Forty minutes later, Wang Tingfeng's agent arrived.

A 40 year old adult.

Her name is Ma Xiaoping. She is a very famous agent of Longguo in recent years, because she has brought out many stars.

"Mr. Li, do you want to talk to me about our Tingfeng with injuries?"

After entering the office, Ma Xiaoping sat down and put her small bag aside. Then she told Qin Zhu, who was standing behind Su Xun, "little girl, go and pour me a glass of water. It's sunny today. If you don't drink water, your skin will be dry."

Li Tao's face changed, and he was worried that Su Xun's youth was offended by this sentence.

"Ms. Ma, you may have misunderstood that she doesn't specially serve tea and water. She's my friend." Su Xun laughingly explained to Ma Xiaoping, but there was no sign of anger.

Because there is no need to be so fussy.

Seeing this, Li Tao was relieved.

Ma Xiaoping frowned: "who are you? There are no rules at all. Is there any place for your staff to get in and talk to you? "

Su Xun and Li Tao were stunned when she said this.

"Miss Ma doesn't know me?" Su Xun is a bit incredible. An agent doesn't know him.

Some time ago, he su someone but fire all over the network ah!

Ma Xiaoping frowned: "why, I still have to know you?"

"Ms. Ma, this is Su Dong of Qingyun international." Li Tao couldn't see it any more and made a speech to introduce Su Xun's identity.


Ma Xiaoping's face changed and she felt a little embarrassed, but she still pretended to be calm: "Su Dong, it's really bad. I didn't expect that you are younger than I thought. I didn't dare to recognize you for a moment."

Some time ago, when Sue was looking for fire, she happened to be abroad.

After returning home, she heard about master Su from others, but she didn't take it to heart, so she didn't see Su Xun's picture, and just didn't recognize it.

But she also learned from other people how powerful Su Xun was, so her high spirited attitude was a little embarrassed.

"Ms. Ma, let's get back to the point." Su Xun brought the topic back to normal.

Ma Xiaoping tidied up her mood and said calmly: "let's play Tingfeng with injuries..."

"Miss Ma misunderstood. We had a careful discussion and thought that Wang Tingfeng's style didn't match our company, so we wanted to terminate the contract with Wang Tingfeng." Su Xun interrupts Ma Xiaoping directly, and is not in the mood to listen to her pulling the calf here.

"What, termination?" Ma Xiaoping was stunned for a moment, and once again determined: "do you mean to terminate the contract with Tingfeng?"

"Not bad." Su Xun nodded.

Did Dong Xiaoping think about the consequences of this

"Consequences?" Su Xun laughed, cocked his legs and said faintly, "we won't postpone the celebration because of anyone. So, does Ms. Ma understand?"

The key is that Wang Tingfeng dared to unilaterally announce the postponement of the commercial performance without the consent of Qingyun international. Who gave him the right?

Su Xun didn't like such a disobedient person.

"Mr. Su, I have to remind you that Tingfeng has a good personal relationship with our chairman." Su's boss, Ma shin, brings out her.

Su Xun said with a smile, "thank you for reminding me, but it doesn't affect my decision."

"Well, your company is ready for the liquidated damages. I'll ask someone to bring the termination contract."

Ma Xiaoping, with a black face, coldly dropped a sentence, got up and was ready to leave with her bag.

"Ms. Ma, stay. There may be some misunderstanding."

As soon as she took two steps, Su Xun's voice sounded behind her.

Ma Xiaoping's mouth rose and raised a contemptuous smile. The dead duck's mouth was stiff and her face was swollen. Now she regrets it. Do you want to say something soft?

I really think you're not afraid of our flash star entertainment.

She restrained her expression, turned around and looked at Su Xun coldly: "I don't know if Su Dong has anything else to do. I'm very busy."

Su Xun took a sip of the tea cup, pursed his lips, and said without raising his head:

"Ms. Ma, are you misunderstood that you unilaterally announced that you would postpone the performance, even if we didn't pay for it, and you asked us to ask for liquidated damages, isn't it appropriate?"

Ma Xiaoping's face turned black again. She thought Su Xun was going to say something soft, but she didn't even want to pay the penalty.

"Well, well, Mr. Su, I've learned a lot today. We'll see." Ma Xiaoping gritted her teeth and dropped a sentence, then walked out of the office quickly.

The sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground is very loud, you can imagine how angry she is.

Li Tao is a little worried: "boss, Ma Xiaoping has a great say in flash star entertainment. Wang Tingfeng has a good personal relationship with Liu Xiong, the chairman of flash star entertainment. It's not appropriate to make such a fuss."Su Xun snorted coldly and said with disdain, "if Liu Xiong is fussy because of such a small matter, then he will be at this level in his life. I can't suffer a loss if I come here!"

Ten million to feed the dog, the dog also know to give him two barks, shake his tail twice to please him.

Take it and feed it to Wang Tingfeng. He can't even hear a sound. It's not that he's cheap. Without Wang, the butcher has to eat a pig?

If the other party is really so ungrateful and wants to engage in wind and rain, then don't blame him for being rude.

With his current hacking technology, he can easily dig out all the dirty things in this stinky ditch in the entertainment industry.


Wang Tingfeng's crew happens to be in Jiangnan City. He is currently living in the first people's hospital.

After leaving Qingyun international, Ma Xiaoping came to the hospital to see Wang Tingfeng.

"Here you are, Sister Ping."

As soon as Ma Xiaoping entered the room, Wang Tingfeng hugged her and stretched her hand into her skirt.

Ma Xiaoping pushed him away with a snort: "don't make trouble. It's miserable to be seen. You know my husband is a boxing coach. He's not easy to get into trouble."

"Then you were bold enough to hook me on purpose." Wang Tingfeng said with a bad smile and touched Ma Xiaoping's arms again.

Because he knows that the older and older women like her body, which makes her feel very young and attractive.

He can be brought out by Ma Xiaoping because he used his body to serve Ma Xiaoping well when he took part in the draft. Otherwise there were so many people in a team, he would not have the day to make a breakthrough.

But the real red and purple is not Ma Xiaoping's help, but Liu Xiong, the chairman of flash star entertainment, smashed resources to hold him up.

As for why Liu Xiong praised him, I'll talk about it later.

Wang Tingfeng said carelessly: "what does Qingyun International say? Are you willing to add money?"

"They want to break the contract." Mentioning this, Ma Xiaoping's face is not good-looking again, because it is the first time that she has encountered this kind of thing in her career for so many years.

Wang Tingfeng's face changed: "what, termination? We have to pay the money back? "

"Well." Ma Xiaoping answered.

Wang Ting is not in the mood to play with Ma Xiaoping. She gritted her teeth and said, "Sister Ping, I can't swallow this breath!"

Since his debut, he has been enjoying good fortune. As the first brother of flash star entertainment, when did he suffer from this kind of anger?

"If you send a microblog, you can not only recruit black people for Qingyun international, but also create topics for yourself." Ma Xiaoping is worthy of being an old agent. She always seizes any opportunity to promote fame for artists.

As soon as Wang Tingfeng's eyes brighten, he hugs Ma Xiaoping and kisses her: "Sister Ping, I love you so much."

Then he took out his mobile phone and began to edit the microblog. He sold it miserably and discredited Qingyun international.

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