Demon clan camp.

Just like Shenying, who had experienced Su Xun's unbridled destruction, he left nothing but mess after he finished.

Drop a tissue: "wipe it yourself."

Now we have to deal with the aftermath by ourselves.

"These abominable Protoss bastards!"

Looking at the mess on the ground, a six grade demon Saint uttered a curse that contained deep pain.

The only person in charge of Qipin saint has no expression on his face.

"Marshal." A demon will come over, depressed report: "there are less than 120000 people left."

Hearing this number, the expressionless face of the seven grade demon Saint twitched, and his fist hair turned white.

600000 demon troops were not maimed in the battle with the heavenly court, and the attack on the protoss was not seriously damaged, but now they are almost broken.

If the 600000 demon army is a giant, it is now severely disabled.

"Gather the rout troops, regroup, spread the news to Tianzhou and ask for more troops." Seven grade demon Saint said.

The sixth grade demon Saint beside him sighed: "600000 troops, almost completely destroyed, my heart is uneasy!"

Hearing this, all the surviving generals were demoralized, and the desolate atmosphere enveloped the whole camp.

The seven grade demon Saint looks around for a week and says that he can't go any further. If he doesn't improve the morale of the soldiers as soon as possible, they will collapse.

He laughed at the thought.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Everyone looked at him in disbelief.

"Why did the marshal laugh?"

A deputy general asked curiously.

Qipin demon Saint looked around and said with a smile: "I laugh at the little wisdom of the protoss, and I laugh at the Shenle's no plan. If I were the king of Shenle, I would take advantage of the victory to pursue and destroy the army of our demon family, but he didn't do that. That's why he gave us a new land..."

His voice did not fall, and suddenly there were shouts of killing.


Countless Protoss soldiers came from the air.

The former commander of the army, who was the leader of the army, laughed: "you beast are right. Take your life!"

This group of demon tribe was originally a group of rout soldiers, but now they are attacked by the protoss army, just like lambs to be slaughtered.

Seven grade demon saint's face is very ugly, he didn't expect that he just finished, the result others arrived.

"You Protoss take advantage of the danger of demons!" Full of anger, he sacrificed his magic weapon to fight with the former army commander in the air.

More and more demon soldiers died below, and soon more than 100000 people will be killed and injured.

"Marshal, get out of here! We can't keep the camp! I'm not afraid there's no firewood to burn if there's green hills left! "

A Wupin demon Saint shouts that they are saints. It's easy to run if you are determined. After all, the former army commander of the protoss is only a Qipin saint.

Seven grade demon Saint looked at the situation below, and then went away without hesitation.

Twenty or thirty thousand disabled soldiers were left behind.

The former commander-in-chief of the protoss army didn't pursue him either. He just showed a joking smile and told his men to seize the time to clean the battlefield and search for booty.

On the other hand, the seven grade demon saint with twenty or thirty thousand defeated generals fled thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, and then stopped. After all, there was evil spirit blocking the divine consciousness, and the protoss pursuers could not find them so easily.

After two consecutive defeats, there were only less than 30000 people left in the 600000 army. This demon army dominated by the gluttonous group was extremely low.

This is the tragedy of no high-end combat power.

Looking at the more depressed soldiers, the seven grade demon Saint decided to cheer up their morale again, and then laughed again: "ha ha ha ha..."

"Why is Marshal laughing?" The deputy general cheered again.

Seven grade demon Saint looked around and pointed to the distance, which was quite instructive: "you soldiers don't have to be so depressed. As the saying goes, there is no way out of heaven. Haven't we retreated? The general of the protoss is just like this. If I were the general of the protoss, I would ambush a group of ambush soldiers here for a hundred miles... "

His voice did not fall, and the cry of killing was loud.


"Kill the demon dog!"

After the king of God music after the military commander with his soldiers from all directions rushed out.

The former army is responsible for the main attack, and the latter army is responsible for ambush. This is a tactic that has been assigned by both sides on the road.

All the demon soldiers were just staring at their marshal. Did the marshal follow his words?

Seven grade demon saint

He is also a dog in his heart.

"Retreat!" He gritted his teeth and gave orders. Then he stopped the protoss's rear commander to buy time for his men.

The commander of the protoss rear army is only a saint of liupin, so this demon Marshal put all the old and new grudges on his head. It seems that he has the grudge of killing his father.

In the end, after killing the two great Luo of the protoss, the seven grade demon Saint ran away with the only few remaining demon saints, and all the grass-roots soldiers of the demon clan had been annihilated.

Deep in the ancient battlefield, Qi pin demon Saint looked at the four demon saints around him, and then: "ha...""Don't laugh, marshal

"Uncle, please shut up!"

Four people are frightened to see seven grade demon saint.

Seven grade demon saint

After some discussion, they decided to hide and wait for the goblin king and the poor strange demon king to return. If they were outside, what would they do in case of the king of Shenle himself.


Protoss camp, celebration dinner.

"I didn't expect that in just a few months, the army of the demon clan was wiped out. In this battle, the military contribution of the general of the Soviet Union is indispensable! I'd like to propose a toast to general su. I hope he will make new contributions again! "

The king of divine music raised his glass to Su Xun with a laugh.

"Thanks to the love of the king, this is what the last general should do." Su Xun was very respectful. After all, what was the point of being respectful to his father-in-law?

Apart from other things, even if he gave birth to a daughter who loves learning cultural posture, he should also show respect for him.

This father-in-law is good at everything, but it's a pity that he has a son, so he can't inherit his property by marrying Shenying.

(in the last chapter, I wrote that the king of Shenle had no son. I made a mistake. The king of Shenle had a son named Shenyu, which has been revised.)

Unless my brother died in battle Keke, is it not good to curse people like this?

Feeling Su Xun's heartfelt respect for himself, King Shenle was very satisfied. It was not easy for a saint of six grades to treat him as an elder?

But he didn't know the reason why Su Xun respected him so much, otherwise he would not be so happy.

"General Su is modest. If it wasn't for general Su to find out that the demon clan didn't have the intelligence of Jiupin sage, we would have missed a good opportunity in vain!"

"Yes, general Su has made a great contribution in this battle. Come on, I'll drink to general Su, too."

Everyone carried the sedan chair, even if someone was upset with Su Xun, he would not show it.

In a word, Su Xun has become a hot new rich general after he killed two saints.

Everyone knows that he has a bright future.

Isn't it hard to go against him at this time?

After he was full of wine and food, Su Xun was called to the study by the king of Shenle: "general Su, Shenying is a strange girl. I haven't given you any trouble these days."

"The king is worried too much. The little princess is very sensible. Why bother to say that?" Su Xun gave a little smile. The biggest trouble in his heart was that he always liked it.

The king of Shenle nodded and sighed: "that girl hasn't come to see me now. I'm afraid I still think I don't know that she's coming secretly. Next, the demon clan will fight back. Once the war is busy, I can't help but miss her. I'll trouble you to take care of her."

"Don't worry, the king. There will be no harm to the little princess." Su Xun made a firm promise that, of course, gunshot wounds were not injuries.

God Music king said: "OK, go down. In a few days, the army of heaven will move to form a coalition. You can choose a good camp for your friends in advance."

"I will obey you!" Su Xun turned and left.

After returning to his camp, he dragged Shenying into the room and enthusiastically taught her how to call her father.

A few months later, the army of heaven came.

King Shenle led Su Xun and others to greet him.

Monk Tang, the fake Buddha, met the real Buddha.

"Amitabha, I didn't think that there are some Buddhists in the Protoss." The Buddha has a kind face.

Tang Monk always feel guilty, because it's more appropriate to describe him as a villain of Buddhism. He puts his hands together cleverly: "little monk Tang Sanzang has seen the Buddha."

"Tang Sanzang?" The Buddha raised his eyebrows, but soon he was relieved, and it was normal for the Dharma name to be heavy.

However, for this reason, he had a better impression of Tang Sanzang. After all, his disciple Jin chanzi's reincarnation also used this name.

His disciples had fallen in the Kyushu war, and now he met a Sanzang.

Buddhism pays attention to fate. This is fate!

Thinking of this, the Tathagata Buddha sent out an invitation of love to Tang Sanzang: "if Sanzang has leisure time, you might as well discuss Buddhism with us."

"Amitabha, definitely, definitely." Tang Sanzang was more confident in his own Buddhism.

Although he drinks, he eats meat and he is lustful, he is still a good monk in terms of Buddhism.

Shenle king had a cordial conversation with Li Jing, and introduced Su Xun to Li Jing: "Marshal Li, this is the king's favorite general, so is Su Changsheng."

"General Su, who killed two saints in succession, has heard a lot about his fame Li Jing said sincerely.

Other celestial immortals also looked at Su Xun with admiration. After fighting for so long, Da Luo and Tai Yi killed a lot of them, but the sage had not killed him yet.

Su Xun was very modest: "Marshal Li is flattered. It's just that he was beheaded by chance."

"Chance is also a part of strength. We practitioners attach great importance to chance!" Buddha said with a smile.It was a great time for both sides to meet for the first time.

Because the demon clan army had been wiped out and the new army had not arrived, the next day was very leisurely. Yueling, Nuwa and Shenying came in exchange, which made Su Xun feel a little tired.

On this day, he finished a day's hard work and suddenly learned that Chang'e, the emperor of Taiyin, had come to visit.

"I don't know what Taiyin Xingjun came for?"

Seeing that Chang'e's face was not good-looking, Su Xun was a little puzzled. He didn't seem to be better than her.

Chang'e's tone was blunt: "general Su, although my rabbit is in love with you, you can't go too far. It's my favorite after all. What's the matter with you occupying her all these days?"

She really couldn't bear it. After all, it was her only pet and her only emotional sustenance in the Moon Palace for so many years. It was not easy for her master and servant to meet again and she was separated by Su Xun.

"I see. Don't be surprised, Mr. Xing. I haven't seen ling'er for more than ten years. The love between me and ling'er is very intense, so it's hard to avoid staying longer." Su Xun said.

Chang'e rolled her eyes. You haven't seen her for more than 10 years. I haven't seen her for hundreds of years.

Su Xun made a gesture of invitation: "Xingjun might as well move to drink tea. I'll call ling'er to see you."

"Hum!" Chang'e snorted, then waved her white sleeves and walked to the house with lotus steps.

A moment later, the pretty red moon spirit ran to Chang'e with a guilty heart: "fairy ~"

Chang'e couldn't make a fire.

And Su Xun's fire was in the moon spirit.

With a smile, Yueling turns into a beautiful white rabbit and jumps into Chang'e's arms.

Chang'e's face slowed down a little and began to roll the rabbit.

"I am deeply moved by the deep affection of master and servant." Su Xun said it hypocritically.

"Su Changsheng! Su Changsheng

Shenying ran in carelessly: "it's so boring. I can't stand it. I'm going out to look for treasure!"

"No! It's too dangerous outside! " Without hesitation, Su Xun rejected Shen Ying's proposal again.

After she was rejected for countless times, Shenying had learned to be smart. She blushed and whispered in Su Xun's ear. Then she jumped away: "go or not."

"Go! You have to go! Go at once After her careful persuasion, Su Xun agreed without hesitation.

Shenying said: "bah, Seji!"

In order to let Su Xun take her out to look for treasure, she compromised what she didn't want to do.

Su Xun looked at Chang'e and said, "Xingjun, there is no war now. If you are idle, why don't you go with me?"

Chang'e is still hesitating. The moon spirit in her arms can't wait to say yes, and Chang'e will do the same.

Then Su Xun called on Nu Wa and Tang Seng, and went out of the camp with Shen Ying and Chang'e, all the way to the West.

After many days, they only met some ugly rubbish magic weapons. However, they met many fierce beasts, and they were slapped to death by Tongyi.

"It's all deceiving. There's no treasure in this place at all. Doesn't it mean that many saints fell from the ancient battlefield?" Shenying's initial excitement had passed, and she became listless.

Nu Wa smile: "so many people come to the ancient battlefield to search for treasure, even if they have treasure, they have been searched."

At this time, the front suddenly Baoguang sky.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Such a treasure, like the sun, must be born with a heavy treasure!" Chang'e said firmly.

Shenying cheered: "this trip is not in vain. Let's go quickly to avoid being robbed!"

They all flew to Baoguang.

At the same time, the five demon saints also saw Baoguang and flew past.

When Su Xun came to Baoguang, he saw a huge group of palaces floating in the air, just like a small city, and there was a big pit on the ground. It was obvious that the palace was flying out of the ground.

"Fu, Yao, Gong." Shenying read out the name of the palace word by word: "have you ever heard of it?"

The crowd shook their heads.

"Ah, I'm afraid I'll be disappointed this time." Shenying curled her lips, because there was no good thing in this kind of unknown relics.

"It's all here. Let's go in and have a look." Su Xun's voice dropped and he flew in first.

Nuwa, Tang Seng, Shenying, Chang'e and Yueling followed closely.

Push open the gate of the palace, see is a mountain, river babbling, built in the mountains pavilions, composed of this huge palace.

From the outside, it looks like a small city. After entering it, I find it is like a world.

The six continued to go deep. Soon after they went in, five figures came into the palace. They were the five demon saints who had been hiding in this period of time.

Then the palace disappeared out of thin air, and the big pit on the ground was restored to its original state.

Soon, several figures appeared out of thin air.

It is the king of divine music and Li Jing Buddha."Just now I saw Baoguang's masterpiece here. How come it's empty recently?"

Li Jing frowned and looked around. His mind went deep into the ground, but he got nothing.

"There are many mysteries in the ancient battlefield. Since there is no explanation, we have missed the chance. Let's go back."

The king of divine music is free and easy, because he is a saint of nine grades. Unless there are traces or relics of the great power of preaching, it doesn't attract him much.

However, xuanyue mainland has never heard of the discovery of the remains of the strong preachers. After all, the strong preachers will never die, so naturally there will be no remains.

"What the king of Shenle said is very true. It seems that this treasure has nothing to do with my Buddha." The Tathagata Buddha said a Buddha's name.

Then the three turned into Hongguang and ran away.


Deep in the void, a desolate planet.

There is no life on this planet.


A blue light pierces the sky. At the same time, the planet is broken, and the aftereffects are shattered. Tens of billions of lives are turned into dust in an instant.

Looking at this scene indifferently, the two figures can annihilate the aftereffects of the world and have no influence on them.

These two people are just the gluttonous demon Wang Tianxuan and the poor demon Wang Lingye, and the news of their destruction is caused by their forcible destruction of the seal of the demon world.

A space distortion, the emergence of a gap, followed by monstrous flames, countless thick fog rushed out, issued bursts of excitement to crazy scream.

These dense fog turned into human shape, dressed in ragged regret, dense as if full of stars.

One of the most terrifying parts of the demon clan is its powerful reproduction ability. It can kill like locusts. The key is that each one has a strong fighting capacity.

They were all killed tens of thousands of years ago. Otherwise, there will be more people in the demons. They don't have special soldiers. To be more precise, every one of them is a soldier.

A black robed, red haired man looked down at Tianxuan and Lingye: "two little things of the demon clan, I remember you."

"I've seen the emperor." Although both of them are Jiupin saints, they know that even if they join hands, they will never be the opponent of the devil emperor.

At the beginning, in order to seal the demon emperor, the three gods of the Protoss and the four ancestors of the demon clan attacked him seriously and took the opportunity to seal in.

The reason why we don't completely eliminate the demons is not because we didn't want to, but because they can't.

I didn't expect that now the demons have become their only power.

The shadow of the demon emperor seems real and illusory: "when you and the protoss jointly sealed us, now we are released. I want to know why."

"I don't dare to deceive the demon emperor. The protoss are treacherous and unite with outsiders to attack our demon clan. So I want to ask the demon emperor to help us." Lingye language between them day demon clan immediately became a victim.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The demon emperor laughed: "ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous, the original enemy, now turn to the emperor for help, why do you think the emperor would agree? Why don't you just watch your dog bite your dog? "

"Because I believe that the demon emperor is a wise man. The Protoss and outsiders have solved our demon, and then it will be the demon's turn. Do you want to be sealed again?" Lingye smiles complacently.

A look I'm sure of.


The next second, unprepared, his figure directly flew out, spitting blood, smashed three planets in a row before stopping.

"Lingye!" Tianxuan exclaimed.

The demon emperor said lightly: "I hate your expression. I help you because I am willing, not threatened."

"The younger generation knows the crime." Ling Yefei came back and apologized respectfully. There was really no temper.

So there are no bad tempered people in the world.

Only people who haven't been beaten.

The emperor said, "lead the way. My sons have been sealed for tens of thousands of years and are eager to kill."

"Please follow me, my Lord. It's still in the ancient battlefield. Our demon clan has gathered 600000 troops. We will attack the protoss at your command Lingye's face shows the color of victory. In this situation, how can they lose? They can never lose!

But when he got back to camp, he was dumbfounded.

Looking at the empty camp below, Tian Xuan and Ling ye stand on the spot, two faces muddled.

The demon emperor said coldly, "what about the 600000 troops of your demon clan? Are you playing with me? "

"Yes, where is our army?"

"What about an army as big as ours?"

Tianxuan and Lingye look at each other.

"Look at the traces here. There has been a battle. Maybe your 600000 troops are finished." The emperor fell to the ground with a mocking smile.

Although he joined hands with TIANYAO clan now, he was very happy to see TIANYAO clan's misfortune.Tian Xuan and Ling Ye's face turned blue and white: "despicable Protoss, it must be the protoss who attacked our army while we were away!"

"All your people are dead. Is it useful to talk nonsense now?" The emperor sneered.

Tianxuan looked at the emperor and said, "please send your troops to the protoss as soon as possible. We'll go back and help them now..."

"If you demons don't fight, let us take the lead. It's good to think that without your demons' soldiers, my demons' son won't go to die. If you want to fight, we'll fight together." The emperor interrupted him.

Ling Ye was a little anxious: "my Lord, they don't know that you have come out now. You can let your warriors enter the battlefield immediately and beat them by surprise, otherwise they will be ready next..."

"If you are ready, you will be ready. What can I fear?" The demon emperor drags very much to say.

Lingye has no choice but to let Tianxuan quickly go back to move the rescue troops to the demon army, while he stays at the side of the demon emperor and continues to persuade him to fight first.

But the emperor of demons doesn't get oil and salt.

Let Lingye abrade the skin of the mouth and refuse to let the demons enter the ancient battlefield immediately.

After all, being sealed for so many thousands of years, the original iron head baby has now learned to be careful.

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