On the martial arts arena, all the people looked at the absolute absence in the air.

Where are these two idiots?

As soon as he left the king of the golden wheel, another guy dressed strangely and acting like a singer came.

They all have a doubt: this guy has been using his lightness skill to stay in the air, isn't he tired?

"Why don't they talk?"

Jue Wushen asked Murong Fu in a low voice.

"They must have been frightened by your majesty." Murong Fu said flatteringly.

There is no God to hear the words, feel this Ganges River.

"Murong Fu, isn't that Murong Fu?"

"It's said that Murong has been missing for a long time."

"How could he be with that fool?"

Someone recognized Murong Fu and talked about it.

The corners of Su Xun's mouth twitched. Damn it, he was absolutely godless. Isn't this the Japanese expert in "wind and cloud"?

Actually, this play has also been integrated!

He can already imagine the scene of Murong Fu being pressed on the ground by absolutely no God after he arrived in Japan in ecstasy, and now he has become a leading Party for him.

"They are scolding me," he said

As a Japanese planning to unify the Central Plains, the Central Plains dialect is of course a compulsory course.

"They dare to be disrespectful to adults. When adults first arrive here, they just set an example to others and seize the opportunity of foresight." Murong Fu's bold face encouraged him.

Jue Wushen nodded, and then cast his immortal golden body resolution, which fell from the air like a shell, and hit the person who scolded him as a fool: "those who dare to be disrespectful to me must be dead!"

Everyone was stunned and admired the courage of the actor.

Because the object of his hands is pharmacist Huang!

Dongxie, Huang Yaoshi, great master.

"Good courage!" Pharmacist Huang laughed angrily.

Su Xun can beat me. You want to beat me too.

Now is a master so arrogant?

Huang Yaoshi takes out his Yuxiao to fight the enemy. His Yuxiao sword technique is also one of his famous martial arts.

Because Su xunzhuyu was in front of him, the proud pharmacist Huang didn't commit the old problem of conceit. Instead, he went all out and didn't give the other party an opportunity.

And then There is no tragedy.

Yuxiao pierced his arm. At the same time, he was shocked out by a strong and overbearing spirit. With a roar, he smashed a hole in the wall. His clothes were all broken and his mouth was bleeding. He looked miserable and embarrassed.

Pharmacist Huang was stunned, so weak?

Jue Wushen was even more confused. He got up from the ground wobbly, and looked at pharmacist Huang with his face full of disbelief: "I am invincible in the world..."

"If your world is a tiny area of Japan, it is invincible." Su Xun interrupted him as if he were watching a frog.

Jue Wushen suddenly looked back at Murong Fu.

"No God! It's a delusion that you want to unify the strength of the Central Plains! " Murong Fu gave a sneer, then looked at the crowd and said, "heroes, this man is working hard in Japan, looking north at the Central Plains, and often sends people to disturb the border. I'm not talented enough to break into the interior to gain his trust and cheat him into the Wulin assembly. Please get rid of the thieves!"

"No wonder young master Murong suddenly disappeared from the world. He had gone into the enemy."

"Japanese thieves have the courage to swallow the sky. They are not of our own race. Fortunately, they were discovered early."

"That is, Murong is not afraid of difficulties and dangers, lurking around him. It's really worthy of our admiration!"

Murong Fu's image in the world is very positive, so people don't doubt his words.

This is the stereotype.

Only Su Xun looked at him with a smile.

Murong Fu's face was red, and he didn't dare to look at each other with Su. He turned and pointed to the absolute absence. "Absolutely no God, you open your eyes and see that we have countless heroes in the Central Plains. How can you be able to meddle?" Today is the day of your death

"You You dare to cheat me Absolutely godless eyes red staring at Murong Fu, hysterical roar.

Up to now, he didn't know that he had been cheated and his strength was not enough.

"What a lot of nonsense! Die

Murong Fu's voice fell and rushed out.

Facing the uninjured absolute godless, he is submissive, facing the injured absolute godless, he punches heavily.

Murong Fu's practice of fighting and changing stars perfectly simulated the immortal golden body decision of absolute immortality, and killed him with absolute immortality.

Then the disciples of all the Wulin sects killed the thousand ghost fork Luo.

Pitifully, he was fooled by Murong Fu and was lame. He ran to Zhongzhong and was killed, but he chose a time when the Central Plains experts gathered.

I'm afraid I can't die.

"Heroes, today emperor Daqian defeated King Jinlun. I feel inferior to him. I recommend him as the leader of the Wulin alliance. What do you think?" Guo Jing got up, pointed to Su Xun, looked at the crowd and said."Great Xia Guo is very kind. Emperor Qianyuan defeated Jinlun in the Qing Dynasty. Who is more suitable than him?"

"As soon as the army of emperor Qianyuan arrives, Mengyuan will be defeated!"

"I agree, your majesty!"

Everyone agreed, because Su Xun had the highest comprehensive strength and personal strength.

Su Xun was also not polite: "since you are all in the same boat in the world, Su must not lose people's hope."

Anyway, he won't be the leader of the Alliance for long.

When he pacifies the yuan and Song Dynasties, it's time for him to attack these sects. All the sects must be registered in the imperial court and put under the control of the imperial court. He can no longer elect the Wulin alliance leader, but also pay taxes monthly!

Paying taxes is the duty of every citizen.

No one wants to evade taxes!


At this time, the earth was shaking, as if the walls were shaking, and the sound of the horse's hooves was getting closer and closer.

"General Guo! Here comes the Mongolian cavalry

On the wall, a young general's face turned white and yelled at the bottom.

"Don't panic. How many people are there?" Guo Jing asked calmly.

The young general was sweating: "I can't see clearly. The whole world is full of people, infantry and cavalry!"

Guo Jing uses his lightness skill to fly to the wall, and other people in the world follow him.

Standing on the wall of Xiangyang, a large number of Mongol soldiers pushed forward quickly, and cavalry ran around the city, filled with smoke and momentum.

"This There must be at least 200000 people here! "

"It's treacherous of Meng Yuan to let the king of the Golden Wheel fight for the position of the leader of the alliance first, and then besiege the city with a large army to destroy us in one fell swoop!"

"What's to be afraid of? We have so many heroes that we can die with them

"Good! We are not afraid of death

What you say and what I say.

"Brother Su, what do you think we should do now?"

Guo Jing looked at Su Xun, because Su Xun had the highest status here and had the most experience against the enemy.

"Wait." Su Xun spat out a word.


Everyone was stunned.

At this time, a cavalry ran to the bottom of the city: "the people of the Central Plains in the city, those who know how to surrender, my general Shi will give you a way to live!"

Shi Tianze led the army this time. In history, he once attacked Xiangyang and killed tens of thousands of song army.

"Let your family history general eat shit! I'm not a man of the Central Plains who kowtows to foreigners! " Elder Xi of the beggars' sect cursed at the young general.

Su Xun's secret way is that there are not only people in the Central Plains who kowtow to other people, but also many of them.

At the end of Ming Dynasty and Song Dynasty, there were a lot of capitulators.

"Toast, no penalty! Only give you half an hour. After half an hour, we will attack the city. If the general orders the city to be destroyed and slaughtered, if he does not surrender, he will be buried with the people in the city! "

The young general's voice fell down and rode back.

"These animals want to slaughter the city! It's so heartless. I Guo Jing will kill Shi Tianze to the death! "

"These alien people are inhumane. In the early Qing Dynasty, Jiading three butchers, Yangzhou ten butchers, and Mengyuan were no different from them. They were all crazy!"

"So many of our experts are here. Even if they die, they have to pull tens of thousands of people down to be buried with them!"

Everyone is determined to die. Most of Huang can escape, but the premise is to give up the whole city. Huang may do that, but he can't give up his daughter and granddaughter.

Su Xun was not in a hurry: "you don't have to be so pessimistic. Who can know the exact result before the last moment? Let's keep our spirits up and prepare for the war. "

All the people looked at each other, but they recognized that the emperor Daqian still had a back hand.

Su Xun looked at Guo Jing: "Brother Guo, how many guards are there in Xiangyang City?"

"There are 80000 in the city, and 70000 are scattered in the surrounding cities." Guo Jing knew the army like the back of his hand.

In history, 150000 song troops were defeated by 200000 Mongolian troops in the Xiangyang war.

Su Xun asked again, "what's the combat power?"

"This To be honest, it can't be compared with the Mongol Yuan army. " Guo Jing said with shame.

This was also expected by Su Xun. Xiangyang, which had been fighting the yuan army, had a stronger fighting capacity than the song soldiers.

The army at the end of Song Dynasty was so weak that they could only rob grandma.

Don't think it's exaggeration.

In history, seventeen Mongolian and Yuan cavalry ran after two thousand song soldiers and killed hundreds of them. Is the song army effective?

It's no problem for the troops in Xiangyang City to fight with the wind. Moreover, the weakness of the song army is also good for Su Xun, otherwise he will struggle.

"Brother Guo's general team gathered outside the gate of the city. When the time came, they would go out to fight." Su Xun said.

Guo Jing hesitated for a moment, because it was the best way for them to defend the city.Seeing this, Su Xun only gave him an injection of tranquilizer: "Brother Guo, I have realized this situation for a long time. My 100000 troops are already in the rear of Mengyuan and are on the way to Xiangyang."

It's a hundred thousand, at most fifty-five thousand.

However, it's OK to round it up to 100000.

I don't like to make a false report these days.

"I see. Brother Su is really clever. I'm going to ask Lord Lu for a tiger amulet now!" Guo Jing was relieved, and then turned to the city.

Time goes by like this.


In the twinkling of an eye, half an hour arrived.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

The battle drums are ringing, and the yuan army is going to attack the city.

Hundreds of cannons were pushed out.

"Kang Kang Kang..."

At this moment, the sound of firegun suddenly rang out.

"Kill! Kill me


There were shouts of killing from the rear of the yuan army. The big Qianlong flag was flying high, and 50000 troops were pouring down like mountain torrents.

"It's Qian Jun! It's Da Qian's army

"It turns out that your majesty has already made a brilliant plan!"

Seeing Da Qian's flag, all the people on the wall were relieved and overjoyed.

"What's the matter! How can we kill so many soldiers all of a sudden! " Master Shi Tianze of the Yuan Dynasty is confused.

After all, who wants to die.

"Brother Guo, give the order." Su Xun looks at Guo Jing.

At Guo Jing's command, the gate of the city was opened, and tens of thousands of song soldiers rushed out with the power of Qian army.

The two sides cooperated with each other, including the yuan army, which made the yuan army unable to take care of each other at the end of the war. The former army and the latter army fought separately, and the situation outside the city was in chaos.

"Heroes, follow our leader to kill the enemy!"

As the leader of the Wulin, Su Xun called on the Wulin people to take the lead in flying down the city.

"Kill the enemy!"

Others are catching up.

Jin Lun FA Wang, Gang Xiang, Cheng Kun, a Da San brothers and other Meng Yuan experts all fight.

However, there are more than a thousand people coming to the Wulin conference this time, so they are stronger, but they enjoy the treatment of being beaten by a group. In the case of a small gap in personal strength, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

And Su Xun went straight to Shi Tianze, the chief General of the Chinese army, whose position was the flag of the Chinese army.

"Be careful, marshal! Here comes the thief

The guards surrounded Shi Tianze.

"Get out of my way! I'm not afraid of death. Carry my sword Shi Tianze was angry.

One of the guards carried out a sword.

Holding a knife, Shi Tianze leaped up on his horse, drove his horse to Su Xun, and growled: "Central Plains dog thief! I'll take your head! "

Poof -

the next second, his head flew high.

The horse ran out with his body, and then the headless body fell heavily from the horse. Well, he was just a vegetable delivery man.

The magic claw, the white bone whip, the one Yang finger, the six pulse sword, and the transplanting of flowers and trees Su Xunfei smashed all kinds of martial arts moves one by one in the air.

Meng Yuan soldiers scream and run away, but panic stricken they will be trampled to death.

Most of them were trampled to death by their own people. There were too many people and the situation was too chaotic.

After the death of the main general, the king of the golden wheel and others were besieged and had no skills. These ordinary yuan troops were like headless flies without command.

Now it's a one-sided massacre.

Even the song army in Xiangyang City fought against the enemy bravely.

One by one, the yuan army fell.

Blood dyed the land outside the city red, gathered into a stream, flowing to the low places, irrigated by blood, the vegetation here will be more abundant in the next few years.

The yuan army began to surrender.

But Su Xun didn't give an order to stop the attack, and even the surrenders were killed, because there were too many yuan troops surrendering, so many prisoners didn't care.

A large number of troops should be assigned to guard the prisoners, and the other side may riot at any time.

So the best way is to kill.

The fighting lasted from morning to night.

The king of the golden wheel, Gang Xiang and others were all killed in the war. Most of them were injured in the Wulin of the Central Plains.

Nearly 200000 yuan troops were slaughtered, 120000 people fled, and more than 50000 people were captured.

Eighty thousand song soldiers died and forty thousand wounded in the war, and they lost more than half of them. There's no way. Their fighting capacity can only guarantee that they won't run in the downwind battle, but there must be many dead people.

As the main force of the attack, more than 50000 troops lost less than 10000 people. This is a great victory!

The surviving song army is cleaning the battlefield, while the Qian army is resting, allowing the song army to search for booty and pick money from the dead.

Tonight in Xiangyang City, Lu Wende celebrated his success. The army had enough wine and meat.What the carnival Song Jun didn't notice is that Qian Jun didn't drink wine tonight.

The army reveled in the barracks, and the generals also held a celebration banquet in LV Wende's residence.

Su Xun deserves to be the first.

"Thanks to your majesty, the main force of 200000 Mongolian Yuan was wiped out in the first World War. Since then, Xiangyang has no worries. On behalf of the people in Xiangyang, I'd like to have a toast."

Lu Wende raised his glass and looked at Su Xun. Then he drank it all. His face couldn't be covered up.

Although this battle was won by Su Xun, Su Xun was the emperor of Da Qian. Of course, the credit could not be attributed to him, but to Lu Wende.

After the war report is sent, he may be granted the Marquis or even the Duke, so he is naturally happy.

"General Lu is over praised. I'm just doing a little bit of my best. This great achievement belongs to the army and people of Xiangyang!"

Su Xun said with a smile.

Even Guo Jing was drunk because he was so happy. In a few years, Meng Yuan had no military power to go south.

The sword hanging on the head of Song Dynasty is blunt.

Su Xun was also helped back to the inn drunk.

When I got back to the inn, I woke up.

Qiao Feng and several other generals have been waiting for him in the house: "see your majesty."

"Excuse me. Tonight, all the soldiers in Xiangyang are drunk and unconscious. We'll fight in the fourth shift. Qiao Feng, you'll take people to the general's house and take LV Wende. Yuan Chonghuan will control the gate of the city. In addition, we should prevent the yuan Army prisoners from taking advantage of the riot, and we can't let the foreigners take advantage of it."

"The domestic reinforcements are already on their way here. This time, our army will take the whole Xiangyang mansion and hold the throat of the state of song in a hurry!"

Su Xun gave orders one by one, and then got up and left the inn to go to Guo Jing's house.

To win Xiangyang, Guo Jing is the key figure.

He has been guarding Xiangyang all these years, and the army and people in Xiangyang listen to him. If he wants to fly LV Wende, then LV Wende is a fart in Xiangyang.

Therefore, to control Xiangyang, we must control Guo Jing.

Not long after Guo Jing returned to his residence, he was in a good mood talking with Huang Rong. Suddenly, his servant reported that Su Xun had come.

The couple looked at each other.

"What's su Xiandi doing so late?" Guo Jing frowned, puzzled.

Huang Rong soft voice way: "wait for him to come in not to know, you first rest, I go to meet him."

Then she put down the sobering soup and went out.

"Sister in law, Brother Guo is still up." Seeing Huang Rong, Su Xun called.

Huang Rong shook her head: "no, brother Su and brother Jing just separated in Lord Lu's mansion. Why did they come here in the middle of the night? Is there something urgent?"

"Will my sister-in-law let me talk at the door?" Su Xun opened his hand and joked.

Huang Rong was dumbfounded and said, "it's my faux pas. Brother Su, please come inside and let's talk while we walk."

"Does my wife think that the Song Dynasty can last for a long time?" Su Xun went into the house and asked directly.

Huang Rong is a smart person. She is not as honest as Guo Jing. To put it bluntly, she is Yuzhong. It's easier to deal with Huang Rong, but to deal with her is to deal with Guo Jing.

Guo Jing listened to Huang Rong most.

Huang Rong eyebrows a pick: "younger brother what meaning?"

"Madam, you are the most intelligent woman in the world, so I won't beat around the bush." Su Xun stopped and looked at Huang Rong: "Mengyuan is an alien race. The emperor of the Song Dynasty is fatuous and the people have no way to live. On the contrary, our army is powerful and powerful. Sooner or later, we will sweep the whole country of the yuan and Song dynasties. Will Brother Guo be buried with the rotten ship of the Song Dynasty?"

"It's not necessary to be buried with brother su. When you go south, you won't give brother Jing a living." Huang Rong said half jokingly.

Su Xun said with a smile, "Brother Guo is very chivalrous. I really don't want to fight against him in the future. Besides, the emperor song is not the Ming army. If Brother Guo wants to work for the people, why don't he come to me?"

"You want to take Xiangyang tonight." Huang Rong's words were astonishing, and her tone was affirmative.

Su Xun did not hide: "yes, Xiangyang City fell into song's hands is a waste. Tonight Xiangyang will fall into my hands, so he specially came to persuade Brother Guo. I know Brother Guo will only listen to your wife."

"I'll help you to persuade him. I just hope you don't let her down." Huang Rong took a deep look at Su Xun.

Su Xun chuckled: "thank you, mother-in-law."

"You're poor. Brother Guo thinks you're a gentleman. Don't think I didn't find out what you did to fu'er." Huang Rong glared at him, then twisted her slender waist and walked in.

Su Xun laughed and followed him. He said that he was wronged. It was Guo Fuguo who led him to do it.

Guo Jing looked at the two: "why so long."

"I had a chat with brother Su outside. You talk slowly. I'll fry two small dishes for you." Huang Rong smiles, then turns and leaves.

Su Xun sat down and looked at Guo Jing: "now that the threat of Xiangyang City has been solved, Brother Guo can be at ease.""At ease? Just for a moment. " Guo Jing shook his head with a wry smile: "although he won this time, according to the temperament of the officials, it is estimated that he will have to make a reverse Mongolian Yuan apology."

It's really something big counsellors can do.

Maybe he will hand over Guo Jing under the threat of Meng Yuan to calm the other party's anger.

Su Xun said: "the Song Dynasty is so unpopular, Brother Guo and I don't want to show our ambition?"

"My brother is kind, but I won't leave Xiangyang people." Guo Jing refused.

Su Xun said, "the Song Dynasty will die sooner or later."

"Then Guo died with Xiangyang!" Guo Jing's tone was calm, but he revealed his determination.

"Kill "Kill!"

"Kill me!"

Just at this time, the street outside suddenly yelled and killed, and the fire burst into the sky.

"What's the matter? The yuan army's prisoners rioted!" Guo Jing immediately put down the sobering soup and stood up.

Su Xun sat on the chair without expression.

"Step, step..."

A bodyguard ran in in panic and reported: "General Guo, something's wrong. The Qian army suddenly launched an attack and has captured the east gate."

"What Guo Jing stares at Su Xun.

Su Xun's face did not change. He said lightly, "the Song Dynasty has no virtue. Those who have virtue live in Xiangyang. Brother Guo, you can't get out with me. Just sit here and chat with me. After the war, you will be the general of Xiangyang City."

"You! Thank you for trusting you so much. I didn't expect that you would hold up your butcher's knife against your allies and rob Xiangyang! " Guo Jing was furious and his face was livid.

"Brother Jing, the Song Dynasty is already full of holes. If you want the people to live well, you need a stable environment. Only Da qian can give you this environment. Don't you understand?" Huang Rong came in and looked at Guo Jing.

Guo Jing looked at Huang Rong incredulously: "Rong Er, you already know that he will take Xiangyang!"

"Good! I've known for a long time that I've had enough of such a Song Dynasty! Brother Jing, don't you know what song is like? If you defend the Song Dynasty, you are defending these officials and aiding the tyrant! " Huang Rong has to have a good hand in the concept of stealing.

Guo Jing's face was blue and white.

Huang Rong came forward and leaned against him. She said in a soft voice, "brother Jing, Song Dynasty should die. You should support Su Xiandi even for the sake of the people in the world. What's more, Fu Er's heart is on him. You should support him both in public and in private."

"Alas Guo Jing was disappointed, sighed and sat back on the chair heavily.

Su Xun arched his hand: "Brother Guo is deeply aware of the great righteousness. My brother thanks brother Guo for the common people in the world."

"Your relationship with fu'er is also called Brother Guo?" Huang Rong took the opportunity to take this matter seriously.

Su Xun also followed suit: "father in law."

Guo Jing could not help twitching.

What is the experience of a brother becoming a son-in-law?

Guo Jing wanted to chop him to death when he thought that he would take him as his brother, but he slept with his precious daughter.


After daybreak, the city changed its flag.

The flag of Qian is flying high.

Su Xun stood on the wall in a dragon robe.

The soldiers called out all the people to the street.

Su Xun used his internal power to make his voice spread all over the city: "people of Xiangyang, I'm Su Xun, the emperor of Daqian. Mengyuan was cruel and regarded you as a pig and a dog, while Song Dynasty had no virtue and regarded you as a grass and mustard. I obeyed the destiny of heaven, conquered Manchu and defeated Mengyuan, just to give the people a stable life. I promise you that I will never add any taxes to the people of Daqian."

Never add a Fu, the whole scene boiling.

Long live the emperor

I don't know which one knelt down.

Long live the emperor

Long live the emperor

The people of the city knelt down and cried out.

Tax will never be added, but tax still has to be collected. Tax and tax are not the same thing.

Moreover, Su Xun never disdained to earn money from the poor.

He only makes money from the rich.

How much money can a poor man have?

Rich talent is the flow of fat oil!

Five days later, the domestic army arrived and collected the whole territory of Xiangyang Prefecture without a single soldier. 150000 Qianjun troops were stationed here, looking at the Song Dynasty in the South and Mengyuan in the north. When the time came, they could fight whoever they wanted.

At the end of the martial arts conference, all the forces dispersed one after another, but some of them were left by Su Xun.

They are Wudang seven heroes and xuanci abbot.

"Great Xia song, I hope you will send this letter to Mr. Zhang Sanfeng and Mr. Zhang Zhenren."

Su Xun solemnly tells song Yuanqiao.

"Your Majesty put it down, song will do it!"

Then the seven swordsmen of Wudang left.Su Xun took out another letter and gave it to abbot xuanci: "abbot xuanci, I hope you can send this letter to an old monk sweeping the floor in Shaolin Sutra Pavilion."

Although abbot xuanci was very puzzled why Su Xun asked him to bring a letter to an old monk sweeping the floor, he didn't ask much: "Amitabha, poor monk must live up to your Majesty's trust. It's good."

Then he left with the people of Shaolin Temple.

The contents of Su Xun's letters to them were the same.

That is to ask them to kill the dragon!

Since there is such a person as Wushen, it means that Fengyun has also been integrated into Fengyun. In Fengyun, there are four sacred beasts, the dragon and the fire unicorn, who are still alive.

Huo Qilin's blood has little effect on him, but the Dragon yuan of Shenlong can greatly increase his power.

The force value of the people in Fengyun is too high. When they fight, it's just like the fantasy world.

If he wants to accomplish the task of the Han family, he must unify all the countries and forces in the world.

Without twin cities, the world will be among them.

Xu Fu swallowed the blood of the wind and lived for thousands of years.

They are a group of powerful and powerful people.

The sword of the sword sage changes its shape.

There is also a nameless person called Wulin myth, full of blood pulling erhu, residual blood everywhere.

Nie Feng, bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang are also very powerful. They blow up a hill with one blow.

These people were all hanging on the horse, so if Su Xun wanted to finish the task quickly, he could only take the shortcut of swallowing Longyuan to kill them.

If you want to kill the dragon, you can't do it alone. So you have to invite Zhang Sanfeng and the floor sweeping monk to be born. I believe they are also interested in the dragon.

But also need to find the dragon with the magic weapon, because according to the setting of Fengyun, ordinary weapons can not break the dragon scale.

Three days later, he took Guo Fu as his concubine in Xiangyang.

Wedding night.

Su Xun came into the room full of wine.

On the edge of the bed, Guo Fu was wearing a long red dress. Her legs were close together, and she sat dignified with a red cap on her head. When she heard Su Xun's footsteps, she trembled slightly and raised her heart to her throat.

Because of the sitting posture, the curve of the body is very obvious. Looking at the radian of the baby's granary, the child will not be hungry in the future, and so will Su Xun.

"Fury, here's my husband."

Su Xun hugged her, did not take off her hood, directly across the red hood to kiss up.

This kind of blurred vision gave Guo Fu a different kind of stimulation and excitement

Tonight, Su Xun and great Xia Guo fought for 300 rounds. Finally, they were exhausted and begged for mercy. They didn't stop until the middle of the night.


Mengyuan Dadu.

"Can the battle report be sent back to Xiangyang front?"

Emperor Yuanshun sat on the Dragon chair and asked calmly.

Most of them are far away from Xiangyang, so we haven't received the news of defeat.

"To your majesty, there's no news yet, but your majesty doesn't need to worry about it. There are 200000 troops and some experts like national division. Xiangyang City will be broken soon!" A minister came out and said confidently.

Other faces are also wearing a smile, as long as Xiangyang is broken, there will be no city that can stop the cavalry of their Mengyuan warriors, and the flower world in the Central Plains of the Song Dynasty will eventually belong to them!

"War report! Xiangyang war urgent report! Get out of the way

At this time, a soldier was tearing and shouting, and rushed to the hall from the outside.

"Your Majesty, just say that Cao Cao is coming. It must be the victory of the front line."

"Tell him to come in!" Emperor Shun can't wait.

After a while, the soldiers ran in, crawled on the ground and cried, "Your Majesty, Xiangyang was defeated, 200000 troops were destroyed, and both the national division and marshal Shi were killed."


Inside the main hall, the pot burst.

"What are you talking about?" Ruyang king is most excited, because the 200000 troops are the elite of Dayuan!

"How can you be defeated! How could you have failed! "

"How dare you spread false news! Cut it off

"How can 200000 troops be defeated!"

Everyone is unbelievable, this can not be accepted, the playground instant chaos into a pot of porridge.

"Shut up! Shut up Emperor Yuanshun forced himself to bear the pain and roared. Then he stared at the soldier who told the news: "what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, marshal Shi led the army to besiege the city. Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of Qianjun troops suddenly came out from behind. Then nearly 100000 song troops in the city cooperated with them from inside and outside. With the help of the Wulin people of the song state, our army was unprepared and defeated like a mountain!"

The soldier howled out the process of his defeat.

"Shi Tianze mistook me! Shi Tianze is mistaken for me

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty clenched his fists, yelled and stood up abruptly. Suddenly, his face turned white and a mouthful of blood gushed out. Then he slowly fell back.

"Your majesty! Your majesty! Pass on the doctor quickly"Your majesty! Your majesty, wake up

The thatched cottage was in chaos.

An hour later, in the side hall, Emperor Yuanshun opened his eyes slowly, looking very weak.

"Your Majesty is awake!" The ministers gathered around.

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty said in a low voice, "you Aiqing, please tell me what to do for today's plan."

"Your Majesty, 200000 troops have been defeated. Our army is unable to go south for the time being. We should shrink our defense line to prevent Daqian from taking advantage of the opportunity." Ruyang Wang said methodically.

Emperor Yuanshun nodded: "then I'll give it to the general. I'm tired."

Ruyang Wang YILENG, he thought this matter would be handed over to him, did not expect that after the defeat of Xiangyang, Emperor Yuanshun was more on guard against him, did not trust him.

He went back to the palace in a mixed mood.


Lin'an, the capital of the Song Dynasty.

The battle report of Xiangyang has come.

However, although the people in the court were not happy, they were worried.

Because with the successive defeats of Lien Chan, the emperor and his ministers had been afraid of Meng Yuan to the core.

What they thought was that it was useless to win only one battle. On the contrary, they worried that Meng Yuan's anger would be aroused and the other side would fight to Lin'an.

Then their wealth will be gone.

They are quite satisfied with their life now.

Anyway, it's the people who suffer, not them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what should we do?"

The emperor of song was full of sorrow. He couldn't help asking his regards to LV Wende's family. I asked you to guard the city, but I didn't let you take the initiative to attack. This infuriated Meng Yuan.

"Your Majesty, LV Wende sent troops privately. He and Guo Jing should be handed over to Meng Yuan to calm his anger."

"I'm sorry! Without the imperial edict, LV Wende sent out troops without authorization and beheaded according to the law! "

"Wait for me to reconsider!"

Just as the emperor was about to issue a decree, a voice came from outside: "Xiangyang urgent report!"

Everyone was shaking with fright.

Did Meng Yuan make a comeback after his defeat?

"Come on! Come on Cried the emperor of song.

A soldier ran in, knelt down on the ground and cried, "tell your majesty, Xiangyang is in a hurry. Emperor Su Xun has occupied the whole Xiangyang mansion!"

"What The emperor immediately stood up, and then a smile burst out on his face.

Ministers were also relieved.

"Your majesty! This is the Song Dynasty of God's blessing! Now that Mengyuan wants revenge, Qianguo is in front of him! "

"Yes, God bless me

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty!"

All the civil and military officials were overjoyed.

"Hahaha, it's a decree. I'm going to celebrate the banquet in the palace today." The emperor laughed.

The soldiers kneeling in the center of the hall saw this absurd scene, not only a little desperate.

This is the official family of the Song Dynasty.

These are their humerus!


Su Xun knew nothing about Meng Yuan's indignation and Song Dynasty's joy. He had already returned to the capital.

After returning to the capital, he sent someone to check the news about the World Congress.

It turns out that the world will be in the humble territory of Wuguo on the edge of the map.

No wonder a Wulin sect can dominate a country. It turned out to be a small country.

It's also understandable why there is no God in the play and one thousand people can come to the Central Plains.

The emperor of Wu is a decoration.

At this time, the world will develop rapidly, and will soon dominate the kingdom of Wu. The three disciples, Nie Feng, bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang, have made great efforts.

In addition to Tianxia Hui, wushuangcheng is the second largest force in the kingdom of Wu, and its leader is called Dugu Yifang.

Su Xun made an appointment with Zhang Sanfeng and the floor sweeping monk Tu Long. In addition to the fact that Huashan sect had been hiding in Siguo cliff, there were four people in total, and they needed four magic soldiers.

There are three swords in Lingyun cave, which are xueyin sword, Huolin sword and Xuanyuan sword.

There is another Su Xun's Wushuang sword, which is relatively easy to get.

Moreover, in the play, xiongba also sends Nie Feng to snatch wushuangjian and kill Dugu Yifang.

Su Xun could just come forward to save Dugu, and then borrow wushuangjian from him.

Five days later.

In Daqian palace, Su Xun met Zhang Sanfeng, the floor sweeping monk and Feng Qingyang, the three hermit masters. Feng Qingyang was the weakest, the late great master.

As for Zhang Sanfeng and the floor sweeper, Su Xun couldn't see their depth.

"I admire the three elders for their profound accomplishments." Su Xun looked at the three and exclaimed.

Zhang Sanfeng, in particular, is said to have broken the void and soared into the sky, which is unfathomable.

The floor sweeping monk said, "Amitabha, are you serious about what your majesty said in his letter? Is there a dragon in the world"You are not joking. If you don't believe me, we can go to Lingyun Grottoes to see Huo Qilin and get back the three magic weapons of xueyin sword, Huolin sword and Xuanyuan sword by the way." Su Xun's tone was firm, and in Lingyun grottoes, there were also blood Bodhi, a healing holy thing, and the spine of the ancient holy King Huangdi, also known as the dragon vein.

What's more, Su Xun wanted to see if he could subdue Huo Qilin as a mount. His horse couldn't satisfy him. Isn't it handsome to ride a qilin?

Listen to Su Xun say so sure, but three people are still not sure, this matter is too mysterious.

After that, they decided to follow Su Xun to the Lingyun grottoes of the state of Wu.

"The three elders will rest for a few days and leave on time in half a month." The reason why Su Xun put off his time half a month later was that he had to make some arrangements.

Send royal guards and Dongchang Fanzi to join the state of Wu in advance, and you can control the movement of the state of Wu at any time.

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