"Animals are animals. You are insatiable. You TIANYAO are really ambitious!"

Shen An said with gnashing teeth.

Even if the sky demon and cloud state go to war, they are still fighting the idea of the Protoss. I'm really looking for death.

"Is that your last word? Unfortunately, you can't see the day when the protoss perishes. "

Su Xun's voice fell down, roared and rushed to Shen'an, and the huge paw beat down.

Shen An waved and a purple gold spear appeared in his hand. The tip of the spear stabbed Su Xun's paw.

Su Xun tilted his paw and slapped it on the gun. He opened the gun and burst out the flames.

This fire is not an ordinary fire, but the first divine fire of heaven and earth after refining land pressure in the body.

In the face of fire, God is not afraid to dodge, because he is a saint, and has the special constitution of the protoss, even samadhi fire and Phoenix Fire can not hurt him.

And he has seen the demon fire of TIANYAO clan, even less powerful than samadhi's real fire.

So he didn't take the flame of Su Xun seriously at all. He just thought that Su Xun was distracting him.

So he would never fall for it.

Then he was very sad. His purple hair was burned to ashes, and his skin cracked.


Shen An screamed, and his body turned into light and shadow, and quickly retreated.

Tang Monk and Fengshen Nuwa took advantage of their unprepared actions.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

A string of Buddhists and red hydrangeas hit Shenan. Shenan faltered in the air, and his robe suddenly fell apart and looked extremely embarrassed.


Su Xun looked up at the sky and roared. His body expanded rapidly. He became a giant beast with a height of 100 Zhang and stepped on it with one foot.

"Ah, ah

Shen An raised his gun to block this foot.

The next second, Su Xun suddenly changed back to human shape, holding a sky axe to cut down, bang, the earth exploded, Shen An's spear was fragmented, and cracks appeared on his body surface.

The last time he was injured by Hongjun, he still hasn't recovered. Now his cultivation is lower than that of Su Xun. Su Xun relies on the power of Kaitian axe. Shen An knows that he is not an opponent. He can only burn his blood to escape. Even if his cultivation falls under the sage, it's better than death.

"Want to run?"

With a sneer and a wave of his hand, a small bronze clock flew out and became bigger in the air.

Shenan found that no matter how he ran, the small bronze clock was always over his head.

The red Hydrangea ball in Nu Wa's hand flies out and binds Shen An. Tang Monk reads Buddhist scriptures, and the beads in his hand hit him, causing damage to his spirit.

Donghuang bell, red Hydrangea, Buddha's prayer beads, Kaitian axe, four treasures, Shenan can't turn the plate.


Su Xun held the axe in both hands, and the huge virtual shadows of the axe tore the sky and fell on Shen An, destroying his body.

"In the afterlife, I'll kill you for revenge."

With the roar of the God, the body exploded, and the spirit was cut to pieces by the sky axe.


Sudden change of wind and cloud, clear sky, thunder, blood rain, holy cry.


Su Xun and his three men went away as Dun Guang.

At the same time of escaping, he manipulated the law of time to erase the existence of that war from the long river of time and space, but it seemed that it was too late to erase all of it, leaving the period after he became poor and strange.

This paragraph is deliberately left for planting.

As soon as they left, seven figures arrived in a flash.

All of them were gloomy and terrible. They were the other seven gods of the protoss, the most powerful under the God Emperor.

One of them pointed a little, twisted time and space, reached for a grasp, and intercepted a piece of unclean residue from the long river of time. It was the period when qiongqi roared and rushed to Shenan.

"The demons! How bold

When they were angry, the world was frozen in an instant, and countless mortals froze to death.

For the higher life of God, the lower life of mortals is good at reproduction, so no matter how much they die, they don't care.

A million, a million, it's just a number for them.

Even if they kill 10 billion people, when they are closed, there will be another 10 billion people in the world.

"Go back and report to Emperor Zun, and prepare to fight against the demon. Kill our Protoss God King, and this battle will never end!"

Although the king of God can still be resurrected, it will be tens of thousands of years later, which is no different from death.

At the same time, countless people know that there are saints who have fallen, and the powerful ones are the ones who have fallen.

Tianzhou, Yaoting.

The demon emperor of TIANYAO clan looked up and his sight seemed to penetrate the roof: "Shen'an was killed. I don't know who did it. It's a troubled time."

It's you. It's your demon!

"Come on, immediately send someone to find out whether the holy meteorite is related to our demon court."Yunzhou, Tianting.

"King Shen'an has fallen, and I'm afraid China will not be stable." The Jade Emperor said lightly.

The fairies below all look different.

Tianting and Yaoting are old contradictions. This war was also initiated by TIANYAO clan. Both sides were immigrants to xuanyue mainland.

It's just that the demons came earlier.

There is no inside information on both sides. The strongest one in the heaven is the Jade Emperor, Sanqing and Buddha, while the strongest one in the heaven demon family is the demon emperor and the ancestor of the four fierce beasts.

The protoss are the aborigines of xuanyue continent. Mingmian is the God Emperor and the eight God kings. However, there are still several ancestors in the Protoss.

So the protoss is the strongest. Now that the protoss is dead, a king will not give up. I just hope it's not the people in Yunzhou.

Otherwise, the protoss will take part in the war and attack Yunzhou with the demon clan, which will be a big trouble.

"Yang Jian, the God of Erlang." The Jade Emperor spoke.

A young man with three eyes, wearing silver armor and black cape, came out: "Yang Jian is here!"

Although Yang Jian and his uncle were at odds, they all left their hometown and came to Yunzhou. The family conflicts between them had already disappeared.

"The Jade Emperor said:" immediately investigate whether the protoss meteorite has something to do with the immortal Buddha in Yunzhou

TIANYAO and Tianting don't want to offend the protoss, because the other side will lose if the protoss helps.

"Yes, Yang Jian!" Erlang God arched his hand, then threw his cloak and returned to his position.

The Jade Emperor continued to order: "Li Jing, the heavenly king of Tuota, came to report that the front line was in urgent need. Four marshals, Ma Zhao, Guan Wen, led the 36 day generals and supported by 200000 heavenly soldiers."

"I'll comply with the order!"

Four marshals and thirty-six days will be out.

There have been many battles between TIANYAO clan and Tianting in recent years. The battlefield is outside the territory, which is called the ancient battlefield outside the territory.

It was the place where the protoss led the xuanyue friars to fight against the demons.

Millions of soldiers and saints died in the war, and the place is full of evil all the year round.

"Are you still playing? If you don't play, go back. " The Jade Emperor waved his sleeve robe.

Taiyin Star King Chang'e out: "I have played."

Everyone looked at her.

Because Taiyin Xingjun is very low-key in the sky, he used to stay on the moon all the year round when he was in Kyushu, and after he came to the xuanyue continent, he was closed to the Moon Palace.

If it wasn't for the full-scale war with TIANYAO, she would not have gone out to attend the meeting.

Taiyin Star King's lips rose softly: "when I went out of the pass this time, the jade rabbit told me that there was a person from Kyushu in Lingzhou who had been inherited by his Majesty the son of Yin. Now only Mengpo is still in the hell. In my opinion, whether to recruit her to Yunzhou and rebuild the Yin Department."

"Taiyin Xingjun took it for granted. Now there is only Mengpo left in the prefecture. Even if you recruit that person, where do you go to find so many people to fill the vacancy in the prefecture? Even if it's built, it's just a facade. "

"It's true that now we are going to war with the TIANYAO clan. Let's talk about these things later. The most important thing is to defeat the TIANYAO clan first."

Others object to this. They don't want to use their men to fill the scrotum.

And in their opinion, it's useless to set up a secret department that has no strength and has no appearance.

The Jade Emperor said, "this matter will be discussed later."

He didn't want to re-establish the Department.

now has the final say on an equal footing in cloud state. If he builds up a shadow, at least someone on the surface will be equal to him.

Chang'e pursed her red lips and returned to her original position.


Chiyu city.

The royal city of Shenle king, one of the eight kings of the Protoss.

After killing Shen'an, Su Xun and his three men changed their face and walked in the territory of the protoss with more ease.

Because all the cities are forbidden to be empty, and after the Shenan incident, there must be searches everywhere outside, so even flying in the wild is very eye-catching, so it's better to walk directly from the city.

After all, there is a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

"I asked. We went out of Chiyu city and all the way to the West was Leize mountain range. Then we could enter Wanxian city in Yunzhou after crossing Leize mountain range."

Tang monk said that he just inquired about the news.

"Look at the frequent mobilization of soldiers in the city. It's going to fight against the demon clan." Looking at a group of protoss soldiers passing quickly, Su Xun said jokingly.

Nu Wa rolled a white eye: "it's not that you are crafty, planting and setting up the demon clan."

"If you can talk, that's resourceful." Su Xun slapped her on the hip.

How could Nu Wa be so rude and angry in public

"It's OK. As long as you're not embarrassed, it's someone else who's embarrassed." Su Xun said rightfully.

Nu Wa glared at him.Su Xun said: "two Nuwa, in order to effectively distinguish, it's better to change your name."

"No change." Fengshen Nuwa said.

Su Xun looked at her: "OK, don't change. In order to show my love for you, I'll call you Xiaowa later."

"Why is my name Xiaowa? You didn't change it for me." Nu Wa's lips curled reluctantly.

Su Xun and Nu Wa flirted with each other all the way. Tang monk was wearing a bald head when he was envious of the light bulb. They came to the west gate and were ready to leave the city. However, they saw a soldier pasting a notice on the city wall.

Then the soldier turned around, pointed to the notice, looked at the crowd and said: "the demon family is despicable and shameless. They attack us by sinister and vicious means. King Shen'an has orders to attack the demon. King shen'le is the vanguard of the battle. Those who volunteer to join the battle above Taiyi can get the status of general. They have a great reward for their achievements. Those who want to register in the palace."

Then the soldiers left with their men.

"This is cannon fodder." Su Xun sighed.

Tang Monk agreed: "or high-level cannon fodder."

"Come on, let's sign up." Su Xun said.

"Ah?" Tang Monk and Nu Wa were shocked.

Su Xun said with a smile, "why not take the protoss soldiers to fight against the demons?"

Maybe in the protoss mixed into God Emperor?

Cough, it's just a conjecture. It's impossible, because he's not a Protoss royal family or even a Protoss. How can he be a God Emperor.

Unless he's related to God.

"King Shenle is a saint of nine grades. He can see our true appearance at a glance." Nuwa said.

Tang said: "it doesn't matter. Those people in Ziyang City can't remember our appearance. The reason why we changed our face is just for the sake of safety."

Saints should not look directly at each other. Unless the saints are willing, the low-level friars can't remember the appearance of the saints at all, and the memory will only be specious.

Soon, the three people who were going to leave the city came to Shenle palace, where many people signed up.

Because many practitioners want to use this opportunity to join the Protoss and have a stable job.

Most of them are Jinxian and Taiyi, and a few of them are outstanding.

"Are you also here to sign up for the army?" Asked the soldier in charge of registration, looking at the three men.

Su Xun said with a gentle smile, "I signed up alone. They both came with me."

"What's your name

"Su Changsheng." This vest was going to be abandoned, but now it's picked up again.

"From where."

"Taizhou of the five states."


"Six saints."

"Plop!" The soldier who was registering for Su Xun was so scared that he sat on the ground.

Others were also shocked to see Su Xun.

Do you think it's appropriate for you, a saint of six grades, to compete with us for jobs? Is that good?

This is not good!

Su Xun looked at the soldier who fell on the ground: "what's the matter? Can't the saint sign up?"

"Please wait a moment, master. I'm going to consult the king." The soldier ran into the palace in a hurry, because no one thought that there would be a saint to sign up.

He is also a saint of six grades.

The existence of such a level can live well without resorting to the influence of any party.

After a while, a middle-aged man with purple hair in a purple suit came out calmly.

"See the king!"

Everyone came to pay homage.

With a wave of the king of divine music, everyone stood up uncontrollably. He looked at Su Xun with burning eyes: "one six grade, one three grade, one one grade. Can you tell me what you want?"

Hiss -

after hearing the words of Shenle, everyone took another breath. Unexpectedly, Nuwa and Tang Seng were also saints. Three saints came to join the army at one time.

"To tell you the truth, I also have a reputation in Taizhou. I learned from gongyangbai and was known as Taizhou's first sword cultivator. I wanted to start a sect in shangsanzhou, but I didn't know how shortsighted I was until I came here."

"I wanted to leave China and go to Yunzhou, but I didn't expect that I just met a soldier posting a notice, so I brought two good friends here to make a name in the upper three states as a Protoss soldier!" Su Xun is powerful.

"Why do you have to join the protoss instead of TIANYAO and Yunzhou Tianting

"I went to Yunzhou this time just to join the heaven, but I just happened to meet the king's general. As for the sky demon clan, how can people keep company with animals?" When talking about the demon clan, he did not hide his contempt.

The king of Shenle said, "well said, animals are animals. They are arrogant and insidious! I don't care what your purpose is. Since you're here, I'll dare to accept it. I'll give you 50000 magic soldiers to follow me to fight against the demons in the foreign battlefield! "His tone was calm, showing a strong confidence of the king, not afraid of Su Xun's evil intentions.

The reason for this is because of the gap between the two men's strength, and that Su Xun is not a Protoss. Su Xun's rule over the protoss soldiers should be based on his support, otherwise he can take over his military power at any time.

As he spoke, a purple gold token and seal floated in front of Su Xun.

"Thank you, my Lord!" Su Xun took over the general seal.

Then Su Xun and his three men entered the palace, and the king of Shenle introduced the generals to him.

He personally took charge of the central army. The former general was a saint of seven grades. The later general was a saint of six grades. The left general was a saint of six grades, and the right general was a saint of six grades. Su Xun was under the command of the right general.

The general of the right army was called Yingfei, and he was more polite to Su Xun. After all, Su Xun had the same accomplishments as him.

this time, a total of 500000 troops went out.

"Father, I'm going too."

Just as they were discussing business, a clear voice rang out, and a woman in armor came in, with a concave and convex figure and a valiant appearance.

It looks like 17 or 18 years old, but who knows the real age.

"Nonsense! War is not a joke. " He was interrupted by his daughter's sudden intrusion. In front of his subordinates, the king of Shenle was a little embarrassed and scolded.

Shenying was not afraid of this, and said carelessly: "I don't care. If you don't let me go, I'll go secretly. In that case, I'll be more dangerous."

When they heard this, they all wanted to laugh.

Looking at this hob meat like daughter, Shenle has a headache. It's all his favorite, and he has to bear the evil he made: "OK, go, but you can only stay with me when you go."

"No, I'm not. I'm going to war, not to go for an outing." Shen Ying turned her lips and looked around the generals. She pointed to Su Xun and said, "I want to be with him. He's much more beautiful than you old men."

All of you

We are middle-aged, OK!

Su Xun sighed. This is the distress of being handsome. I really envy those who are ugly.

At least they don't have that kind of trouble.

"No! You can only stay with me, or don't go: "the king of Shenle refused without hesitation. He was worried about the danger on the battlefield.

Shenle said, "if you don't go, you won't go. Hum, what's the matter? I'm leaving."

With that, she made a face at Su Xun, and then left with a proud step holding her helmet.

"I'll make you laugh. My daughter is spoiled by me." Said Shenle with a sigh.

Su Xun quickly licked: "the king's words are bad. I think the little princess is innocent."

"Come on, don't flatter me. Yingfei, take him to see his soldiers." Shenle doesn't like it.

Su Xun didn't expect that Shenle didn't like being licked.

If only he had a chance to lick his daughter. It seems that he likes the girl just now.

If you can lick her comfortable, then you should be comfortable in Shenle's hands.

Of course, it would be best if she could repay her kindness and lick herself in turn.

"Yes, my Lord." Right general Ying Fei got up, then looked at Su Xun and said with a smile, "general Su, please."

Su Xun followed with Tang Seng and Nu Wa.

Soon, the four came to a military camp.

The threshold for the protoss to choose soldiers is to step into the realm of spirit refining and return to emptiness, and take the route of elite soldiers.

Like the heaven court and the demon court, ordinary soldiers are only refining Qi and transforming spirit, only the elite is refining spirit and returning to emptiness.

After all, the protoss are the aborigines of xuanyue continent, and it is certain that their heritage is stronger than both.

The right army of Yingfei has 100000 people, with two deputy generals, one of whom is Su Xun.

After recruiting all the generals of the right army into the army account, Yingfei introduces Su Xun to them, and then introduces his ten subordinates to Su Xun, all of whom are daluojing.

The 50000 people led by Su Xun were called the heavenly army, and each 10000 people had a chief General and a deputy general.

After knowing ten of his subordinates, fifty thousand troops gathered, and Su Xun finished his training.

After all, all people are convinced of his six character cultivation.

There is no one in the novel who is not convinced with his airborne appointment and wants to come out and find him alone.

Because if you want to fight with him alone, that's death.

When the protoss army was ready to go, the demons had already got the relevant information.

"Who is it! Who is it? Who did it

In the evening, the demon emperor summoned all the ministers into the palace and was furious in front of everyone.

In any case, he didn't expect that it was the people of the demon family who killed Shen'an.

"Your Majesty, calm down. This is not the work of the great general in the court. Maybe it's a sanxiu of the demon family who is traveling outside." A minister came out and said.

The demon emperor roared: "is it useful to talk such nonsense? You tell the protoss, will he believe it? Now the protoss have put this account on me! ""Please calm your majesty!" Everyone on your knees.

The demon emperor roared: "I don't want you to kneel down. I need a way! What we need is a solution! "

The bottom is quiet, and everyone's mental activity is like this: do you think we want to kneel? If we had a way, we would not kneel down.

The demon emperor's eyes are red and ready to split: "the war with the heaven court has gradually become white hot, and the forces invested by both sides have exceeded one million. If the protoss intervenes again, our demon court will be over! It's over

If he knew which bastard's people killed Shen'an, he would skin him.

It's impossible to listen to the explanation of a God King who died because of the arrogance of the Protoss. They will fight with them just for the sake of face.

It's even more impossible for Tianting to negotiate. If Tianting knows about this, it will only hurt.

Therefore, the sky demon clan has reached the critical moment of life and death. If it can't pass, it's over.

"Your Majesty, there is another way to help us TIANYAO people through the difficulties." Said an old man.

Everyone looked at him.

The old man flashed a hot flash in his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, don't forget that the local ethnic groups in xuanyue continent are not only the human race, the protoss, the demon race, but also the demon race."

Everyone was shocked.

"This matter must not be! The demon clan is ferocious. If you release it again, it will cause the demon chaos again. "

"Your Majesty, please think twice. The demons are perverse, insidious and bloodthirsty. They can't make a comeback."

"The seal of the demon world must not be opened..."

They came to xuanyue continent thousands of years earlier than Tianting. At the beginning, they were exiled by Emperor Shun in Kyushu. They were driven out of Kyushu and came to xuanyue continent by mistake.

As an outsider, they were also the four fierce beasts. They were able to get a firm foothold here at that time because they happened to encounter the demon chaos, and the demons invaded the xuanyue continent on a large scale.

The protoss is fighting against the demons. In order to gain the recognition of the Protoss and get a piece of territory, the four fierce beasts join the war and finally hit the demons hard. The protoss sets a seal and seals the remaining demons in the demon world. They also know where the seal is.

It is precisely because of the defeat of Tianmo, qiongqi, Taoyu, Chaohu, Taowu, the four fierce beasts, that they call themselves TIANYAO, unify all the demon families in Tianzhou, and follow the example of the ancient Tianting in Kyushu to create the demon court.

"The demon clan is in danger. Why do you care so much? Now we have to take it by surprise. Otherwise, when the protoss think of this and send more people to guard the sealed place in advance, it will be too late for us to use this move to bring the dead back to life! "

"Yes, we can't stop the heaven and the protoss by ourselves. We must open the seal of the demons and let them deal with the protoss!"

"Your Majesty, please make a quick decision!"

If there is any opposition, there will be some support, and this is a good idea for the demon clan.

As for the consequences of the return of the demons, they don't need to worry about it. Now they just need to worry about the safety of their own group.

The demon emperor pondered for a moment, and then said: "the original heaven and devil chaos is still fresh in my mind, which is very important. I have to discuss with my ancestors before I can make a decision."

With that, his figure disappeared.

Tianting also got the news. As the demon clan expected, they didn't miss the chance to beat the water dog.

During the day, it was announced that the four marshals would go to the front with 200000 troops in 36 days.

In the evening, the troops were increased again. Twenty eight constellations and five party Jiedi took another 200000 heavenly soldiers.

Taiyin Star King Chang'e is also among them.


The red feather City, the palace, is brightly lit.

The battle is just around the corner. Su Xun is also among those invited to hold a banquet in the palace tonight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the unique divine brew of our Protoss. We are open to drink and eat."

"Xiao Wang, here's a toast for your father."

The king of Shenle went to Beijing and came out to entertain all the people. They were all little Wang Ye Shenyu.

Su Xun's face was full of smile, and he pushed the cup to change the cup. Tang Sanzang's left hand chicken leg and right hand wine were full of oil. From time to time, he wiped his mouth with cassock to bury himself.

At first, some people suspected that he was the monk of Lingshan in Yunzhou, but now they don't doubt him any more.

After all, if the monks in Lingshan had such virtue, they would have been passed away by those Buddhas long ago.

Su Xun's three men were arranged in the palace. After all, the three saints came to vote. Of course, they should pay attention to it.

Su Xun and Nu Wa share a room.

Just after dinner, two people of course is to promote the digestion of esophagus through strenuous exercise.

"Wait Stop There's someone out there

Nu Wa's clothes half solution, pretty red, eyes misty, body soft as if boneless.

"Never mind."

Of course, Su Xun knew that there was someone outside, but he didn't want to give up halfway. After all, he had always been a man with perseverance and decided to finish a thing.It's only half done now.

Outside the door, Shen Ying spat, then jumped to the rockery and waited.

An hour later, Su Xun was finally busy.

Then she put on her clothes, went out of the door, and flew to the rockery: "little princess, listen to the guests in the middle of the night. Is this the way of hospitality in your palace?"

"Bah, who wants to listen? It's dirty my ears. I just came to see you. I just met you." The God Ying pie pie pie pie mouth, full face dislike of say, return small fart, share to side move, left Su Xun far some.

She was wearing a pink dress, which was not as heroic as wearing armor in the daytime. On the contrary, she was lovely and simple, but her figure was very mature.

Su Xun said with a smile, "what can I do for you?"

"I want to go to the battlefield with you, and I also want to fight the enemy!" Shenying waved her fist.

Su Xun said, "didn't you tell Wang you wouldn't go?"

"No, you believe that? I just want to paralyze him. At that time, you will take me with you secretly. When you go abroad, he will find that I am finished. " Shenying's eyes were very bright.

Su Xun shook his head: "no, you're her daughter. He won't do anything to you, but I'm sure I'll take military law, so I can't promise you."

"I'll plead for you. He spoils me. Just say I forced you." Shen Ying looked at Su Xun pitifully. She didn't have the airs of a Royal Princess. She was more like an ordinary girl.

From this point, we can see that the king of Shenle must love her very much and let her be so casual.

"You force "Mine?"

Su Xun looked at her strangely.

You can drive wherever you want.

Shenying nodded: "yes, I forced you, so father won't blame you, not to mention as long as we are careful, he won't find out."

"I can promise you. What's my advantage?" Su Xun looked at her with a smile and asked.

Shen Ying's eyes widened: "Wow, what's the good? I'm a princess. You've helped me. I'm sure I'll help you speak well in front of my father in the future. Many of them just ask me to speak well to my father. "

She has a proud and proud face, a "I'm very good" expression.

"I have a better way." Su Xun said.

God cherry eyes a bright: "what method."

"If I became the king's son-in-law, he would be reluctant to teach you and blame me. Do you think it's a clever plan?" Su Xun said with a bad smile.

Shenying's eyes widened, and then she showed a fox like smile: "you **I, you're dead. Well, I caught you. If you don't help me, I'll sue you! Hum, hum

With that, she jumped down the rockery and made a face at Su Xun, then left.

The wise don't talk in secret.

Lovely, like the sun.


Ten days later, King Shenle came back.

Half a million troops set out for the battlefield outside China.

On the ship of the heavenly army.

Su Xun had a soldier around him. He was pretty. People thought he had a special hobby.

In fact, the soldier was changed by Shenying.

"If I were found out, I would be too bold." Su Xun sighed.

Shenying looked at him with a smile: "you're called lustful. Now it's too late to regret it."

"Princess Royal, wise, this guy is really driven by passion!" Tang Sanzang is flattering.

Shen Ying curled her lips: "you are not as good as him. You have a lustful heart but no lustful courage. Move your eyes away."

Tang Monk

Think of him, Tang Sanzang, who was also a beautiful man in shiliban village of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty. Now he is with Su Xun, and his light is completely covered.

"I can't hide this from the king. Now I'm going to think about his confession. I'll take the responsibility."

As he spoke, Su Xun stood up.

"I'll go with you." Shenying said.

"Just stay." With that, Su Xun stepped out, and his figure disappeared in the same place and came to the main ship.

saw the queen of the divine music, and Sue found no bottom line to put the blame on the Sakura: "Wang Shang, the end will just effect Wang Fu, it is not easy to refuse the Royal Highness, but thinking before, it is a matter of great importance, still dare not hide, then came to report, please Wang punishment!"

"Well, that girl is used to willfulness. No wonder you put your mind on the battlefield and let the woman around you look at her for me." The king sighed helplessly and waved.

Su Xun left and went back to his boat. His face was very ugly.

Shenying saw it and said, "father, do you blame me? I'll explain it to him now."

"Forget it, it's all over. If I kill more enemies on the battlefield, I can offset this crime." Su Xun sighed and gave a reluctant smile.Seeing this, Shen Ying feels extremely remorse in her heart. Her father must have taught him a lesson. It's all because of her willfulness that she killed him.

Looking at Shenying's apologetic eyes, Su Xun's heart was full of joy. It was too easy for him to take down this kind of little girl, and there was no difficulty.

Now Shenying has felt sorry for him, and it's easy to further develop.


A year later, the protoss army arrived at the battlefield outside the territory, and the evil spirit on the battlefield was almost condensed into essence.

Here, because of the influence of the monstrous evil spirit, the role of the monk's divine consciousness is almost pitiful.

Even the saint's divine consciousness can only maintain the effect of tens of miles, less than a hundred miles.

Because there are many fallen saints in this battlefield. This is also a treasure ground. There are often scattered repair groups to search for treasures in this ancient battlefield.

"Everyone, get off the boat and camp!"

At the command of the king of divine music.

"Kill me!"

At this time, a cry came.

Countless demons rush out like a tide of beasts. For the demons, they are the strongest in the original state.

Since war is inevitable, the demon clan will not wait to die, wait for work and attack suddenly.

The leader is a few Taoyu. Obviously, this is the soldier of Taoyu, one of the four royal families of TIANYAO.

"Enemy attack! Attack! Enemy attack

Protoss soldiers were caught off guard.

Su Xun and other officers and soldiers have stepped into the air to fight back.

He used the Dragon Kwai sword, because Kaitian axe had killed king Shen'an, which was stained with the breath of King Shen'an, and could not be used in front of the Protoss.

"Tianxuan! I didn't expect you to take the initiative to die! "

Holding a big halberd, the king of Shenle roared and rushed to a leading gluttonous beast.

"Shenle, I really think I'm afraid of you The head of the Tao fan roared.

Su Xun rushed to a gourmand cultivated by a sage of four grades. After all, persimmons need to be soft.

"Will you kill me this month?" Taolu looked at Su Xun and said.

Su Xun sneered: "I didn't expect that even animals can speak human words these days. It's really strange."

"To die!" Xuanyue roared, and his huge body rushed to Su Xun.

Su Xun's breath was completely released.

Xuanyue was frightened. Then she knew Su Xun's true cultivation. She couldn't help scolding her mother.

Actually hiding accomplishments in the battlefield, Li Zi doesn't talk about martial virtues!

Su Xun chopped down with a sword: "beast, death!"

Stabbing -

the sword flies out, and countless demon soldiers are strangled by the overflowing sword Qi, while xuanyue opens her mouth to devour the sword, which is their talent.

"It's not bad." After swallowing the sword, xuanyue looks at Su Xun with a provocative look.

Although there is a gap between the two in strength, it is impossible for him to escape on the battlefield.

With a flash of golden light, Su Xun suddenly became a giant bigger than the beast. He grabbed the beast and threw it out.

The demon soldiers were killed in the scream.

Six to four, it's a sling.

"A beast dare to bark!"

Su Xun and Xuan Yue were getting bigger and farther away. With a stroke of void, countless pieces of gravel condensed into a huge hammer, which was smashed down by Su Xun. Xuan Yue was directly smashed into the ground. As soon as he wanted to get up, Su Xun stepped on it again, and Xuan Yue's seven orifices bled.


A glutton turned into a human figure, carrying a knife to cut down Su Xun from a distance, and it was murderous.

Without looking back, Su Xun patted the gourmand out directly.

Shenying looked at the scene, beautiful eyes, only felt that Su Xun was handsome.

"Ah, ah

Xuanyue, who was stuck in the bottom of the earth, roared and rushed to devour Su Xun.

Su Xun's body floated back. With a wave of his hand, countless swords appeared behind him and chopped off.

Xuanyue, who was just ready to be powerful, fell to the ground like a dead dog, dying.

"In the next life, remember that if it's not the protagonist, don't try to kill the enemy at a higher level." Su Xun's voice fell, raised his foot and stepped down. Boom, xuanyue's body was trampled.

His soul fled the battlefield quickly.

Su Xun's sword was on display in the distance. At this moment, time seemed to have stopped. Xuanyue's spirit uttered a shrill scream, and it was broken.

This is the first saint to be killed in this war.


Tian Xuan, who was fighting with Shenle, roared and retreated as dunguang. At the same time, he clapped Su Xun.

Everyone was shocked.

I didn't expect that Tianxuan was so shameless that a nine grade sage attacked a six grade sage.Just when Su Xun wanted to sacrifice the East emperor's bell, a seal appeared out of thin air to block the blow.

It was the king of divine music who made the move.

Su Xun took a look at the king of Shenle to express his gratitude, and then vented all his anger on the head of the demon clan.

If the retreating saints can't catch up with those Taiyi, the demon generals in the daruo kingdom will have bad luck.

As if he was crazy, Su Xun was killing a little beast with his sword. He was like a demon bathing in blood.

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