"Yin -"

the sound of the dragon's Yin resounds through the sky. The dragon's body, more than ten meters long, flies close to the ground. The strong wind sweeps the sand and rocks, and all the trees with thick and thin thighs are blown down and uprooted.

"Bright moon!"

Su Xun yelled, and then wushuangyang sword came out of its sheath and rose up in the air. Mingyue pulled out wushuangyin sword and followed closely. Two swords crossed in the air.

A mass of lavender light wrapped them, and countless golden swords fell like raindrops on the dragon, splashing with scarlet blood.


In pain, the Dragon let out a howl, swung his body into the ground again, and then the ground exploded like a mine, roaring and collapsing.

Zhang Sanfeng, fengqingyang, and the floor sweeping monk all stepped into the air at the moment when the ground collapsed.

The Dragon flew out from the other end, and then the dragon head spewed a flame at Su Xun and others.

"Roar!" Huo Qilin bathes in fire all over his body, blocks in front of several people, and spurts out a flame to align with the dragon.

Then he rushed directly to the dragon, and his left forepaw fell high to grab the dragon's eyes.

One of the dragon's front claws is directly patted on Huo Qilin's head. Huo Qilin suffers from pain and falls down. However, he bites the dragon's claw and tears off a dragon finger.

The dragon's blood fell, the Fire Kirin with a dragon finger hit the ground heavily, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Zhang Sanfeng's white hair and beard were flying, his robes were hunting, and he cut them off with a snow drinking knife.


Tens of Zhang long blue knife awn fell, the dragon's body staggered for a while, a few dragon scales fell.

Sweeping monk and Feng Qingyang stabbed the dragon with Xuanyuan sword and Huolin sword.

With the dragon's tail thrown, the floor sweeping monk took the blow and chopped the Xuanyuan sword on the left hind paw. The whole claw was completely cut off, and the blood was like rain.

"Puyi -"

at the same time, the floor sweeping monk vomited blood and was hit by the dragon's tail.

On the other side, the bright red Huolin sword passes through the dragon's belly and opens a gap. The dragon's blood is dripping.


Dragon wounded, want to escape, fly to the distant sea, as long as into the sea it will be safe.

But Su Xun naturally won't let it.

Directly lost wushuangjian, jumped up, two hands hugged the dragon's tail, then roared and pulled it down from the air.


The Dragon fell to the ground and the Dragon Temple collapsed.


The fire Unicorn pours on the dragon, presses its two forepaws on the dragon's body, opens its fiery mouth, bites into the dragon's abdomen and swallows blood.

The dragon's body kept swinging and wanted to fly again. Mingyue, fengqingyang, Zhang Sanfeng and the floor sweeping monk were all chopping down with weapons.

He split the dragon on the ground again.

"Yin -"

the Dragon uttered a sad cry, his eyes were full of violent blood, his whole body was surrounded by flames, suddenly turned over, and the gravel flew. All of Su Xun's people were thrown out, and the Dragon took advantage of the situation, and the huge dragon head opened its mouth and bit at Mingyue's head.

"Bright moon!" Su Xun exclaimed.

A fiery red figure rushes out, and Huo Qilin bumps his head on the dragon head. The dragon head is crooked, and Huo Qilin is also directly knocked to the ground.

Su Xun dashed to the ground, lifted his feet on the ground, opened his hands to grasp the dragon's horn, and then pulled to the ground with a roar. The huge body of the dragon was pulled by him and rolled over and hit the ground again.

Fengqingyang, several people had no time to shock Su Xun's magic power, and they used their unique skills to kill the dragon.

The dragon's body was dyed red by the blood.

Su Xun was tugging at the Dragon horn.

The Dragon kept panting until his breath became weaker and weaker. Finally, his golden eyes lost their color and became dim, and his swaying tail hung on the ground.

The only dragon in this world is completely dead.

"Hoo -"

everyone was relieved.

A dragon yuan, which is like the condensation of magma, flies out of the mouth of the dragon and floats to the sky. A dragon shadow can be seen in the Dragon yuan.

Su Xun got up in the air, grabbed Long Yuan and put it into his mouth. He fell to the ground and crossed his legs: "protect me, Dharma!"

He needs time to refine Longyuan.

Long Yuan enters the body, and the violent energy penetrates everywhere in the body, burning the Dantian and blood vessels, and boiling up the internal force and blood in the body.

Su Xun took the trouble to dredge and refine the energy again and again, and attributed it to Dantian. As he refined the power of Longyuan, his body was also changing.

On the first day, he lost all his hair, but his momentum was stronger, and his skin was bleeding and cracked.

On the third day, the split skin fell, revealing baby like skin, and hair began to grow.

On the seventh day, the late period of the master's realm.

On the ninth day, great master.On the twelfth day, the grand master's interim period.

On the 15th day, the great master was successful.

On the 30th day, the breath was introverted.

"It's been a month. He's going to be OK." Mingyue looks at Su Xun with closed eyes. She is not at ease.

In this month, they have divided the Dragon into several parts, such as dragon tendon, dragon bone, dragon blood, dragon flesh and dragon scale, which are precious to the warrior.

But Su Xun still didn't wake up, which made Mingyue worried.

Zhang Sanfeng said: "Your Majesty's breath of life is still there. I think it's just that the power of Longyuan has not been absorbed."

"I can't see the great master after he is successful, and I don't know how powerful his majesty is now." When Feng Qingyang said this, he looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

Because he felt that Zhang Sanfeng was not only a great master, but also could explain Su Xun's current strength.

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard: "after the great master, there is a very mysterious realm, which can only be understood but can't be explained. The poor way has just been touched, but I have a feeling in it. As long as I can take this step completely, I will see a new level."

At this moment, Su Xun opened his eyes.

Like a sword light.

Su Xun made a handprint. At this moment, time seemed to stop. Thirteen different kinds of swords appeared behind him, and one of them chopped off into the distance.

The sword fell and split the earth. Huge waves broke out on the sea level in the distance. A huge whale was directly strangled by the sword.

"Congratulations to your majesty."

Feng Qingyang and the three were shocked.

Just one sword is so terrible. If all the thirteen swords fall down, how powerful is that?

"Ha ha, thank you for your help. This is my martial art, named jianshisan."

Su Xun laughed and got up. This move was created by combining all the martial arts, such as the six pulse sword, one Yang finger, transplanting flowers and connecting trees, and the six decisions of proud cold.

"Amitabha, thirteen swords, thirteen swords. That's a good name." Said the sweeping monk.

Su Xun laughed. He just had bad taste. His sword was thirteen, and his sword was thirteen.

After that, Su Xun gave the residents a jade pendant worth ten thousand gold, and then he left with them. After all, his temple was destroyed.


Wu state, the world will be.

Today, all factions in the kingdom of Wu gather here.

Because today is the day of the ten-year agreement between Jiansheng and xiongba. They are all here to see the excitement.

On the main hall, xiongba sits in the first place, and the people of different schools and sects are on both sides.

"People from wushuangcheng are here. Why hasn't Jiansheng arrived yet?"

"Yes, how long have you been waiting."

"He won't come."

Everyone was a little impatient.

"Urgent report!"

At this time, a black flag scout of the world society rushed into the hall quickly, and then knelt down on one knee: "tell the guild leader that every stronghold of our world society has suffered a lot of army attacks at the same time, and suffered heavy losses."


There was an uproar in the hall.

"What! The emperor has so much courage The overlord suddenly burst into a rage.

"The Scout said:" the gang leader is not the army of Wu state, they are carrying the flag of Qian character, and there are also soldiers. "

"Qian Zi Qi? Whose army is this? "

"I haven't heard of it. Is it from the other side of the mountain? I heard it was very chaotic on the other side of the mountain

"It's possible..."

Everyone is talking about it.

The hero's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that before he expanded, others would fight him first.

People without twin cities are gloating.

Step on

Another step sounded, and a disciple of wushuangcheng rushed to Dugu's feet: "Lord, wushuangcheng is broken, and an army with the flag of Qian has broken our wushuangcheng..."

With that, he vomited blood and died.

The smile on Dugu Yifang's face was stiff for a moment.

"Gang leader, our Jinsha Gang is attacked, and the Deputy gang leader has been killed..."

"Sect leader, we are besieged by the army..."

More and more gangs will panic when they receive the news that the headquarters or branch are attacked.

"What the hell is going on! How dare you fight all of us at the same time

"Master xiongba, we all take refuge in heaven and Earth Society. You have to be our master."

"Please be the master!"

They were angry, angry and afraid, so they could only place their hopes on the overlord.

"Don't panic! Don't panic! As long as we unite, we will not be afraid of anyone's invasion! "

Xiongba opened his hands and said gallantly.

"Master! No! There are many soldiers down the mountain, and they have surrounded our world society! "A gang member ran in panic.


The last second, he was boosting his morale, but the next second, the enemy had surrounded the crystal.


A roar of the beast resounded through the world.

Everybody's going out.

Then he saw the Fire Kirin crash to the ground, and on its back was Su Xun dressed in a simple black dragon robe.

After Su Xun, there were Zhang Sanfeng, fengqingyang, floor sweeping monk, huawuque, Lin Pingzhi, and a large number of royal guards and East Hall Fanzi, with a total of more than 500 people.

"It's him! Mr. Kirin

"It turns out that he is from the other side of the mountain. No wonder such a powerful person has never heard of him."

"He disappeared after the wushuangcheng riot. It seems that he only came to inquire for information."

The overlord looked down and said, "what do you want to do when you bring people to my world club?"

He can't feel Su Xun's strength, but he can feel Zhang Sanfeng's strength. He is afraid.

Otherwise, they would have killed people directly.

"The world will destroy you." Su Xun said.

With one hand behind him and a ball gathering in his hand, the hero roared: "arrogance:

" three points back to vitality! "

A huge ball flew to Sushen.

Since there is no need to talk about it, it is better to start first.

But there's another saying: start first, die first.

Su Xun's hand was lifted, and the three points of his strength stopped in the air, and then disappeared.

"How can it be!"

Xiongba showed the color of horror, his three-point vitality was so easily resolved.

Other people are also fried pot, Su Xun showed the strength to scare them.

Dugu was very happy. Fortunately, there was no bright moon in Shuangcheng before, otherwise he would die.

Dugu Ming suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable to give up his wife to the other party.

This is probably growth.

And his wife moon is the price of growth.

"Your three points belong to vitality, not as good as my seven points belong to Providence." Su Xun looked at the bully jokingly.

Xiongba's face turned blue and white. He used to be the most crazy man in the world, but now he can't go crazy. He feels frustrated.

At this time, time seemed to stop, and an old virtual shadow appeared in front of Su Xun. He stretched out a hand and grabbed Su Xun's chest.

This man is the spirit of the sword sage.

"Sword 23 is really powerful. It's a pity that you met me now." Su Xun spoke slowly.

The sword saint was shocked. He didn't expect that Su Xun could speak under his sword.

"Try my sword thirteen."

Su Xun gave a little smile. Thirteen swords appeared behind him like peacocks. One sword flew to the immortal.


At the same time, the real body of the sword Saint hundreds of meters away was smashed.

With the death of Jiansheng, the time flow of this space has returned to normal.

Everyone's eyes were full of fear when they looked at Su Xun. Although time had just stopped, they could not speak or move, but their eyes could see.

They saw the swordsman cast the legendary sword 23, but it was still a move by Su Xun.

Does this still belong to the category of mortals?

Xiongba's eyes are extremely complex. He always wants to defeat Jiansheng and become the first in the world.

For this day, he prepared for 10 years.

But now, his most important opponent was killed by Su Xun.

His pursuit of "No.1" in the world for so many years is like a joke, like a frog in a well.

"My matchless city is willing to serve adults!"

Dugu knelt down with a plop.

Others responded and agreed.

But Su Xun just laughed and said, "kill."

"Choking ~"

the sword came out of its sheath.

After three hundred years in the East, he rushes down to the flower factory.

Su Xun sat on the back of Huo Qilin and watched the massacre.

After all, he is a kind man. In the face of these weak people, he really can't do it.

So he'll just watch.

"Mad, fight with them!"

"To die, you have to pull a cushion!"


"Don't kill me! Spare your life, my Lord

The martial arts arena of the World Congress is in chaos, with screams and sword collisions.

Zhang Sanfeng and xiongba are fighting in the air.

An hour later, it was quiet again, leaving only corpses on the ground, and blood flowing down the steps.The world that dominates Wuguo will perish.

At the same time, the imperial palace of Wu state was defeated by Qiao Feng and his son, and the emperor burned himself to death.

The territory of Wu is covered with banners.

Wu state and the central plains are separated by mountains, so to better rule here, we must build roads.

But it's too slow to rely on mortals.

So Su Xun called on the warriors to build roads, and those who were lower than the master's level were not even qualified to move bricks. Even the Emperor himself came on the stage.

Thirteen swords flew out at the same time. With the shaking of the earth and mountains, the peaks burst and the gravel flew across the country. In this way, they used their internal force to blow out a road.

It took only a month to repair.

Even in modern industry, all kinds of excavators can't be repaired so fast.

So ah, the warrior is the first productive force.

Training is the way to improve productivity.

Everyone is a warrior and a gentleman is a sword.


As time goes by, it's a year later.

Throughout the year, Su Xun has been busy with internal affairs.

Oh, there's another episode. He took a Ming sect disciple as his apprentice. His name is Zhu Chongba.

Su Xun named him Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang also lived up to his expectations. He fought several friction battles with the Mongolian Yuan border army, and all won completely.

Under the guidance of Su Xun, Zhu Yuanzhang was also very good at internal affairs. Because he was a farmer himself, he understood the life of the peasants at the bottom.

In the spring of the third year of Qianyuan, the war began.

Su Xun took Qiao Feng as the marshal of the South army, led 150000 troops of Xiangyang to attack the Song Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang as the marshal of the North army, led 300000 troops to attack yuan.

It is known to the outside world that 500000 troops unify the Central Plains.

The capital of Song Dynasty is Lin'an.

"Aiqing, what can we do? The Qianjun army is more fierce than the Yuanjun army. Without Xiangyang as a barrier, the Qianjun army can drive straight in!"

The emperor's face was full of worry. In the morning, he was just going to do a 30 second physical exercise with the queen.

I didn't expect to know that Qian army was going south.

He was so scared that he withered.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, it's the best policy to send someone to the north to discuss peace for the sake of speed. It's a big deal to make compensation for the land cut. We pay tribute every year and keep the Castle Peak here. We are not afraid of no firewood. As long as your majesty bears the humiliation, we will always have a time to recover our glory in the Song Dynasty!"

The Minister of the Ministry of household came out with righteous words.

As long as your majesty bears the humiliation, we all have time to enjoy the glory and wealth.

"Wait for me to reconsider!"

Everyone agreed, and so did the emperor, because no one in the court wanted to fight, and no one who wanted to fight could get into the court.

"You Aiqing, who would like to take a trip for me and the people of the Song Dynasty

The emperor's eyes swept over the crowd.

All of us look at our noses with our eyes, look at our hearts with our noses, and stand in their respective positions without saying a word.

After all, it is said that Qian Jun's favorite job is to kill and discuss envoys.

"Why, should I go in person?"

The emperor was furious and angry.

"Your Majesty, calm down!" All the ministers knelt down.

"No! The big deal is not good! " A eunuch rushed in with a letter in his hand.

Then he crawled to the ground: "Your Majesty, no, your majesty, the Qianjun army is less than three days away from Lin'an."


In the morning hall, it burst open in an instant.

"What's the matter! Isn't Qian's army just going south? Why did you get to Lin'an so quickly? "

"Yes, is it a lie?"

"Isn't it possible for the army to grow its wings?"

The ministers can't believe it, because it's unscientific. How could Qianjun come to Lin'an so soon? They haven't asked for peace yet.

"Your Majesty, after the Qianjun army went down to the south, all the disorderly officials and bandits on the way came down, and then formed a large army to fight against Lin'an in turn!" The eunuch cried.

All of you

How can generals surrender faster than their civil servants?

Go our way, let us have no way to go?

"The bandits! I'm a thief

The emperor was so angry that he swore.

A group of ministers exchanged their eyes, and then their eyes fell on the emperor on the Dragon chair at the same time.

"What do you think I should do?"

The emperor found something wrong and asked suspiciously.

"Emperor Daqian is a man of great virtue and great power. Let's catch this fatuous king and surrender Daqian!"

The prime minister took the lead in shouting, and then rushed to the Dragon chair, followed by the others.

The Emperor

It's crazy.

"You bastards! You traitors! What's your face? Go down to see the emperor

The emperor was still cursing after being tied up."Your Majesty, we have no face to see the Immortal Emperor, so we are going to send you down to see him." A general looked at the emperor with a smile and said, this is the credit.

The emperor's grief and indignation were over, and his eyes were red.

The prime minister said, "Your Majesty, this world belongs to you, not to us. To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for you, you would have surrendered."

emperor's old face is red. Indeed, what he regrets most is that he is restrained by his status and can not surrender.

In this way, where Qiao Feng led his troops, the Song Dynasty threw them. When he came to Lin'an, he found that all the civil and military officials had already tied up the emperor and met him outside the city.

"We welcome the arrival of the heavenly army

Qiao Feng

What happened? So I took the soldiers on a self driving tour, and then I made a great contribution to the destruction of the country?

Compared with the great Song Dynasty, the success made Su Xun suspect that it was a conspiracy to destroy the country. The resistance strength of Meng Yuan was very strong. In the face of Da Qian's advanced flint gun, the yuan army was brave and fearless.

But although they are brave and not afraid of death, the bullet hit them and they will still die.

Sometimes it doesn't take courage to turn the tables.

Zhu Yuanzhang led his army all the way to conquer the city and territory. He went down to thirteen cities in half a month, but he has not been defeated.

"Ai Qing, there are many war reports on the front line. They are all news of defeat in the war. I can't eat well and sleep these days. Is Da Yuan going to die soon?"

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty was as thin as skin and bone, and his voice was weak. Do you think he was worried about the war?

No, it's because he thinks that Dayuan takes jujube pills, so he wants to take advantage of the limited time to have a few women for a long time, so as not to lose the day in the future.

Well, it's the same goal as Mr. Ji.

There is nothing else to pursue in this life. I just hope to have a few more women.

"Your Majesty, take care of the dragon body. We have tens of thousands of warriors in Dayuan. We can still fight. I'm willing to go out to fight for your majesty against Qian army!" The fourth battle of Ruyang king.

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty said lightly: "the patriotic heart of Ruyang King boxing, I have a deep understanding, but it's taboo to change generals before the battle, so I don't have to mention it any more."

Your favorite daughters have become the imperial concubines of emperor Daqian. Do I dare to let you go?

If you take my last army and surrender directly, I will not be able to achieve the simple goal of more women.

Ruyang King's face was full of discontent. Finally, he sighed and retreated.

Five days later, the king of Ruyang rebelled and led his troops into the palace, pulling emperor Yuanshun down from under the Dragon bed.

The country will perish, full of loyal ministers!

"I I have long known that you have a bad intention, so I have not allowed you to lead the troops. I didn't expect that the orthodox is not wrong! " Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty gritted his teeth.


Ruyang king raised his hand and slapped: "Hun Jun! I fought for Dayuan all my life, but you didn't allow me to work for our country because you were suspicious. If you didn't refuse me to lead the army, how could I have been demoted! "

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty made a mistake in order, not because he knew people with a wise eye and saw that Ruyang net was against him, so he took precautions ahead of time.

It was because his various precautions chilled the heart of Ruyang king that he rebelled.

Then king Ruyang led Meng Yuan to surrender. Since then, Da Qian unified the Central Plains. Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong also took the initiative to hand over military power.

Because Daqian is not Daqing, it is impossible for them to establish a separatist regime in Daqian.

It would be nice to be a rich prince.


Daqian palace.

Congratulations on the completion of the mission: Han family. 】

[reward: donghuangzhong. 】

Su Xun opened his eyes, and a bronze clock with ancient divine patterns was floating in his palm.

Donghuang bell, the most important defense.

He has the most valuable weapon to attack, such as the sky axe, and the most valuable weapon to defend, such as the East emperor bell. Since then, he has been invincible.

At the same time, his breath began to rise.

Then he broke through the critical point and stepped into the saint five.

The sky above the palace is full of splendor, and the empty shadows of dragons and phoenixes fly around the palace, attracting countless attention.

The people knelt down on the ground and went up the mountain to shout long live.

Su Xun stepped out of the void.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the mountains and rivers changed dramatically, and the animals were surging. The aura began to fill the world. He promoted a martial arts world into a fairy world.

At this moment, all the martial arts have a lot of information in their mind, about the immortal way.

Then no matter where they were, they all fell on their knees and kowtowed to the direction of the palace.

One day later, Su Xun left the world with Xiao Longnu and others.

A lower world, he did not leave his own part, because he did not see the world.

He appointed his only apprentice, Zhu Yuanzhang, to succeed him, and he made enough contributions to ascend to the throne.

After seizing the land of the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Su Xun gave it back to the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty.But there is no Daming in the world, only Daqian!

And he was honored as emperor Daozu of Daqian.

This boundary is also called Qianyuan boundary.


Xuanyue continent.

Deep in a mountain range.

On this day, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

A hundred meter long bird flew by.


A sword burst out from the depths of the mountains, as if to tear the sky and strangle the bird directly.

The friars within tens of thousands of miles felt the strong and powerful sword spirit, especially the sword cultivation.

Soon a news spread all over Taizhou, white sword Su Changsheng out.

Yes, that's what Su Xun did.

He just came back from the world of martial arts.

It's just to make some noise and pretend to be a force.

Let everyone know that his white sword Su invincible vest is online.

After all, the founding of Taizhou friars' Union is approaching. At this time, we must brush a wave of existence.

"Is this the fairyland?"

Little dragon girl, Wang Yuyan and others are all full of curiosity, some eager to try.

Huo Qilin rubbed Su Xun's legs intimately. Knowing that Su Xun was an immortal, he was even better.

Su Xun threw a pill.

Like a dog, Huo Qilin sticks out his tongue and jumps up to catch it. After swallowing it, his momentum increases greatly.

"Thank you, master." He can speak.

Su Xun took them back to the secret department.

Huo Qilin is still a beast in the world of martial arts, but when he comes here, he can only be regarded as a pet.

So Su Xun didn't pay much attention to it.

Well, that's the scum.

Not only for women, but also for animals.

Because he's more of a beast than a beast.

"How's Lingzhou recently?"

Su Xun put the ancient sword Nu Wa in his arms and smelled the faint fragrance on her body. He felt very satisfied.

"What else?" Nuwa, the ancient sword, rolled her eyes: "yujianzong is still the eldest. We are the second in ten thousand years. We have nothing to do with each other. We have our own development."

"Soon, soon Lingzhou will be dominated by our Yin Department." Su Xun held the future in his hand.


Nu Wa, the ancient sword, was caught off guard. Su Xun gave her a painful cry: "take it easy, it's so painful."

"I'm a little excited, mainly because I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much." Su Xun laughed, and then he was not seduced by the woman, and began to practice hard.

Well, Shuangxiu is also a practice.

After a bloody battle with the ancient sword Nu Wa, Su Xun swallowed hundreds of millions of his descendants, and then he stopped fighting.

Then Su Xun and an Zizhen were warm and pure. He was a pile driver without feelings.

It took several days to finish driving all the piles

"Su Xun, I miss my parents." An Zizhen was naked in Su Xun's arms. Her white skin was as smooth as Congzhi, as if it could be broken by blowing.

Su Xun gently stroked her hair: "when things in Taizhou come to an end, I'll take you back to earth to have a look. When you are successful, I'll go home to visit my relatives."

Now he has broken through the five grades. There are two treasures, the Eastern Emperor's bell and the sky axe, which can be compared with the five grades of the six grades sage. This time, if you win Taizhou Yinsi again, your power will increase greatly. Then you can concentrate your strength to turn around and take yujianzong, and gather the two states to win the other three Zhongzhou at the fastest speed.

If all the five middle states were in hand, he could command at least 70 or 80 saints. Even if he went to the upper three states, he could walk horizontally.

The only drawback is the lack of high-end combat power.

There are nine sages in the upper three states, but the strongest one in the middle five states is only five. All of them have gone to the upper three states and disdain to stay in the middle five states.


A month later.

Taiyi sword sect is very lively today. There are monks coming from outside the mountain gate.

Because the Taizhou friars' Union, which has been preparing for more than a year, will be officially established today.

The leaders of various schools and schools paid a collective visit.

The gathering of 15 saints, more than 100 of them, can be said to gather the power of Taizhou.

In the hall of Taiyi sword sect, Chao Huayun, the leader of Taiyi sword sect, sat in the first place with a smile on his face: "today, Taizhou masters gather in our Taiyi sword sect for the biggest event in Taizhou for thousands of years to form a Taizhou friars alliance and fight against the invasion of the underworld department together!"

"Brother Chao, it's not right to say that the world's experts are gathering together, because there's a real expert who hasn't come yet." The old ancestor of yin and Yang said with a smile.

Chao Huayun did not know whether he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid, and asked, "who did Taoist brother Yin and Yang say?"

The ancestor of yin and Yang looked around for a week: "this man is naturally our Taizhou sword God. He is the white sword God. Su Wudi!"

"Good! Su Wudi sword defeated all the dignified figures in Taizhou, so we should repair the first sword in Taizhou! ""I heard that he has passed the customs. Why didn't he come today? How can such a grand event be without him? "

"Let Su Wudi join us, then it's easier for us to fight against the invasion of Yin Si."

Everyone thinks that what the Yin and Yang ancestors said is reasonable. You can talk about it with me.

Chao Huayun said: "it turns out that Taoist brother Yin and Yang is talking about this master. Naturally, Su Wudi's strength is inferior to his own. He wanted to send him an invitation, but he couldn't find it."

Nonsense, Su Chang was born. Isn't it more difficult for him to become the leader of the alliance?

So it's good for him that Su Changsheng didn't come.

"Gentlemen, I'm not too late."

A gentle voice sounded, followed by two figures appeared in the hall.

It's Su Xun in white, Xiao Longnu and Wang Yuyan with a sword.

Snow White has gone to practice.

XiaoLongNu and Wang Yuyan want to see the world. Su Xun just takes the two beautiful women with the same appearance to set off his strong style.

Seeing Su Xun, Chao Huayun curses his mother.

His hopes of becoming the leader of the alliance are crumbling.

"I'm sorry that younger martial brother Su can't come here. I didn't expect that younger martial brother Su will come here. Younger martial brother Su is highly cultivated and should be the dragon head of our friars. Please take the seat." Chao Huayun got up and gave up the first place.

His move was to retreat and keep his posture low, but he knew that Su Xun must be embarrassed to sit in his position.

And then he went to Sparta.

Su Xun said with a smile: "in this case, you are welcome to Changsheng."

With that, he went to the first place and sat down. XiaoLongNu and Wang Yuyan stood nervously behind him.

Chao Huayun

There is no mistake!

You're sitting on your horse!

How can you not follow the routine?

"Today, the establishment of the alliance is a great joy for all Taizhou friars, but as we all know, the so-called dragon without head is no good. If so many of us don't have an alliance leader, we will be scattered."

"So, I propose that younger martial brother Su, who defeated Taizhou sects, should be the leader of the alliance." The ancestor of yin and Yang got up and recommended Su Xun as the leader of the alliance.

"With such great kindness, master Su is highly cultivated and powerful. It's time to lead all our schools."

"I also agree that if there is no unified leadership, we will be defeated by each other."

"I also support Mr. Su as the leader of the alliance."

Other sects followed suit one after another, because Su Xun was indeed the best candidate for the leader of the alliance. He had strong strength, hard background, and did not belong to any force on the scene.

Let him be the leader of the alliance is the most appropriate and fair.

Chao Huayun's heart is full of ten thousand pieces of grass. NIMA rushes by. He thought that the old ancestor of yin and Yang would fight for the position of alliance leader with him, but he didn't expect it to be rash.

The old man knew that he couldn't fight for himself, so he hurt the enemy by 1000 and hurt himself by 800. He offered to make su Changsheng the leader of the alliance, and let him lose his plan.

It's a general trend for Su Changsheng to be the leader of the alliance. If he stands up against it alone, doesn't it seem that he has a different heart? So he has a lot to say.

Now I can only pray for Su Xun's refusal. As long as he dares to refuse politely, he will propose that he is willing to be the leader of the alliance and contribute to Taizhou.

However, it was doomed to let him down again.

Su Xun said lightly: "sword cultivation should be like a sword, rather than bending. Since all of you here have recommended me, which shows that you trust my strength, then I will not hypocritically refuse. The leader of this alliance will be my leader. I will lead Taizhou friars to fight against Lingzhou Yinsi to the end, and I will never retreat!"

Chao Huayun

Another child lost his dream.

"Yin Yang Sword sect, please see the leader! May the leader of the alliance be the leader! Follow your orders The old ancestor of yin and Yang got up.

"See you, leader!"

Others followed.

Chao Huayun followed him reluctantly.

Su Xun raised his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet. Then he looked around for a week: "I have to talk about the ugly words first, and even recommend me as the leader of the alliance. Then I have to listen to what I say, or I won't be merciless."

"Don't worry, alliance leader, as long as it is to fight against Lingzhou Yinsi, you will go through fire and water!" However, Chao Yun followed his orders, but added a powerful condition.

That is must be in order to deal with the Lingzhou Yinsi will listen, otherwise that is to be discussed.

Su Xun said, "you guys, Lingzhou's secret division is coming fiercely. When I was elected as the leader of the alliance, I will take the lead and set an example for Taizhou's friars."

"I think we can take the initiative to attack rather than wait to die!"

Su Xun's words were firm and full of momentum, which was inspiring.

"Dare to ask the leader, but what's the trick?" The old ancestor of yin and Yang had a laugh.With a confident smile, Su Xun said: "it's not a good move, but there is an idea. Think about it, they sent most of their forces to Taizhou in order to invade Taizhou, so they must have empty power in the rear of Lingzhou."

"You say, at this time, we suddenly attack the base camp in Lingzhou. What will happen?"

Everyone's eyes are bright.

"Wonderful Chao Huayun also gave a big praise and said with high spirits: "we suddenly went to attack Lingzhou in the opposite way. The vagabond was certainly unprepared. We can severely damage the old nest of the vagabond. They will go back to consolidate their base camp and have no time to invade Taizhou again."

"This plan is very good. The alliance leader is really brave and resourceful. I admire it." Yin and Yang said.

"The alliance leader really wakes up the dreamer with a word!"

"We went to Lingzhou, surprise, but also take the opportunity to loot some, when they get the news, we have already returned to Taizhou!"

"Please order from the alliance leader that it should be done sooner rather than later. I think we can start soon."

Other people think it's a good idea.

Little Dragon Girl and Wang Yuyan want to laugh.

But they managed their facial expressions well.

Su Xun got up and said with a laugh: "the little secret division is so ridiculous. Our Taizhou friars are united as one. Can they break it? This time, we will teach them a lesson and let them know how powerful they are. "

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will leave in seven days. Taiyi won't have to go. All of them will go with us! This time hit the scrotum hard, make its head broken and bleeding! "

"Good! Kill Yin Si, you are a fallen flower and flowing water

"Let them dare not covet Taizhou again!"

Everyone is boiling with blood, mainly because this time we can take advantage of the situation to rob the headquarters of the Yin Department.

Su Xun was also very happy.

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