After the founding ceremony of Taizhou friars alliance, Su Xun refused Chao Huayun's insincere request to stay, and went to Lingzhou in advance on the pretext of investigating the secret department's intelligence.

"It's like going deep into the tiger's den for the alliance leader to go here. Everything must be very careful." Chao Huayun reminds a way.

Although being robbed of the leader of the alliance by the other party made him a little uncomfortable, he was on the same front after all, so he didn't want to see Su Changsheng planted in Lingzhou.

Su Xun said: "don't worry, elder martial brother Chao. I'll be on guard. We can't help it. This time we hit each other unexpectedly. We have to be quick and accurate. So I have to find out where the headquarters of the secret division is. Only then can we hit the target!"

"Have a good trip to the alliance leader!" Chao Huayun was moved by Su Xun's spirit. He went to the tiger's den alone to get information. The leader of the alliance wanted to get it.

It's really for the sake of Taizhou!

"Elder martial brother Chao, you will leave in seven days. I'll wait for you in Lingzhou. I'll see you then."

When Su Xun finished, he took Xiao Longnu and Wang Yuyan out. The wind blew his robe, and his long hair fluttered slightly. His back was full of determination.

There is a feeling that although there are tens of thousands of people, I have gone.

At this moment, all the people of Taiyi sword sect could not help admiring Su Xun.

Until Su Xun's back completely disappeared, Chao Huayun withdrew his eyes: "let's get ready. We'll start on time in seven days. The leader of the alliance will go to Lingzhou to inquire for information. We can't let him down!"

Every sect in Taizhou has taken action.


"You are too bad."

"Yes, it's too cunning."

After leaving Taiyi sword sect, XiaoLongNu and Wang Yuyan can't help laughing.

They really sympathize with these people.

Even your allies are enemies.

How are you going to win?

Su Xun put his arms around them and said, "what's bad and whether you can speak? It's called Shangbing cutting strategy. Do you understand?"

"Next is to let people ambush in Lingzhou and wait for them to fall into the trap?" Wang Yuyan smiles and looks at Su Xun with a smile.

Su Xun said: "no, what I want is to let them work for me, not eliminate them."

Little Dragon Girl and Wang Yuyan are at a loss.

But Su Xun didn't explain. He called up the leader of Tongtian and went back to Lingzhou with him.

Nuwa, the God of the world, and Mengling, the leader of Yunxia sword sect, stayed in Taizhou.

When all the high-end fighting forces of the Taizhou friars' Alliance go to Lingzhou, Taizhou will be empty. Nuwa and Mengling can join hands to ransack their base camp.

The reason why Su Xun wanted to go back with Tong Tian was very simple. He wanted Tong Tian to play the double reed with him.

When he rushed back to Lingzhou, seven days later, the main force of Taizhou friars Union also set out in a low key.

A total of 15 saints, 60 Daluo.

Dozens of days later, they joined Su Xun, who had entered Lingzhou to inquire about the news ahead of time, at the border of Lingzhou.

"Leader, what's going on."

Chao Huayun and the old ancestor of yin and Yang came forward and asked.

Su Xun sighed and confessed to the public: "to tell you the truth, I've failed to live up to people's expectations this time. First, it's because the time is still short. Second, I've been checking for a long time, but I haven't found out where his hometown is."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

"Well What can we do? If we can't find the location of the Yin Department, don't we come here in vain? "

"Yes, so many of us are in action. Once we enter Lingzhou, we will be found soon."

"If we can't make a surprise effect, we'll be running for nothing this time."

All of them were disappointed and helpless. All of them held their breath before they came. Now they are not willing to go back so frustrated.

Su Xun also said: "you should be calm. Although I didn't find out the old nest of the Yin Si, I found another target, yujianzong. This clan has a close relationship with the Yin Si. It's also the base for the Yin Si to lead others to attack Taizhou this time."

"Although we didn't find the Yinsi, we can completely attack yujianzong. Without yujianzong to help the Yinsi sit in the rear, the Yinsi certainly dare not disperse most of his power to Taizhou, or even withdraw all of it."

That's right. Su Xun wants to pit the imperial sword sect.

Originally, he wanted to solve this group of Taizhou friars with the help of yujianzong, but when he thought about it carefully, he could solve both at one time.

Win twice. It's a win-win situation!

Now Lingzhou is the territory of the underworld Department except the imperial sword sect. The imperial sword sect looks at Taige.

So let's get rid of them first.

"No matter what religion he belongs to, none of these Lingzhou friars has any good things. If they come, they will do it!"

"Yes, you can't go all the way for nothing."

"Lord, give the order."

Just now some disappointed people heard that Su Xun had found another target, but they were not picky.Anyway, it's OK to aim at the underworld department. By the way, it's also possible to get into the imperial sword sect and make a big rush for zero yuan.

Su Xun looked around and raised his voice: "Taoist brothers, please follow me at the back of this seat."

Voice down, turned into a golden light to escape.

The others followed and killed yujianzong.

At the same time, Nuwa and Mengling in Taizhou are looting the nests of Taiyi sword sect and other sects.


Royal sword sect.

Lord Pei Jian is playing chess with Xie Lingyun.

"What does the patriarch think about the attack of Taizhou by the secret division?" Xie Lingyun asked as he settled down.

Pei Jian calmly smile, do not think: "this person, the pace is too big, will pull the egg."

Obviously, he is not optimistic about the strategy of attacking Taizhou, because the development of Yinsi is too fast, but the high-end combat power is too low, there are only two saints, how can he gain a firm foothold in Taizhou.

He didn't know the existence of Mengling, fengshenjie Nuwa and Tongtian sect leader, otherwise he would find that the power of Yinsi had surpassed their yujianzong.

"I don't think the emperor of Yinsi is like a man who wants to be ambitious. Maybe he has some other strength." Xie Lingyun led Yin Tianzi to be a confidant and explained for him.

Pei Jian still can't deny: "nothing can make up for the gap in strength. If kuazhou's development is so easy, how can we stay in Lingzhou for tens of thousands of years?"

Suddenly, his face changed, Xie Lingyun's face also changed, and then both of them set foot in the air at the same time.

At the same time, several other elders also flew out to stand with Pei Jian and look at the horizon.

They all feel that there are more than a dozen saints in the air is rapidly approaching, there are dozens of Da Luo.

Even if it was just passing over the head of their imperial sword clan, they were not stable.

A moment later, dozens of dodging lights fell, and Su Xun led Taizhou friars' alliance to encircle yujianzong.

Pei Jian's heart trembled, because it was obviously aimed at their yujianzong.

"Dare to ask you guys..." Pei Jian wants to communicate and ask what is the reason.

You can't be beaten. I don't know why.

"Kill Su Xun interrupted Pei Jian directly.

And then all of them did it together.

Pei Jian's several people are all confused. Where is the person who stepped on the horse? Why did he fight for no reason.

Moreover, compared with the forces of both sides, they have no hope of victory.

"Taoist brothers, is there a misunderstanding?"

Pei Jian fought back while communicating.

"Misunderstanding? If you monks of Lingzhou can invade our Taizhou, can't we come to Lingzhou? "

Chao Huayun sneered and scorned.

Pei Jian wanted to curse his mother, and he cried out: "wait a minute, Taoist friend. It's the man of the Yin Department who invades Taizhou. It has nothing to do with our imperial sword sect!"

"It doesn't matter if you say so!" Chao Hua Yun won't listen to his explanation. It's all excuses.

Pei Jian said hello to his ancestors for 18 generations. Are you sick! If you don't beat the Yin Department to beat our yujianzong, are you kicked in the head by the donkey?

Looking at these lunatics, Pei Jian had to fight back. After all, he couldn't lose the foundation of yujianzong.

The battle between the two sides was chaotic, and the mountain protection array of yujianzong was broken down. The backbone forces suffered countless deaths and injuries, which was extremely tragic.

"Master Pei, I'll help you!"

A roar came, only to see a man in a black robe wearing a mask and a woman flying.

"Emperor Yinsi!"

Pei Jian didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He was so miserable because he carried the pot to the Yin Department.

But now in the face of this situation, the emperor did not hesitate to come to the rescue, he was very moved.

"For the sake of your coming here, I won't pay you this time." Pei Jian roared.

Su Xun pointed to the emperor of the underworld: "you are the emperor of the underworld. You are so bold. You dare to invade Taizhou. If you have the guts, you will fight to the death!"

"Ha ha ha, joke, why dare not!" The emperor of Yin Si laughed three times and flew out of the sky.

Su Xun followed closely. They left the battlefield and went to fight nine days away.

After the two flew away, the mask on the emperor's face disappeared, revealing the handsome face of the leader of Tongtian sect, and chuckled: "I'm still suitable."

"No one has ever seen the real face of the emperor of the underworld, except inside the underworld, so they can't recognize him." Su Xun gave a smile and waved to take out the grill and food.

No matter below beat to live to kill, two people drink to eat barbecue above, can be said to be leisurely.

After the barbecue, Su Xun thought it was almost time: "OK, let's continue to play the second half."

Then Su Xun called out an ancient axe, and one of the axes aimed at the Taizhou friars' camp below.

Yujianzong had been destroyed. Pei Jian, Xie Lingyun and others were seriously injured. Even Nu Wa, the ancient sword, was injured. Taizhou friars firmly gained the upper hand."Today, Tu Sheng!"

Chao Huayun roared excitedly.

At this moment, the wind howled, and a crack was broken in the sky, and a huge golden axe fell on them.

Su Xun, a sage of five grades, used the sky axe to strike with all his strength, but the sage of six grades couldn't catch it.

Chao Huayun and others showed the color of panic.

Pei Jian was also shocked. It was only a few years ago. The emperor of the underworld was so strong!

"Don't run! Let's block it

The Yin and Yang ancestors roared, then sacrificed a defensive magic weapon and flew to the horizon.

Chao Huayun and others responded and followed suit.

However, some of them took the opportunity to flee.

"Fool!" The Yin and Yang ancestors swore.


With the fall of the axe, the heaven and the earth fell apart, and the territory of the imperial sword sect disappeared in an instant.


All the people, such as Yin and Yang Laozu, were shocked out.

Those big Luo Jinxian who escaped at the beginning were directly strangled by the aftereffects of the axe.

Under one axe, 15 saints were injured and 23 great Luo Jinxian died instantly.

"A group of mole ants, dare to come to our Lingzhou, I dare to attack Taizhou, I have my confidence!"

Su Xun's voice resounded through the world.

The old ancestors of yin and Yang all trembled. If the axe was aimed at one of them, it would be seriously injured.

Then they saw an embarrassed figure from the sky, it is their leader Su Changsheng!

At this time, Su Changsheng was ragged, his hair was messy, he vomited blood, and his face was pale. At first glance, he knew that he was seriously injured.

"This man is too fierce. I only caught two axes." Su Xun said to the old ancestor of yin and Yang.

Taizhou friars are cool, even their first master in Taizhou is not the opponent of the emperor of Yinsi, so isn't it a foregone conclusion that the emperor of Yinsi will live in Taizhou?

No wonder Yinsi dares to invade Taizhou. No wonder Yunxia sword sect takes refuge in Yinsi so easily.

They have the strength!

A few more axes, who can stop them?

What they didn't know was that the reason why Su Xun was so miserable was that the axe had emptied his whole body of mana, and he was killed.

Pei Jian is also agitated, so strength, originally this is the base of the secret division to attack Taizhou?

"Two choices, surrender or die!"

The Yin emperor, who was disguised as the leader of Tongtian sect, slowly fell down and stood up with his hands down.

Taizhou friars' faces were uncertain. Although this man was strong, they could not fight together, so they didn't want to surrender.

"Alas." Sue sighed.

Everyone looked at him.

Su Xun gave a wry smile: "I'm willing to surrender. I won't stop the vagrant from entering Taizhou, but I won't listen to the vagrant's instructions and leave Taizhou forever from now on."

This vest can be given up.


Taizhou friars were struck by lightning. They wanted to fight to the death, but the leader surrendered.

"Leader! If the sword is mended, it's better to bend than to bend. We'll fight hard, but we're not necessarily opponents! " Chao Huayun roared.

"Yes, leader! Taizhou is the Taizhou of our Taizhou friars. How can we let the Lingzhou friars rule? "

"Please think twice

All of them tried to persuade Su Xun.

Su Xun waved his hand: "in the past, I was always arrogant and arrogant. Today I fight with the emperor of the Yin Department. I'm convinced that I lost. The emperor of the Yin Department is highly cultivated and ambitious. I'm willing to surrender..."

Su Xun stopped for a moment, and then looked at the pirate himself on the other side: "but I still have a condition. If the hermit takes charge of Taizhou, he should treat Taizhou friars equally, otherwise I would rather die than surrender!"

"You are not joking. I promise you." The head of Tongtian sect nodded and said nothing.

Su Xun turned to look at the old ancestor of yin and Yang and others: "I have failed the expectations of Taizhou monks. This is the last thing I can do. See you later."

The voice fell and disappeared as sword light.

"Alas, the Yin Yang Sword sect is willing to surrender."

Yin Yang Laozu sighed and said.

"Taiyi sword sect is willing to surrender."

Chao Huayun also followed.

"Geng jinjianzong is willing to surrender..."

With these two people taking the lead, other people have also accepted their fate. After all, even their first master in Taizhou has gone, how can they continue to fight?

Moreover, before leaving, the leader of the Soviet Union won the conditions for them to be treated equally by the secret department, and they didn't want to disappoint the good intentions of the leader of the Soviet Union.

That's all. If it's down, it's down.

"Hahaha, OK, OK, OK, everyone, please get up quickly. From now on, all of you are from the Yin Department. I promise that I will never treat you badly in the name of Yin Department."Tongtian sect leader laughed three times and cheered them up one by one.

Such a courteous and virtuous attitude made the newly injured Taizhou friars feel better.

Pei Jian looked at this scene with a complicated look. With these 15 saints, the secret division has become the most powerful force in the five states.

Another look at my imperial sword sect. Even the mountain gate is destroyed. Compared with the Yin Department, it's so miserable.

Thinking of this, Pei Jian bowed to the leader of Tongtian sect: "the Mountain Gate of yujianzong has been destroyed. Maybe it's God's will. If your majesty doesn't abandon it, our yujianzong is willing to drive for your majesty. It's only for you to step down."

He was very clear that the Yin Si who had ruled Taizhou would not tolerate the independence of yujianzong in Lingzhou.

Therefore, compared with being swallowed up, it's better to take the initiative to join in, so as to have a better face.

"Lord Pei is willing to join our company. It's really a blessing for our company." Tongtian sect leader holds up Pei Jian.

This is a real win-win.

At the same time, he won over yujianzong and Taizhou friars.

Since then, there have been 25 saints in the Department of Yin. The great Luo Jinxian is more than 100, which is the strongest force in the five Central States.

In this way, it's much easier to integrate the two states and attack the other three.

The other three states are Qinzhou, Yuzhou and xiazhou.

Then the Yin Department entered the rest period, after all, to digest the fruits of the occupation of Taizhou.

Three years later, Yinsi attacked Yuzhou.

Five years later, Yinsi attacked xiazhou.

Seven years later, Yinsi attacked Qinzhou.

In order not to let his disguise of Su Changsheng leak, Su Xun didn't even use the Yin Tianzi sword and longkui sword anymore. Holding a sky axe, he cut all the way from Yuzhou to Qinzhou.

At the same time, he also broke through the six saints.

Mei pangzi, Liu An, Tang Sanzang and zhenyaojian all broke through the saints one after another.

After the unification of the five Central States, Su Xun's 72 saints and more than 400 Dalao set up five ghost emperors on top of the ten halls of hell to survey one state.

Pei Jian, the ghost emperor of Qinzhou.

Lingzhou ghost emperor Tongtian sect leader.

Taizhou ghost emperor granted Nuwa in the divine world.

Chao Huayun, the ghost emperor of xiazhou.

Nuwa, the ghost emperor of Yuzhou.

In addition to the five ghost emperors, every city has a City God, and every famous mountain has a mountain god.

The Yin Department is in charge of sages and mortals. It is in charge of reincarnation. It is extremely powerful for a time and covers five states.

There is also a small episode. Ten years later, Xie Lingyun also knows that the emperor Yin killed his apprentice and robbed Su Xun of jianlingguo. However, he is magnanimous and decides not to pursue Su Xun's responsibility.

Well, mainly because he didn't dare.

Today, all the people in the Department of Yin perform their own duties. Su Xun, the son of Yin, is only responsible for formulating the general principles. The imperial assembly inspects Beijing once every 50 years and once every 100 years.

Jingcha is the assessment of all officials. After all, corrupt officials who use power for personal gain are inevitable, and hardworking officials should be promoted.

Moreover, in order to prevent the power from solidifying, city gods, including ghost emperors, change their positions every 100 years.

These are the advanced experiences of the earth.

Speaking of the earth, he hasn't been back for a long time, so after the stability of the five states, Su Xun didn't rush to go to the three states. Instead, he went back to the earth to visit his relatives with Mei pangzi, Zhen YaoJian, an Zizhen and others.

After all, I haven't been back for decades.

It's an alternative way to return home.

If you don't pretend to be rich and noble, you'll be like a royal family at night.


The earth.

Since Su Xun continuously buried the spiritual veins of other worlds into the earth to create artificial aura, earth shaking changes have taken place in the past decades, and cultivation of immortals is the main theme.

All the countries on the earth have broken the barriers and formed the earth alliance with the Dragon state as the core. All countries have removed their names and become provinces. All policies are jointly decided by the Presbyterian Council composed of the leaders of all countries.

The Presbyterian's headquarters is in Jiangzhou, the capital of the Earth Alliance.

Because Jiangzhou is the birthplace of Xiuxian era and the former residence of Su Xun, it is of special significance.

Now students go to school, and cultivation of immortals is a compulsory course. Cultivation of immortals has been included in compulsory education. Basic law has been taught from primary school, and junior high school has been divided into different subjects, such as alchemy, making Fu, refining utensils and so on

To cultivate immortals, we need to understand the history of cultivating immortals.

Throughout the short and magnificent history of the cultivation of immortals, Su Xun is a name that all mankind can't get around.

Even the Yuliang mountain manor where he once lived was reduced to the holy land of pilgrimage for all the immortals.

As for the giant Qingyun group, after Su Xun left, it was taken over as a state-owned management, but there was no change in its equity. It was still Su Xun's name.

Nowadays, the flying sword, Dan medicine and Fu Zhuan produced by Qingyun group are all popular commodities in the world.

In a word, Su Xun changed the world."Students, this is Yuliang mountain manor, the former residence of Su Xun Daojun, the great pioneer of the path of cultivation. There is also a medicinal field left by Su Daojun on the top of the mountain. You should remember the name of the manor. Daojun's former residence is a required question in the examination papers over the years. In addition, Su Daojun is one of the most famous people in the history of modern cultivation of immortals..."

A beautiful primary school teacher is taking the freshmen who are going to school this year to visit Su Xun's former residence.

The pupils love and hate Su Xun, because his existence means that there are many more questions about him in the examination paper, which makes the children suffocate.

"Teacher, look what it is."

All of a sudden, a pupil with a shocked face pointed to the sky and yelled.

The teacher looked up at the sky and was shocked.

When the shadow seemed to cover most of Jiangzhou, black dragon patterns were carved on the hulls.

Everyone in Jiangzhou saw this scene.

"Look! What's that? "

"What a big boat! Is the alien world invading

"What's the situation?"

Presbyterian elders gathered in front of the screen and watched the scene through state-of-the-art satellites.

All of us are dignified.

"Our satellite is the latest satellite built with the help of R satellite. The other side can avoid it quietly. This shows the strength of the other side. I don't know whether it is a friend or an enemy."

"Let the governor of Jiangzhou get in touch with him first. In any case, we should be prepared. When friends come, there will be good wine, and when enemies come, there will be knives and guns!"

"There is no need to be so nervous. Judging from the performance of the other side, there should be no hostility."

"Wait! Technician, enlarge the image! Look! Is that a traditional Su character on the flag

"It's really a su word! Is it... "

Everyone looked at each other, a little excited and incredible, they all thought of the same person.

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