A month later, the Liaodong front.

Su Xun and his new army are on their way.

The 70000 Qing army, 20000 cavalry and 50000 infantry led by Nian gengyao are known as 100000. They are like a bolt through the Liaohe River and encircle Xiping fort.

In the past few years, Daming had been conquered by the Qing Dynasty in several wars. Behind the Xiping fort was the last line of defense of Guangning city.

If the Qing army broke through Xiping fort, the army could encircle Guangning city where Mao Wenlong lived.

After the capture of Guangning City, the defense line of Ming army had to give up completely outside Shanhai Pass and retreat inside Shanhai Pass.

So Guangning city is the top priority.

Xipingbao garrison 10000, garrison general Luo Yiguan.

In the original history of time and space, Luo Guanyi successfully predicted Nurhachi's attack route, but Sun Degong, a treacherous minister, made it difficult for him to mobilize the elite of Liaodong army, so he had to go to Xiping Fort alone.

Later, as he predicted, Nurhachi crossed the Liaohe River and attacked xipingbao. When he was outnumbered, all the ten thousand defenders died, and Luo Guanyi committed suicide.

Sun Degong and Zu dashou, who came to support them, were ambushed on the way. Sun Degong's deputy general Bao Cheng fled without fighting. Sun Degong yelled that the former army was defeated and shaken the morale of the army, which led to the tragic defeat of 30000 reinforcements. Later, sun Degong surrendered to the city and joined the Ming army in the Qing Dynasty.

But in this time and space, the Qing Dynasty had been established for many years in the early Qing Dynasty, and the marshal of the Qing Dynasty also became Nian gengyao.

With the coming of the great war, all the Ming troops in Xiping Fort look dignified. Facing the siege of 70000 Qing soldiers, Xiping fort is so thin on the vast land.

"Has the letter been sent out?"

Luo Yiguan sat at the top in armor, with a short beard on his lips. He was a big man with a face full of vicissitudes.

He had long told Marshal Mao Wenlong that the Qing army would definitely attack from Xiping fort, but he did not expect that sun Degong, the guerrilla General of Guangning, would make it difficult to ridicule.

Mao Wenlong was also incited by sun Degong and did not dare to send heavy troops to Xiping castle. Finally, he insisted that his speculation was right and came alone.

Now it turns out that his conjecture is correct, but he is not happy at all.

Because with his ten thousand garrison, he could not stop the seventy thousand Qing soldiers. He had thought of the result before he came, but he still came.

Because if he doesn't do anything, he's sorry for the Han man and Daming.

So knowing that he would die, he came.

Men of the Han family are never short of people who are not afraid of death.

"General, it has been sent out. The Qing soldiers are preparing to attack the city." A deputy said.

Luo Yiguan got up, looked around at the generals in the hall, and said in a deep voice, "a good man should fight for his country. He should be surrounded by horses and soldiers outside the city. But there is no man in Ming Dynasty who is not Iron-blooded

"Yes, sir

Several generals stand up and bow their hands. The armor on them makes a clear sound when they collide, just like a knife and a gun collide.

"The general has orders to fight to the death!"

"The general has orders to fight to the death!"

"The general has orders to fight to the death!"

The heralds, with flags on their backs, galloped on the city wall to spread Luo's consistent military orders.

Behind the city wall, a 30-year-old veteran rubbed his dry face, looked up at the sun in the sky, and grasped the knife in his hand.

A recruit shivered with a firegun.

"Wazi, don't be afraid. Tartars have one skull and two hands. If they are stabbed, they will die." The old soldier comforted the new soldier and showed his big yellow teeth.

The recruit nodded, but still shivering, because he couldn't control his body, but he didn't cry, let alone run away.

Outside the fort, all kinds of banners were displayed. At a glance, the Qing army was boundless.

"Dong Dong Dong... "

With the thunder of drums.

More than ten guns were pushed out by the Qing soldiers.

"Boom boom..."

At this time, solid bombs were still used. The shells fell on the city, smashing houses and killing soldiers. The cries of the people, the screams of the soldiers, the roars of the house collapse, and the loud noise of the house collapse were interwoven in the Xiping fort.

Let the shells fall, the Ming army on the wall of Xiping castle were motionless in their respective positions, even if from time to time some of their comrades in arms were killed.

They are all experienced veterans. If they are in such a panic, the city will break down faster.

"Wuwuwuwu --"

the dull sound of the horn resounded through the vast land.

The soldiers of Qing Dynasty moved, and a 3000 strong infantry rushed up, carrying the ladder and other siege tools.

"Shoot the arrow!" Luo Yiguan roared. He grabbed the long bow to pull the full moon, loosened his fingers, and shot a Qing soldier with the sound of breaking the air.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

The arrows were like rain, but most of them failed. They were rarely blocked by the shield of the Qing soldiers. Only a small part of them hit people. Soon after a Qing soldier fell down, someone picked up the top of the shield."Kang Kang..."

The firearm is constantly erupting ammunition. Every time you hit it, you have to reload it from the front. It's very troublesome.

When more than 3000 Qing soldiers rushed under the city wall, hundreds of people died, but the cloud ladder was built on the city wall, and the Ming army carried stones and other things down.

Soon, a group of more than 2000 Qing soldiers came from the army. One by one, the brave Qing soldiers stepped on the ladder to climb to the city wall.

On the head of the city, a veteran waved a sword handed down two generations and killed three Qing soldiers. When he was ready to wave a sword to the next one, he was caught by the Qing soldiers and dragged down from the head of the city. He was killed by a random sword.

The new recruit, who had been shaking with fright, yelled and pulled the trigger to kill a person head-on. Then he was stabbed to death by a machete.

The protagonist may not die on the battlefield.

Roar, scream, curse, roar, all kinds of hysterical voice filled the city.

In the evening, the Qing soldiers stopped attacking the city, and the Ming army in the city was able to breathe.

Two days later, the soldier who sent the letter was tired to death, and the letter for help finally reached Guangning city.

Mao Wenlong got together for the first time.

"Generals, this is a letter for help from Xiping castle. It's exactly what Luo Guanyi expected. When Nian gengyao attacked Xiping castle, Luo Guanyi said that he could only block it for seven days at most. Let's discuss which one to rescue."

Mao Wenlong holds the letter paper and regrets that he didn't listen to Luo Yiguan's analysis that day. Otherwise, how could the front line be in such a situation.

"Well! Sun guerrilla, don't you swear that the Qing army can't attack from Xiping Fort? "

A military general looked at Sun Degong and said.

Sun Degong stroked his beard: "the military situation changed in an instant, and the general was not an immortal. At that time, he just analyzed it according to the reasonable situation."

"Guangning guerrilla sun Degong, general Qi Bingzhong, general Zu dashou and General Liu Qu of zhenwubao led 30000 troops to help." Mao Wenlong's words are direct.

Sun Degong's face changed and he just wanted to talk, but Mao Wenlong gave him a cold look. At last, he could only say: "the last general Yes, sir

"Generals, the Huai'an Marquis has led the reinforcements on the way. In any case, the Xiping fort can't be lost before the Marquis arrives. Go down and get ready."

Mao Wenlong finished the meeting.

Sun Degong, Zu dashou, Qi Bingzhong and Liu Qu led 30000 reinforcements to xipingbao at the first time.

The military situation is urgent. We can't delay for a moment.

"General, are we really going to save xipingbao?"

Deputy general Bao Cheng asked sun Degong.

"What else? Can we not listen to marshal Mao's orders? " Sun Degong said.

Bao Cheng's eyes turned: "general, with all due respect, man Qi is less than ten thousand, man Wan is invincible. Now this is one hundred thousand Qing soldiers. We win?"

"What do you want to say?" Sun Degong asked.

Bao Cheng looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "we'd better go down to Manchu. I think the Daming kingdom is taking jujube pills. When we go to Manchu, we still enjoy the glory and wealth. It's much easier to turn around and fight the Ming army than to fight the Qing army at Xiping fort."

"What's your plan?" Sun Degong was so excited that he was afraid of death. Knowing that Xiping castle would be broken, how could he be willing to seek death?

Bao Cheng said: "we will tell the Qing soldiers the path of the reinforcements, let the Qing soldiers ambush in advance, we will make great achievements, and then take advantage of the chaos and lead the soldiers to flee back to Guangning to lurk. When the Xiping fort is broken, we will wait for the opportunity to take Mao Wenlong to surrender. This is a great achievement!"

"As you said, the location of the ambush should be Pingyang bridge, which is more suitable." Sun Degong also thought it was a good idea and agreed to it immediately.

Later, Zu dashou, Liu Qu, Qi Bingzhong and others did not notice that one of them left the team.

Two days later, 30000 reinforcements were ambushed by Qing soldiers at Pingyang bridge and were caught off guard. As soon as Zu dashou wanted to organize a counterattack, sun Degong yelled that the former army was defeated, and then the morale of the army was lax and completely defeated.

When Zu dashou fled, Liu Qu and Qi Bingzhong died, leaving sun Degong and Bao Cheng alive. Their troops had long been restrained by him and did not fight back.

As the Qing soldiers ambush clean up the battlefield, a Manchu general comes to sun Degong and Bao Cheng.

"The slave sun has made great achievements. See you."

Sun Degong and Bao Cheng kneel down with flattery on their faces and kowtow to the general of Qing Dynasty.

"Hahaha, general sun, please get up quickly. Those who know current affairs are heroes. Daqing will not treat you badly."

Qing generals came forward to help sun Degong and Bao Cheng.

After some greetings, sun Degong and Bao Cheng leave their troops and run back to Guangning pretending to be embarrassed.


Three days later, xipingbao was on the front line.

"General, we just got the news that the reinforcements were ambushed at Pingyang bridge, and 30000 people were either dead or captured. We have no reinforcements!" The deputy general said sadly.

They have been fighting with the Qing soldiers for seven days. Their soldiers have suffered heavy losses. Their arrows are not enough and their gunpowder will be exhausted. Now that the reinforcements are ambushed, they are really dead.At this time, in the chamber of Parliament, four of the original seven chairs are now vacant, and four people have been killed.

Luo Yiguan rubbed his eyebrows wearily: "how many people can still fight in the castle?"

"Less than four thousand." Answered the deputy.

Luo Guanyi asked again, "how much food is left."

"Less than three days." The deputy general replied again.

As the two asked and answered questions, the atmosphere in the chamber became more gloomy and despairing.

Luo Yiguan got up and said, "give away all the grain and weapons. Today, we will bury them here!"

"Yes, sir

Two lieutenants went down, one to distribute food and the other to distribute weapons. There was no morale boosting nonsense. All the soldiers knew they were going to die today.

The soldiers silently chewed the dry food, or wiped the long gun, the defeat cloud shrouded the whole castle.

Outside the castle, Nian gengyao was riding on a horse. Surrounded by a group of generals, he looked at Xiping castle from a distance. He saw a vague figure on the head of the city.

He knew that was Luo Yiguan.

It was he, with 10000 people, who relied on a small fortress to block 70000 Qing troops for seven days.

"He's a talent. Go and persuade him to surrender."

He sighed.

Then a young player came out.

"General Luo, you have led the troops to block us for seven days. You have done your duty. Surrender. You have no hope. Your reinforcements have been completely destroyed in Pingyang bridge. There is not enough food and weapons in your city. Why do you have to support them?"

"As long as you surrender and come with your ability, we can be all the way governor in Daqing!"

Luo Yiguan sneered: "I Luo has not died in the war, why have I done my duty? Go back and tell Nian gengyao that he will be waiting for him at the head of the city! "

The general of the Qing Dynasty returned to the camp of the Qing army.

Nian gengyao sighed: "pass on our military order and launch a general attack. Today we must break the Xiping Fort!"

As long as you take the Xiping fort, sun Degong on the other side of Guangning city will surrender.

"Dong Dong Dong" -- "

" Wu Wu Wu "--"

a large number of Qing troops rushed to Xiping Fort when the rain like war drums and low trumpets sounded.

This time, it's more than the previous days.

The Ming army in Xiping fort is at the end of the storm. Nian gengyao wants to win Xiping fort in one go.

"Soldiers! Kill the enemy with me

After the last arrow is shot, Luo Yiguan roars and cuts down the Qing soldiers who climb the city wall.

The hot blood rushed on his face.

"Kill! I have no cowards in Daming

The garrison roared and fought with the Qing soldiers.

More and more Qing soldiers climbed up the city wall.

There were more and more Ming troops falling down, but after one Qing army fell down, another rushed up immediately.

In the case of unequal morale and numbers, the Ming army was not the opponent of the Qing army at all.

At noon, the city is already full of Ming and Qing army corpses, Luo Guanyi's side is only a few hundred people fighting with a steady stream of Qing soldiers.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

At this moment, suddenly, the sound of guns was like thunder.

The rear of the Qing army was blown up.

The Ming army and the Qing army on the wall were confused.

They looked out of the city.

Far away, I saw a black flag flying, "Huai'an. Su" three words as dazzling as the sun.

"Brothers! Reinforcements are coming! Huai'an Hou is coming with reinforcements! Kill me Luo shouts.


Hundreds of exhausted Ming soldiers rushed to the Qing army like chicken blood, because they now see hope.

On the contrary, the Qing soldiers on the wall, who were not afraid of death, were in fear.

"What's the matter! How can the enemy come out from behind! Send orders, the rear army will fight back in place, and the right-wing and left-wing army will rush to support immediately! " Nian gengyao roared.

At the same time, Nian gengyao handed over the command of the former army and drove to the rear army.

From a distance, he saw tens of thousands of Ming soldiers with fireguns half kneeling on the ground.

Nian gengyao showed a look of disdain. The firegun can only be used as a icing on the cake. The stupid Ming army took it as the main weapon of the battle and wanted to die.

"Send the cavalry up! Let him know that I'm good at Qing Dynasty Nian gengyao ordered the charge.

The cavalry is the enemy of the firearm. Because the firearm is poor in accuracy and slow in loading, the cavalry has rushed to their face just after a round of firing.

And then it's the slaughter that's waiting for the firearm.

"Kill! Crush the Ming army

"Warriors of the Qing Dynasty! Charge with me

He had been attacking the city before, and the cavalry didn't play any role. He had been holding his stomach for a long time. Now when he heard the charge, they were all excited to gallop.Step on

Twenty thousand cavalry charged, the horse's hooves roared like thunder, and now the earth was shaking and dusty.

Su Xun showed a mocking smile.

Do you really think these fireguns are your rotten guns? Immediately ordered: "three stage volley."

"Kang Kang Kang..."

In the first row, three thousand fireguns were fired in volley, which directly made the cavalry turn upside down. Then the second row volleyed, the first row loaded, the third row loaded, the second row loaded, the first row fired again, and the third row loaded.

The cavalry of the Qing army had killed and injured 1000 or 2000 people before they were within 100 meters and 50 meters. The firing range of the flint gun was longer, the loading speed was faster, and the power was greater.

"How could that be! Why can their blunderbuss shoot so far! Why is the loading so fast! " New year's soup Yao suddenly confused, Mao melon seeds buzzing.

Looking at the cavalry falling in rows, Nian gengyao responded and roared: "order to retreat!"

But by this time he could not control the scene.

Under the stimulation of firegun, the cavalry and horses were frantically dressed in disorder, and the firegun bullets met them.

When the Manchu and Qing cavalry rushed within 150 meters, they had been shot more than 30000 times, with nearly 5000 casualties.

After that, the Ming army's fire blunderbuss retreated. Ten thousand men and Ma Quan were all dressed in black heavy armour, and the heavy armour cavalry with long knives and long guns rushed out of the battle.

They even wear iron masks on their faces.

It's really armed to the teeth.

Forty thousand new soldiers have been trained for two years in a row. Everyone on the Blackwood cliff practices martial arts. Although they are not those who have real Qi in their bodies, they are ten times better than ordinary soldiers.

So you can still wield your sword in heavy armor.

"Puyi --"

when the sword was cut down, a cavalry of the Qing army was directly cut into two parts by the company, and blood splattered on the ground.

Ten thousand flying bear riders are like fierce ghost messengers climbing out of the hell, mercilessly demanding the dog's life.

More than 10000 Qing cavalry were divided by the flying bear army, and then they were eaten like meat on a chopping board.

They don't have any resistance. The machete in their hands can only explode a spark when they cut the flying bear army, and they can't hurt the people inside.

"Ah! Run! Run

The cavalry of Qing Dynasty were scared and ran away in a panic.

But it only makes them die faster.

"Infantry charge!" Su Xun ordered again.

The Yao sun army and the rising sun army charged in heavy armor.

"Meet the enemy!" Nian gengyao growled.

Behind is Xiping fort, in front is the Ming army, now if you run, it will only form a rout.

He didn't believe that on the front battlefield, their Qing warriors would lose to these vermin like Ming army.

Although these insects look strong.


Infantry from both sides collided.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty was superior in military strength, but soon they were not.

Yue buqun, Zuo lengchan, Dongfang Bubai and other experts in the Ming Dynasty use their lightness skills to get up in the air.

Qiao Feng on horseback a little, the whole person suddenly like an eagle fly high, roar: "Kang long regret!"

"Chant -"

a dragon chant resounds through the battlefield, and a golden dragon's virtual shadow rushes into the battlefield with the muddled expression of the soldiers in the Qing Dynasty, and explodes, directly carrying hundreds of people.

Later, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty had the chance to taste all the famous martial arts in the Ming Dynasty.

"Ice palm!"

"Broken knife type!"

All kinds of true Qi are all over the battlefield, and the Qing soldiers are being reaped ceaselessly. Nian gengyao is going crazy.

Don't these people never accept the imperial court's discipline?

How can they be in groups on the battlefield.

With heavy cavalry, they can't form an army to deal with these martial arts experts.

So, how can we beat the horse?

The Ming army on Xiping fort was stunned.

For the first time, they saw such a happy battle. The Qing army was crushed and slaughtered unilaterally.

Especially the heavy Armored Cavalry, they are very hot to see. This is a natural war machine.

"Come down." Nian gengyao said powerlessly.

Then the remnant soldiers of the Qing Dynasty knelt down and surrendered.

But Su Xun still did not order to stop, heavy armour cavalry wandering in the battlefield kept killing Qing soldiers.

"We're down! We're down! "

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me

The soldiers of Qing Dynasty roared in horror and begged for mercy.

After all, these people can arrange to build rivers, the Great Wall, ready-made coolies.

Nian gengyao was taken to Su Xun's horse and knelt down.

"Who are you?" Nian gengyao looked up at Su Xun.

He wants to know who he lost to.

Su Xun spit out two words: "Su Xun."

"Huai'an is waiting for Su Xun!" Nian gengyao was shocked.A treacherous minister in charge of the Ming Dynasty hall has an army that can fight.

"Puyi -"

the long knife fell obliquely, accompanied by blood eruption, Nian gengyao's head fell to the ground.

Su Xun took back his sword and drove his horse to Xiping castle.

"Luo Guanyi, the general of Xiping castle, visited the Marquis!"

Luo Yiguan ran to Su Xun and knelt down on one knee.

"General Luo, and all of you, please rise. You are all heroes of our Han family!"

Su Xun looked at Luo Yiguan. He was a famous general who would rather die than surrender in history. He was very dignified.

"Thank you for your praise. The general just did what he should do as a soldier."

Luo said calmly.

Su Xun dismounted, patted him on the shoulder, looked at the remaining 200 defenders, and then bowed his hand to them.


Luo Yiguan and others were startled, and they all knelt on the ground.

"All up."

Su Xun helped Luo Yiguan up in person.

"It's a decree to bury the corpses of the soldiers and burn the corpses of the soldiers in order to avoid the plague."

Later, Su Xun asked Luo Guanyi about all the details of the battle. Luo Guanyi immediately sued sun Degong against him. If he hadn't deliberately made it difficult for him to mobilize the elite of Liaodong army to xipingbao, xipingbao would never have been beaten like this.

Hearing sun Degong's name, Su Xun felt that this man should die and must die.

"He ordered Guangning city and ordered Mao Wenlong to lead the Liaodong army to Xiping fort. This time, he wanted to cross the river to attack Qing Dynasty."

After entering the Xiping fort, Su Xun gave a direct order.

The main force of the Qing army was totally annihilated in this battle, and the main force of the Liaodong army was still intact. In addition, he opened a new army of 40000, which is the same as his own, and he can make a great counterattack.

He wants to let Kangxi children know what it means to steal chicken but not to eat rice, what it means to be pressed and beaten.


Two days later, Guangning city.

"Good news! Good news! Open the gate

"Good news! Huai'an is waiting for the annihilation of 70000 Qing troops and the cutting of Nian gengyao! Huai'an is waiting for the whole army to annihilate 70000 Qing troops.... "

Today, Guangning city is boiling.

"Did I hear you right? We Won? "

"Won! We won! Huai'an Hou is really worthy of being a good official who has destroyed the castration party. He can be both civil and military! "

"We won at last! Huaian is waiting for a thousand years old

When Mao Wenlong got the news, he couldn't believe it. He confirmed it to the messenger again and again, and then stayed for a long time before he ordered the generals to discuss the matter.

"You know, generals, Huai'an is waiting for 40000 new troops. It's exciting to attack and escape with fatigue, annihilate 70000 Qing troops and kill Nian gengyao."

Mao Wenlong looked at the generals below and said.

"Yes, I can't believe it. How long has it been since we won such a battle? Let's be proud

"The 40, 000 new recruits in Huai'an are really miraculous soldiers!"

"Why is it that the Manchu cavalry is less than ten thousand, and the Manchu cavalry is invincible

Everyone was overjoyed. This was the first big victory in the war with Manchu Qing for many years.

Su Xun got rid of the eunuch party and made up for the military expenditure. Now he has won a great victory over the Qing Dynasty, which makes people respect him from the bottom of their hearts.

Sun Degong, with a smile on his face, was relieved. Fortunately, he ran back to Guangning city. If Pingyang bridge had gone to Nian gengyao that day, there would have been no residue left now.

Now that Nian gengyao is dead, he can still be a guerrilla general in Daming.

Eat both sides, isn't it beautiful?

Is there anyone more stable than yourself?

"Well, the Marquis has orders." Mao Wenlong said.

All of them are waiting for the order.

"The Marquis ordered us to gather a large army and go to Xiping castle to join us. As soon as the food and grass arrived, we will fight back against the Qing Dynasty!"

Mao Wenlong said with great momentum.

All of us are ready to move. After holding our breath for so many years, we can finally vent it.

Su Xun even defeated Nian gengyao. Can't they beat other Qing troops?

The Ming army was at a time of great momentum.

Mao Wenlong looked at Sun Degong: "Sun guerrilla, this time, the Marquis named you in his letter. He said that when Pingyang bridge fell that day, only you can bring your deputy back safely, which shows your strength."

"I'm flattered. I'm just two more than ordinary people." Sun Degong said with a smile.

It seems that I've got a blessing in disguise this time.

When it comes to xipingbao, it will be highly rewarded.

He was valued by Huai'an Hou and made a great progress.

Five days later, ten thousand people were left behind, and Mao Wenlong led 80000 troops from all over Liaodong to xipingbao.

Arrive at your destination in six days.

"That's the new army? It's really good! "

"This kind of cavalry is unheard of. How do they put on such heavy armor?""The firegun is different from ours."

"Damn, the new army is so rich."

"Nonsense, or you can fight."

Looking at the new army in the camp, all the generals in Liaodong are talking and their eyes are burning. If only they could lead such an army.

"Don't say it. The Marquis is out."

Mao Wenlong yelled. When they looked at the gate of the city, they saw a handsome young man in a python robe leading a group of people to fight horses.

Everyone saw Su Xun for the first time.

I've heard about him for a long time.

But I was shocked when I saw it with my own eyes.

He was only weak in years. He eliminated the castrating party, killed the treacherous officials, made up the military expenditure, settled the rivers and lakes, held the government and defeated the Qing soldiers. He was really a God and man!

There is nothing like that for young talents.

Everyone was more in awe of Su Xun.

"Mao Wenlong, the last general, led all the generals in Liaodong to see Lord Hou. Lord Hou is thousands of years old, thousands of years old!"

In the distance, Mao Wenlong and other soldiers turned over and dismounted, then knelt down to pay homage to suxunshan and call qiansui.

Fortunately, it's not 9000.

"Your officers and men are free." Su Xun said.

"Thank you

The generals thank you and stand where they are.

Su Xun glanced at the crowd and asked casually, "which two are sun Degong and Bao Cheng?"

"At the end of the day, sun Degong came to see the marquis."

"At the end of the day, general Bao Cheng visited the Marquis!"

Sun Degong and Bao Cheng went out to pay homage in the eyes of admiration and indignation of all Liaodong generals.

Su Xun rode on his horse and looked down at them. Then he pulled out his knife: "how good is my knife?"

"Lord Hou wears a sword. It's a magic weapon!"

Two people praise a, but in the heart wonder son, is want to give them a knife?

But only one, how can they share?

Soon, Su Xun divided them.

Raise the knife, cut it, split it in two.


The two heads fell directly, blood gushed from the neck, and the body fell to the ground heavily.

Everyone was startled. Unexpectedly, Su Xun killed sun Degong and Bao Cheng in this way.

Su Xun cheered: "Sun Degong, Bao Cheng, because of one's own personal grievance, the military plane was delayed. It's time to cut it!"

"The end will be guilty!" Mao Wenlong kneels down again.

After hearing sun Degong's words, he did not send heavy troops to xipingbao, so he was also responsible.

All of us are terrified.

Su Xun looked at Mao Wenlong and said, "General Mao has been there, but he will not die. Next, he will be punished on the battlefield. Don't kneel down. Get up quickly."

"Thank you, marquis. Don't take the lead in killing the enemy. Don't retreat!" Mao Wenlong was relieved and said firmly.

Su Xun said in a cold voice, "throw down the corpses of these two years and feed them to the dogs. They are not worthy to live in peace."

Later, several soldiers came forward to carry the bodies of sun Degong and Bao Cheng and went to Xiping fort.

"Let's go, generals. Let's talk about it in detail."

Su Xun's voice dropped. He turned around, followed by dozens of armored generals.

One hundred and twenty thousand Ming army gathered here, only waiting for the food and grass to arrive, they went north to recapture the occupied homeland.


The capital of Ming Dynasty.

"Good news! Good news! Good news

"Huai'an is waiting for Liaodong to annihilate 100000 Qing soldiers, and the battle is full of Qing commander Nian gengyao!"

"Huai'an is waiting for Liaodong to annihilate 100000 Qing soldiers, and the Qing commander Nian gengyao will be killed!"

The emissary, holding the victory report in his hand, galloped in the capital, and publicized the content of the victory report in a loud voice.

Everyone is boiling.

"The Marquis defeated the Qing Tartars!"

"My God! Win! I Daming finally won a big win! It's a big win

"Lord Hou is the Savior sent by heaven! When we have the marquis in Daming, we will be strong again in the end! "

"Master Hou is a thousand years old! Master Hou is a thousand years old! A thousand years old

All the people in the capital rushed to tell each other that it was like the Chinese New Year.

The ministers were also surprised, happy and afraid, and no one dared to attack Su Xun.

The emperor did not know whether he should cry or laugh.

Cry, it's Daming who won. Daming's territory has been preserved. It won't be as oppressive as before.

Laugh. It's Su Xun who won. People in the world will only remember Su Xun, but not his son.

But he also had to harden his head and seal the reward. At the strong request of the ministers, he ordered the king to be granted with lard alkali.

Su Xun was granted the title of King Huai'an, and he was the Grand Marshal of the army and water forces in the whole world, commanding the military of the Ming Dynasty.


The capital of the Qing Dynasty, the palace.

"Nian gengyao has failed me!"Xuanye covers his chest in pain. He nearly faints when he gets the news that the front line is defeated.

He just needed a victory to calm down the domestic contradictions and consolidate his throne, but he was defeated in the first war when he ascended the throne.

What will the people think of him?

I'm afraid the anti thief is already laughing.

Will civil and military officials fear him again?

Is San Francisco ready to move?

A defeat, the loss of 70000 main force, it seems that the national strength of the Qing Dynasty has been shaken.

Finally, Xuanye painfully decides to send someone to fight against Daming Yihe. He didn't expect to lose, but now he has lost, and it's still so miserable. The Sanfan and local anti thieves in China have restrained a lot of military forces, and now they can't deploy other forces to fight Liaodong again.

This is the first time that the Manchu and Qing dynasties have made peace with Daming.

His prestige has been greatly reduced.

But it is also a helpless thing.

As for whether Yihe will succeed or not, he doesn't worry at all, because in his opinion, he is sure to succeed.

The Ming army just won a fluke, it is impossible to have the courage to take the initiative to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

So if he sent someone to make peace, the Ming army would certainly agree.

Instead of going to the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the messenger he sent to Yihe went directly to Guangning city to see Su Xun.

Because he knew that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was more miserable than before. He had no control over the imperial court and the military and political affairs. It was useless for the envoys to meet him. It would delay his time.

So we went to Liaodong and Suzhou directly.

At the same time, Yunnan Pingxi palace.

"Good! What a Huai'an waiting time! "

Clapping the war report on the table, Wu Sangui sighed several times. He didn't expect that the Ming army had won, and still won so much.

"Mr. Wang, this is a good opportunity for us. Nian gengyao died in the war, and the main force of the Qing army received his grandson. We are now cooperating with the Huai'an marquis. We are absolutely successful!"

"Yes, Mr. Wang, you can't hesitate to do great things, but you should constantly suffer from them."

"Xuanye has just taken control of the imperial power, his foundation is unstable, and he has just been defeated. He has lost a lot of soldiers and money. It's a good time for us to start an incident."

Wu Sangui was persuaded to revolt one after another.

Because if Wu Sangui's rebellion is successful, they are all officials of the dragon.

Wu Sangui no longer hesitated and asked, "where are the Duke of Luding and Princess Jianning?"

"Dad, it's two days to Yunnan." Wu Yingxiong stepped forward and replied.

Wu Sangui cleanly said: "don't let them come to Yunnan, just catch them and send them to Huai'an Hou. In addition, please invite Miss Yue to come. I have another letter for her to take to Huai'an Hou."

Princess Jianning is Xuanye's favorite princess, and Duke Luding is Xuanye's favorite minister. If you take it and give it to Su Xun, it's like a rebellion.

"Wait, don't send it. Just kill Jianning and trinket." Wu Sangui said.

He personally ordered the killing of Jianning and trinket, which showed his determination to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

"Yes, Lord!"

An hour later, she took Wu Sangui's letter to Liaodong to show her lightness skills.

At the same time, two letters were sent to the king of Pingnan, Shang Kexi, and the king of Jingnan, Geng Jingzhong.

Wu Sangui offered them to revolt together.

Half a month later, monk Wu Sangui and Geng Jingzhong raised the anti Qing flag at the same time.

Wu Sangui killed Zhu Guozhi, the governor of Yunnan Province, arrested the disobedient officials under the inspection envoys, issued an address, claiming to be the former commander in chief of zhenshoushan customs and the president's Grand Marshal, and formally rebelled.

The anti Qing forces such as the heaven and earth society became more active in the territory of the Qing Dynasty. They attacked and assassinated officials everywhere, causing chaos in the country.

Xuanye immediately ordered San Francisco to be pacified.

After all, he had to settle down in order to keep out foreign affairs, and there was a fire in his backyard. Now he could not take care of the Ming army who was in charge of Liaodong.


Liaodong, grain and grass have arrived.

Inviting the moon also came back to Su Xun with the letter.

When Su Xun knew Wu Sangui, he was glad. After Geng Jingzhong's rebellion, he knew that the time had come.

At the same time, the Yihe messengers sent by Xuanye to offer sacrifices to suthen also arrived.

Three days later, he vowed to fight.

The 120000 troops formed an army formation, which seemed to spread all over the vast land. There was a strong sense of extermination, and the world was bleak.

Su Xun, wearing armor, rode on his horse to face the dense army, and drove slowly.

All the soldiers were looking at him with blazing eyes.

Huai'an King Su Xun, the idol of all people.

Su Xun waved his fist: "Ming army is powerful!"

The general is mighty

"The Ming army is powerful!"

The general is mighty

The sound of mountain torrents and tsunamis is like thunder."Bring up manqingyi and his messengers."

Su Xun ordered that soon, dozens of Yihe messengers of the Qing Dynasty were detained.

Everyone was pale.

"No, Wang xiongzhuang?"

Su Xun looked at the head of the righteousness and asked.

"The king's army is powerful and powerful, just like the heavenly army. He should win every battle." Yihe said stutteringly.

Su Xun asked again, "is it possible that this army will be even with the Qing Dynasty?"

"This..." The Yihe emissary hesitated and soon counseled, "but It can be peaceful and clear. "

"Ha ha ha ha..." Su Xun laughed: "I'll borrow your lucky words, and I'll borrow your head to worship the flag by the way!"

"No! King, don't do it. I'm Chinese too. I'm Chinese too! Give me a break

Yihe makes the panicked beg for mercy, and is dragged by the soldiers, even the urine is scared out.

"Since you are a Han nationality, but you are a minister of the Qing Dynasty, you should kill him and cut off the flag!" Su Xun said.

A moment later, dozens of heads landed.

"The army is going!" Su Xun ordered.

"The Lord has an order. Let's go!"

"The Lord has an order. Let's go!"

Wang Ling was passed on layer by layer.

"Wu --"

"Dong Dong Dong --"

on the wall of Xiping castle, the magnificent trumpet and thunder like drum sounded to see the army off.

120000 Liaodong troops crossed the river all the way north and set foot on the land that once belonged to Daming, now belongs to Manchu, and will belong to the Han family of Daming in the future.

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