Because the battlefield was moved to xuanyue from outside China, the upper three states were the most serious, so Tianzhou, Yunzhou and Shenzhou had been beaten to pieces.

Tens of billions of mortals were killed in the war.

Today, tens of thousands of Li long military fortresses have been built on the edge of both Shenzhou and Tianzhou.

Shenyan king, one of the eight kings of the protoss, is stationed in the fortress of Shenzhou. When he learns that the army of the underworld is coming, he brings people to meet him in advance and prepares to attack with the army of the underworld.

But the warship of Yin Si didn't stop when it arrived. Instead, it continued to fly outside the fortress.

"What do they mean, my lord?"

"Yes, we're here specially to meet them. They don't even show their faces. It's too contemptuous of us!"

"Are they going straight to war?"

The Deputy generals around the God flame king talked one after another.

The king of Shenyan didn't look very good either. He stepped up in the air and stopped the warship. He said in a loud voice, "my king, Shenyan, please see the emperor of the underworld."

"What does the king of flame mean?" Su Xun shows up.

King Shenyan's eyes swept over the warships: "Your Majesty doesn't know something. Now the demons are ferocious. I want to join the army with your majesty and fight against demons together. Please don't be impulsive. We should consider the march in the long run."

"The king of divine flame is worried too much. What's the fear of a mere beast with fur and armor? Wang Shangqi will wait. I will go back with the army. " Su Xun said softly.

King Shenyan was angry in his heart when he heard that the Yin emperor was arrogant. In this case, let him go to suffer a loss and sharpen his spirit. In the critical moment, he will send troops to rescue himself, or he will take the protoss as the main force.

Think of here, God flame King pushed away: "since your majesty has the assurance of victory, then I wish your majesty victory, wait for your majesty to return."

"Let's borrow the good words of the God flame king." Su Xun's voice fell, turned back to the warship, and the army continued to advance.

The God flame King returns to the ground, coldly watching the war ship of Yin Si fly out of the fortress, watching them die.

"How about it, my Lord."

"Do they really want to attack the demons directly?"

Watching the warship leave, several deputy generals quickly gathered up and asked.

"Since the emperor of the underworld department is so confident, it's better to help him. Only when he is defeated can he listen to what he says." God flame king not salty said a word.

Then he added: "the whole army will prepare for the war and wait for the rescue when the hell department is defeated."

"The king is wise! This not only frustrates the spirit of the hermit, but also gains the favor of the hermit's soldiers when it comes to rescue. When we talk about joining the army at a later time, naturally we should focus on the protoss, with the hermit as the Deputy! "

"Yes, I really think the demons are so easy to fight. The people of the underworld department are used to running rampant in the five states. How can we know how powerful the demons in the demon clan's old nest are?"

"When they are defeated, we'll see if they can be proud. If they don't lose the battle first, even if they are united, they will be arrogant."

A group of protoss general you a word I a language of express own opinion, by the way lick God flame king.

Well, I'm not afraid of burning my tongue when I lick it.

Demon fortress, demon and demon troops stationed in the city wall as high as 100 Zhang, the soldiers saw the ship of the underworld from a distance and sounded the horn.

With the sound of the horn, the demon army was busy, and several saints flew to the wall.

They are the poor king and chaos king of the demon clan, and the two demon kings of the demon clan. There are four saints in total, three of them are Jiupin, and only one is bapin.

"It doesn't look like the protoss army."

"The fight is the banner of the Yin Department, and the Yin Department is the power of heaven. How can it come from the north?"

"No matter where he comes from, I'll kill one, a pair, and I'll kill two!"

Looking at the warship of Yin Si, the four said.

All of a sudden, the chaos demon king frowned: "what's the matter? How can their warships still keep going? Are they ready to directly break through our fortress defense array?"

"It's a joke. Unless they can attack the defensive array at the same time, what's more, are we vegetarians?" The poor strange demon king sneered and looked at the underworld warship with disdain.

Then the four demons flew directly to the underworld warship, ready to prevent the enemy from attacking the fortress defense array.

Then they heard only a sword chant, and saw the rainbow passing through the sun. Then a full moon was in the sky, and the sword swept 30000 Li, and they lost sight.

The three Jiupin saints were forced back by a sword, and the only bapin demon king's holy body was broken and could be reunited.

"This... This is not possible!"

"Is this God's visit? It's still the two gods left in the protoss! "

The four demons and saints were full of horror. Just with that sword, they felt the fear of death.

On the protoss fortress, several God generals are also holding the city wall to death, their eyes are staring big.

Then the firmament disintegrated, and the spear of innumerable laws floated in the air.

The devil Four Saints are numb. They have so many rules. How do they practice horse riding!

"Let's fight together. One on one, we really have no hope, but four on one can still fight one on one!"

Chaos demon king demon Yan roared.

"Good!" The other three should be there at the same time.

Then the next second, the four ran away in different directions, and scolded: "shameless!"

They want to take advantage of each other to attract fire when they escape, did not expect all the same idea.

Can only say is not a family, does not enter a family, the demon is a family since ancient times.

Su Xun didn't chase the four. The spear of the law fell down and directly smashed the defense array of the demon family fortress. Then two million army of the secret division jumped out of the boat and rushed to the fortress.

"Kill!! Your majesty has orders! Don't seal the knife

"Ah! Run

"Don't kill me! I surrender

Witnessing his demon king scared away by a sword, the demon soldiers below have no resistance.

One after another flees or surrenders, unfortunately the secret division does not accept the surrender, because the dead demon can eat.

A few divine generals of the protoss fortress have been stunned and scared off the four saints with one sword. What kind of cultivation is this?

They are still waiting for the other side to be defeated, and then come out to rescue them. Unexpectedly, they are in a direct wave.

"I'll... I'll inform the king."

A god dropped his voice and flew into the camp.

"What's the matter? Is the hell defeated? Faster than I thought. " God flame King casually asks a way.

The God general who came to report the news looked strange: "that... King, the Yin Department has not been defeated, and has broken the demon fortress. Do we have to send troops?"

"Of course to send troops to rescue..." God flame king suddenly reaction, suddenly raised his head: "what do you say?"

"On the king, the emperor of the underworld didn't show his face. He pushed back the two demon kings and the demon king with one sword, then broke the defensive array and entered the fortress..." the general told me that he had just made a sword.

God flame king has begun to doubt life, so cattle force people, why before the nameless origin?

He thought that the other party didn't know the superiority of heaven and earth. He didn't expect that they really had this ability.

The clown is me_ ⊙。

"My Lord, are we still sending troops?" The God will carefully asked a sentence.

God flame King up: "out, as a friendly how can sit and ignore, immediately send troops to help."

He'll take a share of the credit.

Then, under the leadership of the God flame king, the protoss army sent out a cry for success and killed the fortress.

When they entered the demon fortress, the demon soldiers were killed.

They were a little out of their hands for a moment.

"The king came up just in time. My army will continue to go deep. It's up to you to clean up the battlefield."

Su Xunfei said to the God flame king.

After he left a word in the eyes of the God flame king, Su Xun flew back to the warship: "stop

Then the soldiers of the secret department returned to the ship one after another, and then the warship continued to go deep into Tianzhou.

"Come on! Send the news to Tianting and the capital of Yunzhou as soon as possible. " God flame King reaction after come over to say.

Because since Su Xun was so good, it was a good opportunity to launch a general attack.

It's time for the end of the demonic rebellion, which has lasted for nearly a hundred years.

Although the time is very short, the situation is very miserable.


After escaping the disaster, the four demons returned to the royal capital of the demon clan and reported the matter to the demon emperor and the demon emperor.

The demon emperor and the demon emperor are dignified.

"The Taowu demon king in the ancient battlefield lost contact. Recently, he was killed by this man, according to the investigation from Yunzhou." The demon emperor said coldly.

Poor strange demon king four people hear this words immediately feel very lucky, fortunately they run fast.

The emperor said, "what should I do with this man? If we do it, the Jade Emperor and the God of the protoss in the heaven will also do it. But if we don't, who can compete with him? "

The first ancestor of the four great demons and the demon emperor were all fixed to death by the Jade Emperor Sanqing, the God Emperor and the remaining two gods. They didn't have a chance to fight.

"I have a plan. According to the information from Yunzhou, this man comes from Lingzhou. Now he has taken away the main force of Lingzhou. The old nest is empty. If we attack his old nest, he will come back." The demon emperor's wretched face showed a wise and insidious light.

"Wonderful As soon as the emperor's eyes brightened, he looked at the greedy devil and said, "I'll leave it to you."

There were originally seven demons under the emperor of heaven. The original demonic chaos fell to four, but now there are still greedy demons, jealous demons and furious demons.

Before and poor strange demon king chaos demon king together from the fortress to escape is greed and rage two demon king.

The greedy devil laughs: "my emperor, don't worry, I will stir him up in Lingzhou

He had been chopped to pieces by Su Xun before, and he just went to revenge.

I can't beat you or your men?

"Poor, strange, chaotic and gluttonous, you three go to hold the emperor of the Yin Department. As long as you three join hands and are not separated, he will not be able to kill you." The demon emperor looked at the remaining three demon kings and said.

"Yes, sir

Poor, strange, chaotic, taofan comes forward to take orders.

"For the sake of safety, the jealous devil and the furious devil will also help, and the five Jiupin saints will join hands. If he can cut off one of them, the emperor will just wait for his death." The demon emperor is very confident, because the five Jiupin saints work together, even he has to give up.

After that, the eight grade sage greedy devil went to Lingzhou to attack the headquarters of the underworld department. He was poor, strange, gluttonous, chaotic, jealous and furious. He led his troops to intercept Su Xun.

"This time the guy must look good!"

Poor strange demon king gnashing his teeth said.

Five Jiupin saints, he is now very inflated, very floating, must have a snow before shame!

When the rain stopped and it cleared up, he felt that he could do it again.

Tianzhou, Wanyao city.

Su Xun just led the army to capture the city, killing all the demons and Demons soldiers in the city.

The dead demon corpses are military provisions.

The flesh and blood of the demon clan is also beneficial to the monks. It has high nutritional value and is a necessary nutriment at home.

Feeling the five sages' breath approaching, Su Xun stepped into the air, and the five demons stopped opposite him.

"I didn't expect you to take the initiative."

Looking at the five poor people, Su Xun showed a funny smile, his eyes were a little contemptuous and bloodthirsty.

"Well! Five Jiupin saints join hands, but I don't know if you can stop them! " Poor, strange and cold.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I also want to know."

"Then try it!" The goblin King's voice fell and turned into a monster and rushed to Su Xun.

Poor strange and chaos also followed, jealousy and rage two demon king sacrifice magic weapon besieged Su Xun.

Su Xun was surrounded by five Jiupin saints, but he was not in a hurry.

Six people hit tens of thousands of miles, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the city collapsed, the earth was torn, the sky was broken, the magma flowed back, the waves surged, and the battle became more and more fiery.

After fighting for seven days and nights, no one could do anything about it. Half of Tianzhou was almost reduced to ashes, and countless demon civilians were taken away by the aftermath of the battle.

"Tianwai battle!" Poor strange demon king roars a way.

Because if they continue to fight like this, their demon clan will be extinct, and Tianzhou will be broken.

And the more he beat them, the more frightened he was. Although Su Xun couldn't kill them, none of their five Jiupin saints could hurt Su Xun. This is too exaggerated.

Su Xun stepped into the air and stood up with a negative hand: "it was you who took the initiative to move the battlefield to xuanyue continent. Now you want me to accompany you to tianwai battle. I refuse!"

"Well, well, in that case, Tianzhou is broken, then go and rob your Shenzhou and Yunzhou!" With that, the chaos demon king attacked Su Xun again.

The war between the two sides was watched by countless people, and all of them were shocked by Su Xun's strength.

"How could this man be so tough." The hand of the emperor holding the armrest of the chair turned pale.

The demon emperor is not much better: "if this person does not die, we have no chance of winning!"

Now the Protoss and Tianting are stronger than them, but there is another Su Xun, and their hope of winning is even more slim.

The Jade Emperor, the God Emperor and others have to admit that Su Xun's strength has surpassed them.

What puzzled them even more was that how could Su Xun cultivate so many rules? There are hundreds of them, and each of them has been cultivated to the extreme.

When the battle between Su Xun and the five demons and saints became white hot, a huge red fist seal fell from the sky and forced Su Xun to fight wholeheartedly.

Sneak attack!

A sage of jiupinjijing attacked Su Xun secretly.

"Good courage!"

After several angry shouts, the emperor, the two gods and the Jade Emperor Sanqing almost broke the red fist seal in the air at the same time.

"It seems that your demon clan is poor, and you can die in that case."

Two deities, the God Emperor, the Jade Emperor, Sanqing and others appeared in the sky of the demon king.

The demon emperor, the demon emperor and the four ancestors of the demon clan flew into the void to fight with the seven people.

At the same time, the lighting Buddha and others led the heavenly soldiers and generals to attack Tianzhou, and the three divine kings of the protoss also led their troops to attack Tianzhou.

But now, the demon emperor and others have no time to take into account the war on the ground. After all, it's up to them to decide whether to win or lose.

As long as the poor five saints can hold Su Xun back, they still have the hope of winning six to seven. If Su Xun is allowed to participate in this battle, they will lose.

Then the two sides tacit understanding flew to the sky, because their war is really possible to destroy the world.

Wanli around Wanyao city has been reduced to ruins.

Su Xun and the five saints of qiongqi have yet to decide.

This is the most difficult battle he has ever met since his debut. Even if he tried his best, he could not turn the war around immediately with the help of the sky axe and the Eastern Emperor's bell.

If it's just a dozen three, or even a dozen four, he's sure, but a dozen five is really hard.

He thinks it's difficult, and the five saints of the poor demon king think it's even more difficult, because they're only tied five to one!

"Boy, let me tell you something. Didn't you find that the greedy devil who appeared in the fortress before disappeared? I might as well tell you that he has gone to Lingzhou. The headquarters of your secret department is in Lingzhou. Ha ha... "

Chaos demon king said with a laugh, trying to influence Su Xun's thinking and distract him.

Su Xun's eyes were cold, and he was full of killing intention, because his woman and son were in Lingzhou, and now the power of Lingzhou could not stop a saint of eight grades.

"If they die, I will try my best to revive them, but you will surely die today!"

Su Xun's voice was as cold as ice.



The greedy devil has broken the gate of hell, and is killing the officers and soldiers in the underworld.

"Your Highness, take the ladies with you

Bai Wuchang looks at Su Xian anxiously.

Su Xian dressed in a boa robe, face unchanged, said: "white impermanence, quickly arrange my mother and concubines immediately, but lonely, will never go."

Is he not afraid of death?

He's afraid!

But he was more afraid of losing Su Xun's face.

Dead, there is hope of resurrection, but lost face, there is not necessarily hope to find back.

"Ha ha ha, since you don't want to leave, you can stay here! I'll take you to see your father

The next moment, the greedy devil appears in the main hall, kills Bai Wuchang, grabs Su Xian, and is ready to use Su Xian to threaten Su Xun. The higher the level of life, the more difficult it is to produce offspring. So this move generally works.

At the same time, in Taizhou, Yunxia sword sect, a beautiful woman opened her Phoenix eyes. There was a moment of confusion in her eyes, and she gradually recovered to pure brightness. Her red lips were slightly open, and she murmured to herself: "Su Xun."

Then, step out and disappear.

The next moment, she appeared in front of Su Xian. The jade hairpin on her head turned into a long sword and chopped to the greedy devil.


Suddenly, the greedy devil's hand was cut off by the jade sword, and the dark red blood gushed out.

"Who are you?" The greedy devil was so surprised that why there was a saint in Lingzhou.

Moreover, his cultivation is more profound than him. He wants to use his magic to regenerate his limbs, but he finds that his blood can't stop. Obviously, the jade sword is not an ordinary soldier.

The woman said calmly, "my queen mother of the West."

It's true that this woman is the queen mother of the West who was brought back by Su Xun from the fairy tale world because of serious injury.

In xuanyue mainland, a world full of spirit, after decades of self-healing, I finally wake up today, just in time for this.

"Queen Mother of the West." The greedy devil repeated, and then turned around and ran away without hesitation. Instead of escaping to Tianzhou, he flew to the outside of the sky and disappeared.

West Queen Mother did not chase, looking at Su Xian: "what happened, where is your father?"

"My father and Emperor led the soldiers to the upper three states..." Su Xian betrayed his father's whereabouts. He secretly said that he didn't know this. Finally, thank you, I love you!

See you Friday ~ (≥ ▽≤)/~

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