Shaolin Temple, Song Dynasty.

Shaolin is very noisy today.

The main hall is full of people.

They come from all over the world and meet here for the same dream Wrong, it's for the same person to get together here, that's abbot xuanci.

So many people can see that abbot xuanci's social status is very high.

If we compare the Jianghu to the black and astringent society, and all the sects to the societies, then xuanci's status is equivalent to that of Mr. Hongxing and Mr. Jiang's father.

"Amitabha, I'm very grateful to you all for coming here, but if you're wrong, you're wrong. I've been afraid to face it for so many years. It's against my heart. Qiao Shi mainly takes revenge for his father. I just accept it."

Xuanci recited the Buddha's name to the crowd with his hands together. Then he started to recite the Buddhist beads in his hands. He didn't know what Buddhist scriptures he was reciting.

"Master xuanci's words are wrong. Master xuanci killed the couple for the sake of the common people in the Central Plains. If he wants to seek revenge, he should find the behind the scenes emissary who wrote to Shaolin that year." Said elder Wu of the beggars' sect.

Duan Zhengchun also echoed: "we Dali and Emperor Qianyuan have some kind of fate. I will come forward to deal with them. If emperor Qianyuan speaks, Qiao Feng, as a minister, will not violate the emperor's orders."

"Before emperor Qianyuan became emperor, he had some friendship with Chongyang palace, and I was willing to plead for abbot xuanci." Qiu Chuji of Chongyang Palace also expressed his attitude.

It's a pity that the emperor of Wudang came to visit Wudang and sighed, "otherwise, he would not be able to face him."

Zhang Sanfeng, the wucrotch sect, has a higher status in the world, which is the existence that xuanci all need to look up to.

He is known as a living immortal. No one knows how profound his cultivation is, because so far no one has been able to let him do his best.

"When I treat a guilty person, how can I stir up immortal Zhang to show his guilt?" Xuanci said.

Just then, a voice came.

"Wudang Mountain disciple song Qingshu came to visit."

Everyone looks to the door.

A handsome young man in a Taoist robe came in with several martial arts disciples.

"Song Qingshu, the younger generation, has seen all of you, and has come here at the order of Shizu. Shizu said that xuanci abbot is highly respected, and now Mengyuan is covetous. Han people should not fight each other any more." Song Qingshu saluted the crowd, then looked at abbot xuanci and said.

In the play, he likes Zhou Zhiruo, the Emei sect, and envies Zhang Wuji for becoming the leader of the Ming religion. He is even more envious that Zhou Zhiruo likes Zhang Wuji and peeps at the female dormitory of Emei at night. As a result, he is run away by his martial uncle Mo Shenggu.

Then he killed Mo Shenggu and joined the beggars' sect under the design of Chen Youliang. Later, he joined the Emei sect after taking refuge with Zhou Zhiruo.

Later, the best of the three generations of Wudang disciples did a series of bad things and poisoned Zhang Sanfeng. Finally, Zhang Wuji cleaned up the door.

Of course, he has not changed qualitatively.

Although song Qingshu likes Zhou Zhiruo and is jealous of Zhang Wuji, he is still a three generation elite disciple of Wudang.

Song Yuanqiao, his father, is the head of wucrotch seven heroes.

And song Qingshu was also regarded by Zhang Sanfeng as the leader of Wudang school in the future.

Abbot xuanci said, "it turns out that it's the son of great Xia song. Immortal Zhang remembers the poor monk. It's a blessing for the poor monk. Amitabha, it's so good."

"The white browed eagle king of the Ming Dynasty is here!"

Another voice rang out. A middle-aged man with white eyebrows and sharp temperament walked into the main hall with a group of Mingjiao believers.

"White browed eagle king, please forgive me for not being able to meet you far away." Abbot xuanci said to the white browed eagle king.

The white browed eagle king laughs: "abbot xuanci is very kind. My tutor said that abbot xuanci is highly respected. My Mingjiao will guarantee that abbot xuanci is OK."

He is one of the four masters of the Ming religion, the leader of the Yingtian sect and the grandfather of Zhang Wuji.

The four Dharma guardians of the Ming religion are the Purple Dragon King, the green winged bat king, the white browed eagle king, and the Golden Lion King. Among them, the Purple Dragon King is a beautiful young woman.

"Zhou Zhiruo, a disciple of Emei school in Song Dynasty, came to visit abbot xuanci." A cold female voice came.

Then a group of women entered, led by a tall, delicate face, eyebrows with a mole, wearing a light pink dress.

"I've seen abbot xuanci, but I can't come here personally. I specially ordered Zhiruo to come here with the treasure of the town sect, Yitian sword." Zhou Zhiruo said to abbot xuanci.

Xuanci nodded: "Amitabha."

"Zhiruo." Song licked dog with a happy face, but this is the main hall, he did not dare to pester Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Zhiruo just nodded to him, and then took the Emei disciples to one side.

After a while, a little monk came in in a hurry: "abbot, Emperor Daqian is here."

Everyone's face is clear.

"I'm very grateful to you for coming here today. Emperor Qianyuan has a lot of martial arts skills and many masters under his command. If you want to kill or cut him, please don't interfere." Xuanci said back."How can we do this? If we watch abbot xuanci die, are we not here in vain?"

Song Qingshu solemnly said that licking the dog is always subconscious in front of the goddess.

But I don't know, the goddess doesn't care at all.

"Young Xia song is right. The world is not unified by him. The emperor of Da qian can't control Da song!"

"Abbot xuanci, you don't have to say more. Today, so many heroes gather here, it's impossible to see you killed by Qiao Feng, the son of Khitan!"

"That's right. I don't believe it. Emperor Qianyuan dares not to give us so much face!"

Everyone agrees. Most of them come from the family. Elder Wu, for example, doesn't speak because he knows the importance.

Su Xun could bring his army into the Song Dynasty without being stopped by the song soldiers. He could see that the emperor of Da Qian really managed them.

"Alas." Abbot xuanci sighed, and then put his hands together: "in that case, you should go out with me to welcome benefactor Su, the great Qianyuan emperor."

When xuanci took a group of Wulin people out of the gate of Shaolin Temple, he saw that on both sides of the steps down the mountain were full of royal guards with spring embroidered swords.

All the other soldiers set up their cannons at the foot of the mountain. Without Su Xun's order, even a mosquito would not want to go down the mountain today, otherwise the cannons would hit the mosquito.

Su Xun, wearing a Black Dragon Robe, was riding on a tall white horse. He was surrounded by three gorgeous women and three men. One of them was wearing a bullfight robe of the royal guards. It was the commander of the royal guards.

One of them was wearing a round hat, a red suit and a soft face. It was Lin Pingzhi, the flower of the factory.

The last one to face the rough, nature is to fight with the sound of Qiao Feng.

All eyes were focused on Su Xun.

The emperor Daqian, who usurped the Ming Dynasty and pacified the Qing Dynasty, was too young.

Song Qingshu can still be jealous when facing Zhang Wuji, but when facing Su Xun, he doesn't even have the courage to look directly into his eyes. He feels ashamed and annoyed for his cowardice.

Zhou Zhiruo also looked at Su Xun curiously. She had to admit that compared with Su Xun, Zhang Wuji, the leader of Ming religion, had nothing to compare.

Su Xun was like the sun, hanging high in the sky, covering up the brilliance of all the young talents.

"Bold! Why don't you worship me, Emperor Daqian Lin Pingzhi's voice gave a cold reprimand.

Abbot xuanci put his hands together: "people in the river and lake don't know the common rites. Emperor Qianyuan forgive me. I'm the xuanci you want to find. I committed a murder 30 years ago. Master Qiao Shi, please take my life."

Then he closed his eyes.

Qiao Feng's eyes fell on xuanci.

"Your Majesty, who can be faultless? Abbot xuanci is highly respected. If your majesty kills him, he will be afraid of losing his tongue. Besides, now that Mengyuan is on the side, I hope your majesty can open up a little bit. " Duan Zhengchun said to Su Xun.

Su Xun said with a smile: "what's the matter? I'm the emperor of Daqian. I'm rich all over the world. I'm eunuch. I'm peaceful. Who dares to say I am? Who can say me? "

Self confidence, domineering, domineering, arbitrary.

This is everyone's first impression of him.

"Don't you expect to block the world's long mouth? It's different from a tyrant. It seems that I overestimate you!" The white browed eagle king looked at him coldly.

As always, he likes to dress up. He liked to dress up when he was young.

Coincidentally, Su Xun has the same hobby as him, but he doesn't like pretending, but likes

Su Xun shook his head: "I don't need to block the mouth of the world. People in the world don't care about this. I just need to kill those self righteous guys, such as you who dare to challenge me!"

What's the difference between the horse riding and the black astringent Gang?

Everyone in the world should abide by the law, and learn from Su to be a good citizen.

"Don't you dare to insult me!" The white browed eagle king was very angry, and his whole body was full of real Qi, which made his robes sound like hunting.

He's probably just trying to act like he's not going to do it.

But he pretended to be the wrong person.

"Bold! How dare you be rude to your majesty

With a cold drink, Lin Ping's sword came out of its sheath and stabbed the white browed eagle king with the sound of breaking the air.

The anti evil sword spectrum is a quick version of sunflower classic. Lin Pingzhi has the talent to cultivate the anti evil sword spectrum as well as in the play. Originally, he had only acquired the ability to cultivate the anti evil sword spectrum. After hawing, the anti evil sword spectrum broke through the master's realm at one stroke on the day of its success. Moreover, the anti evil sword spectrum is far more powerful than the general master's realm.

After all, in order to strength even haw cut, if there is no outstanding place is worth the price?

The white browed eagle king uses his talons to fight the enemy.

Fuck, I didn't see you. I just want to pretend to be forced. How can you really do it?

Lin Pingzhi raised a touch of disdain in the corner of his mouth. His sword moves became faster and faster, more and more fierce, and his evil spirit was awe inspiring. His killing opportunities were intertwined, which made people feel cold."Dangdangdangdangdang..."

The long sword collided with the fingers of the white browed eagle king, making a clear sound. The sparks splashed everywhere. The skin was really thick.

"What kind of sword is it? It's so evil!"

"I heard that a swordsman named Lin Yuantu used a very fast and evil sword technique to dominate the Daming River and lake more than 100 years ago. It's a rare and evil sword technique."

"Too fast! I can't even see clearly. Daming is really full of talents. It's said that all these people in the Jianghu have turned to the imperial court and become Eagle dogs. "

"Ah Suddenly, the white browed eagle king screamed.

Lin Pingzhi's sword pierced his shoulder.

"Master Bai Mei, I'll help you!"

Zhou zhiruojiao drinks it. Yitian sword comes out of its sheath, just like a fairy floating up and stabbing Lin Pingzhi.

White eyebrow eagle king is Zhang Wuji's grandfather, and she likes Zhang Wuji, of course, to brush the elder favor.

Su Xun took a sympathetic look at the love letter.

This event teaches us a truth that the goddess you lick may also be someone else's licking dog.

"Give me that sword."

Su Su squinted his eyes and said, "relying on the sword, the lower part of the nine Yin manual is hidden in the sword.

It is said that the sword of heaven can unify the world.

But no one found the secret of Yitian sword, so they only used it as a magic weapon.

Because no one is willing to destroy the Yitian sword, it's impossible to know that there is a scroll skill in it.

Lianxing steps into the air and stops Zhou Zhiruo. She uses Hunyuan Qi to blow him away easily. Then she grabs Yitian sword and flies back to Su Xun.

"Leave the sword!" Song Qingshu leaped forward.

This is called licking the dog to protect the food.

Pity a backhand slap dog: "roll!"

It's hateful. The dog is so cute. How can you beat him? It should be braised in brown sauce!

"Ah Song Qingshu came out with a scream.

"Don't try to be fierce The eldest Wu of the beggars' sect roared, and then he was slapped by the invited Moon: "I didn't see you dare to fight in the apricot forest. How come there are so many people now, and you old man are brave?"

Inviting the moon is more poisonous than pitying the stars.

"You..." Elder Wu covered his chest and pointed at the invitation of the moon. His face was blue and white with anger.

"Amitabha, stop it Abbot xuanci's real Qi spread, and everyone stopped.

In the later period of the master's realm, he is worthy of being respected by so many people.

It seems that he is kind and purposeful. When he takes off his clothes, he is lying in the trough. His whole body is full of big muscles.

Lin Pingzhi didn't pay any attention to him at all. When he hurt the white eyebrow eagle, the queen pressed him to fight, which was fatal.

"This benefactor, you have to forgive others."

Xuanci light said a, the next second appeared behind Lin Pingzhi, a hand to grasp the sword in Lin Pingzhi's hand, boom! He's in the way.

Su Xun threw xuanci's hand back with one punch. Looking at him, he said coldly, "xuanci, you don't care who comes to me. White eyebrows don't respect me. You should kill me."

There is a voice to fall, the head also don't return of stretch out a hand to grasp, directly pinched the white eyebrow eagle king's neck.

The white browed eagle king is not even qualified to resist.

Everyone was in an uproar and had a deep understanding of the emperor's martial arts.

"Your Majesty, wait a minute!" Qiu Chuji yelled and went out to pay homage to Su Xun: "I don't know if your majesty still remembers Lao Dao. Four years ago, your majesty talked with Lao Dao in Chongyang palace. I hope your majesty will spare the life of the white eyebrow eagle king in the face of the old love."

Now the Ming religion is the main force against Yuan Dynasty. Qiu Chuji doesn't want to see the Ming religion and Da Qian get angry. He thinks that the white browed eagle king is also in debt. He's old, and he's forced to install a hammer. It's overturned.

"Since Taoist priest Qiu spoke, I'll give you face." With that, Su Xun directly squeezed the white eyebrow eagle king's neck and threw him out and smashed him on the wall of the courtyard.


The walls of Shaolin Temple were smashed down.

"Cough Cough... "

The white browed eagle king coughed violently and crawled out of the ruins in the smoke. He looked at Su Xun in horror, full of the joy of the afterlife.

So, ah, there has never been any bad tempered person in this world. The reason why he has a bad temper is that no one beat him severely. Just give him a beating.

Qiu Chuji was relieved and looked at Su Xun gratefully: "thank you for your kindness."

"Taoist priest Qiu, I'll give you face, but others won't. xuanci, no matter why you killed Qiao Feng's mother, it's true. You have to admit it." Su Xun said coldly.

Xuanci nodded: "it's all the sins of poor monks."

"Abbot xuanci, I'll fight with you. No matter whether you win or lose, this matter will be over!" Qiao Feng is full of voice.

He couldn't fight xuanci at all, so he didn't plan to kill xuanci at all. The reason why he did this was that as a son, he had to revenge for his mother.

Xuanci nodded: "thank you, master Qiao Shi."Other people also think it's a good idea, because they all know that Qiao Feng can't beat xuanci.

Everybody push away and leave a space.

"Ah! Abbot xuanci, take it

Qiao Feng roared, and his real Qi flew. One move was to subdue the dragon. The dragon in his palm was playing in the field.


Xuanci spat blood and flew out.

"Abbot xuanci!"

Everyone was shocked because xuanci didn't fight back at all.

"Abbot xuanci, are you ok?"

"Abbot xuanci!"

Xuanci vomited blood at his mouth, and his face was pale. Seeing this, he was only hanging in one breath.

"Why don't you fight back!" Qiao Feng asked.

Xuanci said intermittently: "xuanci This life I've done two wrong things Lord Joe The death of his parents is one of them. It's only natural that Josh mainly killed the poor monk. Poor monk I'm willing to die. "

Qiao Feng didn't say anything for a long time. After a long time, he sighed: "well, you take my hand. Although you don't worry about your life, the foundation has been damaged. My mother's hatred has been written off. But today, the abbot should hand over the secret agent who wrote to you to frame my parents."

"How do you say that, benefactor Joe? Poor monk I've been looking for the master behind the scenes. " Xuanci didn't understand. After swallowing a pill, his face looked better.

Su Xun looked around for a week and said, "murongbo, Xiao Yuanshan, do you two want to hide?"

The next moment, two black robe figures fly out.

One murongbo, one Xiao Yuanshan.

Seeing Xiao Yuanshan, xuanci's eyes widened because he recognized Xiao Yuanshan.

"Murongbo! He's still alive

"Why are they in Shaolin Temple?"

"Xiao Yuanshan and Qiao Feng look the same?"

Looking at Xiao Yuanshan and murongbo, all of them were full of discussions and doubts.

Qiao Feng looked at Xiao Yuanshan and cried, "Dad."

"Good boy." Xiao Yuanshan came forward and put his hands on his shoulder: "it's my father. I'm sorry for you."

"I've been aware of people lurking in Shaolin Temple like me for a long time, but I didn't think it was you." Murongbo looks at Xiao Yuanshan and says that it was he who designed xuanci to take people to kill Xiao Yuanshan's family.

Looking at murongbo, Xiao Yuanshan said: "I have already found you, but you learn from you, I learn from me, there is no need to break it."


There was another uproar.

I didn't expect that these two people had secretly learned martial arts in Shaolin temple for 30 years.

The people in Shaolin Temple are both surprised and angry. They haven't found out after hiding for 30 years, which is a shame for Shaolin Temple.

"Xiao Yuanshan, you don't know the identity of murongbo, do you? He was the one who wrote to xuanci and others to kill your family. " Su Xun looked at Xiao Yuan and said the wind was light and the clouds were light.


This is no less than thunder on the ground.

Xuanci's face was blue and white.

Thirty years ago, two key figures in the first World War outside Yanmen pass were hiding in his Shaolin Temple. One of them was the murderer he had been looking for, but he didn't find it for so many years.

Xiao Yuanshan's murderous plan was revealed, and he stared at murongbo: "it's you! If I had known it was you, I would have killed you and avenged my mother-in-law! "

All these years, he has been checking his enemies, but only xuanci and others.

It never occurred to me that the mastermind who had harmed their family in those years was by his side.

"You weren't born 30 years ago, were you? How do you know? " Murong Bo looked at Su Xun and asked.

He couldn't figure out how Su Xun knew what so many people didn't know.

Su Xun said, "you are not qualified to ask me."

Because I saw it with my own eyes.

"Murongbo! Why are you doing this! " Xuanci stares at Murong and asks.

Before murongbo spoke, Su Xun answered for him: "the purpose of his doing this is to start the song and Yuan war in advance, and then he has the opportunity to take advantage of it. Only in troubled times can he complete the restoration plan."

Murongbo looked at Su Xun in disbelief. He had the illusion that Su Xun was watching when he did those things 30 years ago.

Otherwise, why do you even know what he thinks.

"Murongbo! For your own benefit, you want to start a war between the two countries and kill countless people! "

"It's crazy! Crazy

"You don't want to leave alive today!"

All of them were reprimanding one after another.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Murongbo laughed: "I, murongbo, have been hiding in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin temple for 30 years. If I dare to come out today, I won't be afraid of you. Xuanci is not my opponent if he is not hurt. Besides, he has already hurt his foundation. Just you, ha ha ha, no one can stop me, murongbo!"After 30 years of practicing all kinds of miraculous skills in Shaolin Temple, he felt that he was invincible.

"Mr. Murong is so powerful! If you are willing to come to Dayuan, we are willing to help you restore your country. "

An ethereal voice rang out.

Then three figures came down from the sky.

Led by a handsome young man, holding a folding fan, but her tall baby granary exposed her real gender - Ruyang King's daughter Zhao min.

With two old men, it should be xuanming, Zhao Min's bodyguard.

"Who are you, doll?" Qiu Chuji looked at Zhao Min and asked.

Zhou Zhiruo replied: "Taoist priest Qiu, she is Zhao Min, the princess of Ruyang king of the Yuan Dynasty. The two people around her are Lu Zhangke and he biweng. They are called xuanming Er Lao."

"It turned out that he was from Mengyuan. He dared to come to Shaolin Temple. He was looking for his own death!" Someone clamored to catch Zhao Min and threaten Ruyang king.

Zhao Min opened his eyes wide: "no, no, no, so many heroes in the river and lake can't beat us in the face. They want to kidnap us. Is it a little woman who threatens my father? Is this the style of you Central Plains martial arts masters? "

"Shut up Qiu Chuji scolded, then looked at Zhao Min coldly said: "we also disdain to bully a daughter's home, leave quickly."

"What Taoist priest Qiu said is wrong. Just like these Mongolians, they don't need to talk about the morality and justice of the river and the lake. Come on, let's invite Princess Shaomin to Daqian as a guest." Su Xun said lightly.


A group of royal guards surrounded Zhao Min and xuanming.

All of you

Zhao Min

She used to wear clothes in the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains by virtue of the identity of Princess Mengyuan. This is what she used to do. But he didn't think that Su Xun didn't care at all. On the contrary, he said that he didn't need to talk about the morality of the rivers and lakes to Mengyuan.

There are too many waves. I was knocked over by a wave.

Well, more waves means more water.

Su Xun's favorite girl is shuilingling.

"I didn't expect that such a hero as your Majesty would bully others, or bully a little girl like me in such a down-to-earth way. Are you not afraid to be ridiculed when it comes out?" Zhao minjiao looks at Su Xun.

Su Xun said faintly: "Mengyuan scum, everyone in the Han family will be punished. I'm all for the common people in the Central Plains. Why are you afraid to bear the name and sneer?"

Zhao Min

Good guy, this is the essence of the right people. They bully more than they are, and they still bully women. They all say that they are righteous and righteous.

"Princess Shaomin, please."

Hua wushao and Lin Pingzhi went over.

"You take the princess first." The deer stick guest said to the crane pen Weng, and his crutch stood up.

He Bi Weng mentioned Zhao Min's lightness skill and wanted to leave, leaving a sentence: "elder martial brother, be careful."

"Come down here!" All flowers rise in the air.

Deer and staff also fly up to stop flowers.

Inviting moon and Lianxing fly up at the same time, directly forcing hebiweng down from the air. Lianxing catches Zhao Min, inviting moon to Fu hebiweng, and below, Lin Pingzhi and huawuqi fight together to defeat luzhangke.

Zhao Min looked at Su Xun and said, "well, if it's a big deal, people will go back with you. Let them help you."

"Good." Su Xun gave her a smile.

Then he flew out with the sword in his hand, and his body turned into a shadow. With a flash of lightning, the sword pierced the heart of the deer stick man. At the same time, a backhand slap on the crane pen man absorbed his internal power.

In the blink of an eye, the two masters in the early period of the Mengyuan kingdom were killed and injured. Then Su Xun drained the internal power of the Lu Zhangke, and now they are all dead.

One man sucked up the other two.

There was a dead silence.

Zhao Min is also confused.

Su Xun looked at Zhao Min and said with a smile, "they not only stop now, but also can never move. Is Princess Shaomin satisfied?"

All of you

Are you the devil?

"You You bastard Zhao Min yelled.

This time, she came to join in the fun to see if she could make some profit and meet Su Xun, the emperor of Da Qian. But she didn't expect that because she came to join in the fun, she killed Lu Zhangke and he biweng.

She didn't expect that Su Xun would kill Lu Zhangke and he biweng, but Zhang Wuji didn't!

She thought everyone was her licking dog.

As everyone knows, Su Xun was always licked by others.

Almost licked.

Su Xun ignored Zhao Min's self righteous woman, looked at Xiao Yuanshan and said, "Xiao Yuanshan, if you want to kill murongbo, do it quickly. Your strength should be half the weight."

"Murongbo! Take your life Xiao Yuanshan roared and suddenly launched an offensive against murongbo.

Murongbo's fearless counterattack.They are very angry when they fight with each other. The key is that they all use the Kung Fu of Shaolin Temple.

Two people fight, just like slapping in the face of Shaolin Temple, old pain.

What annoys people in Shaolin Temple is that they use Shaolin Kung Fu better than them.

Murongbo and Xiao Yuanshan did open in May and may.

Originally, he thought that he was going to be invincible when he was born, but his illusion was broken when he was born.

It's all enemies here. It's very bad for him if we continue to fight like this.

So, murongbo is going to run.

In addition to the floor sweeping monk who doesn't hear outside the window, he and Xiao Yuanshan are the strongest here. They have been cheating for 30 years, breaking through the great perfection of the master's realm.

So he was very clear that neither he nor Xiao Yuanshan could do anything about it, but if he wanted to run, no one could stop him.

So he hit it with one hand, and his body floated out for more than ten meters. Then he flew down the mountain with his lightness skill: "I murongbo want to go, who can stop me?"

Su Xun took a look at Hua Wuqi. Hua Wuqi waved, and a royal guard sounded the signal arrow.

And then

"Kang Kang..."

There was a sound of firearm.

Murongbo laughs and directly uses his magic power to hold all the steel balls: "you have firearm, I have magic power. How can these things hurt me?"

What he didn't know was that the firegun was just measuring the distance, targeting the target, and then dinner.

"If you have any other means, do it!"

Murongbo roared with laughter in the air. From now on, the sky will be high and the sea will be wide.

And then

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of guns is like thunder. Hundreds of blossoming bullets developed by little fish fly out. At the same time, dozens of arrows composed of broken crossbows are used to block.

And then Murong Fu's father blew up.


Murongbo screamed and fell straight in the air.

Then he flew up again. After all, the master's situation was perfect. How could he die so easily.

Then the guns went off again.

"Boom boom..."

Murongbo screamed and fell down again.

Then he flew again.

And then Boom, boom Ah!

He once again faltered to fly up, just like Xiaoqiang who can't fight to death, how tenacious.

Liu An: old fellow, you won't get the bullet that I'm getting next to.

All of you

Everyone's eyes were full of fear when they looked at Su Xun, as if they were looking at a devil.

"I'll kill you! Kill you

Murongbo's clothes were all broken, his skin was split, his flesh and blood were blurred, his eyes were red, and he made a hysterical roar to kill the soldiers at the foot of the mountain.

"Xiao Yuanshan, you can beat him now." Su Xun looked at Xiao Yuanshan and said something seriously.

He twitched and ran after Xiao Rongshan.

"Murongbo, take your life!"

Xiao Yuanshan flew over and directly recruited a crow to take a plane to take murongbo down from the sky. Soon, he came back with murongbo's head in his hand.

Murongbo was not willing to die. He was too subdued to die. If he had not been shot by several hundred cannons, he would never have been killed by Xiao Yuanshan so easily.

"Thank your majesty for avenging me for killing my wife, and for valuing my son. From now on, we will sell our father and son's life to you!" Xiao Yuanshan shattered murongbo's head with his genuine Qi and gave Su Xun his hand.

Su Xun laughed: "it's really a blessing for me to get the orders from great Xia Xiao."

Just now, Xiao Yuanshan was born one by one.

Now it's great Xia Xiao.

What a dregs man!

"Amitabha, thanks to your majesty." Xuanci worships Su Xun.

Su Xun looked at him: "xuanci, there is a disciple named xuzhu in Shaolin Temple. If you have time, you can take a look at his clothes."

Xuzhu is xuanci's son. He has a mark on his body. If he takes off his clothes, xuanci can see it.

"Thank you for reminding me." Xuanci didn't know why Su Xun said that, but he answered.

Then Su Xun looked at the crowd and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I'll go first. Goodbye at Xiangyang Wulin conference."

With that, Su Xun jumped on his horse and was ready to leave.

"Your Majesty, wait a minute!" Seeing that Su Xun didn't return the sword, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't sit still.

Su Xun looked back: "what's the matter with Miss Zhou?"

"Your Majesty, the heaven reliant sword is the treasure of our Emei sect. I hope your majesty can return it." Zhou Zhiruo said.

Su Xun said with a smile: "Miss Zhou, you attacked me with a sword. I just took your chest weapon. I don't care about you. Don't advance an inch.""I..." Zhou Zhiruo wanted to say something more, but he was stopped by the royal guards, and Su Xun left.

The floor sweeper didn't show up today, and Su Xun didn't take the initiative to find him. This kind of master is so powerful. Since he can't escape from the world, it's useless for him to go there. Why should he stick others' cold farts with a hot face.

also has Joyoung magic in Shaolin Temple.

Looking at the performance of song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo, it should have fallen into Zhang Wuji's hands by this time, and there's no need to look for them. This trip to Shaolin is worth the harvest of Xiao Yuanshan.

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Su Xun's back reluctantly. She was so angry that Naizi had a big circle.

Qiu Chuji came forward and said, "Miss Zhou, you might as well wait until the Wulin meeting and ask abbess extinction to ask for it from your majesty. The so-called magic weapon, Yitian sword, can attract people in the Wulin, but it can't attract your majesty."

In addition, Zhou Zhiruo has no other way.


"You emperor, do you really want to threaten my father with a woman? I tell you, my father will not be threatened by you, he will not! "

Zhao Min was tied hands and feet, tied horizontally on a horse, constantly struggling to shout.

"He will." Su Xun gently touched her face: "you are your father's favorite daughter. If I declare you a concubine, will emperor Yuanshun trust your father?"? Well They should be suspicious of each other. "

"You You are so mean Zhao Min's eyes were dazzled. She thought she was hurt enough. Unexpectedly, Su Xun was more damaged than her. She could think of this move.

Her father holds a heavy army, and has a high prestige in Dayuan. If she is taken as an imperial concubine by Su Xun, the emperor will certainly have doubts about her father.

And his father will also be passive to the emperor suspicious, worried that the emperor will be under his military power, the monarch and his ministers suspect each other, this will not be a good thing for Dayuan.

It could even turn into a rebellion.

After all, the whole Dayuan knows how much Ruyang King dotes on her, more than his son.

Su Xun laughed: "mean? Don't you think it's a trick? It's just that I have to sacrifice my beauty. It's cheaper for you. "

"Bah!" Zhao Min felt sick: "who wants your beauty? Please let me go."

"Shut her up." Su Xun was annoyed by her chattering. If he hadn't been in public, he would have stopped her.


Soon her mouth was blocked, only a vague sound.

After going down the mountain, it was very late.

Su Xun asked him to take all the soldiers and the royal guards back to Daqian, while he and Hua Wuqi, Lin Pingzhi, Yan Yue, Lian Xing, Xiao Longnv, Qiao Feng, Xiao Yuanshan and others rode to Xiangyang to attend the Wulin conference.

The reason why many elders didn't come today is that most of them have already left for Xiangyang.

In the evening, Su Xun bought the next inn.

Naturally, we should play sports with little dragon girl.

In the next room, Zhao Min, who was bound by his hands and feet, was red in the face. He could not help twisting his body. The rough rope rubbed so hard that it felt indescribable.

Good guy, don't you find happiness?


At the same time, a coastal city.

More than a thousand people landed here.

It is absolutely no God and his thousand ghosts.

Well, and Murong Fu and others.

Murong Fu successfully coaxed Jue Wushen, who had already been in the heart of the Central Plains, to the Central Plains.

Absolute absence is also a silly beep.

Like in TV series, with a thousand ghost forks, he tried to unify the Central Plains.

However, he is not to blame. After all, in Japan, a group fight between hundreds of people can be regarded as a national war.

How could he imagine that the national wars in the central plains were fought by hundreds of thousands of people.

Knowledge limits his imagination.

In short, absolutely godless is that the countryman has never seen the world. He is the richest man in his village and thinks that he is also the richest man in the city with his own capital.

His cultivation is not weak, and his master's condition is perfect.

He is known as the first expert in Japan.

Today, however, there are two great masters in Shaolin Temple, and the sweeping monks did not appear.

No God will be beaten by society.

"My Lord, I've made it clear. One of the biggest things in the Central Plains recently is that Xiangyang is going to hold a martial arts conference. This place is the most suitable."

"When the time comes, you will lead the divine army Tianjiang to encircle all these so-called Central Plains experts. Those who follow you will prosper and those who oppose you will kill. Then you will be able to unify the Central Plains." Murong Fu said to Jue Wushen with a shy face.

There is no God in the arms of a cool, beautiful woman, ha ha a smile: "OK, well done, I will never treat you badly."

He had already imagined how shocked those so-called Central Plains experts would be when he led his army to fall from the sky."Thanks for your attention, this is what small people should do. The reason why small people leave Japan is that they are forced to do so. Small people also want to take revenge." Murong Fu showed the color of hatred on his face and said with gnashing teeth.

On how the movie emperor was refined

although Murong Fu didn't become emperor, it's good to be a movie emperor. Anyway, there's a word "emperor".

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