In the territory of Wu state, Lingyun grottoes.

"There is such a masterwork in the world."

Standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the Leshan Buddha, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but give a sigh of praise.

"There is a legend in the state of Wu that if the water floods the knees of the Buddha and the Lingyun grottoes are burned, the Fire Kirin will come out."

Su Xun said calmly.

"Is there a fire unicorn in it?" I still can't believe it.

Su Xun said with a smile, "you are not joking."

"If there is such a beast, will it not offend him if we intrude into it? When the beast is angry, can the four of us be rivals? " The floor sweeper is worried.

Su Xun put on a force: "the so-called divine beast is just a supernatural beast. If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger's son? I'm rich all over the world. I'm crawling all over the world. The beast should be proud of my mount. "

It's not as good as the tiger's den. It's because the mother tiger doesn't accept it. How can she give birth to a tiger's son?

"Your Majesty is not afraid to face the fire Unicorn when sitting on half of the land. What are we afraid of when we are three old people? In that case, I will give my life to accompany the hero! "

As Zhang Sanfeng's voice dropped, his sleeve and robe swung and he walked step by step to the entrance of Lingyun grottoes. The true Qi in the void swung away and the steps appeared step by step.

This Tama is a fierce man who cultivates immortals in the martial arts world!

"Immortal Zhang is really a God and a man!"

The wind is blowing like a breeze. The next moment, the figure has appeared on the top of the Buddha.

"Amitabha, what a good thing."

The sweeping monk chanted the Buddha's name, and his body flew to the top of the Buddha like a golden light.

Su Xun: "three, the entrance is below."

Three people "....."

Zhang Sanfeng stumbled and nearly crashed.

Then the four entered Lingyun Grottoes together.

"It's so hot inside."

"There seems to be something magical."

"What's on the stone wall?"

After entering the Lingyun grottoes and walking inside, you can see a lot of blood red fruits on the stone walls.

"This is the blood Bodhi. It's a holy thing for healing. It's born by bathing in Kirin's blood." Su Xun went up to pick.

Feng Qingyang and the three followed closely.

They became fruit farmers in Lingyun grottoes.


A roar of beasts echoed in Lingyun cave.

The four stopped at the same time.

Then a heat wave surged out of a passage, and a dark red ferocious beast roared out of the fire.

"If there are such beasts as fire Unicorn!"

Zhang Sanfeng three people are surprised, and then almost at the same time to stop the fire.

When Huo Qilin's paw is pressed down, a crack appears in the gang mask formed by three people. Su Xun uses Lingbo's micro step and kicks Huo Qilin's lower abdomen with a sliding shovel.


Huo Qilin was kicked out and hit on the ground. Lingyun cave shook and several falling rocks fell.

"What a power

Feng Qingyang and the three men praised him for kicking the beast down with their bodies, which was called boundless power.


Angry, Huo Qilin gets up from the ground and shakes his ferocious head. He is surrounded by flames and treads on the ground with the soles of his feet. The flames come from the ground and fill the cave.

The wind is clear, and the floor sweeping monk uses his martial arts to suppress it, but the fire source is constant and can't be controlled at all.

"Get out of the way!"

Zhang Sanfeng roared, left hand and right hand a slow motion, and then the river outside the Lingyun Grottoes directly backflowed in his control, all poured into the Lingyun grottoes.

The raging fire was put out by the river.

"What kind of cultivation is immortal Zhang?"

The floor sweeper and fengqingyang were stunned.

Is it because they have lived in seclusion for too long and have been out of touch with the world? Now the warrior is holding it?

While Su Xun took advantage of the chance that the fire was washed out by the water, he jumped up and down on Huo Qilin's back.

"It's so terrible. Isn't your majesty afraid to burn your crotch?" Feng Qingyang said in a daze.

After hearing this, Su Xun almost tottered down from Huo Qilin's back. Fortunately, he grabbed the Dragon horn on Huo Qilin's head, put his knee on his neck, and forced him to the ground with a fist on his head.

Pu Yi -

the nose and mouth of Huo Qilin gushed blood.

After all, if it's pure power, Su Xun's strength is greater than that of animals. He's more than animals.

"Proud -"

Huo Qilin was choked and roared. He wanted to resist for the first time, but he was overwhelmed by life.

"Beast! Don't accept it

Su Xun knelt down and pressed it. He grabbed the Dragon horn with one hand to control his head, and beat him with the other.

Fire Kirin kept roaring and struggling. The flames all over his body burned all the clothes on Su Xun's body.

If it wasn't for Su Xun's copper skin, iron bone and vigorous Qi, his younger brother would have been baked by Huo Qilin."Beast! You really want to die! "

Su Xun didn't expect that Huo Qilin was so tough and had no strength to resist. He even refused to surrender when he was beaten on his stomach. Instead, he kept yelling at him.

"Amitabha Your majesty, I feel as if it has been taken The monk couldn't help saying.

Su Xun's fist stopped and his eyes moved down. Huo Qilin was yelling at him, but his eyes were full of grief and tears. Cao NIMA, can't you understand Qilin's words? I'm convinced!

Don't you see I haven't even returned my hand? You beat me all the time, all the time, all the time!

Su Xun rubbed his dog's head awkwardly. After a long time, he kept yelling. Was he begging for mercy?

He thought it was tough.

"Here you are. It's compensation." Su Xun took out a blood Bodhi and handed it to Huo Qilin.

Huo Qilin

This horse is mine.

It feels too aggrieved.

After living here for thousands of years, four young people suddenly broke in and stole their blood Bodhi. They beat themselves up and compensated themselves with their own things. Human beings are really inferior to animals!

But it is still a good tongue roll, blood Bodhi involved in the mouth, at least can heal.

"Those who know food are heroes. Get up." Su Xun showed satisfaction and stroked his hair.

Fire Qilin wrongly roared at him, you step on the horse first let me go, I can get up!

Su Xun pulled at the corner of his mouth and let it go.

Huo Qilin stood up and shook his ashes. He was majestic and a hero again.

As long as he is handsome and fierce enough, who would have thought that he had been pressed on the ground and beaten violently.

Su Xun jumped up and down on his back.

Huo Qilin sneezes reluctantly, shakes his hoof and takes him around.

"Congratulations to your majesty

The wind is clear, and the three of them say congratulations.

"Thanks to the help of the three masters, otherwise this beast will be so fierce that I will not be able to fight alone for a long time."

Su Xun laughed and said that compared with horses, Huo Qilin is Ferrari in the martial arts world.

When Huo Qilin looks at Feng Qingyang, Zhang Sanfeng and the floor sweeping monk, I already remember you.

Three people smile at it.

"Go, take us to Huolin sword and xueyin sword." Su Xun patted his dog's head.


Huo Qilin roars and takes him to the depth of the cave. It seems that this unemployed beast who has been away from work for thousands of years is adapting to his new job very quickly.

Next, Su Xun found the buried Huolin sword beside a skeleton, and found the sealed xueyin sword in a huge stone.

Duanlang, Nie Feng, your father's things have fallen into my riding house, which belongs to me, so I took them and used them. Is that ok.

Then he took the dragon vein and Xuanyuan sword.

The dragon vein is the backbone of the Yellow Emperor. It gathers the Dragon Qi of the Central Plains and is used to suppress the dragon vein of the country. It can reduce natural disasters, ensure the peace of the country and the people, and promote the peace of the world.

Xuanyuan sword is the Yellow Emperor's sword, but the Xuanyuan sword in this play is too ugly, so Su Xun gave Xuanyuan sword to the floor sweeping monk, xueyin sword to Zhang Sanfeng, and Huolin sword to fengqingyang.

As for himself, he doesn't need weapons at all. His fist is the hardest weapon in the world.

But I still want to go to Wushuang city to get wushuangjian.

Because matchless sword is divided into Yin sword and Yang Sword.

The sword of Yang is in Dugu's hands.

The Yin sword is in Mingjia Mingyue's hands.

Two lovers, a man and a woman, can use these two swords to perform a unique sword technique -- love in the city.

So he went to Wushuang city not only to borrow sword, but also to borrow people. He and Mingyue use these two magic weapons to show their love for Wushuang City, which can greatly damage the dragon.

To increase the success rate of his dragon killing.

As for love is not a problem, as a thousand years slag man, he can easily fall in love with every woman, more skilled let women quickly fall in love with him.

During this trip to Lingyun grottoes, although Su Xun didn't get the magic weapon, he got the magic skill and the beast. Besides Huo Qilin, he also learned the Nie family's proud cold six decisions and Xuanwu real skill on the walls of Lingyun grottoes.

This trip is full of harvest.

When it was dark, four figures came out of Lingyun cave.

A middle-sized old monk in a monk's robe was carrying a powerful sword.

An old man with white hair and beard in a Taoist robe was carrying a big knife.

A handsome and matchless young man is riding a ferocious beast, but he doesn't wear clothes, but people in the Jianghu don't care about trifles.

There is also a wind in green with a red sword.

"Please help me to buy a suit in a small town nearby." Su Xun looked at the three men, but he was not afraid of losing face by streaking. The main reason was that his brother was too big. What if he scared people?More importantly, in case of causing the envy of the world's men, how to attack him?

What if it causes a woman's madness, and when she sees him, she thinks about it all the time, and it's hard to fill her desires, which leads to disharmony in other people's families and marriages?

So for the sake of the people, he has to wear clothes.

Feng Qingyang flies away with his lightness skills, and his voice comes from the air: "I'll go."

After a cup of tea, Feng Qingyang came back with a white robe of good material: "this is the best one in the village. Your majesty will make do with it."

"Thank you, master Feng." Su Xun arched his hand, took the white robe and put on his clothes. Please call him a vacuum hermit.

Zhang Sanfeng asked, "where are you going next?"

"When you go to Leshan town, there are spies from the royal guards. First, go and ask about the recent trends of various factions in the Wu Kingdom." After Su Xun finished, he patted Huo Qilin on the head. Huo Qilin jumped down and ran.

Then a legend appeared in the world.

It is said that Huo Qilin, the fierce beast in Lingyun grottoes, was subdued and now became the man's mount.

No one knows his name.

Call him kylin.


Leshan town.

"Did you hear that? The Huo Qilin in Lingyun Grottoes has been taken as a mount. "

"I've heard that many people in the Jianghu have met on the road. They say they are a beautiful young man."

"How did I hear that he was an old man with a big knife?"

"No matter who can subdue Huo Qilin, his martial arts must have been superb."

Several people in the river and lake are talking about the hot news in the river and lake recently. The case of Huo Qilin being ridden!

"Monster! Here comes the monster

"Go and see the monster!"

All of a sudden, the crowd was noisy.

Su Xun rode the burning Unicorn into the city.

Along the way, he was like a rich second generation driving a Ferrari to blow up the street, with countless returns.

No, Ferrari doesn't have that effect.

It's about the same with Jian 20.

Su Xun stopped at the door of an inn.

"Four guests, do you want to stay in the hotel or stay at the top?" Xiao Er ran out and looked at Huo Qilin with fear.

Feng Qingyang dismounts the horse: "the horse is good."

"All right." Xiao Er came forward to hold the reins, and then looked at Su Xun fearfully: "uncle, you Kirin don't need a little one to feed you. I'm inexperienced."

He was afraid that the fierce beast would eat himself.

Then he will feed Kirin.

Su Xun said, "take it to the backyard with Ma Fang, and then make a table for him."

After that, he went to the inn.

"Good." Xiao Er nodded pale, and then walked to Qilin tremblingly: "Uncle Qilin, I I'll take you to the backyard now... "

Huo Qilin sneezes with disdain. He is a cowardly and stupid human. Then he follows Xiao Er to the backyard where he feeds the horse with his proud head on his back.

In the private room on the second floor, Su Xun met a royal guard flag: "humble duty, see your majesty."

"Excuse me. Tell me if there's anything important in the Wu Kingdom now." Su Xun asked faintly.

"Your Majesty, now the biggest thing in the martial arts world is that the ten-year martial arts competition between the leader of the guild and the sword sage is coming, and that Dugu Ming, the son of Wushuang city leader, is going to marry Mingyue."

After hearing this, Su Xun ponders that Dugu Ming's marriage to Mingyue is just for the sake of the two to fight against the hegemony.

At present, Nie Feng, the third disciple of xiongba, is in Wushuang city. He is ordered to go to Wushuang city to investigate the missing spy of Tianxia society. He is also ordered to kill Dugu Yifang and bring back wushuangjian, but he falls in love with Mingyue.

The matchless city is in a mess at this time.

Originally, Su Xun wanted to save wushuangcheng, then borrow wushuangjian and take Mingyue away.

But now it seems too much trouble.

So, just grab it.

By working hard and getting what you want, you will have a more sense of accomplishment.

Is it inspirational?

Anyway, Wushuang city is not a good thing. After robbing wushuangjian, he ran to the Dragon Temple and forced the dragon to kill the dragon and win the Dragon yuan.

When he swallows Longyuan, he doesn't pay attention to any hegemony, swordsman and so on.

In the TV series, Qiwu slaughters the dragon through detailed preparation and careful planning.

And Su Xun's biggest advantage is himself.

With the help of Zhang Sanfeng, he can fight with the dragon as well as the fire Qilin.

After dinner, the four rushed to wushuangcheng.

At the same time, the world will.

"Yun'er, do you know why I came to you?" Xiongba looked at Bu Jingyun and said calmly.

Bu Jingyun replied, "please make it clear."

"Recently, it's said that someone in the Jianghu has accepted Huo Qilin in Lingyun Grottoes as a mount. I founded the world association to shock the Jianghu and the imperial court. These sacred beasts should be owned by me. I want you to get Huo Qilin back for me!" Xiongba said word by word.If it hadn't been for Su Xun's acceptance of Huo Qilin as a mount, he wouldn't have thought of it.

But now that Huo Qilin is accepted by others, he is very upset. He can't take it, but he can't give it to others, so he wants to take it.

Bu Jingyun arched his hand: "yes, I do."

Then he turned and left.

"Master Feng, are you going out again?"

Bu Jingyun is stopped by Kong CI in the martial arts arena.

Bu Jingyun nodded. He liked Kong Ci, but he didn't know how to express it.

However, he is the first person to have Kongzi in the play, which is also a kind of soup.

There is a saying: the woman of the first elder martial brother lies in the arms of the second elder martial brother and says that she loves the Third Elder martial brother.

Yes, this woman is Kongzi!

She goes to bed with her second elder martial brother Bu Jingyun and wants to marry her elder martial brother Qin Shuang. Before she dies, she lies in Bu Jingyun's arms and tells her feelings for her third elder martial brother Nie Feng.

What a loving woman she is.

This play is full of thunder spots. It's full of various passages, especially the one in which Bu Jingyun holds Kong Ci and cries out. It's really eye-catching.

"I'm going too." Kongzi is pestering Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun is very direct: "no way."

"What? The Third Elder martial brother doesn't take me, neither do you." Kong Ci's displeased mouth.

Hearing Nie Feng, bu Jingyun was immediately stimulated: "OK, I'll take you."

"That's right." Kongzi was very happy.

Then Bu Jingyun rode down the mountain with Kongzi and followed Su Xun.

Being held in his arms by Bu Jingyun, Kong Ci's face was full of enjoyment: "master Yun, you're very kind."

You know, she's riding with her arms around her.

I don't know. I thought she was being ridden.

The expression is enjoyable and charming, which is hard to describe.


There are no twin cities, and there is a lot of festivity.

Today is the day when Dugu Mingqu Mingyue, the son of Dugu Yifang, the leader of Wushuang City, became his wife.

We are very happy with the guests.

Dugu Ming has been greedy for Mingyue for a long time. This time, he can finally taste her salty food.

"Congratulations to you, young master. Miss Mingyue is the first beauty in our two cities!"

"Yes, you are very lucky."

Being praised and envied by others brings Dugu Ming great satisfaction and constant smile.

And Mingyue is not happy, because her head is full of Nie Feng's figure, can't forget.

The wedding party is almost here, and her eyes are numb. She puts rouge on her dressing mirror.

Soon, she was picked up by the sedan chair.

And Nie Feng saw the bright moon in the sedan chair, it was heartbroken, full of unwilling and reluctant.

In the hall of wushuangcheng, all the guests who came to congratulate gathered here, and the bridegroom and bride worshipped here.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day of dog's wedding. Thank you for coming to congratulate me. I'd like to open your eyes! Mingyue's wife is my Dugu family. She also brings the matchless Yin sword that has been hidden in the world for more than 200 years! "

"Yes, wushuangjian can be divided into yin and Yang. With this wedding ceremony, the two swords are reunited again. Today, let dog and his bride show you the love of wushuangjian. It's a unique martial arts skill

Dugu Yifang, the leader of Wushuang City, is smiling. After that, he throws the wushuangyang sword to Dugu Ming.

"Good! Today I can see such a peerless sword skill, even if it's not in vain! Dugu Shaozhu, you new couple, let's open our eyes

"Yes, I've only heard of love in the city. I've never seen it with my own eyes. I'm lucky to know you."

"Dugu Shaozhu, Mingyue girl, I can't wait for you two to act quickly."

The guests cheered one after another, and they were really curious about the sword technique.

Dugu Ming catches the matchless Yang Sword, looks obscene, and goes to Mingyue's ear: "lady, please, if you want to show your love, you must be in love with each other. You can rest assured that I love you so much."

The moon hasn't been touched yet. It's really tight.

Unfortunately, Mingyue doesn't like him, so they can show their love with a hammer.

"Ha ha ha, I don't need to show this love. I'm going to visit Su Chang'an to congratulate you on your wedding. I'll borrow Wu Shuangjian by the way."

A sound rang through the hall, followed by a heat wave, and a giant beast fell into the yard. Su Xun, who was very handsome, was on the back of the giant beast.

Fengqingyang, Zhang Sanfeng, floor sweeping monk three stand in the eaves, tacit understanding of the blocked all the way.

"It's Mr. Kirin!"

"It's the first time I've seen Huo Qilin. It's really powerful and fierce."

"It's obviously not good to borrow a pair of swords for the wedding. I have a good play today."All of them looked at Su Xun and Huo Qilin, and then they all looked at Dugu.

Mingyue is relieved because she doesn't love Dugu Ming. She can't show her love for Dugu Ming. If she tries to do it, it will only increase her embarrassment.

Fortunately, he was disturbed by the arrival of Su Xun.

For a moment, I was a little grateful to Su Xun.

Seeing Su Xun so handsome, I was more grateful.

"Mr. Qilin, if you are here to congratulate me, I welcome you, but I can't borrow it without double swords." Dugu Yifang said.

Su Xun shook the folding fan and said, "Dugu Yifang, I only used the word" borrow "for your face, but you have to borrow it today, and you have to borrow it if you don't! Besides, I need to borrow not only the sword, but also your daughter-in-law! "

"You are presumptuous! Today is my wedding day. If I don't want to see blood, my interest will go away as soon as possible! Otherwise, treat me and my wife to show their love, and don't let you die without a place to die! " Dugu Ming steps forward and points to Su Xun.

He was arrogant and used to be arrogant. Now that he can show his love, he has the illusion that he is invincible.

Hearing this, Su Xun couldn't help laughing: "love in the city? What a name! Dugu Ming, I'm here, waiting for you to show your love

"Toast, no penalty!" Dugu Ming snorted coldly, and then looked around for a week: "you guys, just before you can demonstrate it, let me and my wife show you the power of this move."

Dugu side smiles.

Dugu Ming looks at the moon: "lady, please."

Mingyue's face is stiff.

"Lady, lady?" Dugu Ming shouts.

Su Xun said with a smile, "come on, stop shouting. She can't show her love for you, because she knows she doesn't love you at all and doesn't feel for you."

is not for you, but you didn't drive Porsche, old fellow.

Mingyue looks at Su Xun incredulously. She is just attracted to Nie Feng. How does the other party know?

"You're bullshit Dugu Ming angrily rebukes him, and then looks at Mingyue: "lady, please show your love with me and kill this man. The matchless city can't tolerate his arrogance."

"He's right. I don't love you. We can't show our love." The moon is cold.


There was an uproar.

Mingyue doesn't love Dugu Ming. Who does she love?

Dugu's face was very ugly. He felt that he had lost all his face.

Grandma's bright moon looks big

"What are you talking about?" Dugu Ming is very angry. I'm the young master of no two cities. How dare you not love me? Why don't you love me?

This is his character. There is no force.

I'm sorry, I can't cheat myself. I can marry you, but it doesn't mean I love you. There is no conflict between the two

"Fart! If you don't love me, who do you love? " Dugu Ming growled.

Mingyue said: "I..."

"She loves me, of course." Su Xun said with a smile: "why else do I come here to rob you?"

Bright moon

"Is that true?" Dugu Ming's eyes are red and his breath is short. He feels green.

Su Xun said angrily, "Dugu Ming, why are you coming at me? Don't bully my woman!"

Mingyue: O ((⊙ ⊙) O.

that's crazy. Do I know you?

Why don't I know I loved you?

The Nie Feng in the dark is heartbroken again. It turns out that he has been amorous all the time. Is everything she does to me fake? I am so sad!

Then, with the feeling of heartbreak, he left wushuangcheng secretly.

He even forgot his original task.

"Shut up Dugu Ming is very angry.

Su Xun closed the folding fan: "why, do you want to do it? It's not that I look down on you. I don't have to do anything at all. You can't even beat my mount. "

With that, Su Xun gave the order to Huo Qilin: "rich, fierce one!"

"Roar!" Fire Unicorn roars.

I'm super fierce!

All of you

It's enough to name Qilin rich and noble.

Dugu Ming couldn't bear the humiliation. He pulled out his wushuangjian and rushed to Su Xun: "go to die!"

"Rich, bite him!" Su Xun called.

Huo Qilin pounces on him with fire all over his body. He opens his mouth and bites Dugu Ming.

"Be careful, ming'er!"

Dugu shouts and jumps up.


He was patted out by Huo Qilin.

Bang Dang!

Dugu broke a pillar.The other front paw of Huo Qilin presses lonesome on the ground, and then licks his left paw. His eyes are full of disdain: can't beat Su Xun or you?

Everyone was shocked.

Why is Su Chang'an's cultivation so advanced?

"You really want me to have no two cities as enemies!" Dugu got up and stared at Su Xun.

Su Xun said lightly: "hand over wushuangjian and your daughter-in-law Mingyue, and spare you a dog's life."

"You are deceiving too much!" Dugu one roared hysterically, and the real Qi in his body surged wildly.

Su Xun said with a light smile, "don't you like to bully others? That's all

Just when everyone thought that Dugu was going to die with Su Xun, Dugu suddenly said, "OK, I promise you."

"Daddy Dugu Ming is not reconciled.

Dugu one side stares at him, leaving green hill not afraid to have no firewood to burn, face just worth a few money.

Su Xun picked up the matchless Yang sword on the ground, and then looked at the moon: "Miss moon, let's go."

"I don't know you. What's your purpose?" Mingyue looks at Su Xun with alert face.


Just then, there was a loud noise.

Everyone goes by reputation.

Nie Feng and bu Jingyun were standing at the door.

"The wind The moon brightens her eyes.

Nie Feng was expressionless. Looking at Su Xun, he said coldly: "leave no double swords, I allow you to leave with that false woman, or you will die!"

He just went down the mountain in grief and indignation. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Bu Jingyun and Kong Ci, who came after Su Xun.

Then they come hand in hand. He wants to kill Dugu Yifang and bring back wushuangjian according to the order of xiongba.

Heard Nie Feng said he was hypocritical, full of joy of the moon directly stay on the spot, such as lightning.

But Su Xun's mouth turned. He knew that Nie Feng had been staring at the wedding. Otherwise, how could he have said that?

As long as you let Nie Feng misunderstand Mingyue, and then hurt Mingyue, Mingyue will give up her heart to Nie Feng, and she can take advantage of this opportunity to fill her heart and her body.

Looking at Mingyue's sad appearance, Nie Feng sneers. She has been cheated by her appearance. The world will be the enemy of wushuangcheng. How can she fall in love with herself? Everything is made use of.

"Feng, listen to me..." Mingyue thinks that Nie Feng is angry because she married Dugu Ming.

Nie Feng rudely interrupted: "shut up! I'm not interested in your business. I'm just following my master's orders to kill Dugu and capture wushuangjian. I don't care about anything else! "

Hearing this, Mingyue is pretty and pale. It turns out that Nie Feng doesn't like him at all. He just uses himself to ensure that he can move smoothly in Wushuang city.

Today, Dugu was there, and both wushuangjian were there, so he finally broke the disguise.

For a moment, she was shaking and nearly fainted in the dark. Susian put his arms around her.

"I know you like him, but he just used you all the time. Now that you have no use value, he tore the mask of disguise."

"Otherwise, how can he sit by and watch you and Dugu Ming have a wedding? Only I, who have admired you for a long time, will snatch the wedding on your wedding day

Su Xun whispered in her ear.

Professional corner digging for 30 years, in this world, there is no corner he su someone can't dig.

"Take me." Mingyue is pale and weak. She just wants to escape from this place quickly.

The smile on Su Xun's face was even worse, and he said out loud: "OK, I'll take you right away."

Dugu Ming is going crazy. His wife seems to have something to do with Nie Feng and Su Xun.

But it has nothing to do with him!

"Leave Kirin and let you go."

Bu Jingyun looked at Su Xun and said faintly.

"It's interesting. As soon as I robbed others, someone came to rob me. It's really interesting."

Su Xun is worried about Mingyue. At this time, bu Jingyun and Nie Feng are still very young. They have not reached the peak of their strength. They are not his opponents.

Then Su Xun picked up the moon, picked up two swords and jumped on the Unicorn: "three elders, let's go."

"It's not that easy to walk!"

"Paiyun palm!"

"Fengshen leg!"

Nie Feng and bu Jingyun hit him at the same time.

Zhang Sanfeng cut off the snow drinking knife.


The mountains and the earth fell apart and the houses collapsed.

"Ah! Pu Yi - "

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were shocked to fly out more than ten meters at the same time. They vomited blood and looked pale.

"It's better to let the hero come in person!"

"We'll meet again, but you have to kneel down and talk to me in the middle of time!""Ha ha ha ha..."

Su Xun's wild laughter came from afar.

Nie Feng and bu Jingyun gnash their teeth.

All the guests present were trembling.

If you can subdue Huo Qilin, all the followers around you can hurt the two most powerful disciples with one knife.

How did this kylin childe come out? Why did he never know?

The state of Dawu is going to be in chaos.

"Arrest them!"

Dugu points to Nie Feng and bu Jingyun.

Being robbed of wushuangjian and his daughter-in-law in full view of the public is a great shame for wushuangcheng. This fire can only be caused by Nie Feng and bu Jingyun.

The capture of Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng can be regarded as breaking the arms of the overlord. No two cities can get a temporary peace.

"Ming'er, go to beg your uncle to come out of the mountain immediately. If it's a great shame, he must pay for it with his blood!"

Dugu said with gnashing teeth.

"Yes, father."

Dugu Ming was also full of resentment.

After all, the wife was robbed, can not hate it?

It's Wushuang sword.


"Your Majesty, is it not appropriate for us to do so? It's a bit like the style of people in the evil way. "

The sweeping monk looked at Su Xun and said.

When he heard the floor sweeping monk call his majesty Su Xun, the moon in Su Xun's arms flashed.

Is this man the emperor?

Is the emperor of Wu so young?

Because the state of Wu was far away from the Central Plains, they didn't know much about the outside world.

Otherwise, she can guess who Su Xun is now.

"Master, this is not true. We haven't harmed people's lives. How can we say that? What's more, what we've done is worth it. " Su Xun said, "I'm a noble and decent man. How can I be a devil villain?"?

They return to the Lingyun Grottoes to conserve their energy. They have to wait for their energy and spirit to reach the peak before they go to kill the dragon.

In the following days, Su Xun had been attacking Miss Mingyue. With his skillful means, he took advantage of the opportunity at this time, which was not a problem.

Only when he has mastered Mingyue, can he show his love in the matchless sword. By the way, he is also learning the matchless sword from Mingyue.

Although there are no moves and moves in love, if you can't even use matchless swordsmanship.

How can we make it come out?

So in the play, Nie Feng's performance is unscientific!

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

The story of wushuangcheng also spread all over the Wu Kingdom.

When he learned that the two disciples were detained by wushuangcheng, the overlord was furious and threatened to exterminate wushuangcheng.

But he didn't act rashly, because he was closing the door, preparing for the ten-year appointment with Jiansheng.

As long as you defeat Jiansheng, he will be invincible in the world. It's not easy to catch him without two cities.

The sword sage was not invited out of the mountain by Dugu Ming.

Because he is also closed, preparing for the first World War of the ten years.

In Lingyun grottoes, Su Xun was practicing matchless sword technique. After finishing a set of sword techniques, he looked at Mingyue: "well, I have mastered the essence."

"It's amazing." Mingyue looks at Su Xun with complicated eyes. This man is a genius.

No, genius is not enough to describe him.

I've practiced matchless swordsmanship for so many years, but he has surpassed me in just a few days.

It's really a blow to her confidence.

Su Xun floated over and hugged her: "Mingyue, in that case, why don't we try the love of the city?"

"I don't love you." Mingyue said, feeling his temperature, blushing and twisting her head.

Su Xun said with a smile, "how do you know if you don't try?"

"As long as you are not afraid of disappointment." Mingyue reaches out her hand and the matchless Yin sword flies into her hand.

Then they held hands, and the two swords appeared golden and blue light on the surface.

"How can it be!"

Mingyue subconsciously let go of Su Xun. She couldn't believe it, because it was the precursor of love. Otherwise, without Shuangjian, there would be no response.

Su Xun hugged her: "you can cheat yourself, but you can't cheat your heart. That's all."

"I..." The bright moon is bright red.

Su Xun kisses her and everything happens.

Lingyun cave, two people entangled.

Listening to the sound of the moon, Huo Qilin wants to block his ears.

These stupid human beings only like women. Only the female unicorn is the most beautiful creature!


A few days later, the Dragon King temple.

Su Xun, Mingyue, fengqingyang, Zhang Sanfeng, sweeping monk, Huo Qilin, gather here.

"The dragon is under the Dragon Temple."

Su Xun looked at the Dragon Temple in front of him and said.Although the dragon only appears every 600 years, Su Xun doesn't believe that if he stirs up the whole place, the dragon will not be born.

People come and go in the Dragon Temple, and incense is constantly burning.

These are the people of the Hai nationality. They have been guarding the Dragon Temple and the dragon for generations, although they are not sure whether they have a dragon.


Fire Kirin's whole body blazed with a roar, scaring away all the people in the Dragon Temple.

"Monster! Monster! Run

"Run "Run

In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Temple, which had just been filled with people, was empty.

Su Xun allowed Zhenqi to gather his internal power and strength and hit the ground with one blow.

Boom! the earth trembled and the mountains swayed!

Click -

there was a crack in the surface of his arm, and Su Xun's internal force was constantly invading the ground.

Boom -

all of a sudden, there was a strong wind around, and the ground was shaking, as if something was about to rush out.

"Chant -"

a dragon chant resounds through the sky, and a green dragon with a length of more than ten meters flies out of the ground.

"Dragon! It's really a dragon

Zhang Sanfeng, Mingyue and others are excited.

Because the dragon has a special meaning for all people in the Central Plains.

Even though people know that there is a fire unicorn in Lingyun grottoes, they still can't believe that there is a dragon in the world.

This is the unique position of the dragon.

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