In half an hour.

Su Xun arrived at Qingyun international.

All the way to the office without stopping.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Tao on the sofa.

When Li Tao saw him, he quickly got up to greet him.

Su Xun raised a sign to let him sit down and asked, "what's the matter?"

At the same time, he took off his coat.

Qin Zhu quickly picked it up and held it on his wrist. He followed Su Xun with a small step.

Now many times, Qin Zhu doesn't need to be invisible. Many people also know that Su Xun has a beautiful woman.

No one will associate her with the female owner of the cliff falling case a few years ago. Even if she does, at most she thinks she looks like her.

However, Su Xun's reputation spread unconsciously.

An Zijin, Liao Yu, Yan Yurou, Qin Zhu, and now the bodyguard Mandala.

The women around him are not so many as those gun kings who are like mobile pile drivers, but they all have different styles. It's not good. What's the color?

Of course, Su Xun has both talent and money. This is not good. It's color. It's called young and romantic. It's a naturally amorous seed.

Yes, society is so real.

"Su Dong, it's a bit of a trouble. It's related to the anniversary..." Li Tao began to talk calmly.

The 10th anniversary of the founding of Qingyun international will soon come. Under the leadership of Su Xun, the 10th anniversary celebration will not only be held, but also be held in a grand way.

In this age of entertainment to death, even rich people like to invite stars to dress up when they get married. Qingyun international naturally can't help being vulgar. After all, it's popular.

Qingyun international contacted Wang Tingfeng, a little fresh meat star, in advance. It is considered that he has been popular all over the country recently.

Although it's said that this guy is a cheap guy who recites his lines and numbers, he can't stand his fire. He has a lot of fans.

So Qingyun international invited him, and the appearance fee was 10 million. Yes, if you sing a few songs on stage, you dare to charge 10 million.

Everything has been discussed, the contract has been signed, and the celebration is about to begin. This guy has started to be a demon.

It's said that he cut his finger during filming and was in hospital, so he asked his agent to come to Qingyun international to discuss whether he could postpone the celebration for a few days.

When he heard that it took ten million yuan to appear on the stage, Su Xun was calm and his face didn't change.

But hearing this, Su Xun couldn't help but interrupt Li Tao: "wait, what did you say? He cut his finger in filming, and he's going to be hospitalized after stepping on a horse? "

Is this guy made of glass? You're going to be hospitalized if you touch it?

"See for yourself, Su Dong." Li Tao pulled the corner of his mouth and handed the mobile phone to Su Xun.

When Su Xun looked at it, it was Wang Tingfeng's Micro blog, with words and expressions:

I was hurt when I was filming today_ I accidentally cut my finger by props (́^̀), and I'm in hospital for observation. Thank you for your concern and love. I said that the business performance of Qingyun international might be delayed_ ì。)。

There is also a self portrait of him lying on the hospital bed, with his thumb wrapped in gauze.

Su Xun was angry. Who gave him the right to postpone the celebration without the consent of Qingyun international!

Holding back his anger, Su Xun turned over the comment area, which was even worse.

"Brother Ting, how can the wind break?"

"That is, this kind of crew should be banned in the industry. I'm so sad."

"Brother, take good care of yourself. We'll wait for you to come back."

"If you cut your finger, you have to keep it for ten days and a half months. You can't leave scars on your brother's fingers."

Su Xun couldn't help but have a brain. He wanted to blurt out who could make such a wonderful comment.

Finger cut so exaggerated, I don't know what is the incurable disease.

According to this logic, is Wang Tingfeng a tough guy if he cuts his fingernails and doesn't use anesthetics?

Qin Zhu is stunned, so hypocritical, this is a man or a woman!

No, women are not so sentimental, let alone women, even her ghost is not so sentimental.

At this time, Li Tao added: "after this microblog was sent out, I contacted Wang Tingfeng's agent for the first time, and the other party said that if Wang Tingfeng was allowed to continue to perform with injuries, the appearance fee would have to be increased by another two million."

Su Xun almost laughed at this.

Cut your mother's finger, go to the hospital to get a tetanus bandage, and then it's called a wounded performance. The ancient emperors were not so expensive.

The more he looked, the more angry he became. Su Xun changed his mobile phone to Li Tao, and said directly: "contact his agent to terminate his contract, let him go, and change a new person. We pay him to do things, not to be an uncle."

"Su Dong, the flash star entertainment side..." Li Tao asked with some worry.Wang Tingfeng signed an entertainment company called flash star entertainment, which is one of the biggest giants in the entertainment industry, including music, film and television, and variety show.

This company was founded in the 1980s. After many twists and turns, it is now prosperous. Its contacts and market value are better than those of Qingyun international.

Li Tao is worried that it is easy to cause the other party's malice to terminate the contract with flashstar Entertainment's most popular artists.

Su Xun said with disapproval: "business can't become friendship. It's just about breaking the contract and changing people. Flash Star Entertainment doesn't make a mountain out of a molehill."

As an artist, Su Xun didn't pay attention to it, and he didn't think that flash star entertainment would tear the face of Qingyun international irrationally for the sake of an artist.

The business world is full of ups and downs, but in the end, it pays attention to harmony and wealth. If there is no need, it will not make a feud.

"I'll contact Wang Tingfeng's agent now." Li Tao's voice dropped and he started dialing with his mobile phone.

Su Xun said, "let her come to my office directly. You talk to her and I'll watch."

Li Tao nodded. At this time, Wang Tingfeng's agent also called: "Ms. Ma, I still want to talk about cooperation. Is it convenient for you to come to our company? OK, I'll see you later. "

After hanging up the phone, Li Tao looked at Su Xun and said, "she will come right away."

"Well, next time we change someone who is more reliable, this kind of fresh meat is too delicate and has a lot of problems. We can't afford to spend it. If there's an accident in the performance, we'll be killed by his brain and powder."

As he spoke, Su Xun went to the sofa and sat down. He tilted his legs to rest.

At this time, Yan Yurou came in with two cups of tea: "Su Dong, President Li, you drink tea."

"Thank you, Secretary Yan." Li Tao seems very polite. After all, he knows that today's secretary Yan may be Mrs. Yan tomorrow.

As for Su Xun's wives, it's none of his business. Anyway, it's right to shout.

Qin Zhu rolled his eyes, cunning bitch, fox spirit, big cow. Just now Li Tao didn't see you bring tea in the office. When the master came, you brought tea in.

Feeling Qin Zhu's eyes, Yan Yurou picks her eyebrows.

Qin Zhu sneered scornfully.

Miss Ben will soon have a life and death friendship with her master. I'll see if you can still laugh when you call me master mother.

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