi.

Quan Guanqing just remembered, Qiao Feng pressed on his shoulder: "very good, elder Quan, since you have knelt down, it means that you already know that you are wrong. Zhang Quanxiang, take people to ask the two elder law enforcement and meritorious service. Do as I say, you can reduce your guilt."

"Yes." Zhang Quanxiang left in a hurry.

Qiao Feng temporarily controlled the scene, but Su Xun knew that next he would be pressed on the ground and beat.

"I Qiao Feng walk in the world, rely on the heavy sentiment heavy righteousness, today, I am very happy, because I know a good brother." When Qiao Feng finished, he looked at Su Xun and said, "brother Su, come here. Let me introduce you to the four elders of the beggars' sect. They are all heroes."

All eyes fell on Su Xun.

As soon as Su Xun shook his folding fan, he looked at the four beggars' sect elders and shook his head: "brother Qiao, this group of people fishing for fame, don't take it to disgust me."

From the inside to the outside, except for Qiao Feng, none of the senior members of the beggars' sect can be looked up to by Su Xun.

Oh, and Huang Rong is just one.

This remark, it can be said, has poked the hornet's nest.

Wang Yuyan, a Zhu and a Bi are all staring at Su Xun. They scold the beggars' sect when the experts of the beggars' sect gather. Isn't this self suicide?

"Where are you from! It stinks

"Lord Joe, is this your good brother? He doesn't seem to like us beggars

"It's really presumptuous! It's time to fight! "

The people of the beggars' sect were all furious, and the four elders of the beggars' sect were even more angry, because Su Xun's words poked their pain point and became angry.

"Brother Su, is that what you say?"

Qiao Feng looks at Su Xun.

"Four elders, don't play at this age. Don't you agree to remove the leader of Qiao Feng? Why don't you dare to say it now? "

Su Xun gently shakes the folding fan and looks at the four beggars' sect elders sarcastically. He puts another bomb.

The four beggars' sect elders and Quan Guanqing all looked at Su Xun with unbelievable faces. They couldn't understand how he knew their plan.

Qiao Feng's face was gloomy and terrible, and his eyes were fixed on the four beggars' sect elders: "it seems that what my brother said is true. It's not important for me to be a leader, but Qiao really wants to know what he did wrong, and he wants to dismiss me."

For so many years, he has been conscientious, generous and generous. He killed so many Mongolian soldiers. Today, the beggars' sect, which he regarded as his home, wants to dismiss him. Qiao Feng is puzzled, angry and heartbroken.

"A man should be brave. Yes, we just want to dismiss you, and we want to kill you. We want to kill or cut you as you please." Elder Wu stood up.

At this moment, a clamor came.

"Where is the traitor! Where is the traitor? "

It was elder Chuangong Xiang and law enforcement elder Bai Shijing who came with people after being released by Zhang Quanxiang.

"Elder song, Quan Guanqing, what do you mean by sending someone to tie us on the boat?"

Bai Shijing sternly asks elder song.

"Pa! Pop! "Ha..."

A burst of applause broke out.

"Good play, good play!"

Su Xun took the folding fan, clapped his hands slowly, and said with a smile on his face.

Bai Shijing frowned: "who are you? We beggars' sect are in such a situation that you are still gloating!"

"Come on, Bai Shijing, don't pretend. On the surface, you are Qiao Feng's confidant. In fact, you have colluded with them for a long time to remove Qiao Feng. You also directed and performed a controlled play with them."

Su Xun looked at Bai Shijing and said faintly.

There was another uproar.

Qiao Feng looks at Bai Shijing like lightning.

"You're bloody..." Bai Shijing denounces.

At this time, Quan Guanqing stood up: "OK, now that it has been exposed, don't pretend. I have a showdown. Qiao Feng, don't you admit it? Deputy leader Ma's death is what you ordered. You have always been afraid that deputy leader Ma will live to threaten your position as leader! "

"Nonsense! Qiao and vice leader Ma don't have deep private education, but they don't have the heart to do harm. Otherwise, they will be scolded by the world Qiao Feng is awe inspiring.

Ha ha ha... " Qiao Qingfeng laughs like you

"Quan Guanqing, you should act more like Kang min, who is so soft? Unexpectedly let you and Bai Shijing, elder Xu so linger and forget to return, even collude with them to frame Qiao Feng? " Su Xun said.


The news made the disciples of the beggars' sect feel more excited because all of them had seen Kang min with their own eyes."It's true or not. I didn't expect elder Xu to look like a hypocrite."

"Kang min's scratching goods are really good for men."

"She's been fucked by so many men..."

Everyone is talking about it, because this kind of melon makes them have the impulse to participate.

Bai Shijing and Quan Guanqing were shocked and looked at Su Xun like a ghost, but they couldn't admit it: "bloody mouth! Who on earth are you? What's the purpose of framing us like this! Are you trying to provoke us beggars' sect? Even if you frame us up, is elder Xu such a shameless person with high moral standards? "

"Brother Su, you can't talk nonsense." Qiao Feng also looked at Su Xun, who was already in doubt.

Su Xun said with a cool smile: "if I guess correctly, elder Xu, the shameless man in your mouth, will arrive soon, and will bring a lot of helpers. Oh, your shared drainage system, Kang min, will also come."

"Military emergency! Urgent military situation

Just at this time, a disciple of the beggars' sect came on horseback and hurriedly dismounted and handed Qiao Feng a piece of paper.

As soon as Qiao Feng wanted to open it, a neutral voice came: "stop! You can't look! "

It's elder Xu.

The expressions of the disciples of the beggars' sect are wonderful.

Because Su Xun was right.

Elder Xu snatched the intelligence from Qiao Feng: "Qiao Feng, you can't see the intelligence, you can't see it!"

"Why can't I see it?" With Su xungang's words, Qiao Feng no longer respects elder Xu.

Elder Xu didn't explain. He just turned to the crowd and said, "I have a big thing to say. Kang min is also on his way here. He also invited three or five friends to testify, so let's wait until they arrive."

The expression of the crowd became more eccentric.

Because Su Xun was right again.

Su Xun said several times that he had to expose the conspiracy of the four elders and Bai Shijing, so that the lower level disciples of the beggars' sect would believe what he had said before.

Qiao Feng's face has become more and more ugly.

But elder Xu is at a loss. Why do all people look at themselves so strangely?

"Elder Xu, the lipstick left by Kang min on your neck is still there." Su Xun said with a smile.

Elder Xu's reflexive wipe Then he suddenly responded: "what are you talking about..."

"Nonsense? Am I talking nonsense? Then wait for Kang min, the little Dang Su Xun shrugged.

Elder Xu scolded angrily: "shut up! Kang min is the wife of our deputy leader. How can our beggars' sect allow you to insult a surviving person? Do you think so

However, the silence around him was terrible, and the scene he imagined that the people were shouting and echoing did not appear.

All the disciples watched the play quietly.

Elder Xu looked around, a little confused.

"Come on, old shriveled calf, don't look. When you take turns lying on Kang min's stomach, you don't want to give your brothers a drink of soup. Now you want them to work hard and fart?" Su Xun sneered.

Elder Xu's face turned green and white: "how reasonable, how reasonable! I'm chivalrous and righteous. How can I tolerate your repeated humiliation and accept your life

His voice dropped and he slapped Su Xun.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, the invited moon appeared in front of Su Xun in an instant. As soon as she lifted her hand, she met him with a palm.


"Ah! Puyi -- "

elder Xu let out a scream, and his body flew straight out and hit the ground with a mouthful of blood.

Quan Guanqing turned his eyes and roared: "brothers, anyway, it's all inside our gang. An outsider hurt elder Xu. Isn't it laughable to hear that? Avenge elder Xu first

"Revenge "Revenge "Revenge

Quan Guanqing and Bai Shijing joined hands and led all the beggars' sect disciples to join hands.

"Here comes Madame Ma!"

With a loud cry, a sedan chair was carried over. At the same time, a monk and a couple, as well as another group of people in the river and lake also came over.

"Now that we're all here, it's easy."

Su Xun nodded to Lian Xing.

Pity took out a command arrow.

"Whew - boom!"

Fireworks blooming in the day, but also still conspicuous, ambush in the woods of the royal guards rushed out.

At the same time, on the mountain not far away, a group of Xixia elite soldiers who had been in ambush for a long time also saw Lingjian, and the general at the head frowned: "what's the matter?"

"There is internal strife in the beggars' sect, which branch is calling people." The deputy general next to him explained.

The general nodded: "as soon as the time comes, we will go down and root out the beggars' sect, and then we will be close to the Central Plains!"

At the same time, in the apricot forest.

Flying fish clothes, embroidered spring sword, more than 200 royal guards surrounded everyone in the blink of an eye.

The sharp crossbow and arrow net blocked the whole court.

"Royal guards! It's the Ming royal guards"What the hell is going on?"

"How come the royal guards are here!"

Everyone is talking about it.

Three hundred families went up to Su Xun and knelt down on one knee: "I'm a humble commander!"

There was another uproar.

"You scum of the beggars' sect, let's get to know each other again. It's pressing to meet Su Xun, commander of the royal guards and governor of the East Hall of the Ming Dynasty." With a crash, I opened the folding fan.

The whole apricot grove was horribly quiet.

No one thought that there was such a big man, but it could also explain why Su Xun knew so many secrets, the royal guards.

At the same time, people have a deeper understanding of the horror of the royal guards.

They did not expect that the royal guards of the Ming Dynasty had such close surveillance on the Song Dynasty.

What Su xungang said was like what he saw with his own eyes.

Qiao Feng was also surprised. He only thought that Su Xun was not an ordinary man, but he didn't expect that he would come so far.

Wang Yuyan has an idea. Her cousin has been thinking about restoring her country. If she can introduce this Su adult to him, he will be very happy.

Quan Guanqing said: "Mr. Su, even if he is the royal guards, he can't control the Song Dynasty, let alone the affairs of our beggars' sect."

"Palm mouth." Su Xun said lightly.

The next second, Lianxing appears in front of Quan Guanqing and slaps him in the face.


Quan Guanqing screamed and hit a tree. His cheek bone was broken and his face was completely twisted.

All of us take a breath of cool air. From the perspective of inviting the moon and pitying the stars, they are all born.

In the royal guards, even the two women who accompanied them were born experts. The royal guards were really terrible.

Su Xun shook his folding fan and said, "whether it's the Ming dynasty or the Song Dynasty, or the Qing Dynasty or the Yuan Dynasty, there's nothing that the royal guards can't manage. It's just whether I want to or not, but not whether I can!"

The tone was calm but firm, full of strong self-confidence and hateful overbearing.

"Amitabha, benefactor is too overbearing..."

A monk stood up and put his hands together.

This man is Zhiguang, a monk in Tiantai Mountain.

"Our royal guards are so overbearing. If you dare to say one more word of nonsense, I'll order royal guards to cross the border immediately and level your Tiantai Mountain!" Su Xun waved his sleeve robe and interrupted him coldly.

Zhiguang's face was stiff, and he said Amitabha again. Then he stepped back and closed his eyes.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with hair on his head hummed coldly: "you are afraid of death, but I am not afraid of..."

Before he finished his words, a folding fan passed through his heart. The middle-aged man gave Su Xun an incredible look, and then he fell to the ground with a mouthful of blood.

A royal guard quickly ran to pick up the bloody jade bone folding fan on the ground, wiped it directly on the flying fish suit, then knelt down on one knee and handed it up with both hands.

Su Xun took the folding fan, and then casually said: "not afraid of death, then go to die."

All of them were frightened, angry and afraid. They were in their territory, but they didn't dare to fart at this time. They all dared to be angry.

"Qiao Feng is my best friend. I don't interfere in the internal affairs of the beggars' sect, but if anyone dares to let my good friend be wronged, don't blame me for doing everything to him." Su Xun opened the folding fan with a crash, and the faint smell of blood filled the air.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Qiao Feng laughed a few times: "I didn't expect that Qiao could have such a good friend. This life is enough. You can say what you want."

At last, the curtain of the sedan chair was lifted, and Kang min pear in white robe came to Qiao Feng with rain. He cried and said, "the immortal Ma Kang's family has come to see the leader."

"Don't be polite, sister-in-law." Qiao Feng's face is a little unnatural, because Kang Min has repeatedly cited him.

Kang min cried and said, "I found a letter when I was packing up the relics of Dayuan. It has been handed over to elder Xu. Let elder Xu tell me."

With the help of his disciples, elder Xu said with a pale face: "that letter was written by leader Wang to deputy leader Ma. In the letter, Qiao Feng's life experience is indicated. He was originally a Khitan, not a Han!"

Today's Mengyuan state, formerly known as Khitan.


The whole audience burst into flames.

After all, the righteous anti Mongolian pioneer Qiao gang leader turned into a Mongolian Yuan man, which was too shocking.

"No way! I Qiao Feng killed so many Mongolians! How could it be Mongolian! What do you weave this lie to frame me for! Say

Qiao Feng's eyes were red, and his hands easily grasped the necks of elder Xu and monk Zhiguang.

"Amitabha, if you are the main murderer of Qiao Gang, just kill me. This is my sin." Zhiguang closed his eyes and said slowly: "before the founding of the people's Republic of China, we received the news that Qidan Masters had stolen a large number of Shaolin Temple secrets, so we went to intercept them."

"In the bloody battle outside Yanmen pass, only a dozen people survived that battle. Among the objects intercepted, a Khitan couple held a child. We killed the woman, and the Khitan man threw himself into the cliff. But we couldn't bear to kill the child, so we stayed and gave it to a couple surnamed Qiao to raise.""Yes, that child is Lord Qiao. We didn't know it was wrong until many years later. The Khitans didn't come to steal the secret script at all. Sin, sin, Amitabha, sin."

Qiao Feng's whole body has nearly collapsed. He let go of elder Xu and master Zhiguang. His face is full of disbelief: "impossible, impossible, impossible."

After all, no one can accept it for a moment, even a hero like Qiao Feng.

Quan Guan said with a cold smile: "in his letter to deputy leader Ma, leader Wang said that if Qiao Feng is rebellious, we should fight together! You already know your life experience. Don't you want to avenge your father? "

"Long ago? I don't know until now Qiao Feng captured the key words in quanguan Qinghua.

Kang min stepped forward and said, "you uncles and uncles, Dayuan was kind before he died. I think he was killed because he had something fatal in his hand."

"Are you doubting me? If I want to steal Qiao Feng's martial arts, can't I steal this letter? " Qiao Feng's face is gloomy. He looks at Kang Minzhi coldly and asks.

Kang min tea said: "the undead dare not doubt the leader, just ask the leader to find out the truth as soon as possible."

"Wonderful! Wonderful Su Xun was very impressed.

Everyone looked at Su Xun at the same time.

Su Xun said, "Kang min, if you can't lead Qiao Feng, you will collude with Quan Guanqing and others to frame Qiao Feng. Sure enough, you are the most poisonous woman."

All of them recalled that Su Xun had said that Kang min and elder Xu were in love with each other.

"Lord Su, as soon as my first husband died, you insulted my little girl's innocence. Do you have any evidence for what you said?" Kang min's calm response.

Su Xun said with a smile: "why do I have to show the evidence? As long as you think you've done it, isn't that enough? There's no one I can't judge in the world. "

"Come on, take Kang min down for trial."

"Yes Two royal guards approach Kang min.

Kang min exclaimed: "elder Xu."

"Whoever dares to control will die!" Su Xun's cold voice.

Elder Xu looked at Qiao Feng and said, "you are still the leader of the gang. Do you just sit and watch your sister-in-law be humiliated?"

"Brother Joe, you don't have to take care of it, you can't either." As Su Xun spoke, a blue vigorous Qi appeared on his body, which was the symbol of the master's realm.

"Master! He is a master of martial arts

"At this age, I have such accomplishments! The royal guards are indeed a powerful intelligence agency

Everyone was so surprised that he was almost blinded by Su Xun's vigorous Qi.

Qiao Feng knew that Su Xun was helping himself, and he was not pedantic, so he said nothing.

He can admit that he is a Khitan, but he will never bear the name of killing Ma Dayuan.

"Qiao Feng..." Bai Shijing also wanted to play moral kidnapping for him. Su Xun caught a crossbow and shot it.


A crossbow roared out. Bai Shijing dodged dangerously and looked at Su Xun with fear.

Su Xun threw the crossbow back to the royal guards beside him: "I don't want to hear any more nonsense until the result of Kang min's trial comes out."

Rare moment of peace, Wang Yuyan with Zhu and ABI came over: "met adults."

"Three girls are free." Su Xun said.

Wang Yuyan looked at Little Dragon Girl: "this elder sister and I look alike, it's too coincidental, dare to ask elder sister's parents are still alive?"

"I've been in an ancient tomb since I can remember. I've never met my parents." Little Dragon Girl shook her head.

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan was even more surprised and invited: "in this case, why don't you ask my sister to meet my mother in mantuo villa with me?"

On the one hand, she wanted to make sure whether it was her compatriots and sisters living in exile. On the other hand, she wanted to take this opportunity to introduce Su Xun to her cousin.

"This..." Little dragon girl looked at Su Xun. In fact, she was also very surprised because she was so similar.

Su Xun gave a little smile and took her smooth hand: "in that case, let's go."

two women as like as two peas, but with completely different personalities, uh, Sue is very excited.

"Well, listen to you." Little dragon girl nodded.

Wang Yuyan looked at Su Xun and said with a smile, "thank you, Mr. Su. My cousin Murong Fu has admired Mr. Su for a long time. I'll introduce him to you."

"Murong in the South and Qiaofeng in the north, I've been a god friend to Murong for a long time." Su Xun gave a cool smile. I'm just a good friend to him, but I want to Hand it in.

Wang Yuyan is deeply attached to Murong Fu. He knows that Wang Yuyan introduced herself to Murong Fu to help him recover his country.

But she loves Murong Fu deeply, but in Murong Fu's heart, women can't compare with the great plan of national restoration.

As long as he hinted, Murong Fu would bear heartache and take the initiative to give Wang Yuyan to her.At that time just let Wang Yuyan to Murong Fu, and get Wang Yuyan, why not?

As for helping Murong Fu restore his country, yes, he is a man of his word. He will give money and weapons to let him go and beat down the island country and build Yan country.

He is more sympathetic to Murong Fu.

It's just a wretch who wants to recover his country, and keeps working hard for it, but gets water from nothing.

After a while, with blood all over his body, Kang min was dragged back by the two royal guards.

Looking at Kang min's experience, everyone's fear and resentment towards the royal guards are deeper.

Kang min is knelt down in front of Su Xun.

"Say it, and you'll have a good time."

Sue Xun raised her chin with her toes.

"I I cheated in Luoyang flower fair and failed to attract Qiao Feng. I held a grudge. After Wang Gang leader died, I found out what he wrote to Ma Dayuan Yes It's my letter

"Knowing Qiao Feng's life experience, I just They collude with Bai Shijing, Quan Guanqing and elder Xu to kill Ma Dayuan. They plan to announce Qiao Feng's identity today and And planted him to kill Ma Dayuan, let Let him not be in the Central Plains Wulin from now on. "

Kang min's whole body is dripping blood, his eyes are blank, and he finishes his calculation intermittently.

All the disciples of the beggars' sect were angry and glared at elder Xu, Bai Shijing, Quan Guanqing and others.

"This It's a trick! Kang min, a woman is tortured like this! What can't be made up! Don't believe it. " Elder Xu quickly clarified, and then angrily denounced: "Kang min, I am innocent all my life. How can I be destroyed? Why do you frame me up like this? "

"Don't Don't pretend Kang min showed a sneering smile, and she had to pull her back when she died: "you have three moles on your back, Quan Guanqing has scar on your thigh, Bai Shijing has arrow wound on his chest, when you are happy with me I I've written it all down. "

Bai Shijing, elder Xu and Quan Guanqing's faces changed completely, and they leaned together quietly.

"Since you say it's a trick, can't you prove it if you take off your clothes?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

The three looked around and saw that all of them looked at them suspiciously. They knew it was over.

"Even so, it's always true that Qiao Feng is a Khitan!" Quan Guanqing yelled.

Su Xun nodded: "yes, Qiaofeng is indeed from Khitan. Qiaofeng, the great song Wulin can't accommodate you. After 30 years as a Han nationality, you killed so many Mongolians, and Mongolians certainly can't accommodate you. In that case, how about joining the army in Daming?"

He lied to Qiaofeng because in the TV series, Qiaofeng was accepted by the people of Khitan. Qiaofeng changed his name to Xiaofeng and became the king of Nanyuan in Khitan.

"Brother Su valued it so much that Qiao Feng should not refuse, but he had to avenge his father's death." Qiao Feng declined and looked at Zhiguang: "who was the leading elder brother in your mouth when you killed my father?"

"Amitabha, you can kill me. This man is highly respected in the river and lake. It will damage his reputation all his life. I won't tell you." Zhi Guang read a Buddha's name and closed his eyes.

He is not afraid of death. Before, he was afraid of the royal guards because he was afraid of implicating Tiantai Mountain, but he knew that Qiao Feng's character would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Su Xun chuckled: "OK, isn't that the elder brother in charge of Shaolin Temple abbot xuanci? In those years, Qiao Feng's parents were just parents, but they were killed by you by mistake. Can't you hide it for him?"

This is no less than a depth charge.

"You How do you know? "

Zhiguang looks at Su Xun in disbelief.

No matter how powerful the royal guards are, they should not even know the truth of this old story decades ago.

"Does it matter how I know?" Su Xun disdained to reply and looked at Qiao Feng: "Qiao Feng, I appreciate you very much. Song Dynasty can't accommodate you. I can tolerate you. You are more Han than Han people. As long as you join the army in Ming Dynasty, your business is my business. I will never stop you from taking revenge, or even help you."

He despised xuanci's character. He killed the wrong person and didn't dare to admit that he was a monk. He even got involved with a woman and gave birth to a son.

"Today, thanks to brother Su's help, since brother Su valued it so much, Qiao Feng didn't dare to say goodbye." Qiao Feng said, kneeling on one knee: "Qiao Feng see Marquis!"

"Ha ha ha, I'm waiting for Qiao Feng. I'm like a fish in water. Please get up quickly." Su Xun came forward to help.

Qiao Feng is the master of Jingwu, and he is the one who has the highest value of force.

When Wang Yuyan sees this scene, she can't help comparing Su Xun with her cousin. However, she finds that Murong Fu, who has always been regarded as the first-class man in the world, seems to be inferior to him.

Murong in the South and Qiaofeng in the north. Murong Fu is as famous as Qiaofeng, but now Su Xun has accepted Qiaofeng.

"Master! You can't go, gang leader! "

Elder Wu suddenly realized that if Qiao Feng left, the beggars' sect would be finished.

"Yes, sect leader, we misunderstood you before, and we won't believe what others say in the future!""If you are not the leader of the gang, who can be it?"

All of them persuade Qiao Feng one after another.

Qiao Feng took a deep breath and directly inserted the dog beating stick into the ground: "needless to say, you guys will see each other later. This beggars' sect, I don't want to wait for Qiao."

Su Xun's eyes widened. This line, good guy, you are the son-in-law of the Dragon King!

Then he looked at Quan Guanqing and said, "the last thing Qiao did before he quit the gang is to help Ma's deputy leader to avenge himself!"

The voice fell down, and he burst into action.

Quan Guanqing, Bai Shijing and elder Xu joined hands to resist, but they were beaten and retreated.

Until Qiao Feng uses 18 dragon subduing palms, cleanly kills all three.

Then he killed Kang min with another slap.

"Lord, let's go."

Qiao Feng looks at Su Xun.

Su Xun pointed to Zhiguang: "he, don't you kill him?"

"I only kill those who took the lead in those years!" Qiao Feng took a look at Zhi Guang and said in a deep voice.

Zhiguang was even more ashamed when he heard the words.

Su Xun said, "don't hurry. There are still guests coming from far away. Wait for them first."

The others looked at each other when they heard this.

Step on

The fierce sound of the horse's hooves sounded.

More than 50 soldiers from Xixia elite came galloping on Horseback: "today is your time to die!"

The chief general was reckless and arrogant.

Soon the smile on his face disappeared, because he saw the dense royal guards ahead.

"Stop! Come on! There's an ambush

He quickly roared that it was too late to think why the Ming royal guards appeared in the Song Dynasty.

And the people of the beggars' sect are all in a cold sweat.

They have been fighting with Xixia. This time, Xixia is obviously aiming at them.

Fortunately, the royal guards are here.

"Not one!" Su Xun ordered.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

The crossbows and arrows flew out like rain, and the soldiers on the horse became the living targets, one by one screaming down.

"What about the four villains? How come the four villains didn't show up Xixia general's hysterical roar.

This time, they prepared the poison, ambushed the soldiers, and invited the four villains to fight together. They just wanted to take this opportunity to kill the beggars' sect.

But I didn't expect that there were not only beggars' sect disciples but also hundreds of Xiaoyong's royal guards in the apricot forest.

And the four villains didn't show up.

At this time, the four villains had already run away. They had been hiding in the dark to cooperate with the Xixia soldiers.

But after seeing the strength of inviting moon to pity star, Su Xun and Qiao Feng, and seeing so many royal guards, Ma Liu chose to retreat.

After all, dead friends never die poor ones.

Under the tactical siege of the royal guards, dozens of Xixia soldiers were killed, and only one general was left.

The royal guards took the main general to Su Xun, and then broke his kneecap to make him kneel down.

Xixia general, even if he was captured, still looked at Su Xun with his head raised.


Su Xun raised his foot, stepped on his head, and stepped on his face on the ground: "if you were really so proud, you would not lie at my feet now."

"Han people's territory, it's not up to you Xixia people to run wild. Go back and tell you Wang, let him have a good time, this kind of day is not many days."

"My name is Su Xun. I'm the Huaian Marquis of the Ming Dynasty."

With that, his genuine Qi shot out and abandoned his elixir field. He kicked it out with one foot. Then he swung his sleeve robe and looked at Wang Yuyan: "Miss Wang, please lead the way."

"Mr. Su, please." Wang Yuyan smile, make a please gesture.

After Su Xun and others left, the royal guards retreated orderly. After today, they will take off their flying fish clothes and turn into potential intelligence personnel.

However, Su Xun promised that within five years, they would be able to walk on the streets of the Song Dynasty City in flying fish suits and embroidered spring knives.

After all the waves, people left one after another, leaving only a chicken feather in the beggars' sect.

"What's next?" Elder song asked.

Today's beggars' sect is very weak. Only their four elders can be regarded as the absolute high level.

Elder Wu sighed: "today's plan is to go to Xiangyang, and ask Mrs. Huang to be the leader of the gang."

"Huang Rong?" Elder Xi raised his eyebrows.

At this time, a figure flitted by, grabbed the stick inserted in the ground and flew away.

The four elders of the beggars' sect didn't catch up. Today, the beggars' sect is not only seriously injured, but also lost its dog beating stick.

"If you don't have a dog beating stick, you can't do it. First ask Mrs. Huang to take charge of the beggars' sect."

After discussion, the four elders went to Xiangyang.

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