Junzhou is subordinate to Xiangyang Prefecture.

Xiangyang is only a few days away.

Today, Yuelai Inn was bought by a rich guest with several beauties.

This local tyrant is Su Xun.

Some people have noticed that with the war of yuan and Song Dynasties, the people began to flee from Junzhou, and there were many strange faces.

These are the hidden stakes of the royal guards and the Fanzi of the East Hall. After all, even if Su Xun's martial arts were superb, it was impossible for an emperor of a country not to defend himself in secret when he paid a private visit. That was a joke about his own life.

And these people have a bigger role to play.

In the room on the third floor of Yuelai inn.

"Your Majesty, it's all arranged here. The general of Junzhou even wants to pay homage to you." Hua Wuqi mentions this person, a touch of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Su Xun put down his book and said with a smile, "the ship of Song Dynasty is going to sink. He can't wait to get on Daqian's ship when he has a chance. It's normal."

"I know everything, but I can't stand it." Hua Wuqi is disgusted to think of Junzhou's general.

Su Xun got up and said, "OK, you'd better watch this side. I'll fight with the Mongol warriors first!"

Then he came to Mengyuan warrior

Zhao Min's room.

Princess Shaomin of Mengyuan was pointed, lying on the bed with only one pair of eyes turning.

Su Xun carefully appreciated her delicate face, slowly untied her belt, and was ready to take advantage of her.

He has released the news that Zhao Min is a concubine. Now it's time to do the business.

"Hello What are you going to do? Don't mess about

Feeling his clothes peeled off layer by layer, Zhao Min's eyes were full of panic and confusion.

"I don't want to mess with you. I'll come rhythmically. How about nine shallow and one deep?" Su Xun asked jokingly.

Zhao Min was ashamed and angry: "asshole! The emperor of a country is so despicable, dirty, bastard

"Go on, the degree you scold me now determines the depth I will treat you later." Su Xun said blandly, but his hand didn't stop.

Zhao Min was angry and anxious, but he didn't dare to scold any more: "I don't like you at all. What I like is Zhang Wuji. It's useless for you to get me!"

"What else?" She said, "do you want to be surprised to see her face? Do you think you deserve it? "

"You..." Zhao Min is very angry.

Su Xun took away her hehe and Huan Jin: "I said I'd take you as my concubine. You've got the status of empress concubine, but you don't have to pay the price."

Mongolian Yuan female's belly pocket is called he, Huan Jin.

"Is that what I want?" Zhao Min is about to cry. I don't want to be your concubine.

Su Xun shook his head: "it's not important. The important thing is that if I give it to you, you have to love your industry and respect your post."

Then, the curtain of the bed was put down. In Zhao Min's indignation, the bed was shaking rhythmically.

Just as the saying goes, the spring tide brings rain late, and there is no one to cross the river. It's so wet. It's so wet!


Mengyuan Dadu, Ruyang palace.

"Father, the story of emperor Qian's taking his younger sister as his concubine has been spread all over the court." Wang Baobao gritted his teeth and said that he hated Su Xun.

Ruyang king is also gloomy: "this is yangmou, early know should not so connive min son, she does not go out, also won't be caught to use."

"These Central Plains people are really despicable!" Wang Baobao angrily scolded, and then said: "fortunately, your majesty has no doubt about his father and has not been provoked."

In recent days, there have been many rumors. However, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty gave Ruyang a lot of rewards and banquets. He didn't seem to be provoked.

King Ruyang said, "do you believe it? If you really believe in my loyalty, you will not reward me several times at this juncture. This is to reassure me. "

"My father said..." Wang Baobao suddenly woke up.

Ruyang King gloomy face: "he is afraid, after all, my power is too big, now out of the Minmin this matter, he will certainly cut my military power next."

"What should we do then?" Wang Baobao asked.

Ruyang King took a deep breath: "you can only take one step to see one step. It's not against him. But this time I'm going to Xiangyang, I won't lead the army."

At the Xiangyang Wulin conference, all the anti yuan Wulin personages gathered together. Naturally, the Mongolian and Yuan sides will not miss this good opportunity.

One hundred thousand troops besieged the city, tens of thousands of broken gangnu lock empty, plus the king of the golden wheel, just equal to the master, even the great master can't rush out.

Besides, Su Xun will also go. If he can catch Su Xun this time, Meng Yuan will make a lot of money.



As the day of the martial arts conference approaches, more and more heroes gather here.

Although Guo Jing was responsible for the defense of Xiangyang, in fact he had no official position.He only helped to guard the city as Keqing of Xiangyang garrison general LV Wende, and was deeply trusted by LV Wende, so he was responsible for the defense of Xiangyang as Keqing.

At this time, people came and went in Guo's house.

Those who come to the Wulin assembly will first meet Guo Jing and his wife in Guo's mansion. Of course, Guo Jing and his wife will personally welcome those who are highly respected.

After entering Xiangyang City, Su Xun arranged Zhao Min and others in the Inn and took Xiao Longnu to Guo's house.

"Tell great Xia Guo that an old friend who once met in Chongyang palace came to visit." At the door of Guo's house, Su Xun looked at the guard outside and said.

The bodyguard did not dare to neglect: "please wait a moment."

With that, he turned and ran into the mansion.

At this time, Guo Jing and Huang Rong are finding his old father-in-law, one of the five greatest talents in the world in the last era - dongxie pharmacist Huang, and the extinct abbess of Emei.

"I didn't expect that the silly boy had become a famous martial arts hero." Huang pharmacist said that he didn't like Guo Jing at first, but his baby daughter had to marry him.

Guo Jing said with a simple smile, "thanks to my father-in-law's instruction."

"Well! Come on, if you can't flatter, don't flatter. I didn't teach you anything Huang snorted. He didn't like Guo Jing before, but now he is very satisfied with his son-in-law.

Huang Rong coquetry: "Dad, brother Jing is not the same now as before, you can give some face."

"That's right, grandfather, dad is now a famous hero of the anti yuan war in the world!" Guo Fu said with pride.

"You, you, since you met this silly boy, this arm has been turning out, even taught my granddaughter bad." Huang Yaoshi looks at Huang Rong and has some taste.

Abbess extinction said with a smile: "the relationship between great Xia Guo and Mrs. Huang is really enviable."

"General Guo." The bodyguard came in and looked at Guo Jing's report: "there's a man outside who claims to be a good friend you met in Chongyang palace in the past. He's also accompanied by a fairy like girl in a white skirt."

"Brother Jing, who is this?" Huang Rong asked.

But Guo Jing's eyes lit up and went out: "it must be emperor Qianyuan and the Dragon Girl."

"Emperor Daqian?" Huang Rong's face changed, and then she stood up: "brother Jing, such a distinguished guest, I'll go with you to meet him."

"Dad, you two will have tea first, and I'll come." Guo Jing said a word to Huang Yaoshi and extinction abbess and took Huang Rong out.

Guo Fu also followed up: "I'll go too!"

What she worships most is a hero like her father, but Su Xun is undoubtedly more powerful than her father, so she naturally wants to meet this young hero.

Although a woman should not meet a man when she is not in the cabinet, people in the Jianghu don't stick to these details.

Guo Jing saw Su Xun and Huang Rong outside the door from a distance, and immediately saluted: "Guo Jing met..."

"Brother Guo, why are you so polite? Are you just friends of the past, not other identities? Call me a good brother. " Su Xun interrupted him.

Guo Jing immediately understood that he didn't want to make it public: "then Guo Jing will surpass it. Su Xiandi, this is the Dragon Girl of the ancient tomb sect. She is really a fairy."

"Little Dragon girl has met Brother Guo." XiaoLongNu chuckles and nods slightly to Guo Jing to say hello.

Su Xun looked at Huang Rong and said, "this must be Brother Guo's wife. Su Xun has met his wife."

At this time, Huang Rong was middle-aged. She was no longer as smart as she was when she was young. After giving birth, she was plump and had more mature young women's style.

Guo Jing is really lucky. He is an honest man and he is valued by Huang Rong. This may be the complementary character of the two.

Well, they complement each other physically.

Huang Rong is no longer what she used to be, but the young woman with similar appearance behind her is quite beautiful, with enchanting figure and unique style between her eyebrows.

I think it's Gough.

When he looks at Guo Fu, Guo Fu is also secretly looking at him. Their eyes collide. Guo Fu looks pretty and blushes, and shyly looks away.

She has heard a lot about Su Xun's story, which makes Su Xun naturally add a aura to her heart. Now she can't help but feel excited to see him so handsome.

After all, both men and women are visual animals. They all look at their faces.

"The Su brothers are flattering me for helping them." Huang Rong smile, gentle and dignified temperament.

With Guo Jing's honesty, without Huang Rong, he would never have achieved what he is today.

Su Xun's eyes fell on Guo Fu and asked, "Brother Guo, this girl is..."

"This is my daughter Guo Fu, fu'er. Please salute uncle su." Guo Jing said to Guo Fu.

"Ah Guo Fu tooted: "Dad, he's not a few years older than me. It's almost like calling brother..."

Guo Jing's face sank: "wanton! Don't talk nonsense. I'm worthy of your uncle su. How can you mess up your generation? It's going to make people laugh when it comes out! "Guo Jing is such a real person. In the play, Guo Fu cuts off Yang Guo's hand, so that Yang Guo can only use one hand in the future.

As a man, Guo Jing certainly understands the pain of not being able to change hands.

Then the angry Guo Jing tries to bear the heartache, so he really wants to cut off Guo Fu's hand, and is finally stopped by Huang Rong. It can be seen that he is really magnanimous.

Su Xun couldn't do it, so he admired Guo Jing.

"Brother Jing, brother Su Xian and his younger brothers and sisters are still here. Don't make such a big fire." Huang Rong quickly appeases, and then makes eyes to Guo Fu.

Guo Fu could only reluctantly come forward and salute Su Xun: "Guo Fu has met uncle su."

"No gifts, uncle. I don't have any gifts for you. Please come to my place when you have time." Su Xun said in secret, but he didn't want to shout uncle? After that, let you call dad, don't you want to kill the king with sword?

Goughton was in high spirits: "really?"

She's never been to the palace.

"You are not joking." Su Xun gave a smile.

"A surprise, a sudden, what a system!" Guo Jing frowned and scolded again, and then looked at Su Xun: "forgive me, my dear brother. This girl is spoiled by her mother. My dear brother, Miss long, let's go first."

Su Xun and Guo Jing walk in front, while Huang Rong leads Xiao Longnu behind to engage in Lady diplomacy.

Entering the hall, abbess extinction stood up and said to Su Xun, "the old leader of Emei sect is extinct. I've seen emperor Daqian."

Pharmacist Huang is motionless and a bastard.

How could he take the initiative to pay homage to the emperor susian?

"Please stand up, abbess extinction. I just came to the Wulin assembly as a casual person. I don't have to be so polite." Su Xun looked at the Abbess and said.

Abbess exterminator stood up straight: "I'm a believer. If my disciple Zhou Zhiruo didn't understand the etiquette and law and offended your majesty, I'm very ashamed. But the heaven reliant sword is the treasure of our Emei town sect. I hope your majesty will return it."

"To tell you the truth, the Heavenly Sword is a powerful weapon. It's broken. To show my apology, I'll ask the craftsman to build a new sword and give it to the Emei sect of the Song Dynasty." Su Xun has taken the second half of the nine Yin manual, and he was cut off by the sword.

Abbess extinction's face changed: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for offending me. The heaven reliant sword is a treasure of Emei, and it can't be compared with any magic weapon in the world."

The most important thing is that they haven't solved the secret of Yitian sword.

"I'm sorry that the sword is broken, but there's no other way." Su Xun changed his name and obviously had no patience to explain to the old lady.

If it wasn't for Zhou Zhiruo's sneak attack with a sword, Su Xun would have no excuse to rob Yitian sword.

"Well! What a great emperor! Come here and play with your royal power? " Huang pharmacist cold hum, dismissive said.

Huang Rong's face changed, and Guo Jing looked at each other with a bitter smile.

They're such a father. They're so boring.

Su Xun looked at pharmacist Huang: "I have been peaceful for a year. How can I not play imperial power? This old gentleman must have excellent martial arts skills to appear here. I don't know what contribution he has made to the common people in the world, but he can despise the imperial power to govern all the people in the world. "

He hates this kind of people in the Wulin most. They rely on their own martial arts, ignore the law, act recklessly and disturb the public order. They don't make much contribution to the society. On the contrary, they look down on the imperial court everywhere.

"My dear brother, calm down. This is my father. He's a little grumpy. Don't worry about him." Huang Rong hurriedly came out to make a comeback and winked at pharmacist Huang.

Pharmacist Huang didn't seem to see it, because Su Xun's words touched his pain: "I didn't make any contribution. I want to be happy all my life!"

"It turns out that you are the master of dongxie Huangdao. No one can be free all his life. Even your peach blossom island is my territory! Have you paid your taxes? " Su Xun looked at the Yellow medicine teacher's light cloud light said a word.

Pharmacist Huang is so angry that his eyes are wide open. He has lived in Taohua island all his life. Today, he suddenly jumped out and asked him to pay taxes. He was almost angry to death.

Su Xun continued: "I will immigrate to Taohua Island some day. I will set up county government and royal guards government. As a local resident, the owner of Huangdao should cooperate more. In addition, I have to pay taxes for so many years."

"Taohua island is the territory of pharmacist Huang. I'll see who dares to come!" Pharmacist Huang is furious.

Su Xun's eyes sank, and a breath of the superior burst out: "it seems that you are going to rebel! Believe it or not, I will immediately send a decree to destroy the Taohua Island anti thieves! "

"Su Xiandi's anger is not enough. My father is just talking about it..." Guo Jing turns around in a hurry.

But if he doesn't open his mouth, it's OK. As soon as he opens his mouth, Huang Rong will know. Are you persuading or adding fuel to the fire? Isn't that exciting her father?

Sure enough, pharmacist Huang patted the table: "Guo Jing, you ignorant child, shut up! Su Xun, the world belongs to you, but peach blossom island belongs to me. You may not be able to stop me if you have thousands of troops and horses! "

The implication is that Lao Tzu's martial arts are very impressive. No matter how many people you are, I can kill you even if I'm in a hurry.How did he ever see the emperor in his eyes?

Su Xun wanted to let him know that not all emperors could be ignored by him. He shook his folding fan and stabbed pharmacist Huang directly: "then I'll ask for advice."

"Well! Come on With a cold snort, pharmacist Huang uses the magic sword palm to fight the enemy.

Two people fight really angry, directly from the house to the outside, you come and I go, only residual shadow.

"How can father fight with Su Xiandi?" Guo Jing is dying of anxiety. Pharmacist Huang, it's disrespectful.

Huang Rong helplessly said: "you are not the first day to know him, he is this temperament, rest assured, he has the discretion, after all, to think about you."

"Uncle Su is very powerful." Guo Fu stares at Su Xun's figure, and her eyes are full of worship.

Su Xun lost his folding fan and looked at pharmacist Huang: "dongxie's martial arts are really good. I've learned a new move recently. It's time to try its power."

"You're not bad either." Huang pharmacist coldly said, in fact, the heart has already been a storm.

He was just a big master, but a great master of Su Xun was able to compete with him, and the strength of the other side was amazing. His vigorous spirit couldn't stop the other side's folding fan. It was really evil.

Although very shocked, but in order to maintain the force has been grid, face quietly.

Su Su smiled and laughed, and then he launched the "Zhi Yin" of the nine Yin manual.

"Nine Yin white bone claw!" Pharmacist Huang exclaimed. Nun killer

and the three people of Guo Jing, who were also killed by the teacher, were surprised to hear this. Because the nine Yin manual had already been lost, and it never occurred to me that the world would be reproduced. "Guo Jing,"

"It's the God's claw! Your apprentice, Mei Chaofeng, just made a mistake. " Su Xun sneered.

the nine Yin manual is created by Huang Shang, with profound and exquisite power, and with the ability of Su Xun to exert itself to the infinite, Huang pharmacist Hwang can not resist.

"Ah! Poof Yi - "

soon he flew out upside down, and a mouthful of blood came out. He staggered to stabilize his body and looked at Su Xun with unbelievable face.

"This How can it be

Huang Rong and Guo Jing were shocked.

Pharmacist Huang was defeated by Su Xun.

He was a strong man in the last era. He was one of the top five in the world. He was defeated like this.

Su's strength is too much to judge.

Su Xun said faintly: "despise the imperial power, also want you to have this strength, your era has passed, from now on thousands of years will be my world!"

"And my world! You don't need the world! "

Pharmacist Huang doesn't say a word. Losers have nothing to say. The more they say, the more like a joke.

"Su Xiandi's martial arts are so advanced that I really admire her. The competition is over. I think we'd better have tea in the house." Huang Rong walked to the middle with a smile, and said the conflict between Huang Yaoshi and Su Xun was a duel between them.

Su Xun chuckled: "I heard that my wife's cooking skills are unparalleled. I don't know if Su has taken this orally."

Huang Rong's setting is super cooking.

"At noon today, I cook by myself, but my younger brother is used to the delicacies made by the imperial chef. Don't despise my home cooking." Huang Rong said with a smile.

Su Xun said with a smile, "my wife is modest. I'm afraid the imperial chef in the palace can't compare with you."

Then he regained his happiness. The extinct abbess no longer had to rely on the sword of heaven, and Huang Yaoshi no longer looked arrogantly at Su Xun.

At noon, Huang Rong made a big table.

"This cup is for Su Xiandi. I'd like to congratulate him for his peace and Qing Dynasty, which restored the name of the Han family to the territory of the Qing Dynasty."

Guo Jing looks at Su Xun with his glass.

"Brother Guo, please."

Su Xun raised his glass and drank it all.

Everyone pushed the cup to change the cup. The atmosphere was harmonious. After Su Xun tasted the dish, it was really good.

"Brother Su, I'm still used to this craft?" Huang Rong asked.

Su Xun praised: "if it's rare in the world, it's inevitable to regret that we can't eat it in the future."

"Uncle Su, these dishes are made by me." Guo Fu pointed to the dish in front of Su Xun with a proud face.

Su Xun was stunned, and then said with a smile, "it's worthy of being my wife's daughter. It's worthy of the true legend."

"No, you like it." Guo Fu's happy eyes are bent into crescent moon, but also a little shy.

Guo Jing is an honest man. Pharmacist Huang and abbess annihilation are absent-minded. XiaoLongNu's heart lies in Su Xun, so only Huang Rong finds out that her daughter has a secret love for Su Xun and thinks about it.

Next, Guo Fu kept pouring wine for Su Xun. She also drank pretty, red and lovely.

All of a sudden, her delicate body trembled, because she felt that one of her hands was held. She subconsciously looked at Su Xun, and saw Su Xun smile at her.

Then her heart beat faster and her pretty face turned red. She broke free from Su Xun's hand and ran away without looking back: "I've eaten well. I'll go back to the house first.""What's the matter with this girl? I don't know her manners at all." Guo Jing frowned dissatisfied.

Su Xun gave a gentle smile: "Brother Guo, you don't have to be so harsh. Come on, I'll drink to you."

Huang Rong guessed something. He took a meaningful look at Su Xun, but he didn't break it.

But Guo Fu said that when she came back to the room, she fell down on the bed and rolled up.

"How can he do this? How can he steal his hands and be found by his parents?"

"It's necrotic. I thought I was a gentleman. I didn't expect that I was also a lecher, but why didn't I hate it at all? On the contrary, are you still happy? "

Of course, it's because of you, girl.

After dinner, Su Xun left.

In the evening, Guo Fu.

"Brother Jing, don't you find something wrong with your baby daughter fu'er?" Huang Rong said softly.

Guo Jing was stunned and then said, "it's not right. She's been out of her mind all afternoon. Is that girl ill?"

"Because she's taken away." For her husband's dullness, Huang Rong can only roll a white eye.

Guo Jing opened her eyes wide: "do you mean that fu'er has a lover? Xiuwen or Dunru? "

Wu Xiuwen and Wu Dunru are both sons of Wu Santong. They grew up with Guo Fu when they were young. They are Guo Fu's licking dogs, and they are about to win Guo Fu in the war.

"Brother Jing, you didn't find anything? It's your brother Su Xian. " Huang Rong is speechless.

"What Guo Jing rises abruptly, his face full of disbelief: "you say fu'er has a crush on Su Xiandi?"

Then, without waiting for Huang Rong to answer, he walked around the house and said to himself, "no, absolutely not. She Isn't this a disorder of seniority? What's more, Su Xiandi is the king of a country and has 3000 concubines in his harem. How can he look up to fu'er? "

"I said, brother Jing, you underestimate your daughter's charm. At noon today, fu'er suddenly went out with a red face. It's mostly your brother Su Xian who did some small moves to her." Huang Rong turned her lips.

Guo Jing directly denied: "impossible, Su Xiandi is a gentleman, how can do this kind of thing, I think it's fu'er's own spring heart."

Huang Rong only turned her eyes.

"Rong'er, what do you say to do?" Guo Jing felt that his head was big, mainly because of the confusion of generations.

Huang Rong said: "you and he are not sworn brothers, not to mention brothers. They have feelings for each other, and my concubine wants to. If there is anything wrong, I'll tell you. I'll talk to you in advance. Anyway, I don't object."

"This Ah, it's a mess. It's a mess. "

Guo Jing felt that his head was a big circle, but Su Xun's head on the other side was also a big circle.

Zhao Min is the main culprit of Su Xun's head. Recently, Su Xun has been living on her.

"My father will tear you to pieces!"

Zhao Min looks at Su Xun on his body and says viciously, but he doesn't threaten you at all.

"Your father had better not come, or I'll just reunite your father and daughter." Susian touched her face.

Zhao Min's face changed when he heard the speech.

Su Xun said with a light smile, "what you think of in your head, can't I think of it?"

Most of the people in Xiangyang will not have a good chance to gather here.

So when Su Xun was in Shaolin Temple, he asked the three thousand flying bear army and royal guards to return to Daqian, but secretly arranged for the army to enter the Song Dynasty.

These people disguised themselves as vagrants, caravans, escort agencies, and people from the rivers and lakes. Fifty thousand troops came to Xiangyang from all directions.

All the weapons had already been sent to Junzhou disguised as caravans. The general of Junzhou had already surrendered to him, and all the garrison in the city had been replaced by Qianjun.

After changing their clothes in Junzhou, these 50000 people are a hundred battle elite infantry.

When the Mongolian soldiers surrounded Xiangyang, they came out from the rear, and the city's people in the rivers and lakes came out. They were caught off guard and wiped out their main forces.

In this way, not only Mengyuan was severely damaged, but also Sushen was able to take Xiangyang as a military town.

If you win Xiangyang City, you can attack the Yuan Dynasty and the Song Dynasty if you go back. This martial arts conference is not in vain.

Although he didn't want to fight with Meng Yuan for the time being, he didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

Moreover, after the heavy damage to the main force of Mengyuan, Mengyuan really did not have the energy to fight with him.

On the contrary, it can also achieve his goal of fighting for time to recuperate.

Sure enough, the best defense is attack.

If you beat your opponent so much that he can't beat you, then he won't beat you.

This is the perfect defense (* / Omega *).

In the next two days, Su Xun secretly went to Guo Fu to play in the daytime and played with Zhao Min in the evening.

Of course, one is serious and the other is not. He still respects Guo Fu. Who wants him and Guo Jing to be brothers?As a brother, the pursuit of the eldest brother's daughter, of course, is to use serious means, can not engage in color.

But Guo Fu seems not very serious, always eager to try to guide Su to which direction.

He can only make it difficult to take advantage of it.


Three days later, the Wulin assembly officially began.

The location is in the martial arts arena in the city.

Su Xun and Guo Jing naturally sat in the front row.

Guo Jing looked at Su Xun with a complicated expression. I took you as my brother, but you took me as my father-in-law!

"Brother Guo? What's the matter? " Su Xun asked.

Guo Jing shook his head: "it's OK."

This Wulin conference is a gathering of half the world's Wulin people, including Quanzhen Qizi, Wudang Qixia, Mingjiao Zhang Wuji, tiandihui Shouba Chen Jinnan, lingjiu palace, Tianshan TongLao, Shenlong Island Su quan

As soon as Guo Jing jumped on the high platform, he looked around for a week and said, "you heroes can come at Guo's invitation. Guo is very grateful. Now the Mongol and Yuan Dynasties are going south to deceive us in the Song Dynasty. Only by uniting the heroes in the world can we fight against Meng Yuan. As we all know, snakes can't do without heads. Therefore, today's Wulin conference is to select a Wulin leader! "

"I think who is more suitable to be the leader of the alliance than great Xia Guo?" The changed elder song called out.

"Yes, great Xia Guo is famous all over the world. His martial arts are superb. It's very suitable to be the leader of the alliance."

"I don't have to choose..."

Many people who supported Guo Jing spoke out one after another. Of course, many others didn't say a word, because they came for the name of Wulin alliance leader.

Guo Jing said: "thank you for your praise, but there are many heroes in the world, and Guo is not the first. So let's set up the arena to compete. Any hero who wants to be the leader of the alliance can compete in the arena. As long as everyone agrees, he is the leader of the alliance!"

Guo Jing said and flew back to the chair.

For a moment, no one was the first bird.

"If you don't, let me do it!"

A rough voice sounded, and then three figures fell on the challenge arena. They were the master and apprentice of Mengyuan's Golden Wheel Dharma king, darba and huodu.

"King of the Golden Wheel!"

Many people recognized him.

"King of the golden wheel, you dare to send it to me by yourself. I think you are tired of living!"

"Let's go up and kill him!"

All of us are excited.

Because the king of Jinlun killed many Wulin people every time he started, and he was deeply hated.

But he's still good at martial arts. So far, no one has been able to hurt him. Now he's still in the net. Of course, these people want to attack him and kill him.

Huo Du shook the folding fan: "I think the so-called heroes in the world are just like this. You didn't say that the Mongolians can't attend the Wulin assembly, so why can't my master come? Or are you Han people afraid of my master, so you don't want him to participate? "

"Joke, how can so many heroes here be afraid of him? Are you afraid that he will be killed? "

"Ha ha ha ha, is Meng Yuan Mangfu worthy to be fierce in front of us? It's so funny. "

The public despised Huo Du's words.

Huo Du wanted this effect: "in that case, why are you afraid of a fair fight? If you don't dare to take the stage, the Wulin leader is my master! "

"Let me meet you!" A steady voice rang out, and Zhang Wuji, the leader of Mingjiao, jumped up.

Hodo and darba step aside.

The King opened his eyes.

"I'm Zhang Wuji of Mingjiao, please give me some advice!" Zhang Wuji threw his fist at the king of the golden wheel.

The king of the Golden Wheel said quietly, "I know you. Let's do it."

He has made great achievements in dragon and elephant Prajna, and Zhang Wuji, the only Mingjiao, is still ignored by him.

"Take it!" Zhang Wuji moves the universe directly, and his true Qi is gathered into a big ball. The strong wind makes everyone unable to open their eyes, and his power is unparalleled.

The king of the Golden Wheel despised him and raised his hand in the air, which was a big move: "dragon elephant Prajna palm!"


Two by two collision, the true Qi was all around, resulting in a huge air explosion, which made people dizzy.

"Come again!"

The Dragon elephant Prajna skill of the king of the Golden Wheel Dharma has a total of 13 levels, and each level has the power of a dragon elephant.

His martial arts have been greatly improved now. I'm afraid no one can match his strength except Su Xun.

The king of the Golden Wheel took one palm after another, and Zhang Wuji gradually gave up. Finally, he was beaten down by one palm.

"Master!" Several people want to help.

Zhang Wuji raised his hand to stop them. His face was pale and his mouth was bloodstained: "Wuji is not good at learning. He failed to take down the thief and give it to you."

Then he sat back in his chair.

He is no longer the leader of the alliance.

After all, no one thought that the king of the golden wheel, the first master of the Yuan Dynasty, would come to the Wulin conference organized by them to fight against the Yuan Dynasty."The leader of Ming religion is just like this. It's really disappointing." Huo Du shook his head, then looked around the room and said, "who dares to come up to die? If there is no one, my master will be the leader of the Wulin alliance. "

"Have you asked me?" Su Xun's voice fell, and everyone felt a flower in front of him. The next moment, Su Xun, who was originally under the stage, had already appeared in the challenge arena.

"Who is that? I don't think I've seen it before? "

There are many people who don't know Su Xun.

"You don't know that? Emperor Daqian

"What! It's him who has leveled Manqing! It's too young. It's incredible. "

"It's said that emperor Qianyuan had excellent martial arts skills and might be able to defeat the king of Jinlun."

"But what if he loses? The king of the golden wheel will not miss the chance to kill him. "

Everyone was talking about it. After all, Su Xun's identity was too noticeable.

Huo Du's eyes brightened, and then he whispered a few words in the ear of King Jinlun.

The king of the golden wheel fixed his eyes on Su Xun like electricity: "I didn't expect that the emperor of a country would dare to take risks."

He admired Su Xun's courage, because he knew that a gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall.

There's no need to take risks at all for Su Xun's identity.

"Adventure? I'm just here to kill. " Su Xun's voice fell and his body rushed out as a shadow.

"Dragon elephant Prajna palm!"

The king of the Golden Wheel yelled.


The king of Dharma has moved!

The king of the golden wheel has made a move!

The king of the golden wheel is flying out!

"Bang Dang!"

A pillar on the challenge arena was broken by him, and his body hit the ground heavily, spitting blood.


All of a sudden, the whole audience burst into flames.

"Lost! The king of the Golden Wheel lost! "

"One punch! Emperor Qianyuan defeated King Jinlun with one blow! What kind of realm is he? "

"It's incredible! It's so easy for King Jinlun to lose to him! "

After all, the king of Jinlun is the first master of Mengyuan, and he has just easily defeated Zhang Wuji, the leader of Mingjiao.

But now he was defeated by Su Xun. It was really incredible, and people were shocked by Su Xun's strength. It was really unfathomable.

Zhang Wuji shuddered in his heart. He knew that there was a gap between him and Su Xun, but he thought that it was just a gap in power. He didn't expect that there was such a gap in strength.

He was a little bitter. Without Sushen, he would be the brightest star. But with Sushen, his color would be dim.

Being born at the same time with Su Xun is really the sorrow of all their talents.

Huo Du was the most shocked, because he had a fight with Su Xun four years ago. To be more precise, he was beaten by Su Xun. However, four years later, Su Xun's strength had improved by leaps and bounds to the point that he could defeat his master, the king of the golden wheel.

"I belittled the enemy."

King Jinlun looked at Su Xun and said.

It's true that he belittled the enemy, because he didn't use all his strength, while Su Xun used all his strength.

"There's no excuse in the ring." Su Xun said.

The king nodded, "you're right."

Then he looked at khodo and darba and said, "let's go."

"Don't go! Come and go as you like. Where do you think this is? "

"Good! We can't let them go! "

"How can such a good opportunity be missed?"

Everyone wants to kill them.

"Everybody! Listen to me Guo Jing stood up, looked at the crowd and said, "today's Wulin meeting is a blessing for the heroes in the world. If they attack and kill the king of Jinlun, they will be ridiculed by the Wulin people. Let them go, and we will defeat them in the battlefield once again! And then kill him! "

Guo Jing's prestige is still very high. As he spoke, everyone stopped talking.

"Great Xia Guo is worthy of being a great Xia. I have a gift for you." Huo Du said, the fan in his hand flew out, boom, blow up a short column on the challenge arena, revealing a jade stick inside.

"It's the dog beating stick of the beggars' sect!"

"I didn't expect to be in huodu's hands!"

King Jinlun left with two disciples.

Huang Rongfei went to the challenge arena to take out his dog beating stick. At that time, he was robbed at the beggars' sect meeting in xingzilin. He didn't expect to return to the beggars' sect in this way.

Su Xun looked at the crowd and said, "since Su has already entered the challenge arena, he won't go down. I don't know which hero on the scene is willing to come up to give advice?"

Everyone said nothing, because Su Xun even hanged the king of the golden wheel. Who can beat him?

All those who have ideas have been dismissed.

"Ha ha ha, I'm here. You and other people in the Wulin of the central plains are not ready to bow down to the throne!"

"If you follow me, you will be prosperous! Those who disobey me will die"I have no God! Unify the Central Plains today

At this time, with a laugh, a very arrogant voice spread throughout the audience.

Everyone looks up at the sky at the same time.

I saw a middle-aged man standing at attention in the air, looking down at the crowd with a posture of dominating the world. Thousands of people dressed up oddly used their lightness skills to fall from the city wall.

Everyone looks at each other.

Where is this fool from?

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