An encounter came to a hasty end.

Because of the sudden incident, the protoss grass-roots soldiers lost more, but the loss of the demon clan was even more severe, and even a four grade Saint died.

At this juncture, any saint is the most precious wealth of both sides, which is why Su Xun took refuge with the Protoss and the king of Shenle attached great importance to it.

"In the first battle, we will kill the four saints and raise the military prestige of our Protoss. Good, very good!" The king of Shenle laughed and patted Su Xun on the shoulder, looking at him with satisfaction.

Others looked at Su Xun with more awe and respect.

Su Xun is neither arrogant nor impatient: "thank you for your help, otherwise the general will not be able to withstand the attack of the nine grade sage. At least he will be seriously injured."

This is just a simple compliment to the king of Shenle. Without his help, the East emperor's bell could block the blow.

"It's just a small lift." The king of Shenle didn't agree with this. He pulled Su Xun to his side and looked at the generals below. He said, "the strength of general Su is obvious to all. When we started the war, we killed the saints. Our king treats all the generals of the Protoss and sanxiu equally. We always reward them for their meritorious service. Therefore, our king announced that from now on, the army given by heaven will become a single army and will no longer be under the command of the right army."

He was buying horse bones in Qianjin, and let other sanxiu see Su Xun's example.

At the same time, it is also further wooing Su Xun.

"Thank you, my Lord!" Su Xun gave up.

Yingfei laughs a little reluctantly, because his right army has 100000 people, and now there are only 50000 left.

God sent the army to go out on its own. It's his soldiers and his power. It's strange that he can be happy.

However, he did not dare to stand up against it either. First, it was because of the absolute authority of the king of divine music. Second, it was because Su Xun's own cultivation was equal to that of him.

So he had to admit it and pretend to be happy for Su Xun.

After the simple commendation meeting, Su Xun returned to the Tianci army camp in the sound of congratulations from a group of people.

"See you, general!"

The people of heaven sent army were very excited when they saw Su Xun, because Su Xun was beheading the four saints. But everyone saw it with their own eyes. They also had face.

The more powerful the commander is, the soldiers under him walk with the wind. Their morale is higher than that of other battalions.

If the commander is not bullied, the soldiers will be subdued.

The soldiers are camping. Of course, the monks' camp is not like that of ordinary soldiers, because it is normal for a war to last for hundreds of years.

The taxi driver, who is specially responsible for setting up the camp, takes out a delicate and small military camp model, then injects aura to activate it, and then drops it from the sky.

The model landed on the ground and expanded countless times. It became a small city with row of houses and a general's mansion in the middle.

The barracks is actually a magic weapon refined by the weapon refiners. It is engraved with defensive array patterns. When attacked, you can open the defensive array.

The city wall is a purple flag with the word "heaven sent". This flag is also a magic weapon. It can improve the morale of the soldiers in the city, but it is useless when they leave the city.

Originally, the Tianci army should be stationed in the same camp with another 50000 members of the right army, which is a complete combat unit. However, after the king of Shenle separated the Tianci army, the Tianci army was qualified to establish its own camp and no longer belonged to the command of the right army.

Compared with the barracks of heaven sent army, the barracks of Shenle King's middle army is bigger, with the wall as high as 100 Zhang. The whole barracks is a simplified version of Chiyu city.

There is a long distance between the barracks, which is to lengthen the front and be flexible in dealing with war.

The general's mansion is a courtyard with four entrances and four exits, in which pavilions, waterside pavilions and other buildings are all available.

"It's a good thing. We should have one too." Monk Tang looks like a bumpkin going to the city.

Su Xun turned his eyes. The cost of this thing was not cheap, and refining was time-consuming.

Shenying said, "isn't this yours? The barracks of the armies will not be taken back. "

"So it is." Tang Monk hit ha ha, he certainly won't say that we are referring to Yin Si in his mouth.

"It's said that there are many treasures in the ancient battlefield. Why don't we go to look for treasures? Don't we feel bored staying in the barracks

"Don't go anywhere. It's dangerous outside." Su Xun did not hesitate to veto. The ancient battlefield was full of danger. Even if he went, he would not take Shenying with him.

Shen Ying said, "Hey, how can you talk like my father? It's boring."

"If you don't mind, I can be your Godfather." Su Xun made a bold joke.

Shenying looked at him with a smile: "well, if you have the courage to ask my father if he agrees, I don't mind."

"Next time, next time." Su Xun laughed and let the king know that he would beat him to death.

But it's not the only way for Shenying to call her father. After all, she even called Nu Wa.

Shen Ying turned around Su Xun and looked at him: "I didn't expect that you were so powerful and could kill a saint so soon."Six grades really crush four grades. At this level, the gap in cultivation will be widened infinitely. But it's not so easy to kill a saint. After all, even a saint has a card to sign up for, so Su Xun can kill a saint in such a short time.

"It's just as bad. I'm anxious for the generals to come to the general's house for a meeting and distribute the defense." Su Xun said to Tang monk, and then looked at Xiang Shenying: "your father already knows you're here. What are you still doing here?"

"I don't like being with their old friends." Shenying jumps to the chair and sits down.

Su Xun nodded: "I see. I thought you were reluctant to leave me."

"You What are you talking about? I can't bear you? Are you kidding? I'm just... " Shen Ying's face turned red and she stammered anxiously.

Su Xun looked at her with a smile: "I'm just joking. Why are you so excited?"

"As a princess, I order you not to joke with me in the future! no Hum Shenying gets angry and hums, then gets up and leaves.

Nu Wa approached Su Xun with a smile and said, "I think we need to talk. Don't you think it's too much to kill another woman in front of me?"

Tang Seng looked at this scene excitedly and cried out in his heart: fight! Fight! I'm sorry, I ignored it Su Xun gently held her in his arms, affectionately said: "Xiaowa, don't worry, next time I will carry you."

Nu Wa smiles like a flower and suddenly raises her knee.

But Su Xun clamped her leg: "fortunately, I had been prepared, otherwise you would not only destroy my lower body's sexual happiness, but also torture yourself."

"Bah! Rogue. " Nu Wa was so angry that she turned into smoke and broke away from Su Xun's arms: "you can solve it yourself in a month. Don't try to get into my bed."

"You know me well. You can do without going to bed. You can do without fussing about tables and chairs. You can do air combat or sea battle." Su Xun looked at her wonderful figure and cried.

A jade hairpin broke through the air and was easily caught by Su Xun's two fingers: "fortunately, I had been prepared..."


The jade hairpin burst suddenly.

Su Xun

Grass, this girl has learned to be good.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Seeing that Su Xun finally ate the shriveled, Tang Monk laughed with glee.

Su Xun also laughed, looked at him and said, "what are you laughing at? I have a sister. Do you have one?"

Lying trough, merciless!

The smile on monk Tang's face became stiff.

Some people laugh and cry.

Then he turned into Hongguang and ran away to inform the general of the meeting. Now only his busy work can make him forget the mental attack he just suffered.


Tianting camp in ancient battlefield.

The commander in chief of Tianting is Li Jing, the king of tota.

Li Jing is a very powerful man. His strength does not lie in his personal strength.

But because he can lead and use troops, he is a natural handsome talent, and he will be in charge of big scenes.

At the beginning of the Kyushu war, his two sons jinzha and Muzha fell, only Nezha was still alive.

The conflict between father and son was also eased.

At this time, the head of the Chinese army camp surged, 36 days general, 28 stars, all here.

After all, Li Jing's strength is too low.

They are discussing how to contact Protoss.

"The king of heaven, just got the information, the protoss was ambushed by the Taolu people as soon as they arrived today, and the loss was not light, but the Taolu people lost a four grade saint."

A Tian Jiang reported the latest information to Li Jing.


There was an uproar in the camp.

The Protoss and the demon clan just started the war and killed a four grade demon saint. Is the protoss so strong?

"King of heaven, if you want to defeat the demon clan as soon as possible, you must join forces with the Protoss. We should send someone to contact us as soon as possible to test the attitude of the Protoss." Zhao Gongming, one of the four marshals, looked at Li Jing and said.

Marshal Wen Qiong also went forward and echoed: "king of heaven, marshal Zhao's words are very reasonable. Only the joint use of troops by the two sides can end the war as quickly as possible."

"In that case, let's see, who should be sent to go?" Li Jing looked at the crowd and asked.

Nezha came out: "father, my son is willing to go!"

"My son, go back, you are brave, but impatient, not suitable." Li Jing waved.

Taiyin Star King Chang'e came out with the rabbit in her arms and said, "heavenly king, why don't you let me go with Nezha? If I look at him, nothing will happen."

"So good, my son Nezha, this time to the protoss camp, all the Taiyin star Lord, you can't mess." Li Jing warned Nezha.

After all, this is also a lawless master.

Nezha patted his chest: "father, don't worry."At the same time, the demon camp.

"Today's World War I lost a sage of four grades, which was all caused by Wang's thoughtlessness. He was responsible for his failure in the first battle." The sky Xuan deep voice says.

There are eight gods in the Protoss and eight demons in the demon clan. The demon clan imitates the protoss in many places.

Tianxuan is one of them, the goblin king.

"The king doesn't have to blame himself. No one thought that xuanyue was so weak that he was beaten up by a human race!" A demon handsome some unwilling to say.

If xuanyue had not died, they would have successfully attacked the protoss in this war.

It's a pity that a sage of Sipin died, so it's useless to kill more grass-roots soldiers and generals.

"No, it's not that xuanyue is too weak." Another demon commander corrected: "it is that Terran friar is too strong, and there is also a gap in cultivation, xuanyue will fall."

"I remember which Terran, I will chew it up and swallow it!" A demon general said fiercely.

Tianxuan sighed: "when the protoss arrives at the battlefield, they will definitely unite with Tianting. Our reinforcements are delayed..."

"Newspaper! Tell the king, Lingye demon king is coming with reinforcements A demon soldier rushed in with excitement.

The demons suddenly looked relaxed.

Ling Ye is the poor strange demon king, the sage of nine grades. With him, at least for the time being, he is not afraid that the Protoss and the heaven will join hands to attack them at the same time.

Tianxuan got up and said, "follow me to meet you!"

"Don't bother, brother Tianxuan. I've arrived." A man with strong breath and long beard suddenly appeared in the house.

Tianxuan quickly stepped forward: "with elder brother coming, the pressure on my body immediately reduced by half."

"Two kings, the protoss has just arrived, and now the heavenly court certainly has no contact with them. We can launch another attack. If there are two kings, we will certainly be able to inflict heavy damage on them!" A demon general suggested.

When Tian Xuan heard this, he was very moved.

Lingye said: "even if we win, it will do no harm to the overall war situation. There is something more important for me to come here, which is about whether our demon clan can win in this war."

All people are looking at Ling ye in surprise.

"What's the matter? It's so mysterious." The sky Xuan doubts of ask a way.

Lingye looked around and said in a deep voice: "untie the seal of the demon world and lead the demons into the gate."


Everyone was shocked.

After all, many of them were involved in the original chaos and survived.

Although it has been tens of thousands of years, they still remember it.

The demons are bloodthirsty, and the places they pass are desolate and covered with white bones. Although the original war has greatly damaged the vitality of the demons, the demons must have recovered a lot of strength after tens of thousands of years. If the demonic chaos happened again, what would it do?

"No! Can't open the seal! Have you forgotten that year? " Tian Xuan refused.

Ling ye said: "this is the decision of your majesty after consulting with the four ancestors! If we don't release the demons, who will help us fight against the joint strangulation of heaven and Protoss? "

"If there is no one to help us, even our demon clan will be finished. Do you need to think about how many people will die in xuanyue mainland?"

"But..." Tianxuan still doesn't want to do that.

Lingye interrupted him: "no, but! This is your Majesty's order. You must obey it. I can't open the seal alone, so I need you to go with me, unless you want to disobey the military order! "

In those days, it was very difficult to set up seals, but it was very easy to break them, at least relatively speaking.

"All right." Tian Xuan sighed helplessly.

Lingye patted him on the shoulder: "after defeating the Protoss and the heaven, just seal the demon."

Tianxuan gave a bitter smile. At that time, only with their demon clan, could they do it?

"Hand over the command of the war for the time being. We need to go to the sealed place immediately."

An hour later, they left the camp and rushed to the sealed place in the void.

In fact, the ancient battlefield is a world plane, but it is precisely because of the war between xuanyue continent and the demons that the world was destroyed and turned into a battlefield.

At the beginning of the war, dozens of saints of various accomplishments fell. In this battlefield, the remaining evil spirit is fierce. This place is also called the holy meteorite place.


There was no difference between day and night in the ancient battlefield. It was shrouded by evil spirit and was gray all the year round.

Su Xun found the God Music king.

"What's the matter?" Asked the king.

Su Xun replied: "Lord, the last general thinks that we should take the initiative to attack. The demon clan attacked us once before and lost a saint. They never thought that we could organize a counter attack so soon when we were attacked. We could take them by surprise."The main reason was that it was too boring, and Su Xun didn't like to be passive. He preferred to take the initiative to kill the enemy instead of waiting for the enemy to fight back.

"We have just arrived at the ancient battlefield, but we don't know where the camp of the demon clan is? How to fight? " Shenle Wang laughed and thought that it was too easy for Su Xun to think.

The Scout he sent hasn't come back yet.

In the ancient battlefield, the divine consciousness was blocked by the evil spirit, so we can only use the method of sending troops out to investigate.

Su Xun was stunned. At first, he didn't think of this. Then he handed over his hand and volunteered: "king, I'm willing to go to find the demon clan camp!"

"There are countless dangers in the ancient battlefield. Be careful." The king of Shenle agreed.

When Su Xun was on the battlefield for the first time, he was too busy and eager to make contributions. He didn't care. If he wanted to go out to investigate, he would let him go. After all, he couldn't destroy the demon army by himself.

After Su Xun left, he took Tang Seng, Nu Wa and six generals out of the camp.

Shenying doesn't quarrel and wants to go with her, but she's tied up by Su Xun with a fairy rope. By the way, she makes a ban and seals the whole house.

The purpose of the prohibition is to prevent people from breaking into the house and seeing the scene of Princess Shenying's death.

Because Su Xun used the same binding method of XiaoLongNu to her, he could only use two words to describe her shame.

"Asshole! Su Xun, you are an asshole

On the bed, the God cherry is red the face breaks out to scold.

She wants to break free, the greater the range of action, but feel the rope is more and more tight, that kind of strange friction makes her a little difficult to say.

It's a new experience she's never had.

She could only keep cursing Su Xun. She swore that when Su Xun came back, she would break him to pieces!

Of course, she would never admit that she was a little bit excited about this kind of treatment!

Well, I'm shaking.

Su Xun didn't know that his unintentional behavior discovered the little princess's trembling m attribute. At this time, he had already taken his team to the ancient battlefield.

Because of the blocking of the evil spirit, his divine consciousness can only be swept to less than a hundred miles.

In such a big ancient battlefield, it's not easy to find the camp of the demon clan.

In the ancient battlefield, there were many fierce beasts formed by the condensation of resentment and evil spirit. If they met the fierce beasts formed by the condensation of resentment and evil spirit after the death of saints, it would be bloody mildew.

In the ancient battlefield, there was no concept of time, and Su Xun didn't know how long he had been looking for it, but he never found the demon clan camp, let alone the demon clan camp. He didn't even meet a demon clan soldier.

All of a sudden, Su Xun felt a familiar breath, and his divine sense swept out. Then he saw Nezha and Chang'e, the emperor of Taiyin with a jade rabbit in his arms.

The familiar smell was just from the rabbit in Chang'e's arms. After all, Su Xun once had a fancy day with that rabbit. Please call him an animal hunter!

"General, someone is approaching us." A deputy general came to Su Xun and said.

Su Xun raised his hand and motioned to him to be calm. Then he whispered to the moon spirit secretly. He wanted to stay in the protoss in Su Changsheng's vest and not expose it.

At the same time, Taiyin Xingjun and Nezha who went to the protoss camp also noticed Su Xun.

The jade rabbit in Chang'e's arms immediately turned into a human figure after receiving the message: "fairy, in front of him is the great immortal who has been inherited by Yin Tianzi. He just came to shangsanzhou and now works in the Protoss. He doesn't want to expose his identity."

"Ling'er, are you sure?" Chang'e was suspicious because she could feel that the man was better than herself.

According to Yutu, that man's accomplishments should be only about two grades. How could he break through so fast?

Yueling nodded: "fairy, I can't make a mistake. It's him. I know him very well!"

Chang'e had no choice but to roll her eyes. She had been fighting by him. Can she not be familiar with it?

When he and she found that her favorite rabbit had been passed by a man, she was crazy and wanted to cut Su Xun into 18 sections.

But now it seems impossible.

Because they're better than her.

"Then what are we waiting for? Aren't we going to the protoss?" Nezha can't wait to say.

The reason why the demon clan and Tianting can know the camp of the protoss is that they get the news from xuanyue continent, so they always send people to watch outside the battlefield.

Chang'e nodded and stepped out. The next moment, the three men appeared opposite Su Xun and others.

"In the Tianting of xiayunzhou, Taiyin Xingjun met with the generals of the Protoss." Chang'e's lips open.

Hearing that the people coming were from heaven, the six generals who followed Su Xun immediately relaxed their vigilance.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

The Protoss and the court of heaven are unlikely to go to war at the moment.

Nezha hugged Su Xun and simply introduced himself: "I'm Nezha."

"Su Changsheng, commander-in-chief of Tianci army under the account of Shenle king, has seen the fairy and the little general." Su Xun said hello to them seriously and blinked at Yueling.Yueling blushed and her heart beat. She hadn't been moistened by Su Xun for more than ten years. She missed her so much.

The cold carrot could not replace Sushen's warmth and satisfy her emptiness.

All the carrots in the Moon Palace are watery.


Isn't it because of Chang'e and Yutu?

Chang'e catches the moon spirit's emotion, and finally realizes the feelings of those parents who marry their daughter. The rabbit she has raised for thousands of years is going to leave her.

Chang'e said, "we are here to visit the king of Shenle. Please introduce general Su to us."

"The heaven has been fighting with the demon clan for a long time. I think I know where the demon clan camp is. I hope the fairy will lead the way. After I find out, I will take the fairy to the king." This time he came out to investigate. Su Xun didn't give up halfway because he met a beautiful woman.

After all, he's not a dog licker.

Hearing the words, Chang'e nodded: "yes."

After all, it was not difficult. Later, together with Nezha, he took Su Xun and others to the demon clan camp.

As long as it's not close to a hundred Li, the experts of the demon clan can't find them. After all, the divine sense is blocked by the evil spirit, otherwise the demon clan's sneak attack on the protoss will not be so easy.

On the way, Nezha asked Su Xun, "I heard that the protoss was attacked by the demon clan and killed a saint of the fourth grade. Do you know him?"

He has been in the war for so long, but he has never killed a saint, because it's easy to defeat a saint whose cultivation is lower than his own, but it's really hard to kill him.

"General Nezha, the man you are talking about is far away and near. It's our general su." A minister pointed to Su Xun with a proud face and said.

Nezha and Chang'e were surprised. They looked at Su Xun in disbelief. They didn't expect that the fourth grade sage of the demon clan had died in his hands.

Su Xun modest smile: "just luck."

"It's not luck, it's strength. General Su is a real warrior!" Nezha immediately became more fond of Su Xun. He liked this kind of man who could fight.

All the way to talk, I don't know how long, Nezha stopped: "can't go forward, the demon clan camp is in front, just look at it from a distance."

"Thank you very much." Su Xun arched his hand, then looked at the demon clan camp, and then said: "if you can grab a tongue, you can ask the situation inside."

All of a sudden, his eyes lit up, because he saw a group of patrol demon soldiers flying towards them.

This group of demon soldiers only have the cultivation of refining spirit and returning to emptiness, so it is impossible to find their existence.

After the demon soldiers approached, Su Xun grabbed him with a wave of his sleeve robe. Then he searched for his soul and burned the corpse to ashes. The whole movement was flowing.

Through soul searching, he got a news that surprised him. At this time, there was no Jiupin saint in the demon clan camp. The strongest was two Qipin statues.

He also has a nine turn blood pill, which is useless. Taking this pill can raise his accomplishments by two steps in a quarter of an hour without any side effects.

Now if he takes this pill, he can have the strength of the eight grade sage, and he can take Chang'e and others to the demon clan camp!

"Good news, everyone. The highest accomplishments of the demon clan camp are only two saints and one saint!"

All of us have this expression: ∑ (°Д °)

is it just a saint of seven grades?

Seven can hang all of us!

Su Xun explained: "I have a secret method, which can make the cultivation temporarily upgrade to the eighth grade. Such a great opportunity is in front of us, we can't let it go!"

"There's a price to this treacherous secret." Yue Ling said something worried.

Su Xun said: "the price is not big. It's worth it to hurt the demon clan. That's it!"

There is no price at all.


Su Xun flew out in the air and appeared in the sky of the demon clan camp in a moment. He took the jiuzhuan violent blood pill, and his accomplishments rose two levels in a straight line. He cut it with one sword.


A gorgeous sword with a length of thousands of feet plummeted down, directly smashing the protective array above the camp, indirectly causing tens of thousands of demon soldiers to die.

Nu Wa, Tang Seng, Chang'e, Yueling, Nezha, and six Da Luo friars all took action.

Nvwa is a saint of three grades. Chang'e, as one of the seven main stars, has the cultivation of five grade saints, Nezha's second grade saints, Tang Monk's first grade saints, and the last month's spirit.

The most important thing is that Su Xun is here.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack

Soon the demon clan camp was in chaos, and several saints flew out from different directions to resist the attack.

The strongest is one seven, the other three six, and two five. If there is no Su Xun, they can crush Chang'e and others.

It's a pity that Su Xun, who has the strength of eight grade sage temporarily, will turn the war upside down.

Su Xun had no choice but to kill the demon soldiers. Every time he sold them, he could kill tens of thousands of demon men."Son of a bitch!"

A large number of Su demons are besieging the three saints.

But Su Xun seemed to be at ease, even seriously injured a saint of six grades. Then he ran to a saint of five grades with his sword.

He only has half a quarter of an hour. Instead of pestering with those people who can't be killed for a while, he'd better free his hand to kill more people with low accomplishments.

Puyi -

Su Xun's sword came out of his hand and attacked a Wupin saint who was fighting with Nu Wa. The sword passed through his vest without mercy.

Then Su Xun turned around and continued to fight with the three demon saints. After pushing them back, he rushed to the Wupin saint who was hurt by his sneak attack and hit him with all his strength.


The Wupin saint was injured, and he couldn't be distracted when he fought with Nu Wa, so he was attacked by Su Xun, the eight pin saint who didn't talk about martial arts.

His body was blown up directly. His spirit wanted to escape, but Su Xun caught him. Then he showed a cruel smile and swallowed his soul.

Another Saint died in his hands.

"Almost, let's go!"

Su Xun let out a loud drink, pushed back the man who was trying to catch up with him with a backhand sword, and then fled to the distance.

Because his matchless time is almost over.

Nuwa and others retreated one after another. Tang Seng and Nezha were both injured, and two great Luo died. However, the war achievements they gained were extremely rich.

The ordinary soldiers and demon generals of the demon clan basically all died, and another five character Saint died. This demon clan army was basically abandoned.

"Son of a bitch! Stop

The demon sage with red eyes still wants to catch up.

"Don't chase me. I've lost enough!"

But he was stopped by the only seven grade sage, because the other side has a eight grade statue. If they catch up, the best result is serious injury.

Unfortunately, he missed the best chance, because Su Xun's invincible time had passed.

If they really catch up, all of them are in danger except Su Xun and Chang'e.


Protoss camp.

The king of Shenle is holding a meeting to discuss with several chief commanders how to fight against the demon clan.

At this time, a soldier quickly ran in: "inform the king, general Su is back."

"Xuan." Said the king.

A moment later, Su Xun appeared in the meeting hall alone: "I will see the king."

"Well, I don't want to talk about these pretentious rites. We are discussing tactics. Come and have a look." The king of divine music waved his hand and said.

Su Xun got up and said with a smile, "I'm afraid the tactics you discussed will have to be changed."

"Presumptuous! What do you mean by that? Is it the king's tactics The commander-in-chief yelled.

The king of divine music raised his hand to stop him from getting angry. He looked at Su Xun with great interest and said, "talk about it carefully."

"Because the end will this time heavy damage demon clan, and killed a five grade demon saint!" Su Xun said.

The words sounded like thunder.

"Is general Su joking? You must know that it's a felony to lie about military merit! "

"Yes, general Su, some jokes are said outside, but not in the army."

"It's nonsense..."

I didn't believe Su Xun's words, because it sounded too incredible, and Su Xun couldn't do it.

The king of divine music raised his hand, so the generals were quiet. Then he looked at Su Xun and said, "there is no joke in the army. Do you know what you are talking about?"

"My Lord, what the last general said is true. Some people in Yunzhou Tianting can testify, and three surviving generals can testify. If you don't believe me, you can go to the demon camp and see for yourself." Su Xun's tone was firm and forceful.

When they heard that he was giving evidence again and again, they were in a state of consternation impossible! This is just a fable. How can a six character sage with a few big Luo Jinxian achieve such a success?

God Music king looked at him: "you just said that the people of Yunzhou Tianting? Did they do the same? "

Hearing this, everyone responded that if someone from heaven came to suppress the demon master, then Su Xun might kill another five grade demon saint.

"My Lord, there are only three people from heaven. One is a saint of five grades, one is a saint of two grades, and there is a great Luo peak..." Su Xun introduced the situation of chang'e-3 and told the story of the attack.

After listening to the Sutra, they were speechless for a long time. They were all shocked and looked at Su Xun. They couldn't believe it. But at this time, they had to believe it.

They are very interested in Su Xun's secret method.

But no one asked. After all, everyone has his own card.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

After a short silence, the king of divine music laughed: "good! Good! Good! I didn't expect that I really got a tiger general. I'm very lucky! I will send someone back to xuanyue mainland immediately to ask for your help! "Su Xun gave him one surprise after another. He was very satisfied with Su Xun.

"My Lord, we'll talk about asking for credit later. The most urgent thing is to send troops to wipe out this demon army while winning." Su Xun said.

"The end will be willing to go!"

Everyone got up and volunteered.

If they don't fight for it, Su Xun will take all the credit.

Don't they make dozens of soy sauce?

King Shenle immediately ordered: "general Su arranged for people to lead the way, and the former and later troops immediately went to the demon clan camp to destroy this demon clan army to the king."

"I will obey you!" The former and later commanders were overjoyed and couldn't wait to run out.

The commander-in-chief of the right army and the commander-in-chief of the left army are not so wonderful.

The king of Shenle didn't care about them. Then he met Chang'e and Nezha, and said that he was willing to unite with the other demon clan in heaven. The two camps could be built together.

Chang'e and Nezha wanted to leave and return to their lives, but the king of divine music insisted on setting up a banquet.

Taking advantage of the banquet, Su Xun and Yue Ling had a long time lost shot. However, he always felt that he had forgotten something. Looking at Yue Ling's white body, he immediately threw these thoughts out of his mind.

After the banquet, Chang'e left.

Chang'e gave Su Xun a bad look when she left, because she knew that the jade rabbit had been taken by Su Xun again.

Su Xun just gave back a pure smile. It's normal for men to love women.

When Su Xun came back to his room in the general's house and saw Shenying bound by the rope, he knew what he had just forgotten and forgot her.

"Asshole! Let go of me

Seeing Su Xun, Shen Ying gritted her teeth.

Su Xun looked at her jokingly: "are you sure you want me to let you go? You look very comfortable to me

"I will tell my father that I will let him kill you." Shenying cried directly.

"Well, well, how old are you? I'll untie you." Su Fei Kun said that he had a move back.

It should have been her tears when she was crying.

Shen Ying looks at Su Xun with shame and anger, then covers her face and runs out crying.

Su Xun pulled her back, then closed the door with both hands, hugged her and kissed her.


At the beginning, Shenying kept struggling, but she soon cooperated clumsily.

Don't talk, but the body is honest.

In the room, with the help of Su Xun, Shen Ying completes her evolution from a girl to a woman.

"You are necrotic. I will tell my father for sure. I will let him punish you." Shenying lay limply in his arms and muttered to himself.

Su Xun pinched her face: "let him marry you to me as punishment, don't you think?"

"Dream, I'm the Royal daughter of the Protoss. You're just an ordinary person. Are you worthy of the princess?" Shenying wrinkled Qiong's nose and said with pride.

Su Xun held her with a smile: "when I marry you, maybe he'll abdicate, and I'll be the new God King, and I'll be worthy of you?"

In this way, he might become the God Emperor of the protoss step by step.

Although the hope is still very slim.

"Well, you bastard, I thought you were for me, but I didn't think you were for my father. I want to punish you." Shen Ying turns over and fights with Su Xun. It is well known that fighting is pregnant.

Two people friction the spark of love again.

I learned in physics that friction produces heat.

When Shenying came out of the room, she felt as if she had come to another world.

She has become the shape of Su Xun.

Su Xun came out and held her fragrant shoulder: "don't let your father know about this."

"Now you know how to be afraid?" Shenying curls her lips.

Su Xun said: "just now, it was a natural fall in love. It wasn't my fault. You seemed to take the initiative. You also had secondary responsibility."

"Go to hell with you!" Shenying pushes him away, and then swings Shan Mawei out of the yard.

Looking at her Miaoman's back, Su Xun felt endless aftertaste. The protoss woman had a special flavor.

Different races of women, brought him different happiness, he is a person without racial discrimination!

Even there is no kind discrimination!

He can do anything beautiful.

I think so.

He felt so great.

There should be no one like him who can treat all races and kinds equally, right?

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