Haizhou, Gaizhou, Fushun and other places on the other side of the Liaohe River were all occupied by the Qing Dynasty.

Liaoyang, Anshan, Haizhou, Gaizhou and Yaozhou were almost in a straight line. After crossing the river, Su Xun directly divided his troops and attacked five cities at the same time.

He took 30000 people to fight against Liaoyang, Qiaofeng, Yue buqun, Dongfang Bubai and other experts.

These people are much easier to use than cannons.

It is more flexible and powerful. You can blast the gate with one move of real gas.

With the help of the army to attack the city, the Qing soldiers could not deal with these martial arts experts with their array killing moves.

The troops that can't form an army array are lambs to be slaughtered in front of these martial arts experts.

Outside the city of Liaoyang, the king's flag is on display.

The Qing soldiers on the wall are ready to defend.

Invite the moon to take pity on the star to set foot in the air, surround with the true Qi of the whole body, hit the gate with one palm, boom! Zhenqi directly blows the heavy wooden gate to pieces.

The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty on the tower were stunned.

This How can we play?

Don't these Wulin people in the central plains all refuse to obey the imperial court's discipline, but do everything right with the imperial court?

Why do you follow the army now!

How can they play when they are clear?

The Manchu Qing Dynasty was a nomadic people's Republic. There was no master at all because of its lack of foundation. It could only recruit some third rate Wulin people to organize a sticking point.

Even Mengyuan is not as good as other people's Mengyuan. There are some top experts like the king of the golden wheel.

"Break through the Qing court, recover the old soil, kill!"

Su Xun roared, thousands of troops moved, the earth was shaking, the earth was shaking, and thirty thousand Ming army rushed to Liaoyang city occupied by the Qing army.

"Meet the enemy! Meet the enemy! Out of the city to meet the enemy

Without the gate, the Qing soldiers occupied the city wall again. It was no longer useful for them to stay high. Liaoyang garrison general roared hysterically and went down to the city tower to meet the enemy.

Su Xun set foot in the air, dressed in robes and hunted. He used his finger as his sword. A sword gas shot out. Boom, the head of Liaoyang general exploded under the six pulse sword.

"The general is dead! The general is dead

"Run! I can't stop them

"Surrender! I surrender... "

With the death of the general, the Qing soldiers were like headless flies. Some fought to the death, some fled, some laid down their weapons and begged for mercy.

From the moment the gate broke, the war turned into a one-sided massacre.

The spear pierced into the body of the Qing soldiers. When the spear head was pulled out, it was dripping with blood.

Only one day, the Ming army even Ke five cities.

After a day's rest, the wounded were laid down, and the army kept on going north.

Where they have passed, man has stopped killing, and God has stopped killing.

This time, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Su Xun wanted to destroy his country in the first World War.


Qing Dynasty, Qianqing palace.

"The South and the north report three times a day. The Wu Sangui rebel troops are going to Sichuan and Guangxi. The Ming army is conquering five cities a day. Do you tell me that all my Qing cavalry are rubbish?" Xuanye roars angrily.

His eyes were swollen and bloodshot, and his face was yellow when he was young. In a short month, he lost more than ten jin, which showed his great pressure.

The civil and military ministers below are all wandering in the sky with their heads down. Xuanye is still angry because they can't help it. No one dares to stand up and be a bird.

"Secretary of the Ministry of war, you are in charge of military affairs. You say what to do next." Xuanye asks questions directly.

The Secretary of the Ministry of war came out in no hurry: "tell the emperor that the Qing Dynasty is in a precarious situation. There are anti King Wu Sangui in it. It's still gratifying, Geng Jingzhong, Wang Sushen in Huai'an, and tiandihui and other anti Qing forces. It's a critical moment of life and death. With the national strength of the Qing Dynasty, we can't fight on multiple lines. We have to gather forces to break it one by one, otherwise the country can't afford it."

Xuanye just stares at him.

The Secretary of the Ministry of war only gritted his teeth and said, "for today's sake, we can only seek peace. We robbed the land of Liaodong from Daming. We'd better return it, first pacify the country, and then fight back."

"No! The territory that the warriors of Qing Dynasty fought back with their lives and blood, now they have to give up. Where are they going? How could the Qing Dynasty ever cede land to the Ming Dynasty? " The Minister of rites objected.

Hubu Shangshu said: "emperor, the war report shows that the army can win many times by relying on a new type of fire blunderbuss and artillery. Our army has also seized a few. It's better to urge the Ministry of industry to make them. In this way, we can win."

The Minister of the Ministry of industry cursed his mother in his heart.

You did capture a few!

Xuanye looks at the Minister of industry.

"Excuse me, Emperor. Those new fire blunderbuss have already seen it. We I can't make it. " The Minister of the Ministry of work had to go out and crawl on the ground.

Xuanye is furious: "waste! It's a bunch of crap! How can I support you? Why can Daming make it? Why can't you? ""Emperor Ming Jian, I heard that the reason why the Ming army was able to attack everything was that a large number of martial arts experts were gathered to attack the city. The new type of firegun was just icing on the cake." The Minister of the Ministry of work shivered and excused himself.

Xuanye said, "I immediately pay a lot of money to hire people from the rivers and lakes. No matter the Han people are full, as long as they can go to the front line to participate in the war, I will not be stingy to reward them, and I will be promoted to the rank of nobility!"

Xuanye is eager to make peace, but no minister in the court is willing to help him carry the pot, and the only one who put forward it has been accepted back.

As an emperor, of course, he could not say the words of secession for peace, so he was upset.

After retiring from the court, he invited his confidant Nalan Mingzhu to discuss the matter. Inside and outside, he asked Nalan Mingzhu to take people to the front line Yihe secretly.

This is a high-risk job, because the last group of Yihe messengers had been cut down by the Ming army.

But Xuanye thinks that's the reason why he doesn't have enough sincerity. He doesn't say that he's cutting the land or paying compensation.

This time, he was willing to return all the Ming territory occupied by the Qing Dynasty for so many years.

I'm sure the Ming army will be excited.

Nalan Mingzhu can only take over this matter, because the Emperor himself came to you and told you heart to heart. If you dare to refuse, where will you put the emperor?

In this way, with a great mission, Nalan Mingzhu secretly went to the front line of Yihe.

At the same time, Xuanye's intention to summon Wulin people to the front line has been sent to all parts of the Qing Dynasty.

Xuanye thought that not many people would answer the call, because most of the Wulin people in the Qing Dynasty were Han people.

To his surprise, from the moment the edict was issued, a steady stream of Wulin people signed up for the battlefield. This news is undoubtedly a happy event for Xuanye, who has been attacked for several days.

In this way, the number of registered Wulin people soon reached more than 3000, and Xuanye became more and more happy.

I hope these people can turn the situation around when they are on the battlefield.

But soon he was not happy.

Because he suddenly heard the bad news.

Those who signed up for the war, after receiving a lot of money from Xuanye, ran away.

Originally, he was in financial difficulties. Fighting consumed more money. Now he has been cheated out so much. Xuanye is going crazy and his eyes are red.

"Son of a bitch! Asshole! A group of thieves without king and father! The purpose is to hunt and kill Wulin people all over the country! I want them to know that my money will kill them! "

Xuanye is really almost angry. This is definitely his biggest shame for so many years.

I was cheated by a group of Wulin people.

"Emperor, calm down! Calm down, Emperor

"Absolutely not, Emperor!"

The officials quickly advised that now the Qing Dynasty is like a sieve. If we divide our forces to hunt and kill those people in the Jianghu, wouldn't it increase our pressure?

What's more, it's the National Treasury's money, Xuanye's money, not theirs.

A month later.

Nalan Mingzhu, who has not yet arrived in Liaodong, hears a bad news that Liaodong has been taken back by the Ming army, and there is no need for them to cede Liaodong.

So he was embarrassed now. After all, no one thought that the speed of Ming army would be so fast.

After two days of hesitation, he decided to continue to go to the front line, ready to make his own claims, no matter how much compensation, and to finish the war first.

Then he went this time It's a belch.

Su Xun didn't listen to his nonsense at all, so he cut down his flag and announced Xuanye's peace negotiation. The Ming army's momentum soared, while the Qing army's was on the contrary.

But Xuanye died socially.

When he went to court, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty looked at him with this kind of eyes: ( ̄ △  ̄;)

Why did your majesty rebel?

We're going to die.

You're not making peace with us.


It is said that in the back palace, he said hello to the eighteen generations of Sushen's ancestors.

In the end, he had to put the matter on Nalan Mingzhu, saying that he was making peace privately.

Well, it's the same as emperor Chongzhen.

But this result, although saved the emperor's face, but it made the officials divorced.

Nalan Mingzhu is clearly to help him, so he paid his life, even to help him carry the black pot.

This is really cool.

Who else dares to work for him?

Then there was more and more bad news on the front line.

It is not Wu Sangui who has captured a certain place today.

Tomorrow will be the day when the Ming army takes another place.

The territory of Qing Dynasty is shrinking at an unprecedented speed, and Xuanye seems to be ten years old overnight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what should we do? Seeing that our ancestors' foundation is not guaranteed, I am ashamed of my ancestors! "

On the Dragon chair, Xuanye is so skinny that he can't sleep because he can't eat well.

"Please take care of the dragon."Civil and military officials knelt down and cried out at the same time.

"Take care of the dragon? Keep fit and wait for the rebels to take my head? " Xuanye shows the color of ridicule.

It made the civil and military officials worried.

Fortunately, they are ready to surrender.

The Secretary of the Ministry of war could not bear it: "emperor, it's better to ask Mengyuan for help and let them attack Wu Sangui's rebels from the rear. They can share some of the pressure. After all, they must understand the truth of the death of lips and teeth."

The reason why Mengyuan was not allowed to attack the Ming army was that Mengyuan and Daming did not border on each other.

The Mongol and Yuan Dynasties only border on the Qing Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

Daming also borders on the Qing Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

"Yes! Ask yuan for help immediately Xuanye gives a pep talk. This is his last chance.

I didn't think about this before, because it was a way to lead a wolf into the house. When Meng Yuan beat Wu Sangui, he won't give back the territory to Da Qing.

But now he's dying in the Qing Dynasty

he doesn't care what brings wolves into the house.

Live first.


When Manchu asked Meng Yuan for help, Su Xun and Wu Sangui did not stop waiting for him.

One from the south, one from the north.

With the advantages of military strength and weapons, Su Xun basically attacked one city a day, and occupied one third of the territory of Manchu and Qing Dynasty besides recovering the old land.

Wu Sangui is gratifying. He is more delicate. The three men together stand for another third. There is still one third left in the Qing Dynasty, and the available troops are less than 100000.

It is the end that awaits them.

A month later, Emperor Shun of the Yuan state received a letter from Xuanye asking for help and called all the civil and military officials to discuss the matter.

"What do you think of Qing asking for help?"

Emperor Shun of Yuan Dynasty sat on the Dragon chair.

"Your Majesty, now I'm not stable in Dayuan. I don't think it's appropriate for me to intervene because the Ming army is strong."

Some ministers objected on the spot.

The main reason is that the state of yuan has been in chaos recently. The Wulin forces have been fighting against the Yuan Dynasty, especially Zhang Wuji of the Ming religion, who has attacked the city and occupied a lot of territory.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, we should send troops to rescue. Not only can we expand our territory, but also the key is that if the Qing Dynasty dies, we can't stand alone."

"Yes, your majesty, Daming is becoming more and more powerful in the hands of Sushen, king of Huai'an. It is close to the destruction of the Qing Dynasty in the first World War. The Ming religion in our country has caused chaos and is deadlocked in the war with the Song Dynasty. Without the Qing Dynasty, we can't stop the Han people!"

"Your Majesty, please send troops to rescue as soon as possible. There is an old Chinese saying that lips die and teeth are cold. That's exactly the truth."

Many people can see clearly that once the Qing Dynasty dies, the unstable Yuan state will be driven back to the grassland by the Han people.

Among them, Ruyang king was the most active. He was the most capable leader and the most powerful prince in the Yuan Dynasty.

At last, Emperor Shun of Yuan Dynasty decided to let King Ruyang lead 20000 Mongolian Yuan cavalry to attack Yunnan and support the Qing Dynasty.

"Father, I heard that you are going to lead the army."

Ruyang Wang just returned home, Zhao Min holding a folding fan, should go up to ask.

"It's not proper for a man to dress up all day long!"

Ruyang King frowned and yelled.

"People like it." Zhao Min hugged Ruyang Wang's arm with a smile: "are you going to fight?"

"Yes, your majesty asked me to lead a surprise attack on Yunnan and support the Qing Dynasty, and set out tomorrow." Ruyang is king.

Zhao Min eyes a bright: "I also want to go."

"What do you think this is for? It's going to war, it's not an outing. " Ruyang King refused.

Zhao Min is coquettish: "Dad, people have done a lot of things for you these years. If people are not weaker than men, you can let me go."

"Go, go, go." Ruyang king has no way to take this daughter. After all, he is the apple of his eye.

Zhao Min's face brightened with joy.

The reason why she wanted to go to the state of Qing was just to find a chance to see if she could meet susian, the king of Huai'an. Recently, she had heard the name, and her ears were almost cocooned, so she wanted to see it.

After all, she is no better than Master Zhang Mingji.

Next, I'm going to see this man, who is known as the world. These were discussed by the cabinet and Su Xun yesterday, and they were just put forward at the court meeting for a walk.

Qiao Feng was granted Liaoyang Marquis, commander of the imperial army.

Hua Wuqi was appointed commander of the royal guards.

Oh, to tell you the truth, Lin Pingzhi has entered the palace. Now he is Su Xun's eunuch of BingBi and the governor of jiadongchang.

Everyone in the East Hall practices the evil sword technique.

At the same time, Su Xun also asked Dongfang Bubai to reorganize the imperial guards into sunflower guards to cultivate sunflower scriptures.

Daqian palace is absolutely the palace with the highest security in the world.

The next thing to do is to digest the benefits of the Manchu occupation and develop the military and economy.It was not allowed to open the sea before, because the interests of Donglin Party and other coastal officials would be damaged.

But now no one dares to oppose Su Xun's order.

He said that to open the sea, it is necessary to open the sea, strictly investigate the salt merchants in all parts of the country, and seize all the eight great merchants in Shanxi.

One by one, the wills were sent to all parts of the world by the royal guards in an orderly way.


Three months later, Su Xun left the palace.

With Qiao Feng and three thousand flying bear army, one thousand royal guards went to Shaolin Temple.

If he promised to go to Shaolin Temple to help Qiao Feng find xuanci for revenge, then Su Xun must have done what he said.

With him, there are also invited moon Lianxing, Ding Baiying, and XiaoLongNu, who was granted jade concubine.

First go to Shaolin Temple, then go to Xiangyang Wulin conference.

Because Xiangyang is going to hold a martial arts conference.

It was led by Guo Jing and Huang Rong, the leader of the beggars' sect.

The purpose of holding the Wulin conference is to select an alliance leader to lead us to fight against the invasion of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty.

All the heroes of the world rushed to Xiangyang.

Of course, Su Xun also wanted to join in the fun.

It's more than four years since we last met in Chongyang palace with Guo Jing. He also promised to go to Xiangyang as a guest, but he didn't have time to go.

When he went to Xiangyang this time, he only participated in such grand events as the Wulin assembly, and was not prepared to attack yuan.

Because Daqian has just laid the foundation of Manqing and is digesting the fruits of victory. Now he needs to recuperate.

Meng Yuan's fighting power is stronger than that of Manchu Qing Dynasty, and there are Jinlun Fawang, xuanming Er Lao, ADAA Er, asan San San brothers, Cheng Kun, just the same master.

Moreover, the territory was larger than that of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, with a large number of troops and many experts. Before digesting the benefits of fighting the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Su Xun would not go to war with Meng Yuan.

Similarly, before the Mongol Yuan Dynasty defeated the great Song Dynasty, they certainly didn't want to fight with the vigorous Daqian.

Of course, although Su Xun didn't want to go to war with Meng Yuan, he would not sit by and watch them capture the Song Dynasty.

The news of Su Xun's passing through and Qiao Feng's going to Shaolin Temple soon spread.

People who know about apricot forest all know that Qiao Feng went to find xuanci to keep it.

Xuanci is a highly respected man in the world.

Many people from the Wulin of Song Dynasty went there, such as Duan family of Dali, beggars' sect, seven sons of Quanzhen, etc.

The only purpose of their gathering to Shaolin Temple is to stop Qiao Feng from killing xuanci.

In their opinion, abbot xuanci's cultivation of martial arts is profound and compassionate. Even if he killed the wrong person 30 years ago, it can be forgiven.

Let abbot xuanci apologize. Qiao Feng doesn't have to kill him.

Well, it's not that his parents were ambushed by xuanci. That's hard talk.

In fact, Su Xun also felt that xuanci was not a bad person, but he was wrong or wrong. After all, Qiao Feng's mother, the innocent, was indeed killed by him.

"In fact, you don't have to accompany Qiao Feng to Shaolin Temple." Qiao Feng said.

Su Xun was riding on his horse, enjoying the scenery on both sides leisurely: "I will do what I say. I will do what I say. I will do what I say."

At this point, he stopped for a moment, and then continued: "Qiao Feng, I found a piece of news a few days ago. In fact, your father Xiao Yuanshan is not dead."

In the TV series, this guy and Murong Fu's father Murong bo have been secretly learning kung fu in Shaolin Temple.

"What Qiao Feng's voice raised several points, strangled his horse: "is your majesty serious?"

Then he quickly responded: "the end will be guilty, the end will not question your Majesty's golden words."

"Well, it's not in the palace. It's not that particular." Su Xunyang raised his whip: "your father picked up his life after jumping off the cliff. Then he has been secretly learning martial arts in Shaolin temple for the past 30 years, and he is also paying close attention to you. You can see him this time when you go to Shaolin."

"In addition, the reason why your parents were robbed and killed by xuanci thirty years ago is that someone deliberately calculated to start the war between the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty in advance, and then take advantage of the chaos to achieve their own goals."

"May your majesty tell me who this man is? Qiao Feng must cut him Qiao Feng's eyes were wide open in anger.

Su Xun said: "this man is murongbo, murongfu's father. He always wanted to restore his country, so he wrote to xuanci, saying that your father stole a lot of martial arts and brought them back to Mengyuan, so that everyone in Mengyuan could practice martial arts and surpass the Song Dynasty in a few decades. Xuanci tangled with a group of experts in the Jianghu to rob and kill your parents."

"After the killing, I found that I was in the calculation. Your father was a noble of the Yuan Dynasty, but he always admired the Han culture and the harmony of the yuan and Song dynasties. When he died, the war between the Yuan Dynasty and the Song Dynasty was aroused, and murongbo could take advantage of the troubled times to restore his country. He also hid in Shaolin Temple. "

"This man is for his own self-interest. It's all right for him to kill my parents. He started the war between the two countries and killed countless people. This man should die!" Qiao Feng is furious.

Qiao Feng also practiced 18 dragon subduing palms, while Guo Jing practiced 18 dragon subduing palms. It seems that those who practiced 18 dragon subduing palms have the temperament of great Xia for the country and the people.So, in the end, only the state of mind of great Xia can practice the eighteen dragon subduing palms, or will the state of mind be changed after practicing the eighteen dragon subduing palms.

Su Xun nodded: "I also think this person should be killed!"

Murong Fu is OK. His father Murong Bo is really bad, with sores on his head and pus on his feet.

In other words, Murong Fu set out a few months ago with the weapons and silver he gave him. I don't know if he has arrived in Japan. He can't even beat a dwarf.



There was an army outside a low city.

An army of thousands of people, well, it's really a big army for a tiny place like Japan.

This is Murong Fu's army.

He was worried at first that a thousand people would not be enough.

Later I found out that there were too many horses.

This place is not as big as a state capital of the state of song. It is divided into more than ten forces. When fighting the national war, it is the same as fighting between two towns.

So Murong Fu's invasion war went smoothly, and the Japanese started a war of resistance for many years.

Murong Fu has established his country in Japan.

"Young master, these Japanese people are so weak that they don't know how wushenjue palace is."

Bao said with his sword in expectation that he felt bored in these battles and expected a stronger opponent to appear to make him cool.

Wushenjue palace is the biggest power in the world in Japan. It is said that it is in charge of Japan with the emperor.

"OK, attack the city. When you get to wushenjue palace, you will know that the other side has some brushes."

Murong Fu ordered the siege.

"Brothers! Kill!

"Kill! Ten gold medals for those who board first

With the order of emperor Murong Fu of Dayan, more than 1000 soldiers rushed out with a roar, and Murong Fu took the lead in flying to the wall.

Seeing this scene, countless soldiers curse their mothers.

If you step on the horse first, you will be rewarded ten gold. Which time did you not climb the wall first?

"Baga! Die, die, die

"Here you are, monkey and duck!"

The japanese yelled to meet the enemy, but they were beaten by Murong Fu and other martial arts experts.

Soon the city was captured.

"Hahaha, who can stop me in Japan?"

Murong Fu stood on the wall and roared up to the sky.

He found that Japan is a good place.

In the Central Plains, he can't compare with Guo Jing, Su Xun, or even Qiao Feng.

But here, he is the most important.

Let him have a sense of accomplishment.

He finally understood what it meant to be a chicken's head rather than a phoenix's tail.

Because chicken heads can sleep with their young ladies without paying Cough, cough, sorry, it's crooked.


At this time, a sound like thunder sounded, and then the sky and earth changed color, a figure flickered in the air, and soon flew over.

The smile on Murong Fu's face converged, and he looked at the visitor solemnly: "who are you?"

"No God, no palace, no God!" The middle-aged man standing in the air said coldly.

Japan is his territory, but he has been coveting the land of the Central Plains. Unexpectedly, he hasn't led his troops to the Central Plains, and some people from the Central Plains came to fight first.

If he didn't just go out of the pass at this time, I'm afraid he would have known that Japan had been conquered.

Murongfu, Bao Butong and others are stern and feel the threat brought by this person.

Master! And a high-level master!

Mad! How can there be such a strong warrior in Japan! It's wrong to step on a horse!

Bao wants to slap himself.

Just now I talked about Wushen Jue palace, but I didn't expect that Wushen Jue attack would be killed.

And it's so powerful.

"People from Central Plains, die!"

With a loud roar, he smashed his fist directly. The huge shadow of the fist shook Murong Fu's several people away from the city and threw blood on the ground.

Murong Fu, the emperor of Dayan, failed to start a business, but the middle road collapsed.

"Spare me! Great Xia, spare your life! Little Murong Fu is willing to be loyal to the great Xia! " Murong Fu was also a flexible man. Knowing that he could not fight, he quickly got up and begged for mercy.

Maybe it's his father's heredity. He is better at scheming than winning by martial arts.

No God wanted to kill him, but he thought that he needed someone to lead the way when he invaded the Central Plains, so he asked, "I want to enter the Central Plains. Do you know the situation in the Central Plains?"

"I know! I know! I know a lot about the martial arts situation in the Central Plains. I say that with the strength of great Xia, no one in the Central Plains will be your opponent. You should have been in the Central Plains long ago! " Murong Fu said excitedly.

Mother Ganlin! I'll kill you!

No God is very powerful, but Zhongyuan can kill him a lot. Murong Fu is going to urge him to go to Zhongyuan to die first, and then no one in Japan can stop him.Hearing Murong Fu's words, Wu Wushen's face showed the expression I expected. In his opinion, he was already very strong, and no one could stop him.

Now after listening to Murong Fu's words, he, who was very confident, is more confident now.

Then he was fooled by Murong Fu.

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