There are more and more people pouring into the live broadcasting room, and people from all over the world are rushing to offer Su Xun extremely rich conditions on the barrage, just like the auction.

"This is the CIA (Military Intelligence Agency) of magnesium. We would like to give you a severe warning for your behavior endangering China's military security! Please delete all data immediately and forbid to leak, otherwise all consequences will be borne by you

"Warning, this is the CIA of magnesium..."

In the sea of barrage, magnesium's warning was so weak that it was soon submerged in the barrage.

However, Su Xun's vision of 5.0 accurately captured the bullet screens of the CIA and jokingly said: "the CIA of magnesium has warned me to delete all the data, otherwise I will bear the consequences. I want to know what the consequences are. Do you want to scare me to death through Internet threats?"

"Ha ha ha ha, laugh to death. He not only wants to scare the anchor to death, but also wants to laugh to death us."

"That is, he can't even find the anchor anywhere. What else can he do?"

"Is the anchor levinhock? My eyes are so sharp that I didn't even notice the CIA barrage. "

"It's not easy to make fun of them. Don't change it to Chinese."

Su Xun knocked on the keyboard, and soon succeeded in invading the CIA headquarters command room's indoor monitoring, and the screen appeared on the computer screen.

In the picture, a group of foreigners in suits and military uniforms are gathered in front of several computers, which all show the live pictures in front of Su Xun.

Looking at these people, I find that something is wrong. How can this live video be so familiar?

"Oh, Fark, he's hacking into our surveillance room!"

A moment later, a middle-aged officer was the first to respond.

"Wokuo, I didn't expect that I could see the CIA headquarters in my lifetime. Thanks to the anchor, I've got the material to brag for my son in the future."

"You think too much upstairs. You don't even have a girlfriend. How can you have a son? Besides, how do you know this is CIA headquarters?"

"Brother above, if you don't need to donate your eyes to those in need, it can be regarded as doing something good. Can't you see the three letters of CIA on the wall?"

"That blonde officer is so cute. What she plays in the movie is real. No, you can't. first, I'll go to work. With my rich imagination, I'll win honor for my country."

"This kind of broken road can also drive, brother or pay attention to the body ah, young don't kidney."

"What are you doing in a daze? Deduction of 666, reward and walking? Is there any live broadcast more enjoyable than the anchor?"


For a time, the blockbuster 666 occupied the computer screen, even making people unable to see the picture clearly.

"Shetfaq, turn off, turn off that damn surveillance right now, which bitch thought of pointing the surveillance right at the command room!"

With a burst of loud calls and curses, and then the monitoring was turned off, the live video became pitch black.

"As long as we want to share the medical resources in the hands of the poor people in China, we can donate them for free."

Su Xun didn't want to release the information, but he had to, because only in this way can the world share the pressure from the magnesium side.

So we can only try our best to exchange the drawings in hand for something beneficial to our country.

And even if the drawings leaked out, it's not a big problem, because there are not many countries with this technology to produce, not to mention the most confidential drawings he only gave Ye Wu a copy.

As Su Xun's voice dropped, in less than ten minutes, the major charities in Longguo received one donation after another from overseas.

These donations include medical equipment, educational equipment, cash, as well as direct donations to schools and hospitals.

Then, at the same time, all the charities that received donations announced the list and amount of donations, and expressed their gratitude to the countries all over the world for their support to Longguo charity.

No one dares to play tricks in this situation.

"The anchor is powerful. I'm from the poor mountain area. I thank the anchor for my hometown."

"What is net red? Do those who change their pattern and stir fry all day also deserve to be called net red? Open your dog's eyes and have a look. It's only when you step on the horse that you will be called wanghong! "

"I'm 60 years old. As long as the anchor keeps on broadcasting, I'll make a will for my children and grandchildren to support the anchor all their lives."

"Is the master upstairs going to pass on the anchor as a family heirloom?"

Su Xu sent out all the drawings and materials stored directly, and then said, "old fellow, thank you for your support. But today is probably my last broadcast. The reward I received from my two live broadcast is one hundred and fifty million, and I will give it all."

The reason why he announced that this was the last time to start broadcasting was that he had received the prompt that the system task had been completed, and it would not be appropriate to continue such unlimited production.[congratulations to the host for completing the task: make your name known and let the world recognize you as the hacker emperor. 】

[reward: the technology of God level hacker. 】

breaking magnesium's network defense system steals a large number of design drawings in seconds, which has caused a sensation all over the world, and his reputation as the hacker emperor has been fully realized.

He is a new milestone in the hacker world, which is admired by later generations but hard to surpass.

Hearing Su Xun say that this is the last live broadcast, officials all over the world are relieved, but ordinary viewers are reluctant.

After all, it's not easy to find a thing that can add some fun to the boring life. How can it end like this!

"No, anchor, it's only two days. Next you can perform invasion of Bangzi country, bear country and other countries."

Here, Bangzi country and Xiong country were kicked out of the studio because of their fierce words.

"Anchor, don't go away. I'll give you all my living expenses for a week. Please continue to live."

"Ten thousand people's blood book asks the anchor to continue to broadcast."

"After watching the live broadcast of the anchor, how can we continue to watch those hot eyes live broadcast in the future?"

The bullet screen was full of words of retaining and pleading with Su Xun, and all kinds of reward gifts filled the screen.

Officials from all over the world who stare at the live broadcast room raise their heart to their throat and sweat their palms.

They all hope that Su Xun will stop, because otherwise, who knows if the next country to be attacked will be them.

Of course, although they wanted Su Xun to broadcast it immediately, they didn't dare to speak in the comment area for fear of counterproductive effect.

At this time, the official spokesman of bangziguo mixed in the barrage and also made a hypocritical sentence: Yes, the anchor stay, our boring life needs to be adjusted.

Su Xun laughed and said with profound meaning: "since the friends of bangziguo want me to continue the live broadcast, I'll go online randomly and continue the live broadcast if I have time in the future."

Bangzi country

I think they are deliberately saying ironic words to stimulate you. How can you agree directly? They don't play cards according to the routine at all!

Officials around the world yelled at each other and took turns to greet the eighteen generations of Bangzi's ancestors.

Grass mud horse, grass mud horse, let you be smart, let you be different, go to your uncle!

And the audience were happy, and they all lined up to thank bangziguo.

"thanks to the old fellow of the bar for assisting."

"thanks to the old fellow's support."

"old fellow fucking great iron..."

A group of official bigwigs staring at the live broadcast in bangziguo are about to cry, with tears streaming down their faces.

If they offend countries all over the world at one time, they will have a hard time in the world.

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