Kill Jiupin sage with one sword.

Even the Jade Emperor and the demon emperor can't do it.

So the shock brought by Su Xun's killing Taowu demon king is extremely powerful. In other words, he is now the most powerful saint in xuanyue mainland.

At least one to one.

Then in everyone's shocked eyes, he saw that Su Xun stepped out step by step, and the strength of a different way condensed into a step by step ladder to hold him.

A grasp of the void.

Countless rules were controlled by him and turned into thousands of sword light to fly to the demon clan army.

Hundreds of thousands of demon troops have disappeared.

Taowu demon king under the four demons will not hesitate, a tacit understanding of the four directions to escape.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, Su Xun directly put the four demons into his sleeve. Then four shrill screams came out of his sleeve, and everything was calm.

"Where is the Jade Emperor?"

Su Xun looked back and looked down like a lamp.

"Amitabha, the old monk has seen the emperor of Yin by burning the lamp. The demons and demons are crazy. They have also opened up a battlefield in xuanyue continent. The Jade Emperor and the God Emperor have returned to Yunzhou and Shenzhou."

"The old monk can take his majesty to Yunzhou to see the Jade Emperor. Now xuanyue mainland has been robbed by demons. The Jade Emperor is very happy to see his majesty."

The lamp said to Su Xun.

"I will see him, but not now."

Su Xun lightly dropped a word, then stepped out and disappeared.

If the demons and Demons break their jars and open up a battlefield in xuanyue, regardless of the risk that the world will be broken, the five Central States will surely be affected.

He didn't go back for so many years, and he didn't send back any news. Of course, he went back to the central five states to have a look. After all, that's his foundation.

"The Yin emperor, it's not like he's a good friend."

The lamp burning Buddha sighed, because he could feel the other side's contempt for the Jade Emperor, and he was certainly not willing to be under the Jade Emperor.

"The emperor Yin and the Jade Emperor, one governing the fairyland and the other governing the underworld, are on an equal footing. It's just that in the past, the heaven was strong enough to press the Yin Department everywhere. Now, the Yin Department's major is so advanced that it naturally won't pay attention to the Jade Emperor." Yang Jian said casually.

It's a normal thing for him.

As the white light falls, Chang'e comes.

"Taiyin Xingjun, you and the emperor Yin have been missing for a hundred years. What happened in the past hundred years?"

Seeing Chang'e, the light Buddha asked.

Chang'e's face was cold, and her hands were subconsciously holding the rabbit in her arms. She said calmly, "I'm sorry, Buddha. The fairy will report this to the Jade Emperor."

At the same time, Shenying also reunited with Shenyue Wang and his daughter. Now Shenyue Wang is the deputy commander of the Shenxian alliance in the ancient battlefield, and the commander is Li Jing, the king of tota.

"Yinger, where have you been in the past hundred years, Su Changsheng? Why didn't he come back? "

I thought my daughter was very lucky, but I didn't expect that she came back alive. Shenle king was very happy.

After all, he has only one daughter.

"Father, I'll tell you slowly that Su Lang has returned to central five states..." Shen Ying holds her father's arm.

"Wait!" The king of Shenle's voice trembled and interrupted Shenying's words: "you... What do you call him?"

"Su Lang, father, Su Lang and I have already been married." Shenying's face is full of shyness.

Don't look at her so shy, she is also a deep female knight in bed.

"What a su Changsheng! How can he be worthy of the Royal daughter of our Protoss? If he goes back to the five Central States, it's better not to come back, otherwise our king will kill him himself! "

He didn't expect that he was so good to Su Xun. He took him as his life and death comrade in arms. He took himself as his father-in-law and slept with his daughter.

The biggest mistake in his life was to give his baby daughter to Su Xun and send the sheep into the tiger's mouth!

He will never accept a son-in-law, because it will pollute the pure blood of their Protoss!

Shen Ying is not willing to snort: "it's a question whether you can beat him now. Su Lang is also a saint of nine grades now. He's not afraid of you!"

"You... What are you talking about? He's nine? Don't cheat your husband, it's impossible! " The king of Shenle scoffs at this, believing that Shenying made it up for her to marry Su Changsheng.

Shenying duzui: "how can it be impossible? Su Lang is a member of heaven's family. He is very lucky. We have entered a secret place called Fuyao Palace this time..."

After hearing the whole process, the king of Shenle became suspicious: "is he really nine grade?"

"Father, is it so easy to confirm that my daughter deceives you when she uses it?" Shenying is not happy.

The king of Shenle's face sank: "it's not like words! What a shame! Since you are married to your son-in-law, why don't you bring him to see my father-in-law first? "

"Father King..." looking at the attitude of 180 degree big turn of Pro father, God cherry stare big beautiful eyes.

The king of Shenle said: "what are you looking at me for! If it's not for my father, I know people with good eyes. Do you have a chance to marry such an excellent man as him? "

Shen Ying

Dad, you are a fickle man. What you are good at is changing your face.

Su Lang is a man of eel transformation. What he is good at most is drilling holes and going deep into one of them.

Shenying has a deep understanding of this!

The man that eel changes is the natural enemy of the woman!

"What do you think? Why is your face red? " God Music King strange looking at his baby daughter.

Shen Ying's pretty face became more red, and she quickly changed the topic: "father, your son-in-law has something else to ask you to help, let you develop the teleportation array linking China with Lingzhou, and his army will teleport it..."


Saint Jiupin is also the extreme state of Saint Jiupin. It doesn't need a teleportation array. It can quickly cross the boundless sea and reach the central five states by itself.

Along the way, Su Xun saw that demons were rampant everywhere, wars were raging, countless villages were dilapidated, cities were empty, and bones were lying on the ground.

Countless mountains have been razed to the ground, and half of Lingzhou has been reduced to ruins. This is the headquarters of Yinsi, and the other four states are even worse.

His divine sense is overwhelming, directly covering Taizhou, Lingzhou, Qinzhou, Yuzhou and xiazhou.

Then, the expressionless hand came out.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, a big city is being besieged by demons, and the soldiers of the underworld department and local friars are fighting with demons.

"Go to hell, you wretched human mole ants! You lowly creatures don't deserve the world

A leader of the demon Kingdom laughs wildly.

But at this time, a big hand came down from the sky and easily wiped off tens of thousands of demons.

The underworld generals and local friars who had already held the will to die were directly confused and looked at each other.

The same scene is staged in every corner of the central five states. At noon, the demon army that has been raging in the central five states for decades has been easily wiped away by a big hand falling from the sky.

The next moment, a black seal shadow appeared in the sky of each state, the mighty voice spread all over the five states: "the secret officers and soldiers, go back to the underworld quickly."

There was a dead silence between heaven and earth, followed by the roaring voice of the mountains and the sea all over the five states.

"Yes, your majesty! It's your majesty

"Your Majesty is back! Your majesty is back

"We are saved! Your majesty is back

All the officers of the underworld department, local friars, and even the common people are running around to tell each other about the family carnival.

For decades, the shadow over the five Central States has dissipated.

Outside the Guimen pass, ancient sword Nu Wa, Tongtian sect leader and others have already led hundreds of officials to meet here.

Su Xun and Tang Seng arrived in a flash.

Looking at Su Xun, everyone was excited, especially his women's eyes were dim.

At a glance, Su Xun saw that there were more than 70 saints in the Department of Yin when he left, but now there are less than half of them.

"I'm back." Su Xun said.

"Welcome your majesty back to court!"

All civil and military officers and soldiers kneel down.

Su Xun waved and everyone got up.

Later, he held a court meeting to let Su Xun understand the overall situation of the five states in recent decades.

Then Su Xun directly ordered that after all the officers and men of the secret division had assembled, they would go to the upper three states to fight.


Yunzhou Tianting.

"Do you mean that this generation of Yin emperor has broken through the Jiupin saint? What's more, it's better than the general Jiupin sage? " The Jade Emperor looked at Chang'e in disbelief.

"Taiyin Xingjun, are you mistaken?"

"It's true that no one can directly break through the nine grades from the six grades, unless he gets the inheritance of the strong preacher, but there is no strong preacher in xuanyue mainland!"

"Yes, it's a matter of great importance. I hope Taiyin Xingjun will be absolutely sure, otherwise you can't talk nonsense."

Not only the Jade Emperor, but also other people dare not believe it, because it is totally impossible.

Chang'e looked cold: "that's what happened. If you don't believe me, you can ask the light Buddha."

"Light the lamp Buddha." Said the Jade Emperor.

Soon, under the gaze of all the people, the lamp burning Buddha came in: "old monk, lamp burning, join the Jade Emperor."

"I ask you, has the Yin emperor broken through the nine grade sage?" The Jade Emperor asked.

The lamp nodded: "exactly, and the old monk saw with his own eyes that the emperor of Yin killed the demon king of Taowu with one sword."


All of them took another breath.

It's shocking that Su Xun jumped from the sixth grade to the ninth grade. He even killed the sage with one sword. It's too terrible.

The lamp burning Buddha continued: "moreover, his majesty, the son of Yin, at least practiced the power of the hundred principles to the extreme. He showed it when he killed the king of Taowu."

All the fairies and Buddhas are numb. What kind of lunatic is this generation of Yin Tianzi!

Taibai Venus came out: "great joy, great joy, your majesty. Now it's time for the demons to make trouble. I suggest recalling the emperor of Yin as soon as possible to help him reorganize the Yin Department."

They only care about the three states, and did not pay attention to the five states, so they did not know that the secret department had been rebuilt by Su Xun.

"Yes, with the emperor Yin, we have more confidence in winning this battle. Taibai, go to Lingzhou to summon the emperor Yin as soon as possible." The Jade Emperor said with a smile, this is not only to win over and appease Su Xun, but also to confirm the subordination. He helped rebuild the Yin Department, which is not all the people in their heaven?

The lamp burning Buddha sighed and said, "the Jade Emperor, the emperor Yin has said that he will come to see you, but not now. Maybe he has his own idea."

The Jade Emperor's heart sank when he heard this, because Su Xun had placed himself in the same position as him. It was impossible for him to suppress Su Xun in name, which made him a little uncomfortable.

However, he soon opened his eyes to what the enemy wanted to do, so he said: "since the emperor Yin has a plan, it's up to him to set up the Yin Department. However, Taibai still has to go to the five states of China to tell the emperor Yin that war matters. Come to Yunzhou quickly."

This time, he used a message, which means that he and Su Xun are equal, not called.

"Your Majesty, why don't I go?" Before Taibai Venus should come down, a woman in white came out, looking very similar to Qin Zhu, just like twin sisters.

It is the only survivor of the ancient Yin Department, Mengpo, who is not complete in spirit.

She was only a hundred years ago. She felt that she was reincarnated in the central five states. She was just busy with the war and couldn't leave for a while.

This time just went to collect that wisp of ghost.

By the way, she also wants to see if the emperor of Yin of this generation is qualified to be the leader of the Yin Department.

In Meng Po's heart, no one in the world can replace the master of the underworld department in her heart.

Even if Su Xun's strength is stronger.

The Jade Emperor looked at Mengpo: "but."

Mengpo then retired.


Lingzhou Yinsi.

The army of five prefectures has been assembled.

Three million Yin soldiers, forming an army formation, covered the whole open space outside Guimen pass, boundless.

The Dark Armor envelops the whole body. The ghost horse under the seat can walk in the air. It is also covered with armor, and the ghost fire is burning on its four feet. When breathing, it is surrounded by black inflammation.

"Chao Huayun, Pei Jian, Mengling, Xie Lingyun, the ancestor of yin and Yang, your majesty has the purpose to order you to lead the first army of Yinsi down to the six states to level the demons' rebellion."

"I'll comply with the order!"

Demons are also watching people's dishes. The demons who invade xialiuzhou are the weakest. Chao Huayun and others lead a million Yin soldiers, which are enough to level the rubbish.

Then, the five men led the first army to land on the warship and went down to six states before the teleportation.

There are two million people left.

The garrison composed of local friars is not among them. The main forces of the underworld department are all on this expedition.

"Your Majesty arrives --"

A shout spread all over the world.

The next moment, the Dragon sings nine clouds.

"Yin --!"

Nine black dragons flew from the sky with a simple and solemn dragon chariot. Then Su Xun, wearing a Dragon Robe and a crown of emperor, stepped down from the chariot.

No cheers, no visits.

All the soldiers just looked up at the man in the sky.

That's their king.

The only king in charge of the fate of the five states.

He is the king of the demons in five states.

At this time, Mengpo arrived at Lingzhou by teleportation.

This is her first visit to Lingzhou. Instead of looking for her own ghost, she is going to look for Su Xun first. Su Xun is not a nobody in the middle five states, so she thinks it's easy to ask.

All of a sudden, she saw the Yin Qi in the distance rushing into the sky and turning into a rainbow. She just saw the first army led by Chao Huayun and others. She was stunned.

She saw the flag of the army.

When the army went out, the flag was very mixed.

Qinzhou ghost emperor, Runner King, Yama King

Mengpo's thoughts were in a state of confusion. She had the illusion that she saw the army of Kyushu's secret department.

"I'm Pei Jian, the ghost emperor of Qinzhou. Who is going to stop us from marching? The military situation is urgent. Please retreat quickly!"

Pei Jian was riding on his horse, looking at Mengpo from afar.

Yin Si!

Two words hit Meng Po like thunder.

In an instant, he flew to Pei Jian and said, "you said that the name of the emperor is Su Xun?"

"Presumptuous! How dare you call me by my name Pei Jian's eyes were full of anger. After all, he needed to know that the Lord insulted his minister to death.

His answer was undoubtedly to confirm Mengpo's conjecture. She was full of shock and ridicule. Yunzhou Tianting just wanted to set up a secret division now, but she didn't expect that Su Xun had already reorganized in Lingzhou.

Meng Po looked at Pei Jian and said, "I'm an old friend with the emperor of the Yin Department. Tell me how to meet him."

"What evidence do you have?" Pei Jian asked.

Meng Po laughed: "I am a saint of six grades. Can I still murder the emperor of nine grades?"

At the same time, her slender jade points to the distance, which is one of the great magic arts of the netherworld.

"This is a token. The injected mana can be transmitted outside the gate of hell." Seeing that Mengpo showed her finger, Pei Jian believed her and handed her a token.

Mengpo took the token, then directly injected mana into the spot, and her figure was immediately inhaled into the underworld.

The next moment, Meng Po's figure will appear in the sky of two million troops outside Guimen pass.

Looking at the endless army of the underworld department, she felt the breath of dozens of saints. Mengpo was crazy and excited. She didn't expect that the underworld Department rebuilt by Su Xun had developed to this point.


Why is that ghost here?

Tongtian sect leader and others are also confused. Isn't Mengpo here? Who is that woman?

"Meng Po." Su Xun looked at Meng Po from afar.

Mengpo came up to him and looked at the man in front of him. She opened her lips and said, "see your majesty."

She is now convinced of Su Xun.

Su Xun's own strength is stronger than that of the Jade Emperor, and he has laid such a foundation that he can not only reproduce the glory of ancient English style, but also advance to a higher level.

"Come up and have a talk." Su Xun flies to the Dragon chariot.

Mengpo followed.

"The army is out."

Su Xun's voice came from the Dragon chariot.

Then two million Yin soldiers boarded the ship and flew out of the underworld to the transmission array.

In the Dragon chariot, Meng Po looked at Su Xun and said, "I didn't expect that I could see the hope of the rising of the underworld."

"Again?" Su Xun shook his head and said in a calm tone: "what I want is the supreme glory. Whether it's an immortal or a demon, it's all under my underworld department."

"I admire your Majesty's lofty ambition. I have one thing to ask for..."

Before Meng Po finished her words, she was interrupted by Su Xun: "your ghost is now my concubine. If I can't give her to you, don't mention it."

"This... Your majesty! Ridiculous

Mengpo was surprised, and then she was a little ashamed and angry. A wisp of her soul was lucky by Su Xun. Wasn't she lucky by Su Xun?

Su Xun said without expression: "how, I'm lucky that a woman still needs your consent?"

"I don't mean that... But." Mengpo no longer entangled in this, changed a way of thinking: "but if the soul is not complete, I have no hope to testify all my life."

"Speak as if you have all your soul, and you have a chance to succeed." Su Xun said blandly.

Meng Po

Ah, ah! She felt like she was going to explode

Such a new emperor of the underworld department is totally different from what she imagined. It's really irritating.

She tried to resist her anger: "Your Majesty, it's a big complaint to obstruct others from becoming a Taoist. You're too selfish."

"So what? If you want to avenge me for obstructing the way, I always welcome you. " Su Xun said, pause here, and then said word by word: "but I protect my own woman, that's right."

Looking at Su Xun, who is so powerful to protect her daughter, Meng Po suddenly envies her soul.



Chiyu City transmission array.

A little bit more modern is called intercontinental transmission array.

Today, thousands of miles around here has been emptied, and the king of Shenle specially came back to meet with Shenying here.

Soon, the first underworld warship came out of the teleport array, then the second, the third

Soon, the two million army of the underworld came to China, and the huge battlefield floated in the sky.

Su Xun finally came out of the transmission array.

"Please go to the king." Su Xun said.

The king of Shenle said with a smile, "now it's my turn to call you your majesty. Your status is higher than ours."

"My father-in-law is joking." Su Xun looked at Ying. Father in law, your family status is higher than mine!

Shenle Wang laughed more happily: "ha ha ha, I will marry you and Yinger after the war."

Su Xun: - (¬∀¬) σ” It's very unlucky, you know?

He looked at the king of Shenle, like an old general on the stage, full of flags.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with me today?" The king of divine music asked a little puzzled.

Su Xun gave a ha ha: "no, No."

"The banquet is ready. It's all cooked by the beasts of the demon clan. Let's go." God Music King invites a way.

When he got to the palace, Su Xun found that all the dishes were really cooked by the beasts of the demon clan.

Well, don't get me wrong. It's not that chefs are demons, but all the ingredients are demons.

Demons eat people, people eat demons.

Su Xun is going to write a book called "one hundred cooking styles of the demon clan", which will be widely promoted. As long as it is used as food by human beings, the demon clan will not be far away from extinction.

In the evening, Su Xun was at his desk in his room to write his book "one hundred styles of demon cooking".

Soon, the door was pushed open, Shenying ran in and hugged him: "hee hee, did you miss me?"

"Honey, my brother would love to see you tonight." Su Xun looked back at Shen Ying and said.

Shenying was surprised: "ah, do you want to see your family? I'm not even ready. Is that your brother? "

"Yes, a mother." Su Xun nodded.

Shenying quickly got up and ran out: "then I'll go to change my clothes first. You wait for me."

Su Xun pulled her back, then directly opened her belt: "my brother, he is not an outsider, and he likes to see his sister-in-law without clothes."

When Shen Ying saw Su Xun's brother, she found that she had met him long ago, and she was still an old acquaintance.

Su Xun brothers are rich in learning, rich in posture and profound, which makes her appreciate them.

They had an in-depth academic discussion. Until dawn, Shenying left contentedly. Last night, she gained a lot and her knowledge increased.

While Su Xun led the army to fight, and the two million army of the underworld division went directly to Tianzhou, where the demon clan was located.

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