He Dao is in harmony with the way of heaven, incarnating the way of heaven and enforcing the law on behalf of heaven, such as Hongjun in the world of Fengshen.

Hongjun is the heaven in the world of Fengshen.

To prove the way is to prove the way and transcend the way of heaven.

But the old man is trying to prove the three thousand ways together. He is not willing to break away from the way of heaven, but also wants to refine and control the three thousand ways. He is insatiable.

The road is merciless, and the way of heaven is wise. The way of heaven is not stupid. You can get rid of me, or you can get along with me. But you still want to prove the road and refine me at the same time. Do you really think I can't use a knife?

In the three thousand worlds, the way of heaven in each world is the ceiling of the current world's combat power before the emergence of a strong preacher. If the world is in charge and the three thousand ways of heaven join hands, how can he succeed in preaching?

Moreover, he was blacklisted, so that he would not dare to go out in the luotian God monument. Otherwise, Su Xun would not get the system, and he would not have this chance.

Su Xun looked at the old man: "dare to let the elder know, the younger generation and three or five friends are trapped here. Now the demon clan is outside. I hope the elder can send us away."

"It's not urgent." The old man looked at Su Xun and said, "I failed to remodel my spirit. Time is running out, and I can't leave this monument. But I don't want the gains of my life to disappear. I ask you, would you like to succeed me?"

Ordinary Da Luo and sage can be resurrected after death, but he is not allowed by the way of heaven and the great road, so naturally there is no chance of resurrection, otherwise he would not hide here.

"I'll see you, Su Xun!" Without hesitation, Su Xun knelt down and kowtowed heavily.

He su someone can have today, is the present old man's gift, but now the other party wants to pass on the life income to him, this master naturally shouts.

As for whether the old man will have a different plan, he has nothing to worry about, because it's too easy to calculate him with the strength of the old man.

There's no need for these twists and turns.

"The old man said:" you remember, this seat taboo Luotian, you remember in your heart, do not publicize

"I dare not forget it all my life." Su Xun replied.

The old man sighed: "I despise heaven and everything in the world all my life. I think that the sages and the heaven can't match me. Therefore, he wanted to prove three thousand ways together, and to drive away the hundred million trillion friars' road of the heaven and the world; If you want to refine the three thousand realms and destroy the three thousand ways of heaven, if you want to be the God of God and the heaven of heaven, it's really not a good way. You should learn from it. "

If he only proves one road, no, even if he only proves ten roads, he has already succeeded.

But he is greedy. He wants everything.

"I'll remember." Su Xun's secret way, I don't think I can go your way. When you were rampant, there was no one to testify. It's been many years. Maybe someone in other world had already succeeded in preaching. The three thousand Avenue has been occupied.

There are only three thousand roads in the world, and at most three thousand people can succeed in preaching and be the masters of one road.

"The method of remolding the spirit is invalid. You and I meet again across the world. When we die, we can be regarded as dead without regret. After our death, we will turn into a soul bead, which contains my memory, the remaining mana and my lifelong understanding of the Tao. You can refine here."

"In addition, this tablet is a magic weapon that I used to refine in order to live in. You can take it away when you leave, and this Fuyao palace is also a magic weapon that I once refined. You can also take it with me."

"You and I are separated from each other, but you go to the immortal road because of me, and I can inherit my legacy because of you. The word" fate "is wonderful, ha ha..."

In the laughter, Luo Tian took the initiative to sit, laughter gradually smaller, leaving only a soul bead floating.

"Apprentice, congratulations to master!"

Su Xun knelt on the ground and cried out.

Then, he got up, went forward to hold the soul bead, and then meditated cross legged, and began to refine the soul bead.

Although Luo Tian had only a remnant soul, the remaining mana was still terrible. Su Xun was now a saint of six grades. If he absorbed all these mana and his understanding of the great way, his cultivation would go up several steps.

Luo Tian's perception of the three thousand Road law reached the extreme, and Su Xun's time Tao was also in it.

As time goes by, I don't know the years in the mountains. There are thousands of years in the world, January, year, decade

In the blink of an eye, ten years later, Su Xun sat quietly in the pavilion like a stone statue.

The Pearl of soul floating in front of the chest is dim.

In the past ten years, his accomplishments have been constantly improved, almost pushed forward by Luo Tian's inheritance. In the past ten years, he has been promoted to two grades, and directly to the eighth grade of sage.


The soul bead burst open and turned to ashes.

At the same time, Su Xun opened his eyes, which seemed to see through the galaxy of stars, containing millions of years of vicissitudes.

"I finally understand what it's like to be a rich second generation."

Su Xun murmured to himself.

Before the rich generation died, they passed on everything they had accumulated in their life to the rich second generation, and then the rich second generation took off instantly. This kind of feeling is simply wonderful.

Later, he swallowed the broken border Dan.

He was going to take this pill when he was in the ninth grade of sage, and step into the realm of preaching.

However, the system was created by Luo Tian. Although Luo Tian was very strong, he did not preach himself.

Although Luo Tian is infinitely close to preaching, he does not have the strength of a strong preacher, so how can this pill let him step into preaching? If you don't use it now, you won't need it later.

After taking the breakthrough pill, Su Xun's unstable eight grade cultivation broke through again and stepped into the ninth grade.

After entering Jiupin, he felt that preaching was just a step in front of the door, because he inherited Luo Tian's perception of the three thousand Road law, so his perception of the time road was naturally complete, and he could enter the realm of preaching only when it came to pass.

He is not so greedy as Luo Tian, but now he is not willing to prove only one way of time.

Because Luo Tian's perception is ready-made. As long as he is willing, he can prove almost all the Tao that others have not yet proved. Of course, greed will die.

So he is going to prove only two ways and control two rules, time and space. Time is the most important and space is the king. If he masters these two rules, he will be invincible among the three thousand masters.

"Sage Jiupin, who in the world can beat me?"

Su Xun felt himself inflated.

Then he refined the stele of Luotian God. After all, it is a treasure that can suppress a world.

As Luotian God stele was refined by him, the outside world also changed.

Because Su Xun didn't come out of the monument all the time, in order to wait for him, Zhou Baobao and others directly bought a suite in Haiyan city and flew to see it every day.

On this day, Zhou Baobao, Tang Seng, Yueling, Nuwa, Chang'e and Shenying came to Qinglong gorge again and looked at Luotian God stele with melancholy.

All of a sudden, roaring and shaking, Luotian God monument began to shrink, and countless tourists were shocked.

"This... What's going on!"

"Is there really a fairy to be born?"

"How did the stone tablet shrink! Look... "

Countless tourists take photos with their mobile phones.

Then the stone disappeared, and a man with long hair in a white robe walked in the air.

"Immortal! Oh, my God! What an immortal

"God bless me to make a fortune!"

"I'm going to kill my physics teacher! He's been cheating on me! Who said people can't fly

All the tourists were shocked and crazy because they witnessed the miracles and immortals with their own eyes.

"It's Su Xun!"

"My cultivation has recovered!"

At the bottom of the canyon, Tang Seng and others were also very excited, because their cultivation had been restored, and all the traces left on their faces by ten years had disappeared.

Su Xun fell to Zhou Baobao and looked at her with dull eyes: "why, can't you recognize her?"

At this time, Zhou Baobao is already in her thirties, but she is not only not old, but also more amorous.

"You... I..." what did Zhou Baobao want to say, but he couldn't say it again. He rushed into Su Xun's arms.

Su Xun patted her fragrant shoulder gently: "baby, come with me, leave here, the world is just a magic weapon, and I will collect it soon."

"Yes, yes." Zhou Baobao nodded.

At the same time, the five demon saints who have swept the toilets for ten years in a row have also restored their cultivation, roaring and manifesting their noumenon, and five monsters are rampant in the city.

"A group of mole ants, lowly human reptiles, dare to let us sweep the toilet for a whole decade, go to death, and sleep with our shame!"

"Despicable reptiles, it's your end!"

At the thought of the humiliation in the past ten years, the five demon saints were furious and trembling.

Don't say it's cleaning the toilet. They haven't even used the toilet before. It's a shame! burning shame and humiliation!

This is their black history, so all people in this world must die.

"Monster! There are monsters! Run

"Here comes the monster! Run


The whole city of Yong'an is in chaos. Countless people yell for their lives, but they are crushed to ashes.

Any one of the five demon saints can easily destroy the world, but they have to slaughter slowly to vent their anger.

There are also a few people who come in with them. They will die without a burial place!

Su Xun sensed the * * in Yong'an City and waved his hand directly. The crowd immediately disappeared from the spot.

Next moment, it's over Yong'an City.


Seeing five monsters easily trample down their own company building, Zhou Baobao is scared out of color.

"She's up to you. I'll kill those animals." Su Xun turned into a rainbow and sped away.

"It's you! I didn't expect you to dare to stand up! "

"If you don't go to heaven, if you don't go to hell, you'll throw yourself in! Today, I will make you live as if you were dead! "

"Ten years! Ten years! Do you know how we've been through this decade? Damn you

After seeing Su Xun, the five demon saints met with their enemies. They were very jealous and roared hysterically.

"I guess you've been playing blue moon for ten years?" Su Xun said with a smile.

"Playing with your mother! Go to hell

The seven grade monster scolded angrily, and then the mountain like body threw herself to Su Xun.

"I don't like people, animals, or men."

Su Xun's voice dropped and he stepped on it.

The seven grade demon Saint only felt that his whole body's mana was imprisoned. He could only watch the giant foot downstairs and roared in his heart: "it's impossible! impossible! Why did his cultivation go up to a higher level? "


The seven grade demon saint is directly stepped into the deep pit, the earth is shaking, the goblin body is instantly broken, and the spirit is torn into countless pieces.

One foot's power, a seven grade demon's holy body died, and he didn't even howl before he died.

Seven grades and nine grades are very different.

"How could that be! Your accomplishments... "

The other four demon saints were shocked and unimaginable. Why were they also granted cultivation, and the other side even broke through? Why! Why?

The blood of revenge suddenly cooled, and they suddenly woke up. When was the time to avenge each other? They should be magnanimous and not haggle with Su Xun.

All mortals are dumbfounded.

"This is a fairy! The gods have come to save us

"What's going on in this world?"

"Why do monsters and immortals suddenly appear! When I wake up, the sky has changed! "

All of us feel that the Three Outlooks we have created since childhood have been overturned to pieces.

"Today, we are all going to die here!"

Su Xun's palm fell down, just like countless layers of time and space, which covered the remaining four demon saints.


The Four Saints roared and tried to escape, but no matter how they ran, the hand was always on the top.

"I can't run away! Fight with him

The Four Saints finally realized the futility of running away.

One after another, they tried to fight against Su Xun.

"The mole ant shakes the tree, does not measure one's own strength."

Seeing this, Su Xun laughed scornfully, and the giant palm fell down. At this moment, heaven and earth were shaken, and the whole white feather kingdom was reduced to ashes. The four sages of the demon clan were directly smashed by this palm, leaving only the spirit.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The spirits of the four saints were still there, trying to reunite themselves, but how could Su Xun give them this chance.

"Heaven can't save the people I'm going to kill, let alone the ants. Let's give up the struggle."

Su Xun's wind is light and the clouds are light. He grabs the emptiness. He directly tears down the long river of time, and then turns it into a sword of time.

Under the interference of the law of time, the life of the four demon saints regressed and became four babies, then disappeared completely between heaven and earth.

Even the resurrection means they left behind could not revive them, because Su Xun directly wiped them out of the long river of time, which was equivalent to their past, present and future never existed.

How can people who have never existed be resurrected?

After that, Su Xun watched the devastation, pointed out that the space was distorted, the rubble was reunited, the collapsed buildings rose from the ground, the ground was restored, and the dead people were revived

One thought over the world, one thought over the world.

Don't say Zhou Baobao, even Tang Seng and others have been stunned. What kind of cultivation is this?

"What is your cultivation now? What happened in the stone tablet. " Tang monk was the first to respond.

Other people also looked at Su Xun curiously.

Su Xun said with a smile: "I met a big man in the stone tablet who was about to become a monk. He accepted me as an apprentice and let me break through the jiupinsheng."

"Originally, you are the protagonist in the novel, so sour!" Tang Sanzang feels that it's just lemon, because this horse riding is the treatment of the protagonist.

When Su Xun heard that Yan just laughed. His fate with Luo Tian had been established long ago, otherwise Luo Tian would not accept him as an apprentice. All he could say was fate.

"Fuyao palace is a magic weapon. We will leave when I refine this one."

Then the thought moved, and the crowd disappeared.

In the white feather Kingdom, there are always legends about today. Countless people began to seek immortals, but from now on, no one has ever seen immortals again.

After countless years, the fairy became a legend again, and the wind of science swept across the earth again.


Ancient battlefields outside China.

In the past ten years of Fuyao palace, a hundred years have passed in xuanyue mainland, and the wars among demons, demons, Protoss and heaven have been going on for a hundred years.

In the past century, many saints have fallen from both sides.

Three of the seven gods of the protoss died, one of the three gods also fell, four of the eight demon kings of the demon clan died, one of the four ancestors was seriously injured, three saints of the demon clan died, and the Immortal Emperor and crape myrtle emperor of the four imperial families of the heaven fell one after another.

The death and injury of Da Luo and Tai Yi are countless.

The main battlefield is still in the ancient battlefield outside China, but there have been wars on xuanyue continent.

The lower six states and the middle five states have been invaded by the demons, and the secret division has been fighting with the demons for decades.

On this day, the army of the demon clan and the army of the heaven held a distant confrontation, with 500000 soldiers on both sides.

There are five saints in total, including Taowu demon king and four demon generals.

On this side of the heavenly court, the leaders are the burning lamp Buddha, Yang Jian and Nezha, who defeated the four sages of the Buddha. Their strength is slightly inferior, but the war is not equal.

"Is there no one in heaven? Even the bald donkey can lead the army. Ha ha ha ha... "

Taowu demon king said with a few laughs.

"You're a wild beast! Look at the stick

The monkey king roared and set foot in the air. The golden cudgel in his hand was knocked down in an instant. At the moment of landing, it became a pillar of heaven, fierce and powerful.

"Call me a beast? Aren't you a hairdresser, too? It's about the same as picking my teeth with this stick. "

Taowu demon king chuckled. As soon as Qingtian grasped the golden cudgel, he burst into force. With a click, a black spider web like crack appeared on the golden cudgel.

"Amitabha, benefactor, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, or you will put down your head."

The lamp burning Buddha put his hands together, the light of the Buddha was great, and the virtual shadow of 100000 Buddhas appeared behind him. With one palm of his hand, the thirty-three heavens appeared, and the sky burst in an instant.

"The old bald donkey's tone is not small!"

Taowu demon king smashed the golden cudgel with one fist, and then roared, the body appeared, and directly opened his mouth to devour 100000 Buddhas: "but so! Ha ha ha, who can fight against us! Who

"Wansheng! Wansheng! Wansheng

The spirit of the demon army is like a rainbow.

Yang Jian and others don't look very good, because if they are fighting generals, they are not as good as each other.

Burning lamp Buddha was injured before, how could he be the opponent of Taowu demon king in his heyday.

"If you submit to our demon clan, maybe you can see a dog's life, otherwise you will die!"

Taowu demon king regained his human form and flew high in the air. He looked down at the people below him. His eyes were full of contempt and his face was full of publicity.

The next second, a finger falls from the sky.

Everyone is too much at the same time.

"Those who hide their head and show their tail! Break it for me

Taowu demon king dismissive, direct double fist up hit, suddenly thunder roar, wind roar.

However, Taowu demon king was soon confused.

Because that finger actually easily broke through his defense, and fell down at the same speed. At this moment, he seemed to be in a lower position, and ten thousand ghosts roared.

Cold, sad, countless negative emotions wrapped people, unconsciously affect their thoughts.

Not only he, whether it is the demon clan or the people on this side of the heaven, all feel that they have been dragged into hell, and countless fierce ghosts roar around.

"A finger of the yellow spring." The light changed slightly.

This is the secret division's magic, now only Mengpo can do it, but Mengpo doesn't have that strong cultivation, and her yellow spring finger doesn't have this power.

He suddenly thought of the Yin emperor's descendant that Chang'e said last time... But soon he threw the idea out of his mind. It couldn't be him.

His accomplishments can't be that high.

"A mere illusion! How can you scare me

Taowu demon king reacted quickly, looked up at the sky and screamed, turned into a demon body, and opened his mouth to bite the giant finger.


Taowu demon king was directly pressed into the ground by the towering giant finger, but he was also a saint of Jiupin, so he was only injured, not to the source.

But that's shocking enough.

After all, it was a saint of nine grades. He was pressed to the ground without any resistance.

"Who is it! Who is it? What kind of man is hiding his head and showing his tail! There is a kind of person who has done a fair and aboveboard job

Taowu demon king flew out of the ground, and growled in a ferocious way. The move he just made didn't hurt him much, but it was very insulting. He was angry.

"In this way, I will give you a death."

A sound reverberates between heaven and earth.

The next moment, the void cracked, and a young man in a Black Dragon Robe came out slowly.

A sword floated behind him.

"Yintianzi sword!" Light Buddha exclaimed!

"It's him! How could he... "

Yang Jian and others also reflected that this was the Yin emperor's descendant that Chang'e said last time.

How can his accomplishments be so high!!!

At least two or three stories high!

Nezha was even more shocked because he had seen Su Xun's waistcoat. He remembered that Su Xun was a saint of liupin before. Did he say that he had hidden his accomplishments before? It must be! After all, no one can go from six grades to nine grades in just a hundred years.

What's more, Jiupin is still so strong that he can easily defeat a Jiupin sage of the same level.

"Who are you?" Tao Wu demon king asked.

Su Xun said, "son of Yin, Su Xun."

"Never heard of it, dare to attack me, die!" Taowu demon king flew a long gun and stabbed Su Xun.

Su Xun just laughed. The Yin Tianzi sword behind him chanted. The sword was like thunder, and the spear was forced to retreat. Then Su Xun held the sword and cut it off.


This sword contains the law of death, the law of space and the law of curse.

He inherited Luo Tian's perception of the three thousand roads. He didn't need to prove the three thousand roads at the same time, but he could use the three thousand Road law.

This is the most precious thing Luo Tian left him. It's a necessary weapon to kill the saint.

"How can it be!"

All the saints on the scene were shocked. Su Xun's sword cut out the power of more than 100 laws.

It's impossible to step on the horse!

Because no one can have the energy to practice so many rules at the same time.

But now, they really saw that Su Xun's sword contained more than 100 laws, and their understanding of the laws had been completely subverted.

"Fool, who gave you the courage to think that a frontal battle can be my opponent?"


With the fall of a sword, the space around Taowu demon king began to twist and break, and his body also broke into pieces, tearing with the space. He wanted to fight and run, but time had solidified for him.

Finally, heaven and earth calm, a gust of wind blowing, Taowu demon king's figure no longer exists.

The whole battlefield was dead.

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