"Take my token and go to Daming black wood cliff, where you will carry out relevant military studies."

Su Xun took out a token to Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng's personal force value is very high, but if he doesn't understand the military, he can only be a thug at most.

Generals and marshals do not necessarily need to be excellent in their own force, but they must have high military literacy.

The new army is still in training. Qiao Feng's going to heimuya can cultivate feelings with the new army. If he is good enough, he will become one of the leaders of the new army.

"Yes, sir."

Qiao Feng took the token.

Seeing that Qiao Feng didn't propose to go to Shaolin Temple to find xuanci for revenge, Su Xun showed his satisfaction: "there are many experts in Shaolin Temple. If you go there alone, I'm afraid there will be something unexpected. When the time comes, I'll go with you."

There is a floor sweeper in Shaolin Temple. Jueji is a great master. He is the peak of Tianlong eight.

"Yes, sir."

Qiao Feng's identity changed very quickly. After all, the beggars' sect had been fighting with Mengyuan under his leadership. He had also seen the conduct style of the army, which was superior and inferior.

Then Qiao Feng left alone. Su Xun looked at Wang Yuyan and said, "Miss Wang, please."

"Please, marquis." Wang Yuyan chuckled.

Lianxing touched Su Xun's finger.

Su Xun eyebrows pick, good guy, didn't expect Lianxing actually like to sneak play exciting.

A hook in the corner of the mouth, take advantage of her hand.

Lianxing's delicate body trembled and glared at Su Xun. She tried hard to get rid of her hands.

Su Xun secretly said that he was embarrassed. He was embarrassed to take the initiative to lead me to do something. He immediately turned to her and showed a smile that I knew.

You know you big head!

Lianxing was almost angry, so he could only slow down and Su Xun fell behind: "let me go, I want to remind you that someone is following us in the dark."

Su Xun was stunned, fucked, and died of social nature. He immediately let go of Lianxing quietly and said, "I knew that long ago. I was afraid that you would disturb him, so I reminded you in turn."

"Ha ha." Lianxing's skin smiles but not her flesh.

I just touched you and you took my hand. Are you sure it's a reminder? It's not the tune. It's me?

It was Murong Fu who followed them secretly. He didn't go to Luoyang at all. Instead, he was in Wuxi all the time. He watched what happened in apricot forest secretly.

He had seen Qiaofeng fall into the downwind before, and he wanted to go out and step on him. After all, he always thought Qiaofeng didn't deserve to be as famous as him.

But I didn't expect that Su Xun, the Ming Huai'an Marquis, was hidden at the scene, so he didn't show up all the time.

Looking at the back of Su Xun and his cousin Wang Yuyan, Murong Fu hesitated for a moment. Instead of going out, he turned to leave and went back to yanziwu first.

Because he appeared at this time, the lie he had made up that he had gone to Luoyang a few days ago was broken, which easily left a bad impression on Su Xun.

And he believes that with his cousin's understanding of him, he will definitely introduce Su Xun to him. He just needs to go back and wait for Su Xun to come and lick him.

If you can get Daming's help, you will be able to restore your country. Murong Fu is very excited.

And he thinks it's very promising.

the white woman as like as two peas is probably the same as her aunt's daughter. If not, the two look alike.

Su Xun: it's true.

The woman in white is Su Xun's woman, and she will marry her cousin sooner or later. Isn't that the same as making friends with Su Xun?

When Murong Fu left, Lianxing took another look at Su Xun and said in his lips, "gone."

Su Xun nodded. He guessed that the man was Murong Fu, because in the play, Murong Fu didn't go to Luoyang at all, but appeared near the apricot forest.

Su xuncai doesn't care what he's here for.

Wang Yuyan came by boat, and it was nearer by boat, so everyone was ready to take the boat.

The horses were left in the wine shop by Su Xun.

Wang YuYan's boat was not big enough. She could barely hold eight people without capsizing. Su Xun was crowded in a pile of Yingyan. He smelled all kinds of fragrance. When he didn't pay attention, he met all kinds of soft things. It was really annoying.

Make him a real gentleman.

It's hard to see but not to play.

"Mr. Hou, and all of you, have a firm seat."

For both of them, it's not a problem.

Mantuo mountain villa is not far from the apricot forest, but in the middle of the voyage, it suddenly rained heavily.

In the play, it rained.

All of them were drenched. After the seven women's clothes were soaked, the spring burst out. The thin gauze was close to the body. The delicate body was so beautiful that Su Xun didn't know who to look at.

For the sake of fairness, he can only watch them all.

Xiao Longnu and Mu Wanqing are OK. After all, they are all people who have been visited by Su Xun, while Wang Yuyan is pretty red, and her lips are about to be bitten.She was wearing a pink skirt with a bra lining inside, so after being soaked by the rain, her delicate body was revealed. The key was that she was still very close to Su Xun.

"Lord Hou ~"

when she noticed that Su Xun's eyes swept over him from time to time, Wang Yuyan blushed and let out a angry voice.

Mu Wanqing bit his silver teeth and pinched Su Xun.

Su Xun's skin was rough and his flesh was thick. He was not afraid of pain, but out of respect and good character, he withdrew his eyes.

The summer rain came and went quickly. When they arrived at mantuo villa, their clothes were dry.

Mantuo villa is full of flowers. Li Qingluo, Wang YuYan's mother, is unique here.

Well, Li Qingluo was also Duan Zhengchun's young lover, and Wang Yuyan was Duan Zhengchun's daughter.

Su Xun and others followed Wang Yuyan to a yard. They saw a beautiful woman in her thirties. She was watering the flowers with a flower shower. She was wearing a gold hairpin and a long white dress. The baby's granary jumped out half way.

It can only be said that it is really called Mantou villa Oh, no, it's mantuo villa. This steamed bread is really big No, there are so many mantos. They are so white and beautiful.

"Mother." Wang Yuyan trotted over.

Li Qingluo stopped to water the flowers. Hearing the sound, she turned back and said faintly: "back, these..."

All of a sudden, she got stuck, because she saw little dragon girl, and her beautiful eyes suddenly became big.

"Mother, are you scared too? She can't be my sister Wang Yuyan put her hands in front of her abdomen and asked tentatively.

Li Qingluo went to the little dragon girl and shook her head and said, "no way. I have several babies myself. Can't you remember? But it's like that. "

She carefully looked at the little dragon girl, feeling and his daughter is a mold carved out.

"Ah, well, I thought I could have more sisters." Wang Yuyan curled her lips in disappointment.

Su Xun said with a smile, "Miss Wang and Long'er are rare in the world. In my opinion, it's better for you two to become sisters."

"This..." Wang Yuyan eyes a bright, ready to move looking at the Little Dragon Girl: "Dragon Girl, you see?"

Little dragon girl nodded quietly.

"I don't know if it's the master's great weapon..." Li Qingluo looked at Su Xun, only thought that his every move seemed to be very valuable.

Su Xun arched his hand and said, "when I was waiting in Huai'an, Ming Dynasty, Su Xun met Mrs. Wang. He took the liberty to visit. I'm sorry to disturb you."

I'm an old driver. You can see that I'm extraordinary through my pants. It's so terrible!

"It turned out that Marquis Su was here. It really made my mantuo villa shine. I should have seen Marquis Su before." Li Qingluo smiles.

It has to be said that Duan Zhengchun is a real bull. He's all beauties in the world. He's a weakened version of Su Da Pao.

Later, Li Qingluo gently grasped the little dragon girl's hand: "my family Yuyan has been looking forward to having a brother and sister since she was a child. I think it's also excellent. If the Dragon girl doesn't want to give up, just call me a godmother."

"Long'er is my concubine, so I'll call this godmother first." Su Xun said with a smile.

Li Qingluo's beautiful eyes flashed: "I didn't expect that the Dragon girl was the woman of the Marquis, and the concubine was still high."

"Ganniang." The jade lips of the little dragon girl open.

Wang Yuyan walked to Little Dragon Girl with a smile: "now sister long is really my sister."

"Ganniang has nothing to give you. I'll give you this gold hairpin." Li Qingluo takes the gold hairpin off her head and hands it to Xiao Longnu with a smile.

She knew that XiaoLongNu, as a woman of the Marquis, would not lack gold, silver and jewelry, so she didn't pay much attention to them, just when she got it.

XiaoLongNu took over Jinchai: "thank you ganniang."

Li Qingluo holds Wang Yuyan in one hand and Xiao Longnv in the other: "let's go in and say."

People come to a pavilion near the lake. Li Qingluo orders people to bring cakes and tea.

When they exchanged greetings, a maid came to report, "madam, the young master is here."

Wang YuYan's eyes suddenly brightened. Although she felt that her cousin was not as good as Su Xun, of course she would not be so moved. She still liked Murong Fu.

"Come on, please." Li Qingluo looked at Su Xun and said, "I'm afraid you're not interested in chatting with a group of women. Maybe you'll get along with my nephew."

Who says I'm not in the mood? I'm always in the mood.

"Nanmurong and beiqiaofeng. Now beiqiaofeng is the general of my account. It's time to see what kind of person nanmurong is." Su Xun took a sip of tea.

After a while, Murong Fu came in wearing a blue robe and said, "I've come to see my aunt. I didn't expect that there were guests at my aunt's house, but I came at the wrong time."

Of course, he knew that Su Xun came to mantuo villa to brush his favor. Murong licked it.

"Fu'er, this is Huai'an Marquis of the Ming Dynasty. The Dragon Girl and the wood girl are his wives and concubines. These two moon lovers are his maids." Li Qingluo.Murong Fu was shocked. He quickly bowed his hand and said, "I didn't expect to see Huai'an Hou today. It's really a blessing."

It's bad acting.

"You're welcome, young master Murong. I've heard about the name of nanmurong in Daming." Su Xun laughs and shakes his folding fan to blow with his business.

Li Qingluo creates an opportunity for his nephew: "fu'er, please accompany the Marquis to visit my mantuo villa. You are not interested in what we women talk about."

Su Xun: I'm most interested!

"Please, marquis." Murong Fu is very respectful.

Because he knew that the Marquis was not only powerful, but also a master of martial arts. He was born with a perfect situation, which was far from it.

When they left the pavilion, Murong Fu's sensible son was half a step behind Su Xun. He boasted: "it's a pity that I heard that the Marquis was beating the others in the apricot grove and taking over Qiao Feng in such a scene."

"Mr. Murong, I'm flattered." Su Xun did not tear him down, but said with a smile: "compared with Murong's ambition to restore the country, this is nothing."

As soon as Murong Fu's face changed, it took him a long time to return to normal: "I heard that the royal guards are unparalleled in the world. I didn't expect that the Marquis could even know Murong's ambition."

"Miss Wang told me that." Su Xun has no integrity to provoke the relationship between Wang Yuyan and Murong Fu.

Murong Fu's heart sank when he heard the speech. Unexpectedly, Wang Yuyan even told Su Xun about this kind of things that related to his life and family so easily.

Since Su Xun already knew that, Murong Fu didn't pretend: "please help me."

"Restoration is not revenge. What can I get?" Su Xun looked at him and asked.

Murong Fu did not hesitate to reply: "as long as the Marquis helps me, Murong Fu is willing to give the marquis the first hand."

Su Xun spent so much time to recover Qiao Feng. He was as famous as him, and he was not bad.

But I don't know that Su Xun is not interested in him at all. Murong Fu is not qualified to be as famous as Qiao Feng.

So Su Xun almost made it clear: "Murong should be able to see the clue from the people around me. I love rivers and mountains, but I love beautiful people more. Hahaha, I'm laughing. I'm laughing at Murong."

Murong Fu was stunned at first, but he soon understood Su Xun's meaning, and his face was uncertain.

Wang YuYan's national color is beautiful, and he has been with him since childhood. He must have feelings for Wang Yuyan.

But for the sake of national rejuvenation, Murong Fu could only give up his love: "don't worry, marquis. He loves beautiful people. I'll help him to recruit beautiful people to satisfy him."

"I want beauty's body and beauty's heart." Su Xun patted him on the shoulder and gave a smile.


In the evening, in the guest room of mantuo villa.

Murong Fu held the table in his hands and said nothing.

Su Xun wanted his dear cousin, not only his cousin's body, but also his cousin's heart.

And Wang YuYan's heart is now with him.

So to meet Su Xun's requirements, it's not only to send Wang Yuyan to Su Xun's bed, but also to let Wang Yuyan give up on herself.

"Dong Dong..."

Knock on the door, followed by Wang Yuyan ethereal voice: "cousin, do you sleep?"

"No Murong Fu withdrew his thoughts.

The next moment, the door opened, Wang Yuyan came in with tea: "cousin, have a cup of tea."

Looking at the delicate face and beautiful figure in front of him, Murong Fu was full of reluctance. He couldn't find a more beautiful woman than his cousin.

"Cousin, what are you looking at me for?"

Wang Yuyan is staring at by Murong Fu, some embarrassed to ask a, but in the heart is secretly happy.

Is cousin interested in himself at last.

"Yuyan, my cousin wants to ask you something." Murong Fu said in a low voice.

Wang Yuyan did not hesitate: "cousin, you say, no matter what, Yuyan will promise you."

"You know my cousin wants to restore the country, and now only Su Xun can help me, but he won't help me for no reason, but as long as you become his woman..."

"Wow!" The cup fell to the ground and broke.

Wang Yuyan looked at Murong Fu incredulously, her voice trembling: "you What are you talking about? "

She didn't expect that Murong Fu would let her go and lead Su Xun. For the sake of his so-called restoration plan, she would give her to Su Xun as a consumable.

"Cousin, Su Xun will definitely like you..." Murong Fu can only use this way, because it can not only achieve the goal, but also let Wang Yuyan give up on him.

Wang Yuyan tearful: "you shut up, you know my heart has always been you, you!"


Murong Fu knelt down on the ground: "Yuyan, please, my cousin, my whole life is to recover my country. If I can't recover my country, what's the meaning of my life? Better die"What about me?" Wang Yuyan points to herself.

Murong Fu said, "I think Su Xun is a woman lover. You won't suffer after you follow him."

"Yes He's kind to sister long. He won't be as shameless as you. Even if I lead him according to what you say, he won't touch me! " Wang Yuyan cried. She was so disappointed with Murong Fu.

For so many years, she has been paying unilaterally. Murong Fu's mind has been restored to her country, and all her good intentions have been perfunctory. Now she has to give her away. Wang Yuyan feels that she even has difficulty breathing.

Murong Fu said in secret that he was a hypocrite. If he hadn't hinted at me, I would give you away?

Of course, he can't say this, just keep praying: "I beg you, Yuyan."

"Good I'll go. This is the last time I can help you. Whether it's successful or not, I don't want to see you again. " Wang Yuyan finished and ran out.

Looking at her back, Murong Fu hit the ground hard with a fist. The feeling of putting a green hat on himself made him want to die.

But he had no choice, and he didn't want to.

He can only comfort himself in his heart.

On the other side, susian's room.

He and Xiao Longnu live separately, because they usually have this arrangement when they are guests in other people's homes.

Husband and wife don't live together. In ancient times, they were very particular about this. It's said that they were afraid of spoiling their Fengshui.

Su Xun was reading a book. Suddenly, the door was pushed open with a bang, and her eyes were red. Wang Yuyan, who was crying with tears, rushed directly into Su Xun's arms.

"Miss Wang, what's the matter with you? It's too improper to come to the room at night."

Su Xun wants to push Wang Yuyan out of his arms, but she holds him.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Yuyan got up from Su Xun's arms and slowly untied her belt.

"Miss Wang, what are you doing? Stop it Su Xun scolded.

Wang Yuyan smiles: "am I not beautiful? Marquis Su doesn't like Yu Yan's body. Don't you want it? "

"Miss Wang, you are very beautiful, and I like you very much, but I don't know what happened. It's disrespect for you and me that you are so rash!" Su Xun said full of righteousness.

Wang Yuyan laughs at herself. Cousin, cousin, it's ridiculous. Do you really think that everyone in the world can do anything for his purpose just like you?

Marquis Su is more than 100 times better than you.

Wang Yuyan heart conflict to eliminate a lot, directly untied the belt, skirt slip: "Yuyan is willing to use his body for Hou ye to help his cousin recover."

"Nonsense! Murong Fu, did he ask you to come? It's ridiculous that a man has to sacrifice a woman to realize his ambition Su Xun was awe inspiring, and he had to get up and leave at the same time.

But Wang Yuyan hugged him and cried, "I've been seen by many people when I came to the Marquis's room. Now that the Marquis is gone, how can I live? I just ask the Marquis to pity me. I'll be satisfied if I don't let Yu Yan down in the future."

"Alas." Su Xun sighed and looked at Wang YuYan's earnest promise: "in the future, we will never fail her."

That's all. We'll talk about it later.

Wang Yuyan smile, is really a hundred coquettish, tiptoe on the initiative to hand over the delicate red lips.

Then two figures fell on the bed, and the lights in the room were flickering, which was an endless scene

Murong Fu, the bitter master, was drunk with a wine pot. His mind was full of pictures of Su Xun, a Tauren, invading his beautiful cousin Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan was just in agony at the beginning.

And Murong Fu was in agony all night.

As for Su XIAOBAWANG, it's a lot of fun.


The next day, the first ray of sunlight outside the room shone through the crack of the window on the big bed inside.

Wang YuYan's white and tender skin is shining.

Su Xun opened his eyes.

"I'm waiting for my Lord to change." Wang Yuyan sees that Su Xun wakes up and is about to get up to serve him.

But Su Xun put his arms around her and stroked her face gently with one hand: "it's enough to be loved by such peerless beauties as Long'er and Yu Yan."

He didn't know how many women he had said this sentence to, and he almost forgot it himself.

Life goes on and on.

The purpose of cultivating immortals is to have a good body.

What is a good body for?

Isn't it just to keep picking up girls?

The purpose of cultivating immortals is to live forever.

What is immortality for?

Isn't it just to get more girls?

Well, the old driver has a clear mind.

"Lord, get up quickly, or my mother will know when the maid in the yard finds out." Wang Yuyan red face fine if mosquito voice said.

Su Xun blinked: "didn't you say last night that many people saw you come in?""I lied to you." Wang Yuyan turns her head.

Thinking of her initiative last night, she now wants to dig a hole and bury herself. Helen of Troy

as like as two peas, Xiao Long nun and Wang Yu Yan are the same, but they taste different.

Sure enough, the meaning of life is to try.

Try to harvest different happiness.

After a while, Su Xun made sure there was no one outside, and then Wang Yuyan sneaked away.

It's just that the running posture is a little weird.

She doesn't want to let little dragon girl know about her intimate relationship with Su Xun. After all, she only called for sister-in-law yesterday. As a result, she became brother-in-law last night.

She's going to be shameless.

She was stimulated by Murong Fu last night, otherwise she would never have done such a thing.

After breakfast, Su Xun saw Murong Fu again.

"Was Mr. Hou satisfied last night?"

Murong Fu is the only one who knows that Su Xun and Wang Yuyan spent the spring night together last night.

In order to make sure that Wang Yuyan succeeded, he went outside to listen to the voice.

He was relieved when he heard the sound.

Su Xun looked at the wolf in front of him and said, "I can't worry about your business. I will help you rebuild your big swallow, but not now, because I can't help you now."

"Marquis, the world is in chaos. Isn't it a good time for our country to recover?" Murong Fu was puzzled.

Su Xun looked at him like a silly beep: "it's a great chaos in the world. Generally speaking, it's a war between Han people and other nationalities. If you want to restore the country, do you have the foundation? You have Xianbei blood, but now you are Han nationality! "

"At this time, even if I support you and you rise, few people will respond to you. Moreover, you will be besieged by Meng Yuan, Da song and other forces in the rivers and lakes. Seeing that Da song will perish and all parties are protecting the country, you are in civil strife. Isn't that a death wish?"

These are only superficial reasons. The deeper reason is that Su Xun is not ready to give him the territory of China. Go to Japan and invade.

By the way, the devil's seed was cut off.

"The Lord taught me a lesson." Murong Fu's great enlightenment.

Su Xun's tone was more relaxed: "you don't think the restoration of the Central Plains will work, so go overseas."

"Overseas? Overseas is barren land Of course, Murong Fu didn't want to leave his hometown.

Su Xun said: "ignorance, to go to Japan, Japan is to learn from our Central Plains power, and Japan is in chaos, you take enough manpower and weapons to go to Japan, you will certainly be able to occupy the country."

Japan is a big place, but there are a lot of forces. Only a thousand people fight a national war. The scale is similar to that of two villages and towns in China.

If Murong Fu takes the Murong family's staff to Japan, it's equivalent to playing games.

Murong Fu hesitated.

"There's no place for you in the Central Plains. Xianbei's Dayan has been dead for many years. No one remembers. If you go to Japan, I'll support you with weapons and silver. Otherwise, you won't get any money." Su Xun forced him again.

Now he can't afford to kill the Japanese pirates who often come to the border of Daming, so he just sent Murong Fu to deal with them.

When Murong Fu heard this, he immediately agreed: "OK, go to Japan. Thank you."

"Well, I always do what I say. Go and get ready. If you want to go to Japan, you must have a boat first. When you are ready, contact me." Su Xun said.

Murong Fu leaves. He wants to go back to collect his property, buy some ships, and then take his team to Japan. This should be the first large-scale international war in the history of the world.

Next, Su Xun ate Wang Yuyan every night. Two months later, Su Xun left Li Qingluo because he received a secret letter from the royal guards.

Kangxi children sent troops to Liaodong.

A few months ago, in addition to aobai, he and trinket seized the power of the imperial court, but the domestic situation was unstable, so they needed a foreign war to transfer the national contradictions.

So Kangxi decided to send troops to Liaodong.

This is obviously taking Daming as a soft persimmon.

Because in the war with the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Ming army had been losing one after another, which seemed to be vulnerable in the eyes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

After receiving the secret report, Su Xun was very angry. Kangxi had not even settled San Francisco, so he chose Liaodong of Ming Dynasty first. Su Xun had to let him know how powerful he was.

So at the first time, he ordered the new army of heimuya to gather and go to Liaodong. At the same time, he ordered the cabinet of the capital to prepare the army's grain and ordnance, but he himself went to Liaodong.

After nearly two years, the new army has been expanded to 40000 under the continuous military expenditure. One of them is a firearm battalion equipped with flint guns.

There are 10000 cavalry and 20000 infantry.

With the 40000 new troops and the 100000 border troops in Liaodong, Su Xun wanted Kangxi's children to know the pain.

At the same time, Su Xun also wanted to win the world's trust with the help of this war, and then he added Huang Pao to the puppet Zhu Youjian to give way.This time, he left in a hurry, only with the invitation of the moon and Lianxing. As for the little dragon girl, Mu Wanqing and Wang Yuyan stayed in mantuo villa for the time being.

"Invite the moon and send this letter to Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi in the Qing Dynasty." Su Xun sent a letter to Zhang Yue.

In the original time and space, Wu Sangui was reversed. Although the history is beyond recognition, it can be referred to. Wu Sangui was a Han nationality, and he was under the separate rule of Yunnan. He had a heavy army. Sooner or later, Kangxi would withdraw from Tibet. Therefore, if Wu Sangui didn't want to give up his hand to die, he would still be reversed.

Su Xun wanted to unite Wu Sangui to attack Manchu inside and outside, and drove Kangxi back to his hometown.


At the same time, in the court of the Qing Dynasty.

Young Xuanye sits on the Dragon chair.

"Your Majesty, now that Liaodong is going to fight, we need to guard against the rash actions of San Francisco." A minister came out and said.

Xuanye said, "what's your plan?"

He doesn't want to play Liaodong now, because he thinks it's not the best time yet.

But there was no way. The country was in chaos. Aobaigang died. He had just taken power, and San Francisco had not withdrawn. The anti Qing forces were always rebellious, assassinated and terrified.

Moreover, disasters continue, the National Treasury is in deficit, refugees are everywhere, and domestic conflicts are too acute. It is necessary to fight outside to transfer domestic pressure.

If you win, then burning, killing and plundering silver in Daming will ease the domestic crisis. If you lose It's impossible to lose. The Ming army is rubbish.

He felt that the luckiest thing for him was that there was a weak country like Daming beside him, which was the treasure house and granary of the Qing Dynasty.

If there is a shortage of people, grab people; if there is a shortage of money, grab money; if there is a shortage of food, grab food.

As for whether the people of Daming live or die, let's wait until he takes possession of Daming and those who become his people.

"Your Majesty, Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi in San Francisco, is the most powerful. He is the leader of both Pingnan King Shang Kexi and Jingnan King Geng Jingzhong. I think it's better to marry Princess Jianning to Wu Yingxiong, the son of Pingxi king, for a moment." The Secretary of the Ministry of household affairs made a suggestion.

Everyone else thought the suggestion was OK.

Kangxi pondered: "it is intended that the king of Pingxi town will be meritorious in guarding Yunnan. His son Wu Yingxiong will marry Princess Jianning, and Wei Xiaobao, the Duke of Luding, will send Jianning to Yunnan."

He already knew that Jianning was not his sister, but the daughter of Mao Dongzhu, who disguised as the Empress Dowager. The reason why he didn't publicize it was to preserve the royal face.

Now he can make use of Jianning, a non royal blood waste, so why not?

Later, Kangxi said with high spirits:

"pass a decree to the front line and tell Nian gengyao that I will only give him three months. In three months, I will hear the good news of my Qing Dynasty cavalry's breaking through Liaodong! Retreat

Long live the emperor

The ministers of culture and military prostrate in the mountains and shout long live.

No one takes Daming seriously. In their opinion, if aobai had not been in power before, they would have destroyed Daming.

Trinket, a lusty dog thief, was exercising on Princess Jianning's bed. After he was happy, he said, "your emperor's brother has made an order to send you to Yunnan to make peace with Wu Yingxiong, Wu Sangui's son."

"Ah! What should I do? I'll go and ask the emperor's brother now. " Jianning surprised said.

Trinket said, "it's no use. You're going to Yunnan. I'll escort you myself."

"Then think of something. I don't want to marry that bear." Jianning took Trinket by the ear: "I've been played by your dog slave. If Wu Yingxiong finds out that I'm not a virgin, the emperor's brother and Wu Sangui will cut off your dog's head."

She didn't know what was going on. The emperor's brother didn't seem to love her as much as before. Now he even wanted to marry her to Yunnan.

"I've already thought about what I'm afraid of." With a sly smile, trinket turned over and took out a short firearm and said, "when we get to Yunnan, we'll call him to meet in the middle of the night. You'll blow his eggs again. It's said that he can't wait for his bridal chamber to rape you, and your emperor brother doesn't really want you to get married. Then tie eunuch Wu Yingxiong back to the capital as a hostage."

In Lu Ding Ji, he and Princess Jianning really did that. If it wasn't for trinket, he would have died many times.

However, this is equivalent to helping Su Xun. With Su Xun's secret letter inciting him, and the princess turning Wu Yingxiong into a eunuch, Wu Sangui will turn against him.

It's worth admiring that the emperor is lurking around for the sake of being a spy.

"Dog slave, you have a heart. Go away, grandma. I'll reward you again." Jianning smiles.

There was a voice again.

Half a month later, in Xingzhou, Su Xun joined up with 40000 new soldiers who marched all the way from heimuya.

In addition to the army, he also ordered the Wulin sects in Daming to help. They could be used as sniper guns to kill officers in Manchu Qing Dynasty.

And let them rush in groups can also cause strong damage to the Manchu Qing army.After two years of training, the actual combat of 40000 troops was fighting bandits at most. This was the first time that the new army went to the battlefield, and Su Xun was not sure.

"I'll see you later!"

The four generals knelt down in front of Su Xun.

Qiao Feng is one of them, leading the cavalry.

"Join me, marquis!"

Forty thousand new soldiers paid homage in unison.

Su Xun made a gesture, and the local officials immediately ordered people to take out four flags.

"From now on, the firearm battalion will be renamed Shenhuo army, the cavalry will be renamed Feixiong army, the infantry of the two armies will be renamed yaori army and Xuri army respectively, and the generals will come forward to receive the flag!"

"Gentlemen, follow me to the north and kill the enemy!"

Su Xun roared.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill

The sound of shouting and killing is like thunder, ringing through the sky.

Songshan sect, Huashan sect and other Wulin people were shocked by the powerful army and turned pale.

Su Xun turned over and mounted his horse in his armor, pulled out his sword, and galloped on his horse: "this time, it will be peaceful and clear!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill

Su Xun exclaimed: "you are mighty!"

The general is mighty


Then the army set out, and the 40000 people marched like a winding dragon. The flag of Ming, Su and the fourth army were flying in the sky, and they were hunted by the wind.

The people in the city look numb. The Ming army has lost so much these years that they dare not have hope.

Because they always had hope before, but the Ming army gave them despair again and again.

In the fourteenth year of the Ming Dynasty, Zhuqi Town, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was defeated and captured in the northern expedition to Wala. Tens of thousands of troops were destroyed. Since then, the Ming army has no longer been a brave and victorious Ming army.

The battle of Sarhu in the 47th year of Wanli attracted a lot of attention from the whole country. As a result, the enemy broke through five routes of Ming army in three days and annihilated 50000 enemy troops. Daming was not able to recover. Later, it was defeated by the Qing Dynasty and could only defend.

Now the Ming army is going out again, and a bigger war than the battle of Sarhu is about to break out, but the people of the Ming Dynasty are only scared and numb.

They dare not long for victory in foreign war.

They have almost become the same as the people of the Song Dynasty, that is really despair.

Although the Ming Dynasty was defeated many times, it could still keep the enemy out of the pass. The Song Kingdom had been penetrated into the hinterland by the Mongolian and Yuan cavalry, and most of its territory was lost.


Pingxi palace, Yunnan.

"Is the girl waiting for Huaian in the Ming Dynasty?"

Wu Sangui looks at the enchanting figure, is inviting the moon.

Su Xun can be said to be the idol of ambitious ministers in various countries. He was young and controlled for a while. In Wu Sangui's opinion, Su Xun will soon usurp the throne.

After all, even he was not loyal to Manchu.

"Yes, my Lord has a letter. Please have a look at it." Invite a month to take out a letter from.

She continued to use her lightness skills and ran around for days, only to arrive in Yunnan in half a month.

A bodyguard took the letter in the hand of inviting the moon, opened it, checked it and handed it to Wu Sangui.

After all, there are people in the world who poison the letter. Wu Sangui is in a high position and has to guard against it.

If you fight for half of your life and you are really poisoned, you will lose a lot.

Wu Sangui took the letter and read it.

The content of the letter was to incite him to revolt. He didn't say anything about the righteousness of his family and country, but directly said interests.

Because from the history of Wu Sangui, we can see that he didn't have the righteousness of his family and country.

In his letter, Su Xun made clear his interests. Wu Sangui was a Han nationality. He had a strong army in his hands. Kangxi would never tolerate him when he got a firm foothold.

So he incited Wu Sangui to cooperate with each other, and Su Xun was willing to support him to replace Kangxi. In Su Xun's words, the world was Han er's world after all.

Wu Sangui was very moved, because he also knew that the Qing Dynasty could not accommodate him. In particular, he not only ruled Yunnan, but also had old units in all places.

He will fight back sooner or later, and he has been preparing. As long as Kangxi starts against him, he will fight back.

And now is a good opportunity, the Manchu Qing domestic and foreign aggression, the Ming army to respond to disperse the Manchu Qing military, if he started now, the chance of success is great.

At this time, a soldier came in and whispered to Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui's eyes narrowed slightly. The emperor married Princess Jianning to his son. He was escorted by Wei Xiaobao, the red man of the dynasty, on his way to Yunnan.

He immediately hesitated again. He knew that Kangxi was very fond of his younger sister, which meant that Kangxi would not turn against him at least now. If he was to fight rashly now, what would he do if he failed? After all, the combat effectiveness of the Ming army was not as good as that of the Qing army.

In history, Wu Sangui was a bull, but in Lu Ding Ji, Wu Sangui and Wu Yingxiong were both forward-looking and indecisive people.

So Wu Sangui received the letter and said, "the girl invited to the moon will go down to have a rest first. This is a big matter. I need to think about it carefully. After all, this matter needs to be considered carefully."He was still prepared to wait and see. If the Ming army blocked the Qing army, he would not be late to respond.

If the Ming army was still defeated by the Qing army, then he would not fight now. The emperor needs time to develop, and he also needs to develop.

She had to wait until Wu Sangui wrote back to Su Xun.

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