"I've been filming for a long time and haven't sung for you. Originally, I didn't want to take over the commercial performance, but I wanted to take this opportunity to sing for you, so I took over the commercial performance of Qingyun international."

"I'm a dedicated person. When I was shooting a dangerous plot of Apple cutting, I insisted that I didn't use a stand in, and then I hurt my finger with a fruit knife. I didn't expect that during my hospitalization, Qingyun international actually proposed to terminate my contract."

"I don't blame Qingyun international. Capitalists must put money first. My only regret is that I missed this opportunity to sing for my fans. I sincerely apologize to you."

[picture] [picture] [picture]

there are three lonely self portraits.

The above is the content of Wang Tingfeng's microblog. There is not a single word scolding Qingyun international, but every sentence is quoting this meaning.

The people in the entertainment circle are all veteran Yin Yang teachers. They are better than the weird ones. No one can match them.

Micro blog, brain, residual powder exploded.

"Wuwuwuwu, I love brother Tingfeng very much. My brother is so dedicated that he doesn't need a stand in for the dangerous plot of Apple cutting."

"Go to Qingyun international. The capitalists are so ugly. They only have money in their eyes."

"Everyone went to Qingyun International's microblog and sprayed them to death. It was they that made us have no chance to listen to brother Tingfeng's singing."

"Brother, we will always be there, always love you and support you."

"What's wrong with the world? Is it dangerous to cut apples? " It's a comment with normal IQ, and then there's no doubt that Wang Tingfeng's fans sprayed him.

Ten minutes later, the bottom of Qingyun International's microblog was filled with all kinds of abusive comments, and all the eighteen generations of Sushen's ancestors were asked to say hello again.

Of course, Su Xun also has fans, including fortune tellers, cooks and beauties.

Two waves of fans have launched a curse war, but normal people can't spray their brains and remain powder.

Because the normal people have to go to work and school, but the brain powder can spray people 24 hours a day without doing anything.

"These people have gone too far. Just a few words from Wang Tingfeng make them so ugly."

In Su Xun's office, both Yan Yurou and Qin Zhu were very angry when they looked at the comments on the Internet.

Liao Yu is very calm. After all, he has more experience than these two little girls. He has a clear idea and says, "Mr. Su, do you want to clarify, or if we continue to ferment, our company's reputation will be affected."

"Go and find me the contact information of Liu Xiong, a flash star entertainment company." Su Xun was playing with a pen in his hand and was ready to communicate with Liu Xiong first.

A few minutes later, Su Xun dialed Liu Xiong's private phone.

"Hello, who is it?"

There was a neutral male voice coming from the receiver.

Su Xun said, "Liu Dong, I'm Su Xun from Qingyun international."

"I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Su. It's because of Tingfeng." Liu Xiong has obviously guessed the purpose of his call.

Su Xun answered: "since Liu Dong knows that, I will not continue to waste words. Your company's artists have seriously discredited our company's image. Should Liu Dong be restrained?"

"Su Dong, you're not right. I don't think there's a single word in Tingfeng's microblog aimed at you, Qingyun international." Liu Xiong is playing Tai Chi slowly.

Su Xun frowned: "is Liu Dong playing a word game with me?"

"Ha ha, Su Dong is joking. He has to show evidence for everything. Are you right..."

Before Liu Xiong finished his words, Su Xun hung up the phone directly. He was too lazy to waste his time.

On the other hand, Liu Xiong, who was in a meeting in Yu Province, listened to the busy voice coming from his mobile phone, looked at the crowd with a smile and said:

"today's young people are really impolite. They don't even have the same hair, but their tone is not small. It's time to ask for help, but they have to hold a shelf. I, a business elder, will help him learn a lesson for free today."

All the people at the bottom laughed and regarded Su Xun's call as a joke.

Qingyun international is a leading enterprise in Jiangzhou Province, but it's still a bit different from their flash star entertainment, and they don't pay attention to it at all.


"What did he say?" Liao Yu asked Su Xun.

Su Xun sneered: "play Tai Chi with me."

"What about that?" Liao Yu Xiu frowned slightly.

Su Xun waved: "you go out first, I'll think about it."

Liao Yu and Yan Yurou look at each other and walk out of the office together.

As soon as they left, Su Xun turned on the computer and began to tap on the keyboard.

As a businessman, Liu Xiong defended Wang Tingfeng as a little artist, which seemed abnormal to Su Xun.

So Su Xun wants to invade Wang Tingfeng's mobile phone to see if he can find out something inside.With his current technology, it's too easy to invade a person's mobile phone. It takes less than a cup of tea.

What's more, Wang Tingfeng also connected to the hospital's WiFi, which makes the invasion easier.

After the successful invasion, susian remote control turned on the camera of Wang Tingfeng's mobile phone.

Good guy, what appears in the camera is Ma Xiaoping's hot, red face, clenching her lips, lying on the hospital bed with her bare upper body shaking all the time. It's self-evident what kind of sports she is doing.

This angle shows that Wang Tingfeng is working hard to whip Ma Xiaoping while recording a video. As a result, he just gave Su Xun welfare, which was broadcast live.

"Sister Ping, am I more powerful than your husband? Come on, isn't it, isn't it?"

"Well, yes, Tingfeng. You are much more powerful than the wild man in my family."

The conversation between the two people in the video is even worse. Without knowing it, Ma Xiaoping's husband becomes an aphrodisiac. Well, it gives him a sense of participation (⁎⚈᷀᷁ᴗ⚈᷀᷁⁎).

"Traitor, husband, woman, bah, disgusting, you can do it at that age!"

Behind him, Qin Zhuhong, who watched the whole process, spat on his face, showing his disgust.

"Some people like this well done one." Su Xun put on a bad smile at the corner of his mouth and synchronously saved the video recorded by Wang Tingfeng in the background.

Then he hacked into Ma Xiaoping's mobile phone, found her husband's wechat, and directly used her account to send a video clip of her and Wang Tingfeng doing sports.

After sending the video, Su Xun also sent it out in a cheap typesetting: husband, I'll show you a surprise. It's in Tingfeng's ward. Now you can drive here and participate in it. Tingfeng is much more powerful than you. I don't believe you can have a look.

A moment later, Ma Xiaoping's husband replied.

"Bitch! Youzhong and that turtle grandson, you wait for me! "

Across the screen, Su Xun could feel the murderous anger and anger between the lines.

The corners of Su Xun's mouth rose, showing a happy and pure smile.

After all, the fun of the rich is so simple.

"You are so insidious." Qin Zhu blinked and said.

Su Xunyi's correction: "what's insidious? I'm trying to increase their excitement."

While saying this, Su Xun quit Ma Xiaoping's mobile phone and continued to search for treasure in Wang Tingfeng's mobile phone.

The emperor can't live up to his painstaking efforts. He really found the reason why Liu Xiong defended Wang Tingfeng so much.

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