Several huge wooden magic craft floated over Jiangzhou City, causing a great sensation.

Su Xun got off the boat with an Zizhen and others.

After seeing Su Xun's face clearly, several elders of the Presbyterian court immediately went to meet him.

"Many beautiful little sisters, fairies?"

"How do I feel that person looks familiar? I seem to have seen it in textbooks. "

"The trough! Daojun! It's su Daojun

"It's really him! Is this a return home? Sure enough, all the bullies are bullies

It's only a few decades since Su Xun left. As soon as he appeared, he was recognized by countless people.

A few military vehicles came from the air, and a long escort came quickly.

After forming the Galactic Alliance with R star, the earth is now developing both theology and science.

The poor just buy new energy vehicles, and the rich have already bought flying swords and flying cars.

Soon, the door opened, and several old people came down with excited faces, as well as Su Xun's acquaintances.

"Welcome home, Mr. Su."

The first one looked at Su Xun and said.

"It's a good feeling to go home."

Su Xun gave a little smile. In fact, he didn't feel so good, because now the earth can hardly find what he remembered. It's a little strange.

This may be his last time back.

"I'll go home first. Let's get in touch when there's something wrong." Su Xun said to the elders.

"Yes, it is."

"The Yuliang mountain manor you used to live in is still the same. You can go and have a look."

"We are looking forward to communicating with you about the future direction of the earth."

After saying goodbye to the elders, Mei pangzi returns to the manor first, and susian takes an Zizhen to her home.

All the wives' homes have to be visited.

Finally, I went to see my parents.

This is the difficulty of too many wives. If he was given another chance, he would never marry dozens.

He will marry hundreds of them.

This is not lust.

He is thinking about problems from the perspective of social stability. There is no way. His status is different.

You see, now men have so much pressure to marry a wife, and it's even more pressure to marry a beautiful wife.

In this case, he married all the beautiful girls by himself, wouldn't other people have less pressure?

Sacrifice him for a happy family.

In Su Xun's opinion, it was worth it!


Settle down.

An Zizhen's father has retired, and now he is raising flowers and dogs at home.

The babysitter has also resigned.

They have a long life.

Sometimes I feel tired of living.

"Old man, come to the kitchen and serve."

Ann called out to the outside.

"Oh, call me such a little thing."

Old an put down the newspaper in his hand, scolded, got up impatiently and went to the kitchen.

When the couple came out with vegetables, they were stunned and stood in the same place.

"Dad, mom, do you miss me?"

An Zizhen in a pink dress is sitting on the sofa, looking at them with a smile.


The dish in their hands slipped in an instant.

When Su Xun used his magic, the two dishes flew up again and were placed on the table.

"Zizhen! It's really my daughter back! "

Su's mother wept with joy and rushed to embrace an Zizhen. They hadn't seen each other for at least 20 or 30 years.

As a man, Lao an is more restrained, but his eyes are also flashing with tears.

Su Xun looked at Lao an: "Dad, I'm sorry. I came back to see you so long."

"You son of a bitch, it's been decades since you abducted my baby daughter. Who's the father-in-law like me Old an scolded to say.

Su Xun laughed: "Dad, if you say that, there are several fathers in law who are the same as you."

Su Xun's father-in-law was very depressed.

"There's a face, isn't there?" Old an stares, then picks up the next coat: "go, go out to eat."

"No, I'm going to eat mom's food." An Zizhen leans in an's mother's arms and says coquettishly.

Ann's mother wiped her tears and quickly got up and went to the kitchen: "mom is going to cook more dishes now. Old man, you can sit with Zizhen and brother xun'er for a while."

"Dad, where's su Xian?" An Zizhen asked.

Su Xian is the son of her and Su Xun. When he left the earth, he was not taken away.

And Su Xun's only daughter, Su Wan, whom Cao Yaoyao gave birth to, didn't take away.

Because the future was uncertain and the uncertainty was too great, they left the two children on earth.Lao an sighed: "ten years ago, Xiaoxian and Wan'er often came to see us. Later, they all left the earth because they had to find you."

"Husband." An Zizhen looks at Su Xun.

Su Xun said: "don't worry, they are two OK, four children, which one has an accident, I can feel, these four brothers and sisters are together now."

He sensed that Su Qing, Su Xian, Su Wan, and Su Ming were all in the Taixu world, and they met successfully.

After settling down, Su Xun accompanied Liu Yun to her home again. Either he was meeting his father-in-law or he was on the way. Su Xun was a little busy.

After seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Su Xun went to see his father and mother again. The old couple are now living a pastoral life in their hometown.

Su Xun and his wives are also men and women, but he usually plows at night.

, as like as two peas, left the earth the same as before, and this is the only place where he can find familiar memories.

He decided to move the estate when he left.

A group of people chattered in the living room, laughing from time to time, and time seemed to go back to the past.

Three days later, Su Xun and the Presbyterian met and exchanged views on the development of the earth.

"After that, the earth will be handed over to you. This may be the last time I come back." Su Xun said.

"Please don't worry, Mr. Su. We won't let you down. The earth will always be your home."

"Yes, if there were no Mr. Su, there would not be the earth today. No one can erase Mr. Su's contribution to the earth."

"Personally, I hope Mr. Su can come back when he has time."

The elders hoped that Su Xun would come back often, because Su Xun was the pillar of the family.

Such a thick thigh is not white.

"Report!" A voice came.

The elder called, "come in."

An officer came in, looking anxious and dignified: "elder, the satellite monitors that a large number of monks are approaching the earth. This is the last picture sent back by the satellite, and then it's exploded."

He nodded on his wrist, and a light curtain appeared in everyone's sight.

From the light curtain, we can see that a large number of warships are approaching the earth. The warships are full of friars. At last, the satellite is blasted by a friar.

After watching the video, the elder looked at Su Xun and asked, "what do you think of Mr. Su?"

"I'm afraid it's not the right person." Su Xun said lightly, but he didn't pay attention to it.

Seeing his attitude, people were relieved, and then they continued to chat and didn't think much about it.

With Su Xun, it would not collapse that day.


Over the earth.

The ships carrying the friars were stopped by patrol ships outside the earth. These patrol ships are R-star technology, equipped with heavy weapons such as Star Destroyers.

"Opposite ship, listen, you have entered the earth's airspace. Please state your identity and intention."

"Opposite ship, listen, you have entered the earth's airspace. Please state your identity and intention."

The earth warships are shouting.

"It's really wordy. Abandon the ship, kill, and capture the core of the heavenly way of the world as soon as possible."

A middle-aged man in a red robe said coldly, and then flew to the earth warship.

He is entitled to ignore the earth.

The friars, like locusts, followed closely, attacking the earth with all kinds of magic weapons.

"What is that?"

Suddenly, the monks stopped.

I saw a giant palm covering the sky and blocking the sun.

All of them were shocked and showed their life saving magic, but they found that all of their magic were invalid and their spiritual power could not be mobilized.

A moment later, tens of thousands of monks disappeared.

They seem to be aggressive, but they don't even turn over the waves and die.

This scene was sent back to earth by warships and allowed to be put on the Internet. Everyone was shocked.

"It's su Daojun. What kind of realm is this? It's really terrible."

"So many friars were killed in one hand, and even no one showed up. It's like a hanging explosion."

"Do the monks want to attack our earth? They're lucky. It's an auspicious day. "

"Ha ha ha, God steps on the horse, the golden day..."

Su Xun knew nothing about the comments of netizens. He said to several elders, "I searched their souls. These friars came from a world called Jiuyang world, which is specialized in hunting the heavenly way of other worlds to capture the core. This time, all the high-level friars were basically destroyed. Even if they are alive, they dare not come to the earth, so there is no need to worry that someone will come to seek revenge."

He knew from the memory of these people that there was a very strong man, who was called the Lord of the world. These people were all plundering the core of the way of heaven by the order of the Lord of the world.He has wiped out all the breath and changed the coordinates of the earth. I believe that the so-called world Master can't find the position of the earth. If he is smart enough, he will know that he has offended people who can't be provoked and won't continue to investigate and seek revenge.

This so-called world Master is a bit like Hongjun in Fengshen romance. He can improve his world status and strength by swallowing the core of other world's heavenly way.

However, from the memory of those people, he found that the strength of the world leader was at best a saint of three grades, and he did not have the strength of a real strong one.

Is it true that the stronger the way of heaven in the world, the stronger the monk's power will be after he combines the way of heaven?

However, if his self-cultivation can't reach the ninth grade of the sage, how can he succeed in accordance with the Tao?

Su Xun couldn't understand it. He could only sigh at the myriad interfaces. All kinds of practice systems were too complicated.

After two months on earth, Su Xun took his parents and father-in-law to Taixu to see his four children.

Originally, he wanted to take them to xuanyue mainland, but Su Ming still wanted to stay in Taixu kingdom as emperor. Su Qing refused to go either. Even Su Wan didn't want to go. In the end, only Su Xian would go.

Su Ming didn't go because he had governed Taixu for so many years and had feelings for Taixu. He couldn't leave Taixu alone.

He is more like an Emperor than Su Xun. In his words, if the emperor abandons his subjects at will, he will be abandoned by them one day.

Su Qing made an appointment to join Chu fan in a place called Yuanwu kingdom.

Chu fan, the son of heaven's destiny in the world of licking dog Savior, and the apprentice of jade rabbit moon spirit, by practicing martial arts, he broke through the void and soared.

The reason why Su Wan didn't want to go to xuanyue mainland was that she wanted to travel around, to see all kinds of worlds and to be a vagrant.

After staying in Taixu for a year, Su Xun left with his third son Su Xian and returned to xuanyue.


Xuanyue continent.

It took a long time to return to xuanyue mainland from Taixu realm, but for those who cultivate immortals, this time is not a matter. Just close it.

After giving his father-in-law and parents to the women to settle down, Su Xun immediately summoned the five ghost emperors, the ten halls of hell, and the city gods from all over the world to the Yin emperor's hall for a meeting.

Su Xian will be introduced to them, and announced the establishment of Su Xian as the prince of Yin.

"Do you have information from the upper three states?" Su Xun asked.

Before he left, he ordered them to arrange for people to go to the upper three states to collect information and send it back at any time.

"Your Majesty, a year ago, news came from the upper three states that Tianzhou and Yunzhou were at war." Pei Jian, the ghost emperor of Qinzhou, went out to worship Su Xun and said.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows: "how is the war going?"

Tianzhou is the base camp of TIANYAO clan, while Yunzhou is the god Buddha who immigrated from the earth.

Pei Jian was ashamed: "since the war broke out in the two states, the teleportation array to the five Central States has been closed. Now if you want to go to Tianzhou or Yunzhou, you have to use the teleportation array to go to Shenzhou, and then enter from the border of Shenzhou, so it's very inconvenient to transmit information. At present, the war situation in the three upper states is not clear."

The upper three states, Tianzhou, Shenzhou and Yunzhou are all connected, just like a continent is divided into three parts, unlike the middle five states.

Su Xun didn't criticize him either, because it was forced by the environment, and Pei Jian did his best.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "you guys, now the five states in the middle are owned by our company, and the six states in the lower part are not enough. Now the war between heaven state and cloud state is a good opportunity for our company to enter the upper three states."

He is sure to go to the upper three states. Those people in Yunzhou can be said to be his ancestors. They have to go to the field to fight with TIANYAO.


When he heard that Su Xun wanted to enter the upper three states, the hall suddenly burst.

It's OK for an individual to enter the upper three states, but so far no sects or forces from the middle five or lower six states can live in the upper three states.

"Your Majesty, please think twice. Although there are more than 70 saints in our department, they are all middle-level saints of three grades and four grades. There are no high-level saints. When we enter the upper three states, we have to be swallowed up by local forces!"

"Yes, your majesty, it's not rare for the upper three states to be even a saint of nine grades. But at present, even the strongest one in our middle five states is a saint of six grades."

"I will definitely go to the upper three states, but at least tens of thousands of years later, there will be high-level saints in our vaginal Department..."

Most people object to this because they think going to the upper three states is death.

"Be quiet." Su Xun said lightly.

All the people below were silent.

Su Xun said in a deep voice: "we can't stand up in the upper three states just by our company, but what if we have the help of Yunzhou? I have something to do with the immortals in Yunzhou. "

He got the Yin emperor's inheritance and rebuilt the Yin Department. He is also a man on earth. The immortal society of Yunzhou will support him.

"If so, why didn't your majesty say it earlier?""With the support of fairies and Buddhas in Yunzhou, it's really possible for us to have a foothold in the upper three states."

"Your Majesty is far sighted, I admire you!"

The wind direction suddenly changed. Although some people are still satisfied with the status quo, more people are no longer against it.

"That's settled. All the love ministers will go down to prepare. I'll go to the upper three states to explore the way. The time has come. I'll lead the army to the upper three states according to my will."

"When I'm away, the crown prince Su Xian will act as the deputy of the government. I hope you can help me."

Below, Su Xian stood in front of him and bowed his hands.

"All right, retreat."

"To your majesty!"

Back in the imperial study, Su Xian's calm face disappeared: "Dad, why don't you discuss with me in advance? Can I supervise our country? "

"It's just because you can't do it that you have to learn. Most of the time you will be in charge of your country." Su Xun didn't want to be tied up by the busy government affairs.

So let the son be bound.

Isn't son a tool man?

Su Xianru's funeral: "this is the first time. What if I mess up?"

"Screwed up? Then Dad will make up for all your missing fatherly love. " Su Xun had a good laugh.

Su Xian was so excited that he felt that he must have been crazy at the beginning. He couldn't think of looking for his father from all walks of life. Isn't that a trap?

The biggest mistake he made in his life was that he came to xuanyue mainland. He knew that he might as well stay in Taixu realm. Although he was also very strict, he at least didn't fight himself. This one is really good at it.

Three days later, Su Xun, Tang Sanzang and Nuwa went to China by teleportation.


China, Ziyang City.

The cross-border transmission array is located in the east of the city.

With three rays of light, Su Xun, Nu Wa and Tang Seng appeared on the transmission array.

"This is China? It's worthy of being in the upper three states. The spirit of immortals is really abundant. "

Tang Seng took a deep breath and showed a very enchanting expression. I didn't know that he thought he was sucking something that made the day have a verdict.

Su Xun's face was not very good-looking, because there were many purple hair and golden eyes.

The God he met in the world of Fengshen romance has these appearance characteristics.

Is that a Protoss?

In addition, the person he cursed under the light sphere of the main god in Yuanyang is also a Protoss, because he has already felt the power of his curse.

Fuck, I'm in the enemy's nest.

He turned to look at Nu Wa, who was also looking at her. Obviously, he also found this.

Su Xun said, "let's go. Let's leave China and enter Yunzhou as soon as possible."

"Well." Nu Wa knew what he was worried about.

Because she had also experienced that war. If it wasn't for the teacher Hongjun, they would all have to die in the hands of the purple haired young man.

It's the pressure of being crushed and killed.

Now this is still on the other side's territory, and Hongjun is not there. If they are found by the other side, they will be in danger.

Tang Monk didn't know this, so he said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Have a good look. When I was in Lingzhou, I heard that the women of the protoss are very beautiful, but I don't know if there are brothels in Shenzhou."

"You're a monk. If you go to the brothel, you won't be afraid that the Buddha will kill you." Nuwa said.

The Tang Monk put his hands together and looked like a compassionate Bodhisattva: "Amitabha, the female benefactor is very biased. All the women who enter the brothel are hard-working women. My family has been merciful for many generations, so I should help them with silver."

"But if they only give money, it seems to be giving alms and insulting their personality, so poor monks can only let them trade fairly with their bodies. After all, they rely on labor to make money, which is more glorious."

"Ha ha." Nuwa's skin smiles but not her flesh.

Su Xun took her little hand: "ignore him, he is not a serious monk."

"You are serious. If I have so many women, I will not go to the brothel." Tang Sanzang did not have a good mood to say a word, a mouth to show vulgar.

At the same time, somewhere in China, a young man opened his eyes and showed a sneer: "unexpectedly, he came to China and sought his own way of death, causing the king to fall from the eighth grade to the fifth grade. How can he get through without revenge?"

"Although the king of God has fallen to the fifth grade, it's enough to deal with you as a third grade."

From the moment Su Xun got out of the transmission array, he caught his breath, because Ziyang City, where Su Xun is now, is one of his cities.

His name is Shenan, and his surname is Shenzi. This is the exclusive privilege of the royal family of the Protoss. He is also the youngest of the eight divine kings of the Protoss. The other seven divine kings are all Jiupin saints, and he is the only one.

The last time he was killed in a certain plane, he went to revenge himself. Unexpectedly, he met a strong man of he Dao, and his accomplishments fell to five grades.He can't provoke the strong, but he always harbors a grudge to kill the Sanpin saint.

If that guy didn't kill him, how could he come?

If he doesn't come, how can he be beaten down by the powerful?

So, it's the third grade mole ant's fault!

"Come on, pass on the king's order, all the cities will be sealed immediately, and no fly will be released! If anyone dares to break through, report to the king immediately

As the voice of Shen'an fell, his figure had gone through the air. He could feel the breath of Su Xun nearby, but he was not sure which city it was.

So he sealed all the cities, and then he searched them one by one. Even if he dug three feet, he would find the third grade mole ant and crush it to death.

But what he didn't know was that Su Xun had five grades now. He had the same accomplishments as him.

It's not his fault. After all, who could have thought that the saint could break through so fast after his cultivation?

Su Xun didn't know what he was worried about had happened. He was taking Nu Wa and Tang Seng to the north gate of Ziyang City and left there.

Suddenly, he found a lavender light cover over the city, covering Ziyang City.

"What's the matter? Why did the great battle line suddenly open? Did someone attack the city? " Monk Tang frowned.

How to look at Su Wa

The city protection battle can not only prevent the enemy from attacking, but also trap the people in the city.

"I hope I think too much." After Su Xun finished, he went to the soldier who was guarding the city gate and said, "this Taoist brother, why did the city guard suddenly open?"

"I'm sorry, we didn't open the fortress protection array. It's the king's order. Ziyang City is the city sealed by King Shen'an. The king's order in his hand can control all the fortress protection arrays in his fiefdom." The soldiers couldn't see through Su Xun's accomplishments, so they didn't dare to trust him, because it was a tragedy to offend a saint in the upper three states.

Su Xun had a bad feeling in his heart: "I see. This king of God's safety must be very powerful."

"Yes, King Shen'an is the first strong young man in the previous generation of our Protoss. The other seven kings are all nine grade saints, only he is eight grade sage." When the soldier said this, his face was full of pride.

Su Xun went back to Nu Wa and Tang Sanzang with a gloomy face: "I'm afraid that guy found us last time. Most of the city was sealed for us."

The protoss who came to Fengshen world last time was bapin, most likely the king of Shenan.

"What about that?" Nu Wa was a little nervous.

"What's the situation?" he said

"It's like this..." Su Xun told him the story again. After listening to it, Tang Monk exploded immediately: "you have offended a saint of eight grades. This horse rider, don't we die before we get out of the army?"

"We can't afford to take this risk, whether it's for us or not. For today's plan, we have to break out of the city by force." Su Xun took a look at the city protection battle.

Nuwa nodded: "well, instead of waiting here, it's better to break out before he comes."

Su Xun took out the sky axe, stepped into the air and cut the city protection array with one axe. Boom! After the battle broke, he yelled at Nu Wa and Tang Sanzang, "go

Nu Wa and Tang Sanzang flew out of the city.

"Stop them! Report to the king

"They are the people the king is looking for!"

"As long as you hold them down, the king will have a reward!"

There was chaos in the city. Thousands of magic soldiers and generals flew into the air to form an army array in an attempt to intercept Su Xun's three men.

"Go away!"

Su xuncai didn't want to talk nonsense, so he cut the axe.


Under the sky axe, these magical soldiers and generals even had no chance to scream and then disappeared.

Watching thousands of magic soldiers turn to ashes, other people who want to intercept stop one after another.

After all, although the reward is good, there must be a life to lead.

Su Xun's three men soon disappeared.

A purple light fell, and God came.

"See the king..."

"What about people?" God can't wait to ask.

"People are running that way."

"Waste!" Shen An's voice fell down, stepped out, and chased out with the fastest speed.

"No, it seems that the smell coming from the rear is only five grades. Are we mistaken?" Su Xun, who was on the run, said with some doubts.

Nuwa and Tang Monk asked, "is that still running?"

"Run a fart, dry, he!" Su Xun stops.

They are all five grades. I'm afraid of a hammer. He also has a sky axe and a bell. He can crush each other.

After a while, Shen An turned into a purple light and fell in front of the three people. Seeing Su Xun and Nu Wa, he laughed: "do you know you can't run away?"

"It's really you. Why did you suddenly become Wupin?" Su Xun asked curiously.

The smile on Shen An's face suddenly became stiff, and then he became angry and roared: "it seems that you really live enough wait! Why are you liupin! "He suddenly widened his eyes, only a few decades, how the other party from the third grade to the sixth grade!

It's not theological at all!

How can someone break through so fast!

"Is it strange that you can change from eight to five, and I can change from three to six?" Su Xun asked.

Shenan's mouth twitches. Can it be the same as stepping on a horse?

But now, he's a little flustered. Both sides are Wupin, but there are three people on the other side. He's not a murderer, he's more like a murderer.

The next moment, Nu Wa and Tang Monk two people around behind him, blocking his way.

Su Xun said with a smile: "I was just passing by. Why do you have to catch up?"

"If you let me go, the past will be written off. This is China. If something happens to me, you will die in the end of the world!" Shen An said coldly.

Su Xun sneered: "if you want to beg for mercy, you have to have an attitude of begging for mercy. If you're really such a bull, you won't say such bullshit now, stupid!"

"You..." Shenan's anger turns to anger.

"Cut the crap and die!"

Su Xun's voice fell, and a burst of fire broke out on him, and he became a huge beast.

"It's really the demon family!"

In Fengshen world, when he saw Su Xun using TIANYAO bow, he suspected that he was a member of TIANYAO family. Now when he saw Su Xun's manifesting noumenon, he was more sure.

"I, the demon family, will not only destroy Yunzhou, but also the protoss to occupy Shenzhou!"

Su Xun's rampant hatred for the demon clan.

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